(Travis) : 1) Housing 2) Communication 3) Recreation 4) Politics 5) Education 6) Economics 7) Fire and Safety 8) Health
(Travis) : 1) Housing 2) Communication 3) Recreation 4) Politics 5) Education 6) Economics 7) Fire and Safety 8) Health
(Travis) : 1) Housing 2) Communication 3) Recreation 4) Politics 5) Education 6) Economics 7) Fire and Safety 8) Health
e.Coordination of HC High 3 X 1
Moderate 2
Low 1
a.Problem Identification 1st step in any plan
b.Setting/ Formulating Goals & Objectives
how family feels towards problem
4. Salience à
2. Modifiability of the Problem à ability of the nurse to STANDARDS OF PHN IN THE PHILIPPINES
alleviate, eliminate, eradicate a problem through 2005
nursing intervention 1.Difference of PHN and CHN in only one area:
Easily modifiable 2 x 2 setting pf work as dedicated by funding
Partially modifiable 1
Not modifiable 0 2.PH Nurses: employed in local/ national
gov’t health departments or public schools
3. Preventive potential à nursing interventions under
nursing considerations
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(whether position is PHN, Nurse, or School 5. change agent changing clients behavior to
Nurse) promote and maintain health as a result of
3.PH Nursing practice of nursing in local/ teaching and counseling
national gov’t health departments and public 6. collaborator/ coordinator brings together
schools; CHN practiced in public sector resources of people involved
a.Bring activities systematically to achieve the
Qualifications of PHN goals
NURSE BSN RN MA EXPERIENCE b.Establishes linkages, networks, and
collaborative relations
1.Nurse yes yes MAN 3 years
Instructor experience 7. manager/supervisor includes being as
2.Nurse yes yes MAN or 5 years planner, organizer, director, trainer
Supervisor PH experience as a.Executes the 5 management functions
PHN b.Organizes the “nursing service” of the local
3.Regional yes yes MAN or 6 years
PH experience, 3
health agency
Training c.Program managementa
years in training/
Nurse nursing education
4.Regional yes yes MAN or 5 years
PH experience, 2
Nurse 8. researcher conducting studies that contribute
years in
Supervisor supervisory to the improvement of nursing and health
position services
5.Nursing yes yes MAN or 7 years a.utilizes data to predict future phenomenon and
PH experience modify interventions
Supervisor b.Disease surveillance (continuous collection
6.Chief Nurse yes yes MAN or 5 years and analysis of data of cases and deaths) to
PH experience, 3 measure magnitude of problem and to
years as
supervisor measure the effect of the control program
7.Assistant yes yes MAN or 5 years
Chief Nurse PH experience, 2 9. role model doing what you preach
years as 10. hospice care providing carative skills in a
home or other setting and balancing the
8.Occupational yes yes Training
units in terminally ill client needs
Health Nurse 11. Trainer
a.Formulate staff development and training
V. THE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE programs for midwives and other auxiliary HW
A. Qualifications and evaluates them
1.BSN graduate b.Trains nursing and midwifery students
2.RN affiliates in coordination with CI
3.Professional competence c.Community organizer
4.Personal qualities and “people skills”
B. Functions VI. Community Health Nursing Process
1. clinician focuses on health of individuals in A. Identifying the community Health Nursing
the larger context of the community; provides Problems
nursing care to the sick and disabled 1.Categories of Community Health Nursing
a.Provider of nursing care Problem
b.Utilizes the nursing process a.Health status problem à increased or
c.Conducts home visits and referrals decreased morbidity, mortality, fertility or
reduced capability for wellness
2. advocate interceding, supporting, pleading or b.Health resource problem à lack of or absence
acting as a guardian of the client’s rights to of manpower, money, materials or institutions
autonomy and free choice; to defend the rights necessary to solve health problems
of the clients for self-determination c.Health-related problem à existence of social,
3. educator provides skills, knowledge and economic, env’tal & political factors that
attitude to develop self-reliance aggravate the illness-inducing situations
4. counselor tasks include listening and 2. Priority Setting
providing feed back and information • Criteria of Priority setting:
a.nature of the problem à health status, health
resources or health-related problems
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b.magnitude of the problem àrefers to the c.Provide first aid treatment to emergency cases
severity of the problem w/c can be measured in and refer when necessary
terms of the proportion of the population affected 4. Clinical Evaluation
by the problem a.Validate PE and clinical history
c.modifiability of the problem à probability of b.Provide treatment based on DOH programs
reducing, controlling or eradicating the problem c.Inform client of illness, treatment and prevention,
d.preventive potential à probability of controlling and control measures
or reducing the effects posed by the problem
e.social concern à perception of the population B. Home Visit professional face to face contact
as they are affected by the problem & their made by a nurse with the patient or the family to
readiness to act in the problem provide necessary health care activities and to
further attain the objective of the agency.
Principles in a Home Visit (PURPIF)
Scaling of Ranking Community 1.Purpose or objective
Health Problems 2.Use all available information
Criteria Weight 3.Revolve on essential needs
1. Nature of the Problem 1 4.Priority on needs recognized by family
Health Status 3 5.Involve individual and family
Health Resources 2 6.Flexible and practical
Health-related 1
2. Magnitude of the problem 3
75%-100% affected 4 Frequency of Home Visit (AAPOPE)
50%-74% affected 3 1.Acceptance of the family
25-49% affected 2 2.Ability to recognize own needs
25% affected 1
3. Modifiability of the Problem
3.Physical, psychological and educational needs
High 3 4 4.Other health agencies and health personnel
Moderate 2 involved
Low 1 5.Policy of a given health agency
Not Modifiable 0
6.Evaluation of past services given to a family
4. Preventive Potential
High 3 1
Moderate 2 Steps
Low 1 1.Greet patient and introduce self.
5. Social Concern
Urgent Com’ty concern 2 1 2.State purpose of visit
Recognized as a 1 a.Give nursing care to the sick
problem, but not needing b. Assess living condition of the patient
urgent concern c. Give health teaching
Not a com’ty concern 0
d. Unify health agencies and public for the
promotion of health
e. Use the inter-referral system
VII. Common Nursing Procedures
3.Observe patient and determine health needs.
A. Clinic Visit process of checking the clients’
4.Put bag in a convenient place and perform bag
health condition in a medical clinic where the
nurse assists the client as well as the physician in
5.Perform nursing care.
the whole course of examination.
6.Document necessary data.
7.Make appointment for a return visit.
C. Bag Technique a tool making use of a public
a.Greet client
health bag through which the nurse, during his/her
b.Review family records of new pt/ retrieve old
home visit, can perform nursing procedures
client’s record
c.Obtain the chief complaint and clinical history
Public health bag essential and indispensable
d.Perform PE and record it accordingly
equipment of a PHN carried along during home
2.Waiting time
a.Give priority numbers
b.First come serve policy, except for emergency
Principles of Bag Technique
1.prevent transfer of infection
3. Triaging ∞ How many times can you open the bag on caring for
a.Manage program based cases the client? 3 times
b.Refer all non-program based cases to physician o 1st get articles needed for hand washing
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D. Thermometer Technique
1.Put out thermometer leaving case inside the bag
2.After getting temp. wipe with dry cotton balls
then read
3.Clean in downward spiral motion
a.1st 3 cotton balls moistened w/ soap
b.2nd 3 cotton balls moistened with water CG
c.3rd 3 cotton balls moistened w/ alcohol
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