Basic Geometric Construction-MODERN-GEOMETRY

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NAME OF STUDENT: _______________________________YEAR & COURSE: __________

SUBJECT: Modern Geometry


EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]


INTRODUCTION Constructions using compass and straightedge have a long history in

Euclidean geometry. Their use reflects the basic axioms of this system.
However, the stipulation that these be the only tools used in a construction
is artificial and only has meaning if one views the process of construction
as an application of logic. In other words, this is not a practical subject, if
one is interested in constructing a geometrical object there is no reason to
limit oneself as to which tools to use.
The value of studying these constructions lies in the rich supply of
problems that can be posed in this way. It is important that one be able to
analyze a construction to see why it works. It is not important to gain the
manual dexterity needed to carry out a careful construction.
OUTCOMES At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

• Define Angle bisector, Perpendicular bisector, Altitude, Median,

Euler line, Simson line and Nine-point circle of a triangle.
• Understand how some simple geometric constructions can be
• Learn how to construct different geometric shapes given certain
• Recognize several simple tools for use in classical construction
and understand how they are used


Introduction to constructions: What is it and Why is it unique?

Constructions are drawing different kinds of lines and shapes in geometry with a compass and a
straightedge (or ruler), without the measurement of lengths or angles.
Compasses are used to draw arcs and circles, straightedges or rulers are used to draw lines and
straight angles.
Construction is usually associated with Euclidean Geometry, named after the famous Greek
mathematician Euclid. In his book "Elements", Euclid postulates what we know as algebra and
number theory in geometrical language; he also uses a lot of construction techniques.

Some Geometrical tools:

1. Ruler: It is smaller than a meter scale. Generally it is 6 inches or (approximately 15cm).
It has centimeter and millimeter marks on one edge. The opposite edge has inch marks.
The marks on the ruler are called graduations and the ruler is called a graduated scale.

2. Divider: Geometry dividers are used for transferring measurements from one part of the
drawing to another.

3. Compass: It is an instrument with two metal arms. One of the arm has metal end point
and the other arm has a screw arrangement which can hold a pencil tightly. The distance
between the two arms can be adjusted. It is used to draw an angle, circle, arc etc.

4. Protractor: It is used to measure angle. It has a degree marks on the semicircular arc
which ranges from 0 - 180. The midpoint is at 90. The angle between two consecutive
marks is 1 degree. The marks written on curved edge at an interval of 10 degrees.

5. Set-squares: There are two types of set squares 1) 60-30 set squares 2) 45 set squares.
They are used to construct 30, 45, 60 and 90 degree angles. Also they are used to draw
parallel and perpendicular lines.

Basic geometric constructions

1. Angle bisector
2. Perpendicular bisector
3. Median
4. Altitude
5. Euler line
6. Simson Line
7. Nine-point circle

The angle bisector is a line segment, bisects of the vertex angle of a triangle. The angle bisectors
of a triangle are concurrent. The point of concurrence is the center of an inscribed circle within
the triangle. The point of concurrence is called INCENTER.
The incenter is one of the triangle’s points of concurrency formed by the intersection of the
triangle’s three angle bisectors. These three angle bisectors are always concurrent and always
meet in the triangle’s interior. The incenter is the center of the circle that touches each side of the
triangle once the circle is inscribed within triangle ABC. The incenter is the one point in the
triangle whose distance to the sides is equal. Thus, the radius of this circle is the distance from
the center to any of the sides.
If the triangle is obtuse, then the incenter is located in the triangle’s interior.
If the triangle is acute, then the incenter is also located in the triangle’s interior.
If the triangle is right, then the incenter is also located in the triangle’s interior.
Therefore, the incenter is always situated in the triangle’s interior, regardless of the type of the

Steps in constructing an angle bisector of triangle

STEP 1: Draw a triangle and label them as AB and C.
STEP 2: Construct the angle bisector for angle A. Start by placing the stationary end of
your compass at point A. Open it to an arbitrary span, but less than the shortest
adjacent side. Construct an arc that intersects both adjacent sides. Then move the
stationary end of your compass to one of this intersection. It doesn’t matter if you
change the span. Construct an arc that goes through the middle of the triangle.
STEP 3: Now without changing the span, move the stationary end of the compass to the
other intersection and construct arc that intersects the previous one.
STEP 4: Finally, draw the line connecting the vertex with this intersection. This line is the
angle bisector of angle A.
STEP 5: Repeat these for each of the angles (angle bisector of angle B and angle bisector
of angle C).
STEP 6: The angle bisectors of the three angles of a triangle ABC intersect at a point. This
point is called as the INCENTER of the triangle, label as I.


Perpendicular Bisector of a triangle is a line segment that is both perpendiculars to a side of a

triangle and passes through as MIDPOINT. The perpendicular bisectors of a side of a triangle are
concurrent. The point of concurrence is the center a circumscribed circle about the triangle. The
point of concurrence is called CIRCUMCENTER. A perpendicular bisector is when a segment
divides another segment to form a 90 degree angle. Depending on the type of the triangle,
circumcenter can meet on the inside, outside or in a corner of a triangle. The circumcenter will
always equal distant from the vertices, which means they will be the same distance from each
other. The point where triangle’s medians intersect is called CENTROID. And centroid is always
inside the triangle.
Circumcenter facts
1. If it is a right triangle; the circumcenter will occur on the 90 degree angle of the right
2. In the obtuse triangle; the circumcenter will occur on the outside of the triangle.
3. And if it is an acute triangle; the circumcenter will occur in the inside of the triangle.
4. The radius of the circumcircle is also called the triangle’s circumradius.
5. The three perpendicular bisectors meet in a single point, the triangle’s circumcenter; this
point is the center of the circumcircle, which is the circle passing through all three vertice

Steps in constructing a perpendicular bisector of a triangle

Step 1: Draw a triangle and label them as A, B, and C.

Step 2: Stretch your compass until it is more than half of AB. Put the sharp end at A and
mark an arc above and another arc below line segment AB.

Step 3: Without changing the width of the compass, put the sharp end at B and mark arcs
above and below the line segment AB the will intersect with the arc.

Step 4: Join the two points where the arcs intersect with a straight line. This line is the
perpendicular bisector of AB. D is the midpoint of AB.

Step 5: Repeat these steps to find the second and third perpendicular bisectors of a
triangle. Label them as E for the midpoint of BC and F for the midpoint of AC.

Step 6: Label the point of intersection of the medians as J, is called the


Steps 7: Construct the centroid. CENTROID is the intersection of the three medians D, E,
F of a triangle and label as G.
A median of a triangle is a segment joining any vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.
Because there are three vertices, there are of course three possible medians. One of the
fascinating things about them is that no matter what shape the triangle, all three always intersect
at single point. This point is called the centroid of the triangle .The medians of a triangle are
concurrent. The point of concurrence is in the interior of the triangles.

There are some basic facts about the medians, here are some of them:
1. In any triangle there can only be three medians.
2. In an equilateral triangle all the medians are of the length.
3. In an isosceles triangle, the two medians drawn from the vertices of the equal angles
are equal in length.
4. In a scalene triangle all the medians are of different length
5. The medians are always inside the triangle

Steps in constructing medians of a triangle

Step 1: Draw a triangle and label them as A, B, and C.

Step 2: Stretch your compass until it is more than half of AB. Put the sharp end at A and
mark an arc above and another arc below line segment AB.
Step 3: Without changing the width of the compass, put the shard end at B and mark arcs
above and below the line segment AB the will intersect with the arc.
Step 4: Join the two points where the arcs intersect with a straight line. This line is the
perpendicular bisector of AB. D is the midpoint of AB.
Step 5: Repeat these steps to find the second and third perpendicular bisectors of a
triangle. Label them as E for the midpoint of BC and F for the midpoint of AC.


An altitude of a triangle is a segment from any vertex perpendicular to the line containing the
opposite side. The lines containing the altitudes of a triangle are concurrent. The point of
concurrence is not necessarily inside the triangle. The point where the lines containing the
altitude are concurrent is called the ORTHOCENTER of a triangle. The orthocenter of a triangle
is the point where the three altitudes meet. This point may be inside or outside or on the triangle.

Othocenter facts

1. There are many variables in geometry but the static triangle always has three sides with
three angles, and the three altitudes of a triangle always intersect at the same point, the
2. If the triangle is acute, where three all interior angles are less than 90 degrees, the
orthocenter will be inside the triangle.
3. In the case of a right triangle, the orthocenter is the same point as the vertex that is 90
degree angle of the triangle.
4. The orthocenter does not always have to be inside the triangle shape. In an obtuse triangle
is a triangle where one of the internal angles is obtuse or greater than 90 degrees. The
orthocenter can be located by extending the altitude lines outside the triangle until they
5. In an equilateral triangle, where all three are the same length and all interior angles are
the same degree, all types of triangle centers occur at precisely the same point.


Step 1: Draw a triangle A, B and C.

Step 2: Construct an altitude from vertex A to base BC. First, create two points to bisect, place
the sharp end of the compass on the vertex A. cut two arcs on the base BC, now place the
sharp point in turn at each of those cuts on the base BC and make intersecting arcs.
Steps 3: Connect that point of intersection to the original point which is vertex A and that is the
altitude A.

Step 4: Repeat these steps for each of the vertex (vertex B to base AC, that is the altitude B and
vertex C to AB that is the altitude C).

Step 5: The intersection of the three altitudes is called the ORTHOCENTER, and label as H.

In any triangle, the circumcenter, centroid and orthocenter are collinear, lie on the same line. The
collinear line upon which these three points lie is called EULER LINE.

The centroid is always located between the circumcenter and the orthocenter. The centroid is
twice as close to the circumcenter as to the orthocenter.

The word “Euler” is pronounced as if it was called “Oiler” and refers to the mathematical
Leonard Euler.


Step 1: Draw a triangle A, B and C.

Step 2: Find the circumcircle (J) of the triangle. Draw a circle with your compass around
the triangle so that each point of the triangle can be plotted on the circle. Mark the
center of the circle. This point represents the circumcircle. The point may or may
not be within the triangle.

Step 3: Construct the altitude to find the orthocenter (H). The orthocenter is located
where the three altitudes of the triangle meet. An altitude is a line segment that
goes from a vertex of the triangle and bisects the line opposite. The line must be
perpendicular to the line intersects, which means it must form a right angle with
the line opposite.

Step 3: Find the centroid (G) of the triangle. The centroid is the point where every median
line of the triangle intersects. Find the median of each line by dividing each line
segment of the triangle in half with your ruler. Mark this point.

Step 4: Draw a line with your ruler through the three points you have marked: the
circumcircle, orthocenter and centroid. This is your EULER LINE.

The Nine-point circle is a circle that can be constructed for any given triangle. It is so named
because it passes through nine significant points of the triangle.

These points are:

1. The midpoints of the sides

2. The feet of the altitudes
3. The midpoints of the segment from the orthocenter to the vertices
4. These points are concyclic.

Facts about the nine-point circle;

1. The center of the nine-point circle is the midpoint of the orthocenter and the
2. The radius of the circumcircle is twice that of the nine-point circle.
3. The incircle of a triangle is always inscribed to its nine-point circle.
Steps in constructing nine-point circle

Step 1: Draw a triangle and label them as A, B and C.

Step 2: Construct the altitudes of triangle ABC, label them as P1, P2, and P3. Label the
point of intersection of the three altitudes as H, this is called ORTHOCENTER.

Step 3: Construct the perpendicular bisectors of the vertex angles of triangle ABC. We do
this by first constructing the midpoints of the sides of the triangle ABC and
labeling those points P4, P5, and P6. Label the point of intersection of the three
midpoints as J, called CIRCUMCENTER.

Step 4: Construct the Centroid label as I of the triangle. Since the centroid is the
intersection of the medians of the triangle, just connect these vertices with the
respective midpoints, thus creating AP5, BP4 and CP6.

Step 5: Construct the midpoints from orthocenter to vertices. Now let us create the last
three points in nine-point circle. These last three points are the midpoints of the
distance from the orthocenter H to each vertex A, B and C. These points labeled
as P7, P8, and P9.

Step 6: First, notice the nine points P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 and P9 lie in a circle,
this is called the NINE-POINT CIRCLE.
Step 7: To find the center of nine-point circle, connect the point P5 to P9, P4 to P8 and P6
to P7. The point of intersection is the center of nine-point circle, and label as K.


Simson line is the line joining the feet of the perpendiculars let fall from any point on the
circumcircle of a triangle upon the sides of the triangle

Steps in constructing Simson line

Step 1: Draw a triangle ABC.

Step 2: Construct the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle ABC to find the circumcenter
as G. Draw a circle with your compass around the triangle so that each point of
the triangle can be plotted on the circle.

Step 3: Choose any point on the circumcircle of a triangle other than A, B and C. We call
the point P the pedal point.

Step 4: Construct a perpendicular segment from P to each of the three sides of the vertex,
PA, PB and PC. Label the points where the perpendicular intersects the sides as L,
M and N. The feet of the perpendicular from any point on the circumcircle of a
given triangle to the sides of the triangle are collinear. The line containing the
three points is known as SIMSON LINE.

Construct the following using straightedge and compass:

1. Angle Bisector
2. Perpendicular bisector
3. Altitude
4. Median
5. Euler line
6. Simson Line
7. Nine point circle

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