A Study On Brand Preference of Mobile Phones Among

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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

Website: ijetms.in Issue: 2 Volume No.5 March – 2021 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2021.v05i02.004

ISSN: 2581-4621


Dr. Vijayalakshmi P1, Dr.V.Priyadarshini2, Dr. Umamaheswari K3
Associate Professor, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
Associate Professor, Kathir College of Engineering, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor, Lead College of Management, Palakkad

[email protected]
2 [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— Cellular phone market in India is one of the Investigating the factors that influence buying decisions of
tempestuous and turbulent market environments today due to the customer while buying a mobile phone can be an
increased competition and uncertainty. Thus it directs to interesting topic for the researchers to study as they can
study on customer purchasing behavior and their brand examine the key elements that are vital in choosing a
preferences towards choice brand between different mobile
phone brands. The focus of this research is towards examining
particular mobile phone over the others. This research
the teenagers and youth segment. The purpose of this study is paper attempts to analyze the determinants of customer’s
to investigate customer’s choice criteria in mobile phone decision making process in the context of teenage and
markets by studying factors that influence the teenager’s and youth consumers’ market.
youth’s brand preferences while buying a mobile phone in
Coimbatore town. In order to accomplish the objective of the
The research is conducted under the background of mobile
study, a sample of 130 consumers was taken by using simple phones market. The reason behind choosing the mobile
random sampling technique and analyzed the data to provide phone market with respect to focus on youths and teenagers
a better suggestion. in their decision making are twofold: firstly, mobile phones
are widely used by teenagers and youths all over the world
Keywords— Brand preferences, Customer behavior, Decision
and this market in the recent years has become more and
making, Brand image and quality, Mobile Phones. more competitive. Thus, it is necessary for the marketers to
understand the factors that affect decision making of this
I. INTRODUCTION particular market; secondly, teenagers and youths play a
crucial and influencing role in mobile phone selection in
In today’s fiercely competitive world, it is very important the mobile phone market. Marketers target them not only as
for the marketers to discover and figure out the aspects that they will represent adult consumers of tomorrow but also
are essential to deal with the competitors, changing because they dominate a large and remarkable portion of
customer tastes and preferences. The intense competition in their parent’s income.
terms of product similarity and increased number of
competing brands in the market have led the marketers to Statement of the problem
consider and study the factors that are influential in There are various factors that directly affect the teenage
consumers’ buying decisions and behaviors. For marketers, and youth customer’s decision making towards the
teenage market and youth market are the most appealing selection of mobile phones and also affects the sales and
and attractive markets, as they believe to earn a huge return profitability of the mobile phone companies. This study
on their investments by targeting this age groups. Youths focuses on finding of various factors that affecting buying
and teenagers, nowadays, are considered to have more behavior and brand choices in mobile phone market.
power in their key family decisions and purchases. Hence,
a major center of firm’s marketing actions is towards these Objectives of the study
consumers and they concentrate much on the factors • To study on brand preferences of mobile phones among
underlying the buying behavior and brand choice. teenagers and youth in Coimbatore city.

International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

Website: ijetms.in Issue: 2 Volume No.5 March – 2021 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2021.v05i02.004

ISSN: 2581-4621

• To identify the antecedence that influences the brand • Sabnam Shreshtha (2016) attempted to investigate
preferences towards choosing a mobile phone. consumer purchasing motives in cellular phone market by
• To find the relationship between those factors towards conducting a research on the buying behavior of young
choosing a brand. consumers in Kathmandu, Nepal. This study aims to
• To analyze the brand preference of the customers towards explore future potential in consumption of future smart
choosing a mobile phone. phones in Nepal by evaluating two major stimuluses such
The scope of the study is to analyses the brand preference as marketing stimuli and environmental stimuli and also
of mobile phones among teenagers and youth. This concentrates on four social classes stated by Kotler &
research is expected to provide sufficient information about Armstrong (2012).
the factors that affects the brand preference in the mobile The literature review reveals that there are ten most
phone market. This researcher study is based on important factors that directly affect the customers buying
preferences of teenagers and youths in Coimbatore region, decision while buying a mobile phone.
Tamilnadu. A researcher has been identifying the factors/
antecedents that affecting customer’s decision making III. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
while buying a mobile phone. The findings of study The study aims at determining the antecedents that
ultimately reveal the major factors that affecting and the influence brand preferences of the teenagers and youth
relationship between those factors. consumers towards choosing a mobile phone brand in their
purchase decisions in Coimbatore city.
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Based on previous research, studies and literature
Mesay sata (2013) conducted a study on factors affecting reviews the following conceptual frameworks and
consumer buying behaviour of mobile phone devices hypothesis were developed for the research project.
specifically in Hawassa town, Ethiopia. Accordingly, the Accordingly, ten independent variables (i.e. Brand image
result of the study showed that the six independent and quality, features of the phone, Aesthetics (look and
variables i.e. price, social factors, durability, brand name, feel), Pricing, Availability (distribution), Advertisements,
product features and after sales factors will influence the Connectivity, compatibility and durability,
dependent variable i.e. decision to purchase (Mobile phone Recommendations and reviews, User friendliness,
buying decision). Exchange possibility and Post purchase services) thought to
• According to Karjaluoto et al. (2005), the factors like influence the dependent variable (i.e. Teenager’s and
price, size, brand, interface, properties and some other youth’s brand preferences while buying a mobile phone)
factors like salesman are the most influential factors that are identified
affect the choice amongst mobile phone brands in the
market. The result of their survey on factors affecting
consumer choice of mobile phones in Finland indicated that
product feature, price, size and user friendly menu features
of the cellular phones are the most determinant factors
affecting the choice of mobile phones.
• Vishesh, Sanjiv Mittal and Shivani Bali (2018)
explained issued a journal on Journal of management with
the tittle factors affecting consumer buying behavior
towards mobile phones in which ten major factors (i.e.
physical dimensions, design and color, battery life, camera
quality, speed, recommendations and reviews, brand name,
price advantages, availability, and exchange possibility)
that influence the customer satisfaction.
• MACRO (Market Analysis & Consumer Research
Organization, 2004) conducted an investigation on mobile
phone usage among the teenagers and youth in a specific
Figure I: Conceptual framework of the study
region in Mumbai city. In this research researchers’
concentrates more on the teenagers and youth respondents
whose age is not more than 30 years.

International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

Website: ijetms.in Issue: 2 Volume No.5 March – 2021 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2021.v05i02.004

ISSN: 2581-4621

IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.4 Sampling Technique

All This study uses descriptive type of research. Here we choose probability sampling type because in
Descriptive research is designed to describe something, this study every element has equal and random opportunity.
such as demographical characteristics of consumers who In probability sampling type, there are two type of
use the products. It deals with determining frequency with sampling types such as restricted and unrestricted
which something occurs or how two variables vary sampling. In this study, the unrestricted sampling (simple
together. This study is also guided by and initial random sampling) is used. This technique was used as a
hypothesis. result of it absolutely was not glorious antecedently on
whether or not a specific person is asked to fill the form.
Descriptive analysis is intended to assist executives to Simple random sampling is employed as a result of solely
decide on among numerous potential alternatives to form a those folks was asked to fill the questionnaires by the
viable business. Information each primary and secondary research worker.
data, the supply was 130 respondents for primary and
secondary knowledge. 4.5 Sources of Data
4.1 Sampling Design In marketing research, the data sources can be divided
Sampling plan deals with the respondents and the into primary and secondary data sources. To achieve the
decisions on respondents for the study. Sampling plan objective of the study, study uses only primary sources of
affects the whole research work this makes the sampling data for better accuracy. This questionnaire aims to gather
plan as a most important decision for the researcher. information related to customer’s preferences on factors
that affects the buying decisions of mobile phones. The
Sampling plan undergoes three major decisions for the secondary data also used to some extent. The secondary
research work such as sample unit, sample size, sampling data means already available data. (Books, library)
procedure. For this study, the sampling plan is made as
shown in the following list. The study was conducted 4.6 Tools for Analysis
towards Mobile Phone users. The size of the population is In this study various tools of statistics are used to
130 and the survey was conducted in and around analyze different factors that affecting the teenagers and
Coimbatore city. youths buying behavior towards mobile phones.
4.2 Research Instrument The tools used for analysis for this study is listed below,
i. Descriptive statistical analysis
A form consists of a group of queries conferred to ii. Multiple regression
respondents. Owing to its flexibility, the form is out and iii. One-way ANOVA
away the foremost common instrument accustomed collect iv. Pearson correlation
primary knowledge. Questionnaires got to be rigorously
developed, tested, and debugged before they're
administered on an outsized scale. In making ready a form,
the research worker rigorously chooses the queries and 5.1 Descriptive statistics
their kind, wording, and sequence. The shape of the
The respondents were asked to mark the 10 factors that
question will influence the response. Selling researchers
affects the decision making process while buying a mobile
distinguish between closed-end and open-end queries.
phone (such as brand image and quality, mobile phone
4.3 Target Respondents features, aesthetics, pricing, availability, advertisements,
The respondents of the survey were the teenagers and connectivity, recommendations and reviews, user
youths in and around Coimbatore city. These respondents friendliness and exchange possibility and post purchase
were in person interviewed with the help of questionnaire services) according to their importance to them. A five
so as to gather the knowledge needed. point Likert scale was provided ranging from “highly
important” 1 – “highly unimportant” 5.
In this study, personal contact method is mostly used in
order to improve accuracy and to avoid errors. In addition
to that Social Medias like WhatsApp is used to spread the
google forms to collect the data.

International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

Website: ijetms.in Issue: 2 Volume No.5 March – 2021 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2021.v05i02.004

ISSN: 2581-4621


Interpretation: The R-square value in the above model

summary is 0.789 which indicates that the predictors or
independent variables account for 78.9%of variance in the
dependent variable. The adjusted R-square in the Table
shows that the dependent variable (brand image and
quality) is affected by 77.3 % by the independent variables
(such as mobile phone features, aesthetics, pricing,
Interpretation: The descriptive statistics in the Table above availability, advertisements, connectivity,
tells that brand image and quality (with a mean = 4.0462) is recommendations and reviews, user friendliness and
the most important factor which teenagers and youth exchange possibility and post purchase services). This tells
consumers look for when choosing a particular mobile. us that all these independent variables are responsible for
User friendliness (mean = 3.9846) was the second most affecting the brand image and quality in the minds of
important while Features (mean = 3.7769) was selected as teenage and youth customers.
the third important factor during choice of a mobile phone. TABLE: III
The fourth important feature according to the youths in ONE-WAY ANOVA (SIGNIFICANT TEST)
mobile phone choice is its aesthetics (mean = 3.7615).
Pricing (mean = 3.7000) was marked by the respondents as
a fifth major worthy factor. Recommendations and reviews
with a mean of 3.6231 as the sixth most notable feature
affecting mobile phone selection. connectivity (mean =
3.6154), exchange possibility and post purchase services
(mean = 3.5615), availability (mean = 3.4385) and
advertisements (mean = 2.9231) seem to be less significant
features when selecting a mobile phone.
Interpretation: The ANOVA table is showing the level of
5.2 Multiple regression significance. It is clear from this table that all factors
A multiple regression was performed by taking all nine namely: mobile phone features, aesthetics, pricing,
decision factor scores as the independent variables and the availability, advertisements, connectivity,
dependent variable is brand image and quality of the recommendations and reviews, user friendliness and
mobile phone with respect to customer’s perception and exchange possibility and post purchase services are related
importance on various factors while performing their to brand image and quality and the relationship between
buying decisions. Those variables that significantly them are significant as compared to alpha value of 0.05.
influenced the dependent variable would be considered as The results of co-efficient analysis in multiple regression is
the influential decision factors. Here the brand image and shown in the following table.
quality is the criterion variable (dependent variable) and
other 9 factors such as mobile phone features, aesthetics,
pricing, availability, advertisements, connectivity,
recommendations and reviews, user friendliness and
exchange possibility and post purchase services are acts as
a predictor (independent variable).
International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

Website: ijetms.in Issue: 2 Volume No.5 March – 2021 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2021.v05i02.004

ISSN: 2581-4621


Level of significance = 5%(0.05)

One-way ANOVA test was conducted to find out if there

is any significant difference between consumer’s
motivation (consideration) according to price range of the
mobile phone. The test result shows that F = 4.008, P value
= 0.009. Since P value is < 0.05, the result is significant.
Therefore, H1: is accepted. Therefore, there is significant
difference between consumer’s motivation (consideration)
according to price range of the mobile phone.


• To focus more on brand image of the product and the
The table clearly shows that eight factors are statistically quality to enhance sales of the branded mobile product.
significant. It is obvious from the values of standardized • Better features are the most important factor which is
coefficients that features are the most important and want to be concentrated than attractive advertisements.
influential factor in brand image and quality with • Teenagers and youth segment in the mobile market
standardized coefficient of 0.413. The second dominant plays a major role in influencing other customers.
factor in order of its importance is aesthetics with the • Brand image and quality is the most important factor
standardized coefficient value of 0.231. Third important that influence the buying decisions of the teenage and
variable is user friendliness with a standardized coefficient youth customers when compared to other factors such
of 0.130. Thus, the three main influential factors that mobile phone features, aesthetics, pricing, availability,
affecting the brand image and quality with special advertisements, connectivity, recommendations and
reference to teenagers and youth’s decision making process reviews, user friendliness and exchange possibility and
while buying a mobile phone are ‘mobile phone features’, post purchase services.
‘aesthetics’ and ‘user friendliness’. • Teenage and youth customer’s motivation on buying a
5.3 One-way ANOVA particular brand is based on the price of a mobile
phone. Price fixing has to be more concentrated for
One-way ANOVA analysis is performed to identify better positioning in minds of customers.
where there is any statistical relationship between • There is no relationship between mobile phone brand
consumer’s motivation (consideration) according to price and time period of mobile phone usage. So marketer
range of the mobile phone which is shown in the following want to use innovative strategies accordingly.
statement. • Both source of information and influencer of a
Hypothesis: customer are directly proportional with each other.
H0: There is no significant difference between consumer’s • More creative ways of advertising is to create better
motivation (consideration) according to price range of awareness among the various segments of the society
the mobile phone. regarding the branded products.
H1: There is significant difference between consumer’s • To ensure that the customers received true value for the
motivation (consideration) according to price range of amount they spent for their preferred item through
the mobile phone. various value added services and additional benefits.

International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

Website: ijetms.in Issue: 2 Volume No.5 March – 2021 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2021.v05i02.004

ISSN: 2581-4621

• To maintain a reasonable price range for the branded

products to promote and enhance the sale of the
products among the various income and age group.
• To ensure the easy availability of the branded products
for the promotion of the sales buying
The aim of this study is to determine brand preferences of
mobile phones among teenagers and youth. This will help
to identify the antecedents, that influence the brand
preferences towards choosing a mobile phone and to
analyze the relationship between those factors, with 130
samples in the Coimbatore region. The finding shows that
the eight factors such as mobile phone features, aesthetics,
pricing, availability, connectivity, the recommendations
and reviews, user friendliness and exchange possibility
and post purchase services effects the brand image and
quality in the minds of teenagers and youth.
Limitations of the study
The study has some limitations such as,
• Research only concentrates on teenagers and youth
respondents (only age group below 25 years).
• Only 130 respondents consisting of smart phone users
have been taken as a samples, which is a very small
size when compared to mobile market.
• Sampling method used was simple random sampling so
the result may not be completely accurate and precise.
• Survey are being confined to limited parts of Coimbatore
due to limitations of time and cost elements.•

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