City Star December 2021 Edition

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Merry Christmas & a

Prosperous 2022 to all our

Readers and Customers


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Christmas a time to share- President Kotonivere

Sanjay Goundar

Christmas is a time to share our resources, time and love with

our fellow citizens and humanity in general.
President of the Republic of Fiji Turaga Na Tui Macuata
Ratu Williame Katonivere echoed these sentiments during the
Christmas tree lighting event at the Tanoa Waterfront Hotel in
Lautoka recently.
Katonivere pointed out that this annual event of tree lighting
hosted by the Tanoa Group of Hotels marks the beginning of
the festive season and is a testament to the commitment the
company has in its guest and the local community showing true
tourism hospitality and Christmas spirit.
His Excellency applauded the effort by the Tanoa Group to
include children from the Loloma Home during this event and
provide them with their Christmas presents.
“To have the Loloma Home children is a great opportunity to
share with our children the hope that there is beauty in human-
ity and to look out for one another for support.
“Having the Loloma Home children present at today’s cer-
emony is fitting, it allows us that shared opportunity to show
compassion, hope, joy, good tidings and love for the present
and future generation of Fijians!
“Today’s Tree Lighting event is a special occasion – to
marvel at the essence, meaning and message of Christmas –
Christmas being a time to share our time, resources and love
with our fellow citizens and humanity in general.
“During these difficult and trying times and the challenges
that we had in Covid-19 the new norm I suppose on humanity
President Ratu Williame Katonivere (middle) and First Lady Filomena Kotonivere with Taukei Vidilo Ratu Viliame Bouwalu
is that we must ensure that no one is left behind and we all
(3rd from right), Tanoa Hotel Group Area Manager Fiji Narend Kumar (3rd from left) and other Tanoa group staff during the
progress and move forward together.
Christmas Tree lighting at the Tanoa Waterfront Hotel in Lautoka. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
“As your head of state it is my wish that this tree lighting
ceremony shall signify the hope of great positive Christmas “Christmas and New Year have always been special as this is everyone. We live in unprecedented times with a global pan-
thoughts and future for us all.” a time to reflect on the past and then look ahead to the future. It demic that has taken the lives of so many all over the world.
Tanoa Hotel Group Area Manager Fiji Narend Kumar point- is a time when we thank all our families, colleagues, industry, “We must all be grateful for our health and our loved ones
ed out that despite all the challenges they had for these two partners and our valued guests for all their support during the during this time. The presence of the Christmas lights, the joy
years, his Directors strongly believed in giving recognition to year and to look forward with hope to a new year to be much of celebrating the birth of Jesus, that the Son of God came into
their people and their guests and appreciate life hence this was better. This year is special as we are honored to have His Ex- the world to save humanity. Jesus Christ inspires us to love one
an opportune time for them to celebrate together. cellency, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere join us for his first 2021 another with hearts full of generosity and grace. All combining
Kumar informed that at Tanoa Hotel Group they try their best Christmas event after being appointed as the President of the to make Christmas the most longed-for, the most universal, and
to celebrate all religious and national functions every year de- Republic of Fiji. from every standpoint, the most important day in our social
spite what the year holds for them. “We all know that 2021 has been a very difficult year for calendar.”

Soroptimist 100 Acts of kindness

Sanjay Goundar

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on

health-care systems and potentially on pregnancy outcomes in
all the countries around the world.
In Fiji according to a July 2021 report by the Ministry of
Health the health teams have been working around the clock
to reprioritize and focus their efforts to ensure they are pro-
tecting those most at risk of severe COVID-19 and dying
– the elderly, people with existing medical conditions, and
pregnant women.
Despite the efforts sadly, two pregnant mothers lost their
lives at the height of the pandemic in July and maternal deaths
at any time is a tragedy especially when two innocent babies
lost their mothers.
These reports have prompted the Soroptimist Internation-
al (SI) Lautoka members to provide support for the mothers
and newborn babies at the Lautoka hospital by organizing 100
emergency packs that the club presented to the maternity unit
staff on December 2.
According to SI Lautoka president Zareena Bi they had pro-
vided similar assistance during the first phase of the pandemic
but at a smaller scale and it had proved valuable for the moth-
ers and babies so they decided to assist with 100 packs.
Bi added that this year is the 100th year of existence of
Soroptimist International and to mark this milestone SI clubs
around the globe have organized relevant ‘100 Acts of Kind-
ness’ projects in their respective communities. Soroptimist International Lautoka club members handing over 100 emergency packs to the Lautoka Hospital’s Maternity Ward
“Soroptimist International started in Oakland, California, which will become very useful during a pandemic situation. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
USA in 1921and currently has five Federations around the
world with the eight Fiji clubs affiliated to the Soroptimist are in need.” “These packs are going to prove relevant for the current
International of the South West Pacific (SISWP) Federation. Meanwhile, during the presentation at the hospital Matron situation since it includes hand sanitizers and masks which
“Our project has been funded by the SISWP Federation as Luisa Gavidi thanked the club for their valuable assistance. is a daily need for the mothers when they are in the hospital.
a recognition of the need to provide a safe environment for “We really appreciate this gesture as it is much needed for “During the pandemic, it has become extremely important
mothers and newborn babies in this pandemic. those mothers who come from difficult social situations and to be extra vigilant about maternal health and the safety of ba-
“Each emergency pack contains diapers, baby wipes, baby also those whose stay at the hospital gets extended due to bies and since we cater for cases for the whole of the western
powder, baby soap, sanitary pads, hand sanitizers and face complications. division these type of thoughtful assistance from civil society
masks to ensure proper sanitization and these packs will be “Also, we hardly receive these kinds of donations and this organizations are always welcome”.
facilitated by the maternity unit staff to those mothers who is a really welcome relief for us.

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Ravineet Sami (2nd from right) after being bestowed upon with an honorary doctorate

Sanjay Goundar

The University of Fiji honoured one of its longest serving staff members with a honorary
doctorate during its recent annual graduation ceremony.
It was a very emotional moment for Unifiji’s Executive Director Finance Ravineet Sami
after being exceptionally recognised for his dedicated service towards the growth of the uni-


An elated Mr Sami revealed that he was extremely humbled to be bestowed upon with such
a high reward for whatever he has been able to do for the tertiary institute..
While conferring him with this special recognition Unifiji Vice Chancellor Professor Shais-
ta Shameem revealed that in 2007 when Sami was Assistant Accountant, the University had

Merry Christmas & a

358 students, 68 staff, and a budget of 1.8 million; today in 2021 there are 3300 students, 200
staff and the budget is 17.5 million.
“He has the experience and understanding of each phase of that development, and the insti-

Prosperous New Year tutional memory of the rationale behind decisions and procedures. This institutional knowl-
edge is part of wisdom he possesses in maintaining morale, identity and a shared vision.
“He is the perfect ambassador for this People’s University to the many organizations out-
to all our Customers, side the University in which he participates.
“Alongside the values of forbearance, sacrifice, humility –among other traits that distin-

Friends & Families guishes Ravneet Sami, and makes him such a sinew and anchorage (in people’s terms, back-
bone), is his irrepressible optimism: when things are so obviously falling apart around him, as
a true steward he is able to give assurance that the University will hold together.
“There will not be another at the University of Fiji who fulfils so completely and radiantly
the criteria of long, distinguished and exceptional contributions to the stamina and resilience
of the institution. His service to the University has been unrelenting and consistent over a
very long period of time.” Prof. Shameem emphasized.


Covid changed educational dynamics UniFiji signs MOU
with TLTB
The University of Fiji has signed a Memoran-
dum of Understanding with the iTaukei Trust
Fund Board to further bolster the indigenous her-
This MOU is designed to develop collabora-
tion between the Board and the University for
academic research and teaching to help preserve
and revitalize iTaukei language, culture, heritage,
and arts.
The basis of the collaboration is the reality of
Covid-19’s impact which has compelled indige-
nous communities to continue to maintain their
interconnectedness and cultural identity. Living
heritage has become an important source of re-
silience, assisting in the face of social and psy-
chological challenges while also strengthening
kinship and economic ties during the crisis.
Intangible cultural heritage, or the wealth of
Some of the Most Outstanding Students of the 2021 University of Fiji’s graduation ceremony with their degrees and medals. indigenous knowledge and skills, will be prom-
inently featured in the collaboration and is based
on sustainable development initiatives and pres-
Maika Kasami “Success comes to those who show commitment to teir field of ervation efforts by Government and civil society
engagement. There is no alternative to success but hard work, dedi- organizations.
The global pandemic COVID 19 has changed the whole experi- cation and perseverance,” he reminded. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shaista Sha-
ence of student life over the past year. Unifiji Vice Chancellor Professor Shaista Shameem stressed that meem said that the MOU would enable the
Speaking at the University of Fiji graduation ceremony at their It has been a tough 18 months since the deadly pandemic hit us, TTFB and Centre for iTaukei Studies (CIS) of
Saweni, Lautoka Campus on December 17, Chancellor of Uni Fiji not only in Fiji, but in the world and how we managed to keep the the University of Fiji to explore avenues for a
and Speaker of the Fijian ParliamentRatu Epeli Nailatikau said the University of Fiji Drua afloat is anyone’s guess. practical partnership to enhance culture and art
pandemic has forced universities to rethink their graduation cere- “But it required not only cooperation but innovation, imagination, programmes corresponding to the sustainable de-
monies and many have lost the opportunity to graduate in person. as well as solid and unrelenting faith in ourselves, from everyone at velopment goals.
“Now this is something that none of us had anticipated but I do the University, staff and students alike. Now- today- we can breathe “The TTFB’s Culture & Arts Centre project
know that these experiences have harnessed our abilities to be resil- a sigh of relief and say that no matter what nature, or any other and partnership with the CIS bode well for Sus-
ient and adaptable,” Nailatikau pointed out. source of disaster, throws at us we will come though because we tainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on Quality
Nailatikau revealed that Uni Fiji has achieved several milestones have developed resilience. Education and SDG 16 on Peace, Justice, and
this year with the increase in student numbers. “It is resilience that has got all of us to this point where we are Strong Institutions. The enhancement of iTaukei
“Student numbers have increased to over 3250 which speak able to have our Chancellor confer certificates, diplomas and de- study programmes contributes to the preservation
volumes of the university’s accessibility of education to students. grees, as well as medals and prizes, to our graduands,” Prof. Sha- of culture and identity while also mitigating the
I must congratulate the university staff for their tireless efforts in meem emphasized. effects of globalization on the lives and develop-
attracting new students to the institution. ment of the iTaukei community,” she said.

Wishing all our Customers, Friends & Families a

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year



LCC’s composting success highlighted in How to pay for all Fees and
Global Forum
The success of the Lautoka Market Waste Composting Project, in addressing the harmful impact of waste
Traffic Infringement Notice
on the environment and public health, was highlighted in front of a global audience on the fifth day of the 3rd
Clean Pacific Roundtable. Note: Please state your Traffic Infringement Notice Number and
Mr Shalend Prem Singh, Senior Health Inspector Lautoka City Council, shared how Lautoka has converted the Vehicle Registration Number on the narrations while making pay-
green waste from the market to FJ$63,458, money which has benefitted the Fijian community in different ways. ment. The following options are available for payment:
Since 2011, the project has turned waste that would have otherwise ended up in the landfill into 2,172 tonnes Direct payment at the LCC Cashier.
of compost. Some 121 tonnes of those have been sold to farmers and used to improve the state of the land and Direct deposit/ online transfer to Banks:
environment. BSP Account Number: 8545855 Account Name: Lautoka City
While he admitted that there are lots of challenges, including the impact of the COVID19 pandemic, Mr Council Branch Lautoka Swift Code: BOSPFJFJ BSB Number: 06900
Singh said they see more value in persisting with a project he believes can only be good for the Fijian people HFC Account Number: 6049S22 Account Name: Lautoka City
and the environment. Council Branch Lautoka Swift Code: HFCLFJFJ BSB Number:
He referred to the threats on public health if the waste is left unaddressed, noting the alarming increase in the 129010
volume of waste generated on a daily basis. The project deals with an average of 1.2 tonnes of waste per day,
WESTPAC Account Number: 35610200 Account Name: Lautoka
which is transported to the Vunato Landfill where it is sorted and converted to compost.
City Council Branch Lautoka Swift Code: WPACFJFX BSB Number:
Aside from the growing popularity of the project on farmers who have been buying the compost from the
Lautoka market, more and more families in the Fiji province have gotten into home composting. With the help 039003
of the Fijian government, close to five hundred households have started home composting in their backyards, M- Paisa
which is a positive indicator for the bid to keep Fiji clean, Mr Singh said. What is a Traffic Infringement Notice? Traffic Infringement Notice
He added that they are strong believers in the 3Rs and is adamant that they are on the right track. He also is issued to the offender when they commit any offence on the road
acknowledged the assistance of their key partners including the Fijian government and the Japan International under Section 86 and Section 92 (1) of Land Transport Act 1998 The
Cooperation Agency (JICA). Authorized officer LTA/ Police or Municipal under delegated powers
Mr Singh spoke during the Circular Economy Summit Roundtable of the 3rd CPRT, which looked at what are liable for the Traffic Infringement Notice issuance. The infringe-
circular economy means from a global perspective, a Pacific perspective and how the region can achieve cir- ment notice contains information about the alleged offence and fine
cular economy. The concept of Circular Economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves amount. The objectives of these Regulations are to – a) Enforce traffic
sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as pos- safety laws; b) Deter illegal activities on the road; c) Ensure that the
sible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended. use of motor vehicles is regulated for the purposes of safety, protection
The Talanoa 1 Session on “What is Circular Economy” featured Mr Jocelyn Beriot, Executive Lead, Interna-
of the environment, and law enforcement; What Happens If I Do Not
tional Institutions & Government, EMF, Ms Astrid Schomaker, Director for Global Sustainable Development,
European Commission’s Directorate General for Environment, Ms Meredith Epp, of ANZPAC and Dr Karen
Pay My Traffic Infringement Fine? A Traffic Infringement Notice is
Raubenheimer, Lecturer ANCORS. The Talanoa 2 Session on “What does Circular Economy look like in the issued with a fixed penalty, if the initial fine is not paid within 90 days
Pacific” featured Mr Mike Ritchie, Managing Director, MRA, Consulting Group NSW, Australia, Mr Singh from the date of notice, you will be liable to a late payment fee equiv-
and Mr Jack Smith, former Operations Manager, Samoa Pacific Games. The Talanoa 3 and final session “How alent to 50% of Fixed Penalty, in addition to the Fixed Penalty. If you
to achieve Circular Economy in the Pacific?” featured Mr Kosi Latu, Director General SPREP, Mr Taufia Pato- do not pay your Fixed Penalty and late payment fee in full within 12
lo, of Tuvalu and Mr Sefanaia Nawadra, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Pacific months from the date this Notice is issued to you, this Notice will take
Office. effect as a conviction and the Council will seek the maximum penalty
Co-moderated by Mr Damien Giurco, Deputy Director, Research: Institute for Sustainable Futures, Univer- and demerit points applicable, from the court.
sity of Technology Sydney, and Ms Kate Noble, World Wildlife Federation (WWF), the Circular Economy
Summit was divided into three Talanoa Sessions.



Council supports anti-bribery campaign

The Lautoka City Council (LCC) in collaboration with the
Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC)
held the National Anti-Bribery Campaign late last month.
The Council and FICAC aimed to roll out this campaign with
LCC staff and its stakeholders as a national effort to minimise
bribery within the public sector.
This campaign was initially launched by His Excellency the
Former President of the Republic of Fiji on 9 December 2020
in coordination with the UN Fiji Office (specifically UNDP and
The ultimate plan is to have the entire public sector to active-
ly participate in this program as a means to minimise corrup-
tion and strengthen the sector’s capabilities to improve service
delivery, and conclusively leverage its performance and pro-
The program required the management representatives to en-
gage in this program first, before they lay the pathway for their
respective departments to undertake the same.
The program concluded with the presentation from FICAC,
followed by the badging ceremony where each attendee was
badged with the ‘I Don’t Accept Bribes’ emblem as a symbol
of their support to this national initiative.
LCC chief executive officer Mohammad Anees Khan ex-
plained the importance of the campaign and also highlighted
the role of key stakeholders and individuals in preventing and The National Anti-Bribery Campaign event held at the Lautoka City Council late last month. Photo: Supplied
countering corruption in line with this year’s theme for Inter-
national Anti-Corruption Day, “Your right, your role: say no to
corruption”. New Multimedia Equipment for Municipal Councils
“Corruption is a complex social, political and economic The Lautoka City Council with the other 12 municipal Projects, development of Market Regulations, donation of
phenomenon that affects all countries. Corruption undermines councils around the country recently received a timely boost Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the market vendors,
democratic institutions and slows economic development. to its Information technology facilities. training of market vendors, tents for market vendors, and fa-
“Lautoka City Council is really pleased to partner with FI- United Nations Development Fund and the UN Women cilities for women’s accommodation.
CAC to have our staff and management undergo this very im- handed over projectors, pull up screens, and hard drives to all “Municipal Markets provide a place for market vendors
portant training. 13 Municipal Councils. and farmers to trade and earn a livelihood. Markets are im-
“Our Council is committed to root out corruptions of all lev- Minister for Local Government Premila Kumar revealed portant assets for our communities and are a lifeline for many
els of operation and we are already revising our Standard Op- that this handover will assist in building capacity and skills of Fijians. Along with daily trading, the Fijian Government en-
erating Procedures to make sure that there are no avenues for many market vendors and farmers across the all 13 munici- courages all market vendors and farmers to pursue their skills
corruption and we maintain or uphold the integrity, transpar- palities that are part of the Markets for Change Project. and grow their businesses so that they can create more jobs
ency and accountability requirements of the operations of the The UN Women and the UNDP have been the dedicated and earn income”, said the Minister.
Council. I training conducted and to make this commitment “ partners of the Ministry of Local Government for Capital



Finding Happiness this Christmas
Rev. Raj’s quest to serve people
The way you spend Christmas is far more important than Sanjay Goundar
how much. Christmas is not about opening our presents
as opening our hearts. These famous quotes have a deep His quest to further serve the members of the public has seen
meaning in our COVID19 stricken world. Reverend Nathaniel Hem Raj adding a new chapter to his illus-
The untimely emergence of the new COVID19 variant trious social service career.
Omicron this December has seen people press the panic The 59-year-old Lautoka businessman was bestowed with
button around the world and also in Fiji. the responsibility of a Justice of Peace by Chief Justice Kamal
It comes as the World Health Organization branded the Kumar on December 2.
newly named Omicron variant, also called B.1.1.529, a An elated grandfather revealed that he is very privileged to
“variant of concern”, putting it in the same category as be given another opportunity to serve the public.
the Delta variant which has spread quickly throughout the Rev. Raj currently is the Senior Vice President of the Lautoka
world. Sugar Festival Association, Vice President of the Labasa Soc-
There are growing fears that the newly discovered cer team, Priest at the Saint Anglican Church and Treasurer of
COVID-19 variant, said to be potentially more danger- the Lautoka Senior Citizens Association.
ous than the one causing waves of infection around the He stressed that finding a JP within the Lautoka City is not
world, could impact Christmas and the beginning of the an easy task and people in need have to run around here and
New Year. there to find one.
Sky News reports that thousands have already had their “We have people coming from other districts as well who re-
travel plans disrupted as the festive season gets under way quire the services of a JP but unfortunately at times it becomes
and scientists say there are similarities between the spread very difficult to locate any.
of the new variant of concern with that of the Alpha variant “Because of this reason after being encouraged by our Sugar
last December 2020. Festival Association President brother Pusp Raj I decided to
One scientist likened the situation in South Africa, where take this opportunity.
Omicron was first detected, to the emergence of the Alpha “I belief my role as a JP will take me more close to our grass-
(Kent) variant in the UK last year, which effectively can- root community and any opportunity to ease their problems
celled Christmas for most of the UK. will provide me great satisfaction.
As vaccine manufacturers say it could be weeks before “I am very grateful to my family for their enormous support
they could even test any adapted jab against Omicron, towards all the social service I do.”
there are growing calls among the scientific community to The former Wailevu resident from Labasa informed that his
take urgent action quickly,” reports Sky news. faith in Lord Almighty Jesus is giving him the strength to serve Newly inducted Justice of Peace Reverend Nathaniel Hem Raj
Back in Fiji, the borders opened on December 1 to reignite more people.
the nation’s economy ending 20months of international Lautoka Sugar Festival Association President Pusp Raj in- only association to have five JP’s including him and a Commis-
isolation for the tourist dependent country. formed that he feels very proud that four of his members Rev sioner of Oath.
Close to 75,000 visitors are expected in the next couple Raj, Adi Balavu Tora, Narend Prasad and Narend Semi were He revealed that after being a JP for the last 30 years and with
of months which will see most of the hotels and resorts sworn in as new JP’s. age catching up he felt some of his members should also take
around the country back in full operation. Mr Raj informed that the Sugar Festival is most likely the this role now.
The livelihood of those dependent in the tourism sector
has received a major boost and also to those associated
with tourists namely the township and surrounding com-
Intelligent intervention critical- Prof. Shameem
“Their patience, resilience and positivity through the pan-
“In reference to the first strand, the 5 and 20-year National
demic has paid off –– now, they have the chance to regain
Development Plan of Fiji states at page 13 that Fiji is aspiring
income and the dignity of making a decent living,” posts
to be a ‘knowledge-based society’. Yet there is no meaningful
Minister of Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum on his twitter
definition of the word ‘knowledge’ in the Plan- is it practical
knowledge, theoretical knowledge, alternative knowledge, tra-
It is during these times that the spirit of Christmas joy is
ditional knowledge or school and university qualifications?
very much needed.
“The University of Fiji aims to fill the definitional gap by
We can only hope that this festive season is not gutted in
proposing that the intersecting metaphors of the ‘Drua Voyage’
a pandemic. No one wants to experience celebration and
(a journey) and the ancient Indian educational concept of ‘gu-
grieve at the same time.
rukul’ (holistic education) adopted by our Founders, the Arya
The arrival of our foreign visitors is surely a sigh of re-
Pratinidhi Sabha, as its educational philosophy will, in combi-
lieve, but the emergence of new COVID cases is causing
nation, provide the direction in higher education adopted by the
some anxiety in the local community.
University in these challenging times.
Whatever the reason, Let us join hands and share the love
“Thus the University’s proposed Strategic Plan 2022-2026
this Christmas.
has as its core value the idea of a ‘journey in holistic education’
We at City Star Newspaper wish all our valued readers and
Sanjay Goundar as the benchmark for creating a knowledge-based society. This
advertisers a Blessed Christmas and a Fruitful 2022.
means that knowledge will be defined in the broadest terms and
Timely and intelligent intervention is warranted now to sal- students and staff will be encouraged to pursue education for
Maika Kasami
vage Fiji’s education sector from the devastating effects of its non-conventional, even esoteric, and public good purposes
global pandemic Covid-19. as well as for employment. Only by this inclusive method will
Newly appointed Vice Chancellor of the University of we be able to prepare our graduates and community for a truly
Fiji Professor Shaista Shameem (Pictured) pointed out that Fijian knowledge-based society for our times.”
The VC added that as for the second strand, quality knowl-
Publisher: Sanjay Goundar Covid-19 has also shown us that national priorities are them-
edge, will be exhibited in the quality assurance standards to be
selves fraught with difficulties when industries collapse and
Phone : (679) 996 0129 / 7844836 employment disappears, having serious effects on our students’ adopted by The University of Fiji from 2022.
Email: morale and future. She pointed out that these will be established according to
Professor Shameem stressed that issuing revised national internationally accepted standards of intellectual excellence,
priorities in a rush and flurry without proper reflection on Fijian for example in achievement of highest qualifications among
Editor: Maika Kasami educational philosophy, and indeed on what our society might academic staff, in research and publications, and in developing
innovative and unique teaching techniques for both face to face
Phone: (679) 918 9779 / 741 5752 look like post Covid-19, is like re-arranging the deckchairs on
and virtual classrooms.
the Titanic- a presumption that the ship is unsinkable and that
Email: / only moving the furniture around will save it. Professor Shameem revealed that the University expects “But our education ship will indeed sink unless timely and 80% of its academic staff to have PhD qualifications with a
intelligent intervention is made now. significant percentage on PhD track.
“It is well-known that education, and higher education in “The University Community will note that the bar is set very
Marketing Manager : Zareena Bi particular, has suffered grievously during the pandemic- a nat- high; our standards are measured by setting examples, engag-
ing in and monitoring our activities as well as by reporting on
Phone (679) 932 2621 ural calamity that no one could have foreseen. Many rights are
them including through feedback and evaluation criteria estab-
violated everyday due to Covid-19 and the right to equal edu-
cation is no exception.” lished per activity. Ultimately we are performance-based. We
Office Location: 19 Naviti Street, She revealed that their responsibility at The University of are also committed to international standards with a regional
Fiji is to ensure that our own higher education ship not only focus. Every member of our Community will be part of our
Lautoka broad-based educational journey with the goal of placing The
remains afloat but that in any storm it reaches the shore safely.
“There are two strands to The University of Fiji’s future University of Fiji on the list of high achievers internationally.
“We aim to be ‘simply the best’ and there is an expectation
Postal : P.O Box 4230, Lautoka education strategy. The first is to build an appropriate knowl-
during my tenure as Vice Chancellor that the best in each of us
edge-based society with a Fijian flavour, and the second is to
Printer: Universal Print provide quality in the knowledge disseminated to the Universi- will be emphasised for the benefit of all of us at,” she empha-
ty Community- staff and students alike. sized.



Male advocacy a vital tool - Shamima Ali

Zareena Bi

The alarming statistics of domestic violence, rape and mur-

der in the country requires robust actions by stakeholders to
counter the horrific trends.
According to the statistics provided by the Fiji women’s cri-
sis center (FWCC) from 2016 to October 2021 there has been
790 reported rape cases and the appalling fact is that 96% of the
perpetrators are known to the survivor while 78% are related.
This year alone from January to October 2021 there has been
5,610 domestic violence cases, 40 rape cases, nine attempted
rape cases, 54 child rape cases, 122 child sexual abuse cases,
70 child verbal and physical abuse cases and 59 sexual harass-
ment cases.
FWCC has stated that these figures are only the tip of the
iceberg since less than 10% cases ever get reported while it is
also a known fact that rape is the most underreported crime in
the world.
The need to address these issues is vital hence as a part of the
16 Days of Activism campaign FWCC convened for a one-day
program on December 6 at the Tanoa Waterfront Hotel Lau-
toka to engage 25 males, who are working as male advocates
between the Sigatoka to Rakiraki corridor, in dialogue to end
violence against women and girls.
FWCC Coordinator Shamima Ali said that the dialogue co-
incides with the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre to com-
memorate the deaths of 14 young female engineering students
who were shot dead by a gunman at Montreal University in 25 male advocates were part of a one day dialogue session organized at the Tanoa Waterfront Hotel in Lautoka by the Fiji
Canada in 1989. Women’s Crisis Centre to combat rising cases of violence against women and girls in Fiji. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
“The day was originally the White Ribbon Day where men
girls”. organizations.
take up the responsibility for their own violence and ending
Ali added that male advocacy training promotes introspec- “The program has expanded to other Pacific Island countries
other men’s violence against women and girls.
tion and thinking around women, equality and the human rights and is implemented by members of the Regional Pacific Wom-
“Today’s dialogue will include traditional leaders, Turaga ni
of women in every sphere of the man’s life including the home, en’s Network to end violence against women.”
koros, advisory counsellors, ex-police officers and community
community, traditional setting and workplace. Meanwhile, Ali also stated that in the last six years, forty
“FWCC developed the Male Advocacy for Women’s Human (40) women were murdered by their partners, and 2019 was the
“The aim of the dialogue is to revisit principles of engag-
Rights and Against Violence against Women program in 2002.” worst year as ten (10) women lost their lives.
ing men, review role of male advocates, look at lessons learnt,
“A cruicial element of these programs have been the training She added that there is a serious problem in the society where
share case studies, and address challenges in this work for men,
of men from key agencies such as the police, military, commu- the perpetrators are protected because they either have connec-
their role in the Government’s National Plan of Action (NAP)
nity workers, chiefs and religious groups or faith-based tions with the authorities or they are family and this needs to
for the prevention of all forms of violence against women and



Teachers contribute immensely towards nation building

Sanjay Goundar

The immense contribution teachers make

towards building a nation can never be under-
While bidding farewell to 38 retiring teach-
ers from the western division at a special func-
tion organised at the Natabua High School on
December 9, Minister for Education, Heritage
and Arts Premila Kumar commended the retir-
ees for their exceptional service over the last
several years.
Kumar told the teachers that though fare-
wells are normally a sad occasion as people
leave after serving so many years at their work
life but this farewell should be seen as a happy
event as they are leaving for retirement after
giving their best and dedicated service to the
“To the retiring teachers I would like to say
that you must feel very proud of your journey.
There may have been ups and downs in your
career but I am satisfied that you have done
your best you have contributed to the advance-
ment of our students and there are thousands
of students who have gone through the school
system and it’s because of your contribution
that students were able to realise their dreams. The 38 retiring teachers from the western division cutting the farewell cake with Minister for Education, Heritage and Arts Premila Kumar
“When you recall you will feel very proud
that some of your students whom you have hard to imagine if we did not have teachers “Through the hands of you teachers pass- number of years which moulded them to
taught probably from ECE, through the pri- and the school system. es the future of the nation as your impact is what they are today.
mary school, right up to secondary they have She emphasized that teaching is not a small not only on the individuals but on families, “As been alluded to that a teacher will al-
become leaders in their communities, in their profession but one which is the mother of all community and ultimately the nation,” Kumar ways be a teacher, we all are so proud that we
professions, and in regional and international other professions and the most noble indeed. stressed. are retiring as teachers.
civil service while some have become politi- “Tonight I pay my respect to all the teachers Meanwhile, speaking on behalf of the retir- “On behalf of the retirees I would like to
cians. who have done the hard yards and dedicated ing teachers Principal of Ratu Navula College thank the Ministry of Education for believing
“You may not realise the immense contribu- so many years of their lives towards the edu- Setareki Merekula revealed that it was an hon- in us for this rare opportunity to impart knowl-
tion you have made to the nation by creating cation of our children. We all know teachers our for all of them to serve the nation. edge to those who will lead the nation in the
doctors, teachers, engineers, nurses, farmers, play a critical role in shaping the lives of our Merekula informed that they will forever re- future,” he added.
lawyers, statesman and many more.” children and a good teacher leaves a lifetime main grateful to the Ministry of Education for
The Minister stressed that it would be very memory in a child. all the various opportunities over the last



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Disability inclusion vital

Zareena Bi “The world at present faces significant chal-
lenges, from global health pandemic and eco-
Disability inclusion is essential in upholding nomic crisis, to climate change and poverty.
human rights, sustainable development, peace “These challenging times require partner-
and security during these challenging times. ships, pledges and compassion like never be-
These were the sentiments of Director So- fore. It is our responsibility as a nation to work
cial Welfare Rupeni Fatiaki during the cel- with the government and stakeholders in the
ebrations to mark the International Day of disability sector to advocate and raise aware-
Persons with Disabilities on December 3 at ness for persons living with disabilities”.
Girmit Centre Lautoka. Fatiaki stressed that we as a nation have
“The theme for this year focuses on lead- stood in solidarity in showing the whole world
ership and participation of persons with dis- that we can win the battle against this pan-
abilities towards and inclusive, accessible demic and we will continue to work towards
and sustainable post Covid 19 world and we achieving accessible and sustainable post
as a nation must work together in making this Covid 19 world for persons with disabilities
theme more visible and real. through empowered leadership and participa-
“This can be strengthened through working tion.
together with the disability sector, service pro- “Today’s celebration is about promoting the
viders and stakeholders in providing an inclu- rights and well-being of persons with disabil-
sive, accessible and barrier free environment ities at every level of society and raise aware-
for Fijians living with disabilities. ness of the situation of persons with disabili-
“During the last two years our nation has ties in all aspects of political, social, economic
been affected with COVID 19 pandemic and and cultural life.
this has also affected the lives and well-being “Our Fijian government has continued to
of persons with disabilities”. strengthen its commitment in ratifying the
The Director added that the Fijian govern- United Nations Convention on the Rights of
ment has shown its commitment towards an Persons with Disabilities and domestically en-
inclusive barrier free and right based society acted the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
for persons with disabilities. Act in 2018.
He further informed that over the years “This is presented under Section 42 of the
government has committed funding through 2013 Fijian Constitution where it highlights
annual budgetary allocations for the disability the rights of persons living with disabilities.
sector at all levels of life. “As we celebrate today, it is only appropri-
“The National Council for Persons with Dis- ate to remember those who have worked tire-
abilities (NCPD), Disability Service Providers lessly over the years in promoting the rights
(DSP) and Organizations for Persons with and well-being of persons living with disabili-
Disabilities (OPDs) have been working tire- ties. Their effort must not be forgotten and we
lessly with the support of our donor partners must continue the good work that they have
Director Social Welfare Rupeni Fatiaki (left) with members of the Western Disabled Society
in advocating the rights and welfare of our fel- started.”
during the International Day of Persons with Disabilities at Girmit Centre in Lautoka.
low Fijians living with disabilities.

Great sports participation needed for disable community

Source: USP Media

The University of the South Pacific (USP),

in collaboration with the Oceania National
Olympic Committees (ONOC) and Sports
Matters, commemorated the International Day
for Persons with Disability 2021 on 8 Decem-
The event focused on the right to high-qual-
ity physical education, the Olympic principles
and rights to sports inherent in the Olympic
Movement, and USP’s efforts to promote
sports, physical activity and education in the
USP Executive Director People and Work-
force Strategy, Mr Jone Nemani said USP
established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Committee (the DEIC) three years ago under
the USP Governance structure to promote di-
versity, equity, and inclusion across the Uni-
Mr Nemani said DEIC collaborates with
internal and external stakeholders to facilitate
communication and coordination on issues of
diversity, equity and inclusion.
He stressed that this was a significant occa-
sion as they recognise and reflect on the prog-
ress made in realising and defending the rights
of people with special needs to live entire and
active lives.
“In terms of sports, USP has made signifi-
cant success in recent years by partnering with
a variety of regional and international part-
“Sport Matters is happy to have worked with concerted action to leave no one behind, the In contests, he has earned silver.
ners,” Mr Nemani said.
USP and ONOC on sport and physical educa- 17 Sustainable Development Goals will never He recommended everyone living with a
Sport Matters CEO, Ms Jackie Lauff ex-
tion for many years. I am thrilled to be able to be fulfilled.” disability to consider and focus on their abil-
pressed her delight at joining USP in com-
join after many months and many obstacles as Mr Ioane Hawaii, a para-athlete and disabil- ities.
memorating International Day for People with
we all dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic.” ity rights champion spoke about his experienc-
She said that it was also crucial to note that es as a disabled person. The International Day for Persons with Dis-
“This is an important day to remember and
sports were now recognised as a critical en- He enjoys playing table tennis and hopes to ability 2021 event organised by USP in col-
reflect on the progress made toward realising
abler of development in the UN’s 2030 Agen- set an example for people in Tuvalu who face laboration with the Oceania National Olym-
the rights of people with disabilities to live full
da for Sustainable Development. discrimination. He began table tennis in 2014 pic Committees (ONOC) and Sports Matters.
and active lives,” she said.
“Unless there is devoted investment and and competed for the first time in Fiji in 2015. Photo: Supplied



President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere’s Speech At The Tanoa Hotel Group

Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Ni sa Bula Vinaka, and a very good evening to you all.
The First Lady and I are extremely honoured and very thankful for the opportunity to share
in the Christmas spirit and the message of hope and love during this Tree Lighting ceremony.
We are equally grateful for this opportunity to begin the festive season in the West and to also
meet all of you today.
To the Tanoa Hotel Group, on behalf of my wife, Filomena and our family we thank you for
the experience and the hospitality that you continue to refine each time we stay in one of your
hotels, to ensure that your customers are always satisfied. The Tanoa Hotel Group would not be
where it is today had it not been for Mr. YP Reddy, a man of great integrity, vision, generosity
and caring attributes.
His determined spirit in business coupled with his personal attributes we can witness in the
continued success yet caring atmosphere and experience that the Tanoa Hotels offer its custom-
ers - I for one can personally attest to that.
Today’s Tree Lighting event is a special occasion – to marvel at the essence, meaning and
message of Christmas – Christmas being a time to share our time, resources and love with our
fellow citizens and humanity in general.
Having the Loloma Home children present at today’s ceremony is fitting, it allows us that
shared opportunity to show Compassion, hope, joy, good tidings and Love for the present and President Ratu Williame Katonivere and First Lady Filomena Kotonivere being officially
future generation of Fijians! welcomed to Tanoa Waterfront Hotel
Tanoa Group of Hotels has been in existence for over 56 years, and during the course of its
existence, the Group has contributed to much of Fiji’s national development and philanthropic
efforts through the Reddy Foundation. The Foundation has also contributed to many worthy
causes that focus on senior citizens, health and education among many others.
This Annual event of Christmas Tree lighting hosted by the Tanoa Group of Hotels marks the
beginning of the festive season and is testament to the commitment it has in its guests and the
local community showing true tourism hospitality and Christmas spirit.
Again, to have the Loloma Home for Children present tonight is indeed a great opportunity to
share with our children the hope that there is beauty in humanity and to look after and look out
for one another, and look to one another for support.
During these difficult and trying times - with the challenges that Covid-19 and the new norm
has posed on humanity, we must as a people ensure that no one is left behind, that we all prog-
ress and move forward together.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as your Head of State/ Pillar of National Unity it is my wish that all
citizens and most importantly that this Tree Lighting Ceremony shall signify the hope of a great
and positive Christmas and future for us all!
May God bless us all and continue to bless our beloved Fiji.
The Police Brass Band provided full entertainment during the Christmas Tree lighting
ceremony. Photos: Sanjay Goundar

Speech by Tanoa Hotel Group Area Manager Fiji

Narend Kumar
ere join us for his first 2021 Christmas event
after being appointed as the President of the
Republic of Fiji.
We would like to take this opportunity to ac-
knowledge and thank the frontliners for their
hard work and commitment. Celebrations
today would not have been possible without
their loyalty.
Tanoa Hotel group is the local hotel chain of
choice in Fiji and the pacific, we will continue
to focus on locals guest. All 6 hotels in Fiji are
fully operational and ready to accommodate
The President of the Republic of Fiji, His guests this Christmas.
Excellency Ratu Wiliame Katonivere, First This Year we also tried to share some joy
Lady, Filomena Dikumete Katonivere,The with our loloma home kids. These kids need
minister for employment. Youth and sports support during challenging times so we have
Hon Praveen Bala, Pastor Michael, respect- decided to launch Christmas gift drive. This is
ed stakeholders, executives of Tanoa Hotel part of Tanoa Hotels corporate social respon-
Group , Ladies and gentlemen. sibility; we have collected gifts and we thank
Welcome to Tanoa Hotel Groups 2021 Tree everyone who participated in the drive.
Lighting Ceremony. .Despite all the challenges we had for these
His Excellency Sir, It is our pleasure to have two years, our Directors strongly believes
you here with us today to mark the beginning in giving recognition to our people and our
of festive season. Thank you for accepting our guests and appreciate life hence this is an op-
invitation. portune time for us to celebrate together.
Sir, on behalf of our Chairman Mr Y.P Red- We all know that 2021 has been a very dif-
dy , The directors Rohit Reddy and Kamini ficult year for everyone. We live in unprece-
Reddy and the entire Tanoa Family would like dented times with a global pandemic that has
to congratulate you on your appointment as taken the lives of so many all over the world.
head of state. We must all be grateful for our health and our
We at Tanoa Hotel Group try our best to loved ones during this time. The presence of
celebrate all religious and national functions the Christmas lights, the joy of celebrating the
every year despite what the year holds for us. birth of Jesus, that the Son of God came into
Christmas and New year have always been the world to save humanity. Jesus Christ in-
special as this is a time to reflect on the past spires us to love one another with hearts full of
and then look ahead to the future. It is a time generosity and grace. All combining to make
when we thank all our families, colleagues, Christmas the most longed-for, the most uni-
industry, partners and our valued guests for versal, and from every standpoint, the most
all their support during the year and to look important day in our social calendar.
forward with hope to a new year to be much We at Tanoa Hotel Group, together with
better. Reddy Family and the entire Management &
This year is special as we are honored to Staff wish you all a Merry Christmas and a
have His Excellency, Ratu Wiliame Katoniv- Happy New Year.





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Good quality Seeds for backyard farmers

KKs Hardware PTE Ltd, the sole distributor of East-West “We hope that in introducing these East-West seeds value
seeds in the country has finally launched the new East-West pack into the market, people will be encouraged to plant their
seeds Value Pack specially designed for backyard garden farm- own food in these times of crisis.”
ers. The East-West value pack are available now in all KKs Hard-
KKs Hardware Managing Director Mr Kamlesh Karan said ware stores in Nadi.
the new value packs will be a game-changer for backyard farm- DID YOU KNOW?
ers because of East-West seeds high yielding capabilities. Thailand based East-West Seed was ranked first in a 2019
“We are very excited about launching this new product. Our global evaluation of seed companies around the world by the
customers, mostly backyard farmers have been asking us to Access to Seeds Index.
give them something that doesn’t cost them much so we lis- Well, that means Fijian farmers can now have access to the
tened to them.” best quality seeds from one of the best seed companies in the
“The East-West value pack seeds will be sold at $4 a packet world today! Choose the best. Choose East-West.
and seeds quantity ranges from 30 to 100 seeds per packet,’ he Get your seeds today from KK’s Hardware and Building sup-
said. plies Nadi and other distributors across Fiji.
Mr Karan further adds that during this pandemic, people Talk to us today or check out our seeds varieties that you can
have turned into farming and it has become a source of live- grow during this off-season. Available at all our KK’s Hard-
lihood for some. ware and Building supplies stores in Nadi.
“A lot of people are into farming now, most of them back-
yard farmers who grow their own food from their small yard at Using the East West seed Ashok Narayan is producing very
home or from a small piece of land they have.” fresh corn at his farm

Vuniyasi Nursery choose

East-West Seed
Vuniyasi Nursery is a smart farm based in Vuniyasi, Dratabu
Nadi. The farm was established earlier this year and it is one of
the first smart farms in the country.
In August, Vuniyasi Nursery decided to try out the East West
Tomato (#Platinum) and Capsicum (Kaveri) seeds on their
Farm Supervisor Sheemal Prasad said they choose East-West
seeds because of their high yielding capabilities and also their
wide adaptability to different growing conditions.
“At the moment, we are planting tomato and capsicum. We
also have another variety of tomato here and when we com-
pared the yield, I can say that the East-West Platinum variety
produces more fruits.”
Vuniyasi Nursery Farm aims to target the local market and
the tourism industry by supplying fresh vegetables to Hotels Sheemal Prasad at the first smart farms in the country in Vuniyasi, Dratabu, Nadi.
and Resorts in Nadi.



Christmas Trifle Classic roast chicken

TOTAL TIME: Prep: 40 min. + chilling
MAKES: 12 servings
& gravy
Ingredients Ingredients
• 2 cups cubed sponge cake 1 onion, roughly chopped
• 5 macaroon cookies, crumbled 2 carrots, roughly chopped
• 2 tablespoons sherry or orange juice 1 free range chicken, about 1½ kg/3lb 5oz
• 2 tablespoons brandy or orange juice 1 lemon, halved
• 3 cups heavy whipping cream, divided Small bunch thyme (optional)
For the gravy
• 4 egg yolks
1 tbsp plain flour
• 2 tablespoons sugar 250ml chicken stock (a cube is fine)
• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Method
• 1 cup fresh raspberries (use fresh local fruit or canned mix fruit) 1. Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Have a shelf ready in the middle of the oven
• 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries(use fresh local fruit or canned mix fruit) without any shelves above it. Scatter the vegetables over the base of a roasting tin
• 1 cup sliced peeled fresh or frozen peaches, thawed that fits the chicken, but doesn’t swamp it. Season the cavity of the chicken liberally
• 1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted with salt and pepper, then stuff with the lemon halves and thyme, if using. Sit the
Directions chicken on the vegetables, smother the breast and legs all over with the butter, then
1. Place cake cubes and crumbled cookies in a 3-qt. glass bowl. Drizzle with sherry and season the outside with salt and pepper. Place in the oven and leave, undisturbed,
brandy. for 1 hr 20 mins – this will give you a perfectly roasted chicken. To check, pierce the
thigh with a skewer and the juices should run clear. Remove the tin from the oven
2. In a small saucepan, heat 1-3/4 cups cream until bubbles form around sides of pan. In a
and, using a pair of tongs, lift the chicken to a dish or board to rest for 15-20 mins.
small bowl, whisk egg yolks As you lift the dish, let any juices from the chicken pour out of the cavity into the
and sugar. Remove cream from the heat; stir a small amount of hot cream into egg mixture. roasting tin.
Return all to the pan, 2. While the chicken is resting, make the gravy. Place the roasting tin over a low
stirring constantly. Cook and stir until mixture is thickened and coats the back of a spoon; flame, then stir in the flour and sizzle until you have a light brown, sandy paste.
stir in vanilla. Gradually pour in the stock, stirring all the time, until you have a thickened sauce.
3. Layer the raspberries, strawberries and peaches over crumbled cookies; spoon custard Simmer for 2 mins, using a wooden spoon to stir, scraping any sticky bits from the
over fruit. Cover and refriger tin. Strain the gravy into a small saucepan, then simmer and season to taste.
ate for at least 1 hour.
4. In a large bowl, beat remaining cream until stiff peaks form. Pipe over custard; sprinkle
with almonds. Yield: 12 KOKODA
servings (1 cup each).
(Fijian Spicy Fish)
Palusami This fish dish is a Fijian favorite and utilizes common ingredients of the is-
lands. It is the Fiji version of ceviche. Serve it with a fresh fruit salad.
• 4 large fillets of white fish such as
Ingredients: mahi-mahi
1. Dalo leaves • Juice of 3 large limes
2. Coconut Cream • ½ teaspoon salt
3. Tinned mutton • 1cup fresh coconut cream
4. Tamrin • 1 large onion, minced
5. Roasted jeera • 1 small green chile, such as ser
6. Garlic rano, seeds and stem removed,
7. Ginger minced.
8. Salt • 2 medium tomatoes, diced
9. Chillies • 1 bell pepper, seeds and stem re
10. Foil to wrap. moved, diced
Method: Cut the fish into bite-size pieces. In
Pour all ingredients in a bowl except the a non-reactive bowl, combine the fish, lime
dalo leaves and foil, mix well and make a juice, and salt. Marinate overnight in the refrigerator.
paste . Put 3 leaves on a piece of foil ( size Remove from the refrigerator, add
should be large enough to wrap) and pour the coconut cream, chopped onion, and chile
about 5 tbsp of paste on the leaves and fold just before serving. Sprinkle the tomatoes and
the mixture in the leaves. Wrap these in bell pepper over the top. Serve on a bed of lettuce
foil. Roast this in kitchen oven or an earth in coconut bilos (half coconut shells).
oven called lovo for approximately 20 to Yield: 6 to 8 servings
30 minutes in medium heat. Heat Scale: Mild

Delicious Fijian Lovo with the reserved dirt. Cook for 45 minutes ­­­­– 1 hour, then slowly uncover. When the leaves
are a nice yellow-brown colour, it is cooked. Serve chicken, vegetables and breadfruit with
Dig a square (1 metre x 1 metre) in the ground and place rounded stones on the bottom (don’t
put one on top of the other). Reserve the dirt. Build a wood fire on top of them. Once it is set,
light and allow to burn until the wood turns into charcoal. There will now be some charcoals
and non-burnt woods, so take a spade or a fork and get the wood out. There should only be
the heated stones left in the hole.
Meanwhile, clean the taro tubers by scraping off the dirt and small roots with the back of a
knife. This process is not peeling, just removing all the debris until it’s down to the flesh.
Clean the breadfruit with the back of the knife, removing the scales.
Wash and scrub the sweet potatoes, the taro tubers and breadfruit. Set aside.
Freshly wash the chickens and place in a bowl. Add enough sweet soy sauce to lightly coat
the chicken.
Lay out the coconut palm and place the chicken at the end where the palm was cut from the
tree. Braid the individual leaves around the chicken. Continue braiding past the chicken to
the very end.
To prepare the palusami, combine onion and desiccated coconut in a bowl. Take a square of
aluminium foil and place approximately 4 taro leaves layered in the centre (use 1 big leaf
and 3 or 4 smaller leaves). Pick it up and cup it in your hand, and add some of the coconut
and onion mixture. Add ¼ cup coconut milk, and then carefully fold the taro leaf inward
followed by the aluminium foil. Repeat with remaining leaves, onion mixture and coconut
Place the vegetables, breadfruit, chicken and palusami on top of the palm leaves. Cover the
food with banana leaves and coconut palm fronds. Cover the banana leaves and palm ferns



Jesus of Nazareth: The Gift of Hope and Love

Jesus was born around 5-4 B.C. of the Holy
Spirit of the Living God and his virgin mother
Mary into a humble poor Jewish family: “Now
the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After
his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, be-
fore they came together, she was found with
child of the Holy Spirit. . . So all this was done
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken
by the Lord through the Prophet, saying: Be-
hold the virgin shall be with child, and bear
a Son, and they shall call His name ‘Imman-
uel’, which is translated ‘God with us’ (Mat-
thew 1: 18, 22-23). “And she brought forth her
firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling
cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there
was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7; 1:
26-38). Jesus was born in a cave at Bethlehem,
a small village in southern Palestine.
He was raised in a pious Jewish family, and
lived the religious life of a pious adult Jew.
He was a native of Nazareth, a small town in
northern Palestine. Before his active ministry,
it is thought that he worked with his hands
as a common laborer, probably in carpentry.
He lived among the poor and identified with
them. His disciples were simple folk. The
twelve apostles constituted the inner group of
his disciples. During Jesus active ministry of
about three and half years, the twelve apostles
accompanied him everywhere he went. They
heard all his teachings. They had private dis-
cussions with him. They saw all his miracles.
After he ascended into heaven, he sent them Wesley’s Methodist Church of Fiji members in Lautoka were part of this special drama event portraying the birth of Lord Jesus Christ in 2019.
to preach the gospel to the world. All of them
except two were martyred because of their child, and not have compassion on the son of military campaigns, imperial changes, con- too as despite the fact that there is free ed-
Christian witness. Of these two, one died of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will spiracies, assassinations, and at times political ucation for our children families need to pre-
old age in exile (the apostle John), and the oth- not forget you” (Isaiah 49:15). The essence of chaos. The predominant world power at the pare for children’s bags, books, uniforms and
er betrayed him (Judas Iscariot). Jesus Christ’s message to us is love: “God is time of Christ was the Roman Empire. From hostel fees.”
He started his active ministry when he was love” (1 John. 4:8b; John 3:16). Our response 6 AD to 41 AD six Roman procurators ruled The Reverend challenged and urged all the
about thirty years of age (Luke 3:23a). Al- to his unlimited sacrificial love for us is that Judea (southern Palestine) from Caesarea Ma- Christians to keep Christmas as a religious
though Jesus’ ministry lasted only a short pe- we love him back: “We love him because He ritima, the first of whom was P. Quirinius, who function.
riod of nearly three and a half years, it had a first loved us” (1 John. 4:19). True love strives began his administration by ordering a census. “In religion there is no alcohol, in worship
world-shattering effect. With the exception of to please the beloved: “If you love Me, keep This led to armed rebellion in Judea by peo- there is no alcohol, in worship is the time
a brief visit to the towns of Tyre and Sidon my commandments” (John. 14:15). What are ple fearing higher taxes and labor. The best you spend around the meaning of the birth of
(Matthew 15:21), Jesus ministered in Pales- these commandments? His commandments known of the procurators was Pontius Pilate, Christ.
tine. His ministry encompassed two major are that we love both God and our neighbor: who succeeded Gratus in 26 AD. Like his pre- “This Christmas many families will be
aspects: preaching and teaching, and mighty “You shall love the Lord your God with all decessors, he gave little attention to the Jewish hurt because of the robberies in their homes.
miracles, some of which are unique in the your heart, with all your soul, and with all your traditions, which led to discontent. The wide- Christmas is not about stealing and you do not
history of humankind. His favorite method of mind. This is the first and great command- spread Jewish discontent prompted the Jews to rob someone to celebrate Christmas.”
teaching was by using parables. Jesus’ life and ment. And the second is like it: you shall love seek the Messiah. Amidst this desperation and Dr Ruben has also urged the youths to set
behavior were radically consistent with his your neighbor as yourself. On these two com- the darkness of that long night that seemed to their targets, choose right companions and do
teaching. mandments hang all the law and the prophets” have no end, the light of Jesus shone brigh not follow what people do but follow God’s
The prophet Isaiah prophesied about the (Matthew 22:37-40). Meanwhile, Senior Methodist Church of Fiji call as they have a long way in life.
mission of Jesus Christ more than seven cen- He was reluctant to declare that he was the Minister Reverend Dr Immanuel Ruben re- “All our youths must excel, be educated and
turies before his birth saying: “The Spirit of prophesied Messiah, because in his day the minded all Christians that Christmas is about have some wisdom in their mind to fulfill the
the LORD is upon Me, because He has anoint- understanding of the Messiah’s mission was the joy, the hope and the peace of the birth of expectations of their families, communities
ed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has distorted and reduced to the role of an earthly the savior, Christ in this world. and the nation.
sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim king, which he refused to accept (John 6: 15). “Christmas is not a time of feasting , it is “So this Christmas stay home, stay around
liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to He became despised and rejected by many of not the time of drinking alcohol, it is not about your parents, join in and do some planting to
the blind, to set at liberty those who are op- his own people (the Jews), who were more in- shopping. It is the time to give the gift of our benefit your families and also show the envi-
pressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the terested in earthly power, and dead tradition. lives to Christ. ronmental concern.
LORD.” (Luke 4: 18-19; Isaiah 61: 1-2). The After the humiliation and agony of his cross, “In the world today peace is not there be- “Also, most importantly stay away from al-
portrait of Jesus Christ is the portrait of pris- his historic earthly existence ended in the cause on Christmas Eve, Christmas day we cohol and drugs.”
tine divine love; a love that has no end; a love triumph of his resurrection and ascension to start drinking alcohol, we get aggravated, we
that knows no bounds; a love that exceeds our heaven in 30-33 A.D. start fighting, we start taking revenge, Christ-
human understanding and comprehension. He The period preceding Christ was character- mas is a time of worship
loves us more than a mother loves her nursing ized by political instability in Palestine involv- “Today the whole world is gripped in a com-
baby: “Can a woman forget her nursing ing endless bloody bitter wars, barbaric mercial world, Christmas is a time of savings



Shiro cherishes first ever Lautoka Open

Maika Kasami

Canadian based golfer Shiro Mani finally made his first ap-
pearance at the prestigious 90th Shop N Save Supermarket
sponsored Lautoka Open Championship this year.
A tournament which has a rich history dating back to the in-
augural event in 1931 has always attracted the cream of players
from around the country.
The most notable was former world number one Vijay
Singh’s win in 1981 and 1982 before turning professional. 92
golfers were part of the one-day 18-holes Pro-AM event on
December 11 which included 17-professionals.
Pacific Harbour’s James Pridgeon won the amateur divi-
sion this year while local man school teacher Roneel Prakash
walked away with the main purse in the professional category.
Now based at the Canal Delacour Golf Club in Calgary, Can-
ada, Shiro is the son of former Lautoka Golf Club (LGC) club
Captain Nelson Mani.
The 47-year-old golfer said his late dad taught him the values
of working hard and being dedicated to whatever you do.
“I have very fond memories of my late dad,” he recalled.
“My dad was Club Captain for Lautoka in the late 80’s and
early 90’s.
“He was a 9 handicapper player who won the B-grade titles
in Lautoka and Nadi. I have watched him chip with a 6-iron
and his best shot was a cut shot with a 7-wood which I still
haven’t mastered. Golfers still talk to me about when he used a
driver and hit it on par 3’s,” the lanky and a built Shiro added.
Canadian based golfer Shiro Mani practises his swing at the Lautoka Golf Club course. He was part of the 92-golfers who
He added, “He taught me the values of one’s hard work, ded-
graced the 90th Lautoka Open Championship on December 11. Photo- Supplied.
ication, persistence and perseverance. To never give up till the
scorecard is signed. Over the years with his teachings and my “I had great tee-shots but my putting was a challenge. Double “Finally I would like to thank all the sponsors for keeping
passion for golf has made me a better player and this continues bogeys are never good for my game and I should have played the sport of golf alive and I can’t wait to be part of this great
to grow. And I felt very proud to see my dad’s and granddad’s smart. I need to adjust to the local condition and practise more. tournament again in 2022.”
name on the winner’s board and I would like to see my name It will only make me better and claim my first local title.” He is grateful for all the opportunities that he has had through
there too in the not too distant future.” “My aim is to be the best golfer that I can be and playing golf and very appreciative of the fact that he has played with
Smarting from his recent win at the Alberta Provincial in Fiji or Canada helps my game to become that. As long as I some great golfers at amazing golf courses.
Mid-Masters event, Shiro said in golf you can only blame play, I have a chance to win and winning title in Fiji is a dream He returns to the former British Colony in the New Year.
yourself for not performing. of mine.” “My mum is in Fiji so I try to be back whenever I can. And
“I always play with a positive and winners mindset but it was Shiro acknowledged the hard work done by those behind while here in the country I take advantage of every opportunity
different for me this time around in my debut tournament at the the scene at Lautoka Golf Club led by the inspirational trustee to play golf in different tournaments.”
Lautoka course. Raymond Singh.

Kingsley Beverage
7s boost
The Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team, the Fijiana and the top sevens’ teams will look
forward to having Kingsley Beverages during the World Cup 7s to be staged at
Cape Town, South Africa from 9-11 September, 2022.
World Rugby confirmed Kingsley Beverages as its Official Hydration Sponsor
of RWC Sevens 2022.
The eighth edition of the event will see the world’s best sevens players - 24
men’s and 16 national women’s teams - compete for world champion status.
An international organisation with operations in South Africa, UAE, the UK and
the USA, Kingsley produces, markets and distributes its own range of beverage
brands and products across these markets.
Kingsley’s Isorade Sports Drink and Aquafria Spring Water will keep athletes
hydrated and able to perform at the top of their game throughout the three-day
Rugby World Cup Sevens 2022 follows the incredibly successful San Francisco
tournament in 2018 which saw New Zealand’s men and women take home the
coveted silverware.
World Rugby Chief Executive Alan Gilpin said: “It gives us great pleasure to
welcome Kingsley Beverages as the Official Hydration Sponsor of Rugby World
Cup Sevens 2022. With its heritage rooted in South Africa, Kingsley is a fantastic
addition to our sponsor family for our showcase event.
“Rugby World Cup Sevens, the Commonwealth Games and the continuation
of the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series will make 2022 a huge year for rugby
sevens, and we look forward to working with Kingsley to bring the magic of this
tournament to Africa for the first time next year.”
The announcement comes two weeks after the return of the HSBC World Rugby
Sevens Series in Dubai which kicked off the new season in style, and hot on the
heels of spectacular men’s and women’s Olympic Games rugby sevens events in
The qualification process for Rugby World Cup Sevens was confirmed in May
with the top eight men’s teams and four women’s teams from Rugby World Cup
Sevens 2018 all qualified directly. The remaining teams will qualify via regional
qualification tournaments which kicked off in November in South America and



Match fitness key as World Cup looms

Maika Kasami

The new format that will be introduced in the Digicel Premier League in 2022 has been de-
signed and introduced to improve the match fitness for players.
Fiji Football Association president Rajesh Patel thinks the more game time the better for
players to stay fit.
“The whole reason for the new format is for players to have more game time and for players
to stay fit.
“The more matches you play the better fitness you achieve and better chances for our national
reps to gain match fitness as we prepare for the World Cup playoffs,” Patel revealed during an
Ordinary Fiji FA Congress held in Lautoka on December 12.
The parent body will do away with the home and away format of two-rounds and will have the
four-round format where teams will play two-home games and two-away for a total of 28-games
to be played from the current 14.

Promotion Relegation stays

Tailevu Naitasiri are favourites to feature in the DPL next year after topping the Digicel Senior
League in Viti Levu.
Patel clarified that only the top team from Viti Levu zone will be promoted.
“There will be no representatives from the Northern division as they’ve declared their interest
not to play home and away matches so whoever the DSL champion will be, that will be auto-
matically promoted.”
Navua and Nadroga will battle it out to decide which team stays and which team is demoted
back to the senior division.

2022 Tournaments confirmed

The Fiji FACT will be played at Lawaqa Park after a lapse of 21-years.The last time the town-
ship of Nahigatoka hosted the tournament was back in 2001.
The Coral Coast boys had won on their home turf beating Labasa 7-6 on penalty-kicks.The
only other time Nadroga had won the tournament was in 1993 at Prince Charles Park in Nadi.
They beat Tavua 2-0 in the final.
The boys in yellow on two-occasions, in 1992 and 2000, reached the final but lost to Labasa
and Lautoka respectively.
Fiji FA confirmed that the Punjas Battle of the Giants will be played again in Lautoka while
the Courts IDC will be held at the ANZ Stadium in Suva.
Suva will defend their FACT title at Lawaqa Park, Delta Tigers Rewa will be heading to
Churchill Park to defend their BOG title while the Babasiga Lions will return to their favourite Viti Water Flow Lautoka left utility player Aaron Edward (right) battles for possession against
hunting ground to put on line their IDC title at the Laucala Oval. Nadroga’s Tomasi Tuicakau during their Digicel Premier League match at Churchill Park.

Jerry to return for Spain

Waisea Nacuqu shows his magic during an earlier HSBC World Sevens series tournament

Maika Kasami

It will be a matter of ‘no pain no gain’ in Spain for the Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team when the
third stop of the HSBC World Sevens Series take centre stage in Malaga over 21-23 January,
After a strong start in Dubai and then a below par performance a week later at the desert,
the new kids on the block will need to step up in preparation and performance during game
day if they are to stand a chance to come out unscathed from their pool.
The national side are grouped with defending series champions and current series leaders
South Africa, England and old nemesis New Zealand who are making a return to join the
And also expected to make a return for our national side will be double Olympics gold
medal winner and Captain Jerry Tuwai.
Tuwai is expected to team up with old hands Josua Vakurunabili and Waisea Nacuqu for
the Spain leg of the series.
Fans can expect changes in the line-up while the core of team is likely to be retained.
The Fiji 7s team for the first time recorded four losses in a row before regrouping to tame
Argentina 42-0 in its final pool match and qualifying for the ninth place playoffs in the
second leg.
Interim coach Saiyasi Fuli is expected to lead the team again. The new national sevens
coach is expected to take up his new role at the conclusion of the nine tournament scheduled
for this 2021/2022 season.
Pool A- South Africa, England, Fiji, Scotland. Pool B- Australia, Ireland, Japan, NZ.
Pool C- Argentina, USA, Spain, Samoa. Pool D- France, Kenya, Canada, Wales.



Charity at Lautoka Golf Club

Maika Kasami of end-of-life care.
Meanwhile, in the tournament proper Pacific Harbour gentle giant James Pridgeon rewrote
Lautoka Golf Club (LGC) does not only promote the sport dubbed as the gentleman’s game history when he added his name on the honours board together with the host of past winners
but is a strong advocate of charity and stands firm to lend it’s support towards the unfortunates dating back to 1931 claiming this year’s tournament.
in our society. He edged out Fiji’s undisputed amateur champion Abid Hussein by carding a solid 72.
For the second year running Islands Electric Wholesalers in partnership with LGC has gone Singh thanked all the participants for their support towards the successful staging of the 90th
out of its way to raise funds for the non-profit organisation ‘Walk On Walk Strong’ WOWS kids edition and is already looking forward to the 91st edition in 2022.
Fiji (WKF).
WOWS Kids Fiji is a non-profit Charity Foundation for children with cancer in Fiji. The
organisation works in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services to
coordinate and provide support for families with children living with cancer in their journey and
equally important, raise awareness on child cancer issues in the country.
The organisation also provides support for children from the other Pacific Island Countries
that come to Fiji for cancer treatment.
LGC executive Raymond Singh said they were saddened to hear the youngest cancer patient
was a 3-month old infant and this prompted them to work hard towards raising the funds.
He said they had raised $6000 last year and this year they were delighted to announce the
increase of their donation to $7000.
“We have raised this money in the tournaments we’ve organised post COVID19 and I would
like to thank our members for their weekly participation and also acknowledged Shop N Save
as their sponsorship towards the 90th Lautoka Open Championship coincided with the presen-
tation done to WOWS Kids Fiji,” Singh informed.
Lautoka Hospital oncology nurse Laisa Raisamu revealed that out of the 73 cases in Fiji, 26
are looked after under their care in which five are palliative cases and they support them in terms

Lautoka Golf Club promotes its junior players week in week out and they were out in numbers
Islands Electric Wholesalers
10 Marine Drive, P O Box 3317, Lautoka Fiji Phone: (679) 6668188, 6668444
at the recent Lautoka Open Championship. Photos: Maika Kasami

Fax: (679) 6668190 Email:

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Lautoka Open Championship winner James Pridgeon delivers his winning speech as LGC
executive Raymond Singh looks on during the Shop N Save Supermarket sponsored annual
tournament on December 11
Maika Kasami
PROJECTA Workshop-1200 12A Battery Tesla 4 Way Portable Outlets
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inviting their members to be part of their weekly tournaments and most importantly the
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annual Lautoka Open Championship.
Nadi based professional and last year’s winner Zoheer Ahmed spoke on behalf of the
professionals saying how pleased they were to battle for the lucrative prize-money on offer.
He thanked LGC, sponsors Shop N Save Supermarket and Islands Electric Wholesalers
Wacker Neuson for the hosting of the one-day event which attracted 92 golfers including 17 professionals
VP1135A from around the country.
Vibratory Plate “We are fortunate that despite COVID19 we are able to compete in such tournaments and
for the professionals to earn some money.
ICS Concrete Chainsaw “And a special thank you to Mr. Raymond Singh for his continued support since our ju-
nior days who is always supporting upcoming junior golfers,” Ahmed said.
Clamp Meter with iFlex probe
Ahmed finished third, Suva’s Tomasi Tuivuna claimed the second prize while lone LGC
professional golfer Roneel Prakash smartly walked away with the main purse of $1,100
plus bonus thanks to his sponsor IEW.
Fluke 1AC-C2 Non-Contact
Voltage Tester The Delana Primary School teacher made it back to back wins after having also scooped
the professional category at the Ba Open a week earlier. Prakash said the win in Ba was
BE THE BEST, USE THE BEST timely as this boosted his performance at his home course. The professionals had battled for
Quality, Reliability & Service is our Tradition a total prize-money of $5000 thanks to Shop N Save.



Fiji 7s in rebuilding phase

Maika Kasami

The new look Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team got

their ‘baptism of fire’ during the first two-legs
of the HSBC World Sevens Series in Dubai.
The side finished fourth in the first leg but
ended in ninth spot the following weekend at
the desert. With the exception of Captain Josua
Vakurunabili and Waisea Nacuqu and later
joined by Terio Tamani, the side introduced 11
debutants who found the going tough.
Joseva Talacolo, Jeremaia Matana, Tevita
Daugunu, Elia Canakaivata, Daniele Yaya,
Iowane Raturaciri, Kaminieli Rasaku, Iowane
Teba, Filipe Sauturaga and Manueli Maisamoa
were those that made their World Series debut.
The national side made a promising start
in the first leg when they remained unbeaten
until the semi-finals when United States of
America ended their dream run before going
on to lose to Argentina in the third and fourth
place playoffs. Interim Fiji 7s coach Saiyasi
Fuli said there were some flashes of brilliance
shown by the players but more work needed The Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team during the glory days. The side will need to dig deep with its current crop of players to be able to match the other
to be done for the team to be clinical in their sevens powerhouse. Photo- Supplied.
approach. “Overall, what we achieved in our
first outing in Dubai, individually the players
produced some exceptional displays in terms
of their position and collectively as a team.
“But we need to be smart, we need to be
Historical achievement for Fijiana 7s
strong, we need to be clinical and we need to Maika Kasami with how the Fijiana side fared in their first have learnt a lot from those two outings they
outing post Olympics. have gauged their strength against Australia.
stay composed throughout the two-days tour-
After their heroics at the Tokyo 2020 He said playing in two tournaments back “It’s always tough playing back to back
nament so we are competitive in every game
Olympic Games, the Fiji Airways Fijiana 7s to back is always tough but the girls did tournaments but to achieve that feat is
and make sure that we start well and finish
team continued with fine display this time well despite losing twice to Australia in the remarkable.”
well in every game,” summed up Fuli at the
reaching the finals of the 2021/2022 HSBC finals. Meanwhile, the women’s category will
completion of the Dubai legs of the series.
World Sevens series for the very first time “Historical achievement for them to reach welcome Olympic gold medallists New Zea-
Men’s standing- South Africa- 44points, Ar-
during the series opener in Dubai. their first ever final for the past 12-years par- land and England back into the series.
gentina- 34, Australia- 32, USA- 30, GB- 25,
Despite falling short in the two-finals, ticipating in the world sevens series. I know The Fijiana side are in a tough pool along-
Fiji-23, France- 23, Kenya-22, Ireland- 21,
head coach Saiyasi Fuli was impressed they fell short against Australia but they side USA, Canada and NZ.
Spain- 14.

Lautoka pockets $18k

Maika Kasami

Lautoka’s route to claiming the Digicel Premier League has been based on having discipline
within the team.
Lautoka collected the main prize of $18,000 and the DPL trophy after their final match against
Labasa at home.
Coach Imdaad Ali said discipline was behind the success of the team this season.
“I guess the boys kept their discipline and hard work through the season and that was the key
behind our success,” an elated Ali said.
“They have been doing well and the most important part was they kept discipline.
“When players listen, then we achieve that is one important thing we always look for during
training sessions, game time and even after games,” he told Fiji FA Media.
Ali said they were confident of winning the title this year.
“We knew we would win the title after the commitment and dedication from the officials and
the players.”
The Blues won eight matches, two loses and three draws in the competition before they were
declared the winners.
A brace from Sairusi Nalaubu and James Pillay against Nadroga proved enough for the Sugar
City Boys.

Nadroga striker Osea Vakatalesau shields the ball from Lautoka’s Afraz Ali during their DPL
match at Churchill Park in the first round. Photo- Sanjay Goundar.


Champs Blues
20 DECEMBER, 2021

The Viti Water Flow Lautoka soccer team are the Digicel Premier League champions for the 2021 football season. The 3-nil win over Nadroga was enough for the side to be declared the League
winners. The Blues have now won the League title for the sixth time since their first win in 1984. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
Maika Kasami The Capital City side Suva who stood a chance of posing a challenge to Lautoka’s title hopes
failed against Labasa hence handing the league title to Lautoka. Ba, Labasa, Suva and Rewa
Viti Water Flow Lautoka have bagged their sixth Digicel National League title. had to battle it out for second spot in the league in the final round.
The Sugar City side beat Nadroga 3-nil at Lawaqa Park on December 12 to seal the sweet The 2021 win was Lautoka’s fourth win in the new millennium (2009, 2017, and 2018) while
victory. their two other wins were in 1988 and the first ever league title win was back in 1984.
After recording clear cut wins earlier on in the league, the Blues were pegged back during the Meanwhile, Nalaubu became the only Lautoka player to win back to back national league
business end of the season after recording two points in three matches which included a loss to titles in the current team.
Suva 1-2 and being held by Ba and Labasa respectively. The police man had won the league title with Suva last year and backed it up with the Blues
The side, however, did not press the panic button as Coach Imdaad Ali had full confidence in this year.
his player’s to deliver when it mattered. Current Suva striker Christopher Wasasala was also a notable player for the side when he won
And when the dust settled in Sigatoka, last season’s top gal scorer Sairusi Nalaubu again back to back IDC titles with Labasa and then with Lautoka.
grabbed the headlines when he scored twice together with Raj Pllay in their decisive win that With the DPL win, Lautoka becomes Fiji’s first representative to the Oceania Champions
handed them the League title with a game in hand later against Labasa at home on December 19 League next year.
a mere formality.

Seven tourneys to go for Fiji 7s

Maika Kasami back in the team which will ease some pressure on the leadership role.
But Fuli knows the expectation of the fans and will need to reshape his squad mentally,
The Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team has seven tournaments to redeem itself before the series winner physically and spiritually to match the early pace setters in the new 2021/2022 HSBC World
is crowned when the dust settles on May 29, 2022. Sevens Series that kicked off in the desert in Dubai.
With the sudden loss of its seasonal players to greener pastures, the onus is now on the new He said the side needed to play smart rugby to be able to match the other teams.
kids on the block plus the very few experience hands to mould a winning combination before “There were some flashes of brilliance shown by the players which is good considering it was
they set off for its second tour assignment in Spain in the New Year the first competitive tournament for most of them, but we need to collectively play as a team.
The Europe adventure begins with the Malaga 7s scheduled for 21-23 January, 2022, then “We need to be stronger than what we showed and play smart rugby to match the teams in the
followed by the Seville meet a week later on 28-30 January, 2022. series,” the former national rep said.
Interim coach Saiyasi Fuli is expected to have double Olympic gold medallist Jerry Tuwai


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