Gordon College: Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Chapter 3


This chapter presents analysis, findings and interpretation of data. For the

clearer presentation, appropriate tables were used.

Profile of BCAED students Respondents

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents grouped according to their Profile in terms of Year and Block,

Gender/Sex, Age and General Point Average (GPA)

On the respondents Year and Block, it can be seen from the table that

fourteen (14) or 29.2 % of the respondents came from first year BCAED

students, also twenty-four (24) or 50.0 % of the respondents came from second

year BCAED students and eleven (10) or 20.8% of the respondents came from

third year BCAED students.

On the distribution according to Sex, there were twenty six (26) or 54.2%

of the respondents are male and twenty four (22) or 45.8% are females.

On the distribution of the Age, it can be seen from the table that fifteen

(15) or 31% of the respondents came from 18-19 years old, thirty (30) or 62.5%

from 20-21 years old and three (3) or 6.3% from 23-24 years old. The average

age of the respondents is 18-24 years old.

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
On the distribution according to General Point of Average (GPA), there

were three (3) or 6.3% who has a 2.0 GPA; three (3) or 6.3% who have 1.9

GPA; three (3) or 6.3 who have 1.8 GPA; one (1) or 2.1% who have 1.7 GPA;

four (4) or 8.3% who have 1.6 GPA; five (5) or 10.4% who have 1.5 GPA;

twenty-one (21) or 43.8% who have 1.4GPA; seven (7) or 14.6% who have 1.3

GPA and one (1) or 2.1% who have 1.0 GPA. Galiher (2009) and Darling (2010),

used GPA to measure student performance because the main focus in the

student performance for the particular semester. Some other researchers used

test results or previous year result since they are studying performance for the

specific subject or year (Hijazi and Naqvi, 2006 and Hake, 2011). Many

researchers have discussed the different factors that affect the student academic

performance in their research. There are two types of factors that affect the

students’ academic performance. These are internal and external classroom

factors and these factors strongly affect the students’ performance. Internal

classroom factors includes students competence in English, class schedules, class

size, English text books, class test results, learning facilities, homework,

environment of the class, complexity of the course material, teachers.

Role in the class, technology used in the class and exams systems.

External classroom factors include extracurricular activities, family problems,

work and financial, social and other problems. Research studies shows that 20

students’ performance depends on many factors such as learning facilities,

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City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
gender and age differences, etc. that can affect student performance (Hansen,

Joe B., 2010)

Variables Frequency Percentage

First 14 29.2%
Year & Block Second 24 50.0%
Third 10 20.8%
TOTAL: 48 100%
Female 22 45.8%
Sex Male 26 54.2%
TOTAL: 48 100%
18-19 years old 15 31.3%
Age 20-21 years old 30 62.5%
23-24 years old 3 6.3%
TOTAL: 48 100%
1.0 1 2.1%
1.3 7 14.6%
1.4 21 43.8%
1.5 5 10.4%
Grade Point 1.6 4 8.3%
Average 1.7 1 2.1%
1.8 3 6.3%
1.9 3 6.3%
2.0 3 6.3%
TOTAL: 48 100%
Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the BCAED students

Respondents Profiles
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College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Coping strategies of BCAED students amidst teaching-learning

modality under the new normal

Table 3 to 5 shows the Coping Strategies of BCAED students in Academic

Performance in terms of Academic Related, Psychosocial Related and Health

Related of first year BCAED students.

Table 3 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 1 st year BCAEd students in terms of

Academic related. Indicator 10. “Lack of Interest in the subjects” has weighted

the mean of 3.29 with the descriptive equivalence of extremely, and indicator 9.

“Inconsistent class attendance” has weighted the mean of 2.36 with the

descriptive equivalence of moderately. Indicator 10 ranked as top indicator and

indicator 9 has ranked as least indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.88 with

descriptive equivalence of moderately. According to Joosten and Cusatis [21],

students who require more assistance or are struggling academically expect

greater communication and interactivity from their instructor. The greater their

perception of instructor interactivity, the greater their perception of learning.

Adding an e-mentoring feature to university portal can support students in area

of weakness by providing extra resources, answering students’ queries, and/or

setting online one-to-one meetings with mentoring staff.

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City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Table 3 1st year

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Academic Related

Indicators of Academic Related Weighted Mean Descriptive

1. Accomplish all task even if I have 3.07 Moderately
high Academic Workload
2. Satisfied with all the 2.64 Moderately
Lessons/lectures in class
3. High performance in examination 2.79 Moderately

4. Use learning materials/resources 2.57 Moderately

5. Reading and understanding 3 Moderately
modules given by teachers
6. Unpredictable loss of internet 3.07 Moderately
7. Procrastination on 2.93 Moderately
8. Planning and organizing to 3.07 Moderately
complete assignments or study tasks
9. Inconsistent class attendance 2.36 Somewhat

10 Lack of interest in the subjects 3.29 Extremely


Table 4 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 1 st year BCAEd students in terms of

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College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Psychosocial related. Indicator 5. “Worries about the future” has weighted 20


mean of 3.79 with the descriptive equivalence of extremely, and indicator 9.

“Difficulty relating to opposite sex” has weighted the mean of 2.07 with the

descriptive equivalence of somewhat. Indicator 5 ranked as top and indicator 9

ranked as least. The over-all Mean is 2.78 with descriptive equivalence of

moderately. Most students are bound to move away from home to attend higher

institution of learning. Such transition to higher institutions or colleges usually

reduces contact and social support from friends and family members. Difficulties

in handling the stressors/challenges associated with the transition may lead to

decreased academic performance and increased psychological distress

(Friedlander et al., 2007).

Table 4

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Psychosocial Related

Indicators of Psychosocial Weighted Mean Descriptive

Related Equivalence
1.Ability to manage time 3.14 Moderately

2. Ability to concentrate during 2.71 Moderately

lecture/ online class
3. Anxiety about performance in 3.21 Moderately
4. High parental expectations 2.71 Moderately
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College of Education, Arts and Sciences
5. Worries about future 3.79 Extremely

6. Loneliness 2.71 Moderately

7. Financial problems 2.14 Somewhat

8. Family Problems 2.21 Somewhat

9. Difficulty relating to members of the 2.07 Somewhat

opposite sex
10 Lack of time for relaxation 3.14 Moderately


Table 5 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 1 st year BCAEd students in terms of

Health related. Indicator 4. “Solve problems with lectures during online class”

and indicator 5 “Anxiety that leads to poor performance in exams, activities and

tasks” has weighted the mean of 2.57 with the descriptive equivalence of

moderately, and indicator 8. “Substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, cigarette)” has

weighted the mean of 1.43 with the descriptive equivalence of somewhat.

Indicator 4 and indicator 5 ranked as top and indicator 8 ranked as least

indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.21 with descriptive equivalence of moderately. A

key problem is that the negative effect of those unsolved problems on study

progress might result in a vicious circle, in which mental health complaints and
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
stress related to study delay reinforce each other. On top of that, students with

mental health problems might be unable to finish their education at university. In

the Netherlands this is also a concern for the universities, as the Dutch

government has aimed to increase the completion rates and reduce the number

of long-term students for many years (Nauta et al., 1996; TeWinkel & Juist,


Table 5

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Health Related

Indicators of Health Related Weighted Mean Descriptive

1. Practicing Healthy diet/Eating Habit 2.28 Somewhat

2. Proper Sleeping Habits 2.28 Somewhat

3. Immediate Response taking 2.14 Somewhat

solutions to illness/health problems
4. Solve problems with lectures during 2.57 Moderately
online class
5. Anxiety that leads to poor 2.57 Moderately
performance on exams, activities and
6. Lack of interest in attending online 2.07 Somewhat
7. Physical activity and nutrition 2.43 Somewhat

8. Substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, 1.43 Not at All

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City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
9. Post-traumatic stress 2 Somewhat

10 Stress eating 2.29 Somewhat


Table 6 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 2 nd year BCAEd students in terms of

Academic Related. Indicator 9. “Inconsistent class attendance” has weighted the

mean of 3.75 with the descriptive equivalence of extremely, and indicator 2.

“Satisfied with all the Lessons/lectures in class” has weighted the mean of 2.29

with the descriptive equivalence of soomewhat. Indicator 9 ranked as top and

indicator 2 ranked as least indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.94 with descriptive

equivalence of moderately. Moeinikia and Zahed-Babelan (2010) and Williams,

Brown and Etherington (2013) confirm that there is a positive link between

learning styles and academic performance in the university settings. Learning

style is defined as the characteristics, strengths, and preferences in the way how

people receive and process information (Hsieh, Jang, Hwang & Chen, 2011). It

also refers to the fact that every person has his or her own method or set of

strategies when learning (Gokalp, 2013). Likewise, James and Gardner (1995) as

cited by Dung and Florea (2012) defined learning styles as a complex process for

individual learner to effectively acquire information. Consequently, Reid (1987)

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College of Education, Arts and Sciences
as cited by Ghaedi and Jam (2014) defines learning styles as the changes among

learners in using one or more senses to understand, organize, and, retain


Table 6 2nd year

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Academic Related

Indicators of Academic Related Weighted Mean Descriptive

1. Accomplish all task even if I have 2.67 Moderately
high Academic Workload
2. Satisfied with all the 2.29 Somewhat
Lessons/lectures in class
3. High performance in examination 2.88 Moderately

4. Use learning materials/resources 2.63 Moderately

5. Reading and understanding 2.63 Moderately
modules given by teachers
6. Unpredictable loss of internet 3.29 Extremely
7. Procrastination on 2.83 Moderately
8. Planning and organizing to 2.83 Moderately
complete assignments or study tasks
9. Inconsistent class attendance 3.75 Extremely

10 Lack of interest in the subjects 3.58 Extremely

AVERAGE 2.94 Moderately

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City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Table 7 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 2 nd year BCAEd students in terms of

Psychosocial Related. Indicator 6, 7 and 10. “Loneliness”; “Financial Problems”;

“Lack of time for relaxation” has weighted the mean of 3.08 with the descriptive

equivalence of moderately, and indicator 9. “Difficulty relating to members of the

opposite sex” has weighted the mean of 1.83 with the descriptive equivalence of

somewhat. Indicator 6, 7, and 10 ranked as top and indicator 9 ranked as least

indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.71 with descriptive equivalence of moderately.

According to M. Rosenberg, Schooler, Schoenbach and R. Rosenberg (1995),

global self-esteem is an overall feeling of self-worth. Higher global self-esteem

has been shown to be vital for transition to college (Hickman, et al., 2000), but

lower self-esteem has been related to poorer social adjustment (Rice, 1999).

Similarly, higher global self-esteem is related to overall, as well as academic and

social adjustment among first year students (Elias, Mahyuddin, & Noordin, 2007;

Friedlander et al., 2007; Pritchard, Wilson, & Yamnitz, 2007). It is expected in

this study that self-esteem will predict adjustment to college in first year


Table 7
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Psychosocial Related

Indicators of Psychosocial Weighted Mean Descriptive

Related Equivalence
1.Ability to manage time 2.25 Somewhat

2. Ability to concentrate during 2.63 Moderately

lecture/ online class
3. Anxiety about performance in 2.96 Moderately
4. High parental expectations 2.63 Moderately

5. Worries about future 3 Moderately

6. Loneliness 3.08 Moderately

7. Financial problems 3.08 Moderately

8. Family Problems 2.54 Moderately

9. Difficulty relating to members of 1.83 Somewhat

the opposite sex
10 Lack of time for relaxation 3.08 Moderately

AVERAGE 2.71 Moderately

Table 8 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 2 nd year BCAEd students in terms of

Health Related. Indicator 6. “Lack of interest in attending online class” has

weighted the mean of 2.79 with the descriptive equivalence of moderately, and
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences

indicator 2. “Proper Sleeping Habits” has weighted the mean of 1.79 with 27

descriptive equivalence of somewhat. Indicator 6 ranked as top and indicator 2

ranked as least indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.21 with descriptive equivalence

of somewhat. Boot (2007) and Nauta (1996) reported more surprising findings

such as the association between physical complaints and mental health problems

and the impact of healthrelated problems on study progress. Many recent studies

show similar results suggesting that mental health problems among students

relate to study progress, since students feel limited in their daily activities and

experience feelings of stress that cause their study results to decline (Boot et al.,

2007; Pritchard & Wilson, 2003; Stewart-Brown et al., 2000

Table 8

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Health Related

Indicators of Health Related Weighted Mean Descriptive

1. Practicing Healthy diet/Eating Habit 2.25 Somewhat

2. Proper Sleeping Habits 1.79 Somewhat

3. Immediate Response taking 2.67 Moderately

solutions to illness/health problems
4. Solve problems with lectures during 2.21 Somewhat
online class
5. Anxiety that leads to poor 2.29 Somewhat
performance on exams, activities and
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
6. Lack of interest in attending online 2.79 Moderately
7. Physical activity and nutrition 2.13 Somewhat

8. Substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, 1.21 Somewhat

9. Post-traumatic stress 2.17 Somewhat

10 Stress eating 2.63 Moderately

AVERAGE 2.21 Somewhat

Table 9 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 3rd year BCAEd students in terms of

Academic Related. Indicator 6 Unpredictable loss of internet connection/Data and

Indicator 7. “Procrastination on assignments/activities” has weighted the mean of

3.2 with the descriptive equivalence of moderately, and indicator 2. “Satisfied

with all the Lessons/lectures in class” has weighted the mean of 2.1 with the

descriptive equivalence of somewhat. Indicator 6 and 7 ranked as top and

indicator 2 ranked as least indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.66 with descriptive

equivalence of moderately. According to the regression analysis of the study, the

primary influence on individual course grades was student GPA. Students with

higher GPAs performed better in online courses, and students with lower GPAs
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College of Education, Arts and Sciences
performed worse when taking courses in an online format compared to a face-

to-face format.

Table 9 3rd year

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Academic Related

Indicators of Academic Related Weighted Mean Descriptive

1. Accomplish all task even if I have 2.7 Moderately
high Academic Workload
2. Satisfied with all the 2.1 Somewhat
Lessons/lectures in class
3. High performance in examination 2.5 Somewhat

4. Use learning materials/resources 2.6 Moderately

5. Reading and understanding 2.5 Somewhat
modules given by teachers
6. Unpredictable loss of internet 3.2 Moderately
7. Procrastination on 3.2 Moderately
8. Planning and organizing to 2.7 Moderately
complete assignments or study tasks
9. Inconsistent class attendance 2.5 Somewhat

10 Lack of interest in the subjects 2.6 Moderately

AVERAGE 2.66 Moderately

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Table 10 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 3rd year BCAEd students in terms of

Psychosocial Related. Indicator 5. “Worries about future” has weighted the mean

of 3.6 with the descriptive equivalence of extremely, and indicator 9. “Difficulty

relating to members of the opposite sex” has weighted the mean of 1.7 with the

descriptive equivalence of not at all. Indicator 5 ranked as top and indicator 9

ranked as least indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.05 with descriptive equivalence

of somewhat. Previous researchers have found that perceived social support was

related to academic, personal, emotional and social adjustment of first year

university students (Friedlander et al., 2007; Jamara, Belgrave, & Zea, 1996;

Halamandaris & Power, 1999; Solberg, Valdez, & Villarreal, 1994; Tao et al.,

2000). First year students with higher levels of perceived parental and peer

social support showed better adjustment (i.e., higher well-being and happiness)

and less distress (less depression and anxiety) than those with lower levels of

perceived parental support (Cutrona, Cole, Colangelo, Assouline, & Russel, 1994;

Holahan, Valentiner, & Moos, 1995). It is expected that perceived social support

from parents and friends will predict adjustment to college in the first year

students and that social support will interact with stress to predict adjustment to


Table 10
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Psychosocial Related

Indicators of Psychosocial Weighted Mean Descriptive

Related Equivalence
1.Ability to manage time 2.0 Somewhat

2. Ability to concentrate during 2.1 Somewhat

lecture/ online class
3. Anxiety about performance in 3.1 Moderately
4. High parental expectations 2.3 Somewhat

5. Worries about future 3.6 Extremely

6. Loneliness 2.9 Moderately

7. Financial problems 3.3 Extremely

8. Family Problems 2.9 Moderately

9. Difficulty relating to members of the 1.7 Not at All

opposite sex
10 Lack of time for relaxation 2.8 Moderately

AVERAGE 2.05 Somewhat

Table 11 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of 3rd year BCAEd students in terms of

Health Related. Indicator 6. “Lack of interest in attending online class” has

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
weighted the mean of 2.8 with the descriptive equivalence of moderately, and

indicator 2. “Proper Sleeping Habits” has weighted the mean of 1.5 with the

descriptive equivalence of not at all. Indicator 6 ranked as top and indicator 2

ranked as least indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.26 with descriptive equivalence

of somewhat. During the 1990s the physical and mental health of students in

Europe and the Unites States were an emergent subject of research (Kolbe,

1993; Nauta et al., 1996; Symons et al., 1997). Findings suggest that students

suffer from more health-related complaints than their non-studying peers (Nauta

et al., 1996). These results are in conflict with the common knowledge that

young and educated people would benefit from a significantly better health

status compared to non-studying peers (Boot et al., 2007). Likewise, findings of

previous research on documented treatment records in the Netherlands has

shown that the amount of students visiting a doctor with psychosomatic

complaints was smaller than the amount of non-studying peers reporting

psychosomatic complaints (Meijman, 1988). However, the evidence is growing

for the relatively poor health status of students compared to non-studying young

adults of the same age (Boot et al., 2007; Stewart-Brown et al., 2000; Vaez et

al., 2004).

Table 11

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of

BCAED students in terms of Health Related

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College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Indicators of Health Related Weighted Mean Descriptive

1. Practicing Healthy diet/Eating Habit 2.2 Somewhat

2. Proper Sleeping Habits 1.5 Not at All

3. Immediate Response taking 2.3 Somewhat

solutions to illness/health problems
4. Solve problems with lectures during 2.2 Somewhat
online class
5. Anxiety that leads to poor 2.7 Moderately
performance on exams, activities and
6. Lack of interest in attending online 2.8 Moderately
7. Physical activity and nutrition 2.3 Somewhat

8. Substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, 1.7 Not at All

9. Post-traumatic stress 2.5 Somewhat

10 Stress eating 2.4 Somewhat

AVERAGE 2.26 Somewhat

Table 12 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of all BCAEd students in terms of Academic

Related. Indicator 6 “Unpredictable loss of internet connection/Data has

weighted the mean of 3.21 with the descriptive equivalence of moderately, and

indicator 9. “Inconsistent class attendance” has weighted the mean of 2.27 with
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
the descriptive equivalence of moderately. Indicator 6 ranked as top and

indicator 9 ranked as least indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.77 with descriptive

equivalence of moderately. College and university lecturers are more interested

in teaching and learning with online approaches where the learning process can

be done more at a lower cost (Green, 2010). Besides, Green (2010) stated that

online teaching can provide more opportunities of saving time and money since

no one drive to seek knowledge. Despite this growing interest in online teaching,

students’ satisfaction level remains the most concentrated indicator of online

teaching experience. 

Table 12

Coping Strategies of All BCAED students in terms of Academic Related

Indicators of Academic Related Weighted Mean Descriptive

1. Accomplish all task even if I have 2.83 Moderately
high Academic Workload
2. Satisfied with all the 2.35 somewhat
Lessons/lectures in class
3. High performance in examination 2.79 Moderately

4. Use learning materials/resources 2.79 Moderately

5. Reading and understanding 2.73 Moderately
modules given by teachers
6. Unpredictable loss of internet 3.21 Moderately
7. Procrastination on 2.94 Moderately
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College of Education, Arts and Sciences
8. Planning and organizing to 2.92 Moderately
complete assignments or study tasks
9. Inconsistent class attendance 2.27 Somewhat

10 Lack of interest in the subjects 2.85 Moderately

AVERAGE 2.77 Moderately

Table 13 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of all BCAEd students in terms of

psychosocial Related. Indicator 5 “Worries about future” has weighted the mean

of 3.25 with the descriptive equivalence of moderately, and indicator 9.

“Difficulty relating to members of the opposite sex” has weighted the mean of

1.88 with the descriptive equivalence of somewhat. Indicator 5 ranked as top

and indicator 9 ranked as least indicator. The over-all Mean is 2.77 with

descriptive equivalence of moderately. Based on insights from research

examining the impact of academic disruptions on students (Wickens, 2011), it is

reasonable to venture that students may experience reduced motivation toward

studies, increased pressures to learn independently, abandonment of daily

routines, and potentially higher rates of dropout as direct consequences of these


Table 13
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City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of36


BCAED students in terms of Psychosocial Related

Indicators of Psychosocial Weighted Mean Descriptive

Related Equivalence
1.Ability to manage time 2.65 Moderately

2. Ability to concentrate during 2.44 Somewhat

lecture/ online class
3. Anxiety about performance in 3.04 Moderately
4. High parental expectations 2.63 Moderately

5. Worries about future 3.25 Moderately

6. Loneliness 2.96 Moderately

7. Financial problems 2.90 Moderately

8. Family Problems 2.56 Moderately

9. Difficulty relating to members of the 1.88 Somewhat

opposite sex
10 Lack of time for relaxation 3.06 Moderately

AVERAGE 2.74 Moderately

Table 14 shows the descriptive interpretation of the coping strategies

affecting the Academic performance of all BCAEd students in terms of Health

Related. Indicator 10 “Stress Eating” has weighted the mean of 2.67 with the
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College of Education, Arts and Sciences

descriptive equivalence of moderately, and indicator 8. “Substance abuse” 37


weighted the mean of 1.35 with the descriptive equivalence of not at all.

Indicator 10 ranked as top and indicator 8 ranked as least indicator. The over-all

Mean is 2.28 with descriptive equivalence of somewhat. Studies present the

pandemic as a disruptive event causing stress that negatively affects students'

learning performance and psychological well-being. For example, studies show

such adverse effects of lockdowns as increased levels of students' social

avoidance (Al-Rabiaah et al., 2020), anxiety (Kaparounaki et al., 2020; Kapasiaa

et al., 2020), and a decreased quality of general life (Kaparounaki et al., 2020).

Moreover, self-isolating college students suffer from physical and mental health

problems (e.g., insomnia, depression) more than those who do not self-isolate

(Tang et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020).

Table 14

Descriptive Rating of the Factors affecting Academic Performance of all

BCAED students in terms of Health Related

Indicators of Health Related Weighted Mean Descriptive

1. Practicing Healthy diet/Eating Habit 2.23 Somewhat

2. Proper Sleeping Habits 1.81 Somewhat

3. Immediate Response taking 2.40 Somewhat

solutions to illness/health problems
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4. Solve problems with lectures during 2.35 Somewhat
online class
5. Anxiety that leads to poor 2.60 Moderately
performance on exams, activities and
6. Lack of interest in attending online 2.63 Moderately
7. Physical activity and nutrition 2.48 Somewhat

8. Substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, 1.35 Not at all

9. Post-traumatic stress 2.23 Somewhat

10 Stress eating 2.67 Moderately

AVERAGE 2.28 Somewhat

Table 15 shows the multiple regression analysis on the effect of coping

strategies: Academic, Psychosocial and Health Related, to academic

performance. It can be seen from the table that the effect size of coping

strategies is 20.9% while the affected or explained part on the academic

performance is only 4.44%. Since F = 0.67 with significance level of 0.58 which

is greater than 0.05 alpha, coping strategies has no significant effect to academic


Table 15

Effect of Coping Strategies to Academic Performance (GPA) using

Multiple Regression
Model R R-square F Sig. Remarks
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1 0.209 0.044 0.67 0.58 Not Significant

a. Predictors: (Constant), Average Health Related, Average Academic

Related, Average Psychosocial related

Table 16 shows the coefficients of model 1; effect of coping strategies to

academic performance. The predicted model should have been y (academic

performance) = 1.936 -0.131 academic related +0.010 psychosocial related –

0.042 health related. But since the effect is insignificant, this model cannot be

used to determine the predicted academic performance of the respondents given

their coping strategies.

Table 16

Coefficients of the Regression Model


Model d Coefficients t Sig. Remarks

1 (Constant) 0.00
1.936 5.516
Academic Related 0.20
-0.131 -1.297 Not Significant
Psychosocial Related 0.90
0.010 0.117 Not Significant
Health Related 0.69
-0.042 -0.401 Not Significant
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Table 17 shows the test for significant difference on the coping strategies

when grouped according to year level. It can be seen from the table that on

academic, there are variations on the mean perceptions of the respondents. First

year students have the highest mean of 2.94 with standard deviation of 0.26

which mean the scores are homogenous with respect to mean, while Third year

has the lowest mean of 2.66 with standard deviation of 0.43 still considered as

homogeneous with respect to the mean although First year’s scores are more

homogenous than Third years. since F (2, 45) = 3.160 with significance level of

0.052 which is greater than 0.05 alpha, then there is no significant difference on

the perceptions of the respondents on academic related when grouped according

to year level.

It can also see from the table that on psychosocial, there are variations on

the mean perceptions of the respondents. Second year students have the highest

mean of 2.75 with standard deviation of 0.51 which mean the scores are

homogeneous with respect to mean, while third year has the lowest mean of

2.70 with standard deviation of 0.25 still considered as homogeneous with

respect to the mean although second year scores are more homogeneous than

third year. Since F (2, 45) = 0.040 with significance level of 0.961 which is

greater than 0.05 alpha, then there is no significant difference on the

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
perceptions of the respondents on psychosocial related when grouped according

to year level

It can also see from the table that on health, there are variations on the

mean perceptions of the respondents. Second year students have the highest

mean of 2.28 with standard deviation of 0.32 which mean the scores are

homogeneous with respect to mean, while first year and third year has the

lowest mean of 2.27 with standard deviation of 0.37 of first year and 0.43 for

third year still considered as homogeneous with respect to the mean although

second year scores are more homogeneous than first year and third year. Since

F (2, 45) = 0.003 with significance level of 0.997 which is greater than 0.05

alpha, then there is no significant difference on the perceptions of the

respondents on psychosocial related when grouped according to year level

It can also see from the table that on coping strategies, there are

variations on the mean perceptions of the respondents. Second year students

have the highest mean of 2.62 with standard deviation of 0.18 which mean the

scores are homogeneous with respect to mean, while first year has the lowest

mean of 2.55 with standard deviation of 0.30 still considered as homogeneous

with respect to the mean although second year scores are more homogeneous

than first year. Since F (2, 45) = 0.0381 with significance level of 0.685 which is

greater than 0.05 alpha, then there is no significant difference on the

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
perceptions of the respondents on psychosocial related when grouped according

to year level

Table 17

Test for Significant Difference on Coping Strategies grouped

according to Year
Year Level Mean SD F Sig. Remarks
Academic First 2.94 0.26 3.16 0.052 Not

Second 2.71 0.28 Significant
Third 2.66 0.43
Psychosoci al First 2.74 0.43 0.04 0.961 Not

Second 2.75 0.51 Significant
Third 2.70 0.25
Health First 2.27 0.37 0.00 0.997 Not

Second 2.28 0.32 Significant
Third 2.27 0.43
Coping First 2.55 0.30 0.38 0.685 Not

Strategy Second 2.62 0.18 Significant
Third 2.59 0.36

df = 2, 45; α =0.05
Table 18 shows the test for significant difference on the coping strategies

when grouped according to sex. It can be seen from the table that on academic,

there are variations on the mean perceptions of the respondents male students
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences

have the highest mean of 2.83 with standard deviation of 0.33 which mean 43

scores are homogenous with respect to mean, while female has the lowest mean

of 2.70 with standard deviation of 0.31 still considered as homogeneous with

respect to the mean male’s scores are more homogenous than females. since F

(2, 46) = -1.35 with significance level of 0.18 which is less than 0.05 alpha, then

there is no significant difference on the perceptions of the respondents on

academic related when grouped according to sex.

Table 18 shows the test for significant difference on the coping strategies

when grouped according to sex. It can be seen from the table that on

psychosocial, there are variations on the mean perceptions of the respondents

male students have the highest mean of 2.81 with standard deviation of 0.41

which mean the scores are homogenous with respect to mean, while female has

the lowest mean of 2.65 with standard deviation of 0.47 still considered as

homogeneous with respect to the mean male’s scores are more homogenous

than females. since F (2, 46) = -1.32 with significance level of 0.19 which is less

than 0.05 alpha, then there is no significant difference on the perceptions of the

respondents on academic related when grouped according to sex.

Table 18 shows the test for significant difference on the coping strategies

when grouped according to sex. It can be seen from the table that on health,

there are variations on the mean perceptions of the respondents male students

have the highest mean of 2.30 with standard deviation of 0.37 which mean the
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
scores are homogenous with respect to mean, while female has the lowest mean

of 2.24 with standard deviation of 0.33 still considered as homogeneous with

respect to the mean male’s scores are more homogenous than females. since F

(2, 46) = -0.62 with significance level of 0.54 which is less than 0.05 alpha, then

there is no significant difference on the perceptions of the respondents on

academic related when grouped according to sex.

Table 18 shows the test for significant difference on the coping strategies

when grouped according to sex. It can be seen from the table that on coping

strategy, there are variations on the mean perceptions of the respondents male

students have the highest mean of 2.62 with standard deviation of 0.25 which

mean the scores are homogenous with respect to mean, while female has the

lowest mean of 2.56 with standard deviation of 0.27 still considered as

homogeneous with respect to the mean male’s scores are more homogenous

than females. since F (2, 46) = -0.81 with significance level of 0.42 which is less

than 0.05 alpha, then there is no significant difference on the perceptions of the

respondents on academic related when grouped according to sex.

Table 18
Test for Significant Difference on Coping Strategies grouped
according to Sex
Sex Mean SD F Sig. Remarks
Academic Female 2.70 0.31 - 0.18 Not
Male 2.83 0.33 Significant
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Psychological Female 2.65 0.47 - 0.19 Not
Male 2.81 0.41 Significant
Health Female 2.24 0.33 - 0.54 Not
Male 2.30 0.37 Significant
Coping Female 2.56 0.27 - 0.42 Not
Strategy Male 2.62 0.25 Significant

df = 46; α =0.05

Table 19 shows the test for significant difference on the coping

strategies when grouped according to sex. It can be seen from the table that

on academic, there are variations on the mean perceptions of the

respondents 23-24 years old students have the highest mean of 2.80 with

standard deviation of .10 which mean the scores are homogenous with

respect to mean, while 18-19years old students has the lowest mean of 2.75

with standard deviation of .30 still considered as homogeneous with respect

to the mean of 23-24 years old are more homogenous than 18-19 years old..

since F (2, 45) = 0.03 with significance level of 0.97 which is less than 0.05

alpha, then there is no significant difference on the perceptions of the

respondents on academic related when grouped according to age.

Table 19 shows the test for significant difference on the coping

strategies when grouped according to sex. It can be seen from the table that

on psychosocial, there are variations on the mean perceptions of the

respondents 20-21 years old students have the highest mean of 2.78 with
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
standard deviation of .39 which mean the scores are homogenous with

respect to mean, while 23-24 years old students has the lowest mean of 2.63

with standard deviation of .32 still considered as homogeneous with respect

to the mean of 20-21 years old are more homogenous than 23-24 years old.

since F (2, 45) = 0.35 with significance level of 0.70 which is less than 0.05

alpha, then there is no significant difference on the perceptions of the

respondents on academic related when grouped according to age.

Table 19 shows the test for significant difference on the coping

strategies when grouped according to sex. It can be seen from the table that

on health, there are variations on the mean perceptions of the respondents

23-24 years old students have the highest mean of 2.47 with standard

deviation of .21 which mean the scores are homogenous with respect to

mean, while 18-19 years old students has the lowest mean of 2.15 with

standard deviation of .28 still considered as homogeneous with respect to the

mean of 23-24 years old are more homogenous than 18-19 years old.. since F

(2, 45) = 1.77 with significance level of 0.18 which is less than 0.05 alpha,

then there is no significant difference on the perceptions of the respondents

on academic related when grouped according to age.

Table 19 shows the test for significant difference on the coping

strategies when grouped according to sex. It can be seen from the table that

on coping strategies, there are variations on the mean perceptions of the

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
respondents 23-24 years old students have the highest mean of 2.62 with

standard deviation of .19 which mean the scores are homogenous with

respect to mean, while 18-19 years old and 20-21 years old students has the

lowest mean of 2.59 with standard deviation of .30 for 18-19 years old and .

25 for 20-21 years old students still considered as homogeneous with respect

to the mean of 23-24 years old are more homogenous than 18-19 years old

and 20-21 years old. since F (2, 45) = 0.02 with significance level of 0.98

which is less than 0.05 alpha, then there is no significant difference on the

perceptions of the respondents on academic related when grouped according

to age.

Table 19
Test for Significant Difference on Coping Strategies grouped
according to age
Year Level Mean SD F Sig. Remarks
Academic 18 - 19 years 2.75 .30 0.03 0.97 Not
20 - 21 years 2.77 .36 Significant
23 - 24 years 2.80 .10
Psychological 18 - 19 years 2.67 .55 0.35 0.70 Not
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences

20 - 21 years 2.78 .39 Significant 48

23 - 24 years 2.63 .32
Health 18 - 19 years 2.15 .28 1.77 0.18 Not
20 - 21 years 2.32 .38 Significant
23 - 24 years 2.47 .21
Coping 18 - 19 years 2.59 .30 0.02 0.98 Not
Strategy 20 - 21 years 2.59 .25 Significant
23 - 24 years 2.62 .19
df = 2, 45; α =0.05

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