City Star December 2021 Edition
City Star December 2021 Edition
City Star December 2021 Edition
Ravineet Sami (2nd from right) after being bestowed upon with an honorary doctorate
Sanjay Goundar
The University of Fiji honoured one of its longest serving staff members with a honorary
doctorate during its recent annual graduation ceremony.
It was a very emotional moment for Unifiji’s Executive Director Finance Ravineet Sami
after being exceptionally recognised for his dedicated service towards the growth of the uni-
Prosperous New Year tutional memory of the rationale behind decisions and procedures. This institutional knowl-
edge is part of wisdom he possesses in maintaining morale, identity and a shared vision.
“He is the perfect ambassador for this People’s University to the many organizations out-
to all our Customers, side the University in which he participates.
“Alongside the values of forbearance, sacrifice, humility –among other traits that distin-
Friends & Families guishes Ravneet Sami, and makes him such a sinew and anchorage (in people’s terms, back-
bone), is his irrepressible optimism: when things are so obviously falling apart around him, as
a true steward he is able to give assurance that the University will hold together.
“There will not be another at the University of Fiji who fulfils so completely and radiantly
the criteria of long, distinguished and exceptional contributions to the stamina and resilience
of the institution. His service to the University has been unrelenting and consistent over a
very long period of time.” Prof. Shameem emphasized.
LCC’s composting success highlighted in How to pay for all Fees and
Global Forum
The success of the Lautoka Market Waste Composting Project, in addressing the harmful impact of waste
Traffic Infringement Notice
on the environment and public health, was highlighted in front of a global audience on the fifth day of the 3rd
Clean Pacific Roundtable. Note: Please state your Traffic Infringement Notice Number and
Mr Shalend Prem Singh, Senior Health Inspector Lautoka City Council, shared how Lautoka has converted the Vehicle Registration Number on the narrations while making pay-
green waste from the market to FJ$63,458, money which has benefitted the Fijian community in different ways. ment. The following options are available for payment:
Since 2011, the project has turned waste that would have otherwise ended up in the landfill into 2,172 tonnes Direct payment at the LCC Cashier.
of compost. Some 121 tonnes of those have been sold to farmers and used to improve the state of the land and Direct deposit/ online transfer to Banks:
environment. BSP Account Number: 8545855 Account Name: Lautoka City
While he admitted that there are lots of challenges, including the impact of the COVID19 pandemic, Mr Council Branch Lautoka Swift Code: BOSPFJFJ BSB Number: 06900
Singh said they see more value in persisting with a project he believes can only be good for the Fijian people HFC Account Number: 6049S22 Account Name: Lautoka City
and the environment. Council Branch Lautoka Swift Code: HFCLFJFJ BSB Number:
He referred to the threats on public health if the waste is left unaddressed, noting the alarming increase in the 129010
volume of waste generated on a daily basis. The project deals with an average of 1.2 tonnes of waste per day,
WESTPAC Account Number: 35610200 Account Name: Lautoka
which is transported to the Vunato Landfill where it is sorted and converted to compost.
City Council Branch Lautoka Swift Code: WPACFJFX BSB Number:
Aside from the growing popularity of the project on farmers who have been buying the compost from the
Lautoka market, more and more families in the Fiji province have gotten into home composting. With the help 039003
of the Fijian government, close to five hundred households have started home composting in their backyards, M- Paisa
which is a positive indicator for the bid to keep Fiji clean, Mr Singh said. What is a Traffic Infringement Notice? Traffic Infringement Notice
He added that they are strong believers in the 3Rs and is adamant that they are on the right track. He also is issued to the offender when they commit any offence on the road
acknowledged the assistance of their key partners including the Fijian government and the Japan International under Section 86 and Section 92 (1) of Land Transport Act 1998 The
Cooperation Agency (JICA). Authorized officer LTA/ Police or Municipal under delegated powers
Mr Singh spoke during the Circular Economy Summit Roundtable of the 3rd CPRT, which looked at what are liable for the Traffic Infringement Notice issuance. The infringe-
circular economy means from a global perspective, a Pacific perspective and how the region can achieve cir- ment notice contains information about the alleged offence and fine
cular economy. The concept of Circular Economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves amount. The objectives of these Regulations are to – a) Enforce traffic
sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as pos- safety laws; b) Deter illegal activities on the road; c) Ensure that the
sible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended. use of motor vehicles is regulated for the purposes of safety, protection
The Talanoa 1 Session on “What is Circular Economy” featured Mr Jocelyn Beriot, Executive Lead, Interna-
of the environment, and law enforcement; What Happens If I Do Not
tional Institutions & Government, EMF, Ms Astrid Schomaker, Director for Global Sustainable Development,
European Commission’s Directorate General for Environment, Ms Meredith Epp, of ANZPAC and Dr Karen
Pay My Traffic Infringement Fine? A Traffic Infringement Notice is
Raubenheimer, Lecturer ANCORS. The Talanoa 2 Session on “What does Circular Economy look like in the issued with a fixed penalty, if the initial fine is not paid within 90 days
Pacific” featured Mr Mike Ritchie, Managing Director, MRA, Consulting Group NSW, Australia, Mr Singh from the date of notice, you will be liable to a late payment fee equiv-
and Mr Jack Smith, former Operations Manager, Samoa Pacific Games. The Talanoa 3 and final session “How alent to 50% of Fixed Penalty, in addition to the Fixed Penalty. If you
to achieve Circular Economy in the Pacific?” featured Mr Kosi Latu, Director General SPREP, Mr Taufia Pato- do not pay your Fixed Penalty and late payment fee in full within 12
lo, of Tuvalu and Mr Sefanaia Nawadra, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Pacific months from the date this Notice is issued to you, this Notice will take
Office. effect as a conviction and the Council will seek the maximum penalty
Co-moderated by Mr Damien Giurco, Deputy Director, Research: Institute for Sustainable Futures, Univer- and demerit points applicable, from the court.
sity of Technology Sydney, and Ms Kate Noble, World Wildlife Federation (WWF), the Circular Economy
Summit was divided into three Talanoa Sessions.
Finding Happiness this Christmas
Rev. Raj’s quest to serve people
The way you spend Christmas is far more important than Sanjay Goundar
how much. Christmas is not about opening our presents
as opening our hearts. These famous quotes have a deep His quest to further serve the members of the public has seen
meaning in our COVID19 stricken world. Reverend Nathaniel Hem Raj adding a new chapter to his illus-
The untimely emergence of the new COVID19 variant trious social service career.
Omicron this December has seen people press the panic The 59-year-old Lautoka businessman was bestowed with
button around the world and also in Fiji. the responsibility of a Justice of Peace by Chief Justice Kamal
It comes as the World Health Organization branded the Kumar on December 2.
newly named Omicron variant, also called B.1.1.529, a An elated grandfather revealed that he is very privileged to
“variant of concern”, putting it in the same category as be given another opportunity to serve the public.
the Delta variant which has spread quickly throughout the Rev. Raj currently is the Senior Vice President of the Lautoka
world. Sugar Festival Association, Vice President of the Labasa Soc-
There are growing fears that the newly discovered cer team, Priest at the Saint Anglican Church and Treasurer of
COVID-19 variant, said to be potentially more danger- the Lautoka Senior Citizens Association.
ous than the one causing waves of infection around the He stressed that finding a JP within the Lautoka City is not
world, could impact Christmas and the beginning of the an easy task and people in need have to run around here and
New Year. there to find one.
Sky News reports that thousands have already had their “We have people coming from other districts as well who re-
travel plans disrupted as the festive season gets under way quire the services of a JP but unfortunately at times it becomes
and scientists say there are similarities between the spread very difficult to locate any.
of the new variant of concern with that of the Alpha variant “Because of this reason after being encouraged by our Sugar
last December 2020. Festival Association President brother Pusp Raj I decided to
One scientist likened the situation in South Africa, where take this opportunity.
Omicron was first detected, to the emergence of the Alpha “I belief my role as a JP will take me more close to our grass-
(Kent) variant in the UK last year, which effectively can- root community and any opportunity to ease their problems
celled Christmas for most of the UK. will provide me great satisfaction.
As vaccine manufacturers say it could be weeks before “I am very grateful to my family for their enormous support
they could even test any adapted jab against Omicron, towards all the social service I do.”
there are growing calls among the scientific community to The former Wailevu resident from Labasa informed that his
take urgent action quickly,” reports Sky news. faith in Lord Almighty Jesus is giving him the strength to serve Newly inducted Justice of Peace Reverend Nathaniel Hem Raj
Back in Fiji, the borders opened on December 1 to reignite more people.
the nation’s economy ending 20months of international Lautoka Sugar Festival Association President Pusp Raj in- only association to have five JP’s including him and a Commis-
isolation for the tourist dependent country. formed that he feels very proud that four of his members Rev sioner of Oath.
Close to 75,000 visitors are expected in the next couple Raj, Adi Balavu Tora, Narend Prasad and Narend Semi were He revealed that after being a JP for the last 30 years and with
of months which will see most of the hotels and resorts sworn in as new JP’s. age catching up he felt some of his members should also take
around the country back in full operation. Mr Raj informed that the Sugar Festival is most likely the this role now.
The livelihood of those dependent in the tourism sector
has received a major boost and also to those associated
with tourists namely the township and surrounding com-
Intelligent intervention critical- Prof. Shameem
“Their patience, resilience and positivity through the pan-
“In reference to the first strand, the 5 and 20-year National
demic has paid off –– now, they have the chance to regain
Development Plan of Fiji states at page 13 that Fiji is aspiring
income and the dignity of making a decent living,” posts
to be a ‘knowledge-based society’. Yet there is no meaningful
Minister of Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum on his twitter
definition of the word ‘knowledge’ in the Plan- is it practical
knowledge, theoretical knowledge, alternative knowledge, tra-
It is during these times that the spirit of Christmas joy is
ditional knowledge or school and university qualifications?
very much needed.
“The University of Fiji aims to fill the definitional gap by
We can only hope that this festive season is not gutted in
proposing that the intersecting metaphors of the ‘Drua Voyage’
a pandemic. No one wants to experience celebration and
(a journey) and the ancient Indian educational concept of ‘gu-
grieve at the same time.
rukul’ (holistic education) adopted by our Founders, the Arya
The arrival of our foreign visitors is surely a sigh of re-
Pratinidhi Sabha, as its educational philosophy will, in combi-
lieve, but the emergence of new COVID cases is causing
nation, provide the direction in higher education adopted by the
some anxiety in the local community.
University in these challenging times.
Whatever the reason, Let us join hands and share the love
“Thus the University’s proposed Strategic Plan 2022-2026
this Christmas.
has as its core value the idea of a ‘journey in holistic education’
We at City Star Newspaper wish all our valued readers and
Sanjay Goundar as the benchmark for creating a knowledge-based society. This
advertisers a Blessed Christmas and a Fruitful 2022.
means that knowledge will be defined in the broadest terms and
Timely and intelligent intervention is warranted now to sal- students and staff will be encouraged to pursue education for
Maika Kasami
vage Fiji’s education sector from the devastating effects of its non-conventional, even esoteric, and public good purposes
global pandemic Covid-19. as well as for employment. Only by this inclusive method will
Newly appointed Vice Chancellor of the University of we be able to prepare our graduates and community for a truly
Fiji Professor Shaista Shameem (Pictured) pointed out that Fijian knowledge-based society for our times.”
The VC added that as for the second strand, quality knowl-
Publisher: Sanjay Goundar Covid-19 has also shown us that national priorities are them-
edge, will be exhibited in the quality assurance standards to be
selves fraught with difficulties when industries collapse and
Phone : (679) 996 0129 / 7844836 employment disappears, having serious effects on our students’ adopted by The University of Fiji from 2022.
Email: morale and future. She pointed out that these will be established according to
Professor Shameem stressed that issuing revised national internationally accepted standards of intellectual excellence,
priorities in a rush and flurry without proper reflection on Fijian for example in achievement of highest qualifications among
Editor: Maika Kasami educational philosophy, and indeed on what our society might academic staff, in research and publications, and in developing
innovative and unique teaching techniques for both face to face
Phone: (679) 918 9779 / 741 5752 look like post Covid-19, is like re-arranging the deckchairs on
and virtual classrooms.
the Titanic- a presumption that the ship is unsinkable and that
Email: / only moving the furniture around will save it. Professor Shameem revealed that the University expects “But our education ship will indeed sink unless timely and 80% of its academic staff to have PhD qualifications with a
intelligent intervention is made now. significant percentage on PhD track.
“It is well-known that education, and higher education in “The University Community will note that the bar is set very
Marketing Manager : Zareena Bi particular, has suffered grievously during the pandemic- a nat- high; our standards are measured by setting examples, engag-
ing in and monitoring our activities as well as by reporting on
Phone (679) 932 2621 ural calamity that no one could have foreseen. Many rights are
them including through feedback and evaluation criteria estab-
violated everyday due to Covid-19 and the right to equal edu-
cation is no exception.” lished per activity. Ultimately we are performance-based. We
Office Location: 19 Naviti Street, She revealed that their responsibility at The University of are also committed to international standards with a regional
Fiji is to ensure that our own higher education ship not only focus. Every member of our Community will be part of our
Lautoka broad-based educational journey with the goal of placing The
remains afloat but that in any storm it reaches the shore safely.
“There are two strands to The University of Fiji’s future University of Fiji on the list of high achievers internationally.
“We aim to be ‘simply the best’ and there is an expectation
Postal : P.O Box 4230, Lautoka education strategy. The first is to build an appropriate knowl-
during my tenure as Vice Chancellor that the best in each of us
edge-based society with a Fijian flavour, and the second is to
Printer: Universal Print provide quality in the knowledge disseminated to the Universi- will be emphasised for the benefit of all of us at,” she empha-
ty Community- staff and students alike. sized.
Applications for
Semester I, 2022
Now Open
Online Admissions
Delicious Fijian Lovo with the reserved dirt. Cook for 45 minutes – 1 hour, then slowly uncover. When the leaves
are a nice yellow-brown colour, it is cooked. Serve chicken, vegetables and breadfruit with
Dig a square (1 metre x 1 metre) in the ground and place rounded stones on the bottom (don’t
put one on top of the other). Reserve the dirt. Build a wood fire on top of them. Once it is set,
light and allow to burn until the wood turns into charcoal. There will now be some charcoals
and non-burnt woods, so take a spade or a fork and get the wood out. There should only be
the heated stones left in the hole.
Meanwhile, clean the taro tubers by scraping off the dirt and small roots with the back of a
knife. This process is not peeling, just removing all the debris until it’s down to the flesh.
Clean the breadfruit with the back of the knife, removing the scales.
Wash and scrub the sweet potatoes, the taro tubers and breadfruit. Set aside.
Freshly wash the chickens and place in a bowl. Add enough sweet soy sauce to lightly coat
the chicken.
Lay out the coconut palm and place the chicken at the end where the palm was cut from the
tree. Braid the individual leaves around the chicken. Continue braiding past the chicken to
the very end.
To prepare the palusami, combine onion and desiccated coconut in a bowl. Take a square of
aluminium foil and place approximately 4 taro leaves layered in the centre (use 1 big leaf
and 3 or 4 smaller leaves). Pick it up and cup it in your hand, and add some of the coconut
and onion mixture. Add ¼ cup coconut milk, and then carefully fold the taro leaf inward
followed by the aluminium foil. Repeat with remaining leaves, onion mixture and coconut
Place the vegetables, breadfruit, chicken and palusami on top of the palm leaves. Cover the
food with banana leaves and coconut palm fronds. Cover the banana leaves and palm ferns
Canadian based golfer Shiro Mani finally made his first ap-
pearance at the prestigious 90th Shop N Save Supermarket
sponsored Lautoka Open Championship this year.
A tournament which has a rich history dating back to the in-
augural event in 1931 has always attracted the cream of players
from around the country.
The most notable was former world number one Vijay
Singh’s win in 1981 and 1982 before turning professional. 92
golfers were part of the one-day 18-holes Pro-AM event on
December 11 which included 17-professionals.
Pacific Harbour’s James Pridgeon won the amateur divi-
sion this year while local man school teacher Roneel Prakash
walked away with the main purse in the professional category.
Now based at the Canal Delacour Golf Club in Calgary, Can-
ada, Shiro is the son of former Lautoka Golf Club (LGC) club
Captain Nelson Mani.
The 47-year-old golfer said his late dad taught him the values
of working hard and being dedicated to whatever you do.
“I have very fond memories of my late dad,” he recalled.
“My dad was Club Captain for Lautoka in the late 80’s and
early 90’s.
“He was a 9 handicapper player who won the B-grade titles
in Lautoka and Nadi. I have watched him chip with a 6-iron
and his best shot was a cut shot with a 7-wood which I still
haven’t mastered. Golfers still talk to me about when he used a
driver and hit it on par 3’s,” the lanky and a built Shiro added.
Canadian based golfer Shiro Mani practises his swing at the Lautoka Golf Club course. He was part of the 92-golfers who
He added, “He taught me the values of one’s hard work, ded-
graced the 90th Lautoka Open Championship on December 11. Photo- Supplied.
ication, persistence and perseverance. To never give up till the
scorecard is signed. Over the years with his teachings and my “I had great tee-shots but my putting was a challenge. Double “Finally I would like to thank all the sponsors for keeping
passion for golf has made me a better player and this continues bogeys are never good for my game and I should have played the sport of golf alive and I can’t wait to be part of this great
to grow. And I felt very proud to see my dad’s and granddad’s smart. I need to adjust to the local condition and practise more. tournament again in 2022.”
name on the winner’s board and I would like to see my name It will only make me better and claim my first local title.” He is grateful for all the opportunities that he has had through
there too in the not too distant future.” “My aim is to be the best golfer that I can be and playing golf and very appreciative of the fact that he has played with
Smarting from his recent win at the Alberta Provincial in Fiji or Canada helps my game to become that. As long as I some great golfers at amazing golf courses.
Mid-Masters event, Shiro said in golf you can only blame play, I have a chance to win and winning title in Fiji is a dream He returns to the former British Colony in the New Year.
yourself for not performing. of mine.” “My mum is in Fiji so I try to be back whenever I can. And
“I always play with a positive and winners mindset but it was Shiro acknowledged the hard work done by those behind while here in the country I take advantage of every opportunity
different for me this time around in my debut tournament at the the scene at Lautoka Golf Club led by the inspirational trustee to play golf in different tournaments.”
Lautoka course. Raymond Singh.
Kingsley Beverage
7s boost
The Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team, the Fijiana and the top sevens’ teams will look
forward to having Kingsley Beverages during the World Cup 7s to be staged at
Cape Town, South Africa from 9-11 September, 2022.
World Rugby confirmed Kingsley Beverages as its Official Hydration Sponsor
of RWC Sevens 2022.
The eighth edition of the event will see the world’s best sevens players - 24
men’s and 16 national women’s teams - compete for world champion status.
An international organisation with operations in South Africa, UAE, the UK and
the USA, Kingsley produces, markets and distributes its own range of beverage
brands and products across these markets.
Kingsley’s Isorade Sports Drink and Aquafria Spring Water will keep athletes
hydrated and able to perform at the top of their game throughout the three-day
Rugby World Cup Sevens 2022 follows the incredibly successful San Francisco
tournament in 2018 which saw New Zealand’s men and women take home the
coveted silverware.
World Rugby Chief Executive Alan Gilpin said: “It gives us great pleasure to
welcome Kingsley Beverages as the Official Hydration Sponsor of Rugby World
Cup Sevens 2022. With its heritage rooted in South Africa, Kingsley is a fantastic
addition to our sponsor family for our showcase event.
“Rugby World Cup Sevens, the Commonwealth Games and the continuation
of the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series will make 2022 a huge year for rugby
sevens, and we look forward to working with Kingsley to bring the magic of this
tournament to Africa for the first time next year.”
The announcement comes two weeks after the return of the HSBC World Rugby
Sevens Series in Dubai which kicked off the new season in style, and hot on the
heels of spectacular men’s and women’s Olympic Games rugby sevens events in
The qualification process for Rugby World Cup Sevens was confirmed in May
with the top eight men’s teams and four women’s teams from Rugby World Cup
Sevens 2018 all qualified directly. The remaining teams will qualify via regional
qualification tournaments which kicked off in November in South America and
The new format that will be introduced in the Digicel Premier League in 2022 has been de-
signed and introduced to improve the match fitness for players.
Fiji Football Association president Rajesh Patel thinks the more game time the better for
players to stay fit.
“The whole reason for the new format is for players to have more game time and for players
to stay fit.
“The more matches you play the better fitness you achieve and better chances for our national
reps to gain match fitness as we prepare for the World Cup playoffs,” Patel revealed during an
Ordinary Fiji FA Congress held in Lautoka on December 12.
The parent body will do away with the home and away format of two-rounds and will have the
four-round format where teams will play two-home games and two-away for a total of 28-games
to be played from the current 14.
Tailevu Naitasiri are favourites to feature in the DPL next year after topping the Digicel Senior
League in Viti Levu.
Patel clarified that only the top team from Viti Levu zone will be promoted.
“There will be no representatives from the Northern division as they’ve declared their interest
not to play home and away matches so whoever the DSL champion will be, that will be auto-
matically promoted.”
Navua and Nadroga will battle it out to decide which team stays and which team is demoted
back to the senior division.
The Fiji FACT will be played at Lawaqa Park after a lapse of 21-years.The last time the town-
ship of Nahigatoka hosted the tournament was back in 2001.
The Coral Coast boys had won on their home turf beating Labasa 7-6 on penalty-kicks.The
only other time Nadroga had won the tournament was in 1993 at Prince Charles Park in Nadi.
They beat Tavua 2-0 in the final.
The boys in yellow on two-occasions, in 1992 and 2000, reached the final but lost to Labasa
and Lautoka respectively.
Fiji FA confirmed that the Punjas Battle of the Giants will be played again in Lautoka while
the Courts IDC will be held at the ANZ Stadium in Suva.
Suva will defend their FACT title at Lawaqa Park, Delta Tigers Rewa will be heading to
Churchill Park to defend their BOG title while the Babasiga Lions will return to their favourite Viti Water Flow Lautoka left utility player Aaron Edward (right) battles for possession against
hunting ground to put on line their IDC title at the Laucala Oval. Nadroga’s Tomasi Tuicakau during their Digicel Premier League match at Churchill Park.
Waisea Nacuqu shows his magic during an earlier HSBC World Sevens series tournament
Maika Kasami
It will be a matter of ‘no pain no gain’ in Spain for the Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team when the
third stop of the HSBC World Sevens Series take centre stage in Malaga over 21-23 January,
After a strong start in Dubai and then a below par performance a week later at the desert,
the new kids on the block will need to step up in preparation and performance during game
day if they are to stand a chance to come out unscathed from their pool.
The national side are grouped with defending series champions and current series leaders
South Africa, England and old nemesis New Zealand who are making a return to join the
And also expected to make a return for our national side will be double Olympics gold
medal winner and Captain Jerry Tuwai.
Tuwai is expected to team up with old hands Josua Vakurunabili and Waisea Nacuqu for
the Spain leg of the series.
Fans can expect changes in the line-up while the core of team is likely to be retained.
The Fiji 7s team for the first time recorded four losses in a row before regrouping to tame
Argentina 42-0 in its final pool match and qualifying for the ninth place playoffs in the
second leg.
Interim coach Saiyasi Fuli is expected to lead the team again. The new national sevens
coach is expected to take up his new role at the conclusion of the nine tournament scheduled
for this 2021/2022 season.
Pool A- South Africa, England, Fiji, Scotland. Pool B- Australia, Ireland, Japan, NZ.
Pool C- Argentina, USA, Spain, Samoa. Pool D- France, Kenya, Canada, Wales.
Lautoka Golf Club promotes its junior players week in week out and they were out in numbers
Islands Electric Wholesalers
10 Marine Drive, P O Box 3317, Lautoka Fiji Phone: (679) 6668188, 6668444
at the recent Lautoka Open Championship. Photos: Maika Kasami
Lautoka Open Championship winner James Pridgeon delivers his winning speech as LGC
executive Raymond Singh looks on during the Shop N Save Supermarket sponsored annual
tournament on December 11
Maika Kasami
PROJECTA Workshop-1200 12A Battery Tesla 4 Way Portable Outlets
Charger 6-12-24V HDBC20 with RCBO Protection 10 Amp Fiji Professional Golfing Association is thankful to Lautoka Golf Club for continuously
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inviting their members to be part of their weekly tournaments and most importantly the
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annual Lautoka Open Championship.
Nadi based professional and last year’s winner Zoheer Ahmed spoke on behalf of the
professionals saying how pleased they were to battle for the lucrative prize-money on offer.
He thanked LGC, sponsors Shop N Save Supermarket and Islands Electric Wholesalers
Wacker Neuson for the hosting of the one-day event which attracted 92 golfers including 17 professionals
VP1135A from around the country.
Vibratory Plate “We are fortunate that despite COVID19 we are able to compete in such tournaments and
for the professionals to earn some money.
ICS Concrete Chainsaw “And a special thank you to Mr. Raymond Singh for his continued support since our ju-
nior days who is always supporting upcoming junior golfers,” Ahmed said.
Clamp Meter with iFlex probe
Ahmed finished third, Suva’s Tomasi Tuivuna claimed the second prize while lone LGC
professional golfer Roneel Prakash smartly walked away with the main purse of $1,100
plus bonus thanks to his sponsor IEW.
Fluke 1AC-C2 Non-Contact
Voltage Tester The Delana Primary School teacher made it back to back wins after having also scooped
the professional category at the Ba Open a week earlier. Prakash said the win in Ba was
BE THE BEST, USE THE BEST timely as this boosted his performance at his home course. The professionals had battled for
Quality, Reliability & Service is our Tradition a total prize-money of $5000 thanks to Shop N Save.
Lautoka’s route to claiming the Digicel Premier League has been based on having discipline
within the team.
Lautoka collected the main prize of $18,000 and the DPL trophy after their final match against
Labasa at home.
Coach Imdaad Ali said discipline was behind the success of the team this season.
“I guess the boys kept their discipline and hard work through the season and that was the key
behind our success,” an elated Ali said.
“They have been doing well and the most important part was they kept discipline.
“When players listen, then we achieve that is one important thing we always look for during
training sessions, game time and even after games,” he told Fiji FA Media.
Ali said they were confident of winning the title this year.
“We knew we would win the title after the commitment and dedication from the officials and
the players.”
The Blues won eight matches, two loses and three draws in the competition before they were
declared the winners.
A brace from Sairusi Nalaubu and James Pillay against Nadroga proved enough for the Sugar
City Boys.
Nadroga striker Osea Vakatalesau shields the ball from Lautoka’s Afraz Ali during their DPL
match at Churchill Park in the first round. Photo- Sanjay Goundar.
The Viti Water Flow Lautoka soccer team are the Digicel Premier League champions for the 2021 football season. The 3-nil win over Nadroga was enough for the side to be declared the League
winners. The Blues have now won the League title for the sixth time since their first win in 1984. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
Maika Kasami The Capital City side Suva who stood a chance of posing a challenge to Lautoka’s title hopes
failed against Labasa hence handing the league title to Lautoka. Ba, Labasa, Suva and Rewa
Viti Water Flow Lautoka have bagged their sixth Digicel National League title. had to battle it out for second spot in the league in the final round.
The Sugar City side beat Nadroga 3-nil at Lawaqa Park on December 12 to seal the sweet The 2021 win was Lautoka’s fourth win in the new millennium (2009, 2017, and 2018) while
victory. their two other wins were in 1988 and the first ever league title win was back in 1984.
After recording clear cut wins earlier on in the league, the Blues were pegged back during the Meanwhile, Nalaubu became the only Lautoka player to win back to back national league
business end of the season after recording two points in three matches which included a loss to titles in the current team.
Suva 1-2 and being held by Ba and Labasa respectively. The police man had won the league title with Suva last year and backed it up with the Blues
The side, however, did not press the panic button as Coach Imdaad Ali had full confidence in this year.
his player’s to deliver when it mattered. Current Suva striker Christopher Wasasala was also a notable player for the side when he won
And when the dust settled in Sigatoka, last season’s top gal scorer Sairusi Nalaubu again back to back IDC titles with Labasa and then with Lautoka.
grabbed the headlines when he scored twice together with Raj Pllay in their decisive win that With the DPL win, Lautoka becomes Fiji’s first representative to the Oceania Champions
handed them the League title with a game in hand later against Labasa at home on December 19 League next year.
a mere formality.