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Cover Sheet: Table of Contents. List and Page Numbers of All The Headings of

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Cover Sheet Remember your name on the cover sheet for marking purposes

Address Block As per official letterhead
Title XYZ Strategic annual performance plan for the period 20../..
Table of Table of contents. List and page numbers of all the headings of
contents the plan. List numerically of all the tables and the figures in the

Glossary. Abbreviations that are not in normal use must be defined

the first time they are used and published in the glossary.

Strategic overview
Environmental Analysis Results
Impact On the Organisation
Strategic Issues (3)
Scenarios (2) current and preferred
Internal analysis results
Confirmation of services and products
Strategic Intent
MSF’s (3)
Driver (1)
Goal (1)
Description of 5 X objectives (SMART)
Performance Indicators
Budget vs. Allocation

Performance Against Plan

What will be measured
When will it be measured
How will it be measured
Identify risks
Implications (What will happen if you don’t get the money)
Signature Block

Background. Background to the situation and general description of the organisation’s

intention in the plan

Strategic overview. Short executive summary of the reason the plan and budget is
formulated the way it is. By reading it the reader gets a snapshot of the crux of the plan

Aim. The aim of the plan is…

Scope of the plan. Brief description of what will be covered in each of the headings
Strategic issues. Lies in the external environment. Best fit between the organisation
(resource audit and stakeholder analysis) and external environment. Involves conflicts
between the organisation and environment. Identification and analysis of a limited
number of areas in which high performance will ensure a successful competitive

Scenarios. How will the organisation be affected by the scenarios ito its core business
How is the organisation performing ito of its core business
What is the state of resources to execute the core business
Link to the strategic intent, core and strategic objectives of the organisation
Strategic intent. Envisions a desired leadership position and establishes the criterion
the organisation will use to chart its progress. Who are we and where are we going?

Mandate. … was established in order to … and list the references found ito the
organisation’s mandate.

Vision. The following definitions are offered as a guide: A brief statement of where and
what the organisation would like to achieve and be and how it intends to get there. A
statement or picture of the future standing of an organisation. Linked to the mission or
purpose, embraces key values. The desired future state; the aspiration of the
organisation. The Vision must be one that the head of organisation shares with his
subordinates and that supports the RSA’s vision.

Mission. The mission is defined as follows: The essential purpose of the organisation,
concerning particularly why it is in existence, the nature of the business it is in, and the
customers it seeks to satisfy. The overriding purpose in line with the values or
expectations of stakeholders.

Mission success factors. Those critical factors that is needed for successful
implementation of the plan.
Driver. The reason the plan is the way it is (main consideration).

Values. Values are essential to the accomplishment of the mission and fulfilment of the

Goal. Specific results that an organisation must achieve in pursuing its mission. What
must we do? (Ends)
Objectives. The organisation has aligned the objectives of the organisation with the
funded programmes of the organisation. These objectives are the reason for the
existence of the organisation. The objectives must be formulated broadly enough to
cover the full spectrum of the organisation’s activities in order to comply with the
Treasury requirement as well as the need to simplify planning and budgeting.
Objectives that are reflected in its programmes and organisational structure; Key Duties
and Responsibilities of its leaders and managers that are contained in their
performance agreements; and operational and service delivery plans and the
performance agreements of the officers responsible for their execution. Objectives
must be achieved in order to ensure that the mission is achieved as intended. The
identification of these should be a natural consequence of the Budget Holder accepting
his or her performance agreement, guidelines for planning issued, the analysis of past
performance (Quarterly and annual reporting process, internal analysis) and the
analysis of the environment that precedes the compilation of the plan.

Performance indicator. These performance measures will be used to measure the

quality of strategic and operational direction. When defining measurements for an
output the following must be applied: The measurements must be simplified as far as
possible in order for it to be easily understood and interpreted. Existing standards
(definitions) must be used as far as possible. Where no standards can be found, it is
important to define and document the intended meaning of the measure as best
possible. When defining/selecting measures, the control mechanism must be identified.
This could be either current information systems or other mechanisms. It must be noted
that the control mechanism can often influence the way in which a measure is defined.

Output. Goods and services delivered by organisations and which are measurable in
terms of quality, quantity, timeliness and cost.

Target. When setting a target for a measure the following must be applied: In some
cases, these values have been quantified through other processes such as organisation
orders. These must be considered in terms of feasibility in the context of allocated
budgets. This calls for detail business planning at level three of the organisation. These
detail planning activities must be supported as far as possible by analyses from the
current information systems. The targets must be set as realistically as possible as
performance will be assessed against them
See Notes for objective layout
Quarterly and annual reporting process that will be followed
Risks. Organisations have to list all the prioritised risks to output. The risks indicated in
this table must be those risks that directly or indirectly will have the effect of reducing
output in the short- to medium-term. Measures to mitigate the risks must be indicated.
Note that the identification of risks to output included in the strategic annual
performance plan does not exempt the organisation from its responsibility to comply
with prescripts in respect of risk identification and management. The potential impact or
implications of those risks to the organisation and/or Government, if they are not
addresses should be spelt out.

5% of total mark
Check according to prescribed written skills and correctness
Check margins, page numbers, grammar and spelling

5% of total mark
Check for holistic overview of the concept of business planning
Understanding of the golden thread and executive summary competencies
10% of total mark
Focus is on deductions and conclusions derived from the external and internal
The analysis ands facts are appendixes and the deductions and conclusions
should be in main document
Determine the impact of the analysis on the organisation

20% of total mark

Check for completeness and formulation according to the theory presented and
the explanation in the previous column

40% of total mark

This is the main focus of the annual performance plan
The five objectives should be complete in terms of a verb, noun, adjective, output,
performance indicator, target and budget
It should address the five most important issues of the organisation to resolve in
the next financial year
There should be a link between the five objectives and the critical deductions and
conclusions made in the external and internal analysis – strategic issues and
impact specifically
See table at bottom of page as well for the table layout

20% of total mark

Check the methodology explained on how the plans performance will be

Has the risks been identified with their implications

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