Christian Wolff

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From leaning forward fir Sopran mit Bariton, Klarinette/Bafklarinette und Violoncello von Christian Wolff The eight poems set are drawn from the three parts of Grace Paley's collection Leaning Forward (published in 1985), including, to start and finish with, the poems located first and last. Transpositions of the music to accommodate the voice(s) can be made. The manner of singing should be direct and simple, like that of folksong or early music singing. MusikTexte 32 FROM LEANING FORWARD (poems by Grace Paley) Christian wolff 1. & wonan invented fire d= 64-68 ®@ voice (watstie of vocaise) we eee ro 2 fs =) a the | ‘A woman invented | fire and called it*the Copyright 1988 C.F, Peters New York. Mit freundlicher Gs migung von C.F, Peters Frankfur eee) is roum I saw the round sun Was it ber|cause the cun 33 bleeding to sky And fire rolls across the field from forest to treetop Tt leaps like a | bike with a wild [boy riding it Gi teholeare ‘optional doubling of voice by cello, we lower) La see the orange wheel) of heat light that took me| from the window of my BH (optional doubling by b. elar.) 3 mother's home to home in the evening soprano (whistle, hun of vocalise bass elarine’ (in 0) "cello who were eighty-two wore very different In my family athe year-old, inety—207 elgnty= Rety-#O” paritone --7 SHEnty-two By me ing in measure 7 voice(s) procede as in, closer to singing than speaking, jiat thythn approximately to rests on stave (higher or lower rests, nearer one or the other voice, svecify a silent rest). In the cello gart, circled piz ) = pluck only that note of the barred group [ui produce others in the group by éfopuing decisively left lamttingersomtre—— fingerboard, ‘people thisis they.knew speak to the child Ten they thoy any be ® peor ttle oneees pinaty=to peopie, reventer} poor little one... ¢ vearoid | 8 the year L 1905 ‘thay wont to prison they went intolexile they said ah ‘hen speak to the grandchild they yea wilh \ lution then, |, nen the earth ® will tura tum and oh have made will turn / and Dron you_ny ttle wad sust lover and save #4 then you/ay little md must flower /and save it

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