Arc Welding SOP

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Arc Welding

Standard Operating Procedure

DO NOT use this machine unless your instructor has

instructed you in its safe use and operation and has given
permission to use it

Safety glasses must be Long and loose hair must

worn at all times in be contained.
addition to welding mask.
Appropriate footwear Close fitting/protective
with substantial uppers clothing to cover arms and
must be worn. legs must be worn.
Respiratory protection Oil free leather gloves and
devices may be required spats must be worn when
for some operations. welding.
Rings and jewelry must A welding mask with correct
not be worn. grade lens for Arc welding
must be worn.

Ensure no slip/trip hazards are present in workspaces and walkways.

Ensure the work area is clean and clear of grease, oil, and any flammable
Keep the welding equipment and work area dry to avoid electric shocks.
Ensure the gloves are dry and free from holes to avoid electric shocks.
Ensure electrode holder and work leads are in good condition.
Ensure fume extraction unit is on before beginning welding operation.
Ensure other people are protected from flashes by closing curtain to welding
bay or by erecting screens.

Keep welding leads as short as possible and coil them to minimize inductance.
Ensure the electrode holder has no electrode in it before turning on the
welding machine.
Ensure current is correctly set according to electrode selection.
Do not use bare hands and never wrap electrode leads around yourself.
When welding is finished or interrupted, remove electrode stub from holder
and switch off power source.
Switch off the machine and fume extraction.
Hang up electrode holder and welding cables and leave the work area in a
safe, clean and tidy state.

This Standard Operating Procedure does not necessarily cover all possible
hazards associated with the machine. The operator of any machinery should
be committed to operating this and all machinery in a safe manner. In
addition this SOP has been designed to be used as part of an education
program which was designed to teaching Safety Procedures and to act as a
reminder to users prior to machine use.


Instructor’s Signature

Student Signature

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