IS 8329 - 2000 - AMD5 - Reff 2020
IS 8329 - 2000 - AMD5 - Reff 2020
IS 8329 - 2000 - AMD5 - Reff 2020
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
(Reaffirmed 2015)
IS 8329 : 2000
(Reaffirmed 2014)
(Reaffirmed 2013)
(Reaffirmed 2012)
(Reaffirmed 2011)
( Third Revision)
(Reaffirmed 2007)
(Reaffirmed 2006)
ICS 23.040.10; 23.040.40
(Reaffirmed 2005)
0 BIS 2000
This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Pig Iron and Cast Iron Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical Engineering Division
This standard was first published in 1977 and then revised in 1990 and 1994. While revising this standard, in
light of the experience gained during these years, the committee has decided to revise this standard taking note
of the revision and publication of EN 545 : 1994 and IS0 2531 : 1998 (E).
In this revision the following main modifications have been made:
IS 8329 : 2000
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision and~parties to agreements based on
1.1 This standard specifies the requirements and
this standard are encouraged to investigate the
associated test methods applicable to ductile iron pipes
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
manufactured in metal (lined or unlined) or sand
standards indicated below:
moulds and their joints for the construction of pipe
lines: IS No. Title
455 : 1989 Portland slag cement (fourth
- to convey water, sewage or gas
- to be installed below or above ground 638 : 1979 Sheet rubber jointing and rubber
- operated with or without pressure insertion jointing (second revision)
NOTES 1387 : 1993 General requirements for supply of
metallurgical materials (second
I By sand it is to be understood.sandor mineral basedmaterials
usedin foundry trade irrespectiveofthe type of bonding agents.
1500 : 1983 Methods for Brine11hardness test for
2 All pressures are relative pressures expressed in MPa
(IMPa = 10 bar).
metallic materials (second revision)
1608 : 1995 Mechanical testing of metals -
1.2 This standard also specifies requirements for Tensile testing (second revision)
materials, dimensions and tolerances, mechanical 5382 : 1985 Rubber sealing ring for gas mains,
properties and standard coatings and linings of ductile water mains and sewers Cfirst
iron pipes. revision)
1.2.1 This standard does not restrict the use of other 6452 : 1989 Specification for high alumina
types of joints or future developments of other joints cement for structural use
as long as overall dimensions are maintained for 6909 : 1990 Specification for supersulphated
reasons of safety and interchangeability. cement
8112 : 1989 43 grade ordinary Portland. cement
1.3 The standard applies to pipes, which are: (first revision)
manufactured with socketted, flanged or spigot ends 9523 : 1980 Ductile iron fittings for pressure
for jointing by means of various types of gaskets, which pipes for water, gas and sewage
are not with in the scope of this standard, and normally 11606 : 1986 Methods of sampling of cast iron
to be delivered externally and internally lined and are pipes and fittings
suitable for fluid temperatures between 0°C and 5O”C, 12330 : 1988 Sulphate resisting Portland cement
excluding frost. 13382 : 1992 Cast iron specials for mechanical
and push-on-flexible joints for
1.4 This standard does not include the provisions for
pressure pipelines for water, gas and
fittings used with the pipes conforming to this
standard. A separate standard IS -9523 covers the
specification on such fittings. 3 TERMINOLOGY
1.5 Fittings conforming to IS 13382 may also be used 3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following
with ductile iron pipes, when the pressure require- definitions shall apply:
ments matches.
3.1 Ductile Iron - Type of iron used for pipes, in
2 REFERENCES which graphite is present primarily in spheroidal or
nodular form.
The following Indian Standards contain provisions,
which through reference in this text, constitute 3.2 Pipe- Casting of uniform bore, straight in axis,
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, having either socket, spigot or flanged ends.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
3.3Fitting -Casting other than a pipe which allows 3.17 Allowable Operating Pressure (AOP) -
pipeline deviation, change of direction of bore. In Internal pressure, excluding surge, that a component
addition flanged-sockets, flanged-spigots and collars can safely withstand in permanent service.
are also classified as fittings.
3.18 Allowable Maximum Operating Pressure
3.4 Accessory -Any item other than a pipe or fitting (MOP) - Maximum internal pressure, including
which is used in a pipeline, such as: surge, that a component can safely withstand in
- glands and bolts for mechanical flexible service.
joints; 3.19 Allowable Site Test Pressure (STP) -
- glands, bolts and locking rings or segments Maximum hydrostatic pressure that a newly installed
for restrained joints. component can withstand for a relatively short
NOTE - Valves and hydrants ofall types are not covered by the duration, when either fixed above ground level or laid
term accessory. and backfilled underground, in order to measure the
3.5 Flange - Flat circular end of a pipe or fitting, integrity and tightness of the pipeline.
extending perpendicular to its axis, with bolt holes NOTE - This test pressure is different from the system test
equally spaced on a circle. pressure, which is related to the design pressure ofthe pipeline
and is intended to ensure its integrity and leaktightnens.
NOTE -A flange may be integrally cast, threaded-on or welded-
on or adjustable; an adjustable flange comprises a ring, in one or 3.20 Batch - Quantity of castings from which a
several parts bolted together, which bears on an endjoint hub and certain number of samples may be taken for testing
can be freely rotated around the pipe axis before jointing.
purposes during manufacture.
3.6 Spigot - Male end of a pipe or fitting.
3.21 Length - Effective length of a pipe, as shown
3.7 Socket - Female end of a pipe to make the joint on the drawings of Table 2.
with the spigot of an adjacent component.
NOTE - For flanged pipes, the effective length is equal to the
3.8 Gasket - Sealing component of a joint. overall length and is noted L. For socketted pipes, the effective
length is equal to the overall length minus the spigot insertion
3.9 Joint - Connection between the ends of pipes in depth.
which a gasket is used to effect a seal.
3.22 Ovality - Out of roundness of a pipe section; it
3.10 Flexible Joint - Joint which provides is equal to lOO{(A,-A,)l(A,+A,)}, where A,, is the
significant angular deflection and movement parallel maximum axis and A, the minimum axis of the pipe
and/or perpendicular to the pipe axis. cross-section.
3.11 Push-on Flexible Joint - A flexible joint in 4 CLASSIFICATION
which an elastomeric gasket is located in the socket
and the joint assembly is effected by entering the spigot 4.1 Pipes have been classified as K7, K8, K9, KIO,
through the gasket into the socket. K12,... depending on service conditions and
manufacturing process.
3.12 Mechanical Flexible Joint - Flexible joint in
which sealing is obtained by applying pressure to the 4.2 The class designation shall comprise of:
gasket by mechanical means, for example a gland.
a) a prefix K.
3.13 Restrained Joint - Joint wherein a means is b) a whole number used for thickness class
provided to prevent separation of the assembled joint. designation, [this is the selected coefficient
3.14 Flanged Joint - Joint between two flanged inserted into the equation (1) in 4.3
ends. depending on the service conditions].
3.15 Nominal Size (ON) - Numerical designation 4.3 The wall thickness of pipe ‘e’ in mm shall be
of size which is common to all components in apiping calculated as a function of the nominal diameter by
system. It is a convenient round number for reference the following equation with minimum of 5 mm for
purposes and is only loosely related to manufacturing K=7,6mmforK=8and7mmforK=12.
e = K (0.5 + 0.001 Oh') ...(1)
3.16 Nominal Pressure (PiV) - A numerical
designation expressed by a number which is used for where
reference purposes. All components of the same e = wall thickness in mm,
nominal size DN designated by the same PN number DN = the nominal diameter, and
have compatible mating dimensions. K = the whole number coefficient.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
4.4 The value of K will depend on the following service 4.5.1 Flanges for screwed on or Welded on Double
conditions: Flanged Pipes should be preferably of Ductile Iron
of 420 MPa minimum tensile strength and
Service Conditions
5 percent minimum elongation at break and maximum
Nominal Water Sewers Gas Mains hardness 250 HB.
Dia Main
4.6 Where pipes of classes other than those given in
80- 300 K9-K12 K7-K12 K9-K12 Table 1 are manufactured and supplied, the wall
350 - 600 K8 - KlO K7 - KlO K9-KlO thickness shall be calculated as per formula (1) given
700 -2 000 K7 - KlO K7-KlO K9 - KlO in 4.3 and the pipes shall be marked in accordance
with 17. Such pipes shall comply with all the
4.5 For screwed or welded eon flange pipes the requirements of this standard with the exception of
minimum classes as per working pressure criteria are wall thickness ‘e’ which will be as per the calculated
given below: wall thickness.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
discretion of the manufacturer in view of the fact that 7.3 Pipes centrifugally cast shall be heat-treated in
flanges are never removed after screwing on the barrels order to achieve the necessary mechanical properties
of the pipes. and to relieve casting stresses caused due to the method
6.2.8 Dimensions of screwed on flanges and welded of manufacture and repair work.
on flanges for ductile iron pipes shall conform to the 7.3.1 If necessary the pipes may be subjected to
requirements of Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6. reheat treatment to ensure that Brine11 hardness does
6.3 Flexible Joints and Interconnection not exceed the specified value and the other mechanical
properties specified in the standard are achieved.
Pipes with flexible joints shall be in accordance
with 15 of this standard for their spigot external 8 RUBBER GASKET
diameters DE and their tolerances. This provides the
8.1 Rubber gaskets used with push-on-joints or
possibility of interconnection between components
mechanical joints shall conform to IS 5382.
equipped with different types of flexible joints.
NOTES 8.2 Material of rubber gaskets for push-on mechanical
or flanged joints shall be compatible with the fluid to
1 For interconnection with certain types ofjoints operating within
a tighter tolerance range on DE, the manufacturer’s guidance may
be conveyed at the working pressure and temperature.
be followed as to the means ofensuringadequatejoint performance
up to the highest pressures (for example, measurement and
8.3 Rubber gaskets for mechanical joint for conveyance
selection ofextemal diameter). of town gas may be suitably protected so that the
2 For interconnection with existing pipelines, which may have
elastomer does not come in direct contact with the
external diameters not m compliance with 15, the manufacturer’s gas.
guidance may be followed as to the appropriate means of
intkrconnection (for example, adaptors). 8.4 Rubber gaskets for use with flanged joints shall
conform to IS 638.
6.4 Restrained Joints
8S’While conveying potable water the gaskets should
The design of restrained joints for ductile iron pipelines
not deteriorate the quality of water and should not
and its requirements shall be subject to agreement
impart any bad taste or foul odour.
between the purchaser and the manufacturer as agreed
at the time of enquiry and order. Their spigot external 9 SAMPLING
diameters DE and their tolerances shall be in accordance
with requirements of 15. 9.1 Sampling criteria for various tests, unless specified
in this standard, shall be as laid down in IS 11606.
9.2 The mechanical acceptance tests shall be carried
7.1 The metal used for the manufacture of pipes shall out on samples of ductile iron pipes which shall be
be of good quality, commensurate with the mechanical grouped in following batch sizes.
requirements laid down in 10. It shall be manufactured
by any method at the discretion of the manufacturer DN (mm) Maximum Batch Size
provided that the requirements defined in this standard 80- 250 200 Pipes
are complied with. 300- 600 100 Pipes
700 - 1 000 60 Pipes
7.2 The pipes shall be stripped with all precautions to
avoid warping or shrinkage defects, detrimental to 1 100 - 1 400 40 Pipes
their good quality. The pipes shall be sound and free 1 600 - 2 000 30 Pipes
from surface or other defects. Pipes showing small
9.3 In order to check compliance with the requirements
imperfections inherited with the method of manu-
specified in 10, a sample ring or bar shall be taken
facture, and which do not affect their serviceability,
from the spigot end of pipe.
shall not be rejected on that account alone. Minor
defects arising out of manufacturing process may be 10 MECHANICAL TESTS
rectified, for example, by welding in order to remove
surface imperfections and localized defects which do 10.1 Mechanical tests shall be carried out during
not affect the entire wall thickness provided that the manufacture. One test shall be conducted for every
repairs are carried out in accordance with a written batch of production. The number of pipes for each
assurance system and the repaired pipes comply with batch shall be as laid down in 9.2. The results
all the requirements of classes K9 and KlO with the obtained shall be taken to represent all the pipes of
approval of the purchaser. that batch.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
10.1.3 A sample shall be cut from the spigot end of end of one pipe selected for testing when tested in
the pipe. This sample may be cut perpendicular to or accordance with the methods specified in 10.1.4 shall
parallel with the pipe axis, but in case of dispute the satisfy the following requirements:
para!lel to axis sample shall be used. ’
Nominal Minimum Tensile Minimum
10.1.4 Test Specimen Diameter Strength Elongation
A test bar shall be machined from each sample to be (DN) mm MPa at Break, Percent
representative of the metal at the mid-thickness of the 80 _ 1 000 420 10
sample, with a cylindrical part having the diameters 1100-2000 420 7
given in 10.1.2.
The test bars shall have a gauge length at least five 1 The 0.2 percent proof stress shall be measured when agreed to
times the nominal test bar diameter. The ends of the between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time ofenquiry
test bars shall be such that they will fit the testing and order. It shall not be less than 300 MPa.
2 For ductile iron pipes upto DN I 000ifthe tensile strength of
specimen is not found within limits, and microstructure reveals
Two methods of measuring the tensile strength may 75 percent ferrite with spheroidal graphite and percentage
elongation 5 7, it shall be taken as meeting the requirements of
be used at the manufacturer’s option: this standard.
3 For pipes of size not less than DN 900,0.2percent proof
Method A -- Machine the test bar to its nominal
stress Z 270 MPa is permitted provided that elongation at break
diameter *lo percent, measure the actual diameter is not less than 12 percent.
before the test with an accuracy of 0.01 mm and use 4 The frequency oftesting is related to the system of production
this measured diameter to calculate the cross-sectional and quality control used by the manufacturer.
area and the tensile strength; or: 10.1.7 All pipes from which bars have been cut shall
Method B - Machine the test bar to its nominal area be accepted by the purchaser as complete lengths.
S, within a specified tolerance on diameter (see 10.1.2)
and use the nominal area to calculate the tensile 10.2 Brine11 Hardness Test
strength. When tested in accordance with IS 1500, the Brine11
hardness shall not exceed 230 HB on the external
10.1.5 Equipment and Test Method un-machined surface.
The samples shall be tested as per procedures laid
10.3 Retest
down in IS 1608. The tensile testing machine shall
have suitable holders or grips to suit the test bar ends 10.3.1 If test piece representing a batch (see 9.2) fails
so as to positively apply the test load axially. in the test in the first instance, two additional tests
shall be made on test pieces selected from two other
10.1.6 Test Results
pipes from the same batch. If both the test results
Test results shall comply with the requirements given satisfy the specified requirements, the batch shall be
below: accepted. Should either of these additional test pieces
fail in the test, the batch shall be deemed as not
One test pieces obtained by cutting bars from spigot complying with this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 .* 2V’O
10.3.2 If test results do not satisfy the requirements 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1000, 1 100,
of 10.1.6 the manufacturer shall: 1 200, 1 400, 1 600, 1 800 and 2 000 mm.
In the case where the metal doss not achieve the 12.2 Critical dimensions for socket and spigot of pipes
required mechanical properties, investigate the reason for push-on flexible joints and mechanical joints for
and ensure that all castings in the batch are either re- classes K7, K8, K9 and KlO are given in Table 2.
heat treated or rejected.
12.3 Dimensions of flanged pipes centrifugally cast
NOTE -- If sufficient evidence is available that the failure ofthe
with screwed on flanges or welded flanges are given
sample can be attributed to defect in test bar, fresh sample may be
drawn and tested. If It passes. the batch is accepted; if not the in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6.
manufacrurer has the option to proceedas in 10.3.2.
13.1 Length
11.1 All pipes shall be tested hydrostatically at a pressure
specified in Table 1. To perform the test, pressure shall The standard working length of socket and spigot pipes
be applied internally and shall be steadily maintained shall be 4 m, 5 m, 5.5 m and 6 m and for flanged pipes
for a period of 10 s. The pipes shall withstand the shall be 4 m, 5 m and 5.5 m other lengths are available
pressure test and shall not show any sign of leakage, by agreement between the manufacturer and the
sweating or other defects of any kind. purchaser.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
1s 8329 : 2000
Table 2 Dimensions of Sockets and Spigot Pipes, Classes K7, KS, K9 and X10
r K-7
Barrel Wall Thickness
80 98 5 6 6.0 6.0
100 118 5 6 6.0 6.1
125 144 5 6 6.0 6.3
150 170 5 6 6.0 6.5
200 222 5 6 6.3 7.0
250 274 5.3 6 6.8 7.5
300 326 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.0
350 378 6.0 6.8 7.7 8.5
400 429 6.3 7.2 8.1 9.0
450 480 6.6 7.6 8.6 9.5
500 532 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
600 635 7.7 8.8 9.9 11.0
700 738 9.0 9.6 10.8 12.0
750 790 9.7 10.0 11.3 12.5
800 842 10.4 10.4 11.7 13.0
900 945 11.2 11.2 12.6 14.0
1000 1 048 12.0 12.0 13.5 15.0
1 100 1 152 14.4 14.4 14.4 16.0
I 200 I 255 15.3 15.3 15.3 17.0
I 400 I 462 17.1 17.1 17.1 19.0
I 600 1668 18.9 18.9 18.9 21.0
I 800 I 875 20.7 20.7 20.7 23.0
2 000 2 082 22.5 22.5 22.5 25.0
IS 8329 : 2000
t The method ofscrewing and the exact form of thread shall be left to the discretion ofthe manufacturer as the flanges are never removed
aRer screwing on the barrels oftbe pipes.
2 Ifso required the screwed flanges may be spot welded on the back side after screwing.
3 Dimensions ‘a’ and’S;are for guidance only.
4 Unless otherwise specified, flanges shall be ofductile iron.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
r D
& c
b ‘T- a s
r NUmba
Dia (d)
1 The method of screwing and the exact form of thread ,shrdlbe IeDto the discretion of the manufrctunrW the flanges * ~nmdved
after screwing on the barrels ofthe pipes.
2 If so required the screwed flanges may be spot welded on the back side after screwing.
3 Dimensions ‘0’ and’s’ are for guidance only.
4 Unless otherwise specifkd, flanges shall be ofductile iron.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
I The method of screwing and the exact form of thread shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer as the flanges are.neverremoved
after screwing on the barrels of the pipes.
2 If so required the screwed flanges may be spot welded on the back side after screwing.
3 Dimensions ‘a’ and~=r’are for guidance only.
4 Unless otherwise specified, flanges shall be of ductile iron.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
T HOkS Bolt
DN D E c b a S Number Dia (d) Metric
80 200 132 160 I9 3 43 I5 8 I9 Ml6
100 235 156 190 I9 3 48 15 8 23 M20
125 270 184 220 23.5 3 51 16.5 8 28 M24
150 300 211 250 26 3 52 18 8 28 hG?4
200 375 284 320 30 3 62 21 12 31 M27
250 450 345 385 34.; 3 67 24 12 34 M30
300 515 409 450 39.5 4 73 27.5 1~6 34 M30
350 580 465 510 44 4 76 31 I6 37 M33
400 660 535 585 48 4 83 33.5 16 40 M36
450 685 560 610 50 4 35 20 40 M36
400 / 755 615 670 52 4 z; 36.5 20 43 M39
600 890 735 795’ 58 5 106 40.5 20 49 M45
1 The method of screwing and the exact fo? of thread shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer as the flanges are never removed
after screwing on the barrels of the pipes.
2 Ifso required the screwed flanges may be spot welded on the back side’after screwing.
3 Dimensions ‘a’ and?&re forguidance only.
4 Unless otherwise specified, flanges shall be ofductile iron.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
15.1.3 In addition, the ovality (see 3.22) of the spigot 15.4 Tolerance on Thickness
end of pipes shall: Thk tolerance on the wall thickness (e) and the flange
- remain within the tolerances on DE for thickness (6) of the pipes shall be as follows:
DN 80 to 200;
Dimensions. Tolerancepm
- not exceed I percent for DN 250 to DN 600
i) Wall thickness (e) - (1.3 + 0.001 DN)‘)
or 2 percent for DN above 600.
ii) Flange thickness (b) i-(2 + 0.05b)
NOTE -The manufacturer’s guidance will be followed as to
the necessity and means of ovality correction; certain types of
I) The tolerance given is subject to minimum thickness against
classes KI, Kt? and Kl2 given in 4.3. No limit for the plus
flexible joints can accept the maximum ovality without need tbr
spigot re-rounding prior to jointing. tokrance is specified.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
Table 9 Allowable Ovality for Mechanical length L, in metres of the pipe; thus:
Joint Pipe
f, <1.25xL
(Clauses 15.3.1 and 15.3.3)
Nominal Diameter Maximum Ovality of Spigot of
DN External Diameter DE fm = maximum deviation from straight line, and
mm mm L = length of the pipe.
(1) (2) 15.7 Flanges
80to 150 5
200 to 350 IO 15.7.1 Tolerances for the various dimensions of
400 to 500 20 flanges shall be as given in Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13.
600 to 800 30
900 to I 000 40 16 COATING
I loot0 1400 50
I 600 to ,2 000 60 16.1 Pipes shall be normally delivered internally and
externally coated.
15.5 Tolerance on Length
16.2 External Protection
The tolerance on length of pipes shall be as follows:
By agreement between manufacturer and the
Type of Casting Tolerance purchaser, any one ofthe following protection may be
mm applied depending upon the external condition of use:
i) Socket and spigot and plain f 100 ‘Metallic zinc with finishing layer as included
ended pipes in Annex A.
ii) Flanged pipes f 10
Zinc rich paint with finishing layer, as
15.5.1 Of the total number of socket and spigot pipes included in Annex A.
to be supplied in each diameter, the manufacturer may Bituminous paint: as included in Annex C.
supply up to 10 percent in length shorter than the External Sleeving (Annex D).
specified length as follows: NOTE -Unless and until agreed to between the purchaserand
manufacturerthe requirement of coatings and sleeving shall
Specified Length Decrease in Length comply with the rcquinments contained in this standard.
m m
16.2.1 The polyethylene sleeves may be supplied, for
i) Up to 4 0.5, 1 encasement of the pipes at site, along with the pipes if
ii) Over 4 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 ordered by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and
order. This encasement shall so designed that prevent
15.6 Permissible Deviation from a Straight Line contact between pipe and the surrounding backfill and
The pipes shall be reasonably straight. When the pipe bedding material. Details as given in Annex D.
is rolled along gantries, separated by distance 16.3 Internal Linings
approximately two-thirds the length of the pipe to be
checked, the maximum deviation from a straight line By agreement between manufacturer and the
in mm shall not be greater than 1.25 times the purchaser, the following lining may be applied
depending on the internal conditions of use:
DN 80 100 I25 150 1 200 1 250 300 350 1 400 1 450 1 500 1 600 700 750
Tolerance on D f 4.5 +5.5, -2.5 + 6.5, -3.5 + 7.5, -4
Tolerance on E l4 l 4.5 *5 as.5
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
- Portland cement (with or without additives) in this standard by controlling the manufacturing
mortar, as included in Annex B. process and by carrying out the various tests as
- Blast furnace slag cement mortar as included specified in this standard.
in Annex B. 17.2 Quality Assurance System
- High alumina (calcium aluminate) cement
mortar as included in Annex B. The manufacturer shall control the quality of the
product during their manufacturing process by a
- Cement mortar with seal-coat: as included
system of process control in order to comply with the
in Annex B.
technical requirements contained in this standard.
Bituminous paint as included in Annex C. Wherever possible, statistical sampling techniques
NOTE - Unless and until agreed to between the purchaser and should be used to control the process so that the product
the manufacturer, the requirement of internal lining shall comply is produced within the specified limits.
with the requirements contained in this standard.
Table 11 Tolerances on Raised Face Height v) 18.1 Each pipe shall have as cast or stamped or legibly
(Clause 15.7.1) and indelibly painted on it with the following
All dimensions in millimetres. appropriate marks:
Centre to centre of The pipes may also be marked with the Standard Mark.
adjacent bolt holes *2 f 2.8 zk4.8
18.2.1 The use of Standard Mark is governed by the
17 QUALITY ASSURANCE provisions of Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
17.1 General details of conditions under which licence for the use
.of Standard Mark may be granted to the manufacturers
The manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate the
or producer may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian
conformity of the product to the requirement contained
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
(Clause 16.2)
A-l PIPE SURFACE CONDITION grams per square metre, is calculated by mass
difference of the token before and after zinc coating
The pipe surface shall be dry and free from rust or
from the following formula:
any non-adhering particles or foreign matter such as
oil or grease. Metallic zinc shall be applied on to the
oxide external surface of the pipe. M = C(M,-M,)
NOTE --~~The zinc is normally applied on the pipe with oxide
skin but, at the manufacturer’s option, it may applied on a blast where
cleaned pipe surface.
M,, IV, = mass in grams before and after zinc
A-2 MATERIALS coating measured to an accuracy of 0.1 g,
A = area of the token in square meter, and
The coating materials are metallic zinc with content
of at least 99 percent by mass. C = correction factor depending on the
material of the token taking into account
A-3 METHOD OF APPLICATION difference in surface roughness between
the token and the pipe surface.
The metallic zinc coating shall be applied by a
spraying process in which metallic zinc material is The value of C shall be determined by the manufacturer
heated to a molten state and projected in small droplets and specified when required in test documents.
by spray guns onto surface. The zinc rich paint coating
shall be applied by a spraying or a brush process onto A-7 REPAIRS OF THE ZINC COATING
the pipe surface in case of repair only.
Areas left uncoated, for .example under the test token
A-4 COATING CHARACTERISTICS and coating damaged in excess of 5 cm2/m2of coating
shall be repaired by either:
A-4.1 The metallic zinc coating shall cover the outside
diameter of the pipe and shall be free from such defects a) a metallic zinc spray.
as bare patches or lack of adhesion. b) by application of zinc rich paint containing
more than 90 percent zinc by mass in the
A-4.2 Damaged areas of zinc coating caused by dried film: mean mass of the applied paint
handling are acceptable provided that the damage is shall not be less than 150 g/m*.
less than 5 cm2/m2of coated surface and provided that
c) Flanges of welded flanged pipes and welded
the minor dimensions of the damaged area do not
parts of the flanges shall be coated with zinc
exceed 5 mm.
rich paints (90 percent).
The average mass of zinc coating shall be not less
After metallic zinc coating or zinc rich paint coating
than 130 g/m* with a local minimum of 110 g/m*.
the pipe shall be given a finishing layer of bituminous
A-6 DETERMINATION OF ZINC COATING paint or synthetic resin compatible with the zinc
Manufacturing process control system shall specify
the frequency of this test. A rectangular token is Application of this finishing layer may be done by
attached along the pipe axis before passing it through any proven process such as spraying or brush coating
the zinc coating equipment. After coating and at the manufacturer’s choice. It shall uniformly cover
trimming the minimum token sizes shall be either: the zinc coating and be free from bare patches or lack
of adhesion.
a) 250 mm,x 100 mm, or
The mean dry film thickness of the finishing layer
b) 500 mm x 50 mm.
shall not be less than 70 pm with nowhere less than
The average mass of zinc coating M expressed in 50 pm.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
(Clause 16.3)
The sand used shall have a controlled granulometric B-2 CONDITION OFTHE INTJZRIORSURFACEOF
distribution from fine to coarser elements; it shall be THEPIPEBEFOREAPPLICATIONOFTHELINING
clean and shall be composed of inert, hard, strong and
All foreign bodies, loose scale or any other material
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
which could be detrimental to goodcontract between The lining shall be such that it cannot be dislodged
the metal and the lining shall be removed from the with pressure of hand and shall be free from
surface to which the lining is to be applied. corrugations or ridges that could reduce the thickness
of the lining to less than the minimum value at one
The inner surface of pipe shall also be free of any
point, as specified in the Table 16.
metal projections likely to protrude beyond 50 percent
the thickness of the lining. Table 15 Thickness of the Lining
(Clause B-5)
B-3 APPLICATION OF THE LINING All dimensions in millimetres.
The cement mortar lining at works is applied by a DN Thickness Maximum Crack
centrifugal spinning processor a centrifuged sprinkler I Width I Radial
or a combination of both methods. Nominal Value Tolerance Displacement
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Apart from the inner surface of the joint, the parts of 018
80 to 300 3.0 -1.5
the pipe coming into contact with the transported water 350 to 600 5.0 -2 l/O
shall be entirely covered with mortar. 700 to I 200 6.0 -2.5 l/2
I 400 to 2 000 9.0 -3 l/5
Once centrifuging is finished, the lining shall be cured
NOTE - Fitting ends may have a chamfer of maximum length
at temperatures greater than 4°C. Any loss of water 50 mm.
from the mortar by evaporation shall be sufficiently
slow so that hardening is not impeded. Table 16 Minimum Bore Clearance Cement
Mortar Lining of Ductile Iron Pipe
(Clause B-7)
Repairs to damaged or defective areas are allowable.
DN Minimum Bore of Cement Mortar
The damaged mortar shall first be removed from these
Lined Pipe (mm)
areas. Then the defective part shall be repaired by
using, for example, a trowel with fresh mortar so that (1) (2)
80 67.0
a continuous lining having a constant thickness is 100 87.0
again obtained. I50 137.0
200 187.0
For the repair operation, the mortar shall have a
250 237.0
suitable consistency, if necessary, additives may be
300 287.0
included to obtain good adhesion against the side of
NOTE - For other DIVthe minimum bore should not be less
the existing undamaged mortar. than I5 mm from nominal dia.
B-5 THICKNESS OF THE LINING On contraction of the lining, the formation of cracks
The normal thickness of the lining and the minimum cannot be avoided. These cracks, tagether with other
isolated cracks which may result from manufacture
permissible mean and local values are given in the
or may develop during transportation, are acceptable
Table 15.
up to awidth given-in the above.
At the pipe ends, the lining may be reduced to values
below the minimum thickness. The length of the B-8 SEAL-COAT
chamfer shail be as small as possible but, in any case, B-8.1 General
shall be less than 50 mm.
When specified the cement lining shall be given a seal-
B-6 DETERMINATION OF LINING THICKNESS coat of bituminous material or any other epoxy based
material compatible with cement mortar lining. Other
The thickness of the lining is checked on the freshly seal-coat materials may be used, but they shall be
centrifuged mortar by the insertion of a steel pin, or agreed on at the time of purchase and shall be specified
on the hardened mortar by means~of a non-destructive on the purchase order.
method of measurement. The thickness of the lining The purpose of seal-coat is to minimize lime leaching
shall be measured at both ends of the pipe in at least of the cement mortar as well as to restrict the unwanted
one section perpendicular to the pipe~axis. rise in pH value of the transmitted water.
B-7 SURFACE CONDITION OF THE When the pipes are to be used for conveying potable
HARDENED LINING water the inside coating .shall not contain any
constituent soluble in such water or any ingredient
The surface of the cement mortar lining shall be which could impart any taste or whatsoever to the
uniformly smooth. Only isolated grains of sand are potable water after sterilization and suitable washing
allowed to appear on the surface of the lining. of the mains.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
(Clause 16.2)
Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and C-2.3 Where the coating material has a bitumen base,
manufacturer, all pipes shall be coated externally and it shall be smooth and tenacious and hard enough not
internally with the same material. (Bituminous to flow when exposed to a temperature of 65°C but
coatings are either hot applied or cold applied.) not so brittle at a temperature of 0°C as to chip off
when scribed with a penknife.
C-2.4 When the pipes are to be used for conveying
C-2.1 Coating shall not be applied to any pipe unless potable water the inside coating shall not contain any
its surfaces are clean, dry and free from rust. constituent soluble in such water or any ingredient
C-2.2 Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser which could impart any taste or whatsoever to the
and the manufacturer all pipes shall be coated potable water after sterilization and suitable washing
externally and internally with the same material. The of the mains.
method of coating shall be as per usual practice of the C-2.5 Pipes with or without sockets and flanges which
manufacturer. The coating material shall set rapidly are imperfectly coated or where the coating does not
with good adherence and shall not scale off. set or conform to the required quality, the coating shall
The mean thickness of the coating shall be not less be removed and the pipes/flanges recoated.
than 70 ym and the local.
(Clause 16.2.1)
otherwise agreed. NOTE - Actual layflat width of the tubular film shall not differ
from the nominal by more than f 2.5 percent.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 8329 : 2000
Tensile strength of the film in the longitudinal and The dielectric strength of the film should be 3 1.5 V/pm
transverse direction shall be not less than 8.3 MPa. minimum.
(Table 1)
E-l Suggested maximum hydrostatic site test pressure of surge and inclusive of surge) may be followed as
and maximum hydraulic working pressure (exclusive under:
(mm) Allowable Allowable Allowable Site Allowable Allowable Allowable Site
Operating Maximum Test Pressure Operating Maximum Test Pressure
Pressure Operating (STP) Pressure Operating (STP)
(Excluding Surge) Pressure (Excluding Pressure
AOP (including Surge) Surge) AOP (Including Surge)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
kolkata([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the. final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules
for rounding~off numerical values (revised)‘. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kejriwal Castings Limited -
,_ _.kolkata([email protected])
_ .--.__
..,_-. ________.._.__ [for non-commercial use only].
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BlS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodieally; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This lndian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. MTD 6 (4227).