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The document discusses various assessment techniques like formative assessment, diagnostic assessment, summative assessment, etc. It also talks about different types of assessment like placement assessment, program evaluation, and determining student progress. Some key principles of assessment mentioned are assessing for real-world application and using scoring rubrics.

The document discusses various assessment techniques like formative assessment, diagnostic assessment, placement assessment, summative assessment, etc. It also talks about using assessment for different purposes like diagnosing learner difficulties, determining progress, instruction and feedback.

The document mentions some basic principles of guidance like observing a code of ethics, guidance being a continuing process, and confidentiality.


Which improvement(s) should be done on this completion test item: An example

of a mammal is _______.

A. The item should give more cues.

B. The blank should be longer to accommodate all possible answers.
C. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence.
D. The question should have only one acceptable answer.

2. In outcome-based education (OBE) or competency-based teaching, the

standard/s on which grades are based and interpreted is
____________________________. *

A. Intended learning/course outcomes

B. Performance of the lower group of the class
C. Performance of the upper group of the class
D. Performance of others

3. If a distribution has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 5, what value

would be -1 standard deviation from the mean? *

A. 55
B. 45
C. 50
D. 60

4. Teacher Sol, a Science teacher, is about to discuss the Mixtures to his Grade 6
students. She asks open-ended questions and records the responses of his
students. What was the purpose of her assessment? *

A. Assessment as program evaluation or accountability

B. Assessment as diagnosing learner difficulties or misconceptions
C. Assessment as determining progress along a development continuum
D. Assessment as an instruction and providing feedback

5. With a t-score equivalent to 55, the raw score of a student can be described as
____________. *

A. Above the mean performance

B. Below the mean performance
C. Just within the mean performance
D. Cannot be determined because of lacking information
6. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out-of-context drills.
To apply this principle, what should Teacher Trisha do? *

A. Gives a 10-item quiz on adding dissimilar fractions which is the weakness of

B. Assesses students’ English oral communication skills in a graduation program
simulation where each student has a speaking assignment
C. Gives a 20-point quiz asking students to determine whether or not the sound of
‘’a’’ is long or short
D. Gives students a matching type of test on vocabulary

7. If the two raters who assess the same student on the same test cannot agree
on the score, the test lacks ________. *

A. scorability
B. adequacy
C. fairness
D. objectivity

8. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the basic principles of

guidance? *

A. Guidance workers should observe a code of ethics

B. Guidance should be a continuing process
C. None of the statements is not true
D. Guidance is concerned with prevention

9. Teacher Patricia encourages her students to make the intended learning

outcome their own and explained that she expected them to monitor now and
then their own progress toward the intended learning outcome and act
accordingly. In which level of processing will Teacher Patricia’s students act? *

A. Metacognitive system
B. Self-system
C. Cognitive
D. Between cognitive and metacognitive system

10. Teacher Rose computed the mean and she want to get more information about
the distribution of scores. Which measure of variability is MOST appropriate? *
A. Variance
B. Semi-interquartile range
C. Standard deviation
D. Mode

11. He is considered as the “Father of Counseling” in the Philippines. *

A. Father Bulatao
B. Ramon Tuason
C. Dean Rose Clemencia
D. Sinforoso Padilla

12. The distracter is said to be effective when _________________. *

A. More from the lower group selected the option

B. Equal number of students from the upper and lower group selected the option
C. No one selected the option
D. More from the upper group selected the option

13. Which is indispensable with the current emphasis on performance – based

assessment and portfolio assessment? *

A. Numerical grading
B. Letter grading
C. Scoring rubric
D. Authentic assessment

14. The mode of a score distribution is 80. This means that *

A. 80 is the average of the score distribution

B. 80 is the score that occurs most.
C. 80 is the score that occurs least.
D. There is no score of 80.

15. Which applies when there are extreme scores? *

A. There is no reliable measure for central tendency.

B. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency.
C. The mean will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency.
D. The median will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency.

16. Teacher Manuel conducted examination in his Math class. The difficulty index
of a test item number 20 is 0.00. What does this mean? *

A. The test item is quality item

B. Nobody got the item correctly
C. The test is very difficult
D. The test is very easy

17. The difficulty index of item #10 of Teacher Nory's exam is 0.61. The item’s
difficulty level is _____________. *

A. easy
B. difficult
C. moderate
D. very difficult

18. Based on Bigg’s and Tang’s OBE Version, which outcomes are most broad? *

A. Institutional Outcomes
B. Program Outcomes
C. Learning Outcomes
D. Course Outcomes

19. It is appropriate to choose the holistic rubric when *

A. Articulating levels of performance for each criterion

B. None of these
C. Assessing criterion separately
D. A gross judgment needs to be made

20. If you align your learning outcome with the vision statement of Department of
Education, which will most likely formulate? *

A. State at least three (3) ways of showing love for one’s country.
B. Explain why the Philippines is referred to as “Pearl of the Orient Seas”.
C. Dream to build the Philippines as a nation.
D. Compose an essay describing the Philippines as “Pearl of the Orient Seas”.
21. Which assessment leads students to become self-directed and independent
learners? *

A. Assessment FOR learning

B. Assessment AS learning
C. Summative assessment
D. Formative assessment

22. In a normal distribution curve, a T-score of 40 is *

A. One SD above the mean

B. Two SD’s below the mean
C. Two SD’s above the mean
D. One SD below the mean

23. What is the first step in the instructional cycle? *

A. Preparing assessment task

B. Outlining the lesson
C. Planning teaching-learning activities
D. Setting instructional objectives

24. Teacher Lorraine declared that Rica’s score in the summative test indicates that
she has learned the content exceedingly well and is ready to progress to the
next unit of instruction. Which concept is illustrated? *

A. Evaluation
B. Testing
C. Measurement
D. Assessment

25. What are the sources of learning outcomes? I. Vision-mission statements of

institutions II. Program outcomes from the Commission on Higher Education III.
Needs of industry IV. Local, national, and international development goals *

A. I, III, and IV
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, III, and IV
26. Which measure of central tendency is MOST reliable when scores are
extremely high and low? *

A. Mode
B. Median
C. Mean
D. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are given.

27. Which rubric should you use for formative assessment? *

A. Analytic rubric
B. Holistic rubric
C. Task-specific rubric
D. General rubric

28. Why does Understanding by Design of Wiggins and McTighe go with OBE?
According to UbD ______________________. *

A. assessment is at the beginning, middle, and end of the teaching-learning

B. the emphasis of instruction is HOTS
C. formative assessment is sure part of instruction
D. the first step in the instructional process is identifying and clarifying learning

29. A teacher wants to make a scoring rubric for a student’s output. Which format
will use differential weights for the qualities of a product or a performance? *

A. Holistic rubric
B. Performance-based
C. Rating scales
D. Analytic rubric

30. Which tests are said to be decontextualized? *

A. Simple recall tests

B. Simulation tests
C. Performance tests
D. Tests that measure HOTS
31. Teacher Henry notes that Jenny obtained a score of 40 points out of a possible
50 in the unit test. Which concept does the statement exemplify? *

A. Evaluation
B. Assessment
C. Measurement
D. Testing

32. Which of the following is an item in a Likert scale? *

A. Science is interesting. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

B. What are the characteristics of your teacher that you like most?
C. Which of the following subjects is your most liked?
D. Science is boring __ __ __ __ __ interesting.

33. About how many percent of the classes fall between – 1SD and +1SD in the
normal curve? *

A. 68%
B. 95%
C. 34%
D. 99.7%

34. Which of the following statement is TRUE being a sound principle of

guidance? *

A. It is curative rather than preventive

B. It is preventive rather than curative
C. Problem-focused rather than person-centered
D. It is prescriptive rather than suggestive

35. Given the scores of students in a 10-item quiz: 5, 4, 7, 1, 8, what is the mean? *

A. 7
B. 5
C. 6
D. 4
36. With which does a teacher start his/her lesson if he/she teaches in accordance
with OBE? *

A. Clarifying pre-requisite knowledge and skills

B. Giving a diagnostic test
C. Involving the class in an activity
D. Clarifying the intended learning outcome for students

37. What is the z – score for 32 in a normal distribution whose mean is 36 and the
standard deviation is 2? *

A. 4
B. -4
C. -2
D. 2

38. Lester is three standard deviations above the mean of his group in Science and
two standard deviations above in English. What does this mean? *

A. He did not excel both in Science and in English

B. He does not excel in English nor in Science
C. He is better than English than Science
D. He is better in Science than in English

39. In McTighe’s and Wiggin’s Understanding by Design, which is highest in the

level of understanding? *

A. Aware of what they do not understand

B. See viewpoints through critical eyes
C. Use knowledge in new situation
D. Provide explanations

40. The computer r for English and Math score is .00. What does this mean? *

A. The higher the scores in English, the higher the scores in Math
B. The scores in Math and English do not have any relationship.
C. The lower the scores in English, the lower the scores in Math.
D. The higher the scores in Math, the lower the scores in English.
41. Which one shows that authentic assessment encourages integration of
teaching, learning and assessing? *

A. Students are asked to give back information they were taught.

B. Students learn when they solve real-world problem, assess their own solutions
to the problem with a teacher facilitating.
C. Teacher presents a word problem in Physics, gives formula to solve the
problem and asks students to check on their answers.
D. Students are asked to apply what they were taught.

42. Study this group of test which was administered with the following results
below. In which subject(s) did Arnold performed best in relation to the
performance of the group? *

A. Science and Filipino

B. Filipino
C. Mathematics
D. Science

43. Lesson objectives must go beyond recall. Which is concerned with recall? *

A. To draw conclusions based on observations

B. To interpret the table on the population density of the continents
C. To identify the provincial capitals of the following provinces
D. To distinguish fact from opinion

44. With which outcome is OBE Spady version concerned? *

A. Immediate outcome
B. Lesson outcome
C. Deferred outcome
D. Specific learning outcome
45. Why are traditional assessments said to be more teacher-structured than
student – structured? *

A. What students will show as proof of learning is dependent on what teacher

B. Traditional assessment is not as challenging as authentic assessment.
C. Students can show evidence of learning much more than what teacher asks.
D. In traditional assessment, teachers limit tests to low-level test items.

46. Which corresponds to career/ transfer e-Portfolios? *

A. Assessment portfolio
B. Development portfolio
C. School-centered portfolio
D. Showcase portfolio

47. The term “constructive alignment” was coined by *

A. Benjamin Bloom
B. William Spady
C. John Biggs
D. Lorin Anderson

48. In OBE, which determines the "what and the how" of instruction? *

A. Assessment tasks
B. Teaching-learning activities
C. Subject matter
D. Learning outcomes

49. Which test item belongs to a contextualized test? *

A. What is assessment?
B. Formulate a test item that is aligned with this learning outcome: Design an
experiment to determine the effect of detergent on plants.
C. What are the characteristics of a quality assessment?
D. Why was the turtle mad at the monkey?

50. What characteristic of a good test will pupils be assured of when a teacher
constructs a table of specifications for test construction purposes? *
A. Scorability
B. Reliability
C. Content Validity
D. Construct Validity

51. Teacher Myrna constructed a matching type test item. In her column of
descriptions are combinations of presidents, current issues, and sports. Which
rule of constructing a matching type test item was NOT followed? *

A. The options must be greater than the descriptions.

B. The descriptions must be heterogeneous.
C. The descriptions must be homogeneous.
D. Arrange the options according to order.

52. One of the characteristics of a good test is content validity. What is the first
thing to be done before test construction? *

A. Judge the scope or content coverage.

B. Find out if the items are constructed well.
C. Examine the objectives set for the test to find out if they are consistent with the
subject matter.
D. Find out if the number of items is sufficient.

53. Which is WRONG to assume about traditional assessment? *

A. It can assess individuals objectively.

B. It can assess individuals at the same time.
C. It can assess fairly all the domains of intelligence of an individual.
D. It is easier to administer than performance test

54. For ease of correction, Teacher Flor’s answers to her True-False test follow this
pattern: F, T, T, F, T, F, F, T, T, F, T, F. Is this in accordance with guiding
principles in test construction? *

A. It depends on the developmental stage of the examinees.

B. No
C. Yes
D. Yes, to facilitate learning
55. The discrimination index of Item #5 of Teacher Jack’s exam is 0.05. It can be
said that the item is ____________. *

A. not discriminating
B. questionable
C. Moderate
D. discriminating

56. Which refers to the administration of test and use of test results to determine
whether the learners can be promoted to next grade level or must be retained in
the same grade level and will undergo a restudy of the same study? *

A. Assessment
B. Measurement
C. Testing
D. Evaluation

57. The principle of constructive alignment means that the teaching-learning

activities and assessment tasks are aligned to the _______________. *

A. evaluation
B. core values
C. learning outcome
D. subject matter

58. What is the mode of the following scores: 93, 85, 96, 85, 93, 66, 85, 75, 90, 96,
93, 100? *

A. 93
B. 85 & 90
C. 85
D. 93 & 85

59. Students’ grades in School A are a function of the following: Written Work –
40%; Performance Tasks – 40%; Quarterly Assessment – 20%. What can you
infer from the School A’s grading system? *

A. Grade is hard earned by every student.

B. Grades aren’t important.
C. Grade is a function of multiple sources.
D. Failing a student is de-motivating.
60. Ken is working on his portfolio for an Essay Writing class. Included in Ken’s
portfolio is his teacher’s evaluation notes on his essay that won first prize in the
DepEd National Essay Writing contest. These notes are examples of which of
the following? *

A. Attestation
B. Artifacts
C. Production
D. Reproduction

61. A distribution has 10 as the first quartile and 98 as the third quartile. The
quartile deviation is *

A. 22
B. 33
C. 11
D. 44

62. Which statement is/are TRUE? I. Spady’s OBE is concerned with exit, broad
outcomes which are demonstrated in the place of work. II. Bigg’s OBTL is
directed to more specific learning or instructional outcomes. *

A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
D. None

63. Which is the LEAST authentic method of assessment? *

A. Collection of outputs and experiments in Science

B. Paper-and-pencil test in Physical Education
C. Photofolio in Educational Technology class
D. Research output in History class

64. Given the scores of students in a 10-item quiz: 5, 4, 7, 1, 8, what is the

standard deviation? *

A. 2.75
B. 2.74
C. 2.71
D. 2.72

65. In her second item analysis, Teacher Dona found out that more from the lower
group got the test item number 5 correctly. This means that the test item has a
______________. *

A. Negative discriminating power

B. Positive discriminating power
C. High reliability
D. Zero discriminating power

66. A student gets a numerical grade of 75. What is his descriptor for his level of
proficiency? *

A. Very Satisfactory
B. Did not meet expectations
C. Fairly Satisfactory
D. Satisfactory

67. A measure of the degree of flatness or peakedness of the distribution is called *

A. Kurtosis
B. ogive
C. Skewness
D. percentile

68. The distribution of a class is skewed to the right. This means that the students
are ___________. *

A. having average grades

B. academically poor
C. excelling in their subject
D. performing well in the class

69. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many classes are conducted virtually. Which
type of non-test assessment below is most convenient to use? *

A. Study Guides
B. Panel Discussion
C. Learning Centers
D. Demonstrations

70. In a 50-item test where the mean is 20 and the SD is 8, Justin obtained a score
of 16. What descriptive rating should his teacher give him? *

A. Poor
B. Below Average
C. Above Average
D. Average

71. To which group of soft skills does “controlling temper, compromising with others
to avoid conflict, responds appropriately to others” belong? *

A. Academic soft skills

B. Approaches to learning
C. Social skills
D. Self-management

72. Teacher Omar’s intended learning outcome is this: ‘’interpret the given poem’’.
Which assessment task is aligned? Teacher Omar *

A. Gives an oral test and asks them to recite the poem with feelings
B. Gives a written test and asks the students what the poem expresses.
C. Makes them memorize the poem then recite it with feelings to prove
D. Gives the students a written test and ask them to paraphrase the poem.

73. In a grade distribution, what does the normal curve mean? *

A. A large number of more or less average students and very few students
receiving low and high grades.
B. All of the students have average grades.
C. A large number of students with high grades and very few with low grades.
D. A large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with
high grades.

74. Which is indispensable with the current emphasis on performance – based

assessment and portfolio assessment? *
A. Authentic assessment
B. Scoring rubric
C. Letter grading
D. Numerical grading

75. The test results revealed that a great majority of the students failed. What is the
BEST action that an effective teacher should take to insure that learning would
take place? *

A. Reteach the items that are heavily missed

B. Analyze the difficulty, then test again
C. Scold the pupils
D. Give a more difficult test

76. What is the first step in the organization of an effective guidance program? *

A. Formulation of the goals and objectives of the program

B. Allocation of duties and responsibilities
C. Evaluation of the guidance program
D. Structuring of the organizational plans

77. When the scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end, the score
distributed can be described as __________. *

A. Scattered
B. Normally distributed
C. Mesokurtic
D. Skewed

78. Which of the following objectives is the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy? *

A. Calculate the kinetic energy of a projectile

B. Determine whether using conservation of energy or conservation of momentum
would be more appropriate for solving a dynamics problem
C. Design an original homework problem dealing with the principle of
conservation of energy
D. Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy
79. In research, the Analysis of Variance is appropriate to test the
________________________________. *

A. significant difference between two means

B. significant relationship between two ordinal variables
C. significant difference between three or more means
D. significant relationship between two variables

80. Teacher Warren conducted a unit test in Algebra. In which competency did his
students find it very difficult? In the item with a difficulty index of _______. *

A. 0.52
B. 0.79
C. 0.89
D. 0.40

81. Study this group of test which was administered with the following results
below. In which subject did Arnold performed poorly in relation to the
performance of the group? *

A. Filipino
B. Mathematics
C. Mathematics and Filipino
D. Science

82. The major shortcoming of school grades or mark is that: *

A. They reflect the true word on performance

B. The same grade may mean differently to different teachers
C. The schools different clientele find them satisfactory
D. They make students become more cooperative

83. Which is an example of process – based assessment? *

A. Cleaning tools after use
B. An apron from a Home Economics class
C. A Capstone project
D. A research paper

84. Which is included in the item analysis? *

A. Determining the cut-off score

B. Identifying the highest score
C. Determining the percentage equivalent of the cut-off score.
D. Determining the effectiveness of distracters.

85. Learner A, a Grade 10 student, has grade of the following components in his
English subject: Written Works – 90, Quarterly Assessment – 80, and
Performance Tasks – 85. What is the initial grade of Learner A? *

A. 85.55
B. 85.49
C. 85.50
D. 85.00

86. I get a grade of 85. What is its descriptor? *

A. Outstanding
B. Beginning
C. Advanced
D. Very satisfactory

87. When is a diagnostic test given? *

A. At the end of the period

B. During the lesson
C. At the beginning of the year
D. At the end of the year

88. Based on Bigg’s and Tang’s OBE version, which outcomes are most specific? *

A. Program Outcomes
B. Learning Outcomes
C. Institutional Outcomes
D. Course Outcomes
89. What guidance principle is upheld when a counselor refuses to divulge the
results of the standardized test to another person? *

A. Mutuality
B. Objectivity
C. Counseling
D. Confidentiality

90. Jeron has been disturbing the class by his unruly. As a teacher, what should
you do first? *

A. Scold him in front of his classmates

B. Call for his parents to a dialogue
C. Explain to him the bad effects of his behavior
D. Bring him to the Principal’s office

91. What does large value of standard deviation mean? *

A. The group is relatively heterogeneous

B. The class is of average level
C. The class is below average level
D. The group is relatively homogeneous

92. Teacher Danny gave a test in Mathematics. Item number 5 has a difficulty index
of 0.60 and discrimination index of 0.21. What should Teacher Danny do? *

A. Make the item bonus

B. Reject the item
C. Retain the item
D. Reject it and make the item bonus

93. Mrs. Alaminos is judging the worth of the project of the students in her Filipino
class based on a set of criteria. What process describes what Mrs. Alaminos is
doing? *

A. Evaluating
B. Measuring
C. Testing
D. Assessing
94. Teacher Peter discovered that her students are weak in solving problems
involving fractions. Which assessment procedure should Teacher Peter
administer to further determine in which other skills her students are weak? *

A. Formative assessment
B. Placement assessment
C. Diagnostic assessment
D. Summative assessment

95. What are the four principles of OBE cited by Spady (1996)? I. Clarity of focus II.
Designing down III. Constructive alignment IV. High Expectations V. Expanded
opportunities *

A. I, II, IV, and V

B. I, III, IV, and V
C. I, II, III, and IV
D. II, III, IV, and V

96. The distribution of a class with academically poor students is most likely *

A. Skewed to the left

B. Skewed to the right
C. Mesokurtic
D. Leptokurtic

97. In a one hundred-item test, what does Randy’s raw score of 60 mean? *

A. He surpassed 60 of his classmates in terms of score.

B. He got 60 items correct.
C. He surpassed 40 of his classmates in terms of score.
D. He got a score above the mean.

98. An examinee whose score is within X + 1 SD belongs to which of the following

groups? *

A. Above average
B. Needs improvement
C. Below average
D. Average
99. Your percentile rank in class is 55%. What does this mean? *

A. You scored less than 55% of the class.

B. You got 45% of the test items correctly.
C. You scored better than 55% of the class
D. You got 55% of the items correctly.

100.If the mean of the distribution is 25 and the median is 25, the mode is *

A. 24
B. 25
C. 22
D. 23

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