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A Dissertation Submitted to the

Department of Physical Education
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
Master of Physical Education

Mr. Balbir Singh
Reg. No. 11309693

Lovely Professional University

Phagwara, Punjab (India)


I do hereby declare that the dissertation entitled “Comparison of comprehensive

anxiety and aggression among individual and team game players” submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Physical
Education. It is entirely my original work and all ideas and references have been duly
acknowledged. It does not contain any work that has been submitted for the award of
any other degree or diploma of any university.

Balbir Singh Date: ________________

Regd. no. 11309693
Department of Physical Education
Lovely professional University
Phagwara (Punjab)


This is to certify that Mr. Balbir Singh has completed this dissertation entitled
“Comparison of comprehensive anxiety and aggression among individual and team
game players” under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the
present work is the result of his original investigation and study. No part of the
dissertation has been submitted for any other degree or diploma to any other
university. The dissertation is fit for the submission for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of Master of Physical Education degree.

Date: _____________ Mr. Hukum Singh

(Asst. Professor)
Department of Physical Education
Lovely Professional University
Phagwara (Punjab)

The purpose of the present study was to compare the comprehensive anxiety and
aggression among individual and team game players. Individual games (Boxing. judo,
and weight lifting) team games (kho-kho, Handball and Baseball). The total number
of sample 60 for the this study, 30 individual game players and 30 team game players
were selected as subjects whose represent the inter-university. Data was collected by
using well reliable and valid tools. The comprehensive anxiety questionnaire
developed by “Sinha and Sinha” (1980). And the aggression inventory constructed by
M.K Sultania (1957) for used the collection of data. The t-test was used for the
calculation and analysis of data. The calculated t-value 1.3018 found less than the
tabulated value which shows statistically no significance difference in relation to
anxiety among individual and team game players. For aggression the calculated ‘t’
value 3.0175 found greater than the tabulated value which shows the statically
significant difference among individual and team game players which proves that the
individual game players are more aggressive as comparison to team game player.
Key words: comprehensive anxiety and aggression.


I wish to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to lovely schools of

physical Education, Phagwara (Punjab) for providing me adequate research facility.
I record my deepest sense of gratitude to my research supervisor, Mr. Hukum Singh,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physical Education, Lovely Professional University, for
his valuable intellectual guidance, help and encouragement during the course of this
splendid achievement. His motivation and valuable time to guide me, and gentle
pressure during the entire process makes me able to complete my work.
I have no words to express my gratitude for the moral support given by my
parents to me in this journey of life. I am thankful to all my near and dear ones for
their contributions of any sort.
I also express thanks to my dearest friends who supported me during the
whole studying period and motivated me by his experienced views.
At last I would like to express my appreciation to all those persons, who
helped me by different ways to complete my work.

Chapter Description Page No.
Declaration i.
Certificate ii.
Abstract iii.
Acknowledgement iv.
Table of contents v.
List of Tables vi.
List of Figures vii.
I Introduction 1-9
Significance of the study
Statement of the Problem 8
Objectives of this Study 8
Delimitation 8
Limitation 8
Hypotheses 8
Definitions of the term 9

II Review of related literature 10-17

III Method and Procedure 18-22

Research method 18
Sampling 18
Sampling Design 19
Tool Used 19
Scoring Procedure 20-22
3 Statistical Technique 22
IV Result, Interpretation and Discussion 23-26
V Summery, Conclusion and Recommendations 27-28
Summery 27

Conclusion 28
Recommendations 28
References 29-31


Description Page No.

Classification and Interpretation of Scores

3.1 20

Scoring procedure of aggression is showing the

3.2 21
positive and negative items.

Marking for positive statements

3.3 22

Marking for negative statements

3.4 23

T. table for comprehensive anxiety between

4.1 individual and team game players. 24

Classification of Anxiety Scale of Individual game

4.2 player. 24

Classification of Anxiety Scale of Team game

4.3 player 25

T. table for aggression between individual and

4.4 team game player. 24


Description Page No.

Illustrates the comparison of comprehensive anxiety between

4.1 24
individual and team game players.

Figure:-2. Illustrate the comparison of aggression

4.2 between individual and team game player. 25

In today’s life, everyone wishes to be on the top and do extremely well and to
attain top form. To be the best in the field which one have chosen, it is a worth
ambition which an individual lead. One can continue to go ahead toward increase
standard and personal growth. Sport psychology is the science of human's behavior
during the physical activity as well as competitions; its objective is to pick up the
performance of athlete. Sports Psychology is mental factor that affects on the sports
performance by managing emotion and minimize the mental affect like injure and
poor performance. The psychological variable like anxiety and aggression as the
representation of fear, tension, stress, anger and hostile behavior is a factor effective
in sportsman’s performance. Educational sports psychology deals with emotional
factors that influence on sports performance of an individual. Sports psychology is a
division of psychology expected at better preparing the brain of an athlete for
An individual may experience general or specific anxiety when faced the some
stressful situation. In the field of sports, there are many situations which produce
anxiety ridden behavior that have many implications for the players. Most of the time
many athlete and players below possible pressure or extra anxious about falling to
come to the social expectation than, which might happen to them during performance.
For example the player may face unexpected defeat from a dreadfully team which
lead to failure anxiety fear expressed in such situation is the fair of failure. The failure
anxiety is related to the individual’s perception of social consequences of the relative
success of failure or situation. There is also a feeling of social embarrassment due to
failure in sports; especially in a highly competitive sports the player anxiety s more
related to subsequent result of game or getting reward than to his felling about getting
injured or any other physical harm. Agyajit singh (2004)
Anxiety is negative disturbing state in which feeling of nervousness, fear,
tension, stress take place. Whenever the player with discomfort to some event
however anxiety can occur in different condition such as cognitive and somatic in
nature. Somatic is a physiological aspect and cognitive is a mental component of
anxiety and it’s caused by negative on individual and team game player. In which the
person Self-talk at a times leads to continues and take a feelings of nervousness,
tension fear etc. So the performance of the player can amount success if the coaches
and the trainers starts to give more attention to the player’s performance and then
bring modification or transform with partial amounting to success. Anxiety as a
normal observable fact does not act as a drive or energizer to achieve or to perform. A
moderate amount of anxiety energizes the individual and there by improve
performances but as a pathological phenomenon it impairs the ability to think and act
freely. Moderate levels of anxiety appear to work best that is the individual who
evidences moderate concern for the performance threat, in a situation in able to leave
out irrelevant stimuli and it can be there and react to essential stimulus in situations.
Under high levels of anxiety, the individual begin to narrow attention too much and
also displays attention in flexibility. There are frequent other situations and feelings
that are likely to activate anxiety in athletes. In some athletes too many success prove
anxiety producing.
Apprehension disturbs psycho physical execution of the human being
innumerous ways. Anxiety is a personality characteristic of responding to certain
mode of a stress syndrome of responses. Nervousness is one of the negative touching
state in which the sportsman take the feeling of nervousness then he become in a
stress condition and cannot compete the game. The reason behind of this statement the
anxiety fully damages the player because of his nervousness and tension etc. A
sportsman participating in individual events is found to be more experienced to
anxiety as compared to those of group or team players. A real danger can be deal to
our body by a system for example; anxiety motivates us to prepare for a big
It is manageable by following a plan of helpful suggestion. It is also different
from typical uneasiness, because it is more forceful, more disruptive, more troubling.
Anxiety is present in everyone, yet few will openly admit to its occurrence. in spite of
the kind of aggression by a player, the amount of aggression is usually determined by
the level of frustration produced by the particular location competitions can be
frustrating particularly when we lose. But even in an undecided contest, frustrate can
arise from the anxiety of anticipate possible beat and the demands upon one's
behaviour created by the competitive conditions. The abovementioned description of
anxiety apparently shows that optimal anxiety is necessary for optimum performance;
however, the rough pressures exerted by the modern life and work set-up leads to the
optimal anxiety levels of the human population in general, pushed away from its
optimal limits more often. The impact of crossing the optimal restrictions of anxiety is
detrimental to cognitive performance in humans. This invoke a significant need for
intervention that can be adopted by the human population in general to manage their
anxiety within the optimal levels that can survive the uneven demands and pressures
generated by modern life and by this means ensure consistently excellent cognitive
Many anxiety traverses in people often protest of a general loss of interest and
inability to focus or think. Anxiety has a chronological relationship with achievement.
The level of anxiety evidenced prior to assessment may be different form of arousal
during examination. Anxiety itself is a physiological and psychosomatic state that can
be characterized by cognitive, somatic, behavioral and expressive components. These
combined components create repulsive feeling associated typically with uneasiness
and causing fear. Anxiety is an inclusive mood or state that occurs without particular
triggering stimulus. A normal reaction to stress may help a person in dealing with
difficult situations. Feelings or memories that are perceived as threatening can also
evoke anxiety reactions as willingly as real dangers in the external world. Since
perceived threat mediate the relationship between a stressor and the intensity of an
anxiety reaction, anxiety states vary in intensity and fluctuate over time as a function
of the amount of perceived hazard.
Anxiety is an inauguration of departure structure. The scheme planned to keep
one safe from any harm when no danger is expected. The fight or flight system causes
a number of physical changes that would help you respond to a predator or threat if
one was present, but can be stressful when they occur without that danger. Most
community feel anxious and nervous from time to time when they faced certain
situation such as taking an exam, speaking in public or going for a job interview. At
that time a certain level of anxiety can help group feel alert and focused .But when the
symptoms of anxiety in physical is too great, they may seriously interfere with your
ability to compete. It’s a serious condition that makes it hard for a person to cope with
daily life. We all feel anxious from time to time but for a person experience
uneasiness and these feelings cannot be easily controlled. Anxiety plays an important
role in sports and games. Anxiety is careful as an important phenomenon in motor
performance. Anxiety, especially the state type, plays a significant role in the motor
performance of individuals. Modification of these natural properties may have to be
done with some care.

The word aggression is used to characterize the behavior of the individual we
say that the people are aggressive when the harmful responses such as anger injuries
or rough performance during the game of the goal and desire. Aggression represents
the anger and hostile behavior whenever during the game the referee suggested the
penalties to the player that time the aggression were viewed Collective aggressive
behavior is prevalent in sport, particularly among crowds of spectators.The
appearance of aggression can occur in a number of ways, including verbally, mentally
and physically.The aggression or aggressive behavior play a big role in different
sports or game it may be according to the nature ofgame some time it gives good
result and sometime its effect very harmful and it directly effect on the athlete
performance. Aggression or aggressive behavior plays a vital role in different sports
or games according to nature of activity. Some time it gives good results and
sometimes its result very dangerous. Some time the aggression directly effects on the
sportsman’s performance due to that they cannot give the optimum performance in the
game and sports. Conventional wisdom argues that act on aggression on the part
of an athlete will constitute a distraction and result in a decrement in performance.
Not only are aggressive acts on the part of an individual distracting to the individual,
but they are likely to be disturbing to the team as a whole. altaf hussan bhatt (2010).
In fact many forms of aggressive behaviour are accepted and even promoted,
often aggression is a part of game. Aggression in sports may also occur simply
because a lot of people are highly activated in conditions that are likely to produce
negative judgments if failure is experienced or perceived. Psychological factors like
aggression can affect the performance of an individual and of the whole team. The
problems of aggression have been considered important in all area of human activity
including sports. Aggression need to be regulated and appropriately to be applied in
each sports for achieve the goal and desire .Aggression is more boisterous in games it
may be helpful in performance because it arise the players for the harder efforts, and
keep them to motivate to do and die for the success of the team. The aggressive
athlete will be more energetic, excited, strongly, high motivated and likely to seek to
any opponent. In other behaviors some time the players violent in the game and more
aggressive for the reason that they do not tolerate the aggression level so that they
uses the bad language and equipment abuse. Aggression and hostility are frequently
subject of mental investigation there exists however, little psychological enquiry into
a sport characterized by aggression and violence. Aggression arises from an native
drives or occurs as a defense mechanism and is manifested either by constructive or
destructive acts directly toward self or others they must fight for their own wellbeing
and they expect same from others.
The aggressive behavior mostly covers a basic lack of self-confidence.
Aggressive people enhance to their self-esteem by overpowering and there by proving
their superiority. Aggression is a general characteristic of human beings, a potential
condition which can be activated fast or slow and it may take various forms of
expression. Today, the increasing number and frequency of aggressive acts occurring
on or around the sports ground, makes us wonder where or which are the limits of
combatively. This situation also demands a good understanding of deep psychological
connotation of such behaviors. In sport aggression is a trait that can have many
negative as well as positive effects on individual performance. Therefore sport
stressors permit us to understand what causes an athlete to become frustrated which
can lead to aggression and decline in performance. In a players career they will come
across a number of high pressured situations where they will have to deal with many
Aggressive hostility is intended to victimize the player suffer and then reinforcement
will be the pain and suffering that brings harm to the goal and not to win.
Aggressive instrument is intended to victimize the player but rather not seeing the
victim suffering. There’s no anger the goal is to win and to receive to external reward.
Assertive behavior: assertive behavior is a milder and no violent aspect of aggression
often coaches encourage their athletes to be more aggressive, they actually mean to
more assertive, agyajit singh (2004)
In the game and sports whenever the goal is to better understand the athletes
think and behave away from their respective fields of play. Aggression is one of the
behaviour that is likely to have the potential which is harmful for others, but some
time the effect of this aggressive behavior may be positive. Different players have
different aggressive behavior show in the game and sports, and different in nature and
different in games, the game may be individual or team game. The players do or die
for the success of the team its result may be positive otherwise negative. Aggression
often involved in sports which require a degree of aggression. Aggression can be a
negative although as long as it is controlled and it can also become a positive.
Symptom of aggression may also take place outside of the weight room, in the
athlete's daily life. Aggression may result from the stress of lifting extremely heavy
weights, and may also be influenced by the sometimes loud and intense environment
of a weight room. We often see young boys playing out aggressive themes. It's only a
problem when it get out of control in order to study aggression of others, it is better to
consider one’s own thoughts of aggression as this can vary from an individual to
individual. Reaching the awareness of one’s own personal experience will help
oneself to monitor and control one’s reaction to aggressive behavior in others. Most
players are both physically and emotionally affected by aggression. Emotions can
bring a change to their physical state, for example; when feeling angry one’s muscles
tighten, the heart beats way faster.
Instrumental aggression could be differentiated from hostile aggression on the basis of
reason why the performer inflects or attempts to inflict injury in instrumental
aggression the player also intend to cause pain or injury the act is done to receive an
external positive reinforce. The concept of positive reinforce should the increase the
probability that the athlete would repeat the aggressive behavior in the basketball
example of the player pushed the opponent into the upright the receive a positive
reinforce such as the coach praise, the roar of the crowed or an athletic scholarship
when the act would be classified as instrumental aggression the aggressive responses
serves as a mean to an end rather than the end itself, Yadvinder singh (2005)
The structural, physiological, psychological behavior which determines the
level of athletic performance can get an excellent success with the effects of
intellectual ability. Hence, anxiety state arouses from defective adaptations to the
stress and strains of life and is caused by over-reaction in struggle to meet those
difficulties. During competition the sportsmen are very fearful to some degree which
ultimately affects their performance. The over anxious individual has a high level of
rational and emotional activities with neuromuscular pressure that may finally leads
an individual to the fatigue stage and perhaps to the mental disorders. Anxiety is a
superiority which is unusual to human being and it is the place of that the stimulus
cause some reaction which normally don’t root horror. Sports are a Psycho-Social
activity. It has both Psychological and social magnitude in addition physical,
physiological and practical aspects.
The level of anxiety can also vary with a number of different environments.
Anxiety is expected to survive in superior aggressive sports than compared to fairly
non-competitive sports because in the competitive sporting events, participants are
expected to achieve and great demands are made upon them to achieve something.
Aggressive behavior is connected with critical acts, sexual attacks, unfair, speeches,
drug and alcohol addiction, sports and exercise‟ crying‟ complaining, waging wars
and so forth. There is clear evidence that, in general aggression is more energetic
games, may help performance because it arouses players overly to put in harder effort,
and “do or die” for the success of the team. Fear is also a negative emotion and is
generally accompanied by a high degree of arousal. It generates activation in the
internal mechanism of the body as well as in the outward expression.
Violence means aggressive violent or efforts directed towards the goal
activities sets interference. The term aggression is widely used in daily sporting
activities. If the players in game are asked and surveyed to recognize the character of
a successful player, aggression would be of high in the list. “Fight without aggression
is a body without soul”. Competition and Aggression are like same side of a coin.
Evidence is clear that in general aggression is more explosive game like kho-kho that
helps in performance because it arouses players openly to put in harder effort and
keep them motivated to let them try dying for the success of its team.
During the past few decades it has been emphasized that aggressive behavior
plays a pivotal role and at times gi0ving good results in said sports and games
according to the nature of activity and at times giving its effect toward the risky.
Different factors must be present in order for a behavior to be labeled aggression.
First the behavior must be aimed at another human being with the goal of influencing
physical harm. Second there must be reasonable expectation that attempt to inflict
bodily harm be successful.(Bhatt Altaf hussant 2010).
The nature of aggression in sports should be consider the degree of uncertainty
regarding aggression in the sports, in some directs aggression in the form of physical
act against the person of another player of encouraged within the rule. Violence and
aggression in sports is a complicated problem. The limits of aggression in a game are
specified through intention and purpose of the action in line with the related sport
type. The nature of sportsman is energetic, and it changes like that of an individual.
Students and youth are more flat to interpret others’ behaviors as aggressive.
Aggressive behavior of young players as a reaction to opponents’ behavior is more
common than so as to of adult players. The aggressive behavior is gradually used for
his own profit.

Significance of the study
This study will be helpful for the coaches and physical education teacher as they come to
know the role of comprehensive anxiety and aggression in competitive sports.

This study helps to identify comprehensive anxiety and aggression among individual and
team game player it will further help to identify the sportsman to give the full
potential in different level of participation.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of the study was comparison of comprehensive anxiety and aggression among
individual and team game player.

Objective of the study

To compare the comprehensive anxiety among individual and team game players.
To compare, the aggression, among individual as well as team game players.

The study will be delimited to 60 Inter-university Male players of individual and team game.
The study will be delimited to assessment of Comprehensive anxiety and aggression of
individual and team game players.

To response of the questionnaire might act as the limitation of the study.
Motivation among the subjects toward feeling of questionnaire might act as the limitation of
the study.
It was hypothesized that there would be significant difference between individual and team
game players towards comprehensive anxiety.
It was hypothesized that there would be significant difference between individual and team
game players towards Aggression.

Definitions of the terms
Comprehensive Anxiety
Anxiety is negative troubling state in which feeling of uneasiness, panic, tension, stress take
place. It a harmful emotion and is generally accompanied by a high degree of arousal.
It generates activation in the internal mechanism of the body as well as in the outward
Aggression can manifest in physical action, such as physical violence toward others or in the
more emotional ways, such as cruel word or unkind behavior. Aggression destructive
acts directly toward self or others they must fight for their own wellbeing and they
expect same from others.

Chapter 2
Review of Literature
Kerketta (2015), the principle of the work was comparing the Sports
Competition Anxiety between Volleyball and Soccer male players. The subjects for
this study were (N=60) male were 30 each from Volleyball and Soccer male players
and age ranged from eighteen to twenty five years were purposive selected from
Bilaspur district (C.G.). For the Acquisition of Sports Competitive Anxiety
questionnaire developed by Martin (1990) was used. The in dependent’t’ test was
used to analyze data. Results indicated that there is no significant difference was
found between Volleyball male players and Soccer male players in their Sports
Competition Anxiety.
Sharma (2015), in which researcher to find out the comparison of aggressive
behavior between sports and non-sports persons of Bhiwani District the sample of the
present study was conducted on 60 male subjects (30 sports persons and 30 non-
sports persons) of Bhiwani District in Haryana. The age ranged between 18-25 years.
Significant difference was found between the mean score of sports person and non
sports person on aggression behavior. Non-sports person were significantly more
aggressive than the sports person.
K. Rajesh (2014), the model of the present study consist of 60 women cricket
players of the universities of India. The purpose of the study was to compare all India
intervarsity and west zone intervarsity women cricket players. they were divided into
two groups i.e. all India intervarsity (N=30) and west zone intervarsity (N=30).
Results indicated significance difference between all India intervarsity and west zone
intervarsity women cricket players in the aggression level. It is evident that all India
intervarsity and west zone intervarsity women cricket players in aggression test
differed significantly on aggression as the obtained t-value of 1.78 was found to be
more than the tab t 0.05 (58) = 1.671
Kaur, et.al (2014), the motive of this study was to assess the tendency of
anxiety at different time of a competition. For this purpose, 30 male inter collegiate
basketball players from S.G.B. Amravati University were selected. The age range of
the participants was 18-23yrs.The Sports Competitive Anxiety Test (SCAT) was
administered to obtain responses from the participants at different time of competition

i.e. Pre, during and post competition. Apart from descriptive statistics, ANOVA was
applied to assess the differences among pre, during and post competition responses
taken from subjects. It was found that mean anxiety level among the basketball player
differs significantly as the mean difference value in between pre -competition and
during -competition (DM=3.34), Pre- competition and post competition (DM=1.36)
and During competition and post competition (DM=1.36) are greater than the critical
difference value of 0.043. On the base of the result establish, following conclusions
were drawn: It has seen that a moderate level of Anxiety is best for the acquisition &
performance of motor skill. Level of anxiety either too high or low tends to decrease
the performance of a player. Anxiety is natural part of the competition in a player or

Singh Th et.al (2014), the researcher aimed at to prove the sports anxiety
between the individuals and teams sports. The subjects of the study were selected 173
teams’ sportspersons and 173 individual sportspersons of Manipur over the span of
five years starting form 1995 to 2000AD. The team sports persons were form the field
of hockey, handball, kabbadi, sepak-takraw and volleyball, on the other hand the
individual team sportspersons were from the disciplines of Archery, cycling, table-
tennis, wrestling, fencing, athletics, weight lifting, judo, boxing and tae-kwondo
respectively. Data were collected by using “Anxiety test questionnaire” tools.
Comparing the sport anxiety before, during and after the play, both the individual and
team sportsperson were found significantly higher in anxiety level during the play
than the before and after the play situation. The sports anxiety between the individuals
and teams sports found no significant difference before the play and after the play.
But there is significant different found during the play i.e., individuals sportspersons
were found significantly higher in sports anxiety then the team sportspersons.

Basumatary (2014), the objective of research work was to compare the

Competitive State Anxiety between National level male Basketball and Volleyball
Players. 60 National level Basketball and Volleyball players of Delhi i.e. 30 each
Basketball and Volleyball players were selected as subjects. The subject’s age was
ranged from 20 to 30 years. Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2)
developed by Rainer Marten was used to assess the cognitive worry, Somatic Tension
and Self Confidence. To compare the cognitive worry, Somatic Tension and Self

Confidence between Basketball and Volleyball Players, mean difference method i.e.
‘t’ test was used. The level of significance was setat 0.05 levels. result showed that
there is insignificant difference between National level male Basketball and
Volleyball Players in regards of competitive state anxiety.
Khan et.al (2014), the main aim to compare the sports competitive anxiety
and sports achievement motivation among basketball players and all India intervarsity
track runners. Forty six male subjects (23 basketball players and 23 all India
intervarsity track runners) were recruited as sample for the study. Their age ranged
from 18 to 25 years. For the acquisition of psychological data of the participants of
sports achievement motivation questionnaire developed by Kamlesh (1990) and for
sports competitive anxiety questionnaire developed by Martin (1984) was used. The
data of basketball players were acquired from the north zone intervarsity competition
held at bareilly, data of track runners were acquired from All India Intervarsity
Athletic meet held at Mangalore. The 't' test was used to explore data. Results
indicated that no significant difference was found among basketball players and all
India intervarsity track runners in their sports competition anxiety and sports
achievement motivation.
Yadav (2014), the main motive to find out was to compare the degree of
aggression between inter university level of female cricket and kho-kho players. Sixty
female cricketers N=30 and kho-kho N=30 players from the different university
which were taken participated in east zone kho-kho and cricket tournament organized
by V.B.S. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur in January 2014. Subjects were selected
were randomly for the reason of the study. The age of the subjects were ranging 18 to
25 years. Aggression Inventory questionnaire used for the collection of data. This
questionnaire developed by Anand Kumar and Prem Sankar Shukla. To analyze the
data’t’ test was apply to compare the quantity of aggression among cricket players
and kho-kho players. The end result of the study shows that the significant difference
between the mean of the kho-kho and cricket players.
Singh Baldeep (2014), In the current study try to compare the Anxiety and
Aggression level between Lawn-Tennis and Badminton male players at university
level. The study was carried out on 48 male players 24 each The data was collected by
different coaching camps. The age of the selected subjects ranged from seventeen to
twenty four years. Only those players were selected who had attended the inter-
college competition at K.U.K university. Only Anxiety and Aggression level were
selected for the study. The data was collected through (Sinha’s comprehensive anxiety
test (1999) to measure Anxiety and Dr. (Mrs.) G.P Mathur and Dr. (M.rs.) R.K.
Bhatnagar’s) Aggression test to measure Aggression level. The data was analyzed by
t-test. The Investigator observed that Badminton male players having more anxiety
and aggression level then the Lawn-Tennis male players at university level.
Banayi et.al (2014), the level to which an individual labels her/himself as an
athlete is strongly influenced by individuals within the athlete's social environment
who give that athlete reinforcement. The major use of this job was to investigate the
connection between aggression with athletic identity on Shiraz team sports. The
population of the study consisted of 600 Shiraz city team athletes. The 235 athletes
were selected as a sample by Morghan table. Saatchi Aggression Scale (2010) and
Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS; Brewer et al., 1993) were used. The
results of Pearson correlation indicate that there was positive significant relationship
between athletic identities with aggression on team sport athletes. There was positive
significant relationship between athletic identity with anger, verbal aggression. Again,
there was not significant relationship between athletic identity hostility. Regression
analysis indicates aggression subscales predict athletic identity

Kumar pardeep et.al (2014), the major use of this job to compare the
Anxiety level between Yoga and Gymnastic male players at college level. The study
was carried out on 50 male players (25 each). The data was collected by different
coaching camps. The age of the selected subjects ranged from 18 to 25 years. Only
those male players were selected who had attended the inter-college competition at
(M.D.U) university. Only Anxiety level were selected for the study. The data was
collected through (Sinha’s comprehensive anxiety test (1999) to measure Anxiety at
college level. The data was analyzed by t-test. The researcher find that Gymnastic
male players having more anxiety level than the yoga male players at college level.

Mashhoodi et.al (2013), the aim of the researcher to find out the aggression
between the male and feminine, young and adult athletes competing in four different
sports including volleyball, football, judo, and wushu. The members of the sample
taken from the statistic population have received the aggression questionnaire of
Bredemeier, inside three subscales of aggression including instrumental, hostile, and
general have been given. They had to answer 30 questions with a 4-point scale to
compare aggression of male and female athletes in two age group of young and adult.
The reliability of the questionnaire has been equal to 0.86 based on Cronbach's alpha.
After describing data statistically, the results of multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA) at the alpha level of 0.05 percent show that there is a significant
difference between the aggressive behavior of the young athletes and that of adult
athletes, in such a form that the young athletes, whether male or female, have been
more aggressive that adult athletes did. The comparison of the aggressive behaviors of
male and female athletes shows that male athletes are more aggressive than female
athletes are. However, there is no difference between the aggression exhibited by both
male and female adult athletes.

. Victer et.al (2013), the researcher aspiration was to compare the level of
Anxiety Between the university level team and Individual sportsmen. The study was
conducted on 43 university level male team sportsmen and 43 male Individual
sportsmen. The subjects were taken from Himachal Pradesh University Shimla who
were selected to participate in the intervarsity tournaments in different games in 2010.
To measure anxiety (SCAT) constructed by Sinha and Sinha (1980) was used to
collect data from team and individual sportsmen. ‘t’ test was used to compare anxiety
level among team and individual sportsmen. Mean score of team sportsmen was 19.16
and Individual sportsmen was 24.26. t - value was 1.92 which showed no significant
difference involving the anxiety level of university team and Individual sportsmen.

K.Vinod (2013), in which the researcher was to compare the aggression and
anxiety among inter-collegiate and inter-university level cricketers. Sixty subjects
were selected from inter-collegiate and inter-university Dehli University and lovely
professional phagwara (Punjab), under the different department different competition
their ages ranged between 18-25 years. rajiv lochan bhardwaj and doctor Mahesh
bhargava’s, comprehensive anxiety questionnaire was used to check the anxiety
among inter-collegiate and inter-university level player for the collection of data.
Whereas for purpose to check the aggression among inter-collegiate and inter-
university level players aggression questionnaire of Dr M.K Sultania were used for
the collection of reliable data. For the collection of data pre and post competitive

anxiety and aggression recorded for both the level player. To know the statical
significance ‘t’ test has been applied. The critical analysis of data bring into light that
the anxiety among intercollegiate level players as higher as compare to inter-
university level players. Whereas the aggression was found higher among inter-
university level player as compare to the inter-collegiate level players.
Pahlavani1 et.al (2013), the current goal of this research work to investigate
the relationship of positive and negative perfectionism with competitive state anxiety
in adolescent handball players in Khuzestan region in Iran. The study adopted a
descriptive-correlational study and was approved out as a field study. The collection
of data researcher-made private data sheet, Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale
(PANPS) and Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-I (CSAI-1).The sample of the
study consisted of a number of eight junior handball teams in Khuzestan including 76
players. Cronbach Alpha formula, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple
regression were used to evaluate the data. The level of significance was considered to
be α=0.05 for all hypotheses. The results showed no significant negative correlation
between positive perfectionism and competitive state anxiety and all its subscales.
However, the results revealed a significant positive correlation between negative
perfectionism and competitive state anxiety and all its subscales. The results of
regression analysis showed that both positive and negative perfectionism may forecast
competitive state anxiety and all its subscales in adolescent handball players.
Therefore, it is recommended to the factors contributing to negative perfectionism be
controlled so that competitive state anxiety and all its subscales may decrease in the
athletes. High level of competitive state anxiety adversely affects athletic
performance. It is recommended that coping techniques be used to reduce anxiety
Buchha (2012), the function of the study was to find out the relationship
between Will to Win and sports competitive anxiety of Inter University Cricket of
S.G.B. Amravati university. The data on Will to Win was obtaining by administrating
the Will to Win questionnaire developed by Dr. Anand Kumar and P.S. Shukla and
Sports Competitive Anxiety was obtained by SCAT by R. Marten It was concluded
that the calculated value of co-efficient of correlation is 0.283. Results have exposed
that there is significance difference of relationship among will to win and sports
competitive anxiety of Inter University Cricket players.
Khetmalis (2012), the principle of the this study was to compare the.
aggression among Team Game Players and Individual Game Players of Visva-
Bharati, Santiniketan. From fifty 50 male university players, twenty five players of
team game and remaining twenty five players of individual game were randomly
selected, as the subjects for the present study. The age of subjects, kept from eighteen
to twenty five years. To evaluate the aggression, from obtained by aggression
inventory developed by Anand Kumar and Prem Shankar Shukla was used. To
Comparison of selected psychological variables that is aggression between team
game players and individual game players mean difference method (t ratio) ‘t’ test
was used Results showed that Team Game Players were more aggressive than
Individual Game Players.
Meenu et.al (2012), the main aim the researcher was to discover out the
comparison of anxiety and aggressive level between handball and basketball male
players of Sirsa District. the 48 male sports person who had participated at
interuniversity level. The age ranged between 18 to 25 yeas. The data were collected
in different coaching camps. Aggression – aggression is the injuction of on onerize
stimulw either physical, verbal, or gestural upon one person by another. Anxiety- In
its simplest form anxiety may be defined as a subjective mood of hesitation and
heightened. Further the data of aggression test was collected through G.C. Pati
questionnaire test and the data of anxiety, test was collected through Dr. A.K.T. Sinha
questionnaire test and data was analysis by ‘t’ test after comparing of the present data
it was found that basketball female players of Sirsa have better in anxiety and
aggression level than volleyball female players of Sirsa.
Dutta (2012), the ambition of this work to find out comparison of competitive
anxiety, aggression, achievement motivation and self concept with volley ball players
of different level of achievement .A total of 75 male volley ball player were selected
as subject for the purpose of the study ,i.e., 25 players each from District, State, and
national level. The age of the subjects was ranged between 20 to 30 years. The tool
measures chosen to test the hypothesis were: The anxiety score of the volley ball
players were obtained by using sports competition anxiety questionnaire. A form
developed by R. martin .The Aggression scores were obtained by using aggression
inventory developed by Anand Kumar and Prem Shanker Shukla .The achievement
motivation scores were obtained by using achievement motivation questionnaire
developed by V.P. Bhargava. The self concept was obtained by using self concept
questionnaire developed by Raj Kumar saraswat. To compare the anxiety, aggression,
achievement motivation and self concept of the volley ball players of district, state,
national level achievement one way analysis of variance, in order to decide the
difference, if any, among the voelly ball players of different level of achievement.
When the difference was found significant, the LSD post-hoc test was applied to
assess the significant difference among the group’s means, the level of significant was
set at 0.5 level of confidence. The result of study showed that in all the selected
psychological parameters such as competition anxiety, aggression, achievement
motivation and self concept significant difference was found among the means of the
selected level of volley ball players.
Ali et.al (2011), the main aim of the researcher was to evaluate the phase of
multidimensional trait anxiety with university and national level hockey players of
U.P .The total forty male sample selected as a subject. Twenty inter-university and
twenty national level players selected as subjects of this study. The sample age was
fixed from seventeen to twenty-five years. To calculate the anxiety level of inter-
university and national level players 't' test was used to explore the data. The
multidimensional trait anxiety test developed by Martens (1977) was administered on
the subjects. Results have exposed that there was no significant difference set up
among inter-university and national level hockey players of U.P.

Chapter 3
This study had been under taken to access the comprehensive anxiety and aggression among
the male player belonging to individual and team game. The sample for this present study
includes all male sportsmen who represent the Inter-university. The researcher will collect the
data himself with the help of players related to the game, thirty (30) subjects from the
individual game players and thirty (30) from team game players as a subject for the collection
of data.
For this purpose first of all two groups were selected.
1). Team Game
2). Individual Game.



1. Judo (10) 1. Kho- kho (10)
2. Weight lifting (10) 2. Handball (10)
3. Boxingof(10)
Selection variables 3. Baseball (10)

Two psychological variables has been selected as variables for the present study. The
variables are as follows:
1. Comprehensive Anxiety
2. Aggression
The following tools in the present investigation will be used on the subjects to collect the
1. To measure the anxiety test (SCAT) constructed by the A.K.P sinha and L.N.K sinha
(1980) was administrated the test consist of 90 statements related to the personality of
an individual which they answer by making a HCK mark (x) to the yes and no.
2. Aggression inventory (AI) questionnaire written by M.K Sultania (1957) was
administrated the test consist of 67 statements used for the collection of data.
The questionnaire distribute among them and they fill it the data collect carefully and
honestly there will no time bound to fill up the questionnaire.
Description of test
To measure anxiety and to achieve the objectives of the study, anxiety test constructed by
A.K.P.Sinha and L.N.K.Sinha was administered. The test consists 90 statements related to the
personality of an individual which they answered by making a HCK mark (x) to the yes and
no. It should be emphasized that there is no right or wrong responses to statements. They are
designed to study individual‘s reactions to different situations.
i). Reliability
The reliability of the anxiety test (SCAT) was found 0.92.
The coefficient of validity was determined by computing the coefficient between score on
comprehensive anxiety test and on Taylor’s manifest anxiety scale. It was .62, which is
significant beyond .001 level of confidence.
Method of scoring
The procedure for scoring anxiety test was as follows:-
Scoring was done according to key in the respective manual of the tool. The individual score
of subject the statements were totalled to arrive at the score of subjects. The subjects were
already classified earlier. The data of the both groups were gathered according to the game.

For each item one of two was possible:
i). Yes
ii). No
All items were scored accordingly to the following key by hand accurately.
For any response indicated as ‘yes’, the tested should be awarded the score of one and zero
for ‘no’. The sum of the entire positive, (yes) response would be the total anxiety score of the
i). Yes – 1
ii). No – 0

Classification and interpretation of scores

All the score total individually of all the subjects. The individual score was classified
according to the range of score as follow:
Classification and Interpretation of Scores
Sr. Scores Interpretation
1 30 to 69 Extremely high anxiety
2 28 to29 High anxiety
3 17 to 23 Normal anxiety level
4 14 to 15 Low anxiety
5 3 to 12 Extremely low anxiety

Description of test
Reliability: reliability determined by speareman-brown formula and test-retest
method. The internal constancy reliability for full test rose to .90 for male and .85 for
female after correction.
The item analysis validity determined of each sub-scale by product-moment
correlation method was found satisfactory.

Scoring procedure of aggression is showing the positive and negative
Sr. sub-scale Responses Item number Total
no. Items

1 Assault Positive 8,24,30,37,43,50,58,63 10

Negative 1,16
2 Indirect Positive 2,17,25,38,51,67 9
Negative 9,31,44
3 Irritability Positive 4,10,19,32,46,53 9
Negative 26,59,64
4 Negativism Positive 3,11,18,27,33 5
Negative -
5 Resentment Positive 5,12,29,40,47,54 7
Negative 20
6 Suspicion Positive 13,21,28,34,41,48 9
Negative 60,65
7 Verbal Positive 6,14,22,35,45,61 10
Negative 39,52,56,66
8 Guilt Positive 7,15,23,36,42,49,57,62 8
Negative -
Total 67

Table 3.3
Marking for positive statements
Responses Score
Yes 1
No 0

Marking for negative statements
Responses Score
Yes 0
No 1

Statistical Procedure. The‘t’ test was used to compare comprehensive anxiety and
aggression among individual and team game player.

Chapter- IV
Analysis of the data and finding of the study
This chapter includes the analysis of data, discussions of the findings,
discussion of the hypotheses and result of the study. The data was analyzed by using
the independent t-test for comparison of comprehensive anxiety and aggression
among individual and team game. The data for the analysis of aggression and anxiety
of inter-university male individual and team game player. The data was collected
from the 30 individual and 30 team game male player. The level of significance was
set at 0.05.
The analysis of aggression and anxiety of inter-university individual and team game
male player are shown in tables below.
T. Table for comprehensive anxiety between individual and team
game players.
Group N Mean Std. Df t-value

Individual 30 36.03 8.93

58 1.3018
Team 30 38.8 7.47

By interpreting the above table it was found that calculated ‘t’ was 1.3018 and
tabulated ‘t’ was less than the value of tabulated ‘t’ thus hypothesis is rejected that
would significance difference between individual and team game players toward
comprehensive anxiety. It had been interoperated that there was no significance
difference between individual and team game players toward the comprehensive

On comparing the scores with the norms the sportsmen representing university in
individual events can be grouped on the basis of anxiety as under.

Classification of Anxiety Scale of Individual game players.
Group Level of anxiety No of players
1 Extremely high anxiety 26
2 High anxiety 4
3 Normal anxiety level 0
4 Low anxiety 0
5 Extremely anxiety 0
Total 30

On comparing the scores with the norms given in the manual of the test, the
sportsmen representing university in Team events can be grouped on the basis of
anxiety as under.
Classification of Anxiety scale of Team game players.
Group Level of anxiety No of player
1 Extremely high anxiety 27
2 High anxiety 3
3 Normal anxiety level 0
4 Low anxiety 0
5 Extremely anxiety 0
Total 30




33 36.03
Individual Game
Team Game

30 38.8


Individual Game Team Game

Figure:-1 Illustrates the comparison of comprehensive anxiety between individual and

team game players.

T table for aggression between individual and team game player.

Group Mean Std. Df t-value

N Deviation
Individual 30 34.03 3.93
58 3.0175
Team 30.53 4.99
game player 30

The above figure shows that there was no significance difference between individual
and team game players toward comprehensive anxiety.
By interpreting the above table it was found that calculated ‘t’ was 3.017 and
tabulated ‘t’ was 1.671. As the value of calculated ‘t’ was more than the value of
tabulated ‘t’ thus hypothesis is accepted that would be significance difference
between individual and team game players toward aggression. It had been interpreted
that there was significance difference between individual and team game players
toward the aggression.



33 34.03
Individual Game
Team Game

30 30.53


Individual Game Team Game

Figure:-2. Illustrate the comparison of aggression between individual and team game

The above figure shows that there was significance difference between individual and
team game players toward aggression.

Discussion and Finding

The study was conducted with the aim to determine whether there is any difference
exists between two different natures of sports i.e. players of team and individual
games in the selected psychological variables comprehensive anxiety and aggression.
As a physical activity both these individual games and team games require some sort
of physical fitness and different components of physical fitness to be fit to excel,
certain body type.
The finding pertaining to the study resolved no significant difference in
comprehensive anxiety among individual and team game players it was showed that
the anxiety there was no significant difference between individual and team game
player. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant difference in relation to
comprehensive anxiety among individual and team game players on the basis of
findings of this study the hypothesis is rejected.
Whereas the aggression result of the study have shown significant difference
among individual and team game players. The individual game player is more
aggressive as comparison to team game players. It was hypothesized that there would
be a significant difference in relation to aggression between individual and team game
player on the basis of findings of this study the hypothesis is accepted.
This fluctuation can be due to the varied demographic factor, and limited
number of sample.
In the condition of anxiety while the players to compete the competition they
all possess different quantity or amount of tendency to perceive competitive situation
with feeling of tension or apprehension.
The individual game like judo, weight, lifting and boxing in which the more
need of aggression to compete the successful game.
The team game, like base ball, kho-kho and hand ball in which there is no
more need of aggression to compete the game as comparison to individual game

Chapter v
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
One of the most important things in today’s world is how the sports man is playing his
game in the condition of anxiety and aggression. These problems become a big
obstacle in the path of progress. Although the person is in full form competition, high
level anxiety affects the biological system of the body and imbalance the body
movement and sociological barriers in the shape of facilities which are provided to us
in over field are not enough to show good results.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the comparison of comprehensive anxiety
and aggression among individual and team game player. The 30 individual and 30
team game players were selected as a sample. The subjects were selected from the
selected team games (hand ball kho-kho base ball and individual’s games judo boxing
and weightlifting) from inter-university, the following psychological variables were
selected for the comparison such.
1. Anxiety
2. Aggression
The following tools in the present investigation will be used on the subjects to
collect the data:
1. To measure the anxiety test (SCAT) constructed by the A.K.P sinha and L.N.K
sinha (1980) was administrated the test consist of 90 statements related to the
personality of an individual which they answer by making a HCK mark (x) to the yes
and no.
2. Aggression inventory (AI) questionnaire written by M.K Sultania was
administrated the test consist of 67 statements used for the collection of data.
The questionnaire distribute among them and they fill it the data collect carefully and
honestly there will no time bound to fill up the questionnaire.
The raw data were further completed to implements the selected statistical
techniques. ‘t’ test were adopted.

The finding of the study shows no significance difference in comprehensive
anxiety between individual and team game players and significance difference in
aggression between individual and team game players.

On the basis of findings of the study and scholar’s own understandings following
conclusions are drawn.
On the basis of finding we found out and conclude that there was no significance
difference in relation to comprehensive anxiety among individual and team game
players, thus hypothesis was rejected.
On the basis of finding we found out and conclude that there was significant
difference in relation to aggression among individual and team game players, thus
hypothesis was accepted.

The present study proves to be helpful tool in understanding the phenomenon
of success and failure among the participants of individual and team game players
with special reference to these selected variables. Further, this study may facilitate the
process of developing techniques and ways to develop those characteristics which can
be helpful in achieving success in sports.
1) A similar study can be conducted with successful and unsuccessful sportsperson.
2) A similar study in comparison of sports person and non sports person may be
3) A similar study can be conducted on different age group of state level players.
4) A similar kind of study may be conducted on the female state levels teams and
individual events..
5) A similar kind of study may be conducted on the female national levels teams and
individual players.
6) The similar kind of study can be conducted by increasing the number of samples.

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Appendix Raw score of Aggression
Raw score of Individual game players
Assult indirect aggression Irritability Negativism Resentment Suspicion verbal aggression Guilt total
5 4 6 3 3 5 6 4 36
2 6 3 2 4 4 5 3 29
4 6 5 3 5 6 4 2 35
8 5 5 2 5 5 4 4 38
4 4 8 3 7 6 5 4 41
3 4 4 3 2 4 7 4 31
2 6 4 3 2 4 6 6 33
8 3 3 2 3 3 6 6 34
5 2 5 2 3 5 6 5 33
5 5 3 2 3 3 6 5 32
4 2 1 2 4 7 2 6 28
6 4 3 0 6 4 5 4 32
6 2 3 3 3 3 6 7 33
2 3 7 3 4 5 7 2 33
8 4 7 2 2 4 5 2 34
4 3 5 3 3 4 6 4 32
3 6 2 2 3 7 3 4 30
4 7 6 3 5 3 8 4 40
5 7 3 3 5 6 2 35
4 4 6 4 5 4 5 5 37
8 5 4 5 3 5 5 7 42
8 5 6 1 4 5 6 4 39
5 6 4 2 1 5 6 4 33
5 2 3 2 4 2 7 4 29
4 4 4 3 6 5 9 4 39
4 3 4 1 6 5 3 3 29
4 5 7 3 5 5 5 5 39
7 4 4 0 3 2 6 4 30
4 5 5 2 4 4 5 5 34
8 3 4 0 3 6 3 6 33

Raw score of Team game players

Assult score irritability Negativism Resentment Suspicion verbal aggression Guilt Total

2 5 2 3 3 8 5 3 31
6 7 6 2 5 5 7 4 42
6 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 41
4 6 2 4 2 3 7 3 31
2 3 2 2 3 2 4 6 24
8 4 7 1 3 6 2 4 35
8 4 5 2 3 7 3 4 36
3 2 5 3 4 6 5 1 29
4 5 4 3 4 4 6 6 36
6 1 7 3 4 4 7 6 38
4 5 7 3 4 6 1 5 35
4 4 3 2 5 6 5 4 33
4 4 5 3 3 6 4 5 34
3 5 3 3 2 5 3 4 28
8 5 3 2 4 3 4 1 30
1 3 7 0 2 4 4 7 28
4 4 3 1 2 5 4 2 25
6 4 7 0 3 4 4 4 32
5 4 4 3 4 7 5 4 36
4 3 5 3 1 5 5 2 28
1 4 3 3 3 3 4 6 27
4 5 3 3 3 4 7 4 33
6 5 4 2 1 2 4 2 26
4 5 4 1 2 4 4 3 27
5 3 4 2 2 6 5 2 29
5 3 3 2 4 2 7 3 29
4 4 3 1 3 3 4 0 22
4 2 3 3 3 7 3 3 28
3 4 3 1 2 4 4 4 25
2 3 2 2 3 2 4 6 24

Appendix 2
Raw Score of Comprehensive Anxiety
Comprehensive anxiety Raw score
S. No. Individual Game Team Game
1 33 49
2 31 52
3 37 40
4 50 28
5 54 32
6 36 50
7 34 34
8 47 37
9 30 36
10 30 52
11 30 49
12 34 48
13 52 35
14 27 34
15 37 30
16 36 36
17 33 27
18 36 37
19 57 28
20 54 37
21 27 39
22 26 37
23 36 39
24 33 34
25 32 35
26 32 45
27 29 39
28 28 38
29 30 35
30 30 52


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