The SAR 50 Billion E-Commerce Opportunity in Saudi Arabia: A BCG Whitepaper in Collaboration With Meta
The SAR 50 Billion E-Commerce Opportunity in Saudi Arabia: A BCG Whitepaper in Collaboration With Meta
The SAR 50 Billion E-Commerce Opportunity in Saudi Arabia: A BCG Whitepaper in Collaboration With Meta
E-commerce Opportunity
in Saudi Arabia
A BCG whitepaper in collaboration with Meta
December 2021
E-commerce: a landscape of growth and opportunity abroad (both physically and online), thus helping to
bring some Saudi foreign spending back home (only
• E-commerce has grown rapidly, with global revenue ~40% of current Saudi e-commerce spend was domestic
surpassing the projected CAGR of 15% to reach 25% in 2020)
in 2020. This surge is largely due to the effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic and further emphasizes the • Generates a significant number of jobs, many of them
inherent advantages of e-commerce over physical retail skilled technical or tech-focused
• KSA has seen an even higher rate of e-commerce • Potentially turns KSA into a regional hub for
growth, with almost 30% CAGR in the last five years, and e-commerce, both as a base for global leaders and a
a jump of nearly 60% between 2019 and 2020 (largely powerhouse of local champions
due to the pandemic), to reach an annualmarket size
of SAR ~19 billion Immediate priorities: we see a clear set of actions for
• Even with this boom, e-commerce has significant poten-
tial for more expansion in KSA. Penetration is 6%, versus • Improve speed and quality of shipping and delivery
18% worldwide. Moreover, the growth of e-commerce services, especially outside major metropolitan areas
significantly outpaces that of traditional retail
• Incentivize more competition and innovation in the
• Efficient logistics infrastructure is critical to further delivery arena
expansion, together with several other key enablers:
fulfillment centers, quick customs processing, favorable • Make use of the advanced and extensive digital
legislation and tax policies, attractive and safe consumer infrastructure with modern payment solutions, through
platforms, and integrated e-payment processes regulatory powers and changing customers’ perception
Why we should care: multiple benefits of flourishing • Ensure a smooth flow of goods across borders in line
e-commerce with KSA’s strategic priorities
• Makes a wider assortment of products available to a • Create an ecosystem that develops entrepreneurship
larger portion of the population and local talent, and nurtures domestic businesses and
local firms
• Develops transportation and shipping infrastructure,
connecting even the most remote areas to the global • Strike the right balance between incentivizing global
e-commerce market e-commerce players to localize, and promoting fair
competition to help the domestic e-commerce scene
• Provides customers with greater price comparability, develop
transparency, and product information, enabling them
to make better purchasing decisions
01 | S
hort Summary 11 | E
-commerce is a Key
Growth Vector for
Retail in KSA and the
Middle East
03 | S
audi Arabia and
The World’s
Explosion 15 | E
-commerce for
Economic and Social
05 | T
echnology and
Logistics Power of
E-commerce 16 | It Takes a Suitable
Business Environment
07 | E
Already a Driving 17 | L ooking at the
Force in Retail Long-term Benefits
08 | S
audi Arabia: A 18 | A
bout the Authors
Market with Both a
Huge Potential and
Some Challenges
19 | A
Saudi Arabia and The World’s
E-commerce Explosion
During the past two decades, e-commerce has transformed no exception in terms of e-commerce growth pace –
traditional retail worldwide. The process accelerated in global growth reached 21% in 2019 with double-digit
2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which led to growth across all regions.5
lockdowns, reduced retail operations, and store closures
– particularly those deemed non-essential. Customers More customers than ever enjoy the benefits of
shifted en masse to safer and more convenient online e-commerce (see exhibit 1):
shopping, including those who would have otherwise
remained loyal to brick-and-mortar stores. Now, e-commerce The Middle East-North Africa region, as well as KSA, lag in
customers are spending more, and doing it more frequently, the e-commerce market share, reaching penetration levels
online – and a new generation of previous non-adopters of 2.7% and 5.9% respectively in 2020 – far behind mature
has converted to the channel. The fastest-growing e-commerce e-commerce markets and the worldwide average of 18%.6
segment has been food and drink or home-related The region, however, has the fundamentals for e-commerce
products (more than a 300% increase in 2020), with all take-off and KSA is especially well-positioned to become
other segments also growing at a fast pace.1 the regional e-commerce powerhouse. Online shopping
is already present in the country and grew in importance
E-commerce addresses the inherent disadvantages of during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the country and the
brick-and-mortar retail and taps into the benefits of digital world hopefully return to a more normal existence once
commerce. In the three largest e-commerce markets (the the pandemic subsides, e-commerce should continue to
United States, United Kingdom, and China), its share of thrive. That is, if certain factors are in place to support its
overall retail now exceeds 20% in the first two countries success, specifically in the KSA context. A global perspective
and has reached an impressive 44% overall share in is of course important, so let’s first look at the factors that
China2, with a share of 63%3 in the consumer electronics have made online retail a resounding success globally and
segment. Rapid growth in China is expected to continue, how they have laid the groundwork for Saudi retailers to
making the country the first in the world to achieve more further expand online in the future.
than 50% of sales through e-commerce in 2021.4 China is
Exhibit 1
Competitive and transparent pricing Social media shopping Convenient aer-sales service
Online prices can be very Convenient shopping directly Returning and servicing items
competitive with clear comparison through social platforms, engaging provided promptly and without cost
across outlets and sharing the
experience with friends
2.; arti
The UAE eCommerce Landscape, Visa Opinion Paper, November 2020
See Exhibit 6
Mall websites, BCG project experience
“Discovery-Led Shopping Study” by GfK. Western Europe average for UK, FR & DE, 3221 people aged 18+
Emerging Trends Research” by Ipsos and Facebook IQ, 2020
Emerging Trends Research” by Ipsos and Facebook IQ, 2020
Exhibit 2
Government Actions Can Help Improve Parts Of The Complex E-commerce Ecosystem
Reverse logistics
Retail products Producer Fulfillment Last mile
wholesalers shipping centers logistics
Retail products Cross-border
platforms Consumer
producers processes
(web and app)
Technology enablers (Big Data, predictive algorithms, autonomous delivery systems etc.)
“State of Connective Media: Business Messaging” by Ipsos. 25,000 people ages 18-64; monthly users of at least one messaging app in AU, BR, CA,
DE, FR, IN, JP, KR, UK and US, Oct-Nov 2020.
Why Parcel Companies Need to Make Every Delivery Special, BCG, July 2020
“Global Retail Re-emerge Study” by Ipsos. 43,474 people aged 18+ across AU, BR, CA, DE, FR, IN, JP, MX, SK, TH, UK, US, July-August 2020
lE-Commerce in Saudi Arabia 2020, ecommerceDB report, Jan 2021
“Making it personal: How smart communication tools drive business results” by Ipsos for Google, 2020
Exhibit 3
Global Mobile Consumer Survey 2019
E-commerce In Saudi Arabia Has Seen Rapid Growth, With A Clear Covid-induced
Increase In 2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
~1% ~2% ~2% ~3% ~6% ~7% ~9% ~10% ~12% ~13%
#% E-commerce penetration
Source: Statista, Euromonitor, PRPO; BCG Analysis (data already reflects COVID-19 e-commerce boost)
Exhibit 5
20 18.0%
!KSA !UK !China !USA !Middle East !Worldwide
and Africa
The government is supporting commerce law,30 which social media networks based on personalized
legally defines e-payment services and creates a customer recommendation algorithms. The state’s role in its central
protection framework, is thus increasing the trustworthiness bank and subsidiaries (SAMA31, SaudiPayments, and mada,
of the technology for users across different channels and an electronic payment system) is strong. Overall, these
devices. E-commerce law provides a solid basis for discovery actions should enhance customer confidence and increase
-commerce growth, where people buy products through the rate of adoption
Saudi Arabia Monetary Authority, renamed Saudi Central Bank, was approved in Nov 2020
Exhibit 6
4 3.8
3.3 3.2
!Philippines !UAE !KSA !Singapore !USA !China !UK
Global highest
Challenges remain
Despite the expansion, Saudi and GCC e-commerce market leader in apparel across the GCC, has ~100,000
players still face several challenges. One of the biggest is SKUs. In comparison, Amazon in the United States has
their product assortments’ limited size. Regional champion 350 million and Japanese market leader Rakuten has 250 offers over 5 million SKUs, and Namshi, a million (see exhibit 7).
eCommerce in Saudi Arabia 2020, ecommerceDB report, January 2021
Social Flagship Report, Global Web Index, 2020
0.1 >5
Namshi Amazon Rakuten
In terms of delivery speed and options, regional GCC delivers groceries in under 10 minutes in Istanbul and
e-commerce players are also rather limited. Within KSA, London,34 and dark-store Gorillas, which offers comparable
just a small set of online retailers in major cities offers fast delivery in major German cities.35
same-day delivery, which is a standard in advanced markets
elsewhere in the world. Hyperlocal e-commerce platforms Moreover, the current lack of infrastructure to support new
also offer delivery options of one hour or less in key Saudi players is a critical limiting factor for developing
metropolitan areas, including Turkish start-up Getir, which innovative solutions that could address the above challenges.
Covers the following projects: University Boulvevard, Jaeharat Jeddah Mall, Mall of Saudi, City Centre Ishbiliyah, The Avenues Riyadh and The
Avenues Khobar, sourced from developers’ websites
Exhibit 8
Saudi Arabia Is Behind The UAE And Other Commercial Hubs In Retail Space Per Capita
0.4 0.4
0.3 KSA average
0.2 0.25
Riyadh Jeddah London Damman Abu Dhabi Singapore Dubai Hong Kong US Cities
& Al Khobar
Source: Alpen Capital, GCC Retail Industry, Apr 2019; Colliers, Redefining Real Estate in KSA, Oct 2019
KSA e-commerce could also bring back a significant portion Regarding the e-commerce environment and infrastructure,
of spend from global platforms that do not have a local KSA has made great progress, according to the 2020
alternative in KSA. Moreover, Saudi e-commerce players UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and
can strive to capture spend from a new international Development) Business-to-Consumer E-commerce Index,
customer base through cross-border advertising solutions. which ranked 152 countries on their readiness to engage
in online commerce. Countries were scored on access to
The average spend per e-commerce user in KSA increased secure internet servers, reliability of postal services and
more than 50% during the past three years and is driving infrastructure, and the portion of their population that uses
improvements in service quality and offering breadth, the internet and has an account with a financial institution
providing more reasons to shop locally. or a provider of mobile money services (see exhibit 9).
Exhibit 9
Saudi Arabia Has Made Great Progress In UNCTAD’s B2C E-commerce Index
1 5 10 11 +20
56 Rank
96 94 84 92 91
83 81 83 78 73 72
52 2020
Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 2020 and 2016
BCG project experience
Exhibit 10
Saudi Arabia’s Results In The UN E-commerce Index Show Areas For Development
Index result:
96 72 43 78
Exhibit 11
251-1000 1-5
26-250 0 South
With all of this in mind, the rapid development of e-commerce, double to USD 2 billion by 2025.45 The Kingdom is also
in parallel with the maturing traditional retail sector, will well positioned to become a regional e-commerce hub,
allow Saudi Arabia to better upscale its overall retail reaching most Middle East markets. This would provide
offering and do it in a shorter timeframe. Development Saudi firms with expansion opportunities and lead to
of e-commerce and overall enhancement of digital the creation of more jobs, foster an entrepreneurial
infrastructure are key national strategic priorities included culture, and attract the best and brightest from the
in Vision 2030. E-commerce will also help drive economic region and beyond.
growth, with the domestic online market expected to
Statista, E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia Report, 2021
These jobs will appeal to the Saudi workforce, especially Furthermore, establishing an e-commerce industry is spurring
positions in technological, creative, and entrepreneurial development of diverse technological service providers that
areas. Overall, e-commerce jobs will present viable are needed to come up with payment platforms, website
employment for the local Saudi population. This trend is design, and optimization software, among other solutions.
already unfolding. Amazon recently announced 3,400 new Government institutions, such as mada, have provided central
jobs in Saudi Arabia, and Saudis comprise 60% of Amazon’s payment platforms that should be further developed for optimal
permanent workforce there. 46 The numbers look even connectivity and technological growth in the private sector.
more positive for local players, with providing
jobs to approximately 8,000 people, and maintaining one of Beyond purely economic outcomes, e-commerce can also have
the highest Saudization rates in the private sector. a significant social impact in rural areas, which are currently
underserved by brick-and-mortar stores. Historically,
A thriving e-commerce sector supports entrepreneurial e-commerce has a much deeper geographical reach
activities in several ways. E-commerce has low barriers to through centralized fulfillment centers that can economically
entry for smaller players. Niche retailers could enter with deliver products to remote areas. Indeed, major e-commerce
limited investment using the newly established e-commerce players in KSA now deliver to all addresses in the Kingdom.50
ecosystem. Such start-ups could rent space in an existing In the future, last-mile logistics, coupled with autonomous
fulfillment center, for example, receive competitive services vehicles, will deliver goods in remote areas faster and
from high-quality last-mile logistics companies, and source cost-effectively. Plus, the assortment of goods offered this
technological capabilities from specialized service providers. way will be much larger than physical stores can stock in
Indeed, the Kingdom’s start-up scene, where many such areas.
entrepreneurs are in e-commerce, is enjoying such
momentum. It is heightened by a record-breaking flow of Indirectly, consumer buying power will improve as well.
venture capital funding, which grew 65% in the first half of Increased competition online results in lower prices, price
2021, as compared to the first half of the previous year.47 transparency, and consumers’ ability to compare their
options in real-time.
E-commerce also provides efficient market access for new
consumer products – potentially to millions of customers
Arab Youth Survey 2020
Exhibit 12
Five Key Enablers Can Significantly Improve Business Environment for E-commerce
Last-mile logistics
1 2
Incubators &
5 3 E-payment
domestic players
Internet connectivity
1. Last-mile Logistics
As discussed previously, logistics is a major enabler in service. 52 Easing the entry of new players and incentivizing
e-commerce. Even so, last-mile logistics is a critical pain existing ones to invest in new fulfillment centers and
point in Saudi Arabia. Delivery prices are high, and logistics delivery solutions through relaxed legislation and regulations
players do not offer fast delivery options with comprehensive would lead to a more effective distribution network.
geographic reach. Next-day delivery is offered by key
players such as Amazon or in major cities, yet Communication with customers about the delivery date and
delivery takes Amazon four to six days in rural areas. time – via chatbots, for example – would create the
Moreover, customers are not satisfied with existing courier opportunity to notify them all along the delivery process
services, due to their slow process and poor customer and flexibly respond to their needs regarding delivery timing.
E-commerce in Saudi Arabia, Statista Report 2021
Saudi International Digital Marketing and E-commerce Conference, held in April
Pablo Martinez is a Managing Director and Senior Chris Biggs is a Managing Director and Senior Partner in
Partner in the Dubai office of Boston Consulting Group. the London office of Boston Consulting Group. He is the
He is the head of the Consumer Goods practice and the global sector leader for BCG’s Retail practice. He also
leader of the Strategy Practice for the Middle East. You leads BCG Digital for Retail. You may contact him by
may contact him by e-mail at [email protected] e-mail at [email protected]
James Brindley is a Managing Director and Partner in Monika Cernikova is a Principal in the Prague office of
the Prague office of Boston Consulting Group. He is a Boston Consulting Group. Monika is a core member of
core member of BCG’s Consumer practice and supports BCG’s Consumer practice, focusing mainly on Retail.
retail clients from across geographies, including the She has spent several years working with clients across
Middle East. You may contact him by e-mail at GCC. You may contact her by e-mail at
[email protected] [email protected]
This BCG insight paper was prepared in collaboration with Meta, and namely: