Design and Detailing of RC Jacketing For Concrete Columns

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Design and Detailing of RC Jacketing for Concrete Columns

Retrofitting is a technique to enhance the structural capacities including the strength,

stiffness, ductility, stability, and integrity of a building that is found to be deficient or vulnerable. It
can effectively raise the performance of a building against earthquake to a desired level, and to even
satisfy the requirements of an upgraded design seismic code. The building need not be deteriorated
or damaged. The retrofit is intended to mitigate the effect of a future earthquake.

Existing structures need strengthening in the following circumstances:

1. Buildings have not been designed and detailed to resist seismic forces.
2. Buildings might have designed for seismic forces, but as per old seismic codes.
3. The lateral strength of the building does not satisfy the seismic forces as per the revised seismic
zones or designed base shear.
4. Construction is apparently of poor quality.
5. There have been additions of change of use of building with increased vulnerability.

Retrofitting can generally be classified in two categories:

1. Global retrofitting

The global retrofitting technique targets the seismic resistance of the building. It includes adding
of infill wall, adding of shear wall, adding of steel bracings and base isolation. Adding of infill wall in
the ground storey is a viable option to retrofit buildings with soft storey. Shear walls can be
introduced in a building with flat slabs or flat plates. A new shear wall should be provided with an
adequate foundation. Steel braces can be inserted in frames to provide lateral strength, stiffness,
ductility, and to improve energy dissipation. These can be provided in the exterior frames with least
disruption of the building use.

2. Local retrofitting

Local retrofitting technique targets the seismic resistance of a member. The local retrofit
technique includes the concrete, steel or Fibre reinforced polymer Jacketing to the structural
members like beams, columns, beam column joint, foundation. Concrete jacketing involves adding a
new layer of concrete with longitudinal reinforcement and closely spaced ties. The jacket increases
both the flexural strength and the shear strength of the beam or the column. The following are the
advantages of retrofitting. It increases the seismic resistance of the building without any demolition.
It increases the ductile behaviour and lateral load capability of the building Strength and stiffness of
the building is also improved

There are two main purpose of jacketing of columns.

1. To increase in shear capacity of columns (strong column‐weak beam design).

2. To improve the column’s flexural strength.
After carrying out the detailed analysis of the existing building, deficient members are
identified. A list of provided and required reinforcements is tabulated and highlighted. All these
members require strengthening in order to increase their ductile strength. Hence, retrofitting of
these members is carried out using Jacketing.

Column jacketing is carried out as per recommendations of Indian standard code IS 15988 (2013):
Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings – Guidelines
published By Bureau of Indian Standards

1. The procedure as per article of the code for reinforced concrete jacketing is as
2. The seismic demand on the columns, in terms of axial load P and moment M is obtained.
3. The column size and section details are estimated for P and M as determined above.
4. The existing column size and amount of Reinforcement is deducted to obtain the Amount of
concrete and steel to be provided in the jacket.
5. The extra size of column cross-section and Reinforcement is provided in the jacket.
6. Increase the amount of concrete and steel actually to be provided as follows to account for
Ac = (3/2)A’C & AS = (4/3)A’S
Where Ac and AS = actual concrete and steel to be provi Design Of Rc Column Jacketting Using Is
15988: 2013 ded in the jacket; and A’C and A’S = concrete and steel values obtained for the jacket
after deducting the existing concrete and steel from their respective required amount.

The minimum specifications as per article of the code for jacketing Columns are:

A. Strength of the new materials shall be equal or greater than those of the existing column.
Concrete strength shall be at least 5 MPa greater than the strength of the existing concrete.
B. For columns where extra longitudinal reinforcement is not required, a minimum of 12φ bars
in the four corners and ties of 8φ @100 c/c should be provided with 135° bends and 10φ leg
C. Minimum jacket thickness shall be 100 mm. d) Lateral support to all the longitudinal bars
shall be provided by ties with an included angle of not more than 135°.
D. Minimum diameter of ties shall be 8 mm and not less than one-third of the longitudinal bar
E. Vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed 200 mm, whereas the spacing close to the Joints
within a length of ¼ of the clear height shall not exceed 100 mm. preferably, the spacing of
ties shall not exceed the thickness of the jacket or 200 mm whichever is less.

Design Of RC Column Jacketing Using Is 15988: 2013

Details of existing column are as follows:

Height of the Column=1500mm

Cross-Section= (250X400) mm

Effective Cover=40mm
Grade of Concrete =20 N/mm2 and Grade of steel=415 N/mm2

Load Pu = 1528.68 KN, Moment M = 72.33 KN-m

Reinforcement provided=8-16mmØ bars


Pu = 0.4 x fck x Ac + 0.67 x fy x Asc

According to the provisions provided in to (a) of IS 15988: 2013, Concrete strength shall be at
least 5 MPa greater than the strength of the existing concrete.

Thus, taking value of fck =25 N/mm2 and assuming = 0.8% Ac

1528.68 x 103 =0.4 x 25 x Ac + 0.67 x 415 x (0.8 % Ac) or 1528 x 103 = 12.22 Ac or

Ac =125096.56mm2
According to (e) of IS 15988:2013, Ac =1.5 A’c
Thus, Ac =187644 mm2

Assuming the cross sectional details as:

B=400mm, D=187644/400=500mm

Jacketting details of cross section:

B = (400-250)/2=75mm, D = (500-400)/2=50mm

However, According to the code specified above, Minimum jacket thickness shall be 100 mm as per (c) of IS 15988:2013

Thus, New size of the column:

B = 250+100 +100=450mm,

D =400 +100 +100=600mm

New concrete area=450x600=270000mm2 > =125096.56mm2

Area of steel As =0.8% x 450 x 600=2160mm2

But according to (e) IS 15988:2013, As = (4/3)
As = (4/3) x 2160=2880 mm2
Assuming 16mm Ø bars,

Thus, number of bars, N =2880 x 4/ (π x 162 ) = 16 bars

Provide 16 NO. -16mm Ø bars for jacketed section.

Therefore, revised jacketed section will be 450mm x 600 mm. The details of RC Jacketting are
provided in

Design of Lateral Ties

As per (e) of IS15988: 2013, Minimum diameter of ties shall be 8 mm and not less than
onethird of the longitudinal bar diameter.

Diameter of bar =1/3 of Ø of largest longitudinal bar = x 16 = 6mm ….take 8mm

Spacing of ties as per (f) of IS 15988:2013- The code suggests that the spacing, s of ties to be
provided in the jacket in order to avoid flexural shear failure of column and provide adequate
confinement to the longitudinal steel along the jacket is given as:

f y d 2h
√ f ck t j
Where f y = yield strength of steel, f ck = cube strength of concrete, d h= diameter of stirrup

and t j = thickness of jacket

415 x 162
200 x √25

Provide 8mm Ø @110mm c/c.

However, For columns (Figure 2) where extra longitudinal reinforcement is not required, a minimum
of 12φ bars in the four corners and ties of 8φ @100 c/c should be provided with 135° bends and 10φ
leg lengths.

Practical Method Of RC Jacketing

The practical technique of surrounding the old and existing columns with a new RC jacket
involves a sequence of actions. There are few steps which are to be followed before applying
Jacketing. First step is to repair the surface of old and existing column. This can be done by removing
the deteriorated concrete by hand chipping, jack hammering or any other method that causes micro
cracking of substrate (concrete of existing Column). This is then followed by sand blasting or water
demolition technique , which makes the surface of column rough. The third and an important step is
to use a bonding agent like epoxy resin. After the resin application, steel connectors are used. This is
then followed by temporary shoring of existing RC columns. Finally, adding of longitudinal and
transverse reinforcement with steel connectors. This is how RC Column Jacketing is given a
practically shape.

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