Oil Spill Facts

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According to the satellite images, the spill

directly impacted 68,000 square miles of

11 people were killed in the initial
ocean which is comparable to the size of
explosion at the oil rig.

4.9 million barrels of oil were pumped out 1.8 million gallons of dispersant were used
into the ocean. to break up the oil

265,000 barrels worth of oil were burnt off Fish, shrimp, insects and plants were all
at sea. affected by the oil.

At least 3000 seabirds were killed. 500 sea turtles and 64 dolphins were found
washed up along the shore and died
because of the oil.

Oil pipeline exploded and oil was pumped Ninety-four crew were rescued by lifeboats
out into the sea. BP struggled to work out and helicopter, 17 of whom were treated
how to plug the leak underwater. for injuries

At approximately 9:45 pm on 20 April On the 19th September the pipeline was

2010, high pressure methane gas rose up finally plugged and the leak contained. It is
from the well and ignited and exploded, officially the worst oil spill ever experienced
engulfing the platform. in the USA.

In summer 2010, approximately Three methods were used to contain and

47,000 people and 7,000 vessels were dissolve the oil – spraying dispersant from
involved in the clean-up. As of January the air, burning it off on the sea and using
2013, clean-up had cost BP over booms to protect sensitive areas along the
$14 billion coast.



The reasons why the oil The consequences of the The ways in which
spill actually happened oil spill on people, wildlife people tried to tackle the
and the environment oil spill and reduce its

 4.9 million barrels of oil were pumped out into the ocean.
 Oil pipeline exploded and oil was pumped out into the sea. BP struggled to work out
how to plug the leak underwater.
 At approximately 9:45 pm on 20 April 2010, high pressure methane gas rose up from
the well and ignited and exploded engulfing the platform.
 265,000 barrels worth of oil were burnt off at sea.


 11 people were killed in the initial explosion at the oil rig.

 At least 3000 seabirds were killed.
 According to the satellite images, the spill directly impacted 68,000 square miles of
ocean which is comparable to the size of Oklahoma.
 Fish, shrimp, insects, and plants were all affected by the oil.
 500 sea turtles and 64 dolphins were found washed up along the shore and died
because of the oil.


 1.8 million gallons of dispersant were used to break up the oil.

 In summer 2010, approximately 47,00 people and 7,000 vessels were involved in the
clean-up. As of January 2013, clean-up had cost BP over $14 billion.
 Ninety -four crew were rescued by lifeboats and helicopter, 17 of whom were treated
for injuries.
 On the 19th September, the pipeline was finally plugged, and the leak contained. It is
officially the worst oil spill ever experienced in the USA.
 Three methods were used to contain and dissolve the oil- spraying dispersant from
the air, burning it off on the sea and using booms to protect sensitive areas along the

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