Curved Sea Wall

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hard stabilization is the seawall.

A seawall is a structure built on the beach parallel to the

shoreline. Seawalls can be large or small, high or low, and constructed of a range of materials
including wood, plastic, concrete, rock, construction rubble, steel, old cars, aluminum, rubber
tires, and sandbags. Coastal erosion is a problem faced by all the coastal population in different
parts of the world. With a long coast of about 7500 km, the subject of coastal erosion and control
in India assumes great importance. This problem calls for the protection of houses, cultivable
lands, valuable properties, monuments etc. in the coastal belt. The solution to this problem
involves scientific analysis of the same with a view to devise methods for preventing and/or
minimizing the damage due to erosion caused by the destructive forces of the waves. It is well
known that the erosion of a coast is mainly due to the action of waves in addition to the currents
set up by the oblique attack of waves. Erosion of the cost depends on many factors like storm
waves, nature of the beach, beach material and the shape of the coast, tidal level changes,
movement and quantity of the littoral drift material. Human interference is also an important
factor causing coastal erosion. The best natural defence against erosion is an adequate beach on
which waves expend their energy. However, provision of an adequate beach is rarely possible due
to economic reasons. The resort has, therefore, to be taken to provide appropriate engineering
structures such as seawalls, revetments, anti-sea erosion bunds, groins, offshore breakwaters, etc.
to prevent beach erosion. Seawalls, revetments and groins are structures located on the beach,
while offshore breakwaters are located away from the beach. Since waves are the prime cause of
beach erosion, it is natural that the protective methods are evolved to dissipate the energy of
waves either by absorbing this energy on the beach or by dissipating/diverting the same before
the waves approach the beach.
This large coastal protection structures can be built using different types of construction materials
such as rubble-mound, granite masonry, or reinforced concrete. Seawalls are commonly built and
run along the shoreline to prevent coastal structures and areas from the detrimental influence of
ocean wave actions and flooding which are driven by storms. There are various arrangements or
configurations that might be employed includes curved face seawall, stepped face seawall,
rubble-mound seawall and vertical seawall. Others are gravity, steel sheet pile and concrete block
Curved Face Seawall
Curved face seawall is designed to withstand high wave action effects. Foundation material loss,
which might be caused by scouring waves and/or leaching from overtopping water or storm
drainage underneath the wall, is avoided by employing sheet pile cut off wall. Moreover, the toe
of the curved face seawall is built from large stones to decrease scouring. Figure 1 shows curved
face seawall with its components.

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