Entrepreneurship Module No. 2: Week 2: 1st Quarter Topic: Entrepreneurship and Me

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Module No. 2 : Week 2: 1st Quarter


In the previous module you learned that entrepreneruship is about
business and the person puts up the business is called entrepreneur. Many
people dream of having their own business and wanted to become an
entrepreneur . No doubt because entrepreneur is always associated with rich,
famous and successful people. But the question is can anyone be an
entrepreneur? Do I have what it takes to become one? What exactly does the
entrepreneur do? Now, in this module you will be able to identify and discuss
the most important qualities common among individuals who are willing to
undertake entrepreneurial functions. This module will also help you to know
your own entrepreneurial qualities and access your interest if you wish to
pursue entrepreneurship as a carreer in the future.

 To identfy entrepreneurial qualities.

 To assess their own entrepreneural qualities
 To appreciate entrepreneruship as a career

Explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a

From the previous module, we discussed the difference between goods
and services, let us now identify the following word. Read each item carefully
and write letter (G) if the word refers to Goods and (S) if Services. Write your
answer on the space provided.
_______ 1. Computer ________ 6. Bag
_______ 2. Massage ________ 7. Haircut
_______ 3. Crayons ________ 8. Toilet paper
_______ 4. Books ________ 9. Food Delivery
_______ 5. Manicure and Pedicure ________10. Tutoring

Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

As stated to the book of Introductrion to Entreprepenurship by SERDEF

(Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation in cooperation with
U.P Instititure for Small – Scale Industries. (1998) Some people say

entrepreneurs are unique breed of men. But where do entrepreneurs come
from? Why did/how do people eventually become entrepreneurs? Are
entrepreneurs born or made? Are entrepreneurial qualities already present in
the child when he is born perhaps as inherited characteristics from parents,
or are these qualities develop through life? There was a time when it was
believed that entrepreneurs were born rather than made. Nowadays, several
evidences to show that entrepreneural qualities can be developed early life as
a result of childhood training in independece and self-reliance, among others
and exposure to work and industry.

Entrepreneurial Mindset Development

According to Chinkee Tan and Kayla Tan A child grew up in the family
with negative perspective about money and business, like hearing negative
comments about earning money, how hard or difficult to have money etc.
would less likely have a negative mindset about money and business.
While on the otherhand a child grew up in the family that joyfully talks
about investments, savings, business and money will have a positive mindset
about it. Raising Up Moneywise Kids (2016). Meaning to say thru proper
training, life experiences and business exposure child entrepreneurship
qualities can be develop through life. How about you? What is your life
experiences about money and business within the family and culture? If not
so good, don’t worry its not too late. There is no barrier to a determined
person, you can still develop certain attittudes and values that can help you
generate your entrepreneurial qualities which, as you may have seen,are the
foundations of excellent performance in business as well as in any other
careeer. Whether you decide to be an entrepreneur or not this entreprenuerial
qualities can help you to be the best of whatever career you will take in the
Qualities of Entrepreneur

As discussed in Management book of Feliciano R. Fajardo (1997) here

are the most important qualities of entrepreneurs:
1. Reasonable risk- takers – entrepreneurs enjoy challenges. They are
not afraid to make difficult decisions. They are confident with their
abilities and optimistic in the results of their decisions.
2. Self- confident – entrepreneurs have strong faith in their abilities.
They believe they can do better things and always thinks for success.
3. Hard –working – entrepreneur love their work and enjoy difficult task
and challenges.
4. Innovative – entrepreneurs are creative, they love to explore the
unknown, and to blaze new paths of progress. They do things in new
and different ways.
5. Leadership – entrepreneurs are task- oriented. They are effective
planners, organizers and implementers.
6. Positive Thinkers – entrepreneurs see crisis in two ways: crisis as a
problem and crisis as opportunity. But entrepreneurs are the type of
individual who thinks of success and bright sides.
7. Decision- maker - entrepreneurs are courageous they are not afraid of
making decisions.

As stated in the Management book of Feliciano R. Fajardo (1997)
Development Bank of the Philippines defines the Filipino Entrepreneur as Self
Reliant, Risk taker, Industrious, Humble, Helpful, Creative and Happy.

Entrepreneur VS Employee

For further understanding about entrepreneurial qualities. Let us now,

analyze and compare entrepreneur versus employee. Both career has its own
difference, purpose and benefits. Minionnomore channel made a career
comparison between entrepreneur and employee see figure 1: Entrepreneur vs
employee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGbzdSSeA9o

Figure 1: Entrepreneur vs Employee

Entrepreneur Employee
Enjoy to Managing and Organizing Enjoy Performing
Working against time Working Time is in their Favor
Find ways to make their task or job done simple for Find ways to make their own task or job done in simple
everybody ways.
Do not mind workloads focuses on the complicated and can workload focuses on simple to complicated
provide highest leverage for the company.
Efficient to make their job done and take another level of task Efficient to make their job done fast.
to be done.
Needs to be good in many things Needs specialization on specific job
Take Risk Wants Safety
Accepts Failures Perfectionist
Wants to be valued base on the result Wants to be valued on the things they put into
Reorganize resources to be efficient Reorganize steps to be efficient
Accepts Fluctuations and not being paid at all Wants a fixed income
Doesn’t Like Repetition on work Like Repetition
Willing to Work long hours Prefer working on a limited time
Now, after discussing the difference between entrepreneur and
employee. Let me ask you, which career path you want to pursue entrepreneur
or employee? Some of you may answer employee and some will answer to be
an entrepreneur. The choice is yours, what career do you think fits to your
mindset and personality.
Entrepreneurship as a Career

Many of us dream to become rich. But according to Warren Buffet if

you’re normal you can’t be rich. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LzzZBevXI0
what does it mean? After analyzing the difference between entrepreneur and
employee. We see that entrepreneurs is not just a normal human being. They
take risk and enjoy challenges which is not normal to all people. Entrepreneur
has different mindset in seeing things for example: Crisis some people will
see it as a problem but for entrepreneur they might see it as an
As stated on Management book of Feliciano R. Fajardo (1997) statistics
of many countries shows that entrepreneurs through their small business are
the major creators of jobs and wealth. It is evident that an ordinary employee
have no economic opportunities like those of the entrepreneurs. They are
contented with their fixed and low salaries, and patiently wait for their
retirement which give them small pensions and benefits. Entrepreneurship
can be a career option but not just an ordinary option. Entrepreneurship can
be as prestigious, challenging and financially rewarding than any other

profession. This can be possible most especially, if you hit the right business.
But on the other hand according to Minionnomore channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGbzdSSeA9o there are some people good in
performing rather than managing and organizing a business. So, It still
depends on the personality and mindset of the person that is why Warren
Buffet said; if you do normal things you cannot be rich as he advices young
people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LzzZBevXI0. Because if you want to get
rich you must think and take actions ahead than anybody else. In other words
you have to be extra ordinary whatever career path you are aiming to pursue.

Are you now excited to become an entrepreneur?


1. Entrepreneurship qualities can be developed during childhood.

2. Entrepreneurs perform different functions to make the business successful
and profitable.
3. Entrepreneurs and employees has its own difference, purpose and benefits.
4. Entrepreneurs has different mindset in seeing things.
5. Do not expect to be rich if you’re doing ordinary or normal things. You have to
be extra ordinary to become rich.
6. Entrepreneurship is a rewarding career.
7. Entrepreneurship can be a best career option if you’re a risk taker and enjoy

Let’s Try this Activities

After describing your own entrepreneurial qualities, let us now discover
your own ways to improve your qualities. Write your answer on the chart
Qualities Ways to improve People Can help you
Ex. Good Decision - Making Accept Leadership Teacher and classmates
position in class

Using your own entrepreneurial qualities. Write down the things
you can do in every situation provided.
Situation Things you can do
1. You encounter angry Customer
2. Somebody assigned you to do a task
3. Nobody believes on your project or idea.

4. You receive an extra change after buying something.
5. Person over you sets deadline.



Instructions: This survey will learn about your personal view about
business and assess your interest in pursuing entrepreneurial career in the
future. Read each item carefully and put √ mark on the space provided.

1. Age: _______ o Other, please specify:

2. Gender: _______________________
o Male ______
o Female 7. Would you like to start your
own business someday?
3. How easy do you think to start o Yes, please specify:
your own business? _______________________
o Very Easy ______
o Easy o No
o Challenging 8. Which one is the most possible
4. Do you think there is more job ingredients for business
security owning your own success?
business? o Hard work and
o Yes Determination
o No o Employees
o Maybe o Networking skills
5. Why do you think people start (connection to the right
their own business? people)
o Independence and o Product and service
power o Business Location
o To Execute their idea (Place)
o Profit Expectation o Other, please specify:
(Money) _______________________
o Family Involvement ______
o Other, please specify: 9. Would you be interested in
_______________________ learning entrepreneurship
______ skills?
6. What do you think is the o Yes
reason why people do NOT o No
want to put up their own o Maybe
business? 10. Would you be willing to attend
o Other interests business seminars and
o Not enough money to trainings to develop your idea
get into business in business?
o Too much work o Yes
o Fear of Failure o No
o Government Obstacles o Maybe


Instructions: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write
the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which among the following entrepreneurial qualities that pertain to
enjoyment of challenges and not being afraid to make decisions.
a. Positive Thinkers c. Innovative
b. Risk Takers d. Positive Thinkers
2. What qualities of entrepreneur pertains to doing things into new and
different ways?
a. Self-confident c. Decision – makers
b. Hard working d. Innovative
3. Select among the following as best example of a good leader
a. Task – oriented c. Determined
b. Boastful d. Demanding
4. There are several qualities of entrepreneur should possess except one,
a. Enjoy to Managing and Organizing
b. Willing to Work long hours
c. Wants a fixed income
d. Reorganize resources to be efficient
5. What qualities of entrepreneur pertains to having a strong faith in their
a. Hard working c. Decision - makers
b. Self – confident d. Positive Thinkers
6. Which among the following entrepreneurial qualities that pertains to
working beyond the regular schedule.
a. Self –confident c. Hardworking
b. Risk – Taker d. Decision – maker
7. There are several qualities of employees should possess except one,
a. Find ways to make their own task or job done in simple ways.
b. Prefer working on a limited time
c. Wants a fixed income
d. Needs to be good in many things
8. Which among the following ability of entrepreneur will depend largely
the business success.
a. Decision – making c. Self-confident
b. Positive thinking d. Industrious
9. Entrepreneurs mindset describe crisis as ______________.
a. Opportunity c. Innovation
b. Problem d. Strategy
10. Entrepreneurship qualities can be developed during _______.
a. Infancy c. Adolescence
b. Early Childhood d. Later Adulthood

See you again on the next module. Happy Learning Future Business

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