Fafnir - GWG-E

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Overfill Prevention

and its components


Sensors & Systems Worldwide: www.fafnir.com

FAFNIR – Quality and Satisfaction
FAFNIR GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany,
has over 45 years of experience in the develop-
ment and production of filling safety devices,
overfill prevention solutions, limit ­signal control-
lers and continuous level gauging solutions for all
types of liquid.
The optimisation of process controls, improve-
ments in cost efficiency and the protection of
people and the environment are at the heart of
our business.
Our close and trusting relationship with our
­customers is a key factor in the practice-­oriented
implementation of innovative ideas and the
­functionality of our products.

Quality for your satisfaction:

To provide all customers with products of con-
sistently high quality, FAFNIR has for many years
operated an internationally recognised, compre-
hensive quality management system that meets
the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 (EN 29001).
Our expertise in the development and manufac-
ture of explosion-proof equipment is ­certified
by an independent body. All our products are
subject to strict FAFNIR quality requirements.
We are committed to meeting international
standards and applicable EU directives.

2 | FAFNIR – Quality and Satisfaction www.fafnir.com

Overfill Prevention Type 83-UV
The Overfill Prevention Sensor GWG
and QSS/ASS Plugs

The overfill prevention sensor GWG

with tube plug type 907

The filling sensor is a safety me- sensor inside the tank and a faulty connection and that checks
chanism to prevent overfilling amplifier with valve inside the the hose connection to the road
of storage and bunker tanks road tanker. tanker during the filling process.
when they are filled with gasoli- The QSS/ASS plugs are part of a
ne, diesel, and fuel oil from road safety system that prevents the
tankers. It consists of a level blending of products due to a
date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

Features of FAFNIR technology

„ Space-saving, robust and „ Measuring principle tested „ Certified in accordance with
corrosion-free design and tried a million times under the ATEX Directive
„ Easy adjustment for the most difficult conditions „ Manufactured in accordance
different tank sizes „ More than 50 years of FAFNIR- with DIN EN 13616
„ Sensor without moving parts experience using this techno- „ Use as part of an ­overfill
„ Totally maintenance-free logy ­prevention in Belgium,
„ Integrated QSS and ­Germany, Austria, Poland,
ASS function Czech Republic, Sweden

www.fafnir.com Overfill Prevention Type 83-UV – Application |3

The Filling System


Connecting cable
with junktion box
Overfill prevention sen-
sor with tube plugs

Our Terminology
Overfill prevention sensor: GWG;
Quality assurance system
or product detection: QSS;
Filling hose safety device: ASS

The electrical connection to the
amplifier is made with the con-
nection cable and coupling type The QSS functions are carried filling connection, and connec-
903 of the road tanker. This con- out by the simple pairing of ma- ted to the GWG via a two-wire
nection cable supplies the GWG gnetic reed sensorcodings bet- cable. The threshold length to
with intrinsically safe electric ween plug and coupling. The be maintained for each tank,
current. In addition, it carries ASS function is based on che- can be easily adjusted by shif-
the signals for the QSS and ASS cking the closed circuit between ting the probe tube inside the
function. The threshold point amplifier, connection cable, screw-in unit.
of the GWG inside the tank in- GWG, filling nozzle, filling hose
cludes a PTC-resistor. The PTC- and hose connection in the road Design
resistor is a variable resistance tanker. The GWG consists of
in relation to the rising tempe- » Sensor element
rature. Installation Possibilities » Height adjustable probe tube
Three different designs are (optional: telescopic tube for
As liquids are better thermal available. With the GWG with plugs)
conductors than air or gas, the pipe plugs type 907, the con- » Screw-in unit
PTC-resistor heats up better in nection cable of the road tan- » Plugs optional:
date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

air or gas. When dipped into li- ker can be connected directly – Tube plugs with flanged
quid, the PTC-resistor is cooled to the tank. There is a design plug-in unit and
down, and the changing re- with a fixed or a telescopic pro- protective basket
sistance value is interpreted be tube permitting a variable – J unction box for long
by the amplifier. The amplifier height adjustment of the tube distance connection
controls a solenoid valve which plugs above the screw-in unit. » Separate wall plugs with
is part of the control chain of flanged plugin unit and
the valve. If the threshold point If the road tanker cannot be protective basket
of the GWG is dipped into li- connected directly to the tank,
quid, the valve is closed auto- the connection is made with Process Connection
matically. The filling process is the wall plugs, type 907, which The GWG is supplied with
completed. are mounted in the area of the one screw-body G1”.

4 | Overfill Prevention – Function www.fafnir.com

GWG with pipe fitting GWG for distant installation with wall fitting

Ø 60 Ø 60

Fitting for pipe installation Fitting for wall mounting

Typ 907 Typ 907
Distibution box WAF 52

dimension "Y"

Earth connector

Probe length engraved 29
Marking slot Driling Ø5 (2x),
at 90° turned
Probe length (100 - 3,000 mm)

Locking screw WAF 5

18 42

Cable screwing PG
Screw-in unit WAF 36
Connection cable 2 x 1 mm2,
location sided
Threshold length "X"

WAF 41



Threshold point Threshold point

Ø 16 Ø 16
Dimensions in mm

Technical Data » Lengths of probes: test benzines according to

Operating data 100 mm to 3,000 mm, DIN 61632; safety lamp fuels
» Product temperature: standard: 400 mm to according to DIN 51634;
- 25 °C to + 50 °C 1,000 mm in steps of 100 mm FAM regular gasoline
» Ambient temperature: » Other data: see illustration according to DIN 51635;
- 25 °C bis + 70 °C lamp, petroleum for lighting,
» Operation pressure in tank: List of Substances for heating and solvents
unpressurized Type 83 UV … according to DIN 51636
» Test pressure: » Gasoline according to » aliphatic hydrocarbons:
0.67 (approx. 9 p.s.i.) to DIN 51600/51607 in tanks hexane, heptane, octane,
2 bar (approx. 29 p.s.i.) covered with more than nonane, decane
» Applied substances: 300 mm of earth » benzene, toluol, xylol,
see List of Substances » Diesel according to solvent naphtha according
» Switching delay for threshold: DIN 51601/51606 to DIN 51633; alcohol:
< 2 seconds » fuel oil according to propane, butane, ethane
» Protection class: IP68 DIN 51603
Tank registrations
Materials Extended List of Substances » For type 83 UV:
date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

» Parts in contact with product: for Type 81 D-Ex DIN 6608, 6616, 6617, 6619,
brass, stainless steel, » gasoline according to 6623, 6624 and TGL 5315
galvanised spring steel, 51600/51607; aviation » For type 81 D-Ex:
solder, viton, ultradur gasoline; aviation turbine DIN 6608, 6616, 6617, 6618,
» Plugs: brass and kerosene 6619, 6623, 6624, 4119 and
nickel-plated brass » Special fuels: petrolic ether TGL 5315
according to DIN 51630;
Dimensions boiling point benzines Accessories
» Tube diameter: according to DIN 51631; » Overfill prevention sensor
stainless steel Ø 16 x 1.5 testing device type ME 6

www.fafnir.com GWG – Technical Data |5

Order Code
Overfill Prevention Sensor 1110 – – – – – –
Type / probe tube
81 D-Ex 1
83 UV 2
Lengths of probes
Two-digit code: Length in mm /100 (e. g. 1,500 mm = 15)
84 UVT only available with length 600 mm and 900 mm (code: 06 or 09)
Junction box for remote installation 1
Pipe plugs (basis) 2
Pipe plugs (basis) for ASS 3
Junction box and wall plugs (bottom part) for remote installation 4
Junction box and wall plugs (bottom part) for remote installation for ASS 5
Junction box and wall plugs (bottom part) for remote installation for ASS with
additional earth connector 6
Flanged insert
without 0
Typ 901 1
Typ FP 901 ASS K nickel-plated for ASS 3
Coding for QSS
without N
Code 1
Code 2
Code 3
Code 4
Code 5
Code 6
Protective basket nickel-plated
without 0
with 1

Individual Parts and Retroplugs

Product Function Order Code
Pipe plugs complete type FP 907 / ASS 3 / K IP68 with adapter union Code 1 till 6 11191 / 1-6
Flanged insert type 901 without coding 111901
Flanged insert type FP 901 ASS K nickel-plated for ASS Code 1 till 6 11390 / 1-6
Wall plugs complete type 907 112910
Wall plugs complete type FPW 907 / ASS / K IP 68 Code 1 till 6 11293 / 1-6
Wall plugs complete type FPW 907 / ASS / K IP 68 with
date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

Code 1 till 6 11294 / 1-6

additional earth connector
Wall plugs bottom part 111902
Wall plugs bottom part nickel-plated for ASS 112920
Wall plugs bottom part nickel-plated for ASS with
additional earth connector
Protective basket nickel-plated 111903
Adapter union for ASS retroplug 111904
Seal white 111906
Screw-in cap for joint box Ms with seal 111909

6 | GWG – Order Code www.fafnir.com

Type FP 903/907 ASS K
Coded Electrical Plug Connection
Type FP 903/907 ASS K for QSS and ASS

Coupling Type 903 ASS K

Wall plug Type 907 ASS K

The product regognition QSS is such tanks. The FAFNIR QSS/ ring and functioning of the
a device to prevent the mixing ASS solutions consist of a plug coupling connection. By the
of fuels or other liquids during on the tank and a coupling on way, the overfill prevention
the filling of a storage or bunker the road tanker. sensor for filling stations is in-
tank from a road tanker. The release signal for the fil- tegrated into the overfill pro-
date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

The filling hose safety device ling process is performed by an tection system via this coupling
ASS monitors the correct con- amplifier in the road tanker connection.
nection of the filling hose to that recognizes the correct pai-

Features of FAFNIR technology

„ Robust design for application „ Coding principle tested and „ Integrated solution for contac-
in a rough environment tried a million times ting overfill prevention sensors,
„ Simple functional structure „ Introduced in Europe QSS and ASS function
for high operational safety as the standard for
„ Totally maintenance-free filling station systems

www.fafnir.com Type FP 903 / 907 ASS K – Application |7

Our Terminology Design Coupling Connection
Overfill prevention sensor: GWG; The coupling type 903 ASS K con- The coupling type 903 ASS K fits
Quality assurance system or sists of all wall and tube plugs. It con-
product recognition: QSS; » Connection cable nects all GWGs in accordance
Filling hose safety device: ASS » Protective hose with DIN EN 13616.
» Coupling with: The QSS and ASS function is
Function – GWG with contact sockets established only in conjunction
The QSS functions are carried – Reed sensors with the plug type 907 ASS K.
out by the simple pairing of ma- – Push contacts
gnetic reed sensor coding bet- Electrical Connection
ween the plug (wall plugs) and The wall plugs type 907 ASS K » Clamped connection
the mobile coupling. The ana- consist of in the amplifier
lysis is based on the principle » Wall plugs bottom part » 2 x 1 mm2 for GWG circuit
”2 out of 4”, thus corresponding » Flanged plug-in unit » 7 x 0.25 mm2 for
to a high safety standard. Six » Magnets QSS coding and ASS
­different codes are ­available. » Protective basket

The ASS function is performed

by checking the closed circuit
between amplifier, connection
cable, plugs, filling nozzle, fil-
ling hose, and the hose connec-
tion inside the road tanker. ASS
monitors the correct connection
of the filling hose as well as that
of the gas displacement device
for gasolines.

date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

8 | Type FP 903/907 ASS K – Function www.fafnir.com

Product Regognition Coupling

Ø 60

Fitting for wall mounting

Type 907 9-wire cable
(2 x 1 mm2 and 7 x 0.25 mm2)
15 m long
Jacket substance: PUR

Protection hose Ø16
1,000 long
Material: PA
Screwed cable gland
Connecting cable Screwed cable gland hose PG11
installation side 29 Material: PA6.6

Bore Ø 5 (2x)
turned by 90

47 Material: PA6.6

Ø 50
Ø 60

Dimensions in mm

Technical Data
Operating data Materials Dimensionen
» Umgebungstemperatur: Coupling Coupling
- 25 °C to + 50 °C » Connection cable: PUR » Connection cable:
» Resistant to all products » Protective hose: PA Ø 7 mm x 15 m standard
according to the GWG list » Housing: PA6.6 » Protective hose:
of substances » GWG contact sockets: Ø 16 mm x 1,000 mm
CuZn39Pb2 / Pb3, » Housing: Ø 60 mm x 137 mm
surface galvanised Ni 5 µm » Other data:
» Push contacts: VA see illustration

Wall plugs Wall plugs

» Brass nickel-plated » Housing Ø 60 mm x 105 mm
» Protection class: IP68
date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

www.fafnir.com Type FP 903/907 ASS K – Technical Data |9

Type ME 6
The Overfill Prevention Sensor
Testing Device ME 6

Overfill prevention sensor testing

Type ME 6 with Helix cable and
coupling type 903

date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

Overfill prevention sensors must a tank inspection. An optimal by the overfill prevention sensor
be checked on a regular basis. and safe check of overfill pre­ testing device ME 6.
This is usually performed during vention sensors is guaranteed

Features of FAFNIR technology

„ Genuine function check „ Suitable for all overfill prevention „ Simultaneous check of the
„ Easy menu-driven operation sensors with PTC technology QSS coding
„ Handy design „ Certified for overfill prevention „ Driven by storage batteries
sensors in explosive atmospheres „ PC software

10 | Type ME 6 – Application www.fafnir.com

Our Terminology Technical Data Designs
Overfill prevention sensor: GWG; Operating data Overfill Prevention Sensor
Quality assurance system or » Ambient temperature: Testing Device ME 6
product recognition: QSS 0 °C to + 50 °C » ME 6
» Protection class: IP30 Overfill prevention sensor
Function » Supply voltage: testing device without
The GWG is heated up by the 24 VDC, 7,2 VDC product identification (with
intrinsically safe current of the » Measuring circuit type 903 socket coupler)
testing device. The heating protection class: » ME 6 P
time is measured, analysed and see approval Overfill prevention sensor
indicated in the touch display. testing device with product
A switching off event is treated Materials identification (with
in the same manner. The QSS » Coupling Type 903: PVC, type AS 903 socket coupler)
coding is registered and also
­ » Coupling Type 903 QSS: PA6.6 » ME 6 F
displayed. » Connection cable: Overfill prevention sensor
PVC-covered copper line testing device for LPG
Connection to the GWG » Housing: ABS overfill prevention sensors
The connection of the overfill (with CEE socket coupler)
prevention sensor testing device Dimensions
to the GWG is realised via a coup- » Coupling: Ø 60 mm x 137 mm
ling type 903 with helix cable. » Connection cable:
Ø 2 x 0.75 mm2
Design » Housing: 196 x 100 x 40
The overfill prevention sensor
­testing device consists of Accessories
» Coupling » Charging device for ME 6
» Helix cable » Plastic suitcase
» Housing with: with moulded tray
– Test electronics » PC software
– Touch display
– USB connection
date of issue 02.20 Subject to technical change

www.fafnir.com Type ME 6 – Technical Data | 11

Schnackenburgallee 149 c
22525 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49/40/39 82 07-0
Fax: +49/40/390 63 39
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.fafnir.com

Sensors & Systems Worldwide: www.fafnir.com

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