BS 4th Semester 2019

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RollNo. in Fig. .........

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 'rRoll No. in Words.
Paper: Psychology-ll (MAS)
Cource Code: APSY-212 I GEN-22418 Part-l(Computsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 'r
'r Signature of SuPdt.:
Division of marks is oiven in front of each question.
This Paper wifi be cotlected b?ck after expirv of time limit mentioned above.
* Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenvriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

i. Encountering trafFlc jams or meeting work deadlines are examples

a) Catastrophes c) Daily hassles
b) Crisis d) Ambient stressors
II. The type of personality testing, in which the stimulus is not clear and ambiguous is known as

a) Objective c) Subjective
b) Projective d) Narrative
lll. focuses directly on changing the thoughts, in order to improve the emotions
and behaviors.
a) Cognitive therapy c) Psychoanalytical approach
b) Gestalt therapy d) Behavioral therapy
lv. describes the pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of
information and relationships among them.
a) Social cognition c) Gestalt approach
c) Consciousness d) Schemas
v. According to Freud's theory of personality, superego operates on
a) Reality Principle b) Morality Principle
c) Natural Principle d) Pleasure Principle
vi. An abnormally low mood with suicidal ideation can be regarded as

a) Manic episode c) Major Depressive episode

b) Obsessive-compulsive episode d) Panic attack
vii. DSM stands for
a) Diagnostic System Manual c) Dysfunetional Standard Manual
b) Deviance Standard Manual d) Diagnostic Sratistical Manual
vlrl, is the mental disorder in which one' sense of reality is impaired or
a) Schizophrenia c) Obsessive Compulsive
b) Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder d) Anorexia Nervosa

lX. The third stage in Seyle's model of stress is

a) Alarm stage o) Resistance stage
b) Exhaustion stage d) Evaluation stage

In_, a person psychologically attempt to direct one's own memories,

his/her consciousness.
a) Regression c) Repression
b) Displacemerrt d) Sublimation
3 Roll No. ........'....... :

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2A19 taaaaaat aaaaaa aaaa"t'

Paper: Psychology-ll (MAS)

Gourse Code: APSY-2l2 I GEN-22418 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

?artZ (Answer shortly to the given Questions) (5 marlrs eaeh)

l. What is the difference obsession and compulsion? Give example.

2. Briefly explain Cognitive behavior therapy,
3. Explain the stages involves in Stress.
4, Briefly explain how personality is developed?

Part 3 (Anuwer briefly to the given Questions) (10 marks each)

l. Explain in detail the process of Consciousness and Sleep.

2. What is Abnormal Psychology? Briefly explainmajor Psychopathologies/mental
3, What is social cognition? How does it affect us, explain with examples.

B.S, 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 Ita Roll No................. !t

a a a a a a aaa r a a a ala aa a a
Paper: Arabic-lV
Course Gode: ARB-202 I ISL-22421 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


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iN Fig.

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 'r,Rolt No. in words. ............
Paper: ArabicJV \
Cource Code: ARB-2021 ,SL-22421 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.."""'
ATrEMpr rHrs pApER oN THrs euEsrroN SHEET oNLy. ".';is;;i;;;iiirpot.,

This Paoerw ned above. '..


Q.1. Encircle the right answer cufting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
Qf tl P)
(10) iL/-$( t)gt;tgtl'la0't*an€ (t:i'Jr
-fu{,Y(jtit}''€'(J'f fu'f t'tt fn (r
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(D) #<cl d cB) a; (A)
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Ita Roll No.................

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 aaa aaaaaaat aaaaa t"

Paper: Arabic Language-l

Gourse code: ARB-llI Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs' 45 Min' Marks: 50


Attempt the short Questions ;671*Jlt &"!t ,f . i:r;ult JtSJt

l0 Correct the errorr ln the following sentences UUll &+Jr Oi
er!r!' Y
i.rhe irt l Jt.;ll d.L.t -f -r'-Y
tJfl{ 65u-,1 ob - t
plr ir;",,lt ,,4,a, .1 Crtsu J-dr oi[' I -o
./r<Jl f* ul -t
iru4 ejl, -V
,.[.a,ijt &, aibrll Jtrr- -1 flrf g.. ,$,l: -A
e*rf 5u."t eJJi -I.

10 Arrange the words to make srntences X"ri Cr.r"t Crtel(lf y; :tJtCl Jl3iJt

Vtrf .elJi ..iorU 111

./Ut .in-Jr.Jt ,r5 trl
S*l.i1l .ntJt 1r;

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C;, .il=a* .lja 1A1

|[fi, .&SiJt .rl./t 111

i*t .dilt.ik-!r (t . )

10 Translate into Urdu d{rrlr f,i :gtJt Jt5lt

.r*.Jr g*l.r ,r;r:Jr ui g! :ju*lt
.r,ltil|, VtrJt, $tlr.trU
J.,.J# {$i J*ri $r.Jl J5,/ :rtia.Jt

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iel,:..J| t{i}t; Iel.1rl t:l u-fU :g*+lt
,ljt oLr i/ ; uI53

t0 Translate into Urdu Lglr Jl fi, sruJt JtFt

td-r ql, ,iir ,rt, .h' Jr-t Jti

,tLt th:ti ;1r rdu oq,rI0l5r
flr erJrr niit, Jflorfy I
,,,i', eFJi
.ih{ l\.* JiJ, /Ir rCr: ol uh 0€ ut

l0 i*lr i*tq Ubll ill-,ll ,ie rnlf :u,.':LJt JtFl

Answer the foilowing questions in ArabiclTjr:;

! Ue,,,Fl*{ i, (I)
I rllt i-r.r3 li t.r(l)
rgr uCl df (t)
t,-pj!t |,lr -bi., tib 10;

8.S.4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 No. in Words.
Paper: Arabic Language-l
Course Code: ARB-111 Part - I(Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 """"
" \

Division of marks is qiven in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Choose the right word : fr.ra.ajl i*E3r .r'*t :Jj!t Jtj;t

*; 10

,r+.rr. ( Sfi .'-dh e dllS) 'r

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(O$U , CtJ" 6 ,J-t) ul++ t'ri" -t.

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB 'rRorrNo. in Fig...'.......

B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth semester - 2019 '.,.Rolt No. in yvords.

Paper: Administration and Management in \
Gourse Code: PE-205 Part - I (Compulsoryi Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.
ATTEryI,PT THlq PAP-EB ON TH,IS.OUES-flON SHEEf ON!-Y. '.. slgnature of supdt,:
Division of marks is qiven, in front of each ouestion.
This Paperwill be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '.

;, - Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenvriting is not altowed. (5x2=10)

(i) Management is the combination of

(a) Drawing (bl philosophY (c) A$ & science (d) Nsne of these
tiilTop levelmanagemeilt is occupied by
{a} Foreman {b} Directors {c} Managers (d}Allof these
tiiil S.W.O.T Analysis is to identify
{a} Strength work opposes and try
(b) Streneth works opposite threats
(c) Strengttrr \ileakness opportunity threats
{d} None of them
(iv} Functions of managernent are classified by Gullck Unwick in
{a} 1e11 tb}1e37 (c}1e3s (d} 1s43
{v} Mostly funds should be generated through ",

{a) Donation (b}6ifts (c} Funds from publtc $ectars (d} All of these

UNTVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB ....tO.."............
B.S. 4 years program / Fourth semester - 2019 i.I:',:I1'.;;.';:':;:'j:.i
Paper: Administration and Management in Sports
Gource Gode: PE-205 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:50


Q.2. Short Answers. (10x2=201

-*Oefine the following terms with the help of suitable examples? t20l

{a} Volunteers (b) Job lnduction (c} documentation {d) Protocol {e} Finance

(f) public relation (gf Accounting (h) Fundraising {l} on job training (i} Supervision

Q.3. Brief Answers. (3x10=30)

tr Define Management? Why we need sports manaBement?

2 write down the corporate structure of the lnternational olympic Committee {loc}?

3 write a note on importance of fiscal management in budgeting and fund raising?

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaoa!a!aa

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 20ig I

RollNo. ................ :
Paper: Auditing
Cource Code: COMM-206 / GOM-22360 part - ll Time: 2 Hrs. 4E Min. Marks: S0

Q# 2 Write short notes on the following: (5x4=20)

1. Testchecking
2. Three benefits of audit protram
3. Teeming and lading
4. Five objectlves of internalcontrol
5. Three techniques of verification

Answer the following questions. (3x10=30)

Qs 3 what points should be kept in mind by an auditor while examining the accounts of
Banking Companies?

qr 4 List down the qualiflcations and disqualifications of an auditor under

Company Act 2017.

Q r 5 under what circumstances an auditorcan be hetd liable for:

a) CriminalLiabitity
b) Liability for tibel
Support your answer with relevant case law.
'. RollNo. in Fig.
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 '..Roll No. in words.
Paper: Auditing
Gource Code: eoulm-zoetcoM-22360 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.
'. Signature of SuPdt.:

Q.l. Encircle the right answer cufting and overwriting is not allowed'

L Auditors qualifications are fixed by: The word "audit'' is derived from:
A Management A French word
B Government B Arabic word
C Audit Company c Persian word
D Companies Act D Latin word
2 The fraud of cash may happcn when: The lnvestigator may be appolnted by:
A Receipts are overstated A Shareholders
B Payrnents are understated B Owners
C Receipts are understated c Creditors
D All of above D Allof the above
3 Continues audit is also called: Conting€nt liabilities are shown in:
A Ealance sheet audit A Balance sheet
B Running audit g Profit & loss account
C lnterim audlt c Foot note attached to the
D Ad-hoc audit balance sheet
4 The major drawback of an audit D None of the above
program Is:
A Work will not bc duplicated Fixed tangible assets are shown in
B No important work will be balance sheet at:
overlooked A Cost price less depreciation
C lnitiative rnay be lost B Market price
D Responsibllity of each audit C Cost or market price rvhichever
staff is fixed is higher
5 Audit covers the: Cost or market price whichever
A Examinatlon of business is lower
accounts A voucher may be:
B Examination of business record A Cash memo
C Examination of financial I An invoice
statement c A bank receipt
D Allthe above D All of the above

& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester

Paper: Advanced Financial Accounting-ll
- 2019 3
Rolt No................. :
a. r.a a aa aa at. a a.a. a !

Cource Code: COMM-205 ICOM-22356 Part- ll Time:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q * 2 Givr Shorl r[rtrGrt of the folloring qnertions (20)

L llcfincIoimVcnture?
Z. Dcfrc&cal*ior Clruse?
3. What do yqr nrean by det.crederc commissioa?
d. What is &ediffermct bet$rerl Account Salcrrod Sslcs Ascount?
5. Whatissub€utao,g
6. \ilhddo you mean by indcpendent brarshe$?
7, Dcfine Condgnment hmard and Cmsignmmt Out$rild
& Deffnetqn oharastcristics of ffnercial lcasa
9. lVhat is ditrmnce bctrryeco Brtrnh rnd Deparanent?
lS. Give the objectivcs of dcpartnrontal accouflt?

Q * 3 Khuranr Deparrncntal $tore has three departneurs: A, B, C, Foltowing drta is available with
re$pect to cach ofthe (10)

Thc opcning and closing stock havcbcer valucd at cosi, The cnrpenses u&ich srs to be clrargcd to each
depr0nent in proportion to thc cost of goods mld in thc rcspectivc dcparcncnt arc rs follows:
Salarics Rs-SSl0
Rcut sndrates Bs.1450
Misce[aneous crpensos Rs.1305
Showths final rpsult and pcmffitige onthe sate inerchdepartment
Q il 4From the fotlowing deails rcgadirg to Multan harch" preparc a Brarrch Account in respect of
zot7 It
Particulars Amount Rs" P'articulsrs Amount Rs.
Stock 1-l-2017 12,000 Rearmstollead Office 4,800
Stock 3l-l2fl011 9,600 Ead DEbts 600
Peuycash t-l-2017 600 DiscountAllowed 3t0
Debtorc on 0l-01-2017 10,000 Pofiy experise$ faid by branrh 7fi0
Debtors on 3l-12-2017 I1,500 Remrns from customers 3,000
Goods sentto branch 42,4W Expensss pald by head olfice:
Cash sales 25,900 Salaries ard wagee 8400
Credit sales 36,000 Rert (l-l-20l7 to 3t- 3-2018) 5250
Nsrmal loss 2,000 Ca$h sent for petty expenses by
theheadofficc 800

8#S {'lo}
Contractors Ltd. took a contact in 2018 for b,ridgo consm$Son for Rs.5,00,000. At thc end of 201& the
compf,ny had reccivcd Rs.t,80,000 being 9$lo of &c rrork cqtillcd. CsrtEin rrcrt not yot certificd ha$
cost Rs.5,000. Expcrditurc incuned narc Matcriat R& 25,000, Lf,borrRr.l,50,O00, Plant Rs.10,ffi0.
Matcrid casting Rs3,J00 was damaged rnd hnd to be diqposcd of for Rs,500.
Plar* is considcrd ashaving deprcciaad by25%"
Prcparc coilract account snd othcr rclcvaut ledger accounts. Show yoru calculation of t}e profit ts be
credited to the profit and loss sccsunt for the yeu 201E.
B.S, 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Advanced Financial Accounting-ll
Gourse Code: COMM-205ICOM-22356 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: {0 '.

R ON THIS '. Signature of SuPdt.:

Division of marks is oiven in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.r. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovelwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
1, If tlre ratc of gross profit for departmem Ais?SYo of cost, tlc amounl of groes profit on a ssle of
Rs. t lacwill bc:
r, Rs.25,000
b. Rs.20,000
c. Rs.33,333
d. Noraeofthese
2. Goods sent by the Head Office to the Bransh"not rwived by tbc Branch arccreditsd by the .

Head Office b:
r. Bra$rlaccomt
b. Ooods in kansitascount
a Tndingaccount
d. Frcfitandloxaccount
3. Whil a bruct purchrscs a fixd asset and the asset assount ii to be kcpt in &c head sffice,
, r.
Debils Asset asooutrt
h. Crcdill{aid office acoount
c" Dcbitllead oflics account
None of these
4. IointBank Aecount is opcned;
r" S&cn no separate books forthe v€ntrrr! arq rnaimdned
b, When scparate books for tlre venture are mrintaincd
c. Undermemoraudumbasis
d, Under no circumstanccs
5. Nondepmnenul itms ofexpcnselare::
a. Char,Ecd to Departrnents onthe basis of total sales
b. Chargcd to the G€,n€ral Profit audLo$ Accowrt
c. Charged to Departmcnts mcoding to &e fix€d aswtscmployod
d. Noneofthesc
6. Undcr debtors system branch amount is a:
Nominal assount
b. Rsalaccount
c" hsonal account
d, Contraaccount
7. lVork oertified is valued at:
b. Salesprice
c Futurcprice
d. None of theso
$. Amount of hd &bu in thc absence of dcl-erodre oommiroion is bonrc by :
r. Consignment
b. Consignor
a Consigrrec
d. Noneofttrsw
9, In the books of consignea rlre cxpcns€{i insunsd by him on consignrnmt arc dsbited to:
r. Consigmentaccount
b" Ca$account
c Consignoraccount
d. Expensoaccount
I0. ln thc csse of det-eredre commission, the liability for bad debts is on:
b. Consigrmr
u Principal
d. None of &ese
'. Roll No. in Fig.
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2419 '.Roll No. in Words'
Paper: Arg iculture Economics
Cource Gode: ECON-204 IECO-22325 Part-l(Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.
\ ........rrr.r.


Division-of marks is qiven in front of each question. "
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

i. Agriculture is the lifeline of Pakistan's economy aacounting for. of the GDP

a) 19.5o/o b) 20.s% c) 18.5% d)23o/o
ii. In Pakistan two cropping season are exist
a) Kharif and spring
b) kharif and autumn
c) Rabi and Kharif
d) Rabiand Spring
Agriculture employing labor force and providing raw material for several
value- added sectors.
a) 42J %
b) 38.5 %
c) 40.3 %
d) 4t.s %
tv. Agrieulture sector provides
a) Raw rnaterial
b) Food
c) Employment
d) All (a, b, c)
v. Farm mechanization is
a) Use of new teehnology
b) Old technology
c) Manpower
d) AII (a b, c)
vl. Number ofcrops grown on a piece of land is
a) Cropping density
b) Crop intensity
c) Crop fertility
d) None
vii. Number of people to feed on earth is
a) Decreasing
b) lncreasing
c) Constant
d) Alt (4, b, c)

v1ll. Main issue of Agriculture in Pakistan is
a) Poor Infrastucnres
b) Improper marketing channels
c) Low per hacter yisld
d) Bed quality of extension
lx. Support price effect on Pakistani f'armers is
a) Encouraging
b) Discouraging
c) Neutral
d) None
x. Due to farm mechanization agricultural productivity is
a) Increasing
b) Decreasing
c) Palling
d) None
8.S.4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - zr1g i-1:l-Y.::'j"""""'
aa aa aaa aaaat aaa aa.a
a a
Paper: Argiculture Economics
Gource Code: ECON-204 I ECO-ZZ1ZS Part - tl Time: 2 Hns.45 Min, Marks: 50


Q.2. Give short answer of following questions. (10x2=201

-L ii. Assumption of Ricardian theory of rent?
What is the green revolution?
iii. How do you define the Concept of market surplus?
iv. what are the Causes of malnutrition?
v. What is subsistence farming?
vi. What is the main principal of agriculture farm management?
vii. What is the food safety?
viii. Land reforms
ix. What is farm productivity?
x. Define quasi rent.

Q.3. Critically analyze Williamson model. (10)

-r/ &tl & 4)itwittiarnson tt/,Jtv

Q.4. What is agriculture project planning? And also explain the choice of planning
strategy for agriculture development. (10)
.*v, { 7A L d,2 -EqL L 3 i t! * tS i at p:t 7{*tJ *, r t! -i 6 r; A/Jtv
Q.s.(a) What is agricultural economic? Give suggestions how to improve the
agricultural sector. (05)
(b) Explain the relationship between farm size and productivity. (05)
-Qtt-tf LLLJ,/.tt.,,it 7-,b$eZe 6 r: G-atD:s/ Jrv

-q/Cutf gl,tLttils,ntiV(Stti (t/)

o t a a a a a a o aa a o t rll ooa at
Ita Roll No. ................
/ :
B.S. 4 Yearc Program Fourth Semester - 2019 a aa a oat oaaaa a ato
a aa a

Paper: Botany-lV (Plant Physiology and Ecology)

Course Code: BOT-203 IBOT-22300 Part - !l Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. 'Marks: 50

Q. NO. 2: Give brief flnsrvers of folloruing questiolrs. tl0 x 2)

l. What is difference bet\t'een C2 and C3 Plants?

2. What do you knorv about tlre Xeroph$es and Hydrophytes?

3. What are methods of sarnpling vegetation?
4. \Vhat are tlte ecologicnl chtrircteristics of plattt cottttrturritl'?
). \Vhat is the diflerence betucen the role of abscisic acid and ethl lcne'l

6. What are the ntethods of breaking seed dormancll)

7. What is the diflerence bet*,een absorption and trsnslocalioll of rvater'J
8. , What are the role and deficictrcy S)'nrptom olttracronutrients?
9. What is phototropisrn?

I0. What is the role of ph,vtochrotltes?

plant plry'siolog.v w'hat are

Q. NO.3: What is tlre irnportance olthe \\'ater potential concept in
the componens of the water potentiat?(8)

Q.NO.4: Classitlcarion of plants based on photoperiodic response. (06)

Q.NO.5: Esplain in detail the Krebs cycle in plants (8)

a. NO. 6: Explain nrajor vegetation q/pes of the local area, (8)

RollNo. in Fig. ..........
B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 'r.Rot! No. in words.
Paper: Botany-lV (Plant Physiology and Ecology) \
Gourse Code: BOT-203 / BOT-22300 Part -t(-ompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.-""""


This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. .r

* Q.1. Encircle the right answer cufting and overurriting is not allowed. (10xf =f O1

l. The outer solution having equal concentration ns thlt of thc cell s:r;l is crtlletl
(A) H1'potonic solution (B) Isotonic solution (C) Hypcrlonic solution (D) Neutral solution

2. The leaves turn antl beconre l,ellorr due to deficiency of:

(A) Na (B) K (C) Ca (D) Fe

3._ is precursor for atrscissic acid (ABA)

(A) Zeatin (B) Lutein (C) Violasanthin (D) \4er'alonic ucid
.1. lVhich of lhc followings is trrrce etcment?
(A) Ca (B) K (C) Ms (D) Cu

5. To protlucc 3 glucose nrolcculcs ATP lnd NADPH2 rrrolsculcs rre

required. ---
(A) 5-t. 16 (B) 54. 30 (C) 36. 60 (D) 18. ll
6. Seed dormancy is due fo the:

(A) Ethylene (B) Absuisic oiiid (C) IAA (Di Starclr

7. lVhich of the follorving is NOT n Nastic movenrent?

(A) Photonastt (B) Thcrcrnonast)' (C) Seisnronasty (D) Phl'tonast)

8. The bottom area rvhere procluction is less than respiration in a pontl ecosystent is
termed ns

(A) Profirntlal zone (B) Tidal zonc (C) Bcnthic zone (D) Litnnetic zotre

9. The ability of a population to increlse under idcal environmental contlitlons is called

(A) Natality (B) Carryirrg capacitl (C) Biotic potential (D) Ahsolute rratalit.r'

10. In nn ecosyslem, the encrg.v llorv is rrlrvays

(A) Alrvals unidirectional (B) Alrlal's bidirectional

(C) In an3'direction (D) Ahtal's dorvn directionnl

aaaoa a la t ta a aa a aa la aaa

& B.S. 4 Years Program

Paper: Basic Electronics
/ Fourth Semester -2019 ItaaRollNo. ..........,.....
aaa aoaaaa aa aa aa t aa

Counse Gode: PHY-203 IPHY-22331 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrc.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2. Write short anEwers of the following guestlon$! (2x10 = 20)

i. What is peak rcverse vol&age (PRV)?
ii. Draw the circuit diagram of a voltagc doubler cirpuit.
iii. Define the terms 16 and &6.
iv. lf htu* 60 and Ic= 1SmA, what is the value of Ie and Ie?
y. What do you mean by the term rraatconductance?
vi. What is the cause of rcversc saturation cunont?
vii. Why thc comrnon collcctor circuit called an crnitter follower?
viii. What bias conditions rnust exist for a transistor to operate as an amplifier?
ix. Write down the role of input coupling qapecitor in a transistor amplifi€r?
x. What are two famous nnodc of operation for a MOSFEfi

Q.3: (a) Explain what the barier potential is and how it is created in apn junction?
(b) Discuss the circuit operation of a positive biascd diode clipper and draw its output
voltagc waveform. (6,{)

Q.4: (a) Draw the circuit for the common-emitter (CE) hansistor amplifier, and derive
expressions for its Current Gain, andthe Yoltage Goin.
(b) Trace the circuit diagram of a common-emittsr (CE) sclf biased circuit and discuss
its circuit opcration. {6,4,

Q.Sr (a) Explain the sonstruction, syrnbol, working and charactcristics of p-chanrcrJFET.
(b) What is the construction differpnce htween aJFET and MOSFEP (7, 3)
B.S. 4 Years Program I Fourth Semester - 20{9 '.,Roll No. in words.
Paper: Basic Electronics \
Cource Code: PHY-203 I PHY-22}31 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '..


Division of marks is given in front of each question.
This Paper wi[ be co[ected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and oven rriting is not allowed. (10x{=10}
(i) At rmm tcmpenturq thc current in an inuinsic serniconductor is dw to
(a) holes (b) electrron3 (c) iorrs (d) holes and electrons

(ii) lUithout a DC sourt€, a clipper circuit resernbles to a

(a) clamper (b) rectifier (c) volage doubler (d) nonc as above

(iii) lf both rhe eminer-base and the collector-base junctions of a bipolar transisor arc forward biased,
the ransisor is in the
(a) active region (b) saturated region (c) cutoffregion (d) inverse rpde

(iv) The biasing technique that produces &e most unstable Q-point is
(a) cotlectorbias (b) emincrbias (c) bascbias (d) voltagp{ividerbias

(v) ln a certain voltagedivider biased npre transistor, Vs is 2.95 V. The dc emitter voltagt is
(a) 2,?5 v (b) 2.e5 v (c) 3.65 v (d) 0.7 v
(vi) The disadvantage ofbasc bias is that
(a) it is very cornplex (b) it ptoduces low pin
(c) it is too bera (or ir.) dependent (d) it prodnccs h'tgh lcakage curent
(vii) ln a rolagedivider biascd apn transistor, if thc upper voltagpdivider resisior (the one connected to
V6s) opens,
(a) the transistar gocs into cutotT (b) the trrnsistor gocs into saturation
(c) thc transistor Lums out (d) the sr.gply vohage is roo high
(viii) The input resistance of a common-base (CB) ampli{ier is
(a) very high (b) very low
(c) the-same as a CE (d) the samc as a CC

(ix) A small-signal amplificr

(a) uses only a small ponion of its load line (b) always has V*r in the mV range
(c) goes into saturation once on each inp$ cycle (d) is always a CE amplifier

(x) The channcl of a JFET is between the

(a) pte and drain (b) drain ard source
(c) pte and source (d) input and output
a oaaaaaoaa totaaaototta
Roll No. ..............-' :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 raaaaat
a aaf t'

Paper: Basic Economics-lV

Cource Code: ECON-223 I ECO-22449 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs. 45 Min. Marks: 50

(5X4= 20)
Q,2 Give short aflswers to the following questions.

a. Current account deficit

b. Differentiate balanee of,paynnent and balance of trade
c. How defieit in balance of payment can be removed?
d. Why economic development i$ sonsider impormnt than ecsnomic growth?
( I 0x3=30)
Q.3 Give answer$ to the tbllowing question$,

&. I-tow *griculture sector ea$ iilcro&*e economic grcwlh of Pakistan? Discuss in detait'
b. Discuss how bettsr economic planning can lead e CIountry to higher grewth lutes.
c. How productivity of labor force can be increased in Pakistan?
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Basic Economics-lV
Course Gode: ECON-223 IECO-22449 Part-l(Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10

'.. Signature of Supdt.:

Division of marks is siven in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above'
'-- Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed.
I, A surplus in the balance of trade or in the balance on current account {assume they're the same
for this question) implies that:
a. The country's volume of employment is expanding.
b. The country is lending to foreigners more than foreigners are lending to it
c. The country is accumulating reserves of foreign currency
d. The country is spending on goods and services more than it is earning from producing them
7. A negative balance of trade for a country will not be a long-run problem if;
a. The IMF stops lending the country foreign exchange reserves
b, The country can sell important nationalassets to finance it
c. The country's foreign exchange reserves are depleted in order to finance it.
d. The country imports new capital equipment to improve its competiti\reness in world
3. Floating exchange rates refer to:
a, the abiliiy of exchange rates to even out when displaced by shqcks to the foreign exchange
b. new issues of foreign exchange offered on the market
c. an exchange rate determined by the demand for and supply of a nation's currency
d. an excess demand for a nation's currency that causes its devaluation
4. lf rhe current accounr for a country is in deficit, then there must be:
a. a surplus in the government budget
b. low interest rates
c. high productivity
d. capitalaccount surplus
5, The balance of trade is given by:
a. the balance of unilateral transfers
b. income receipts minus income payments on investments
c. merchandise exports minus merchandise irnports
d. rnerchandise expofis plus service exports minus the sum of merchandise and service
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB'..RoilNo.inFig...........
B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth semester - 2019 '..Rou
No. in words.
Paper: Basic of Human Physiology
Cource Code: PE-206 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.
This Paperwil! be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. ..

*L_ Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (5x2=10)

l. By taking pulse ratc of the human body a doctor determines

A. Condition of the liver B, Amount of blood in the body C. Checks the hmgs
D. Heart beat
2. The fulmonary aflery which carries fi,'om heart to lungs.
A. Oxygenated Blood Blood
B. Red C. Deoxygcnatcd Blood D. WBC
3, The fracture is parallel to the long axis of &e bone
A. Tranwcrsc Fracture B.Incomplete Fracture C. LinearFraclure D. Compound Fracture
4. The largest pat of thc human brain is the
A. Medullaoblongata B. Cerebellum Cerebrum
C. D. Mernbrain
5. The highest point in the blood prcssure or upper reading of blood pressure is called
A. Systolicpress*e B. Diastolic pressure C. Hpotension D. Hlpertension
6. Bone forming cells are called
A. Osteoclasts B. Osteoids Osteoblasts
C. D, Osteocyes
7. Specialized membrane that covers the mu*le fiber in human body is called
A. Transverse Membrane B. Plasma Mernbrane C, Sarcolcmma D. Cell Membrane
8. The innermost membran€ that lines the GI tract &om rnouth lo anus from inside is called
A. Sub-mucosa B. Mascularis Extenra C. Serosa D. Mucosa
9. The normal length ofjejunum of small intestine in human body is
4.3.0m B. lJm C.2.5m D. I.5m
10. The part of nervous system (N.S.) which not under the
is control human intentions is called
A. Central N.S. N.S.
B. Peripheral C. Autonomic N.S. D. Sornatic N.S.
aaaa aaa a a a aaaaaaaa a aao
I Roll No................. :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 oa a l l a o a a a a t t a a a a a a o a!

Paper: Basic of Human PhYsiologY

Gourse Gode: PE-206 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrc.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2. Short Answers.

P*- l. Define/ explain briefly the following;

i. Limbic Systcm of Human Brain Il. Obliquc Planc
iii. Postt{atal Lifc iv. SA and AV Nodes
v. Semilunar Valv6 vt. Myofilaments
vii. Vertebral Columnar Division in Human vllt, Coronary Arteries and Vcins
ix. Agonists and Antagonists x. Cenebrum

Q.3. Brief Answers.

t. Describe mcchanism of motility of small and large intestine in digestion process? (5+5)

2. Name different Endocrine Glands and their hormones? Explain function of Pituitary
Gland indetail? (4+6)

3. Chrrt down diffcrmt parts of Nervous s)6tcm with one function of each part? (t0)
'. Roll No. ln Fig. .'...'....
B.S.4 Years Program / Fourth Semester- 2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Chemistry-lV (General Chemistry)
Cource Code: CHEM-203/CHM-22304 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 'r
'. Signature of SuPdt
Division of marks is qiven in front of each question.
This Paper witl be cottected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

r- e.l. Encircte the right answer cutting and ovetwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

i) Wave-particle duality of electror was verified by

a) De-Broglie
b) Davissotr & Germer
c) Heisenberg
d) Botha&b
ii) Electronic transition betneen Sigma bonding and Sigma antibonding rnolecular orbital
isalarr-_*- transition
a) Allorved
b) Forbidden
c) d-d transition
d) None of these
iii) Which of the following is the correct relation
a) a = Ios(9
b) e = t..g(#
c) a _ rog(T)
d) ,q: tog(?)

iv) Which of the follou'ing catalyst can be used for nucleophilic addition reactions of
carbonyl compounds
a) HCI
b) NaOI-l
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b)

v) 'I'he talue
scparating the higher half fronr the lorr.'er half r:f a data set is called
a) Mean
b) Mode
c) Median
d) All of these
vi) The mosr rvidely used flame fbr Atomic absorption is
a) Air-Naturalgas n--t.
L,) Air-Acerylene
c) Air-Propane
d) Air-Hydrogen
which of tlre lnllo*,ing gives positive bisulphite test
'iiI a) Formic acitl
b) Methanol
c) Dimetlry'l cthcr
d) Ethanal

viii) AII are correct about metallic conduction excepr

a) lrrvolve tiee electrons
b) Decrease by increase in tenrperature
c) It is a chemical change
d) Conducts through electrodes
ix) In dilute electroll'tic solution. each ion rr:igrates independently of its co-ion is the
concept of
a) Kohlrausch's Larn
b) Faradal"s lst l-arv
c) Ostu'ald's Dilution Law
d) Faradal"s ?"d Larv
X) Ccnsider thc iirllo',r'ing dam lbr Elcmeuts X. y end Z
X. Eor.t : +0.76V
Y- E.a : +0..j'[V
Z' Er*a: -l '67V
Which of the following is the correct increasing order of strength as rEducing agent.
a) Z<Y<X
h) x<Y<z
c ) Y<X<Z
d) z<x<Y
aoaaa aaa!a aa aoaata aaa.

i Roll No. ................ :

8.S.4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester- 2019 tl a l o la a aa aa aaa aa aa aa!
Paper: Ghemistry-lV (General Chemistry)
Cource Gode: CHEM-203 ICHM-22304 Part- ll Time:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2 Short Questions 2xl0 = 20

l. Give tu'o chenrical tests of aldeh.vdes and kctones.
ii. Compare the reactivity olaldehydes and ketones.

ii i. Horv rvave-particle dualit.v of electron was verified?

iv. What are probability t'unctions?
Y. State Faraday's l*t Larv of electrolysis.
vl. Gite the construction and t,rorking of Standard Hldrogen Electrode.
vii. What arc systcnratic and randorn error$?
viii. State Lau, of nrass action and give its mathematical statement.
tx. State Beer-Lanrbert's Law.

s. Compare the strcngth of Aliphatic and Anunatic Carboxl'lic acids.

Q.3 Extensite Questionu 30

a) Explain the construction and rvorking of UV/Vis spectrophotometer. (5)

b) Wlrat are But'ters? Givc its types. I{ow it controls the pH of solution? (5)

c) E.rplain Photoelectric cflect and Conrpton Etfect. (5)

d; Derive an cxpression fbr the Energy of electron in valencc shell of hydrogen atom. Also
give tlvo del'ects ofBohr's atomic model. (s)

e) What is Tranrt'erencc Numher'l Explain llittort's rnethod fur the determination of

Translbrence Number (5)

f) Explair: Wiuig Reactiorr along rvitlr its nrcchanisnr (s)

a ta a t aa a rlaoaaaaaa a a la
ItlaallRoll No.aaaaaaaaaaaa
..........'..... :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
aa aa

Paper: Cross Cultural Psychology

Course Code: APSY-241 Part - li Time: 2 Hrs. 45 Min. Marks: 50

Give short gnsrrycrs. (4X5 = 20 marks)

Q2: What is flcxiblc md inflexible cthnocentrism, (5)

Q3 : l)ifll.rcrttiatc betrveen auto-stcreotypcs and hctcrostereotypes. (5 )

Q{: Ehhtlratc moral reasoning in a cross-cultural perspective. (5)

Q5: Write a note on mental health as an application of cross-cultural psychology.

Give bricf answcrs. (3X10 = 30 marks)

Q6: Elaborate enrotional development and regulation processes across cultures.
Q7: Elaborate the concepts of conformity, social influence and social loafing'

Qtt: Elahorate intcrgroup and intergenerational relations across culrures. (10i

B.s. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth semester - 2019 '..Rott No. in words.

::l"Jt?$:,t#tJi:li"'i111n'r"ompursory) rime: 15 Min. Marks, rJ".

Division of marks is qiven in front of each question. "3isr;i;;eii6;pat.'
This Papgr ned above. '..

\.r. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovelwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

l. use couutries or cultures as the unit of analysis. Data may bc ohtaincd frorn
individuals in different cultures, but they are oflcn summarizrd or averagcd for each culture. attd tltosc
avcragcs arc used as data points for each culture.
a) Unpackagirtg studics
b) Ecological levcl studics
c) lithnographics
d) Nonc of thc abovc
2. 'lhc stagc of Kohlberg's theory of moral development, emphasizing on moral reasoning on the hnsis trl'
individual principlcs and conscience is
a) Convcilional morality
b) Prt-convcntional nrorality
c) Post-convcntionalmorality
d) None of thc abovc
'l'hc proccss
i. of changing one's understanding nf the world to accomrnodate ideas that contliui rrith
cxistinp conccnts is callcd
n) Assimilation
b) Accommodation
c) Animism
d) Nonc of thc abovc
4. A style of attachment in which children are uncertain in their response to their mothcrs, going back arttl
lorth bctween secking and shunning her attentioa is
a) Avoidant attachmcnt
L h) Aurbivalcnt attachmcnt
c) Sccurc attachment --_.
dj None ofthe above
-i. 'l'he systcm oinrlcs govcming how words should sound (pronunciation) in a given langua-tc is

ilri Pragnratics
Lr) Scmantics
c) Phonol<lgy
d) Nonc of the abovc

6. 'l'hc psychological or behavioral characteristics typically associated with men and womcn is sullcd
a) Gcrrdcr rolc
b) Scx rolc
c) (icndcr stereotypes
d) Androgyny

tfr.:V n aV w'ithdraw initially or respond negatively, given time and support they will adapt and rcact
ru) liasy
b) l)ill-tcult
c) Slow to \Yalm-up
d) Nonc ol'thc abovc
u) linculturation
b) Acculturation
c) lvlulticulturalism
d) Nonc ol'thc abovc
9. '-_parents cxpect unquestioned obedience and view the child as needing to be controllcd.
'l'hc1'havc also been dcscribcd as bcing low on lvarmth and responsiveness toward thcir childrcn.
a) Authoritative
ht Autlroriurian
c) llcrnrissivc
cl) Nonc of the above
I0. t'hc prcccss by whiclr rve lllter out many of the stimuli that bombard our senses, thus reccivillg i.r lllul'c
mcaningl"ul. finite anrount of inlormation that we can then process is called
a) Pcrcr:ption
h) Sclcctivc Attentiorr
c) Mcmory
d) Nonc ofthc above
'. \Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S.4 Years Program / Fourth Semester'2019 No. in Words.
Paper: Curriculum Development
Gourse Code: ED-323 Part - ! (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min.


Division of marks is oiven in front of each oHestion.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

e.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenrriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
_ L_
l. The word " curriculum is derived from
Greek Freneh English Latin
2, Educationat _become the criteria for selecting materials, content
outlined, instructional methods developed, and tests prepared.
Objectives Goals Aims PIans
3. are inspirational and visionary in character and are, thercfore vague and
permanently open-ended.
Goals Aims Objectives Programmes
4. Many writers use the term " Curriculum" synonym to
Suhject course syllabus time-table
5. espeeially-,
Tyler approach modified by others, who listed 7 steps'
Ornstein Hunkins Taba Clatthorn
6. Behavioral objectives are detailed specifications of desired outcomes at the
of the lesson, teac,tring unit, terrn, year or a prografilme.
Start Middle End During
7. Sves shape and direction to a set of more detailed intensions for the
Aims Goals Objectives Han
8. Intended outcomes or what do we want to achieve is oftan called
Aim Objectives Goals Plans
9. Swim at least twenty five yards is an example of
Aim Objectives Goals Plans
10. All the activities provided inside and outside the in$titute for achieving the
predetermined goals is called a
Curriculum Syllabus Course Text book
B.S. 4 yeans program / Fourth semester - 2019 i.I:':ll1'.';;:;:'.;:'.:.i
Paper: Curriculum Development
Gource Code: ED323 Part- ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2 Answer the given Short Questions 4x5=20

-i- l. Enlist basie elements the curriculum.

2, What is meant by student centsed curriculum?
3. Dmcribe what is meant by content selection.
4, Enlist the principles of curriculum development?
5. Describe how school enviromnent influencing the curriculum development.
Q.3 Ansrver the given questions in detail. l0x3
I . Discuss the economic foundation of cuniculum in detail.
2. Describe the process of currisulum development at elementary level in Pakiston.
3. How curricular obiectives are formulated ? Discuss in detail.
.'ROIINO' iN Fig'
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 'r.RollNo. in Words.
Paper: Computer -lV
I sPe.. Yvrrrlrelvt I' .. --'
(Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 'r
-- \
Course Code: COMP-2O3rCMP-22316 Part-l

'.rsignature of SuPdt.:

This paperffiexpirv of time limit mentioned above.

e.i. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

I. Which one of the following translates source code to object code as a whole.

a. Compiler b. Interpreter c. Assembler d' Debugger

2. Which of the following are the charecteristics of objects in VB?

a. Methods h. Functions c. Action d. ProPerties

3. A project lile is saved with the following extension.

u, .frm b. ,vbp c. .vb d. 'frx

4. Which event occuns before the Form is displayed on the screen?

r. Unload b' Hide c. Remove d. Load

5. Which of the following i$ NOT valid identifier(s) in YB'

a. myname b.9littles

c. Xl23Y d.aandc

6. rffhich of the following data type$ can store only integer values?
a. short b. Byte

c. Long d, All

7. \trhich of the following is used ta terminate a loop from with in the loop body?
a. EndLoop b. Exit Loop

c. Exit Do d. End Do

8, .{n integer array with I0 elements ean be defined in VB as.

a. Dim C(10) As integer b. Dim Cfl0] As Integer

c, Integer C[0] d. lnteger C[0]
9.lVhich property of Labcl control is used to change its size accordingto its

a. size b. Visible

c" Autosize c. TextAlign

10. Which prcperfy is used to automatically adjust an image to lit the sht of

e. SizeAdjust b. AutoAdjust

c. AutoSize d. SizeMode
a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ao "t
I Roll No. ................ :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 la a a a a aa a a aaaaaaa a aa t a

Paper: Computer -lV

Gource Gode: COMP-203 I CMP-22316 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:50

Answer the following short questions. Each qusstion celries equal

marks. (2 x t0) 20

1. What is compiling?
z. Differentiate between project and solution?
3. What are tlnee steps for crcating VB application?
4. Differentiate between Text property and Name Property?
s. What is an identifier?
6. What are multidimensional Arrays?

7, What is relational exPression??

B, How does an axray differ from simple variable?
e. What is Modality?
10. How does a checkbox differ from Radio Button?

Answer following Long Questions. (10 x 3) 30

l. Write a program that wilt prompt the user to enter values in an array and display the

minimum and maximum values. l0

Explain Looping Structures in detail. 10


3. write a program that inputs an integer and displays the sum of its digits. (for example if the user

enters 851, it display 14 ).

a aa o I oa oaaa t le' l" ot'a
3 Roll No. ...........'."' :
B,S. 4 Years Program I Fourth Semester - 2019 taaaaaaaaaaa"o""tt'

Paper: Cost Accounting

Cource Code: COMM-207 / COM-22361 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

(5r'4 = 20)
Q # 2 Givcshort anawcrs of tho folhtugquestions:

I. Briefly e>rplain Direct & Indirect Labor witb e:<ample'

n. EelainHistorilnl Cost
uI. Explain cach itcm of thc formulaof EOQ
IV. Ciit S oomplcs of Factory Ov€ftesds.
v. Pass ttreJournat enties whcn thc Ooods are rsturnsd from custom€r.

O # 3 Following ir tLc informrfron of Amnere Pepr Millcl

Purchase ofMaterial forthe year Rs,5,mr000

Purctrse rehm& Rs. 16,000
Dirtctl*bor Rs.2,30,000
Factoryoverhcad Rs. 75% oflabor cost
Fini*ed Croods inventary decreasedby Rs.28,000
Work in process invcntory incrcasod by Rs.24,000
Opcning Malsial Rs 50,m0
ClosingMalerial Rs.30,000

Bgggl$Costof goo& nenufacturcd rnd sold strtement.

e # 4 Noor Compnics Limited purctrasc a certain irem of nw matcrial in lots of 4,$00 tmiu whicb is
Rs.40,$, Ordering cost is Rs. 75.00 per order and carrying cost is 2Po'
month supply. The mst per unit is

Reouired: How uueh thecompuy 38n ttvG by usingDOQ.

201E rc as follows:
e il S Muction snd cost data of ln department of Nazir Sons Ltd. For the month of July
Iumaining rmits wers i1-grocys
Uuits started werc 5000, tansfcrred to noc acpartment were 4500 units,
esrimdcd to be T0%, 66yo and Sflo complcicd aito uaalat, kbor od rOH respcctivcly.
costs of Material' esdFO*I $'erc Rs. 2,5O,000; Rs 50'000 ad Rs. 198,000 rcepuivcly'

Begtlg14li Cust of productioa rcport for thc month ofJuly.

'. Roll No. in Fig. ...,......
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 No. in Words.
Paper: Gost Accounting
Gouse Code: COMM-207/COM-22361 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: {5 Min. Marks: l0
PT THIS '. Signature of SuPdt':
Division of miiks is siven in front of each q$estion.

* ({0x{=10}
e.t. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed'
\- 1. Avcra& csrcumFi$ x ErncrSpmcy tirrc is a brnula for thc catcuhtim of;
a. Duugrlcvel
b. RPoderlevel
c. ModmrrmconsrmPdott
2. EOQstandfofl
a' Economic0rd€rQuantitY
b. EconomieffisrQualky
c. Estinatsd0rdGringQn[tY
d. None ofrhese
3. DirectMaarial is a
a. Variablqcost
b. Sixcdso*
.c. Scmi vadable cost
d. Noncof&esc
4 'Worter is paid Bs. 0.50 pcr rmit aod hc prodttccs lS ruiu in ? hffIrs. Keepiug in vicw thc piocc rate
qnrirm, thltotal wngcs of thc wo*ff would bc:
a Rs.9
b. Rs"l26
c, Rs" 3.5
d. Rs.'63
5. If cost of opening fuidtcd goods Rs. 2,000; Cost of gmds to Q fodrrced Xs 6,000 and Opcrating
orryes56s Xi. t{6, whidr oftb follor+ing i* ttr 6t of gCIod$ availabtc frr tds?
a Rs.8,000
b. Rs.4,000
c. Rs.7,000
d. Rs.9,000
6. Fixcdcostis:
a" Variablc
b. Constant
- c. Scmi.rad*lc
d. Notrcofthcsc
?. Which ofttrc folhwing ststrmcnt ie TBUE abouthi!ffiic$l *o$t?
a. It ie always relcvantlo dei*ionmaking
b. It is always inelevmt io decisim m*ing
c. Itiselwt$anopportudty cost
d. It iE olwaYs reatizablc valrr
f,. Ivlcnick Difrcrcnrial piece Ratc pl*11 b6scd on -ffi-4_* piece r*es.
a. Trvo
b" ltrcc
c. Four
d. Fivc
9. Costof production tryort is also known as:
8. Iobo:der cost
b. Pdcbsrcostlhet
c. Balurce sheet
d" lvlatcrial requirition shcct
10. Avcrage cost ie al$o known as:
a. Voriable cost
b. Unitcort
c. Totd cost
d. Fixedcost
aaoaaaaa a ra t a aolaa ta la

& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019

Paper: Griminology
3 Roll No................. :
talloo a aaaaaaaaaaaaa aa

Cource Code: CRIM-21{ , GEN-22{37 Part- ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q2. Give short ansu'er to the following u'ith suitabk'esaniples (5X{)s 20 Marlo
l. Corporate crinre
l. Professional crirninal-s
3. Crime as sociul problenr
4. Probation

Allentpl Artl' Trvo qilelitiot$ from the follotping questio,ts. (2X15)= 30 Markr

Q3. What do you understand by crime arrd criminalitl,'l Describe lhc elcrnsrrts tll'crittrr llttl
explain tlre clraracteristics of crinrinal lau.

Q,4 \\'har is the rnajor tbcus of socio-ps1'chological theories of crinrinalitl'? Htlrv clues
'Ditltrential Association 1'heor1." attenlpt to explain crinrinal behavior iu socio-psycliulogiuul
perspecti ve? El aborate.

Q5. Whot isthe impofiance of detection ol'crime incrimirral justice systerr',) Brietll'explain tlre
techniques and problcrns of crinte detection.
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 \,.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Griminology
Course Code: CRIM-211 / GEN-22137 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.

'. Signature of SuPdt.:

Division of marks is siven in front of each question.
This Paper will be cotlected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not atlowed. (10x1=10)

i). Crinre is a behavior that is coveled by

a). larvs
b). statutris
c). nrores
d), a&b

ii). The larv that is concerned with acts. mental states, and accompanying circunrstanccs or
consequences wlrich constitutes llecessary featur'es of various crinrcs is called

a). crinrinal larv

h1. procedural lau,'
c). substantive law
d). none
iii). Presence of guilty n:ind in any conduct relbrs to

a). delianse
h). nrens rca
c). a&b
d;. r,iolation of fblkways
iv). Criminal laws are enacted, moditied. and repealed by

a). public
b). police
ci. legislativc bodies
d), nclne
r'). Crime of serious naltuc and are prnishable [r1,death or incarceration for a ]'ears or nrore irr ir
state prison are known as

a). misdenreanors
b). torts
c). l'elonies
vi). Cesare Beccaria is kno*'r: a-s

a). lather of scientitic criminologl' ;-

b). prominent figure of classical school
c;. controltheorist
d ).rnodern crimi nologist
vii). When ue punish nralefactor A bf imprisonment. rve wish to $'arn A l'rom corrrnittilig
t'unhsr ofhnses, Such tlcl,e n'r"'Ilct is knou n us

o ). general detcrrcnce
b1. specific deterrencc
c). retribution
d). a&c
viii)..Ditferendal association rheorl' of crinte \\'as presented b1,

a). l.onrrtlstr
h). Sutherland
c;. l{eckless
d). Albert Cohen
ix). The main focus of Chicago school olcriminologl'n'as Io understand

al. street crinrinals

h). social disorganiz.ation
ct. police pruhlc'nrs
d). organized crinre
xl. -------identitied thrcc t1'pes of biologictldelinquents described as ectonrorph. endomrrrpir;rrrcl y

a). Sheldon
h). tsonger
c). Hooton
cl1. None
B.s. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester -2019 'r.Rott No. in words.
Paper: Citizenship Education (Human Rights) \
Course Gode: HR-213 t cEN-22127 Parl- I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Mln. Marks: 10 '.
Signature of Supdt.:
_ Qiyision of marks is siven in frpnt oJ.eachquestion.
above. ..
This Paoerwill be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned

Question # 1: (5x2=10)
(a) Answer the following questions
i. Mention any two women rights.

ii. Mention the core international instruments for protection of women rights.

iii. 'Mention fundament rights of children.

iv. Mention the core international instruments for protection of children rights.

v. When UDHR has been approved UNO.

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB ..............."'O...
B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2o1g i.T:T.r:::;:'j:':;;;;:. !
Paper: Cltizenship Education (Human Rights)
Gourse Code: HR-213 I GEN-22127 Part - ll Time:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:50


Question # 2: Short Questions. (4x5=20)

i. Mention and explain four fundamental rights.
ii. Explain any one principle of human rights.
iii. Argue briefly supporting to UDHR.
iv, Explain "Universality of Human Rights".

Question # 3: Long Questions. (2x15=30)

i. Discuss in detailthe state of Human Rights in South Asia.

ii. Describe and discuss Human Rights as concept and claim in current era.
uNlvERslTY oF THE PUNJAB '\Rorr No. rn Fi9...........
B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 'r.Rou No. in words.
Paper: Classroom Management
- I (Compulsory)
Course Code: EDU-204 Part Time: t5 Min. Marks: {0 '.
signature of Supdt.:
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentiongd above. '.

! - Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overurriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

r. Which of thc following featurcs rbout ctsiirooms werc ldentifted by Iloylc (2006)?
a) Classrooms have histories and events are often unpredictablc
b) They are multidimensional and public spaces
c) Activities occur at the same time and things happen guickly
d) All of these
2. lVho rosortrmended that effective classroom design should reduce congestion, cnsure
that teachero ean see all students, cnsure that materials rre accessible rnd rllow
students to easily obscrve teachtng?
, a) Barbetta, Norona and Bicard (2005)
b) Shin and Koh (2007)
c) Evertson, Emmer and Worsha (2006)
d) Hening and Wahler (2003)

3. Which of the following definitions is consistent with movoment management?

a) Encouraging all students in a variety of challenging activities rather than focusing on one
or two pupils
b) Being aware of everything that is going on in the classroom
c) Having the ability to supervise several activities at once
d) Maintaining smoothness and continuity in lessons
4. Which of the following statementc reflecb a contlngency contrect prognmme?
a) The teacher draws up a contract with each student describing what they must do in order
- to earn certain privileges
b) Tokens are used as incentives during everyday elassroom activities
c) Measures are put into place to stop any negative reinforcernent within thp classroom
d) None of thcsc
5, Kohn (1993) prcsentetl which of the followlng argumtnts?
a) Improving classroom conduct does not ensune aeademic leaming
b) Behavioural approaches are techniques for controlling pupils, doing things fo them rather
than wr'Ilr them
c) Rewards may decrease intrinsic rnotivation for interesting activities
d) Rewarding pupits may decrease interest in lEaming for its own sake

6, How many characteristicy did Kounin (1970) identify ln his work discussing
effective teachens and the ability to prevent pnoblems?
a)3 b)4 c)6 dl8
7, Santrock and Halonen (2006) emphasised the irnpodance of which of the following
in classroom managemcnt?
a) Using grammar correctly b) Effectira lisening

c) Speaking at an appropriate pace d) Using vocabulary ttrat matched the level of the

8. Wbich of ths following statementr rcflectr a contingency contrrct programme?

, a) The tcacher draws up a contract with each student describing what they must do in order to
. eam certain privileges

b) Tokens are used as ineentives during everyday classroom sctivities

c) Measures are put into place to stop any negative reinforcement within the classroom

d) None of these

9. lVhtch of the following points is one of the three reruons for effective clrssroom

a) It allows pupils to manage their own leaming

b) It permits increased learning time

c) It allows pupils to rnanage their own learning
d) It permits greater atlocation of workloads to teaching assistants

10. t#ho rccommended that cffective clessroom design should reduce congutionr ensure
that teachens can soe all studente, ensure thst materialr rre aceeg*ible and allow
students to easily obscrryc teaching?
a) Barbetta" Norona and Bicard (2005) b) Shin and Koh (200?)
c) Evertson, Ernmer and Worsha (2006) d) Herring and Wahler (2003)
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aoaaaaaaaaaaoataaaaat
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -ZO1g !ao Roll No. ................ :
Paper: Classroom Management
Cource Code: EDU-204 part - il
Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q#2; Explain thc short guestions (5*4= 20)

l. Write down the elements of'tlassroorn ma$agement" in the context of elemenary


2. Define classroom organization?

3. Enlist resources for learning?
4. What are the physical facilities to enhance the leaming envimnment?
5. What is record keeping system in classroom?

Q#3: Eesay type Question (3*1F30)

l. Describe in details about the design of effective learning. including classroom

---Eiivironment, leating rlrrangement, facilities ets, explain with examples?

2. Explain the strategies for managing potential disciplinary issues in classroom before they
become problems ?

3. How to maximize student success and minimize behavioyal problems in classroom?

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2A19
a a a a a a a a aa a a aa aaa a a a aa

:t ..a..oaa..aaaaaaaaa!
Roll No. ................ i
Paper: Computer Science-ll
Coutse Gode: COMP-212 I lT-22335 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2. Write short answers ofthe following Questions:

t. Discuss with example the following terms in Cr+: 6
a) for (b) white (c) void fiainfl
I l. Write C* program which reads in a number from the user and
calculates its cube. 4

I ll. Write C++ program code segment for the followingr t0

(a) To sort the dam in the aray in ascending order.
(b) To read l0 numbers frorn userand print sum of,thtm.
(c) To read and print values in reversc order in a linear affay._-
(d) To read and print a matrix A (3x3) and print elements of 2*
(e ) To print out maximum of 2"d column of matrix A of pan (d)

Write synta-x for a -tinear anay in C++? What is advannage of

Q,3. writing array lor variables? 3+7

Write C* program which generates ten random numbers in the

range of I to 10. Store numbers in an anay and then so$ the array
elements in an ascending ordcr. Execurc the program iteratively and
rtad 0 to stop it. Print propcr output and input messages if any.

Q.4. l0
Suppose A, B, C, D and E are matrices (3x3). Write C* program
which reads in enries of A and B and prints out the entries of: i)

c=A+B and (ii) o =8A-0.84. (iii) g

=W, (where

C'is ranspose of C).

Q.5. 5+5
Write syntax ol user dsfined function in C+r? What is advantage of
user defined funstion? Write program to implement factorial

Write C++ pregrarn !o Siln grldgs to smden$ on ths basis of toal

marks using switch slatlrae$t. Ask user to €ntsr ssere of subject:
Assign A* for 90-t0CI A for 80-89. B for 7A-79, C for 60-69, and
Fail lor <60
lmplement above program for 30 students of the class. Also
calculate average marks for the class.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB '',Rorr No. in Fi9...........
B.S. 4 Years Program I Fourth Semester - 2019 No. tn Words.

::lx"?"#:136il8i1";',llr-rrr$ parr- r(Gompursory) rime: {5 Min. Marks: r0"..""""

ATTEMPT THls PAPER oN THIS QUESTION SHEET ONLY. ":;i;;;il'" "i'irpat., t
This Paper will be collected back after expiru of time limit mentioned above. '.r,

L- Q.1. Encircle the rlght answer cutting and ovenrriting is not allowed. (,l0x1={0)

i. To pick the odd out in C++ in the following:

(a) int (b) float (s) void (d) doubls
ii. Which of the following is used to print data of 5th row 5u column in a matrix r?
(a) cout<<a[5.5] (b) cout<<at4]t4l (e) cout<<a[6,6J (d) cout<<a(4X4)
iii. Which one is true for value of x if x = l+r:andgo/ol0i then x will be in the range of?
(a) 0 to 99 (b) I to 100 (c) 0 to g
(d) I to l0
iv. What is output for the statements: for (int i =0; i<=5; i= i+2)
(a)024 (b)0246 (c)a245 (d) 0 t234s
v. How many total elements are there for matrix k such that: int k[5][a];

oi. rrrglJ:ffi rJ?,:nl?i?#Lllent.,x = = 2*x - 4*y,'which resurt is rue

(a) 0 (b) a8 (c) true (d) none
vii. Which type is best suited to r€prcsent the integer values?
(a) int (b) double (c) float (d) allof the menrioned

viii. The output of program

void mainO t
int a[3][3J={ {6,7,8},{3,9,10 }, t I 1.22,33 } };
cout<<a[2][ ];
getch0; l

- ,0,, (c) 3 (d) e (e) 3r
ix if a = 5 for $= s+t.i and c = **ii then which of the following is correct:
(a) a,bandcareallequal (b) aandbareequal (c) aandcareequal (d)none
x. Pick the odd one out in C++:
(a) int, char, void (b) for, whi,le (c) switch, while (d) none
'r RollNo. in Fig' ..........
& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
Paper: Data Structure and Algorithm
'.RollNo. in Words.

Cource Gode: lT-207 I lT-22408 Part - I (Compulsory) Time:15 Min.

'. Signature of SuPdt.:
Division of marks is qiven in front of each question.
This Paper will be cotleciid back after expiru of time limit mentioned above.

Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

I. What is the worst case time complerity of liner search algcithm?

a) o(l)
b) o(n)
c) O(log n)

d) o(n1

2. After each iteration in bubble sort

a) rt least one clenrnt is at it* sortcd pcition.
b) one less comparison is nudc in rte nBxt irra$on.
c) BothA&B rrctnn.
d) Ncithcr A or B are truc.
3. Heap isrnexampleof
a) cornplete binary trcc
b) spanning trce
c) sparscfte
d) binary ssarch trce

4. What is thc tirp complexity for insertirqldrtcting st tte bcgiruring of ttrc anay?
d) O(nlogrr)

5. Visiting root node aftcr visiting lsft atd right sub-trccs is colled

a) In-ordcrTnversal

b) Pre-orderTrrversal

c) Poot-orderTraveral

6. What is the tirue complexity b count t& numbsr of chments in the linked list?
b) o(n)
c) O(togn)
d) None of ths rnntianed p.T.O.
7. Yfhatdoes'Sack underflow' referto?
a) accessing itcm from ur undcfined sack
b) adding itcms to a full stack
c) removing items frorn an cmpp staclt
d) irdex outof botmds cxccptior
8. Hcapcanbcuscdas
a)Priority ryem
b) Stack
c) A decrcrsing ordcr arraY
d) None of the nrentiored
9. Which of ttp follorving concepu mal(e excnsive llsc of enays?
a) Binary trccs
b) Scheduling of Processcs
c) Caching
d) Spatial loeality
10. The Blg O of bubble sort i5:
a) o{n}
b) O (log n)
c) O(n:)
' dl Noneofthese

& B.S. 4 Years Program

Paper: Data Structure and Algorithm
/ Fourth Semester -2019 itaaaRollaaNo.aaaaoaaaaao
a a
................ :
o! a

Course Gode: ,T-207 I lT-22408 Part- ll Time:2 Hns.45 Min. Marks:50

Ouec{on*2.ShortQueetlonr: . - ., ,, f4x5:20ma4pl
al what are the tlme comFlexities of each of the follo$ring code cegmenB? Wrhe tDur answerc in
i-. ..
Blg Oh notation only.

tror(l.nt i s 1i 1 .(- n, ,.++)

for(int J - 0; J (- 10000; j++)
b) Apply the Qulck rort algorlthm on thls array and show the contents after g[g-ElB!ig!
rhis array once|. Use the first number th€
12 2 l5 lr|, 2B t 5 {8 6 0

cl Write down the p6t-fix forms of the fotlowing infix expresslcns {keeping ln mlnd the op€rator
precedence rules of C++):
d) Write brlef answers to the followlnE two questiont:
o l{ame one advantage of a llnked llst over an array.
o Name one advantage of an array over a linkad list.
Questlon # 3. Lonq Gluetttons . ,, J2 x {5 --30 marftel
al Given the following declaration of a Orcular.Doubly-Unksd.U* (wlth a dummy heeder node| which
stores integers in unsorted order:
{ frirnd clul CD&iakrdllrt;
I}riv.t.: prlvrt :

irlt drtr; DHod. lrmdi

DNo&r tl.xt, publia!
DNod.r !,Rsy; void inrrtAtDnd (int vall t
); l;
Y vold inrrtltEnd(int Trl,
CDlinkcdLisr class. This firnction inscrB'Vtf" at the cnd of thc tinled list. Th€ tinr courBlexity of this
function should bc constant i.s. O(1).

bt Write a rccurJve C++ function to count all occurrences of e gfucn number t3 in a given array of
integers. The prototype ofytur function shouH ba:
Lnt eount (trat* :rr, int rtaat, trtrt .nd, int Ic)
tntheaboveprototype,rrrirthearray,!t ttandrndarestartintrndendlnglndicesofthearraY,
and k is the number whose occurrences are to be counted.
For example, if the array rrr contaiffi th6e 10 ktttte6 i2rl,?,5,7,?nQ,7,8rQ and we call
count(lrrrOrgr?) thenthisfunctlonshouldretum4(becau:ethenumberToccurc4tlm€sin
the above array).

Note: Do NOT change thcftnction protatype. Do NOT usc qry globaAstaic vafiabl*. 77td
lmplementarion musr. * rciursive. No Markslor itaratlve implamcntation
PUNJAB No' in Fi9"""""'
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '..Ro[ No. in Words.
Paper: English-lV (Business \
Gource CoOe: ENG-222, ENG-22105 Part- I (Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '..""""
\ \.............
Division of marks is oiven in front of each question. ..
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above' \\\\\

^,- Q.l.
Encircle the right answer cufting and overwriting is not allowed. ({0x1=10}

t, Aversion
a) Agile b! artistic cl enemv d ) dislike
2, Vista
al view bl vegetation cl stream d ) creek
3, defamation
al information b) criticire c) twlsted d ) mannerism

4" Venal
a) honest b) miser c) greedy d) tearful
5, Elegiac
a) happiness bl blasphemy c)
detain d) sorrow
6. lndigent
a! poor b! rnediocrity c) affluence d) intention
7. Offensive

8 Amulet
a) Ominous bl luck c! pray d! supplication
9. Alacrity

al lazy bl letharyy cl Gurrent d) readine$s

10. Aver

aI deny bl communicate c! build dl affirm

UNTVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB .........".t........O
& B.S.4Yeans Program / Fourth Semester -Zilg
Paper: English-lV (Business Communication.ll
Course Code: ENG-222/ ENG-22105 Part- tl Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:50


Part-l Short Questions

''j! Q,, Give short amwer to the following: {4x5=20}

I' Briefly explain the Indlvidualcultural variable; Chronernics

ii. Discuss ethics as an organhationalresponslbility.
lii. Understandingthe lnternet is increaslngf becomlng lmportant. What do you have to
iv. Define and briefly corwentlons ln writing Subject [lne,

ii. Part-ll SubJective QueEtions (t5x2=30)

Q 3. As head of your unit the HB of your sompany has asked you to write an analytical report on
promotion of deputy manager who worked under you, Give an analysis of the that indlvidual's
performance. (1Sl

Q 4. You were interuiewed by a national company on your colle6e campus, At lhe end of the
interview you were informed that you would sogn receive communlcation ln elther case. One month
has passed since and you have recelved no response. Write a follow-up letter requesting the
concerned personnel to inform you of the decision, (1S)
UNIVERSITY OF THE ......t.!..,..........
B.S.4Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 i.ifl.T?.;:;;:;;;;:.i
Paper: Ethical lssues in Psychology (Revised)
Cource Gode: APSY-242 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2. Short Answers (5x4=20)

1. What do you know about the conflict between ethics and, organizationaldemand?
2. Name all five ethical principles mention in APA code of conduct. Define one of them.
3. What are the conditions of breaching confidentiality?
4. How psychologists can maintain their competence?
5. What are the ethical issues regarding sexual harassment?

Q.3. Essay Type (3x10=30)

, 1. Explain the principle of fidelity and responsibility.

2. "How ethical issues are resolved?

3. Write a detailed note on the historical development of Code of Ethics of American

Psycholog ical Association.
No. in Fi9...........
B.S. 4 Yeans Program / Fourth Semester -2019 '..Rolt No. in Words.
Paper: Ethical lssues in Psychology(Revised) r
Course Code: APSY-242 Fart - ! [Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marke: {0 ''..""""
ATTEMPT THIS PAPER O}..1 T{S.AUESflOfl SHEET ONLY. '.sisnature of supdt.:
Divis.ion of marks is Eiven in front of eachquestiolL ..
above. '..
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned

-1.- Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

1. The aim(s) of ethical codes by which psychological researchers operate?

a. Protection of participants from distress.
b. Protection of the researcher from the harm.
c. Protection of organizations involved in research from legal consequences.
d. Allthe above.
2. The number of general principles in APA Code of Conduct.
a. Three b. Five
c. Seven d. Nine
3. You have been working with a couple in marital therapy for four months, with slow but
notable progress. After a session one day, the wife pulls you aside and asks to make
some individual appointments with you. You should:
a. Refer her to another therapist.
b. Wait until the completion of marital therapy and then see her individually.
c, Terminate with the couple and see the woman individually.
d. Encourage her to discuss any relevant issues within the context of marital
4. lnformed consent from a client:
a. Must always be in writing.
b. Must always be in writing and in the client's native language.
c. May be either verbal or in writing.
d. May be either verbal or in writing but must be documented.
5. The right of both the provider and consumer to make choices and act, provided that
''-.- the results do not affect others, is the ethical principle of:
a. Patience b. AutonomY
c. Beneficence d. Justice
6. Limits to confidentiality:
a. Need to discuss helping experiences with supervisor
b. lntent to harm self or others needs to be reported
c. Theft d. None of these
7. In which year APA for the very first time published ethical standards for psychologists?
a. 1952 b. 1953
c. 1954 d. 1955

8. When to protect human participants in research?
a. Data is collected without obtaining personal information.
b. lnformed consent is not required.
c. Behavior is observed in public domain.
d. More than minimal risk is present.
9. What does APA ethical guideline say regarding duplicate publication of the data?
a. Psychologists do not publish the data that has been published before in any
b. Psychologist may publish the data that has been published before with
permission and proper acknowledgement.
c. Psychologist may publish the data that has been previously published without
permission and acknowledgment.
d. Allthe above.
10. ldentify the term that refers to a post study interview in which all aspects of the study
are revealed, reasons for the use of deception are given, and the participants'
questions are answered?
a. Desensitizing b. Debriefing
c. Deploying d. DecePtion
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.t

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 ItaaRollNo. ................ :

aa a a a aa aa aaa a aaa a a!
Paper: Economics of Pakistan
Course Code: EGON-232 I ECO-22320 part - il Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2 Provlde rhort answatl$ of the following (lUlaxlmum ten sentences pBr
arcwsr) {Markc=20}

What are the main obiectives of Fiscal Policy? List at least five

lt. Vthat is sustainable Dsvslopment and Li$t any live rea$on$ for its

iii. What is Agenda 2030?

lv, What is World Bank and its Functions?

v. How Privete lnvestment can be attracted? Give any five


vt. What are three major sub-sectoni of sgrvices sector in Pakistan


vii. List two Roads, two Rall and two Energy proJects under CPEC,

viii. l#hat are the five main cauges of incrcaslng unemployment in


ix. List at least five problems of EducaUon $sctor in Pakistan.

How Pakistan can booet its axportr? Give any five suggestions.

Q.3 Anelrer the following briefly (maxlmum 20 to 30 sentences per

answer), (Marks: 30:10)

i) Discuss sallont fgatures of Budget 20{ 9.20.

ii) Why Kalabagh Dam is vital for Economic Stability of Pakistan.Pl


iii) ls Agriculture in Pakistan already over taxed? Give your

logical arguments for and against Agricultura lncome Tax,
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Economics of Pakistan
Gource Code: ECON-232 IECO-2232A Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '..""""'
Division of marks is given in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and oven rriting is not allowed. (10351=10)

i. As per Pakistan Economic Survey 2018-19, Vi. ln the year 201&19 the agriculture sec{or
GDP growth rate is: grew by
a) 3.29 percent a) 1.9 percent
b) 2.8 percent b) 1.5 percent
c) 3.21 percent c) 0.85 percent
d) 3,9 percent d) Noneoftheabove
ia. EFF stands for: Vii. Major tools of fiscal policy are:
a) Extended Finance Facility
b) Extended Fund Facility (a) Taxes and expenditure
c) Extended Food facility (b) consumption and invesfnent
dl Extended Foreign Funding (c) taxes and revenue
(d) consumption and exPenditure

lll, Agdculture lncome Tax is a vill. ln the Budget for the year 2019-20 target
a) Federal Tax of Revenue for FBR is
b) ProvincialTax a) PKR 5696 Billion
c) LocalGovernment Tax b) PKR 5555 Billion
d) None of the above c) PKR 4960 Billion
d) PKR 4870 Billion
lv. WPI stands for At Present GDP per capita at currant
a) Wholesale Price lndex prices in Pakistan is
b) World population lndex a) $1,641
c) Water pilcing lnstitute b) $1,649
d) Wealth per lndivldual c) $1,357
d) $1,096
v. The t2th Five Year Plan period is ln terms of population. ranking of Pakistan
a)2018-2023 in the world is,
b) ?:a1.9-2024 a) fourth
c) 2020-2023 b) fifrh
d) 2021-2026 c) sixth
d) seventh
uNlvERSlry oF THE PUNJAB .."""""o"""".
B.S. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 i. I:l .*.1. .;.;:':;:'.: .l
Paper: English Language-lV
Course Code: EDE'1O6 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2. Ansrver the following short questions: (5x4=20 Marks)

L- --

i. How Liaquat Ali Khan introduce Pakistan to the Americans?

ii. \Lhy did the writer see when he came out after the nuclear blast?
iii. What did the rvriter observe in the conduct of the polite bus conductor?
iv. What is the sound state of mind? (Tolerance)
v. Can the modern cult of beauty be a success?

Q.3. Translate the following into English: (ts)

t : t q$ ol)* *b tfi ,# - * -l,uti + U lvu { J t : fuf

rv {,,a3 tl,tJ ry t ul, t L u v i Jt tt Lb'v

4 W, LV, v k ul Lu Ltq, / +t g L./$e- L s, r fi L v, t& Sv

-?f o0/ L$ it

t ; A g 6,# *,, I L 5,,* { a,,ki ou,il L u\,v 6 n 6u.t!ctt & tei,t t i -LLV
Q.4. Write a dialogue between two friends on the problems of "Illiteracy'in
Pakistan" (15)
'. Roll No. in Fig. ...'......
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 .\Roll No. in words.
Paper: English Language'lV
Course Code: EDE-{06 Part-l (Compuls-ory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10

Division of marks is siven in front of each question.
This Paper wiil bC collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

- Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1={0)

i. Whereas the Muslims were moflotheists, the Hindus were.

a) Antitheists b) Panthiests c) Polytheists d) Agnostheists
ii. Wfiat is death with life in the essay "Whi.tiling of Bird,s" !
a) Compati6le b) rvell-rnatchecl c) Incompatible d) Colourful
iii. When did the writer leave Nagasaki to return to his home in the country?
a) Augustg, 1945 b) August 11,1945 c) August 13, 1945 d) August 15.

iv. Why did the tailor measure the writer round the chest, nowhere else?
a) To befool hirn b) To flatter him c) To adjust meastrre d) To save time
v. A face can cost as much in upkeep as a. . .... (The Beauty Industry)
a) Lambozine b) Ferrari c) R"olls-Royce d) Mercedes

vi. Whar used to fascinate the alchEmists as Virginia Snake Root to the herbalists?
a) cold b) silver c) Mercury- d) sulphur

vii. The confinne d bachelor has the courage of his. .. i . .. Of convictions.

, ,J

a\ Love b) Lack c) Abundance d) Experience

viii. lf you don't like people,.. .. ....them as well as you can. Don't try to love them.
a) Keep arvay b)- pul off c) put up with d) Cherish

ix, There isno lawthat..--,.,..ustosay'please'.

a) Condemns b) Stops c) Compels d) Forbids

x, We are build to make mistakes....!*......

a) Error free b) Avoid error c) Comect error d) Coded for error
oa a aa a aaa a a a l a lao a a ala
3 Roll No. ................ :
B.S. 4 Years Program I Fourth SemesGr - 2019 trroolaaaaaaaaoa aa aa

Paper: English-lV (Advance Academic Reading and Wrlting)

Course Code: ENG-204 I ENG-22103 Part - ll Time:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q. 2, Write short answeru to following questions. (4x5=20 Marks!

i. Write the difference between Strawman's Technique and Concession Technique'

ii. Define Report.
iii. How would you identify the faulty reading habits?
iv. Explain the difference between summary and analysis,

Q. 3. Write brief answers to the following. {3x10=30 Marks}

i. Elaborate the basic principles of Report Writing.

ii. How would you explain Academic Reading and Writing?
iii. write an essay of about 300 words on oNE of the following topics;
The Role of Women in SocietY
An Act of Heroisrn or Cowardice
'. RollNo. in Fig........,'.
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Engtish-lV (Advance Academic Reading and Writing) \
Course Code: ENG-204 / ENG-22{03 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: {5 Min. Marks: 10 '.
\ rr..r,....r..

Signature of SuPdt.:
Division of marks is given in front of each question. "
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

i. The preci$e, semi-formal impersonal and objective writing is:

a. Technique
b. Process
ii, Reading is a complex cognitive process of- symbols"
c. Coding
iii. The combination of two or more entities together to form something new is:
a. Analysis
" b. Comprehension
c. Synthesis
iv. A method, that communication researchers use to describe and interpret the written message is
a. Textual
b. Verbal
c. Oral
v. A systemic process to enhance the reading speed is:
a, SQ3R
b. SQ4R
vi. ln an academic term, a substantial research paper written bY a student is called:
a. Thesis
b. Term paper
c. Examination PaPer
vii. Making judgments about the value of ideas or materials for a given purpose in a text is called:
a. Comparison
b. Evaluation
c. lnformation
viii. Writing to readers who know little or nothing about the writer has to take an stance:
a. lnquisitive
b. lnformative -
c. Assertive
ix. Academic writing is writing done by scholars for:
a- Readers
b. Writers
c. Scholars
x, A stery designed to illustrate or teach truth, religious prlnciples or moral lessons is;
a. Short story
b. Parable
c. Essay
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 20{9 'rRollNo. in Words.
Paper: English-lV (Advance Academic Reading and Writing)
Gourse Code: ENG-204, ENG-22103 Part-t (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '. """"
IS PAPER ':Sis;;i;;;ii6upat.'
Division of marks is qiven in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.
- '' - Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

i. The precise, semi-formal impersonal and objective writing is:

a. Technique
b. Process
c. Academic
Reading is a complex cognitive process of- symbols.
a. Encoding
b. Decoding
c. Coding
ilt. The combination of two or more entities together to form something new is:
a. Analysis
, b. Comprehension
c. Synthesis
iv. A method, that communication researchers use to dercribe and interpret the written messa6e is
a, Textual
b. Verbal
c. Oral
v. A systemic process to enhance the reading speed is:
a, SQ3R
b. 5Q4R
c. SQ1R
vt. ln an academic term, a substantial research paper written by a student is called:
a. Thesis
b. Term paper
c. Examination Paper
vlt. Making judgments about the value of ideas or materials for a given purpose in a text is called:
a. Comparison
b. Evaluation
c. lnformation
vilt. Writing to readers who know little or nothing about the writer has to take an stancel
a. lnquisitive
b. lnformative
c. Astertive
Academic writing is writing done by scholars for:
a- Readers
b. Writers
c. Scholars
A stery designed tg illustrate or teach truth. religious principles or moral lessons is;
a. Short story
b. Parable
c. Essay
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB ...........".........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 i.1:l.l*:;:'j:':'j';:;:. !
Paper: English-lV (English for Practical Aims)
Counse Gode: ENG-212 I ENc-22104 Part - il Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q,2. Explaln briefly the format of e CV? ( 10 ma*s!

Q.3. Write a follsrr- up letter after for a job lnteryieur you appeared in recently? ( t0 marksl


Q.4 Write an e$say on any one of the followlng topics: { 10 rnarksl

Bole of Social Media

Effectr of Pollution

lnternet lnlluence on Kide

Q.5. Write a cover letter in response to the following advertisemenu (to markr|

Tourlst Guidewlth 5 year work experience.

tVlu;t be aware of the areas.

Social and pleasant personality.

6ood Communication skills.

Q.6,What are the different ltages of an intervlen? ( l0 marksf

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB 'r Roll No. in Fig. ..........
8.S.4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester -2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Errgtish-lV (English for practical Aims)
Course Code: ENG-212 / ENG-22104 part _ I (Gompulsory)
Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 'r
'. Signature of Supdt.:

'r-Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovetwriting is not ailowed. (1Oxi=10)
a) f.ontrovercy
f) cut back on
e Debate o dacruasg
r Unanimous decision r lncreate
r Agreement r addltion
r Talk r dlvlslon

g| cry out
b) brevity
. to weep
. Explanation . toscream
e Detail r ln gr€atnsed of
c LenE[hy r tg call tonreone
r brief
h! lament
c) contamlnatcd
o doleful
e pUIG . Ioy
o impure . mlrth
o oridnal . negrBt
r real i, redress

d| Amhlguity r exculpate
I mlstirkc
r- o simple r sln
r clear r rrlrne
I sornplex
r il Disgusting

el Appalt
r dlsllke
e deflle
r to flll wlth hsnor r admlre
e surprised r llke
r amazed
r shocked
ffi B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
Paper: Financial Accou nting (Advanced)
\rRoll No. in Words.

Gourse Code: BBA-205, BUS-22352 Part - l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.

This PaPer ned above. '..


\ Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

l. A general ledger account that summadzes the content of a specific subsidiary ledger, is
called as:

a. contfa account b. subsidiary account c. conttolling tccount d. joint account

, tefers to the repeating sequeace of ttansactions by which a business

generates its tevenue and cash receipts ftom custofire$.

a. accounting cycle b. operating cycle

c, pro6t cycle d. saies cycle

3, The syatematic allocation of the cost of a tangible asset to expense during the pedod of its
useful life, is called:

a. deprecietioo b. amortization c. depletion d. shrinkage

4. is an obligatioa to delivet gCIods ot rendet services ia the future,

stemming from the teceipt of advance payment.

a. ptepaid expense b. accrued expense c. accrued tevenue d. uneamed tevenue

5. Which of tlre following statements is produced to determine financial position of the


a. Statement of owner's equitl b. Statement of financial posidon

c. Statcrncnt of cash florvs d. Income statemefit

6. Planniag, conuolling, and accountiflg for cash transactions and cash halances, is called:
a. bank reconciliation b. cash book c. cash cvcle d. cash managemefll

7. Cash and assets convertible directly into known amounts of cash, are known as:

a. plant assets b. Enancial assets c. tangible assets d, intangibie assets

8. is a method of vatuiag alt units in inventory at the same avefage pet-uuit
cost, which is recomputed after every purchase.

a. avereg€-cost b. last-in, first-out method
c. ,p"ciic identification d. Stst-in, fitst-out method

9. Joumal entries made at the end of the pedod for the purpose of closing tempotary
accounts and transferting balaocee to the Retained Eamings account' ate called:

a. closing enuies b. aolusting enuies

c. tectifying entries d. teverse entries

10. is a genemlly accepted accounthg ptinciple that detetmines whel

expeflses should be tecotded in the accountiag tecotds.

a. materialiq' principle b. realization principle

c. cost pdnciple d. matching ptincrple
I Roll No. ...............'. :
& B.S. 4 Years Program
Paper: Financial Accounting (Advanced)
/ Fourth Semester'2019 taaaaaaaaaaaaa""'t"

Min. Marks: 50
Course Gode: BBA-205 , BUS'22352 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45

Q2. Give short answe$. (10x2=20)

I pC]I)?

Whatis me,rnt by Lourct-of-cost-or-narket

IL De6aelntangiblcAsscts.
III. DefioeReeidual\ralue.
fV. What is Net reelizable value?
V. Defioe Markable eecuritics.
VI. Whatir meaotbyAgiag&c occouute teccivabh?
VII. DefineStraQht-line&precietion,
VfiL De6ae Ba.k tecorciliation.
I)L DefioeAmortization.
X. Defme Pedodic inventoty Bystem.

Q5. Lampdno Appliance uses a Fe{petual inventory system. The followiag ere tluee tecenr
merchandising uansactions:

|trne 10 Pruchased 10 televisions from Mieu Industries on accourt. lnvoice price $300 per
uniq for a toal of $3,000. The tems of pruchase were 2/1O nl30'
|une 15 Sold one of these televisions for $450 cesh.
june 20 Peid the accouot payable to Mitsu lodustries $ithin the discount pedod.

Prcpare ioumal entdes to rccotd thcse tsneectioas assuming &at Lamprrino
^ tecords puchasee of mercheadiet at
1. Nct cost
2, Grcss invoice Ptice
b. Assume that Lamptino did fiot pay Mieu Industdes withi'. the discouat period
but instead paid the fuII invoice pdcc on Juty 10. Ptepare iournel enuics to
tecord this payment assuming that the origiaal liability had been recorded at:
L Net cost
2. Gtoss invoice price (10)

a4. The Audiophilc sells high-performarcG stereo equipment Massachusetts Acoustic recendy
iotroduced-the Cam%d440, a sate-of-dre-art spiater system. Dud'{I the currefit yea1, The
Audiophile p..rchaseJ nine of these speaLer syttems at the following dates and acguisition

Page { of3
Date Units Uoit Total
Pwchased Cost Cost

Oct. 1 2 $3,000 $6,000

Nor'. 17 3 3,200 9,600

Dec. I 4 3,250 13,000

Available for sale during the year $29,600

On Nor.embcr 27, The Audiophile sold four of these speaker systeros to the Boston
Syrnphony. Thc other five Camegie-440s remained at Decembet 31,

Assume that The Audiophile uses a pe{petual inventory system. Compute:
(1) the cost of goods sold re lating to the sale of Carnegie-440 speakets to the Boston
Symphony and
(2) the ending inventory of these speakers at December 31, using eaeh of &e
follo*'ing flow assumptions :

a, Average cost
b. First-in, first-out (fIfO)
c. Last-in, first-out (LIFO)

Show the number of units aad the unit costs of the cost layets comprising the cost of
goods sold and the ending inventory. (10)

Qs, hf,r-stic )vlastcts, Inc., prorides fotnrnctelling services over the internet. In rgcent ),ears the
compaflT has experienced ser.ere financial difficulty. Its accounfant prepares adfusting entries
on a monthlv basis, and closing enuies on an annual basis, at December 31. An adjusted trial
balance dated December 31, 2018, follorvsr

Page 2 oI3 :-

Adiustrd Trid Balance

Deccmber 310 2018

Debitg Crcdits

Cash $960

Accounts reccivable 300

Unexpired insurance 2,000

L--. Prepaid rent 1,500

Supplies 200

Futniture rnd Extutes 8,400

.\ccumulated depreciation: furnitwe aad fixturcs $5,200

.{ccouats payable 6,500

Notes payable 24,000

Salaries payable lJ00

lnterest palable 360

Unearned clieot revcnue 204

Capital stock 4,000

Retained eamings 2,600

Clieot rev€flue eersd 52,000

Insurance expeosc 6,000

Office reat expernse 9,000

Supplies er?ense 440

Salary erpeose 48,000

Deprccration expenser furnirure and fixtures 1,400

Office and telcphone expense ],000

hrtemet service expense 4,900

Legd expense 1,500

lnterest expense 4,000

Miscellaneous experse 5,000

$96,600 $96,600

a. Prepare an income $tatemeot afid statement of (etained earnings for the yeat
ended Dec. 31, 2018. Atso prepere the studio's balance shect dated Dec. 31,

b. Prepare the necessary cto$ing entrieo at Dec. 31r 2018.

c. Prepare an after-closing uial balance dated Dec. 31' 2018. (10)
Page 3 of 3
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........

& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019

Paper: lntroduction to Geography
\.Roll No, in Words.
Course Code: GEOG-2l1 , GEN-22115 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks:10 '..

ATTEM '. Signature of Supdt.

Division of marks is given in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.
t - Q.t. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

l. Which of the following is an irnportsnt branch of Physicnl Ceography?

a) Ceology b) Oceanography c) Sociology d) None of these

surface of the mrth.
a) Cartography b) Climatology c) Surveying d) Ceomorphology

3. Which of the following is a type of intrusive igneous rocks?

a) Lime stone b) Granite c) Diorite d)Onlyb&c

4. Which of thc following planet in our solar system hns TWO moons?

a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars d) Iupiter

5. The globc _
is divided into time zones.

a) 04 b) 12 c) 18 d) 24

6. SIAL snd SIMA layers are found in the

a) Lithosphere b) Mantle c) Outer Core d) lnner core

7. The atmospherie humidity is measured by

a) Anemometer b) Barometer c) Thermometer d) Hygrometer

a) Nitrogen b) Hydrogen c) Oxygen d) Argon

9. Whlch of the following is considcrcd to bc the smallcrt ocean In the world?

a) Pacific b) Atlantic c) lndian d) Arctic

10. Which ol the following is an ocean current?

a) Westerlies b) Culf stream ci Easterlies d) None of these

& B.S.4Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 i.1:1.1?.;:';;:;;:;:.:
Paper: lntroduction to Geography
Gource Gode: GEOG-211 / GEN-22115 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q2. Give shoft answerc to the follolving questions: (02 marks each)
l, Define Human GeographY?

2. Define map and enlist its various types.

3. Briefly explain the main branches of Ceography.
4. Differentiate between Map and Globe?
5. lffhat are the main characteristics of Geographic Coordinate System?
6. Enlist the different types of sedimenlary rocks and their sub types as well.
7. Differentiate bet\ryeen Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
8. What is Geological Time Scale?
9. What are the main elements of Weather and Climate?
10. What ue Ocean currents?

Q3. Attempt all qu€stions (10 marks each)

L Writo I detailed note on main themes of Geography

Z, Explain in detail about the internal struc'ture of the Earth surface.

3. Write a comprehensive note on the Rotational and Revolutionary movements of Earth and the
resulting phenomena.
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Gender Based Violence
Course Code: GS-208 Part- l(Compulsory) Time: 15 Mln. Marks: 10 'r

'. Signature of SuPdt.:


Q.i. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovelwriting is not allowed. (10x{=10}

i. When was Child Marriage and Child Marriage Restraint Act passed?
a) 192s b) 1e42 c) 1958

ii. Do forced marriages come under Gender Based Violence umbrella or not?
a) Yes b) No c)PartiallY

iii. What was introduced to alleviate the grievances against Hudood Ordinance?
a) Declaration of Human Rights
b) Women Protection Bill
c) Prevention of AntiWomen Practices
iv. Exchange and Resource is commonly used for theoretical explanation of:
a) Gender Based Violence
b) Domestic economic issues
c) Gender pay gap
v. Who is the current Minister for Human rights?
a) Murad Ras b) Dr. Shireen Mazari c) Mehdi Hasan
vi. Where is the head quarter of Amnesty lnternational located?
a) New York b) Washington D.C. c) London

vii. When was Aurat Foundation formed?

a) 1986 b) 1996 c) 1990
viii. The Declaration of Human Rights was adopted as a resolution by:
a) UN b) orc c) SAARC

-ix. Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act was passed in:
-s a) 2o1o b) 2017 c) 2009
x. Gender based Violence has a significant impact on psychological well-being of the
whole family.
a) True b) False c) Maybe
a a aa a aa a a a a ot aao a at a ta
!tl Roll No. ................ :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 la l o aa a o aa a a a ra a aa a t
Paper: Gender Based Violence
Cource Gode: GS-208 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2. Eac[Jrgsrtion carrier 5 m]deg (20]

-[. What are the main featurcs of ADti Womsn Pragticcs Act 2011?

12, Name a few notable national and intcmational organizutions working for GBV?

'3.Women Protcction Bill was a milestone for women emancipation movement in Pakistan?
Briefly agree or disagrs€ with valid poitrts'

4. tuc therc any psyohological effece on chil&cn who witncss GBV? If yes, how does it affect
them in long term?
Q.3. Each Ouestion CrfFieE 10 Flrks ---
,1. What is gender based violence, its different types and tlrc contributing factors? Explain in

A. What ars the thmretical explanations of gendc bascd violence? Sbsd light in rcgard to
social leaming theory, exchange and resoursc ttreory and feminist theorf

. \3. Which I'egislations havc becn infoduced in Pakistan rcgarding Gender Bascd Violcncc? Do
you think they have played any signilicant part in lessening this evil in our society?
'r Roll No. in Fig. ..........
& B.S. 4 Yearc Program
Paper: Gender and Population
/ Fourth Semester - 20{9 '.Roll No. in Words.

Gourse Code: GS-209 Part - l (GomPulsory) Time: 15 Min.

'. Signature of SuPdt.:


e.i. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenvriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

1. The movernent of people frorn one country to another is called

I Migration
. Rural to urban migration
. Internationalmigration
2. Infant Mortality Rate of Pakistan is
' . 6211000

. 50/1000
t 45/1000

3. All of the following are reasons for urbanization EXCEPT:

r Rent is more affordable in urban areas

I Urban areas have better healthcare and educational facilities
. There are more jobs available in urban areas

4. Pakistan Total Fertility Rate as per ?Afi Census is

r 3,4

r 5.5

r 6.3

5. Punjab Population as per 2Al7 Census

r 110,012,447
r 73,521,000
t 2O7,774,520
6. Punjab Poputation Policy approved in'. rr

t 2014
r 2010

t ZQL7

7. "Principle of Population" (17981 was written by ..,

r Karl Marx

r .Thomas Robert Malthus

! J.S. Mill

8. What is lnfertility??

r An inability to Conceive

r Ability to Conceive
r Potential reproductive capacity of a female

9. Followings are not Modern method of Family Planning..

r Standard Days Method

r lntra Uterine Devices

r lnjectable & Orals Pills

10. What are 5 essential nutrients your body needs.,.

1- z- 3-

4- 5- 6-
Roll No. ............."' :
& B.S. 4 Years Program
Paper: Gender and PoPulation
I Fourth Semester '2019
Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50
Course Code: GS-209 Part - ll

Question No 02: Define any TWO of following

briefly. Each item csrries 10 marks'

1. What do you know about Theories of Population growth?

2, Briefly explain the relation between population and sustainable development?

3. Explain role of public and private sector to accelerate Family Planning Programme'

questions in detall' Each question carrics

Qustiou No ffh Answer any THREE of followiug
l0 marla. (Mrrks: 30)
a, Describe Punjab Population Policy'
b. Describe reasons of high Infant mortality in Pakistan.

c. Writc a detail note or Post Natal Care'

d. What is Fe,ttility and its determinants?
'. Roll No.ln Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Gender and Health
Course Gode: GS-210 Part- I (Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '. """"
\ i.....r......

'. Signature of SuPdt.:

e.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed' (10x1=10)

i. A myth of nature
(a) ls the earliest type of religious story
(b) ls the latest type of religious story
(c) Has no religious stories
(d) ls theistic
ii. ln the myths of liberation, the primary goal of religion is
(a) To Perform rituals.
(b) To affirm the rhYthms of nature
i.i To eliminate desire and achieve liberation from rebirth.
(d) To rid oneself of sin.
iii. The National lnstitute of Health and Care Excellence definition of intertility
(a) Failure to conceive at a time of one's choosing
(b) Failure to conceive for a period of two years
to two
i;i Failure to conceive after frequent unprotected sexual intercourse for one

(d) f:il?L:"H,1l}[':ili?ffi:llLi3,.?,tJ:,H
sexuar intercourse ror ten vears
in couples in the reproductive age
The National lnstitute of Health and Care Exceltence definition of infertility
,'failure to conceive after frequent unprotected sexual intercourse for one to two
years in couples ln the reproductive age group". By this definition. infertility
afects approximately one in seven heteiosexual couples at some point during
their reproductive Iives.
iv. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990:
- (a) Aims to promote safe anO elhicat use of assisted reproductive technologies
(b) Was amended by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology of
Act 2008
infertility treatment and
(c) provides the legal framework for the regulation
(d) All of the oPtions are correct
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 provides th"and legal
framework for the regulation of intertility- treatment and research
intended to promote saie and ethical use of assisted reproductive
as the
The Act has been subject to piecemeal amendment by legislatiol^t^Th
Act 2003-and the
Human Fertilisation ,nA Embryology (Deceased Fathers)
Human Fertilisation and Emnrydloiy Authority (Disclosure Donor of
lnformation) Regulations 2004. A majoi review of t!" 1990 Act commenced
Act 2008 which
zo}4 and resutted in the Human Feriilisation and Embryology
serves mainly to amend the 1990 Act
v. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is:
(a) A way of creating designer babies
(b) Regulated by the common law
(c) Used for sex selection for social reasons
(d) A way of screening embryos to ascertain their genetic composition prior to
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is a technique to screen embryos to
ascertain their genetic makeup prior to implantation following in vitro
fertilisation. lt is used to screen embryos for inherited medical conditions that
could seriously affect the infant. lt can also be used to identify whether an
embryo has a sex related medical condition. lt cannot be used (lawfully) for sex
selection for family balancing.
vi. According to current UK recommendations, which of the following nutrient
supplements should a woman consume during pregnancy?
(a) Folic Acid and Vitamin D
(b) lron (c)
Vitamin A
vii. Which of these best describes the concept of hegemonic masculinity?
(a) The inherent promotion of feminine characteristics in society.
(b) Social dominance of men over women that results from the designation of
'masculine'characteristics as more valued than'feminine'characteristics.
(c) All of the above.
(d) The acknowledgement that gender identity exists in many forms and is not
viii. Maternal weight gain is usually monitored in pregnancy. Which of the following
statements is/are True?
(a) Research to define pattern and level of optimal weight gain is ongoing
(b) Both inadequate and excessive weight gain are associated with poorer
maternal and infant health outcomes \
(c) Excessive maternal weight gain in pregnancy has been linked to obesity in the v
(d) Allthe above
ix. Among the following statements which is not an object of gender Sensitization
(a) Promoting societal awareness to gender issues
(b) Review of curriculum and education materials to remove gender bias
(c) Remove of all derogatory, references to the dignity of women
(d) Removal of caste hierarchy from the society
x. ln Pakistan, the first Psychology department to offer a course of Gender Studies in
their programs was ....
(a) LUMS
(b) Beacon house National University
(c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah University
(d) Shaheed Benazir Bhufto City University
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 i.1:l.Y:;:'j','.;:':'j: . !
Paper: Gender and Health
Counse Gode: GS-210 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


,e- Q.2. Answers the short Questions. Each earry equal marks. (2x10=201

i. Write a note on the following

How Gender effects Health?
Women's health issues in the light of human rights

ii. Compared with men, the number of women living below the poverty line increased
between 1970 and 198O.Discuss the reasons behind lt.

Q.3. Answer the following questions Briefly. (2x15=30)

i. How gender differences effect health? specially in developing countries.

ii. What are the major challenges to developing countries while access to health care
and services?
!l.a Roll No. '.........'..... ':
B.S, 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 aa aaa
a aaaa"'oto'

Paper: Gender tssue in Psychology (Revised)'

Gourse code: APSY'243 Part ll - Time: 2 Hrs' 45 Min' Marks: 50

Part 2 (Answer shortly to the given Questions) (5 marks each)

l. Explaiu gender as a social category.
2. What are the sex differences in brain architecture?
3. What are contemporary gender issues in Pakistan? Discuss briefly.
4, Briefly explain cognitive theories of aggression'

Part 3 (Answer brielly to the given Questions) (10 mrrlu srch)

l. Explain in detail sexual harassment. Also, describe the characteristics of its perpetrators
and victims.
2,. Discuss in detail the theories of gender.

3. Write and detailed note on Women and [aw.

uNlvERslTy oF THE pUNJAB 'r Roil No. rn Frg. ..........
B.s. 4 Yeans Program / Fourth semester - zolg \r.Rott
No. in words.
Paper: Gender lssue in Psychology (Revised) '.,
GoUrce Code: APSY-Z3 Part - t (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.^""""
r r.r..........
Division of marks iq qiven in front of each question. \
This Paper w ned above. '..

- Q.{.
--A- -
Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

i. The traits, behaviors and interests that sociefy has assigned to the male gender role composed
the concept of within that society.

a) Male pow'er c) Femininity

b) Male dominance d) Masculinity

ii. Analysis of gender inequality in both public and private sphere of the family and intimate
relationships is called

. a) Gender Roles c) Gender Stereotype

- b) Sexual Politics d) Sexual Pauiarchy

iii. Labcl determined by biological sex that is apptied either to the self or other people is called

a) Gender identity c) Gender role

b) Gender schematic d) Cender Stereotype

iv. The tendency for a person to reproduce the actions, aftitudes and emotional responses
exhibited by real life or symbolic models is called

a) Modeting c) Social Schema

b) Conforming to stereotypes d) Gender Culture

A) MMPI c) Bem Sex Role Inventory
b) Personal Auribute questionnaire d) Gender Con{iguration Scale

vi. Ministry of Women DevelopmentPakistan was established as an independentministry in -
a)2004 c)2005
b) 2006 d) 20oe

vii, Females frequently considered having higher specialty in:

a) Spatial c) Mathematical
b) Language d) Cognitive

viii. According to Psychoanalytic approach, development of gender occur in stage

a) Oral c) Anal
. b) Phallic d) Genital -
ix. Under the Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Bill 201l, the perpetrator can be
sentenced up tomaximum imprisonment.

a) l0 years c) 12 Years
b) 14 years d) 16 Years

x. Hudood Ordinances wers enacted in

a) 1989 c) 1969
b) 1980 d) 1979
Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 \rRoll No. in Words.
Paper: GeneralScience . '
cil;;l-oi;t bEiirTeDU-1113s part - I (Gompulsory) rime: 15 Min. Marks:
".' \


This Paper irv of time limit mentioned above'

,,e.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not altowed. (f Oxf =f Ol

I. The total number of state of matter is

a)2 b)3 c)4 d)5

2. F=ma is the equation of

a) Irorce b) Acceleration c)Velocity d) None of these

3. A series of h1'pothesis supported by results of many tests is called

b) Hypothesis c) Theory d) Larv
b) Observation
4. The chromosome number became half in
a) Mitosis b) Meiosis c) ceil division d) cloning

5. The product ol'tbrce and displacement is

a) Wori< Porver
b) c) Friction d) All of These
'Ihe chloroplast is
6. Present in
a) Animal Cell b) Plant Cell c) Both a&b d) None of these

7. Stomach is the working unit of

a) Circulatory system b) Digestive System c) Ilxcretory system
d) Reproductive SYstem

8. The chernical formula of caustic soda is

a) NazCOr b) NaHCOT c) NaOH d) CaCOr

9. Heterotrophic organisms are

a) Plants b) Algae c) Fungi d) Kelps

10. Nephron is the functional unit of human

a) Kidney b) lntestine c) Heart d) Non of these
aaaaa laoaa a a a a a aatit ol
Ila Rol! No..............'.. :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 rlo aaaaaaaaaot
la a a t'

Paper: GeneralScience
Gource Gode: Gs'211 / EDU'11135 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs' 45 Min'
Marks: 50

20 Marks
question carries two marks'
Q2, Answer briefly the following qrrestions. Each

l. Ditl.erentiate betwesn Homogenous and Heterogeneous Solution'

2, State Second Larv of Motion.
3. Write the formulae of copper sulphate and Glucose.
4. Give one merhod for the preparation of Hydrogen Gas.
5. What are Halogens?
6. Differentiate betlveen Arteries and Veins'
7. State Larv of Conservation of Energy'
8. Enlist Biotic and A-biotic components of Ecosystem.
9. Draw a tYPical animal cell.
I 0. Differentiate berween Metals and Non-Metals'

(30 Marks)

Q3. Answer the Following Questions'

(2 x5= l0 Marks)
L Define the following tenns
i. I{ypothesis ii. Spced and velocitY iii. Work

iv. Evaporation v. Food Chain

(10 Marks)
2. What is a Cell? Differentiate between Anirnal and Plant Cell'
( l0 Marks)
3. Describe Human Female Reproductive System'
& B.s. 4 Years Program
Paper: Human Blology
/ Fourth Semester - 2019 'r.Rolt No. tn words.

Cource Gode: BIO-221 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: t5 Min. Marks: 10


This Paper will be collected back after exoirv of time limit mentigned above. ..

--+ - Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenvriting is not atlowed. (10x1=f O1

i. In muscle tiscue cells, arc vsy well developed and responsible for contraction and
a, Rough Endoplnsmis rerisulum b. Smooth Endoplasmic rcticutum
c. Actin andMyosio d. Pcrcxisomes

ii. DNA is composed of the following.

E Amino acids b. Dooxyribonucleotides (NilClG)
c. Wa:r d. Carbhydrats

lu. is NOT found in plans.

.J"it bilify b. Adaptation
c. Locomotion d. Growth

lv. are the biocatalysts in a liviug organisms.

a. Polyisoprenoids b. Enzymcs
c. Cholesterol d. SugErs

v. Aitemarive form of a gcne thar cxists in a populadon is calleri

a. Deoxyribonucleotide b. Allele
c. Centriole d. Entropy

vi.lVatsr is made due to bond betwee[ onc oxygen snd two hydrogcn atoms,
a- Ionic bonds b. CovalentBmds
c. Hydrogcn Bonds d. Van dcr Waal forcee

vii. Nutrients exchange between blood and cells takes placc across
a. Artcrics b. Veins
c. Capillaries d. Norn of the above
vill. Human he*rt is composed of sompartsnellts.
a. Thrce b. Four
. c. Five d. Six

tx. play role in immunity.

a. Red Blood Cells b. Wdte BloodCstls
d. Platelsts d. None ofthc above
x. The pancreaiic duct and the bile drrct oXrcns into
Jejunum b. Drcdcnuur
c. ileum d- Colon
/ Fourth Semester -2019
aa a a aa a a aa a a a a a a a a a a
!la Roll No................. :

ry 8.S.4 Years Program aaaaaaa t taa r rao aa


Paper: Human Biology

Course Code: BIO-221 Part - ll Tlme:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

2. Give short rnswens to the following questiotrs. Each questlotr Garries 5 markl. (20)

i. What is resplration? What purpose does it serves? Give its gercralized equation.

it What arc the 3 major nutrient moleculcs? Give ttree sources of each.

ili. Wrat is the pH of the stomach. What enzrymes it contains and what are their functions?

iv. Why th6 cortex of the kidneys app€ars to have reddish dots? And why medulla of the kidnep
appears to have stripes/striations?

3. Give aRswert of the following quertions. Erch quertlon crrrier I0 markr, (30)

l. Describe the 4 major t1ryes of tissues found iu the human body, Also give their examplps and

li. Draw and label the structure of a nephron. Describe how blood is fitterd and urine is created
different parts of nephron work to filter the blood and rnake urinc.

iii. Draw and label the structure of a aeuon (nerve cet$. Desuibc in detail how Rellex action
& /
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester
Paper: lntroduction to Literature-lV (History of Literature-ll)
- zitg i .1*.Y:;:'j;.;;.'j. . i
Course Code: ENG-205/22336 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs. 45 Min. Marks: 50



-.. Q, -,^z
Provide briefanswem to the following questions.

L What is meant by cultural poaics?

2. Enumerate the salient features of sumealism.
3. Briefly explain the tenets of poststructuralism.
4. Who is the author of The Myth of Sisyphus?
5. When did Symbolism start as a literary movement?

&*5 LONG OUE$TI0N$ Glt5)

l. Intnoduce the chief fea$res of postmodernism as a literary movement.
2. How does Realism view life? What are the basic principles of rcalistic imitation?
'. RollNo. in Fig.
& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
Paper: lntroduction to Literature-lV (History of Literature-ll)
\.Roll No. in Words.

Cource Code: ENG-205122336 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.

\ ...r..r..r.r..


Division of marks is given in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back aftef expiry of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenvriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

t. Symbolism slarted in ....

a. lTrh century
b. 20s century
c. l gth century
d. century
2. Epiphany is a brief moment of .......
a. Enlightenment
b. Forgetfulness
c. Blindness
d. Sadness
3. Roman Jakobson was a .....Writer.
a. Swiss
b. German
c. English
d. Russian
4. Posrmodernism is corcerned with representation and
a. Beauty
b. Hypeneality
c. Form
d. Modernity
5. and ..
....,.conributed to New Historicism
a. Stephen Greenblatt and Michel Foucault
b. Deleuz and Gattari
c. lbsenand Chekhov
d. Breton and Zola
6, Thus spoke Zsrathusta is a well- known text by...
a. Sartre
b. Foucault
c. Emerson
d. Nietzsche
7. Andre Breton published the.........
s. The Count of Monteeristo
b. Manifesto of sunealism
c. Stranger
d. In Search Of Lost Times
8. Social Realism started duringthe .,..., USA in I930s-
a. World War II
b, Civilwar
c. Great Deprcssion
d. French Revolution
9. are famous absurdist playwrights.
a. Beckett, [onesco and Jean Jenet
b. Simone de Beauvoir and Tolstoy
c. Hemmingwayand Germrde Stein
d.Marlowe and Shakespeare
10. Jean Paul Sartre was a ,..novelist.
a" French
b. Italian
c. German
d. Polistt
PUNJAB .........r............
B.S. 4 Years Program
Paper: lntermediate Macro Economics
/ Fourth Semester - 2019 i::l.Y:;:';;:;;..: . I

Gource Code: ECON-203 IECO-22318 Part- ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Question 2
ShErtQndonslWrite a note on the following. (5 x 4=Z}marksl
1. Why unemployment is not zero even when the economy is booming?
2. (eynesian School ofthought
3. Effect of large under6round economy on GDp
4. Life-cycle income hypothesis
5. Unemployrnent in pakistan

Question 3 Qo)
Consider the data in the following Table for the year 2017. Firm X produces machines. Sorne machines are
sold to domestic Firm Y, some of the rnachines are sdd to foreigners and some of machines are held as
inventory. ln all years, the price of machines is 1 dollar. Firm Y uses labor and machines to produce
apples. ln year 2016. Firm Y owned 30 dollars of machines. ln year 2017. Firm Y purchases new machines
for 20 dollars from Firm X and hires labor for 15 dollars. Each machine that Firm Y currently operates in its
uction a 2 dollar sale of
firm Tramafigl Oollan
Firm X Wages to Domestic Emplovees 10
Sales of Machines to Y 20
Sales of Machines to Foreigners 6
Unsold Machines 3
Flrrn Y Wages to Domestic Emolovees 15
Purchases of Machines from X 20
Sales of Apoles to Domestic Consumers ???

a, How much does Firm Y sellto domestic consumers (the missing number in the Table)?
b, Compute GDP for year 2017 using the expenditure approach. {Y = C + I +G+X -M)
c, What is the value-added of each firm in this economy?

Question 4 eO)
ln permanent income hypothesis modell
a. Explain why the marginal propensity to co,nsume out of current inEome is positive but
b. lf the government takes away Rs, 1000 from allconsumers in the first period in the form
of lump-sum taxes, and return these Rs. 1000 in the form of transfers in the second
period; does consumption in the first period go up, stay the same, or go down? What
about consumption in the second period? Explain.

Question 5 (/ t O \I
What is quantih/ theory of money? Explain. Discuss the criticism to this theory.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB '. t-Roll No. in Fiq. ..........
B.S. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester -2019 ',.Roll No. in Yllords.
Paper: lntermediate Macro Economics
Course Code: ECON-203 IECO-22318 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 'r-"
\ \ .............
ON TH '. Signature of Supdt.:
Division of marks is qiven in frgnt of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.
-j Q.I. Encircle the right answer cutting and overuvriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

1. Mr. Ashraf paid Rs. 1000 per month for house cleaning to a cleaning company in 201?, ln 2018, he
decided to clean the house himself. Assuming ceteris paribus,
a. GDP in 2018 witl be Rs. 1000less than GDp in 201I.
b. GDP in 2018 wi[ be Bs. 12,000 less than 6Dp in 2017.
c. GDP in 2018 willbe Rs. 12,000less than GDp in ZlL?.
d. GDP in 2018 will remain the same as GDp ln'ZAt7.
2. During a recession,
a. Real GDP per capita increases while real GOP per vrorker decreases.
b. Real GDP per capita decreases while real GDP perworker increases.
c' both real GDP per capita and real GDP per worker always decrease.
d. hoth real GDP per capita and real 6DP per worker always increase.
3, Durables account for a smaller fraction of consumption than non-durables, but durables are more
volatile (i.e. variable) than non-durables along the business cycle.
a. True
b. False
4' lf the nominal interest rate is 37o and the real interest rate is 2%. then expected inflation must be
a. 3Yo
b. Z%
c. 5%,
d. 7%
5. Philips curve represents the tradeoff between
a. Consumption and Savings
b. Lnemployment and output
c. lnflation and unemployrnent
d. lnflation and output
6. Permanent income hypothesis claims that:
a. Everyone should have a guaranteed permanent income.
b. tndividuals make decisions based on permanent income.
c, Permanent income leads to higher savings,
d. All of the above.
7. Structural unemployment occurs because:
a. Once building structures are completed, workers are no longer needed.
b. certain economic sectors become obsolete after some time.
c. Government's policy of hiring freeze.
d, None ofthe above.

8. Modern cen$al banks set target discount rate based on:
a. Expected inflation
b. Demand and supPly of moneY /' -

c. Foreign exchange rate

d. Noneoftheabove.
9. Okun's law the relation between
a. Consumption and Savings
b. Unemployment and output
c. lnflation and unemployment
d. lnflation and output
10. A machine is produced in 2010. lf this machine is used as an intermediate input in the 2010
production of a finalgood, then we must:
a, exclude its value in computation of the ?010 6DP.
b. include its value in computation of the 2010 GDP.
c. include its value in computation of the 2010 GOP and exclude the value of the final good.
d. None ofthe above.
aaaaaaaa a to aaaaaraa,aa
!oaaaRoll No.................
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 :
aaaaaaa aaaaaa
aa a,

Paper: lntermediate Macro Economics

Cource Gode: ECON-203 IECO-22318 Part- ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:50

Question 2
Short Oustions: Write a note on the following. (5 x 4 = 20 mark$I

1. Why unemployment is not zero even when the economy is booming?

2. Keynesian School ofthought
3. Effect of large underground economy on GOP
4. Life-cycle income hypothesis
5. Unemployrnent in Pakistan

Question 3 Qo)
Consider the data in the following Table for the year 2017. Firm X produces machines. Sorne machines are
sold to domestic Firm Y, some of the machines are sold to foreigners and some of machines are held as
inventory. ln all years, the price of machines is 1 dollar. Firm Y uses labor and machines to produce
apples. ln year 2015, Firm Y owned 30 dollars of rnachines. In year 2017. Firm Y purchases new machines
for 20 dollars from Firm X and hires labor for 15 dollars. Each machine that Firm Y currently operates in its
production rocess uces a 2 dollar sale of
Firm Tsnsrctlon [hllan
Firm X Wales to Domestic Emnlovees 10
Sales of Machines to Y zo
Sales of Machines to Foreigners 6
Unsold Machines 3
Firrn Y Wases to Domestic Emolovees 15
Purchases of Machines from X 20
Sales of Aooles to Domestic Consumers ??7

a. How much does Firm Y sellto domestic consumers {the missing nurnber in the Table}?
b, Compute 6DP lor year 2017 using the expenditure approach. {Y = C + I +G+X -M)
c. What is the value-added of each firm in this economy?

Question 4 Qo)
ln permanent income hypothesis rnodel:
a, Explain why the marglnal propensity to consume out of current income is positive but
b. lf the government takes away Rs, 1000 frorn all consumers in the first period in the form
of lump-sum taxes, and return these Rs. 1000 in the form of transfers in the second
per"iod; does consumption in the first period go up, stay the same, or go down? What
about consumption in the second period? Explain,

Question 5 ( tol
What is quantity theory of money? Explain. Discuss the criticism to this theory.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB '. Roll No. in Fig. ..........

& 8.S.4 Years Program

Paper: lslam and Modern Political
Fourth Semester- 2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Course Code: ISE-206 I ISL-22427 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: iS Min. Marks: t0 '.
OiviEio '.,'
This Paper ned above.
( 1 x 1 0= 10 ) -fu: {,u *r; e{b{./,>fi1$ cltgKy' r,.,,t.i,r, t L e ilr 1)r.., - r), U,,

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/ Fourth Semester'2019
Roll No,...'............ :
B.S. 4 Years Program
Paper: lstam and Modern Political Thoughts
Course Gode: ISE-206 I ISL-22427 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs' 45 Min' Marks: 50


-t/./tF r,$( $ t{ 1!qv {<' t 1/ t

(toxz=zo) -sl: el a f Le r i)-:@:;z/ it r


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-4i *l.f v6J$,iu,r'V (vii)

-'4 r; f*Y 6 r **,{t J /,.,:
-''t L,) * (viii)
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-do, ll: t!,,.-.J / *,-t *!,2 6? LLrv
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-,$g.rf b 7 4'>gP $DdeLit'>9'{.hd,tot2 .ii

-di rll'V,tU!.i'{o-'rt'iii
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Yeans Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 'r,Ror No. in words.
Paper: lntroduction to Gender Studies '.
Course Code: GEND-2l1 / GEN-22138 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '..""""

rr,t r^r= .._

^tr=rrr above.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned '..\

'O.f . Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

L Women et'npowennent increase due to

a. Incrcase in literacl'
b. Financial independence
c. ln the level of literacy
d, Allol'above
l. rnaxirnurr: nulnber ol1'car that an individual corrld live

a. Lif'e span
b. Lite expeclartc!'
c. Birtlr rate
d, Ferrilit-v
3. Which one is h;r contrasl, concenl the psy,clrological, social and cultural ditterence:
a. Sex
b, Gendel'
c, lndividual
d. Culture
+. \trlD appr,.:ach bclieves ilt :
a. Gcndermainstreaming
b. Gertdsr Segregation
c. Incorporating u'trrnen in development activities
d. Nonc of these
5. Biological characteristics distinguishing nrale tiorn fbnrale is called
a. Heterose.xuality
b. Cendqr
c. Sex

d. Honrosexualify
6, Mark the correct answer about Cender's Studies frorn ths tbllorving
a. It is a Soqial Seience Y
t). It is an acadsnric discipline
c. Both a and b

d. It is narratives of u'ornen b5, wornetl

7. A person rvho suppurts f'eminism is called
a, Feminist
b. Fernale
c. male feminists
d. None of the above
8. What WMA stands for?

a. Women Action Associate

h. Wonren Action Forunr
c, Women Man Forurn
d. None of these
q. Liheral Feminisnr is agninst *'hat t5'pe of differe:rce?
a, Biologicaldilterences
b. Cultural differences Y
c. Social diffbrences
d, Religious diflbrences
10. Wonren's studies becarRe an academic discipline during'l
a. First wave f'enrinism
b. Second rvaYe feminism
s. Third wave f'enrinisrn
d. Fourth \uavl" t'Enrinisrtt
& I
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester
Paper: lntroduction to Gender Studies
-2019 i.TINo' """""""" :

Cource Code: GEND-211 / GEN-22138 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs. 45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2. Define the following with example. (5x4=20)

i. Collective and property rights

ii. Gender and education
iii. Power and Patriarchy
iv. Nature of Human Rights
v. Formal and informal social control


Q.3. Questions with brief answers. (3x10=30)

i. Discuss major feminist perspectives. Explain with examples.

ii. Discuss problems of Gender development and roles of development aid in gender
iii. Explain two types of crime with examples.
'. Roll No. in Fig. .......'..
b.S. + Years Program I Fourth Semester - 2019 '.RollNo. in Words'
Paper: tntroduction to Sociology & SociologicalTheories \r
Gounse Code:GS-207 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10


This Paper w of time limit mentioned abovg'

e.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

1. Social research motivates inter-disciplinary study'

a. True
b. False
2. All of the following are social sciences except
a. AntbroPologY
b. GeologY
c, Economics
d. Political science
3. All of these theories considered themselves to be sociologists, except
a. Emile Durkheim
' b. Herbert SPencer
c. Karl Man<
d. Auguste Comte
4. Sociai ri;; consisu of rwo or more individuals among whom we find an established
oattem of
a. Interaction
b. Communication
c. Association
5. Manr, capitalists, who own the means of production, exploit the
a. Bourgeoisie
b. Froletariat
c. Peasants
d. Masses
6. steps are iavolved in scientific research'
a- Four
b. Six
d. Ten
7.. Boxing is an examPle of
a. Physical interaction
b. Social group
c.Social interaction
d. SYmbolicirueraction

8. Exchange theory isbased on
a. Conflict theory
b. Symbolic interactionism
c. Frurctionalism
d. Macro sociological perspective
g. Sociologists who stud! so*iul ciass and how groups me related to one another are using
' a. DramaturgY
b. Ethnomethodology
c. Macrosociology
d. Microsociology
10. Which one is the example of social interaction
a. Exercise
" b. Riding
c. S*imming
d. gossip
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 i ::l*:;:'j'.':';:'.;: . !
Paper: lntroduction to Sociology & SociologicalTheories
cource Gode: GS-207 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs. 45 Min. Marks: 50


Q 2: Write the rhort note on any I'OUR of the following. 20 uarts (5 each)
_ )-
l. Social Interaction
2. Social Changc
3. Social sratification
4. Sociology as science
5.' Social Institutions
6, Services of Ibn l(hulduun

In$mctions: Attempt rry TIIREE Quertlon with Briof trnsrveru. 30 merkr (10 esch)

All Qucsttons crnT equal ulrks.

Q 1; Socialisation is a continuous process, acceptor refirte the statemcnt.

Q 2: Define the Concepts of Georg Herbcrt Mead with exaurples from your own sociAy.

Q 3: Define the social role and social stahls! its t5rpes and ths differonce betwcen two tenns.

Q 4: What do you know about contemporary theories? Definc structural ttreory in detail.
# B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 i.1:l.Y:;:'.;:..':;.. i
Paper: lntroduction to Linguistic-lV (The Structure of English)
Cource Code: ENG-206 / ENG-22337 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrc. 45 Min. Marks: 50


Ansrver the short questions

- )-. 2-What are syntactic categories? 5

3-What is a phrase, what are its major types? 5

4-Differentiate between direct and indirect object. give examples. 5

S-What are allomorphs, give examples. 5

Answer the long questions

6- Define bound morphemeso write down their types with exarnples. 10

7-What is compounding, write dor+n ditferent t)?es of compounds. 10

S-Define a sentence, discuss diflerent types of sentences with examples. 10

'r \RollNo. in Fig.
B.S. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '..Roil No. in words. ......,,...,
Paper: lntroduction to Linguistic-lV (The Structure of English) \
Cource Code: ENG-2OG / ENG-22337 Part-l(Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 'r

ATTEMPT '. Signature of SuPdt.:

This Paper wi[ be coltected back after expil of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1={0)
l- Every sentence consists of one or more

Phrases, lexemgs, clauses

ll- The rvord'Notebook' is a

Phrase , function word, colllpound word

lll-Which is the third person plural

l, you, They

lV- An affix that is attached to beginnings of a stem is called

Suffix., Derivations, Prefix

V-Morphology deals with the internal structure of

Sentences, Phrases, Words

Vl- Morphology is a subdiscipline of

Pragmatics, Linguistics, Semantics

Vll-Prepositions belongto a classof words namely

Open, close, complicated

Vlll- A clause that can exist independently is called

Dependant clause, subordinate clause, . lndependent clause

lX-An lnfixe is an affix inserted in a

Sentence, clause, Word

X-All languages of the world have.

Structure, lnfixes, Circumfixes

'. RollNo. in Fig. ..........
& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
Paper: lslamic History-ll
\.Roll No. in Words.

Gourse Code: ISE-204 I ISL-22423 Part - ll Time: l5 Min. Marks: 10 '. """"

Division of marks is qiven in froqt of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit meqtioned above.

Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
lxl0= l0 -,{t"&,)v,id1 ,};0,,

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UNIVERSTTY OF THE PUNJAB ".t.........."....''
B.S.4Years Program / Fourth Semester-201g i-1:l-Y:-:-,',',,'r''., aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i
Paper: lslamic History-ll
Gourse Code: ISE-204 llSL-22423 Part- !l Time: 2 Hrs.45 Mln. Marks: 50


5x4=20 -;F -,rif Loury6lc-rl:J.:Or, e/ Jtr
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UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aa a aaa a aa a o a a aa a a a a a

& B.S. 4 Years Program

Paper: lslamic Studies-ll
/ Fourth Semester -2019 Roll No. .....
a I r aa aa

Gourse Code: EDE-{76-A Part-ll

Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


-J- IF 4Q(
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(ro) -t { ;, XoW6ctf ctt,/t!,!t;It.-,I jt rsT )tr
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 \.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: lslamicStudies-ll . ' """"
Course Code:..
EDE-{76-A Part-t (ComPulsory} Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10
-,--' " r
Division of marks is given in front of each question.
above. '. '...\
This Paoerw-iil be coltected back after expirv of time limit mentioned
(lx10=10)-(rtrl *,-,d{Ul.lVy/c,t-i3OAK {)st4wt.t,:tt:ctufi,1) itr
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Roll No. in Fig. ..........
& /
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester - 2019
PAPER : lslamic Studies Jl
\.Roll No. in Words.

Cource Gode: ISE-221 / ISL-22391 Part- l(Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: {0 'r

ArrEU,pJ THIS pApEB ON TH.tS-aUFS-flON SHEET ONLY. ".G;;;i;;;oiiupot.,

Division of marks is giyen in front of each question.
This Paper wil! be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '.'\\\\

--'--. Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not altowed. (10x1=10)

- *-q{:, },* u, n t/u[/,> {- ?r-$, t 1 r *g{ o}

10 Q'r'
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& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2A19

PAPER: lslamic Studies -ll
Itl Roll No, ................ :
a l o t a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a

Gour:se Gode: ISE-221 ,lSL-22391 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Short Answers/Questions(.p VrF)
- {* Vr. L & *,,t,,9
z. t 4. I 4 -.> }
5x4=20 q2'
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t{"ziV*l tr>
r +Jh$dvtw'v.t (t)
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Subjective Type( jfit)
10x3=30 - &V* AsL tl.- vi, z d. I td -,* ! r

t3txt1glt*'{$tV*t iLu i v -Q.3.

r yg wfL S
ua{ L L $tty,t*r iv -a.a.
e y? ?- ) $fi1tt ; 11,; {o r, A t a.s .

\h!r*{rt,/fi i, i Litti* f ( tv,-a.6. V

qd**4(a$t)ivrf 'o.T
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester -2019 '..Roll No. in words.
Paper: lntroduction to Management
Gourse Code: MNG-211 / GEN'22140 Part-l (Compulsory)

'. Signature of SuPdt.:

Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed'

Which of rhe tbllorving decisiori-making modets emphasizes shorlnrn solution

of a
I .
problem rather than long-term goal acconrplistunent?
a. Rational model
b. Satisficing model
c. Incremental nrodel
d. Carbage-can model
2. . Which of the lbllowing refers ro the flow of information among persons at ditlbrent
Ieveis. who have no direct reporting relationships?

a. I-lorizontal commuuication
b. Diagonal comtnunication
c, Upward conrruunication
d. Downward communication
i. Direct control is the control that is exercised after the deviations from plans have
occurred. \Vhich of the fotlou,ing is not an underlying assumption of dircct controi?
B. Perlornrance can be measured

b. Personal responsibility is absent

c. The time expenditure is waranted

d. Mistakes oan be discovered in time
4. Which tunction of managernenr involves frlling. and keeping filled. the positions in the
organization structurc?
a. Organizing
b. Planning
c. Staffing
d. Controlling
5. Top nranagement lvorks ott
a. Strategic plan
b. Corporate plan
c. Budgeting
d. BothA&B
6. First step in planning process is to
a. Set an objectise
b. Evaluate etlternativcs
c. Deterntine strength and weaknesses
, d. Noue of abovg'
7. The first step in utaking decisions in an emergency is to:
a. Evaluatealternatives
b. Fo:'nrulatc u polic;"

c. Gather and collate intbrmation

d. Detine the problem
8. The n'ord dcnotes a function. a task. a discipline.

a, Managemetrt
b. Leadership
c. Motivation
d. None of the ahrove
9. Advantage o1 delegatiotr olauthority results in protnpt

a. Understarrding
b. Decision rrraking
c. Both (A) and (B)
d. None of the above
a. Managerial
b. Educartional

c. Satisthctiiln
d. None ot'the akxrve
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaatoaaaaaaataaa
8.S.4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 !aa Rolt No. ................ :
aa a aaa oaa a a aa a a aa a aa a
Paper: lntroduction to Management
Course Code: MNG-211 I GEN-22140 part
-[ Time: 2 Hrs. 45 Min, Marks; 50

Q.2. Define the following with example. (5x4=20)

i. Advantages of democratic leadership

ii. Human factors in managing services
iii. Job enrichment
iv. Brainstorming
v. Organizational structure


Q.3. Questions with brief answers. (3x10=30)

i' Describe how are the policies implemented and the challenges that accompany their
ii. Explain in detail the important factors in choosing an organization.
iii. Discuss in detail the core objectives and functions of management,
g UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaatoaaaaaaaaataaa
!otaaRoll No. ................ :
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester / - 2019 a la a a.aa ar.a aa a a a!
Paper: Differential EquationsJl
Course Code: MATH-223 I MTH-22314 part - tt Time:2 Hrs.30 Min. Marlrs: S0

Section-I (Short euestions)

, Marks:20
t, Shorv that

{(r) = J-{s)=Lr(c).
2. Show ihat

'{i 'ot*} =ry

3. Determine the singular points of the d.ifferential
equation x (zz + t),
point as regular or irregular. #*y = 0. Classifu each singular
4' use the Laplace transformation to sorve the d.ifiere*tiar

# - 4*:6e3t - 3e-t, e(o): 1, y,(o) : -r.

b. Evaluare r-, {qJr{$}.

Section-Il Marks:30
1' Use the substitution y(r) : st /2 z(r),6nd the general solution of diflerential equation ,, #
u2+f,)u=0. + {&r, -
2. F.ind the general solution ofthe difierential equation

.ffi * r* *:Ey :0.

3' use t'he Laplace transform to soh"e the given integrar

: et +et [' Jk)u-,ur, fot f(t).

4- Evaluate the Laplace transform.

Note Do not evaluate the integral before transforming.
5. Find a one-p&rarneter family of sorutions for the differential
d.U -2 L
E:v -;v-a,

where yr(:r) =f is a knowa solution of the equation.

. B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 'r.Rou No. in Words.
Paper Differential Eguations-ll .
Course Code: MATH-223 tMTH-223}4 Part-t(Compulsory) Time:30 ttlin' Marks: ''.."""'
.,, _
This Paperwill be collectgd back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '. \

(O.t, Fill in the blank or answer True / Fatse. i ({0x1=10)

L L{ry} =....,.........
2. L{6(t - zo)} : ..i..........,

3' L-t
t*rr) =...'.'..'..'.'
4. s a regular singular point of the second order linear difrerential equation ,'# + afi + (* -
f)v -0,
5. J1p$) = ..............
6. P2(o) = * (3r2 - r) ,

7. L-.t*) :.,.... .....

8. The equation S+ + riny :0 is a Zrrdorder linear differential equation, (Tbue/False)

9. g = 0 is a solution of the differential equation fu +Z"g*4y:6. (llue/False)

10. Thegeneratsolution of r2{}+r$I *(k2r2-uz)a:0is y=erJu{r)+czJ-,(s),wherel_i.-*

integer. (Ttue/Fa.lse)
aa aoaaaaaaa a araaat" tr
Roll No. ................ :
& B.S. 4 Yeans Program I Fourth Semester
Paper: Linear Algebra

Course Code: MATHA?4IMTH-22120 Part- ll Time:2 Hrs.30 Min. Marks: 50

q.2 Short Questions ( 4x5 = 20 Marksf



{ii} ups of 6.

{iii} ns inO state Schurs Lemma without


{lv} r space over R' where R is the set

of real numbers.


Long Questions (6x5 = 30 Marks)

Q.3 Solve the following systenr of equations

3x-2y + 3r= 8
x+3y+ 6z = -3
2x+6y+l2z = -6

Q.q Prove that in an n-dimensional vector space, any set of n+l or more vectors is linearly

q.s frr, *r/rt.* ,f l""ar p,luations in n unkno*nu, if augmented matrix M = fA,Bl, then
prove that:

The system has a solution if and only if rank (A) = rank (M).
tb) The solution is unique if and only if rank (A) rank (M) = n.
q.6 Diagonalize the matrix {if possible)

t4 -3
Is -z -31
[-r L z]
Q.z Prove that the set of all bijective mappings on a set $, {1,2,i} to 6 form a group.
UNIVERSIry OF THE PUNJAB 'r Roll No. in Fig.
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
No. in Words.
Paper: Linear Algebra
course code: MATH-224 t MTH-22[20 part-t (computeory) Time: 30 Min. Marks: {0 'r
'. Signature of Supdt.:
qilrision of marks is qiven in front of each quiition.-
This Paper will be collected ned above.
Q.1 Encircle the correct choice.
c (1x10=10
(i) Every non-zero vector in a vector space over ifield is...
a) Linearly independent b) linearly dependent c] Basis d) Subspace

(ii ) A complete Normed space is called...

a) Normed space b) Bancach space c) Hirbert space d) Not Given

{iii) The number of subgroups of the cyctic group of ordi i qg ii,.

a)1 bl2 c)3 dlNot Given
(iv) The nunrber of generators in a cyclic group of order iS is _.

ta)8 (b) 10 {c} 3 (d} 12 e) Not Given

(v) The order of the smallest Abelian group is...

a)3 blz c) 1 d)Not Given

(vi) Let ?' ; /lr' -+ /l 15 be a linear transformation. lf the dimension of the nutl rpr.. of I is
12, then the dimension of X(?") is

a) 15 b) 5 c) 3 d) Nor Given

{vii} 9'l
The trace of a matrix [i' 3 + lis...
lo L 13J

(a) I {b} 4 (c) 10 d) Not Given

(viii) ln the group (2, o) of all integers, where aob =

f,ab tor a, b e z, the inverse of 4 is

a) 0 b) c) 3 d)4 e) Not given

{ix} The.'oup Cz x c2 is isomorphic to

a) C+ bl vo cl S" dlNot eiven

(x) T]he di ension of the vecror space or reiti ;rer complex nrmbers, ra",ery n

a) 1 b) 2 c) infinite d) Not Given

a taa a aooaaaa a aaaat tota

& B.S. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester - 2019

Paper: Mathematics A-lV (Ord i nary D ifferential Eq uations)
3 Roll No.............'... :
oaaaaaaaa a a aaaaaoaaaa'

Course Code: ltrIATH-203, MTH-22309 Part - ll Time:2 Hrs.30 Min. Marks:50


Describe the following

(a) Di{fcrcntial Equation

o (b) Explicit Solution
(c) &xact Differential Equation

Detcrmine the following functions are lincarly independent or deperdent on l-


(rD (4,5)
li(x) = x, S(x) = x2, ./!(x) = {x-3x2.
Solve the following differential cquation
(iii) (5.r)
r2y'+x1x+ 2)y=e'.

Solvc thc following ditrercntial equation

(rq (s,5)
f y'
ff+ =4,.


Solve thc following D.B using variation ofhrameter

Q3 (6)
f -2f +2Y=e'sesx
Solvc thc following differential cquation using undetcrmincd coefiicients
Q,4 (6)
f -6f = 3-cosx

Solve thc following differential equation using an appropriate substitution

Q.5 ti +zy\fi= r.r,y(-l) = I. (6)

Solve the following differential equation subject to Sre initial conditions

Q,6 2f +3y' -21 = l4x2 - 4x -lLXg) = Qy'(g) = 0. (6)

Q.7 Find the power scrics solution of thc following differcntial equation

y'+(cosr)y=0. (6)
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB 'rRorr No. in Fi9.......""
B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth semester - 2019
'r,Rott No. in words.
Paper: Mathematics A-lV (Ordinary Differential Equations) \
Counre Gode: MATH-203 / MTH-22309 Part-t(Computsory) Time:30 Min' Marks: 10 '.,


.._ Supdt.:

This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. .r

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not atlowed. tf O*f =f Ol

Thc solution ofthe diffcrerrtial eqrution

*= ,r"' on the interval-l-co,e[ is
(a)y = -a

? &)y=+ tsly=* (dlY =S

Iurcgrdng factorof rS- 4y *rfe, is
(a) -{ (.)* r-) # (r) none of these

The initial value problem y' * y, y(0) = t hasfte solutions ! a ex and )t

(a) o (b) I (c) Cex (d) None ofthcsc

'Iltc ncccssary and sufEcierrt cqrdition ttrat r{x,y)dx + Itr(r,y)dy be an exapt

diffcrential is
. -a,, aN
(a);; ^-0N= aN
(D);t ,-atv *x
= ;; fr [criF = ffi {d} None of these

(x2s-t* + lsre-3' +za't'].is

Thc Annihilator for givsn o,

(a) ) Di (a) ) (D + 3)s 0) ) (D - 3)3 (r)) o2

Classifr thc following diffcrentid Equation

{v0 (eu -ycosry)dr + (2xeuv - x casxy* Zyldy = g

(a) Exaet (b) Scparabtc tc) Homogenous (d) None ofthesc

The order of a diflsrential qudion is alwrys

(a) Positive intcger (b) Negative intogr (c) Rarionat rumbs (d) Rcal numbsr

(vtti) The $ingutar poin* rf (" -8)y"-2 ry + y= 0 * given by

(a) o (b) 2 (cl {5 (d) Nonc ofthese

Tho integrating fnotor to corvGrt thc noncrsct diffcrcntial sguation (x + y)dx +

(rx) *
xlrtxdy Q intoail 6yactequatlon is
(")i (b)i (c) lar {d) nonc ofthcsc

Dircctional field of a diffcrential equction
fi * f (x,y) giraes the aralpis of the solution
(a) Quantitatively (b) Qualitatively (c) Analytically (d) Numerically
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
B.S. 4 Yeans Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 3 Roll No................. .
Paper: Mathematics B-lV (Metric Spaces & Group Theory)
Counse Code: MATH-204 I MTH-2231A Part - tt Time:2 Hre.30 Min. Marks:50


Section - ['
Q2. solve the followir-rg short question. (2 xl0=20 marks)
(i) Prove that the diarneter of a closed ball E(c;r) in metric space (i,
d) is s zr.
(ii) Prove that in a rnetric space (X, d), A, n
= i"
(.l{ n g),.
(iii) Consider the following metric on Rz, for r=
(r,,yr), y (rr,yil e f;z =
Find the opcn barr *, ftgfJ**ir*lJ,lffir*l"r (0,0) o,*,.,rr.tto given
mefic. Also draw this on plane Rz.
(iv) hove that in a metric space, every convergent sequ€nce is a Cauchy seguence.
(v) LetA andB be subsetsofametrio space (Iy,d), prove thatffi
(vi) Find all subgroups of a cyclic groupofordri f fi.'
= ivB.

(viii) let 6 be a goup of even ordei prove that there is at leasr one elemsnt of order 2in G.
?rove that a finite group 6 whoie order is a prime number is necessarily cyclic.
(ix) Define tansposition and detennine whether the permutatious
a = (l *
3 tr|,r|)and B
tl234567r are even or odd?
\S SZZ ii d
Find allthe subgroups of ,S3.

Section -II (6 x5=30 marks)

Q3. Show that the set B[a,&]of all real valued bounded functions defined on olosed interval [a,D] is
a metric spac€.

Q4' Let (X'd) be a metric space and.A a subset of X . Prove that l' (Interior of .rt) is the largest
open subset ofX contained in rrt.

Q5. Prove that afunction /: X 't Y is continuous if and only if for evory closed subset C w y,
f-1(C) is closed inX.
Q6. If a group 6 has three elements, show that it is abelian.

Q7. De$ne subgroup and show the union H u Kofruro subgroups Hand K af agroup G is a
subgroup of G if and only if either H c K or K c H,
No' in Fis'

g B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '..Rolt No. in words. ............
Pa[er: Mathematics B-lV (Metric Spaces & Group Theory) '.
Course Gode: MATH -2041 MTH-22}10 Part-l (Computsory) Time: 30 Min. Marks: {0 '.

ArrEMpr rHts pApER oN rHrs QUESTTON SHEEr oNLY. ":;i;;;i;;;oiiupot.,

This Papelwill be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '. tta

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overuvriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

(D Let d = {e} be a subset of usual metric spase R, then interior of .{ is

a) Ernpty set b) A itrelf c) R d) none

(ii) Let ,4 = {r, y} be a subset of a discrete metric space (X, d), then A is
alclosed b)open e) bothopenandclosed d)none

(iii) = (0,1), I = (1,2)be subset of usual msrrie spac€ R, then

a)FFiB=t{-nE blli:Bs;{'nE c)ri'nF E I- d)none

(iv) The limit of a sequcnce (if exist) and limit of its subsequense
a) must be same b) must be different c) may or may not be same d) is 0

(v) Every Cauchy sequencB in a rnetric space is

a) divergent b) convergent c) bounded d) none

a) {e} b} proper subgroup c) group itself d) none

(vi| l*t G be the group of residue classes under multiplication modulo I and H =
tI 31, K= {f, 5}are subgroups of 6. Then H u K is
a) Proper subgroup of6 b) Improper subgroup of6
c) Cyclic subgroup of 6 d) Not a subgroup of C

(viii) The set of all even pennutations in 53 is denoted by

a) Z3 b) ,{s c) A+ d) none

(ix) The order the permutation a' = n I 5-

1t )
\2 L453t
a) 12 b) 6 c) 3 d) none

(x) The permutations 6= (l 2 3) and F = (4 5 6)

a) Commute b) do not commute c) may or may not commute d) none
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '..Rott No. in words.
Paper: Elementary Number Theory - '. \.-"i""'
Gourse Code: MATH-206 IMTH-22313 Part-l(Compulsory) Time: 30 Min. Marks:.10'
signature of supdt.:
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. ..
a Q.t. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x{=10)

1(i). The remainder obtaiued after dividing 3356 by 100 is

(a). 1 {b). 11 (c),21 (d)- none of them

ii. lf. gcd(a,6) = 1 then gcd(an, b') =

(a).a* (u). a (c).1 (d). ab

iii. How mony integers rrre co-prime to '50'

(a). .10 , (b). 49 (c), iufinitely man)' (d). nonc of thern

iv. The integer that. does not have order modulo 8 Lq

(a). 3 (b). 4 (c). 5 (d). none of them

v, If p4 is the nih prime number, tben pr, -22*-'

(o).! (b). ) (c). = (d). none of them

vi. \'\:hich of ihe foilowirrg is a quadratic nou-residue of 23

(a). 2 (b). 3 (c).a (d). none of them

vii. The number of zeroes preseut in 15! are

(a). I (b). 2 (c). 3 (d). none of tbem

viii. A quadratic eougruense always has

(a). no soluiiou (b). ), solutiou (c). 2 solutious (d). none of thenr

ix, If rr is prime theu

(a). a"-r
= I (mod n) (b). or("i 1 (mod
= n) F). (" - 1)! = -1 (rnod ,l) (d). none of them

x. For any iuteger n, integer thnt divides n(n* I)(2n+ l) is

(a), 3 (b). 6 (c). e (d). none of lhem
3 Roll No. ................ :
B.S. 4 Yeans Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 taaaaa a aaaaa aa aaaaaa
Paper: Elementary Number Theory
course code: MATH-20G tMTH-2*313 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs' 30 Min' Marks: 50

Q no. 02: Solve the followings short questions. (+ x 5 = Z0 marks)

). (i). Use Euclidean Algorithm to 6nd a solution of the equation 56X * T2Y = 8. 5

(ii). ls there exists m integer o strch thal 15 divirles 6a- L? .Iustify yotu Bn$wer. 5

(iii). lf a= b(modln) then show that an = bn(mod.m) fior all rr I I. 5

(i")' Describe (without proof) rvhat you know about the solution of the equatian aX 4bY = c. J

Q no. 03: Solve the followings long questions. (6 x b:30 rnarks)

(i). Showthatthelinearcongxuence aX=b (modn)hasasolutionif andonlyif dl0,whered=(a,n). 6

(ii). Find the remainders when 250 and 4165 arc divided by ?. (t

(iii). Ifa cock is worth 5 coins, a hen 3 coins, and three ctricks together I coin, how many cocks, hens, 6
and chicks, totaling 100, can be trought for 100 coins?.

(i','). Let o = or,-rol0-I a,t-zoro'2 + ...+ a1 10 * o6 be the decimal representation, so that we write c
as a sequence erar-r. . 'oros thcn show that 13la if and only if l3la"ar.-r . . .or - 9ao

(u), Solvethefollowingsystem: o=5 (mod6), n:=4 (mod l1),c=3 (modi?).

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB '.Roil No. in Fig...........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 'r,Rot! No. in words.
PaPer: Mass Media in Pakistan .,
Gourse Code: BSCS-202 tMAS-22413 Part-l (Computsory) Time: 15
Min. Marks: i0 '..........
SP \

'. Signature of Supdt.:

will be collectad haek affer avninr ii +irr.o limir
J Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

01. Reuters News Agency belongs to

a) America
b) 6reat Britain
cl Germany
d) China

02. The first Campus Radio in pakistan was

a) PUFM 10,4.G
bl Voice of LCWU 96.6
c) FM 104.6 Peshawar University KpK
d) FM 88.6 Traffic Radio

03. The editor of Tehzib ul Akhlaq was?

a) Zafar Ali Khan
b) Abul Kalam Azad
c) Hasrat Mohani
d) SirSyed Ahmed Khan

04. Mohammedan Soclal Beformer was the English name of

a) Makhzan
b) Tehzeeb ulAkhlaq
c) Muhazzab
d) None ofthese

05. The Comrade was started in

a) January 1910
b) January 1911
c) January 1912
d) None ofthese

06. Dehli Urdu Akhbar was started bY

a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

b) Molvi Muhammad Baqir
c) Molana Muharnmad Hussain Azaad
d) None of these

07, The Pakistan Times appeared from tahore on

a| 4January1947
bl 4.Februry,1947
cl 1t1. August,L947
d) None ofthese

08. Monthly Urdu-e-Mutalla was started by

a) Abul Kalam Azad

b) Zatur Ali Khan
c) Hasrat Mohani
dl Noneofthese

09. Pakistan Television Corporation was established at lahore in

al L972
b) letr
c) 19s4
d) None ofthere
10. Manshoor was initiated bY

a) Altaf Hussain
b) Qaid-e-Azam
c) Hameed Nizami
d) None of these
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

B.S. 4 Yeans Program I Fourth Semester - 20ig ! Rotl No. ................ :

o.a r ol r aoa a aaa a a aa a a
Paper: Mass Media in pakistan
Course Gode: BSCS-202 tMAS-22413 part- il Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Short Questions (4x5=20)

Question No:2. Elaborate the organizational srructure and working of News Agencies.

Question No:$. Identifr and explain the different problems and issues faced by press in

Questiou No:4. Shortly discuss the role of Muslim Press during Freedom Movement in Sub

Question Norf,. Write down a note on PEMM.

Long Questions (3x10=30)

Question No:6. FM Radio has revived Radio in Pakistan. Do you agree? Hord? Give
argumentative answer.

Question Nol7. Discuss the Development and Future Prospects of online Journalism in

Questiou Nol8, Growh of cable TY in Pakistan has created Erhical and Cuttural lssues.
How? Write down a detailed answer.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB '.Rorr No. in Fis...........

& B.S. 4 Years Program

Paper: Men andMasculinities
/ Fourth Semester - 2019 '..Rolt No. in words.

- I (Compulsory)
Cource Code: GS-206 Part Time: 15 Min. Marks: l0" '..""""
This Paper wil! be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '.

4 Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
. Masculinity is the set of social practices and cultural representations True / False
'' associated with being a man.
ii. Masculinity is always interpolated by nature. True / False

iii. lt is possible for a woman to be masculine. True / False

rY' The acceptance of sex-role stereotypes not only limits the individual's True / False
ability but atso has bad effects on society generally.
v. Masculinity has changed through history. True / False
' .., Position of being strongest and most powerful and therefore able to
vl' control is called hegemony. True I False

vii. Maleness is cultural and masculinity is biological. True / False

viii. Males form relationships through shared instrumental activities. True / False

ix. Sex-role stereotypes say that men should not be subordinate. True I False

x. Every man everywhere aspires to be'manly' in the same way. True / False
aaa aa a aaa aa aa aa aaaal la

itaaaRoll No.aaaa................
B.S. 4 Years Program I Fourth Semester -2019 aaaa aaa aaao ta
Paper: Men and Masculinities
Cource Gode: GS-206 Part - l! Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2. why it is important to liberate men from sex role stereotypes? ({0)
Q.3. what is mascutinity and how is it normally understood? (10)

Q4. Are definitions of masculinity changing in our community? ({0)

Q.5. Discuss how traditional masculine gender roles in a patriarchal society
are closely connected with escalating violence towards women' ({0)
Q.6. What are the emerging challenges for fatherhood at the present? (10)

e-s. i vL"[ piogr, / Fourth semester - 201e i.TI.Y:;:'j'j:;;:;:. i
Paper: Mercantile Law
Course Code: 88A-206 , BUS-22353 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q! $hort Ouestignjr (2xt0=20)

i. What arc the kinds of offer?

ii. Can a minor make a contract on behalf of his guardian?
iii" Define bailrnent"
iv. What is free conscent?
v. What is partnership?
vi. Who is commCIn canier?
vll. Who is unpaid sellcf
vllt. What are the nrodes of deternrination of price?
ix. When a condirion can be c,onsidered as warranty?
x. What is contract of indemnity?

Q.! Loqg_Qupqtlorlt (3x10=30)

i. How a contract can be discharged?

ii. What do you understand by conditions and warrantics?
iii. What are the types of negotiable instruments?
'r Roll No. in Fig...'.......
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Mercantile Law \
cource code: 88A-206 BUS-22353 Part - | (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: l0 'r
'. Signature of SuPdt.:

Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenrriting is not allowed, (10x1=10)
I) Quasicontracl is ,

i. Based on contract iii. Not a contmct

ii. Not enforceable bY law iv. Semi judicial conmct

2) f\minor can be declarcd insolvettt

i. Yes iii. No
ii. Under certain cases iv. By law

3) General olfer is given to

i. A specific Person iii. Particular grouP

ii. 'Public at large iv. None of&ese

4) Gtrarantee contract is bctween

i. Two person iii. Two and rnorc Fr$ons
ii. Three persors iv. Four persons

5) A wagering contract is
i. Valid iii. Void
ii. Voidable iv. None of these

6) A sale is
i. An agrcement to sell iii. Futurc sale

ii. Salc fbr Price iv. None sf these

?) In agency contmct PrinciPal is a

i. Partner iii. [nvestor
ii. Share holder iv, Commission agent

S) Who is disquatitied for rnaklng a colrtract

i. Alien iii.Insolvent
ii. DiPlonutic agent iv. Allof thEse

9) A rninor undcr guagdian ship can make P contract afterthe age of

i. l8 iii. t9
ii, ?l iv. ?5

l0)Sals of goods act was enacted in

i. 1930 iii. le35
ii. t940 iv. 1945
'riorrNo. in Fi9"""""'
& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2A1.9
Paper: Money and Banking
No. in Words.

Gource Code: BBA-207 / BUS-22354 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.r,""""



This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above' '.
- Q.1. Encircle the right answer cufting and overwriting is not allowed. ({0x1=10)

INFLATION means the following:

e) Annual increase in prices

f) Gradual lncrease in prices
g) QuarterlY increase in Prices
h) Two of the above

IBRD stands for the following term:

e) lnternational Bank for Reconstruction & Development

f) lnternal Bank for Reconciliation & Development
g) lnternational Bank for Reconciliatlon & Development
h) lnternal Bank for Reconstruction & Drastic

IMF provides funding to the following countries:

e) Rich countries
f) All poor countries
g) All countries
h) European Countries

SDR is the currency of IMF which is an abbreviation of the following

e) Standard Drawing Right

f) Special Discount Right
B) Special Drawing Rights
h) Noneofthe above

The current official inflation rate of Pakistan as shown in Federal Budget is as follows:

e) LessThan 10%
f) Less than 15%
g) Lessthan 20%
h) More than 2o% p,T.o.
The all Banks are controlled by the following:

e) Localmanagement
f) None of the given
g) Federal Government
h) Provincial Government
The total banks of the country are in number around

e) 20 plus
f) 30 plus
g) 40 plus
h) 50 plus

ABD stands for the following;

e) Asian Development Bank

f) Asian Decent Bank
g) American Development Bank
h) Asian Drastic Bank
The businers account which is opened & run by a FIRM can be is called also:

e) Sole Proprietorship
f) lndividual
B) Self employed
h) Partnership

ln SAVING ACCOUNIi the investment remains as:

el Fixed
f) Floating
g) Demand based
h) Noneofthe above
& UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB ....ttI......t........
w B.S. 4 Years Program
Paper: Money and Banking
/ Fourth Semester - zilg i.T:T.T::;.;;:;;:;:. i
Course Code: BBA-207 / BUS-22354 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs. 45 Min. Marks: 50


Q f2: Write short note on the following:

cl Quantity Theory of Money & its impact on rnoney's value.

d) kinds.
lnflation & its ( 10 marks)

Q#3: Write short note on the following:

c) lstamic Development Bank & its role in economic development of member countries
d) Cash Balance Theory of money & its impact on economy
{ 10 marks}
Q fl4: Write short note on the following:

a) Evolution of Banks
b) lnflation & its kinds.
c) Asian Development Bank
d) Cash Balance Theory of money. (20 marks)

Q # 5 Write down brief answers of the following:

a) What is meant by Current, PLS & Term deposit account ?

b) lnternational Monetary System & IBRD
(10 marks)
UNIVERSTTY OF THE PUNJAB t..............i...I..
& B.S. 4 Years Program
Paper: Political Systems (Developing)
/ Fourth Semester - 2o1g i I:l.T::;:'j'.':'j;:;:. !
Course Gode: POL-202 I POL-22UT Part -il Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2. Short Answers (4x5=201

' 1. Discuss the Constitutional development in Pakistan.

2. How lndian Parliamentary system is working?
3. What is federation?
4. What is legislature?

Q.3. Long Answers (3x10=30)

1. Discuss the Judicial Administration in Pakistan, how judiciary is trying to upheld rule of
2. Discuss the functions of lranian Guardian Council.
3. Discuss salient features of the constitution of lndia.
Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester - 2019 '.Rol! No. in Words.
Paper: PoliticalSystems (Developing) . --'
b;;;il.ii,ol:ioz tpoL-2zlylr part-l (computsory) rime: 15 Min. l!qtri!!-:
\ .r.rr........

ArrEMPr THIS PAPER ON THIS QUES;flO[{ SHEET O.NLY. ',. Signature of SuPdt.:

This Paper w xpirv of time limit mentioned above'


'iq.f . Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenarriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

l. The Iranian constitution l9?9 was amended in ...

a) 1987 b) 1988 c) 1989

Political SYstem.
2. Courcil of Ministers is fousd in the
c) Pakistan
a) Tukish b) kan

3. Turkish President has a tenn of Years'

b) 5 ycars c) 6years
a) 4 years

4. The Political System of Ttrkey is highly --

c) Open
a) Cenualized b) De-centralized

5. Indian head of the Government is

c) PastY Chairman
a) Fresidsnt b) Prime Minister

6. The lower house of India Partiament is called

b) Rajia Sabha c) Lok Sabha
a) Vadhan Sabha

- .]- 7. BJP is a socially PartY'

b) Risht Wing c) Democratic
a) Left wing

L In India Prime Minister headed thc

b) Parliament c) Conventions
a) Union Council of Ministers

9. Iranian head of the state is called

b) President c) Prime Minster
a) Suprerne Leader

In 201? elections in Iran became its President

b) Hassan Rohsni c) Mostafah{ir
a) Ebratrim Raisi
! aa aaaataaaatlot ottota
IlaaaaRoll No..,.............'
8.S.4 Years Program / Fourth Semester -2019 aa aa aaaaaaaaao ! t'

Paper: Pakistan Movement

Course Gode: POL-203 I POL-22U8 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2. Questions with short answers. (5x4=20)

Describe the objectives of All lndian National Congress at the time of its formation in
1 885.
Write in short the recommendations made by the Simla Deputation in 1906.
Highlight the main features of Montague Chemsford reforms'1919.
Write a short note on Khilafat Movement.
Highlight any three points of Nehru Report.

Q,s. Questions with long answerc. (3x10=30)

t. Highlight the All lndia Muslim League Objectives and Priorities at the time of its
creation in 1906.
ii. Briefly explain the government of lndia act 1919.
iii. Discuss the Cabinet Mission.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB 'rRorrNo. in Fig...'.'.....

B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 'r,Roil No. in words.

Paper: Pakistan Movement '.
Course Code: POL-203 t POL-22448 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.-""""
\ ..r.........r


" .,
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.
\ \\
' Q.{ True / False. Tick the true one. (1xl0=10)

i. Cabinet Mission Plan was rejected by Congress as it refused to True / False

join the interim government.
ii, The government of lndian Act 1935 had three lists of subjects
and these are

, :::
Luckhnow Pact 19't6 failed to integrate Hindus and Muslims on
True / False
political grounds.
lv' Muslims demanded a separate homeland from the day first of True / False
British rule in lndia.
Mr. Jinnah's fourteen points were accepted by the British
v' government.
True / False

vl' All lndia Muslim League ws representative party of Hindus of True / False
vii. Nehru report came on scence in 1926. True / False

viii, Partition of Bengal Took Place in 1911. True / False

ix. Cripps Mission was welcomed by Hindus. True / False

_u- x. Lahore Resolution of 1940 was supported by Hindus. True / False

'.RorrNo. in Fig"""""'
B.s. 4 Years Program / Fourth semester - zal€ '..Ro[ No. in words.
Paper: lntroduction to Political Science \ \.-""""""'
Cource Code: POL-211 IPOL-22114 Part- l(Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10

This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '.

* Q.I. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovetwriting is not altowed. (10x{={0)

1. How many essentials are required to constitute a state

a) Three b) Four c) Five
d) Six e) None of these
2. Fascism as a political theory originated in
a) France b) Germany c) ltalY
d) Russia e) None of these
3. Strong emphasis on justice was laid by
a) Socrates b) Aristotle
c) Herodotus d) None of these
4. A bi-cameral legislature as most suited to
a) Federal States b) Presidential form of government
c) Authoritarianstates d) None of these
5. Plato wrote
a) Politics b) The laws
c) Political Economy d) None of these
6. Collective responsibility is a feature of
a) Presidential form b) Parliamentary form
c) Authoritarian form d) None of these
7. Which political theory propounded the state will ultimately disappear Socialism
a) Fascism b) Communism
c) None ofthese
,\- 8. Democracy originated in ancient Greece
a) ln the US after freeing itself from British tyranny
b) ln France after Revolution
c) ln UK after signing Magna Carta
9. The national assembly of Pakistan consists of:
a) 200 members b) 313 members
c) 21 1 members d) None of these
10. The author of the book "The Prince" was:
a) Machiavelli b) Plato
c) Socrates d) None of these
a a aa t laa oaaaoaa a o a t a aa
3 Roll No. ...,............ :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 ta aa a aaoaa aa a a
a a a aaa a a

Paper: lntroduction to Political Science

Course Code: POL-211 IPOL-22114 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2. Questions with short answens. (4x5=20)

t. Describe the concept of Legitimacy.

ii. Write a short note on Judiciary as an important organ.
iii. Highlight the scope of Political Science.
iv. Describe the concept of Federation.

Q.3. Questions with long answers. (3x{0=30)

i. Briefly describe the evolution of Western Political Thought.

ii. Explain which form of government is good for Pakistan, Presidential or
iii. Explain the legislature and judiciary as an important organs of Government.

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaaaaaaataataaaa
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2O1g !oa Roll No................. :
Paper: Political Science-ll (MAS)
Course Code: POL-ZZ2 t GEN-22417 part - il Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:50

Q.2. Questions with short answers. (4x5=20)

i. What is print media?
ii. Define the concept of sovereignty.
iii. What is state?
iv. Highlight relationship between media and democracy.
v. What is Foreign Policy?

Q.3. Questions with long answers. (3x10=30)

i. Explain in detail the role of media in politics

ii. Discuss various elements of state.
iii. Discuss utility of political science.

uNlvERslTy oF THE PUNJAB " Ro[ No. in Fis. ..........
& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
Paper: Political Science-ll (MAS)
'.,,Ro1 No. in Words.
Course Code: POL-222, GEN-22417 Part-l (Gompulsory) Time: {E Min. Marks: i0 '.
ATTE$,PTIHE PAEEB Ol.l TH=IS=OUESJIOiI| SHEET ONLY. '., sisnature of supdt.:
Division of marks is oiven in front of each question. \
This Paper ned above. '..
Q.l True I False. Tick the true one. (1xl0={0)

" There is no difference between print media and electronic media. True / False
ii, Electronic media can play an important role to create political True / False
iii. Media can highlight actual issues of society. True / False

iv. Population is a significant element of state. True I False

v. Political awareness promote democracy. True / False

vi. Radio and ry are significant source of print media. True / False

vii. Foreign policy deals with domestic lssues of a state. True / False

viii. Democracy is Government by few. True / False

Media can be a best source to promote awareness among True / False

x. Media can create a strong link between masses and rulers. True / False

No' in

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '..Roil No. in \fuords.

Paper: Philosophy of Education \
Course Code: ED-302 Part - ! (Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.-""""
r .........rr..



',, t.'
This Paper ned above.
-)t Q.l. Encircle the right answer cufting and ovenvriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
t- Which school held the view, "God rnakes all things Bood; man meddtes with and they
become evil"?
Man<ism .Pragrratism Naturalisrn Existentialism
Z- Which branch of philosophy examines issues pertainingto the nature of 'oreality"?
Axiology Metaphysics Ontology ' , Epistemology
3- Which branch of philosophy deals with knowldgr, its structrue, mbthod and validity?
Logic Metaphysics Epistcnnology Aesthetics
4F What is thi goat of educationaccording-uo ldealism?
Realization of moral values Satisfaction of human wants

Perfect adaptation to the environrnent

Cultivation ofdynamic, adaptabte min{ rcsourseful and enterprising in all siftrations

5- Ihe aim of eduoatipn according to the Existentialists is
Objoctive knowledge good undersunding of the worl{ outside

Adaptation to practical life Humanitarian and humanist self- realization

-H;:il*aim orEducation is
' Happy and moral deveroprnent

Total development of personality Spiritual and rnoral dovelopment

7-Religious education is strongly advocated by
Realist Pragrnatists' Ideetists Existentialise
8- Which one of fie following edtrcationsystems suppofis scientificprogress?
Idealistic Naturalistic Realistic Nono of *bove
9- Why are cumiculum activities used in teaching?
Make teachingeasy Ib assist the teacher

To make teaching attractive ' 1o ruake teaching effcetive

l0- What is the main centre of informal Educationl)
Family Society Radio & TV All of abovc
3 Roll No................. :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 laaa a a a a aa a aaaaaa t

Paper: PhilosoPhY of Education

Gounae Code: ED-302 Part - ll Tlme: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2 Answer the following short questlons 4xF20

1. Defme AxiologY and OntologY.

2, What is the basic concePt of philosophy of PragrnatiBm?
3. What are the aims of Education in the philosophy of progressivism?
4. Define PhitosoPhY?
5. Explain any one mode of philosophy.

Q.3 Answer the following questionr 10x3=30




B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 i I:l.Y:;:'j;:'j:':;:. i
Paper: Physical Education
Course Gode: PE-211 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


r &* z srloRr QUEsrIoNs (2x10)

' II
How many seasons and cycles are present in sports periodization?
Define Physical Fitness?
'5 Name four ditlerent subdisciplincs ol'PhysicalEducatiou'l
:e How psychological and Physicll dcvelopmcnl can bc done through sports?
. S Briefly describe rhe roie of l,hy'sical Education in tleveloping arvarcncss of Nutrition in life of a
common person?
C Name ditTerent health relatcd und skill relatcd lltncss conlponcnts?
. . 7 Write down lbur basic codes ol'ctlrics tbr a coach?
t Define Physical titness according to WI-IO?
to -Define Non'game specific actire rvartn up?

BRrEr QUnS'r'rONS (r013)

ot a
6,o 3 What is the role of l,hysical activitf in the livcs of children? Brielly describc the sequence(5+5)
typical lesson of sports?
G*4 Briefly desgibe skill related physical fituess components? Also describe health benetits of
physical activity? (6+4)
&o 5 What are general guidelines for principle of diminishing returu? Also describe Intcrval training
detail? (5+5)

'. Roll No. in Fig. .........'
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 'r;Roll No. in words.
Paper: Physical Education ,l0
Course Code: PE-211 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks:
'r Signature of SuPdt.:
Divirsion of rnarks is oiven in front of eachqHestion.

e.1. Encircte the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (f 0x1=10)

l. Helps to stay healthy;

a) Health related fitness components b) Skill related titness components

c) None of these d) Both a &b

2. The abitity to exersise your Qutire body for long period of time is;
a) Muscular endurance b) I;lexibility c1 Ilody composition d) Cardiovascular fitness
3. The amount of force your muscles catr produce;
a) Muscular endurance b) srrcngth c) llody composition d) cardiovascular fitness
4. Factor affecting strength;
a) Age & gender b) time c) Agility d) b & c

5. Speed is ability to perform a distance in a short Period of time;

a) Movement b) Distance c) Power d) None of these

6. People with good agility are most likcly to be good at activates such asi
a) Diving b) Ice skaring c) Table tennis d) All of these

7, Psychomotor abilities are;

a) Movement controlled by hands b; Movement controlled bY brain
c) Movement controlled by spirral cord d) Movement controlled by eyes
8. Coaches must respect the basic human rights that arc;

-I- a) On the ground of colorb) l-'artgttagc c) Equal right d) Political based

9. Warm up is designcd to clcvatc;
a) Core body temperatute b) Perfonuance c) Agility d) intensity
10. There are major types of vrarm up.
a) Three b) two c) fbur d) tive
',. Roll No.ln Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Yearc Program Fourth Semester - 2019
'.Roll No' in Words,
Paper: Physics-lV (Concepts oJ Modern Physics)
Gourse CoOe: PHY-213 I PHY-22307 Part- I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: l0 '.

r e.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and ovenvriting is not allowed. tf Oxf =f Ol

1. When a photo-emissive surfacc is crposed to light of some suitable fre


(a) Protons are ernitted

(b) Photons are ernittcd
(") ihotoelectrons are emitted
(d) Photograph can be takcn

(a) Loosely borrnd eleetron

(b) Tightly bound electroa
(c) Any of these
(d) Completely free elcctron
3. Compton shitt retbrs to:
(e) Proton
' (b) Meeon
(c) Positron
(d) Photon
j- 4. The part/s of a photocell isfare:
(a) Thin anode rod
(b) Evacuatod glass lrrbc
(e) Evacuated glass ttibe'arid Catlrocle of an appropriate metal surface
(d) Cathode of an apllt'opriate metal surface

5. Time:
(a) is relative
(b) ie a*r o.bsoluto quanrity
(c) Depends upon motion of frarne of reference
td) AJI aborne

6. fhe rpecial thaory of relativity is based on:

(a) Two postulates
(b) Four postula.tes
(c) postulates
(d) "t.uee
One postulate

?. Photoelectrons are ernitted when visible light falls ou:

(a) Potassium
(b) $odiurn and Potassium
(c) Cesium coa&d oxidized silver
(d) Sodiutu
8. There is no way to detect:
(a) Absolute uniform motion
(b) State of ret
(c) State of motion
(d) Accelerated motion
9. ?he coacept sf direction is purely;
(a) Absolute
(b) Relatirae to stam *lways
(Q Belative
(d) Rnlative to the sun always
10. AII nrotions are:

(a) Absolute
(b) Relative 0o the instrument
(c) Relative to & persor and R.elative to the instrument
{d) Relative to & perton
UNTVERSTTY OF THE PUNJAB .....................t
B.S. 4 Yeans Program Fourth Semester - 2O1g ;..i:l.Y:'j:'j:':'j.':'j.. !
Paper: Physics-lV (Concepts of Modern Physics)
Course Code: PHY-213 IPHY-22307 Part- ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2. Give short answers to the following. (4x5=20)

L. What is blackbody radiation? 'lVrite down Rayleigh's law and Planck's

law for energy density and explain the differnce between them. What is
ultiaviolet, catastrphe?
2. The kinetic energies of photoelectrons range from zefo to 4.0 x 10-1eJ
when ligtrt of wavelengttr 30mA falls on a ruface. What is the stopping
poteirtial for this tiglrt?
3. Deterrnine the ma:<imurn scattering angle in a Comptor experiment for
which the scattered photon can produce a positron-electron pair.

4. Calculate the kinetic enerry of a neutron'whose de Broglie warrelength is


Q.3. Give long answers to the following. (3x10=30)

1. (a) Find the energies of two photons that are produced when annihilation
occur$ betneen an electron and positron that ale initially at rest.
(b) Dtermine a photon's threshold e$ergy for pair production.

. -L 2. Discuss in detail the stability of nuclei,


3. State and explain de Broglie hypothesis. State propertieS of rnatter wa,ves.

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester- 2019
Rol[ No. ................ :
aa aa aar aaa a aa aaa a aa I
Paper: Contemporary Sociological Theory
Course Code: SOG-204 tS;OC-Z24}S part
- ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2. Explain the following terms: (4x5=201

I- AGIL by Talcott Parson
2- Breaching Experiment
3- Manifest function & Latent fur:ction
4- Sociological Imagination

Q.3. Briefly answer the following questions. (2x15=30)

t- Explain Geory Simmel's Theory of Philosophy of Money. Elaborate how money
plays a role in defining different trorns and individual behaviour$ within society?

2- Write a brief note on Structural Transformation in Public Sphere by Jrugen


B.S. 4 years program
Soc io to g ic
/ Fourth Semester -
I rh eo ry
.. Roll No. in Fig.

\.Roll No. in Words.

Course lr11t:1ry1"
l (Corputsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks:
\ \r

'r Signature of Supdt.:

oQ'{' Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (lgxi={0)
l- Individuau subjective culture is the
*apaciry of the actor to
objeos o{*,knowtedge ofscience or of pfriforopffi
:l "T9.
c) Produce multi-causal, murtidirecdonar facts and values.
d) Produce the subjective reality of rhe

u- Charles Horton Cooley is known for

the idea
a) Class conflict
b) Looking Glass Self
c) Micro-macro Integration
d) Social Solidarity

lll- 'Archeology of Knowledge' is a

key rheoretical idea of
a) Anthony Ciddens.
b) Alfred Schutz.
c) Antonio Cramsci
d) Michel Foucault

ry- Talcott Parson is known as

b) Micro-Macro Structuralist.
c) Agency-structure Determinist
d) Proponent of the Chieago School.
v- is also knou,n as a radical sociologist.
a) Herbert Spencer.
b) Talcott Parson
c) George HomaEs
d) C.W.Mills
vi- Conflict theo'ry emerged as a
a) critique of feminist theory.
b) alternative to Anthony Giddens's Structuration theory. -
c) alternative to Stnrcture-Functionalism
e) Critique of Postmodernism

vii- Ethnomethodology is known as

a) Sociology of everyday lifc.
b) Sociology of fiurctioning of human mind.
c) Fusiou of Mam and Weber.
d) Analysis of the Posmodemism.

viii- The Feminist theory looks at the world as

a) With great contempt.
b) From the vantage points of women,
c) From the vantage points of deep structuius of the mind.
d) From the most Weberian point of view.

ix- Talcott Parsons can primarily be defined as aMantist sociologist.

a) True
b) False

x- Post modernists embrace grand namatives.

a) True
b) False
'. Rolt No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester - 2019 'r.Rott No. in Words.
Paper: lntroduction to Sociology \
Course Code: SOG-211 / SOC-22108 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min, Marks: 10 '.


Division of marks is Eiven in front of each question'
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '. '..

.r$ Q,l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. lf Oxf =f O1

1, Sociology is different from common sense because

a. lt follows scientific method
b. Sociological lnvestigations are research based
c, Botha&b
d, None ofabove
2. was one amont the earliest functionalist sociologists
a, August Comte
b. Weber
c. Marx
d, None of above
3. Sociology is a _ science
a. Natural
b. Social
c. Political
d. All of above
4, Social expectations that are grounded in morals of society are known as
a. Folkways
b. Mores
. -- c. Laws
d. None of above
5. The application of scientific approach to social world is called
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Positivism
c. Xenocentrism
d. Capitalism

5. _ defined sociology as a study of soclal actlon
o. Weber
b. Marx
c. Durkhiem
d. None of above
7, language
a. Transrnits the culture
b. ls symbolic in nature
c. Allows humans to have a vast imagination
d, .All of above
' 8, Terrorist outfits are an exarnple of
a. Counter culture
b. Sub culture
c. Deviant Culture
d, None of above
9. The phenomenon of culture being found in all known societies can be desrrihed as
a. Universality of culture
b. Particularity of culture
c. Both af above
d. None of above
10. Which one of the following is an example of non-material culture
a. Furniture
b. Technology
c. Philosophy/retigion
d. All of above
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB taaarataaaaaaaaaoaaat

B.S. 4 Yearc Program Fourth Semester -2019
! Roll No. ................ :
Paper: lntroduction to Sociology
Course Gode: SOC-21l tSOC-Z?IOg part- ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q.2. Write short answers to following questions. (4x5=201

JI L. Define sociology with reference to different sociologists?
2, What is culturaldiversity?
3. What is role conflict? Give brlef explanation
4. What is ethnomethodology?

Q.3. Write long answers to following questions. (2x15=30)

1. Define socializatlon and what are the agerts of socializatlon? Dlscuss with examPles
2. Define Crirne and explaln its causes in our rocial setup.

B.S. 4 Years Program I Fourth Semester - 20{9 iaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.a
I9l-!?"::'..:':'::':": i
Paper: lntroduction to Social Work
Gourse Gode: GS-212 Part - ll Time:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q,Z, Sivg th! tsrief Antwer$ (3 x x0 Mark);

3 (a) Whatisthe relationshipofSociologicattheorywlthsocialwork
(b) Define Community Development. Explain its different stages/Phases.
(c) Define "Group Work" method. Mentlon its principles and highlight any four of them.

Q.3. Write Short Notes on the Following (4 x 5 Ma*s);

{a} What is "SocialWork". Discuss its relationship with Sociology

(b) What do you know absut social welfare services. What are its various types
(c) Socialcase work
(dl SocialGroup Work
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester - 2019
',. Roll No. in Fig. ..........

\,.Rol! No. in llllords.

Paper: lntroduction to Social Work
Gource Gode: GS-212 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 'r


k Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
Which one is "not" a primary method of socialwork:

(a) Soclal case work

(bl SocialGroup work

tc) CommunityDevelopment.

td) Social Research

ll Philosophy of Social Work ls based on whlch religion:

(a) Christianity

(bl Buddhism

(cl lslam

(dl Hinduism

lll Stoichiometry ls a technique wldely used for study:

(al Group structure

(b) Status of members ln the group
(cl Leadership
(d) None oftheabove
lV Whlch one is "not" a stage a socialgroup work:

(a) Norming
(b) Confirming
(cl Performing

(dl Allof them

V "Ushr" is collected on whlch income:

(a) Business

(b) Agriculture
(c) SalarY
(d) Bank deposits
nZakat" ls
Vl collected at which ratio:

(a) z%Yn

(b) $Yo

tc) 7r$

{d} two

Vll NationalCouncil for social welfare was established ln:

(al 19511
(b) 1e55
{c} 1958

td) 1e60

Vll Who defined soclal work "as an art of doingl

{a} Mary Richmond

(bl H.H. Perlman

(c) H.B, Tracker

(d) W.A Frhd Lander.
lX Which one is the lst stage ln social case wort procesl

(al Study

{b} Diagnosis
(c) Treatment
(d) Follow up
X. MedicalSocialWork is a branch ot
(alCase Work

(b) 6roupWork

(cl Social Research

{d} Social Policy

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 Rot, No. in Words.
". ..
Paper: SocialWork
Course Code: SOCW-2I1/SWK-22139 Part-l (Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10',""'

"''i;is;;ili. ri' ir pot.,

Division of marks is qiven in front of each question. '..
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

l. is the most frequently used skill in social work

a. Needs assessment

b. The interview
c. Goal setting
d. The determination of eligibility
2. All of the following are TRUE about the social work interview EXCEPT:
a. It is purposetirl
b, It has a formally determined time, meeting place and
0. The worker"s actions are planned, deliberate, and consciously selected to further
the interview

d. It is similar to a personal conversation with a friend

3. Oral comrnunication formats in clinical social workpractice consist of;
a, An agency"s operational manual
b. An agency"s organizational structure
c. An agency"s mission statement
d. An agency"s catchment area
. lL 4. The scope and prevalence of social problems (popularion needs) are detennined by:

a. Case conferences

b. Team meetings

c. Student-instructor supervisory sessions

d. All of the above
5. Leaning forward, saying ummm, nodding, are examples of which one of the following
interviewing techniques?
b. Prompting
c. Furthering
d. Checking
a) Group structure
b) Status of members in the group
c) Leadership
d) All the above
7. Groups are classified into primary goups by-?
a) H.B. Trecker
b) Coolel'
c) Maclver
d) Max Websr
8. Which of the following is NOT a stage of social group work process?
a) Conlbrming
b) Norming
c) Stonning
d) Performing
9. Which of the following is NOT a primary group?
a) Mob
b) Family
c) Cang
d) Pear group
10, Group work is intended speciatly

a) To promote social action

b) To ti:,cilitats cornmunity oryanizarion
c) To enhance social functioning
d) To solve individual and group problems through group process
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB "...............O"..
& B.s. 4 years program
Paper: Social Work
/ Fourth semester - zitg
R9! No' : r':'-r""":"' :

Cource Code: SOCW-211 / SWK-22139 Paft- tl time:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:50


Define the following with example. (5x4=201
i. Medical SocialWork
ii. SocialWork in Schools
iii. Child Welfare
iv. Services of the Older Persons
v. Service for Women

Q.3. Give the brief answers. (10x3=30)

i, Define methods of social work. Explain its various types.

ii. What do you mean by social welfare services? Briefly discuss the social welfare
services for children and older persons in Pakistan?
iii. Define SocialWork. Explain sociologicaltheory and its applications to socialwork.

B.S. 4 Yearc Program I Fourth Semester ! Roll No. ................ :

-2019 oa
a aa a a a aa aa a aa a a aaa a I
Paper: Sales Tax Gustom and Federa! Excise Duty
CounEe Code: COMM-208 ICOM-22362 Part- tl Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q# 2 Write short notes on the following: (5x4=20)

a) Dcfine the term "Tax Invoice" under the Sales Tax Act 1990
\ b)Explain the gmunds under which "File a revised trturn" is required
c) Briefly elaboratc the feature of appeals to Comnnissioner (Appeals)
d)Explain the penalties to the following offences oFailure to furnish a return" and "Failure to issue lax
e) Briefly give tlre overview of structure of any one "Fcderal Excise Duty" or *Customs Dury" in Pakistan

Answer the following questions. (2x15=30)

e. No. N
Nine Sar Company is a distribuior of certain qhemicals, During the month of April 2019. its purchascs
and sales as per return are as under:

Taxable turnover to rcgistered persons Rs. !t0.00.000
2. Taxable tumover to non-Ggistercd per$ons 380.000
3. Taxable turnover to registered ramilers(Rctail price) 300.000
4. Supplies of goods specified in 3's Sehcdule
(Retail price Rs. 150.000) r00.00u
5. Supplics b associated company locrted in r70.000
Export processing zone
6. Supplies to govcrnmcnt hospital 375.000
(Consists of less than 50 beds)
7. Supplies to government hospital 180.000
(Consists of more than 50 beds)
8. $upplies to private hospital 260.000
9. Taxable supplies at discounted price @llYo
(normat husiness practice) Due to relation.
ship special discount allowed @ lisla I75.0r)0
10, Taxable purchases from regisrercd penons 500.000
I l. T*xable purchases agdinst commercial invoices t30.000
12. Taxable purchascs against tax invoices 2 r 0.000
13. Purchase of pre-fabricated building 650.000
lr{ Imported ta<ed goods 380.000
lf. General sales tax paid on elecricity bill 60.000
16 Purchases from un-registered p€rsons
(used for making mxable supplies) 160.000
t?. Purchases of office equipmenr I90.000
18. Replacement of defective par$ ftee
ofcost under waranty 50.000
tf. Purchase of immovable property 850.000
&e. Purchsse from register person (blacklistcd during thc pcriod) 350.000
trl ', Purchase of raw material fmm cottage industry r00.000
l2 , Input Tax on lunch provided to rhe staff 75.000
Req.uired. Calculate sales tax chargeable.

Explain tlrc provision of Sales Tax Ast 1990 regrrding "Compulsolv rogistration" and -De-regisrration"
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB oaaaaaataaaaaaatlaiaa

B.S. 4 Yeans Program / Fourth Semester
! Roll No................. :
ta.... a oa.a a.. a. !
Paper: Sales Tax Custom and Federal Excise Duty
Course Code: COMltl-208 tCOtt-2Zg6Z part- il
Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q# 2 write short notes on the following: ( ix4=201

a) Dcfine the term "Tax Invoice" under the salcs Tax Act 1990

..l9tirll elaborarc rhe feature of appeals ro comnrissioner (Appeats)

d)Explain the penalties to the foilowing offences *Failure io furnish a rerurn" and..Failure ro issue rax
e) Briefly give tlre overview of structure of any one "Fcderal Excise Duty" or *Cu:toms Duty" in pakisran

Answer the following questions. (2x15=30)

Q. No.03
Nine star company is a disrributor of certain chcmicals. During the month of Rpril 2019. its purchases
and sales as per retum are as under:

l. Taxable trrnover to registercd persons Rs. 40.00.000

2. Taxable turnover to non-registered persens 280.000
3. Taxable turnover to registered reuilen(Retail prise) 300.000
4. Supplies of goods specified in 3d Sehedulc
(Retail price Rs. 150.000) t00.000
5. Supplics o associared company losatcd in r70.000
Export processing zone
6. Supplies to governrnant hospital 37s.000
(Consists of less than 50 beds)
7. Supplies ro govemment hospinl I80.000
(Consists of morc than 50 beds)
8. $upplies to private hospital 260-000
9. Taxable supplies at discounred priee @ l0o/o
(normal business prastice) Due to relaiion-
ship specialdiscount allowed @ llvo I7s.000
10. Taxable purchases from registered persons s00.0u0
I l. Taxable purchases ag{inst commercial invoices r30.000
12, Taxable purrhases against tax invoicac 2r0.000
I 3. Purchase of pre-fabricated building
l{ Imported taxed goods 380.000
lf. General sales rax paid on electriciry bill 60.000
16 Purchases from un-registercd persons
(used for rnaking raxable supplies)
l?. Purchascs of office equipminr I90.000
18. Replacement of defsctivl parr free
of cost under warranty s0.000
19" Purchase of immovable property 850.000
3o. Purch*e from register pe6on (braekrisred during thc pariod) 350.(,00
!,1 I Purchase of raw material from cottage indusiy r00.000
l2 , Input Tax on lunch provided to the siaff
Xeq,uired. Calculate sales tax chargeable.

Explain thc provision of Sales Tax Ast lgg0 regrrding..Compulsoq;, regisrarion. *De-regisrrarion..
8.S.4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester -2A19
'.fioll No. in Fig. ..........

\rRoll No. in Words.

Paper: Sales Tax Gustom and Federal Excise Duty
Gounse Code: COMM-208 lCOln-22362 Paft-t (Computsory) Time: l5ltllin. Marks: 10 'r

'. Signature of Supd

Division of marks is slven in front of each question.
This Paperwill be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
i. On l4d' Augusr 1g47. the pakistan Oovr adopted the Cusrom Acr:
a) Sea Cusroms Acr 1878
b) Airships Cusroms Acr 19il
c) Land Cusromr Acr 1924
d) All of the above
ii. List of Excisable goods and services specificd in Federal Excise Acr ?005 are available:
a) First schcdule
b) Second schedule
c) Third schedule
d) Fourth schedule
iii. Which one of the following pemons has to file spccial rerurn under the Sales Tax Act 990
a) Registarcd persons
b) Un-regisrcred pemons
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) De-regisrcrcd person
iv. lf thc Appollate Tribunal decision invotves poinr of law. the matrer may be rc&rred ro
a) FBR
b) FederalGow
c) High Coun
d) Supreme Coun
v. Monthly salcs rax liabiliry shall be paid on
a) I'r date of currcnt month
b) 156 of following month
c) End of curent month
d) End of following month
vi. on l4e August 1947. Saies Tax was a provincial subjecr. levied in the
a) Provinceof punjabrnd Sindh
b) Provincially Adminisrrared Tribal Areas
c) Fcderally Administmred Tribal Areas
d) Both (a)and (b)
vii. As provided in section 88(l) of the Sales Tar Acr 1990, a regisrered psrson is not allowed ro
adjusr inpur rax
in excess of
a) of output tax
b) 70% of outpur ax
c) 80% ofoutput tax
d) 90% ofoutpur tax
viii. Rcuiler mcans a person supplying goods .o generat public on
a) Wholcsalc prices
b) Retail prices
c) Discounr prices
d) All of the above
ix. Input tax is in relation to a registered pcrson means
a) Tax paid on supply ofgoods
b) Tax paid on imports of goods
c) Tax paidon exporrsofgoods
d) None ofthe above
x. under the provisions of seles Tax Act 1990, and Rules mrdc there under, excess of inpur lax ovcr output rB..(.
for any period can be
a) Canied fonrard indefinirely
b) Cannot be carried forward
c) Caried forward ro 6 months
d) Canied forward to 3 monrhs
UNIVERSTTY OF THE PUNJAB t.....................
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2O1g ,..1:1I1'.;;:;:';;:';:.:
Paper: Science (Basic)
Course Code: eOe-tf O part _ ll Time: 2 HnE.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.NO.2 Answer the following short questions, [201

,"- l. Dsfine parasitic relationships.
€ 2. Differentiate between speed and velocity,
3. Define species?
4. Differentiate between mass and volume.
5. Differentiate between weather and climate.

Section: Answer the following questions. [301

Q.No.3: Write a note on a cell (generalized plant or animal cell). l0
Q.No.4: What are different forms of energy? l0
Q.No.S: a) Write a note on three states of rnatter (example of water). 6
b) Differentiate between elements and compounds. 4
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Roil No. in Fig...........
" \
W t. - 2019
rB.S.4Years Program / Fourth Semester-
Paper: science (Basic) 'v ta \'Roll No' in words'
Course Code: EDE-llO part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10

Division of marks is given in front of each question. "..;is;;;;i"
This Paper ned above. '..
Gr- .1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. tlOxf =f Ot

1. all----
Viruses are the smallest of

B. vertebrates B. invertebrates C. microorganisms D. aquatic animals

2. Matter has mass and occupies------:
B. color B. space C. volume D. weight
3. Plants which produce food for others as well are termed as:
B. Producers B. Consumers C. Decomposers D. Primary consumers
4. ------are animals which have a backbone.
B. Invertebrates B. Vertebrates C, Soft bodied D. Hard bodied
5. --*- is the space occupied by matter in an object,
A. Volume B. Weight C. Mass D. Length
6. The combination of many things in whichtheir proportions are variable is called:

A. Compound B. molecule C. mttter D. mixture

7. Due to presence of water ---- is also named as blue planet:
B. Mars B. Venus C. Earth D. Moon
8. The stable form of an element is known as:
B. electron B. molecule C. atom D. mixture
9, Classification is the grouping of organism on the basis of similarities and----.
B. morphology B. differences C. uniqueness D. resemblances
10. The larger pieces of lands are grouped in the seven----
B. continents B. deserts C. mountains D. glaciers
g ao ! a a i l a t aa a l aaaa ta
3 Roll No.............'... :

B.S. 4 Years Program I Fourth Semester - 2019 talao o taoaa oaaa aaato aa

Paper: Software Engineering

Cource Code: lT-206 llT-22406 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Short Ouestiglrs (Marks 20)

<. Eodt qaestion is of 4 marks

Question #2:
'Software does not wear out", Explain it.

Question #3:
Differentiate'metric' and' measure'?

Question #{:
Explain "data stol€" with respect to'oData Flow Diagram"?

Question #5:
Differentiate'modaliry' and'cardinality'?

Question # d:
Di fferentiate "'exhaustive testing" and "se lecti ve testi ng"?

Subiective Ouestions (Marks 30)

Ettch questiotr is of I0 morks

Question #7:
Define and explain "sofilvare development litb cycle"?

Question #$:
Explain "transactional florv" and "transform flow" with respect to "Data Flon'

Question #{:
Define "Test Case"? Explain any one format to write it with example?

..ROIINO. iN Fig.
B.s, 4 Years Program / Fourth semester - 201g 'r.Rou No. in words. ............
Paper: Software Engineering \
Course Code: lT-206 llT-22406 Part- I(Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 't0 '.."""'
\ \ ..............
ATTE$,PIIHq PAEEB ON.TH,!S.OUESI|O!!| SHEET ONLY. '...sisnature of supdt.:
9ivision of marks is given in front of each ouestion. ..
This Paper will be collected hack after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '. tta

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

-) l. Which process modet is appropriate for the development of commcrcial softwar

A. Water Fall Model C. Spiral Modcl
B. Incremental Model D, prorotyping Model
2. Software does not wear out.
A. True B. False

3. Which one of the follorving is not part of a software?

A. Data Structure
B. Documentation
C. Instructions
D, None of the abovc

4. The success of a project lies onty on ,customer'.

A. True B. False
5. Total Slack is always more than Free Stack.
A. True B. False

6. State Transition Diagram is part of:

A. Functional Model C. Data Model
B. Behavioral Modcl D. None of the above
7. External Entitiesare identified in
A. Enrity Relation Diagram
B. Data Florv Diagrarn
--)' C. State Transitioi Diagram
D. nll of the abovc

8, 'Actions' identified in "State'l'ransition Diagram" are the processes identified

"l)ata Flou,Diagram".
A. True B. False

9. A developer of a sofirvare can be the tester of same software.

A. 'Irue
B. False

I0. The minirnum cyclomatic complexity of a piece of code can be zero.

A. True
B. False

aa a aoa oaaaaa t alalaaa aa

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019

!ta Roll No. ................
aaa aoaaa a

Paper: Statistics-lV
Gourse Code: STAT-203 / STT-22314 Part - lt Time: 2 Hrs.3o Min. Marks:50


(i) What is meant by a Two-way analysis of Variance and an interaction? (4)

fhree variable have in pairs simple correlation coefficients given by rrz = 0.8,
r8 = -0.7 snd ?"23 = -0.9. Fild the multiple correlation coeffioient Rr.zg of Xr on (4)
Xz and )b.

(a) Define a Contingency Table. How do you determine the number of degrees
(iii) of freedorn in an rxo contingency table. (4)

(b) Discuss the important properties of chi-square distribution.

What is a multiple regression? Explain the basic difference between simple

(iv) (4)
regression and multiple regression .

Define and discuss the use of randomization and replication in designing an

(v) (4)


Five pennics wcre tossed 1000 times and the number of heads were observed as

Nurnber of heads 0 I 2 3 4 5
Frequensies 38 144 342 287 164 25
Test whether i satisfactory fit to test data by applying
the ch i-square goodness-of-fit-test.

Perform the analysis of variance on the following data and analyse the treatment
means using the "least signifrcant difference" test with a 0.05 level of significance.

Blocks 2

Q.5 The following table shows the corresponding values of three variables Xr, Xz and (6)
Xr 3 s 6 I t2t4
Xr 15t0 7 4 3 )
Xr 90 72 54 42 30 t2
a) Find the regression equation Xr on Xr and Xz.
b) Estimate Xr when Xr =10 and Xz=6. V
c\ Compute Rr.rz and Sr.rz . -, ,

Civen the following data

Q.6 (6)
Calculate the estimated regression equation, (i.e y:a+bl.t(r+blxr) for the
above data.
(b) state the meaning of the partial regression coefficients br and h.

The following data obtained from a randomized complete block design with 3
treatments A, B and C and 3 blocks contain one missing observation represented by
Blocks Treatments
Q.7 A B C (6)
I 5 l2 t5
I 7 10 t4
m I l6 x
Esti.male the missing observation and pie !
UNIVERSITY OF THE '.Rorr No. in Fig.'.........
. B.S. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester -2019 Rol No. in Words.
Paper: StatisticsJV ". '.
Gource Code: STAT-203 tSTT-22314 Part-l (Compulsory) Time:5S Min. Marks: 10".,""""
Division of marks is qiven in front of each question. '..,
fhis Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '.,

5O.r. Encircte the right answer cutting and overwriting is not altowed. (10x1=10)

Suppose in a population of size N, the class frequencies of two attibutes A and B are
given by (A) and (B), Then we have the expectation of (A) and @) oombined is
(")!# (o)?.?
c)9.9 (0qis)
In Dunoan's multiple rsnge test the "least significant range" is defined as

(i, (a)Rp = (b) frp = (c) Rp = (d) Re =

Qr(P,i'{slr q,(p,v)JW q,b,v)JW q,(p,v)r[W
If the nultiple correlation coefficient R3.12 = 1, then it implies a
(ii0 (alWeak linear (b)Perfect linear
(c)Perfect (d)High
relationship relationshio relationship relationshin
The second principle of an experimental design is
(iv) (a)Randomization (b)Local control (clReplication (d)None of these
The hypothesis is rejected at the u level of significange, when
_ldIS!*lvyv2) (b)F> Fo;(v,vt) (c)F< Fo;(v,,yt\ (d)F> Foi(vt,yz')
Which of the following relationship holds
(v0 (alrrz.r = (b)rrz.s = (c) lre.z =
,{br"r-G JM
The range of multiple correlation coefficient is
Jffi; (d)none of these

(vrl I +o +l
(a) 0 to (b) 0 to (c) -l to (d) none of these

If a chi-square test is performed on a contingency table with 5 rows and 4 columns. How
(viii) many degrees of freedom should be used?
(a)10 (b)14 (c)12 (d) 9
lf sz = !,57 , r = 4 and to,ozs,lrs; = 2,L3, then the "Least significant difference" is
(a) I .98 (b) I .97 (c) I .79 (il I .89
The standard error of estimate in multiple regression has degrees of freedom
(a)k-n (b)k- I (c)n-k (dln- 1
.,Roil No. in Fi9...........
g uNlvERslTy oF THE
B.S. 4 Years Prograrn /
Fourth Semester - 2}lg Rotl No. in words.
", t'..
Paper: Probability and
Cource Code: STAT-221 I ,T-22407 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: l0


Division of marks is given in front of each question. t..
This Paperwiil be coilecteffi limlt mentioned above. '..

Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed' ({0x{={0)
i) Statistics at large, deals with,
a) sampling b)
c) model building d)
ii) cannot be computed in case of open-end classes
a) median b) mean
c) mode d) central tendencies
iii) Dispersion measures_ of any data.
a) variability b)
c) efficiency d)
iv) Centeral tendencies of any data are
a) central observations b) Balancing points
c) single figure presentation of data d) all of the above
v) Stem & leaf diagram and Histogram can tead to judge_
a) scatterness b)
c) a&b d)
vi) Poisson probability deals with
a) Discrete events b)
rare events
c) limited number of observations d)
a &b both
\'J vii) The two events A and B are rnutually exclusive which of the following
statements must be true?
a) P(AUB)=Q b)
c) P(AfiB)=,| d) Not any of a,b,&c
viii) lf P(A)=I-P(B), then A and B are_ events.
a) Mutually exclusive events b)
complimentary events
c) exhaustive events d)
both b&c
ix) The strength of a linear relationship between two variables Y and X is
measured by
a)f b) R'
clr d)
None of above
x) ln the regression equation I = d + Px+ e, both X and Y variable$ are
a) Random b) Fixed
c) X is fixed and Y is random d) Y is fixed and X is random

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB araaaaaaaaraaaraaaa.a

& /
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester _ZO1g
Paper: Probability and Statistics
i Roll No.
................ :
aaaraaaoaa a a aa !

Course Code: STAT-221 I tT-2ZAOt part tl

- Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

0.!, Wrll"alro.l an$lvrr€ to each of tho followings. (2x101

= i)
\''l How descriptive statistics is helpful in decision making?
ii) What is the us6 of Box-Cox plob?.
iii) Write any four tools of exploratory data analysis.
iv) \Mrat is tre role of Moments in measuring scattemess.
v) List the pararneters of Normal distribution.
vi) What is the main difference between the Binomialand poisson experimenB?
vii) Differentiate between triat,event and sampre space.
viii) \Athat purpose does the Baye,s theorem
ix) write any two properties of least sguare regression line.
. x) Write the properties of correlation coefficient.
(f 0I
Given the following frequency distribution of weights, calculate the Mean
geometric mean.

Q'4' Goals scorad by two teams A and B in a football seeson were as followe: (06)
No. of goals scorcd Number of matches
in a match (x,) A B
0 27 17
I I o

2 8 6
3 5 5
4 4 3
By calculating the co-efficient of varlatlon in each case, find which team may
be considered more consistent.
Q.5' Two coins are tossed. What is the conditional probabilig that two heads t04)
result given that thera is at least one head?
Q.6 Two hundred passengers have made reservations for an airplane flight lf Sre (05)
probability that a-p_assenger who has a reservation will not show up is 0.01,
what is the probability that exacfly three will not show up?
Q.7 l-9t{!e Ar(100, ZZS} Find the fofiowing probabitities: (0sI
a) P(Xsg2.5), O) p(Xs 107.5),
c) P(Xa 1241, d) fl1'12sXs 128.5),
e) P(91 sXs127),
'rnorr No' in Fig'"""""
B.S. 4 Years Program Fourth Semester - 2019
'..Rou No. in Words.
Paper: Technical& Business Writing (lT) \
Course Code: ENG-232 / ENG-22452 Part- I (Gompulsory) Time: t5 Min. Marks: {0 '..""""

ATTEMPT THIS PAPER ON THIS QUEqTIO}=,| SHEET '. sisnature of supdt.:

Division otmarks is siven in front of each ouestion. _
This Paper witl be coilecied back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

;,'. Q.1. Encircte the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (f Oxf =f Oi

r). studies a situation and plan for doing Something about it and then determines
whether that plan is practical and workable.
a) Progress report
b) Compliance report
c) Feasibility report
2) _ provides an opinion Or judgernent rather than a yes -no answer.

. a) Evaluation rePort
b)" Complianoe report
c) Feasibility repoft
a) Progress report
b) Proposal
c) Instructions

4) Cultural communication means

a) Communication between two culturEs

b) Awareness of different cultures

c) high and low cultures

-\_,. 5) A _ CV lists your educational background and your work experience is reverse chronological

a) . Firnctional
b) Traditional
c) Skills

6) requires knowing your audience and ensuring that your message provides all
of the information that they need.

a) Decoding
b) Encoding
c) Feedback

?) let's you gauge how succpssful you were at communicating'

a) Encoding
b) Context
c) Feedback

8) Most of your interpersonal communication at wo* will be at level.

a) Friends.and acquaintances
b) Intimate
c) Non intimate
9) The lefter of is a docurnent written by the person who has given permission for
conduction the project.

a) Transmittal
b) Authorization
c| Acceptance

l0) An immediately preceding the body, is a concise description of the reporl

a) Acknowledgement
b) Executive summary
e) Discussion
Roll No. ................
B.S. 4 Yearc Program / Fourth Semester - 20{9

Paper: Technical & Business Writing (lT)

Gounse Gode: ENG-232 / ENG-22452 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50

Q#2 Oive short answers of fivs of these questions.
l. Differentiate between Commercial versus grant proposals.
2. How do you decide whether to give the negative directly or to buffer it?
3. How do you use positive emphasis in a negative message?
4. What are the criteria for good subject lines?
5. Differentiate between goodwill messages and goodwilleffort?
6. What sort of clranges are taking place in our society that might change the way we respond
to persuasive messages?
7. What is the purpose of an appendix in a research report?

Seotion - B

(2x t5=30)
Q#3 Attempt two questions from the following.

l. An important customer has asked your bank to extend his,credit limit. As this customer's
previous records show that he doesn't pay his credit bills in time, you are reluctant to extend
his credit, and at the same tirne you don't want to lose hirn. Write either a positive or a
negative letier, which ever seems appropriate to you. Follow all the formatting guidelines.
2. Design your own CV in the traditional format, listing all required information.
3. Write a m€mo to your assistant, and let hirn/her know what tasks to complete while you
are on your annual {eave.
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaata

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 itaoRoll No................. :

laaaa aaaa a a aa aa a a a !
Paper; TafseerJll
Course Gode: ISE-205 r lSL-22419 Part- ll Time:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:50


(ao) -96/.$t217-u{oW,ft-otttrube-$ :zA)t,

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- t1fi,fi{r$tt **t$ t t /*y t, t!A.i*, f

..ROII NO. iN Fig.
B:S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 No. in words.
Paper: Tafseer-lll ".Ron
Course Gode: !SE-205 / ISL-22419 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: {5 Min. Marks: 10 '.
Division of marks is qiven in front of each question. ..
This Paper will be cotlected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '. \

.j Q.1 . Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (f Ox1={ O1

(ro) -$ufvrr7w{v$*fntilEg'(Q)fi*Vistr-$J-U.o, *Alr

-7Uf{"*tf1r' '1
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uNlvERSlry oF THE PUNJAB "rtt"'t"oi""'r"'
B.S. 4Yearc Program / Fourth Semester- 2019 :.I:lIi'.;;:';;:;:'j:.:
Paper: Urdu-ll
Course Code: EDE-172 Part - !l Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


- rl IF 4Q$.t t fi tg {--' 4t' t

(+xs=zo) -Q:,>l r f Le r,):ev:zz/ Jt Y


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LnQrl,t,g?Q$&A u
{lLl fVtt+tr*tl,4LL
{ttp'i-t}Ltr,rr.-tJ, -
'. Roll No. in Fig.
B.S. 4 Years Program I Fourth Semester - 2019 '.RollNo. in Words.
Paper: Urdu-ll
Cource Code: EDE-172 Part-l (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '.
\ ...rrrr...rrrr

Division of marks is qiven in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.

(txto=to) -L{$ rV { e! -i v t: L e r rl-sQt:zt,/,) v

t)t t

t7939 (r) i94o Q) rt938 (=) 21937 (-lt)

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(,) J't',; ((r) ,/,rlu (=) a4.gti (JD
a t at aaa a t a o aa

& B.S. 4 Years Program

Paper: Nasri lsnaaf-Taruf o Tafheem-ll
/ Fourth Semester -2019 i Roll No........,........ !
ta. a a a at aa.a a a aaa aa.. I

Gource Gode: URDU-204 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


-{ jV,i'*,,tttv
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n/*t, -E- L/t tt,{ ti r,Fy L *,/+, d I }ft IL, {t 3"
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(o) {*!,ea$, t/* r}-;g.,, -t.AJ,.
of (r) uE| (t)

B.S. 4 Yeans Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 "ROIINO.

Ro1 No. in Words. ............
Paper: Nasri lsnaaf-Taruf o Tafheem-ll \ ".
Course Code: URDU-204 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 ',""""'


Division of marks is given in front of each question. '..
This Paoer will be collected back after expir of time limit mentioned above. '..

A gt
ttti { {t)7vz ;{r i':. i t/)tr
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:-iP*f r*{,9,}"1 (vi)
c-jr\t {:) *rtf (b) *(tvi(=) c-*N/ 0)
,+*f &zi (vii)
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&-nf,,{i (r) ut,r,:twt (() vl*nd./() 6vtt$n A)

,? (t(i,eL')lFJ.-.itz,t" (ix)

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-,t -----))-,t/fiiLt'J (x)

j,;f t'> )rv,er (b) ),) l,Q) ;t4A 0)
B.S.4Years Program
PUNJAB !""o..'.".."""':
/ Fourth Semester . 2a1g I 19|]-l9t'.."""..'.'.'
Paper: Tehqeeq o Tanqeed (Bunyadi Mubahas)
Cource Gode: URDU-205 Part - ll fime: 2 Hrs. 45 Min. Marks: 50


,t /*P qQt 0.t *fi*, a o J {7 af t

-Q:,>lt r i V L r$r Le t)t r 1fiQt:rz7 it,
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-+t /;,Ofuw.'gr; L+fi ::tr


TtJt/ -(*t/c*,ui(f {L€ 6 4t 4'

(toxl=Eo) -{ rJ =t * U / tF L e
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(ro) -/,iQby/opX,t'1wt .2

(ro) -{ oU*yf L4ic',,i 1t L,su.'!tJ'3

& B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
Paper: Tehqeeq o Tanqeed (Bunyadi Mubahas)
'. RollNo. in Words. ............

Course Code: URDU-205 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: '15 Min. Marks: 10.l""""'


_ Qiyision of marks is siven in front of each qutition.
This Paperwil! be collected backafteffined above.

t/- /,F 4l( J r g --J7 {7 a,,/

I t t

(txto=toL(nrl $,av.{ty'./vy.foLr/3clgK{)st4,-t.z,vtsc-ef }-:p.,z:t/ j)tr

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r,tG) gFrt'arr> tJ,ut{(-) f ,tfit(,-tt)
a ! ooat a aaa ta a at a t aa t ta
!taa Roll No. ..............,.
B.S. 4 Yeans Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
aaa aaa aa
a a a aa a a a aaa

Paper: Tehreer o lnsha (Practics)

Course Code: URDU-206 Part - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


,/- IY aQt Qt r. { tlra a, } {7 av/ t

(r.) -4*,e FL *ttr*g,, -r/ Jtv

(o) -l-/g1r*-rrr {r/,fr{,rl{,.8$,firi

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eLtLV{rf r,': -rl L *w|.tt **V, -r'i J'*
(ro) -,L-/ulV c*LvL *Li $ sltr$ rltlt n''t
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB \\Rorr No. in Fi9...........

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '., Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Tehreer o lnsha (Practics)
Course Code: URDU-206 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '."""
tr,t t^tt ".',su;;i;i"oiirpat.,
Division of marks is given in front of each question. '..
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '.,

t/-/rf 4l( J r g {7 at / t

I t

,l * $g f {41v* ;$ {: *i t/}tr
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' ,*Wx;)fiilC (vi)

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:$,.-&ttsbr *+ t;uir (vii)

1fit ti tfi Qy) ;W{';) ,/i $>

urt *ie{*brV,F{v.rliul" (viii)

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:q{ *vJ$rL'l.f f{f$y (ix)

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$q1Jtr b) ,)9u* tr;,) lt;Lg$trJ{v} ./&r7 $7

a a aa a a oo! t t' t t t o' t ta
Roll No....-........"" :
B,S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
Paper: Visuat Programming Concept
- - ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50
Course Gode: BBA'208 , BUS'22350 Part

Q2. Give brief answers to the following
questlons (short Questions). Mrrksl
1. Define instance in object-oriented programming'
2. Define destructor,
3. What is abstraction and its benefits'
4, What is excePtion handling?
5. What are the access modifiers?
6. What is early and late Binding?
7, What is the difference between stflrctwe and a class?
8. What is the use of constant variables?
9. Define nested if statement and also grve an example'
10. Define function aad its benefits'

. Q3. Give detail answers to the following

questions (Long Questions) Marks:30

1. State the important featrlres of Object-QrientedProgramming. Compare ObjecfQriented

programming with Procedure-Oriented programrning'
2. difference between abstraction and encapsulation with detail example
in your word'
3. Write an algorithm to print table from 2 to 10.
Eg. 2Xl=2
2X2= 4


B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '.Roll No. in Words.
Paper: Visual Programming ConcePt
Course Gode: BBA-208, BUS-22350 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: 10 '..""""

'.rsignature of SuPdt. :


Q.l. Encircle the right answer cufting and overwriting is not allowed.

1. Visual basic was develoPed bY

A) Prof. Bell
B) Prof. John Kemmeny and Thomas Kurtz
C) Prof. Howard Bell
D) Both b and c
) A Order data for baseball tickets and bar code data are examples of
A) raw input.
B) raw output.
C) cr$tomer and product data.
D) sales information.
3. When does Exceptions arises in code sequence?
A) Run Time
B) Compilation Time
C) Can Occur Any Time
D) None of the mentioned
4. What is function overloading?
A) Methods with same name but different parameters.
B) Methods with same name but different return types.
C) Methods vvith same rurme, same pararneter types but different parameter
D) None of the above.
5. How many classes can be defined in a single program?
A) Only I
B) Only 100
C) Only 999
D) None of above
6. Which concept of OOP is false 1619++?
A) Code can be written without using classes
B) Code must contain at least one class
C) A class must have member functions
D) At least one object should be declared in code

7, How does the computer store the letter e.g. os'?
A) In binary format
B) In ASCII representation
C) The letter is mapped onto some number and this number is stored
D) All of the above
8. What is the value stored in the integer variable intVar?

int intVar :24.2 I 2;

A) 12
B) tz.l
c) t3
D) 24
E) None of the above
9. How many times is the body of the loop executed?

int i=1;
while(true) {
cout << i;
i+r; )
A) Forever
B) 5 times
C) 6 times i

D) 0 times
E) None of the above

10. What does the following piece of code print?

fo(int i=O;i<3;i+r) {
for(intj=5j<7j*) {
cout << t*''
cout((endl; )
&. ** c. ***
** ***
b. *{.{.r}{.,t **
uNlvERslTY oF THE PUNJAB '..Rorr No. in Fi9...........

, B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '..Ro1 No. in words.

Paper: Writing Workshop (MAS) '.
Gource Code: ENG-223/M AS-22453 Part-l (Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: l0 \.
',. .r-

This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '.

Q.{. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)
1. Which among the following is/are a mode of writing.
a) Expository b) Journalistic
c) Persuasive d) All of the above
2. lnverted pyramid style of writing is followed in the print industry?
a) True b) False
3. Which among the following is/are a type of lead?
a) Summary b) Descriptive
c) Question d) All of the above
4. is a creative and a subject article, which is designed to entertain and inform
a) News story b) Feature
c) Editorials d) AII of the above
5. is an interesting story about a real incident or a person
a) Metaphors b) Anecdotes
c) Feature d) News Story
6. Which phrase describe a feature:
a) Hard news story b) A soft news story
c) Short article d) An accident based report
7. Your choice of source should be dependent on?
a) Popularity b)Expertise
c) Availability d)Appearance
L What is a creative lead / story?
v a) A story that keeps the reader's interest
b) A story that losses interest
c) A serious story
d) A crime based story
9. A summary lead contains:
a) Most important facts of story b) A direct quote
c) Political insight d) Human rights angle
10. What is Soft News?
a) News based on opinions b) Advice columns
c) story d)
lnteresting / entertaining Popular story

P.T.O. for Urdu Version

(txto=to) -(a.,lilt,r,te{vt,lvy/,,:,Li3gtuK/\vn.r,wtt,,vuzl/Jtv
-L,E/v+,)z-/l s/L{*,i,sr'1'r
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o{(=) ut(Jr)
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7tf a* tl v,,,r tN ( tl o{.-,.,:,1''4
q7O) -/:t((,) l,-e) tJrY:i(Jt)
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6r?;xO) /;Gr) 0{Q) ul*r(,-tt)
t 7r,fUL.//,- -v.A {- &, gt'6
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-lgbx Jvf,x P t/ /o:J: rr.,, Jtr(;x'7
a,j.E(') gt/:(O) e/t(,-) ,r?(,-.tlt)
,+gL"r{o,nl*,4, .8

t-:JtZ-?rztl(=) +,f, I l; t Z't / Lt : z: l,*Q)D

$t{$4stb) ntltfi.ftG)
tTind-oqLJ,/ .9Y
\u{tfir,APs}trr(r) ksv@) eft({e1,.,:v(rt!0{<;to
t7{;rir .10

o(,f o \u{v4,<er> Oqq!.N,PQ) ;ag4*l[n{,!{<-"t'>

/ Fourth Semester - 2019
ila Roll No.................
B B.S. 4 Years Program aa aaaa a aaaaoaaaat aaa

Paper: Writing Workshop (MAS)

Cource Code: ENG-223IMAS-22453 Part- ll Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50



Q.2. Every question must be answered every answer carries 4 marks (5x4=20)

i. Define an inverted pyramid technique of News writing.

ii. Differentiate between an Article and a Feature.
iii. What's a format of a Talk Show?
iv. What are the types of a Feature?
v. What is a Press Release? Define its significance.
(sx+=zo) -Qx-ltrf L.>iltr j-i1t:tz/ t)tv
-,t/,4i Lttt/yrlt i'
^.{*ru#-ft iv'
'{ ssu!4
-L/o|.oif r*#.*,v/'t v.


Q.3. Every question must be answered. (3x10=30)

i. Write a letter to editor based on any recent issue,

ii. Write in details what is an lnterview and define types of lnterview.
iii. Write a Brief Essay on any of the following Social Issues.
r Women Empowerment.
o Child Abuse and Media.
o Political Polarization and Media.

(gxto=to) -f-/rJ *!t r L e t)t r 1fiQt3,/ r) t,

-r/ ar,Jt;rlrrrl(LiLl
-q./ctV. P r tU-,f-U / 6* f,

-v{ o f ,,4 t{* e J v 6v,): +, rv 111.

,stVtCfr' (Jt)
$1ilr;r.ill (=)
y)4,ttcittt)1C? Qr)
'. Roll No. in Fig. ..........
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 '..Ror No. in words.
Paper: Web Engineering
Course Gode: li-ZOS I ai-22405 Part - I (Compulsory) Time: 15 Min. Marks: {0" '.'.""""


Division of marks is given in front of each question. ',
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned above. '.. \

, Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10x1=10)

1. Cascading Style Sheets stands for-'

b. csrs
c. CSS
d. cssH
2, lf contents of a website does not change along with the user input then such a website is known
as _.
. a, Static Website
b.. Dynamic Website
c. No such website exists
d. Noneofthese
3. On pressing OK button, prompt box returns
a. message written in text box
b. null -value.
c. Both a and b
d. Either a or b
€, Neither a nor b

4, AJAX stands for

\--. o, Asynchronous Java And XML
b. -.
Autonomous JavascriPt And XML
c, Asynchronous.lavaScript And XML
d. None of these

5. function of a servlet will be called only 1 time in a life cycle of servlet.

a. lNlT
b. Service
c. DestroY
d. Both a and b
e. Both a and c
t. Both b and c
g. None ofthe above
6. tn N-Tier architecture, which layer is present at the bottom?
a. Presentation / View Layer r
b. Business Logic Layer
c. Data Access Layer
d. None of these

7, How many layers are present in N-Tier Architecture?

a. 1
d. lt can be any number
8. lf we uses method technique, then the data willbe sentthrough the URL of the requett.
a. get
b, post
c. Both a and b
d. Either a or b
e. Neither a nor b

9. Sessions are stored on sidels.

a. Client
b. Server -
c. Botha&b
d. Noneofthese
10, ln a JSP page, all code other than service method is written in tag.
E. JSP Declaration
b. ISP Srciptlet -
c. JSP Expression
d. None ofthese
ta a ta aaala a aa a aaaao"a
itaaaRoll No. ........'....... :
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019
aaaa aaa aa iaaaa
a ao'

Paper: Web Engineering

Course Code: !T-205 t li-22405 Part - ll Time:2 Hrs. 45 Min. Marks: 50


lluestion # 2. [2 x 10:10 Marksl

,Precisely wrlte down the answenr of the following questlons.

1. What is the difference between WWW and internet?

2, What is meant by Send Redirecthn?
3. What is a difference between static and dynamic website?
4. Write down a life cycle of java sewlets,
5. ln CSS, how can we apply style to the components?
6, What does HTML and JSP stands for?
7. What is meant by Client'side scripting language?
8. What is meant by AIAX?
9. What are the components of a HT.TTP Response?
10. what is the difference between N-Tier Architecture and MVC?

Ouesjion l3. [3 x 10 = 30 Markl

Brieflywrite down the answers of the following questions.

a, What are the advantages of cookies and sesslon handling? Also explain that which
technique is more preferable according to different scenarios, tsl
request to
b. Write down the differences between get and post methods for sending a

server. tsl

and capital city of

2. Write a servtet class which will dynamically create an ordered list with name
the countries stored in the database.
Table contains two columns (country Name, country capitalcity).
DB Name: Database
Table nome: countryfi a me(varchar{50)J, capttdt-city{varcha r (50)))

along with
3. write a ISp page, which willdynamically create a drop down list with allsmartphones
their company saved in data base.
DB Nqme; Databose
Tabte nome: Smartphane(modet (varChar(75)), company(varChar(15il)

No' in
B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - 2019 No. in Words.
Paper: ZoologyJV (Physiology) \
GounEe Gode: ZOOL-2ti3 tZO:t-ZZgo2 Patt- l(Gompulsory) Time: 15 Min. i[arks: 10 '.

Division of marks ie oiven in front of each question.
above. '. '..
This Paper will be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioned
F Q.1. Encircle the correct choice. ({x10={0) '

i. When a threshold stimulus is applied to a neuron. it becomes:

a) Polarized b) Hyperpolarized
c) Repolarized d) Depolarized
ii. Their number is directly related to the number of segments in the trunk and tail of a
a) Sensory nerves b) Cranial nerves
c) Spinal nerves d) Ganglia
iii. These are the simplest vertebrate receptors:
a) Georeceptors b) Proprioceptors
. c) Phonoreceptors d) Thermoreceptors
iv. .The long. coiled. sensory structure of the mammalian inner ear that contains receptors
for sound:
a) Cochlea b) Semicircular canal
c) Tympanum d) External auditory meatus
v. ln polychaetes, the hormone that inhibits the gonads and stimulates groMh and
a) Molt inhibiting hormone b) Gonadotrophin
c) Juvenile hormone d) Ecdysone
vi. The hormone that mobilizes glucose. increases heart rate and oxygen consumption:
a) Parathyroid hormone b) Thyroxin
c) Epinephrine d) Calcitonin
.\'- vii. ln mammals, the hormone that initiates anti-inflammatory and antiallergic actions
a) Cortisol b) EPinePhrine
c) Aldosterone d) Glucagon
viii. The respiratory pigment that contains metallic copper and has a bluish color when
a) Hemoglobin b) Hemocynain
c) Hemerythrin d) Chlorocruorin
ix. The cellular components that contain RNA and protein
a) Mitochondria b) Vacuoles
c) Ribosomes d) Vesicles
x. The structures that contain enzymes called acid hydrolases
a) Ribosomes b) Peroxisomes
c) Mitochondria d) Lysosomes

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaaaaaaaaaataaaraaat

B.S. 4 Years Program / Fourth Semester - Z01g 3 Roll No. ................ :

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Paper: Zoology-tV (Physiotogy)
Course Code: ZOOL-203 tZOL-22302 part - il Time: 2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks: 50


Q.2. Shortly answer the following questions. (2x10=20)

i. Give the location and role of pineal gland.
ii. Describe the endocrine system of molluscs
iii. What do you know about hearing and equilibrium in water?
iv. Describe the endocrine system of annelids.
V. compare the structure and function of mitochondria and chloroplast.
vi. Discuss the structure and function of lysosomes.
vii. Discuss the gas exchange portion of human respiratory system.
viii. Briefly describe hemoglobin as a respiratory pigment.
ix. Compare continuous versus discontinuous feeders.
X. Describe, briefly. the role of small intestine in digestion.

Q.3. Briefly answer the following questions. All questions carry equal marks. (10x3=30)

t. Give an account of the structure and function of Cytoskeleton.

ii. Give a brief account of the mechanism involved in changing the resting membrane
potential across the plasma membrane into the action potential.
ilr. Compare the structure and function of vertebrate blood vessels.

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