Parts of Speech in Urdu

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Parts of speech

Classification of word is called parts of speech. There are eight parts of speech in whole English.
1. Noun  ‫ اسمض‬                                
2. Pronoun ‫ف‬  ‫ اسم می ر‬                     
3. Adjective ‫ف‬ ‫ص‬
 ‫ ت‬                    
4. Verb  ‫ عل‬                           ‫تع ف‬
5. Adverb  ‫ م ل ق ص ت‬                     
6. Preposition      ‫ حرف ج ار‬                  
7. Conjunction  ‫ وصل۔ج وڑ‬          ‫خ‬     
8. Interjection   ‫ مدا لت‬                    
          “A word that tell us some about noun or pronoun ‫ف‬‫کت‬ is called Adjective”‫ف ظ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ف‬
‫ےہ‬ ‫جس ل ظ سے کسی چ یز کی اچ ھا ی ی ا برا ی ی ا کو ی ھی ص ت اہ ر ہ و اسے اسم ص ت ہ‬
Humaira is intelligent girl. ‫ے‬ ‫حمی راب ہت ذہ ی ن لڑکی ہ‬
She is intelligent.          ‫ے‬
‫ وہ ب ہت ذہ ی ن لڑکی ہ‬                                                     
Kinds of Adjective:
1. Proper Adjective
2. Adjective of Quality
3. Adjective of Quantity
4. Demonstrative adjective
5. Interrogative adjective
6. Possessive Adjective
7. Adjective of number
Proper Adjective:
 "It is formed for a proper noun” ‫ئ ت‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ین‬
‫ع ی اسم معر ہ سے ب ا ی ج ا ی ہ‬
NOUN                      ADJECTIVE
Pakistan                      Pakistani
India                            Indian
China                          Chinese

Adjective of Quality:
                          “An adjective that shows the quality of noun or pronoun is called adjective of quality” ‫ت‬
                                                                                            ‫عریف کرے۔‬ ‫ج و کسی اسم کی‬
                 Small, White, Cloudy, Sharp, Black, etc.

 Adjective of number:
“A numeral adjective shows number of a persons or things” ‫ت‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ف‬
‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫کر‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ہ‬‫ا‬ ‫کو‬ ‫عداد‬ ‫کی‬ ‫اص‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ی ہ اسم ص ت ا ی اء وا‬
·        Three boys
·        Four caps
·        Some girls
·        Many flowers
 Adjective of Quantity
                          “An adjective that shows the quantity of noun or pronoun is called ‫ ت‬Adjective
‫ظ‬ ‫ ق‬of quantity”
‫ش‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ف‬
‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫کر‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ہ‬‫ا‬ ‫کو‬ ‫دار‬ ‫داری ا ی اءکی م‬ ‫ص تم‬
There is a chair in the class.
There are no chairs in the class.
There are many students in the class.
There is much air in the class.
Here is one chair in the class an airplane.
Demonstrative Adjective:
                             “An adjective that point out of noun or pronoun is called demonstrative
‫ت‬ Adjective” ‫ش‬
‫ش‬ ‫ش ش‬
‫اسم ا ارہ ا ی اء ا خ اص کی طرف ا ارہ کر ا ہ‬
          This                      that
          There                   those
 Interrogative Adjective:
          “An adjective that ask the question is called Interrogative Adjective” ‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬
               ‫ے‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ک‬ ‫عمال‬ ‫س‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫سا‬ ‫کے‬ ‫اسم‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صف ت سواالت وچ ھ ن‬
‫یج ہ‬ ‫پ‬
·        What time is it?
·        How are you?
·        Which shirt do you like?                       
·        Where do you go?                                            
A Possessive Adjective:
A possessive adjective is used with noun to show possession. ‫ظ‬ ‫ف‬
‫اسم اض ا ی سے مراد ایس‬
                                ‫ے اسم ج و کسی چ یز کی ملکی ت کو ایر کری ں۔‬
·        My Pen
·        Our books
·        Your school

Hit    =       hitting = hitter
Run   =       running       =       runner
Drop =       dropping    =      dropper
Cut    =       cutting        =       cutter
Shop =       shopping    =      shopper
Swim =       swimming   =       swimmer
Big    =       bigger         =       biggest

Vowels (a,e,i,o,u)          100%
Semi vowels (w,y)         50%
Quarter vowels (x)       25%
Degrees of Adjective:
There are three degree of adjective.
1)     Positive degree
2)   Comparative degree
3)   Superlative degree
          No: 1
                   “Great many adjective form their comparative degree by adding “er” and their superlative by adding
“est” to the positive.


Positive Comparative Superlative

Tall Taller Tallest
Short Shorter Shortest
Old Older Oldest
No: 2

          “Some time the last letter of the positive is doubled.


Positive Comparative Superlative

Big Bigger Biggest

Thin Thinner Thinnest
Fat Fatter Fattest
Mad Madder Maddest
No: 3
          “If the positive
degree ends in “e”
we add “r” and “st”.

Positive Comparative Superlative
Fine Finer Finest
Large Larger Largest

No: 4
          “If the adjective end in “y” usually change “y” into “i”.

Positive Comparative Superlative

Pretty Prettier Prettiest
Crazy Crazier Craziest
Heavy heavier Heaviest

No: 5
          “Adjective of three or more than three syllables we use “more” for comparative and most for superlative
before the positive degree.


Positive Comparative Superlative

Important More important Most important

Con-ven-ient More convenient Most convenient
Val-u-able More valuable Most valuable
Un-for-tu-nate More unfortunate Most unfortunate

No: 6:
          “The following adjectives are compared irregularly.

Positive Comparative Superlative

Bad Worse Worst

Many More Most
Good Better Best

Positive Degree
          “With the positive degree we use “as” before the adjective and “as” after it.

          As tall as
          As intelligent as
          As fat as
Shaheen as talkative as shazia
Mehvish as chetty as sehrish
Faiza as chemmy as saeeda
Comparative Degree:
         “With comparative degree we use “them” after the adjective.

          Tall then
          More then
          Fatten then
Shazia taller than Rabia .
Fakhra more intelligent than Sehrish .
Faiza fatter than Riffat.
Superlative Degree:
          “With superlative degree we use “the” before the adjective and “of” after it.

          The tallest of
          The most intelligent of
          The fattest of
          “Word that express action or presence is called verb”
          “A verb is a word that shows ‫ ت‬an action of ‫ف‬for saying something
‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ ظ‬about
‫ ن ن‬some person or thing”
‫ی‬ ‫ع کت‬
‫ے ع ی ج ب کسی کام کا کر ا ی ا ہ و ا اہ ر ہ و و اس کام کو ہ ی ل ی ا ورب کہا ج ا ا ہ‬
‫ے‬ ‫ےہ‬‫ورب ل کو ہ‬
Kinds of verb:
There are two kinds of verbs. J‫فعل کی اقسام‬                      
                   1)   Transitive verb ‫ فعل متعدی‬     
                   2)   Intransitive verb ‫ فعل الزم‬       
Transitive verb
          “Verb that needs object is called transitive verb”
                    ‫متعدی"کہالتے ہیں۔‬ ‫ایسے فعل جن کا مفعول یعنی آبجیکٹ ہو "فعل‬
          Eat, Speak, Meet, Etc.
Intransitive Verb:
          “Verb that does not need object is called Intransitive verb”
‫ باال تینوں جملوں میں فعل تو ہے لیکن مفعول‬J‫فعل الزم ایسے فعل ہوتے ہیں جن کا کوئی مفعول نہ ہو مندرجہ‬
          Go, Sleep, Swim, Run, etc.
1)     By what/Whom.
2)   By 2nd form of the verb.
(1): By What Whom    
Transitive verb:
¨     I eat =what
¨     I eat mango=complete
¨     I meet = Whom
¨     I meet my friends= complete
Intransitive verb:
1.      I go = not use what whom
2.    I run = not use what whom
(2): By 2nd form of the verb
Transitive verb:
1)     I blamed                     
2)   I said                                     
3)   I lied                              
4)   I lend                               
Intransitive verb:
1)     I went                         
2)   I slept                        
3)   I bought                        
                           4) I come                           
Action Presence

Run Is

Eat Am
Sleep Are

Drink Was
Go Were

Smoke Shall

Swim Been

          “Is the chief of the verb (is, am, are, was, were)
 I be along now
 I be going yesterday
Possessive case:
(a) Singular Noun

                   “The possessive of singular noun is made by putting an apostrophe’s, offer, and the noun which that
stands for possessive”
          Statement Possessive form
The cat of Mary Mary’s cat

The house of Jack Jack’s house

(b)Plural noun
  The voice of child Child’s voice “If plural
nouns we put first
apostrophe (‘)”
Statement Possessive form

The house of the boys The boy’s house

The hat of girls The girl’s hat

(C) Irregular plural noun
   “If the plural nous does not end (in, is, we, put) apostrophes (‘s) [‘s]”
Statement Possessive form

The shout of the children The children’s shouts

The songs of the women The women’s songs

The school of the men The men’s school

Verb Definition: 
A verb is a word which shows an action.
‫وہ لفظ جس میں کسی کام کا کرنا پایا جائے ورب کہالتا ہے۔‬
He goes to school daily. ‫وہ روزانہ سکول جاتا ہے۔‬
They played cricket. ‫انہوں نے کرکٹ کھیلی۔‬
The cat is running. ‫بلی دوڑ رہی ہے۔‬
  She will come here. - ‫وہ یہاں آئے گی‬
  The sun rises in the east. ‫سورج مشرق سے نکلتا ہے۔‬
Goes, Played, running, come and rises are the “Verbs”.
Types of Verb
Helping verbs:
He is drinking milk. ‫وہ دودھ پی رہا ہے۔‬
You were running. ‫تم دوڑ رہے تھے۔‬
You may sit. ‫آپ بیٹھ سکتے ہیں۔‬
  You can go. ‫آپ جا سکتے ہیں۔‬
  They are watching T.V. ‫وہ ٹی وی دیکھ رہے ہیں۔‬
“Is”, “were”, “may”, “can” and “are” are helping verbs.
More examples:
Am, is, are, was, were, has, have, had, will, shall, would, could, may, might, must, can.
Principal Verb:
There are two types of principal verb.
Intransitive verb:
The verb which does not require an object to complete its sense.
The girl sings. ‫لڑکی گاتی ہے۔‬
  The dogs bark. ‫کتا بھونکتا ہے۔‬
  The lion roars. ‫شیر دھاڑتا ہے۔‬
  The boy laughed. ‫لڑکا ہنسا۔‬
Sings, bark, roars and laughed are intransitive verbs.
Transitive verb:
The verb which requires an object to complete its sense.
The sun rises in the east. ‫سورج مشرق سے نکلتا ہے۔‬
 I take tea daily. ‫میں روزانہ چائے پیتا ہوں۔‬
  He helped the poor. ‫اس نے غریبوں کی مدد کی۔‬
 Mother loves her children. ‫ماں اپنے بچوں سے پیار کرتی ہے۔‬
“Noun is the name of a person, place or thing”
Chair, Table, Ahsan, urea, book, pen, Sania, city
More Examples:
‫انسان‬ ‫جانور‬

Talha -‫طلہہ‬ Lion -‫شیر‬

Man – ‫آدمی‬ Cow -‫گائے‬

Naila -‫نائیلہ‬ Horse  –  ‫گھوڑا‬

‫چیز‬ ‫جگہ‬

Table – ‫میز‬ School – ‫سکول‬

Sun – ‫سورج‬ House – ‫گھر‬

Book –‫کتاب‬ Lahore -‫الہور‬

Kinds of Noun (‫)اسم کی اقسام‬:
There are six kinds of Noun.
1. Common Noun
2. Proper Noun
3. Collective Noun
4. Material Noun
5. Abstract Noun
6. Compound Noun
Common Noun (‫)اسم نکرہ‬:
A common noun is a noun that refers to people or things in general.
‫ جگہ یا چیز کے نام کو اسم نکرہ کہتے ہیں‬،‫کسی عام شخص‬
Common Noun ‫اسم نکرہ‬

Boy ‫لڑکا‬

Lion ‫شیر‬

Woman ‫عورت‬

Table ‫میز‬

Hospital ‫ہسپتال‬

Father ‫والد‬

City ‫شہر‬
2. Proper Noun (‫)اسم معرفہ‬:
A proper noun is a name of a particular person, place, or thing.
‫ کہتے ہیں‬J‫ جگہ یا چیز کے نام کو اسم معرفہ‬،‫کسی خاص شخص‬
Proper Noun ‫اسم معرفہ‬

Quaid e azam ‫قائد اعظم‬

Lahore ‫الہور‬

River Ravi ‫دریائے راوی‬

Minnar e Pakistan ‫منار پاکستان‬

London ‫لندن‬
3. Collective Noun (‫)اسم جمع‬:
Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things.
‫وہ نام جو کسی گروہ یا جماعت کے لیے استعمال ہوں‬
Collective Noun ‫اسم جمع‬

Committee ‫کمیٹی‬

Army ‫فوج‬

Class ‫جماعت‬

Crowd ‫مجمع‬

Set ‫سیٹ‬

Government ‫حکومت‬

Team ‫ٹیم‬
4. Material Noun (‫)اسم مادہ‬:
Material Noun refers to a material or substance from which things are made‫۔‬
‫ اشیا بنائی جاتی ہوں‬J‫جن سے دوسری‬-‫وہ نام جو مادی اشیا یا دھاتوں کے کیے استعمال ہوں‬
Material Noun ‫اسم مادہ‬

Gold ‫سونا‬

Wood ‫لکڑی‬

Steel ‫سٹیل‬

Water ‫پانی‬

Stone ‫پتھر‬
Silver ‫سلور‬

Wheat ‫گندم‬
5. Abstract Noun (‫)اسم مجرد‬:
An abstract noun is the name of action, quality, or state.
‫ کریں‬J‫ کیفیت یا خاصیت کو ظاہر‬،‫وہ الفاظ جو کسی چیز کے عمل‬
Abstract Noun ‫اسم مجرد‬

Truth ‫سچ‬

Sleep ‫سونا‬

Death ‫موت‬

Laughter ‫ہنسی‬

Honesty ‫ایمانداری‬

Theft ‫چوری‬
6. Compound Noun:
 “A noun that is made by two or more nouns is called compound noun”
 Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Countable nouns are those that can be counted. Uncountable nouns do not typically refer to things that can be
counted and so they do not regularly have a plural form.
Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

Cat / cats Rain

Woman / women Flour

Country / countries Earth

Cases of Noun (‫)اسم کی حالتیں‬:
There are three cases of noun.
1. Nominative Case
2. Objective Case
3. Possessive Case
 Nominative Case (‫)حالت فاعلی‬:
Nouns or pronouns used as the subject of a verb in a sentence are called the nominative case.
‫جب کوئی ناؤن یا پروناؤں کسی جملے میں فاعل کے طور پر آئے۔‬
Example Sentences:
You broke a glass. ‫تم نے گالس توڑا‬
I have a book. ‫میرے پاس کتاب ہے‬
Amjad went to Peshawar. ‫امجد پ شاور گیا‬
Rehana eats an apple. ‫ریحانہ ایک سیب کھاتی ہے‬
He goes to college. ‫وہ کالج جاتا ہے‬
You, I, Amjad, Rehana, and He are used as a Nominative Case.
 Objective Case (‫)حالت مفعولی‬:
If a word is in the subject, we say it is in the objective case.
‫جب کوئی ناؤن یا پروناؤن مفعول کے طور پر آئے۔‬
Example sentences:
We have seven balls. ‫ہمارے پاس سات گیندیں ہیں‬
Hafeez went to Sahiwal. ‫حفیظ ساہیوال گیا‬
You broke this table. ‫تم نے یہ میز توڑی‬
Razia sings a song. ‫رضیہ گیت گاتی ہے‬
Amjad writes a letter. ‫امجد خط لکھتا ہے‬
Balls, Sahiwal, Table, Son and Letter are used as Object.
Possessive Case (‫)حالت اضافی‬:
The possessive case shows possession.
‫جب کوئی ناؤن یا پروناؤن کسی جملے میں ملکیت کا اظہار کرے‬
Example Sentences:
Amjad’s book was stolen. ‫امجد کی کتاب چوری ہو گئی ہے‬
Girls pen are in the bag. ‫لڑکیوں کے قلم بستے میں ہیں‬
The frame of the picture is new. ‫تصویر کا فریم نیا ہے‬
 The handle of the door is broken. ‫دروازے کا ہینڈل ٹوٹا ہوا ہے‬
  Ali’s house is new. ‫علی کا گھر نیا ہے‬
‫سے‬ )‘( apostrophe ‫اور انگریزی میں‬-‫ اردو میں حالت اضافی کو “کا’کی'” سے ظاہر کیا جاتا ہے‬ 
Pronoun – ‫اسم ضمیر‬
Definition: The word which is used in place of a noun is called a pronoun.
‫ وہ لفظ جو کسی اسم کی اسم کی جگہ بوال جاۓ اسے اسم ضمیر کہتے ہیں۔‬:‫تعریف‬
Sahar is a girl. ‫سحر ایک لڑکی ہے۔‬
She is hard working. ‫وہ محنتی ہے۔‬
Ahmad is a boy. ‫احمد ایک لڑکا ہے۔‬
He is good. ‫وہ اچھا ہے۔‬
‫ان مثالوں ميں ناموں کی جگہ استعمال ہونے والے الفاظ کو اسم ضمیر کہتے ہیں۔‬
Types of Pronouns:
Personal Pronouns – ‫ضمائر شخصی‬:
There are three types of personal pronouns . ‫ کی تین‬J‫ضمائر شخصی‬
‫اقسام ہیں۔‬
First Person:
The first person is the person speaking.
‫بات کرنے والے کو شخص متکلم کہتے ہیں۔ متکلم یا واحد ہوتا ہے یا جمع۔‬
I, me & my is used for singular and we, our, us is used for plurals.
I read my lesson daily. ‫میں اپنا سبق روزانا پڑھتا ہوں۔‬
He helps me. ‫وہ میری مدد کرتا ہے۔‬
We read our lesson daily. ‫ہم اپنا سبق روزانا پڑھتے ہیں۔‬
They helped us.‫ انہوں نے ہماری مدد کی۔‬ 
Second Person:
The second person is the person spoken to.
‫جس شخص سے بات کی جاۓ اسے حاضر یا مخاطب کہتے ہیں۔ مخاطب (حاضر) واحد بھی ہوتا ہے اور جمع‬
You are a boy. ‫تم ایک لڑکا ہو۔‬
You are teachers. ‫تم اساتذہ ہو۔‬
This is your book. ‫یہ تیری کتاب ہے۔‬
  These are your books. ‫یہ آپ کی کتابیں ہیں۔‬
Third Person:
The third person is the person whom we speak about.
‫جس کے متعلق کوئی بات کی جاۓاسے غائب کہتے ہیں۔‬
He is a man. ‫وہ ایک آدمی ہے۔‬
She is a girl. ‫وہ ایک لڑکی ہے۔‬
It is a pen. ‫یہ ایک قلم ہے۔‬
They are boys. ‫وہ لڑکے ہیں۔‬
This is his book. ‫یہ اس کی کتاب ہے۔‬
This is her bag. ‫یہ اس کا بستہ ہے۔‬
 Its price is ten rupees. ‫ دس روپے ہے۔‬J‫اس کی قیمت‬
They are their brothers. ‫وہ ان کے بھائی ہیں۔‬
Chart of Personal Pronouns

Person Nominative ‫ف‬Case Possessive‫ ت‬Case Objective Case

‫اعلی حالت‬ ‫م‬
‫لکی ی حالت‬ ‫م عولی حالت‬

Singular -
1st ‫ت‬Person ‫واحد‬ I -‫میں‬ My – ‫میرا‬ Me -J‫مجھے‬
‫م کلم‬
Plural -‫جمع‬ We -‫ہم‬ Our – ‫ہمارا‬ Us – ‫ہمیں‬

Singular -
2nd Person ‫واحد‬ You – ‫آپ‬،‫تم‬ Your, yours – ‫تمہارا‬ You – ‫تمہیں‬
‫مخ اطب‬/‫حا ر‬
Plural -‫جمع‬ You – ‫تم‬ Your, yours – ‫تمہارا‬ You – ‫تمہیں‬

)‫احد(مذکر‬ He – ‫وہ‬ His – ‫اس کا‬ Him – ‫اسے‬

3rd Person (‫)واحد مونث‬ She – ‫وہ‬ Her – ‫اس کا‬ Her – ‫اسے‬
‫ائ ب‬
‫بے جان‬ It – ‫وہ‬ Its – ‫اس کا‬ It – ‫اسے‬

‫جمع‬ They – ‫وہ‬ Their – ‫ان کا‬ Them – ‫انہیں‬

Singular (‫)واحد‬ Plural (‫) مع‬
Person Subjective Objective Possessive Subjective Objective Possessive
‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫م ت‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫م ت‬
‫اعلی حالت‬ ‫م عولی حالت‬ ‫لکی ی حالت‬ ‫اعلی حالت‬ ‫م عولی حالت‬ ‫لکی ی حالت‬

1st person My,  ‫ہمارا‬ Our,  ‫ہمارا‬

‫ت‬ I ‫میں‬ Me ‫مجھے‬ ‫میرا‬ We ‫ہم‬ Us
‫م کلم‬ Mine ‫ہمیں‬ Ours ‫ہمارے‬

2nd person ،‫ تم‬،‫تو‬ ،‫ تم‬،‫تو‬ Your,  ،‫ تم‬،‫تو‬ ،‫ تم‬،‫تو‬ Your,  ‫ آپ‬،‫ تمہارا‬،‫تیرا‬
‫ض‬ You You ‫ آپ‬،‫ تمہارا‬You You
‫مخ اطب‬/‫حا ر‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫آپ‬ Yours ‫آپ‬ ‫آپ‬ Yours ‫کا‬

3rd person He (‫وہ(مرد‬ Him ‫ان کے‬ His ‫ان کا‬ They (‫ وہ(مرد‬The ‫انہیں‬ Their,  ‫ان کے‬
‫اسس‬ ‫اس کا‬ m Theirs ‫ان کا‬

‫وہ(عورت‬ -‫ان کی‬ Her,  ‫ان کی‬

‫غ‬ She Her
‫ائ ب‬ ( ‫ے‬
‫اسس‬  Hers ‫اس کی‬

‫بے‬- ‫وہ‬
It It ‫اسے‬ Its ‫اس کا‬

Reflexive Pronouns – ‫ضمائر راجع الی الفاعی‬:

Definition: They are called reflexive pronouns when the action done by the subject turns back upon the subject.
‫ جب فاعل اپنے آپ پر ہی کام کریں تو انہیں ضمائر راجع الی الفاعی کہتے ہیں۔‬:‫تعریف‬
We often deceive ourselves.‫ہم اکثر اپنے آپ کو دھوکہ دیتے ہیں۔‬
 I saw myself in the mirror. ‫میں نے اپنے آپ کو آئینے میں دیکھا۔‬
 I hurt myself. ‫میں نے اپنے آپ کو زخمی کرلیا۔‬
 You hurt yourself. ‫تم نے اپنے آپ کو زخمی کرلیا۔‬
 We taught ourselves to swim. ‫ہم نے اپنے آپ کو تیرنا سکھایا۔‬
 Emphatic pronouns – ‫ضمائر تاکیدی‬:
Definition: They are called emphatic pronouns when they are used for the sake of emphasis.
‫ تاکیدی کہا جاتا ہے۔‬J‫ طور پر استعمال ہوں تو انہیں ضمائر‬J‫ جب ضمائر تاکیدی‬:‫تعریف‬
He himself said so. ‫اس نے خود یہ کہا۔‬
She herself says so. ‫وہ خود یہ کہتی ہے۔‬
I myself saw him do it. ‫میں نے خود اسے یہ کرتے ہوۓ دیکھا۔‬
We saw the king ourselves. ‫ہم نے بادشاہ ہی کو دیکھا۔‬
You will do it yourself. ‫تم یہ خود ہی کرو گے۔‬
Demonstrative Pronouns – ‫ضمائر اشارہ‬:
Definition: Pronoun that “point out” are called demonstrative pronouns.
‫ اشارہ کہالتے ہیں۔‬J‫ ایسے ضمیر جو کسی چیز کی طرف اشارہ کریں ضمائر‬:‫تعریف‬
This is a book. ‫یہ ایک کتاب ہے۔‬
These are my books. ‫یہ میری کتاب ہے۔‬
 That is a pen. ‫وہ ایک قلم ہے۔‬
 Those are pens. ‫وہ قلم ہیں۔‬
 Such were his actual words. ‫اس طرح اس کے اصل الفاظ تھے۔‬
 Indefinite Pronouns – ‫ضمائر تنکیریہ‬:
Definition: They are called indefinite pronouns when they refer to persons or things in a general way. But do not
refer to any person or thing in particular.
‫ جو غیر معین اشیاء یا اشخاص کے لیے استعمال ہوں ضمائر تنکیریہ کہالتے ہیں۔‬J‫ ایسے ضمائر‬:‫تعریف‬
All were drowned.‫ے۔‬ ‫سب کے سب ڈوب گ‬
Do good to others. ‫دوسرے کے سابھ نیکی کرو۔‬
Some say he is mad. ‫کچھ کہتے ہیں وہ پاگل ہے۔‬
Few escaped unhurt. ‫چند ایک صحیح سالمت بچ گئے۔‬
Many of them were Pakistani. ‫ان میں سے بہت سے پاکستانی تھے۔‬
 Distributive Pronouns – ‫ضمائر تقسیمی‬:
Definition: They are called distributive pronouns when they refer to persons or things one at a time.
‫ جو زیادہ اشخاص یا اشیاء کو ظاہر کریں لیکن ایک وقت میں واحد کے معنی دیں ضمائر‬J‫ ایسے ضمائر‬:‫تعریف‬
‫تقسیمی کہالتے ہیں۔‬
Each of the boys has a book. ‫ہر ایک لڑکے کے پاس کتاب ہے۔‬
Either of you can go.‫تم میں سے کوئی ایک جا سکتا ہے۔‬
Neither of them is here.‫‌‌ان میں سے کوئی بھی یہاں نہیں ہے۔‬
Each took it in turn. ‫ہر ایک نے یہ (اپنی) باری پر لیا۔‬
Either of these books is O.K. ‫ان کتابوں میں سے کوئی ایک ٹھیک ہے۔‬
 Possessive Pronouns – ‫ضمائر ملکیتی‬:
Definition: Pronouns that show possession are possessive pronouns.
‫ جو ملکیت کو ظاہر کریں ضمائر ملکیتی کہالتے ہیں۔‬J‫ ایسے ضمائر‬:‫تعریف‬
This book is mine. ‫یہ کتاب میری ہے۔‬
 That pen is yours. ‫وہ قلم تمہارا ہے۔‬
 This shirt is his. ‫یہ قمیض اس کی ہے۔‬
 That pencil is hers. ‫وہ پنسل اس کی ہے۔‬
 These things are ours. ‫یہ چیزیں ہماری ہیں۔‬
Interrogative Pronoun – ‫ضمائر استفہامیہ‬:
Definition: Pronouns that are used to ask question are interrogative pronouns.
‫ استفہامیہ کہالتے ہیں۔‬J‫ جو سواالت پوچھنے کیلئے استعمال ہوں۔ ضمائر‬J‫ ایسے ضمائر‬:‫تعریف‬
Who broke the window?- ‫یہ کھڑکی کس نے توڑی ہے؟‬
 What shall we do now?- ‫اب ہم کیا کریں گے؟‬
 Which would you prefer?- ‫آپ کس کو ترجیح دیں گے؟‬
 Whose is this book?- ‫یہ کتاب کس کی ہے؟‬
 What is that? ‫وہ کیا ہے؟‬
Relative Pronouns – ‫ضمائر نسبتی‬:
Definition: They are called relative pronouns when they relate or refer to a noun which has gone before.
‫ نسبتی کہالتے ہیں۔‬J‫ جن کا تعلق ایسے اسم سے ہو جن کا ذکر پہلے ہو چکا ہو ضمائر‬J‫ ایسے ضمائر‬:‫تعریف‬
I know the boy who is coming. ‫میں اس لڑکے کو جانتا ہوں جو آ رہا ہے۔‬
This is the house that Ali built. ‫یہ وہ مکان ہے جو علی نے بنایا تھا۔‬
He who hesitates loses. ‫جو سوچ میں پڑا وہ گیا۔‬
This is the boy who works hard. ‫یہ وہی لڑکا ہے جو محنت کرتا ہے۔‬
I know what you mean. ‫ معلوم ہے تمہارا کہنے کا کیا مطلب ہے۔‬J‫مجھے‬
Adjective – ‫اسم صفت‬
Definition: The words that go with nouns and tell us something about them are called adjectives.
‫ کرے اسے اردو میں اسم صفت‬J‫ کی اچھائی یا برائی اور تعداد یا مقدار وغیرہ ظاہر‬J‫وہ لفظ جو کسی اسم یا ضمیر‬
‫کہتے ہیں۔‬
‫علی موٹا لڑکا ہے۔ ‪Ali is a fat boy.‬‬
‫وہ ایک ذہین لڑکا ہے۔‪He is an intelligent boy.‬‬
‫یہ ایک نئی کتاب ہے۔‪This is a new book.‬‬
‫یہ ہمارے جوتے ہیں۔‪These are our shoes.‬‬
‫میرے پاس تھوڑا سا دودھ ہے۔‪I have a little milk.‬‬
‫میرے پاس دس روپے ہیں۔‪I have ten rupees.‬‬
‫‪ Types of Adjectives:‬‬ ‫)اسم صفت کی اقسام(‬
‫‪There are five types of adjective.‬‬ ‫اسم صفت کی مندرجہ ذیل پانچ‬
‫اقسام ہیں‬
‫صفت ذاتی‪ :‬وہ لفظ جو کسی اسم یا ضمیر کی ذاتی اچھائی یا برائی کو ظاہر کریں۔‪1. Adjective of quality – ‬‬
‫علی ایک اچھا لڑکا ہے۔ ‪Ali is a good boy.‬‬
‫وہ ایماندار آدمی ہے۔ ‪He is an honest man.‬‬
‫صفت مقداری‪ :‬وہ اسم جو مقدار کو ظاہر‪ J‬کریں۔‪2. Adjective of quantity – ‬‬
‫میرے پاس تھوڑا سا پانی ہے۔ ‪I have a little water.‬‬
‫اس کے پاس کافی دودھ ہے۔ ‪ He had enough milk.‬‬
‫صفت عددی‪ :‬وہ لفظ جو کسی چیز کی تعداد کو ظاہر کریں۔‪3. Adjective of Number – ‬‬
‫میرے پاس چھ روپے ہیں۔ ‪I have six rupees.‬‬
‫میز پر تین کتابیں ہیں۔ ‪Three books are on the table.‬‬
‫صفت اشارہ‪ :‬جو لفط کسی اسم کی طرف اشارہ کرنے کے لیۓ استعمال ہو۔‪4. Demonstrative Adjective – ‬‬
‫یہ میری کرسی ہے۔ ‪This is my chair.‬‬
‫وہ اس کا گھر ہے۔‪That is her house.‬‬
‫یہ ہماری کتابیں ہیں۔‪These are our books.‬‬
‫یہ تمہارے قلم ہیں۔‪These are your pens.‬‬
‫صفت ملکیت‪ :‬وہ لفظ جو اسم کی ملکیت کا اظہار کریں۔‪5. Possessive Adjective – ‬‬
‫یہ میری کتاب ہے۔ ‪This is my book.‬‬
‫وہ تمہارا قلم ہے۔‪That is your pen.‬‬
‫یہ ہماری گیندیں ہیں۔‪These are our balls.‬‬
‫وہ ان کی گڑیاں ہیں۔‪Those are their dolls.‬‬
‫)صفت کے درجے( ‪ Degrees of Adjective:‬‬
‫صفت کے مندرجہ‪ J‬ذیل تین درجے ہیں۔ ‪There are three degrees of adjective‬‬
‫تفصیل نفسی‪ :‬جو کسی کی ذاتی صفت بیان کرے اور اسکا کسی سے مقابلہ نہ ہو‪1. Positive Degree – ‬‬
‫علی ایک اچھا لڑکا ہے۔ ‪Ali is good boy.‬‬
‫دو اشخاص یا اشیاء کے درمیان مقابلہ کر کے ظاہر کرے کہ فالں ‪:‬تفصیل بعض‪2. Comparative Degree – ‬‬ ‫جو‬
‫فالں سے اچھا یا برابر ہے۔‬
‫علی انور سے بہتر ہے۔ ‪Ali is better than Anwar.‬‬
‫‪:‬تفصیل کل‪3. Superlative Degree – ‬‬
‫جو دو یا دو سے ذیادہ اشخاص یا اشیاء کا مقابلہ کر کے کسی ایک کو اچھا یا برا یا کوئی اور صفت ظاہر کرے۔‬
‫علی سب لڑکوں سے اچھا ہے۔ ‪Ali is the best of all the boys.‬‬

‫‪Positive Degree-------------------------- Comparative Degree------------------ Superlative Degree‬‬

‫حروف فجائیہ – ‪Interjection‬‬
‫جائیں‪،‬حروف ندایہ یا حروف فجائیہ کہالتے‬ ‫تعریف‪ :‬وہ الفاظ جو خوشی‪ ،‬غمی‪ ،‬یا حیرانی کے موقع پر بے ساختہ بولے‬
‫‪Interjection‬‬ ‫معانی‬

‫‪Hurrah‬‬ ‫آہا‬
‫‪Wonderful‬‬ ‫زبردست‬
‫‪Bravo‬‬ ‫شاباش یا واہ‬
‫‪Alas‬‬ ‫افسوس‬
‫‪Oh‬‬ ‫آہ یا آوہ‬

‫‪Interjection‬‬ ‫معانی‬

‫‪O‬‬ ‫اوہو‬
‫‪Really‬‬ ‫واقعی‬
‫‪Hello‬‬ ‫سنو یا ہیلو‬
‫‪Look‬‬ ‫دیکھو‬
‫‪Shame‬‬ ‫شرم کرو‬

‫‪Interjection‬‬ ‫معانی‬

‫‪Fie‬‬ ‫لعنت ہو‬

‫‪Good Bye‬‬ ‫خدا حافظ‬
‫‪Welcome‬‬ ‫خوش آمدید‬
‫‪Hush‬‬ ‫خاموش‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫یاد رکھیں‪:‬‬
‫وہ جملے حن میں خوشی‪ ،‬غم‪ ،‬حیرانی‪ ،‬خواہش یا نفرت کا اظہار حروف‪ J‬فجائیہ کے ذریۓ کیا جاۓ‪ ،‬استعجابیہ‪J‬‬
‫جملے کہالتے ہیں‪ ،‬اور جب کوئی استعجابیہ‪ J‬جملہ کسی حروف‪ J‬فجائیہ سے شروع‪ J‬ہو تو حروف‪ J‬کے فورآ‪ J‬بعد‬
‫عالمت استعجاب “!” لگائی جاتی ہے۔ مختلف موقعوں پر بولے جانے والے حروف‪ J‬فجائیہ یہ ہیں۔‬
‫‪Interjections for Joy:‬‬
‫کے موقع پر بولے جانے والے حروف‪ J‬فجائیہ‪ :‬آہا‪ ،‬زبردست‪ ،‬شاباش۔‪Hurrah! , Hurrah! , Wow! Etc.  ‬‬ ‫خوشی‬
‫آہا! ہم نے ٹکٹ حاصل کر لیۓ ہیں۔ ‪Hurrah! We have got the ticket.‬‬
‫زبردست! اس نے اتنی اونچی چھالنگ لگائی۔ ‪Wonderful! He jumped so high.‬‬
‫شاباش! آگے بڑھو۔ ‪ Brave! Go ahead.‬‬
‫‪Interjections for Grief/Pain:‬‬
‫غم یا افسوس کے اظہار کے لیۓ حروف‪ J‬فجائیہ‪ :‬آہ‪ ،‬اوہ‪ ،‬افسوس۔ ‪Alas! , Ah! , Oh! , Ouch! Etc.‬‬
‫افسوس! اس کی والدہ فوت ہوگئی۔ ‪Alas! His mother died.‬‬
‫آہ! اس کا بازو ٹوٹ گیا۔ ‪Oh! He has broken his arm.‬‬
‫‪Interjections for Surprise:‬‬
‫حیرانی کے اظہار کے لیۓ حروف‪ J‬فجائیہ‪ :‬واقعی‪ ،‬اوہو۔‪Ha! , Hey! , What! , Oh! , Ah! , Eh! Etc. J‬‬
‫واقعی! مجھے یقین نہیں آتا۔ ‪Really! I don’t believe it.‬‬
‫اوہو! تم مجھ سے ملنے آ رہے تھے۔ ‪O! You were coming to see me.‬‬
‫ان کو ایسے بھی لکھا جا سکتا ہے۔‬
‫!کتنا خوبصورت پرندہ ہے !‪What a beautiful bird it is‬‬
How tall the man is! ‫!کتنا لمبا آدمی ہے‬
 Interjections for Greeting:
Hello! , Hey! , Hi! Etc. ‫ خاموش۔‬،‫ ہش‬،‫ سنو‬،‫ ہیلو‬،‫ دیکھو‬:‫ فجائیہ‬J‫ کرنے کے لیۓ حروف‬J‫کسی کو متوجہ‬
Look! Our teachers are coming. ‫دیکھو! ہمارے اساتزہ آ رہے ہیں۔‬
Hello! I am Sana. ‫سنو! میں ثناء ہوں۔‬
 Hush! The patient is sleeping. ‫خاموش! مریض سو رہا ہے۔‬
Interjection for Hate:
Fie! Shame!  ‫ شرم کرو۔‬،‫ لعنت ہو‬:‫نفرت کے اظہار کے لیۓ حروف فجائیہ‬
Fie! Upon him. ‫اس پر صد افسوس۔‬
Shame on you. ‫تم شرم کرو۔‬
Adverb: – ‫متعلق فعل‬
Definition: The word which adds something to the meaning of a verb, adjective or an adverb is called an adverb.
‫ متعلق فعل یا اسم صفت کے معنوں میں اضافہ کرے اسے متعلق فعل کہتے ہیں۔‬،‫ ایسا لفظ جو کسی فعل‬:‫تعریف‬
She writes beautifully. ‫وہ خوبصورت لکھتی ہے۔‬
He walks slowly.‫وہ آہستہ چلتا ہے۔‬
She speaks loudly.‫وہ اونچا بولتی ہے۔‬
Ahmad speaks fluently.‫احمد تیزی سے بولتا ہے۔‬
Adverbs used (Beautifully, Slowly, Loudly, Fluently)
Adverbs with Adjectives:
Ali is a very good boy. ‫علی بہت اچھا لڑکا ہے۔‬
My book is much better than yours.‫میری کتاب تمہاری کتاب سے زیادہ بہتر ہے۔‬
Sana is very clever girl.‫ثناء بہت چاالک لڑکی ہے۔‬
Our school is much good than yours.‫ہمارا سکول تمہارے سکول سے زیادہ اچھا ہے۔‬
  Adverbs used (Very, Much)
Adverbs with another Adverb:
Maria speaks very loudly. ‫ماریا بہت اونچا بولتی ہے۔‬
 I ran too fast. ‫میں بہت ہی تیز دوڑا۔‬
 He walks too slowly.‫ چلتا ہے۔‬J‫وہ بہت سست‬
 Hamza writes very beautifully.‫حمزہ بہت خوبصورت لکھتا ہے۔‬
 Adverbs used (Fast, Loudly, Slow, Beautifully)
Adverbs used for adverbs (Very, Too)
‫بعض اوقات ایک متعلق فعل کسی دوسرے متعلق فعل کی بھی وضاحت کرتا ہے۔یا اس کے معنی میں اضافہ کرتا‬
‫ کب اور کہاں ہوا ہے۔‬،‫ہے۔المختصر متعلق فعل ہمیں یہ بتاتا ہے کہ کوئی کام کیسے‬
Kinds of Adverbs – ‫ متعلق فعل کی کئی قسمیں ہیں جن میں سے چند ایک درج ذیل ہیں۔‬:‫متعلق فعل کی اقسام‬
Adverbs of Quality or Manner: ‫ بتاتے ہیں کہ کوئی کام کیسے ہوا۔‬-Adverbs of manner. ‫یاد رکھیے کہ‬
He writes badly. ‫وہ برا لکھتا ہے۔‬
He hit the ball hard. ‫اس نے گیند کو زور سے ٹھوکر ماری۔‬
She walks slowly.‫وہ آہستہ چلتی ہے۔‬
Azhar runs very fast.‫اظہر بہت تیز دوڑتا ہے۔‬
Adverbs of Quality or Degree: ‫ کس قدر یا کس حد تک ہوا۔‬،‫کام کتنا‬ J‫بتاتے ہیں کہ کوئی‬
I am very happy. ‫میں بہت خوش ہوں۔‬
He is quite right.‫وہ بالکل ٹھیک ہے۔‬
She arrived too soon.‫وہ زیادہ ہی جلدی آگئی۔‬
I am very hungry.‫میں بہت بھوکا ہوں۔‬
Adverbs of Place: ‫ کام کہاں ہوا۔‬J‫بتاتے ہیں کہ کوئی‬
He comes here.‫وہ یہاں آتا ہے۔‬
I go there.‫میں وہاں جاتا ہوں۔‬
Asif is out.‫آصف باہر گیا ہوا ہے۔‬
We go to park daily.‫ہم روزانہ پارک میں جاتے ہیں۔‬
Adverbs of Time: ‫ کام کب ہوا۔‬J‫بتاتے ہیں کہ کوئی‬
Do it now. ‫یہ ابھی کرو۔‬
I am leaving today.‫میں آج روانہ ہو رہا ہوں۔‬
He met me yesterday.‫ کل مال۔‬J‫وہ مجھے‬
Clean it now.‫یہ ابھی صاف کرو۔‬
Adverbs of Number: ‫ کام کتنی بار ہوا۔‬J‫بتاتے ہیں کہ کوئی‬
I often meet him. ‫میں اسے اکثر ملتا ہوں۔‬
She told you twice.‫اس نے تمہیں دو دفعہ بتایا۔‬
He seldom comes here.‫وہ کبھی کبھار یہاں آتا ہے۔‬
I saw him twice.‫اسے دو دفعہ دیکھا۔‬ ‫میں نےئ‬
Interrogative Adverbs: ‫سوال کرتے ہوے استعماں کرتے ہیں۔‬
When will you leave? -‫تم کب روانہ ہوگے؟‬
Where does he live?-‫وہ کہاں رہتا ہے؟‬
How can you say that?-‫تم یہ کیسے کہہ سکتے ہو؟‬
Where did you go?- ‫تم کہاں گۓ تھے؟‬
Relative Adverbs: ‫مختلف فقروں کو مالنے کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔‬
I know where he lives. ‫مجھے معلوم ہے کہ وہ کہاں رہتا ہے۔‬
This is the reason why I left the college. ‫یہی وجہ ہے کہ میں نے کالج کیوں چھوڑا۔‬
 Do you know when it happened? ‫کیا آپ کو معلوم ہے کہ یہ کب ہوا؟‬
 I know who that is.‫مجھے معلوم ہے کہ وہ کون ہے۔‬
Conjunctions – ‫حروف عطف‬
Definition: Conjunctions are the words that join together words, phrases or sentences.
‫انہیں اردو میں حروف عطف کہتے ہیں۔‬-‫ وہ الفاظ جو دو لفظوں یا دو جملوں کو ایک دوسرے سے مالتے ہیں‬:‫تعریف‬
Types of Conjunction:
1. Coordinating Conjunction
2. Subordinating Conjunction
3. Correlative Conjunction
Conjunctions ‫معنی‬

And ‫اور‬
But ‫پہلے‬

Conjunctions ‫معنی‬

Because J‫کیونکہ‬
If ‫اگر‬
‫جب تک‬

Examples with Sentences:

And (‫)اور‬
Ahmed is present and Talha is present too. ‫ ہے اور طلحہ بھی‬J‫احمد حاضر‬
Ali and Asif went to school. ‫علی اور آصف سکول گئے‬

Ahmed is present but Talha is absent. ‫ ہے‬J‫ ہے لیکن طلحہ غیر حاضر‬J‫احمد حاضر‬
 I like milk but I don’t like tea. ‫مجھے دودھ پسند ہے لیکن مجھے چائے پسند نہیں‬

As well as(‫)اور بھی‬

He is intelligent as well as hardworking. ‫وہ ذہین بھی ہے اور محنتی بھی ہے‬
 Ali as well as Ahmed is absent. ‫علی بھی غیر حاضر اور اھمد بھی‬

He said that he was busy. ‫اس نی کہا کہ میں مصروف تھا‬
 She says that she is tired. ‫وہ کہتی ہے کہ میں تھکی ہوئی ہوں‬

Therefore(‫)اسی لیے‬
I am ill therefore I can’t come to school. ‫میں بیمار ہوان اس لیے میں سکول نہیں آسکتا‬
He has no money therefore I paid the bill. ‫اس کے پاس پیسے نہیں تھے اس لیے میں نے‬
‫بل ادا کیا‬

Otherwise / or else(‫)ورنہ‬
Work hard otherwise you will fail ‫محنت کرو ورنہ فیل ہو جاؤگے‬
 Take care of your health or else you will fall ill. ‫ تم‬J‫اپنی صحت کا خیال رکھو ورنہ‬
‫بیمار ہو جاؤ گے‬

Asked……if(‫)پوچھا آیاکہ‬
He asked me if I was O.K.‫اس نے مجھ سے پوچھا آیا کہ میں ٹھیک ہوں‬
 He asked him if he had been there.‫اس نے اس سے پوچھا ایا کہ وہ وہاں تھا‬

Either / Neither…..nor(‫ نہ‬/ ‫)یا‬

Either you or Asif has stolen my book.‫یا تم نے میری کتاب چرائی ہے یا آصف نے‬
 Neither I nor Asif has stolen your book. ‫نہ میں نے اور نہ ہی اصف نے آپ کی کتاب‬
‫چرائی ہے‬
‫)کیونکہ ‪ /‬چونکہ(‪Because/since/as/for‬‬
‫میں نہیں جا سکتا کیونکہ میں مصروف‪ J‬ہوں‪I can’t go because I am busy.‬‬
‫چونکہ میں فارغ تھا ‪ ،‬اس لیے میں وہاں چال گیا‪As I was free I went there.‬‬
‫چونکہ تم قسم کھاتے ہواس لیے میں یقین کر لیتا ہوں‪Since you swear, I believe it.‬‬
‫اس کی غیر حاضری لگ گئی کیونکہ‪ J‬وہ دیر سے ‪He was marked absent for he was late.‬‬

‫)اگرچہ‪،‬لیکن پھر بھی(‪Although…..yet‬‬

‫اگرچہ وہ امیر ہے لیکن پھر بھی کنجوس ہے ‪Although he is rich yet he is miser.‬‬
‫اگرچہ وہ غریب ہے لیکن پھر بھی ایماندار‪ J‬ہے‪Although she is poor yet she is honest.‬‬

‫)جونہی(‪As soon as‬‬

‫جونہی میں گھر پہنچا بارش شروع‪ J‬ہو گئی‪As soon as I reached home it began to rain.‬‬

‫)کہیں ایسا نہ ہو(‪Lest‬‬

‫محنت کرو کہیں ایسا نہ ہو کہ تم فیل ہو جاؤ‪Work hard lest you should fail.‬‬
‫تیز چلو کہیں ایسا نہ ہو کہ ہم بس سے رہ جائیں‪ Work fast lest we should miss the bus.‬‬

‫)نہ صرف۔۔۔۔۔۔۔بلکہ(‪Not only…..but also‬‬

‫وہ نہ صرف ایماندار ہے بلکہ مخلص بھی‪He is not only honest but also sincere.‬‬
‫وہ نہ صرف‪ J‬خوبصورت‪ J‬ہے بلکہ ذہین بھی ‪She is not only beautiful but also intelligent.‬‬

‫)تاکہ(‪So that…….may‬‬
‫‪ ‬وہ محنت کرتا ہے تاکہ وہ پاس ہو جائے‪He works hard so that he may pass.‬‬
‫میں وہاں جاتا ہوں تاکہ میں ورزش‪ J‬کر سکوں‪I go there so that I may take exercise.‬‬

‫)تو درکنار‪/‬کا تو ذکر ہی کیا(‪Not to speak of……even‬‬

‫دودھ کا تو ذکرہی‪ J‬کیا اسے تو روٹی ‪Not to speak of milk, he does not even get bread.‬‬
‫بھی نہیں ملتی‬
‫کار کا تو ذکر ہی کیا اس کے پاس‪ Not to speak of a car, he does not even have a bike-‬‬
‫توموٹرسائیکل بھی نہیں ہے‬

‫)جتنا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔اتنا(‪The more….the more‬‬

‫ہم جتنا اوپر جاتے ہیں اتنی ہی ٹھنڑ ہوتی ہے ‪The higher we go, the cooler it is.‬‬
‫جتنا گڑ ڈالو گے اتنا ہی میٹھا ہو گا‪ The more the sugar, the sweeter it is.‬‬

‫)اتنا نہیں ۔۔۔۔۔ جتنا کہ(‪Not so……as‬‬

‫وہ اتنا بہادر نہیں جتنا کہ اس کا بھائی ہے‪He is not so brave as his brother is.‬‬
‫وہ اتنا عقلمند نہیں ہے جتنا کہ اس کا دوست‪He is not so wise as his friend is.‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬
            “A word that tell us something about verb is called Adverb”

Slowly, Beautifully, Early, Well
1-   You are lazy                                      = Adjective
2-   You are working lazily                     = Adverb
3-   He is beautiful singer                      = Adjective
4-   He is singing beautifully                  = Adverb
Kind of Adverb:
      “There are three kind of adverb”
1. Adverb of  manner
2. Adverb of  place
3. Adverb of  time
Adverb of manner:              
     “An adverb goes with verb to tell “How” is called adverb of manner”

     1-She is coming badly      =How?           =Badly                  
     2-He sang beautiful      =How?            =Beautifully          
Adverb of Place:
     “An adverb goes with to tell “Where” is called adverb of place”

      1-She sang a song there       =Where?      =There       
     2-They gave test here         =Where       =Here
Adverb of Time:
     “An adverb goes with verb to tell “When” is called adverb of time”

      1-He ate early     =When?      =Early
     2-They come today      =When      =Today
How To Make the Adverb
No#1:  Adding       “Ly”
“Generally we make the adverb of an adjective by adding “Ly”
Adjective Adverb
Slow Slowly
Bad Badly
Beautiful Beautifully
Careful Carefully

No#02: Adding “Ily”

     “Generally we make the adverb of an adjective by adding “ily”

Adjective Adverb

Easy Easily
Heavy Heavily
Lazy Lazily
merry Merrily

No#03:  Adding or Addition
“There are some objectives that have the some form for adverb as well”

Adjective Adverb

Fast Fast
Hard Hard
Soon Soon
Good Well

                           Pro + noun
                   Instead of Noun
 “A word that is used Instead of noun is called Pronoun” ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ض‬
‫ے ج و کسی اسم کی ج گہ اس عمال ہ و ا ہ‬
                                               ‫ے‬ ‫اسم می ر وہ ل ظ ہ‬
            He, She, It, I, We, You, They, etc.

Structure of Pronoun
I Me My/mine Myself
We Us Our/ours our self/ves
You You Your/yours Yourself/ves
They Them Their/theirs Themselves/v
He Him His Himself
She Her Her/hers herself
It It Its It selves
One One Ones Oneself
I beat him
This is my book
I speak English myself
                                              GEN    SEC (in English)
          “Classification of sex is called Gender” ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬
‫ن‬ ‫س‬
‫کس کے درج ہ ب دی کو ج س کہا ج ا ا ہ‬
Kind of Gender
1. Masculine Gender‫مرد کیلئے‬              
2. Feminine gender‫عورت کیلئے‬              
3. Neuter Gender‫اشیاء کیلئے‬                  
4. Common Gender‫مرد اور عورت دونوں کیلئے‬             
Masculine Gender
“A word that is used for made is called masculine Gender”
             -‫ کہا جاتا ہے‬J‫مرد کیلیےاستعمال ہونے والے الفاظ کو ماسکیولین‬

Noun = Boy, Man, King, Prince Etc.
Pronoun = He, his, him etc.
Feminine Gender
                   “A word that is used for female is called feminine gender”
                                 ‫عورت کیلئے استعمال ہونے والے الفاظ کو فیمینین کہا جاتا ہے‬
          Noun = Girl, woman, queen, princes etc.
          Pronoun = She, her, hers
Neuter Gender:
          “A word that is used for thing is called neuter gender”
                                     ‫ کہا جاتا ہے‬J‫اشیاء کیلئے استعمال ہونے والے الفاظ نیوٹر‬
          Noun = Book, Chair, Board etc.
          Pronoun = It, its, etc.
Common Gender:
          “A word that is used for both male and female is called common gender”
                        ‫جو لفظ مرد اور عورت دونوں کیلئے استعمال ہو وہ کومن کہا جاتا ہے‬
          Noun = Doctor, Teacher, Friend etc.
          Pronoun = I, we, you, they, one etc.
Pronoun Number:
There is two pronoun numbers:
    1)     Personal pronoun               
    2)   Impersonal pronoun
1) Personal pronoun:
                   “Pronoun which is used for person is called personal pronoun.
 ‫ذاتی چیزوں کیلئے استعمال ہونے والے الفاظ کو ذاتی ضمیر کہا جاتا ہے‬
  I, We, You, They, He, She, One etc.
2) Impersonal pronoun:
                    “Pronoun which is for thing is called impersonal pronoun”
                              ‫ ضمیر کہا جاتا ہے‬J‫چیزوں کیلئے استعمال ہونے والے الفاظ کو امپرسنل‬
          It etc.
          “There are three kinds of person in whole world”
    1)     1st person
   2)    2nd person
    3)    3rd person
1st person:
          “The person who is speaking is called 1st person”
                   I, We

2nd person:
          “The person who is listening is called 2nd person”
3rd person:
          “The person who is spoken about is called 3rd person”
                   He, She, It, They
           “A word join together two word phrases or sentence is called conjunction.
  And, But, Although, If, Until, While, Because etc.
         1)     Teacher and Student
         2)   Along the round and near the school
         3)   You should not talk to him until I phase you
A preposition is a word placed before a noun. That word relates a noun or pronoun to another in the
‫ا‬JJ‫اہر ہوت‬JJ‫اتھ ظ‬JJ‫اظ کے س‬JJ‫رے الف‬JJ‫ق دوس‬JJ‫ا تعل‬JJ‫وتے ہیں اور انک‬JJ‫تعمال ہ‬JJ‫حروف کا کسی ناؤن یا پروناؤن کے ساتھ اس‬
          I live in Lahore‫میں الہور رہتا ہوں ۔‬
          Who is at the door? ‫دروازے پر کون ہے‬
          The books are on the table. ‫کتابیں میز پر ہیں‬
A preposition is a word placed before a noun or noun-equivalent show in what relation the pronoun or
thing devoted there by stand to something due.

‫حروف جار وہ الفاظ ہیں جو ایک اسم کا دوسرے اسم ضمیر سے تعلق ظاہر کرتے ہیں انہی الفاظ کو حروف جار کہتے ہیں‬
At, under, on, in, from, to, with, by

Ahsan khan lives at Kohat.

Look at this picture‫۔‬

Ahsan lives in Lahore.

He is the room.

Humaira is going to school.

The work was rattan by him.

A pen is to write with.

He sits on the chair.

 He will came from Karachi tomorrow.

The cat is under the tree.

She is under sixteen.

Preposition: a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence.

Preposition Urdu Meaning Preposition Urdu Meaning

In ‫میں‬ From ‫سے‬

Under ‫نیچے‬ Of ‫کے‬،‫کی‬،‫کا‬

After ‫بعد‬،‫پیچھے‬ Through ‫میں سے‬

Across ‫پار‬ To ‫تک‬،‫کو‬

Above ‫اوپر‬ on ‫پر‬

Below ‫نیچے‬ With ‫ساتھ‬

Beyond ‫پرے‬ About ‫کے متعلق‬

Beside ‫پاس‬،‫طرف‬ At ‫پر‬

Down ‫نیچے‬ By ‫پاس‬،‫ساتھ‬,‫کی طرف سے‬

Among ‫درمیان‬ For ‫کے لیے‬

Before ‫پہلے‬ Into ‫اندر‬

Between ‫درمیان‬ Over ‫اوپر‬

Than ‫سے‬ Within ‫میں‬

Preposition Sentences with Urdu Meanings 

‫ج مل‬
Sentences-‫ے‬ ‫اردو میں ترجمعہ‬
‫گھوڑا دو درختوں کے درمیان کھڑا‬
The horse was standing between two trees.
‫باز درختوں سے اوپر چکر لگا رہا‬
The eagle is circling over the trees.
Key is in my pocket. ‫چابی میری جیب میں ہے۔‬
Computer is on the table. ‫ میز پر ہے۔‬J‫کمپیوٹر‬
The cat is under the table. ‫بلی میز کے نیچے ہے۔‬
‫مجھے کشمیر میں دعوت دی گئی‬
I was invited in Kashmir.
Naeem was born in 1970. ‫ میں پیدا ہواتھا۔‬1970 ‫نعیم‬
‫وہ شام کو آرہے تھے مگر وہ صبح‬
They were coming in the evening but they come in the morning .
He returned home after seven years. ‫وہ سات سال بعد گھر لوٹا۔‬
You should come in a month. ‫تمہیں ایک ماہ میں آنا چاہیے۔‬
‫لیلی تاالب میں چھالنگ لگا رہی‬
Laila is jumping into the pool.
The Computer is in the shop. ‫ دکان میں ہے۔‬J‫کمپیوٹر‬
Faisal has been reading since morning. ‫فیصل صبح سے پڑھ رہا ہے۔‬
Maria had sleeping for two hours. ‫ماریہ دو گھنٹوں سے سو رہی ہے۔‬
‫شاہد نے کمپیوٹر کی بجائے مجھے‬
Shahid gave me a book beside a Computer.
‫کتاب دے دی۔‬
‫نائلہ اپنی سہیلی کے پاس کھڑی‬
Naila stood beside her friend.
He caught a bird with a net. ‫اس نے جال سے پرندا پکڑا تھا۔‬
The poem was writen by Nazia. ‫نظم نازیہ نے لکھی تھی۔‬
Women were quarreling among themselves. ‫عورتیں آپس میں جھگڑ رہی تھیں۔‬
‫روبینہ کی فیملی کوٹلی میں رہتی‬
Robina,s family lives at Kotli.
The army moved to Muzafarabad. ‫فوج مظفرآباد میں چلی گئی۔‬
Noreen will come at 10:00. ‫نورین دس بجے آئے گی۔‬
‫میرا سکول ساڑھے سات بجے کھلتا‬
My school opens at 7:30.
Aamna will come on Sunday. ‫آمنہ اتوار کو آئے گی۔‬


How can we use these little words correctly?

Prepositions are used in many different ways in English - perhaps that's why a lot of people have
problems with them.
First, they are used with time words:
 on Monday
 in the 20th century
 at night
Second, they are used to show where something or someone is:
 The plate is on the table.
 Julie is in the garden.
 The picture is on the wall.
Third, they are used after some adjectives:
 She is good at tennis.
 Scotland is famous for whisky
 I'm worried about my new job.
Fourth, they are used after some verbs:
 I'm listening to music.
 She is waiting for her friend.
 He borrows money from his sister.
Fifth, they are used after some nouns:
 She has trouble with remembering new vocabulary.
Finally, they are used in certain phrases:
 The bus arrived in the end.
 She arrived just in time for the film.

Preposition: definition & Types

 A preposition is a word that indicates the relationship between a noun and the other words of a sentence.
They explain relationships of sequence, space, and logic between the object of the sentence and the rest of
the sentence. They help us understand order, time connections, and positions.

 I am going to Canada.
 Alex threw a stone into the pond.
 The present is inside the box.
 They have gone out of the town.
There are a few interesting linguistic facts about preposition.
First, they are a closed class of words which means no new preposition gets added to the language. We
use a fixed set of prepositions.
Second, prepositions do not have any other form. They cannot be plural, possessive, inflection, or
anything else.
Third, most of the prepositions have many different contextual and natural uses. So, it is easy to be
confused about preposition.
Fourth, sometimes a preposition works as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
Prepositions can be of one, two, three, or even more words. Prepositions with two or more words are
called phrasal prepositions.
There are some commonly used phrasal prepositions:
Because of, in case of, instead of, by way of, on behalf of, on account of, in care of, in spite of, on the side
of, etc.
Types of Preposition
Most of the prepositions have many uses. There are some prepositions which are common in every type of
preposition as they function in a versatile way.

 Prepositions of Time
 Prepositions of Place and Direction
 Prepositions of Agents or Things
 Phrasal Prepositions
Prepositions of Time:

Prepositions of time show the relationship of time between the nouns to the other parts of a sentence.
On, at, in, from, to, for, since, ago, before, till/until, by, etc. are the most common preposition of time.
 He started working at 10 AM.
 The company called meeting on 25 October.
 There is a holiday in December.
 He has been ill since Monday.

Prepositions of Place and Direction:

Prepositions of place show the relationship of place between the nouns to the other parts of a sentence.
On, at, in, by, from, to, towards, up, down, across, between, among, though, in front of, behind, above,
over, under, below, etc. are the most common prepositions of place/direction.
 He is at home.
 He came from England.
 The police broke into the house.
 I live across the river.

Prepositions of Agents or Things:

Prepositions of agents or things indicate a casual relationship between nouns and other parts of the
sentence. Of, for, by, with, about, etc. are the most used and common prepositions of agents or things.
 This article is about smartphones.
 Most of the guests have already left.
 I will always be here for you.
 He is playing with his brothers.

Phrasal Prepositions:

A phrasal preposition is not a prepositional phrase, but they are a combination of two or more words
which functions as a preposition.
Along with, apart from, because of, by means of, according to, in front of, contrary to, in spite of, on
account of, in reference to, in addition to, in regard to, instead of, on top of, out of, with regard to , etc.
are the most common phrasal prepositions.
 They along with their children went to Atlanta.
 According to the new rules, you are not right.
 In spite of being a good player, he was not selected.
 I’m going out of the city.
Prepositions are short words (at, in, on) which are used to show position, location, direction, and time in
English. This in-depth tutorial will take you from basic usage to advanced verb + preposition
combinations. It includes dozens of preposition exercises as well as the answers to common preposition
Position Prepositions

The following prepositions are used to indicate position. To help you learn the meaning of each preposition, the
images below show the position of the red ball (or bar) in relation to the blue box. (Example:  The red ball
is  above  the blue box.) Scroll down for more example sentences and position preposition exercises.

Position Preposition Examples

Preposition Example Sentence

above The red ball is above the blue box.

across The red bar is lying across the blue boxes.

against The red bar is lying against the blue box.

among The red ball is among the blue boxes.

around The red balls are around the blue box.

behind The red ball is behind the blue box.

below The red ball is below the blue box.

beneath The red ball is beneath the blue box.

beside The red ball is beside the blue box.

between The red ball is between the blue boxes.

by The red ball is by the blue box.

in The red ball is in the blue box.

in front of The red ball is in front of the blue box.

inside The red ball is inside the blue box.

near The red ball is near the blue box.

next to The red ball is next to the blue box.

on The red ball is on the blue box.

outside The red ball is outside the blue box.

over The red ball is over the blue box.

through The red bar is running through the blue box.

under The red ball is under the blue box.

underneath The red ball is underneath the blue box.

Direction Prepositions

The following prepositions are used to indicate direction. Direction prepositions are special because they show
some type of movement. The images below demonstrate the direction of the red ball in relation to the blue
object. (Example: The red ball is rolling  away from  the blue box.) Scroll down for example sentences, usage notes,
and direction preposition exercises.

Direction Preposition Examples

Preposition Example Sentence

across The red ball bounced across the blue line

against The red ball rolled against the blue box.

along The red ball is rolling along the blue line.

around The red ball is rolling around the blue box.

away from The red ball is rolling away from the blue box.

down The red ball is rolling down the blue stairs.

from The red ball is coming from the blue box.

into The red ball is bouncing into the blue box.

off of The red ball is rolling off of the blue box.

onto The red ball is bouncing onto the blue box.

out of The red ball is bouncing out of the blue box.

over The red ball is bouncing over the blue box.

through The red ball is rolling through the hole in the blue box.

to The red ball is rolling to the blue box.

toward(s) The red ball is rolling towards the blue box.

under The red ball is rolling under the blue box.

up The red ball is rolling up the blue stairs.

Using From, To and Of with Direction Prepositions

In the pictures above, you will notice that some prepositions are followed by an optional from, to or of. If
you want to use these prepositions with a location object, you have to use the optional from, to or of. If
there is no location object, you do not need to use the optional from, to or of.

 Sherry walked into the house. has object "the house"

 Sherry walked in. no object

 Katie jumped out of the boat. has object "boat"

 Katie jumped out. no object

 He walked away from me. has object "me"

 He walked away. no object

Sometimes, native speakers can break the rules!!!

With certain common expressions, we sometimes break the above rule, and we don't use the
prepositions from, to or of even when they are followed by objects. In fact, some grammar books argue
that off of is wrong! However, you cannot always skip from, to or of. Experience will teach you when and
where you can do this.


 Katie jumped off the moving streetcar. common

 Sherry walked out the door. common

 Sherry walked out the house. not correct

Adding To or From to Other Direction Prepositions

The prepositions to and from can be added to other direction prepositions to give a more detailed

description of whether someone is moving towards or away from something. This is especially common
when talking about movement on stairs or hills.


 John walked up to the top of the staircase. John started at the bottom.

 John walked down from the top of the staircase. John started at the top.

 John walked down to Mary. John started at the top, and he walked down to Mary who was
waiting at the bottom.

Location Prepositions

The prepositions of location at, in, on and aboard are a bit more complicated than basic position
prepositions. Location prepositions are associated with specific types of locations, which must be

Sometimes, the location prepositions are logical. For example, in a house makes sense because you are
physically standing inside the house. Other location prepositions are less logical. For example, on a
bus means inside the bus rather than standing on top of the bus. Here is a list of location prepositions and
the types of locations they are associated with. Scroll down for example sentences, usage notes, and
location preposition exercises.


at specific locations, addresses, companies, stores, events, parties, desks, counters

enclosed spaces, buildings, organizations, regions, water, deserts, mountain ranges, forests,
cities, countries, continents, the sky, space, cars, groups of people, little boats

surfaces, roads, corners, shores, single mountains, islands, planets, public transportation,
bikes, big boats, stairs, balconies, walkways

boats, planes, trains


To help you understand the types of locations listed above, here are some real-life examples of at, in and
on to get you started. There is a discussion of aboard further down the page.

At In On

at work in class on the floor

at home in college on the ground

at the bank in the hospital on the freeway

at the beach in my car on the lawn

at 123 Main Street in a taxi on the subway

at IKEA in a canoe on the Titanic

at the party in the sky on the plane

at the bus stop in the universe on Mount Everest

at the ticket counter in the army on the stairs

at my desk in the Rocky Mountains on Mars

at the dinner table in the Pacific on the shore

at the exit in the crowd on the sidewalk

at the supermarket in the theater on the balcony

at the wedding in China on Catalina Island

at the post office in Africa on his motorcycle

At School vs. In School

It's important to remember that each preposition expresses an idea. For example, at expresses the idea of
being at a specific location, whereas in expresses the idea of being in an institution. For this reason, at
school and in school have two very difference meanings. Take a look at the examples below to understand
the difference.


 Tom wasn't at home; he was at school. at that location

 Fred doesn't have a job yet because he is still in school. enrolled in the institution of school

On a Street vs. In the Street

Again, different prepositions have different meanings. On is generally used for street locations (on Main
Street), whereas in is used to talk about standing in the middle of the street.


 My house was on Delaney Street. at that location

 The car almost hit him because he was in the street. standing in the middle of the street

At the Beach vs. On the Beach

As described above, you must remember the meanings of the prepositions. At the beach is referring to the
location. On the beach suggests the idea of being on the shore (standing on the sand.)


 Sarah wasn't at school; she was at the beach. at that location

 Lisa wasn't in the ocean when she saw the shark. Luckily, she was on the beach. on the sand

In Water vs. On Water

Once again, the difference depends on the meaning of the prepositions. When you are in water, you are
swimming in the water. However, when you are on water, you are floating on the surface of the water in a
boat OR you are standing on the shore of that body of water. This applies to lakes, rivers, oceans and
other bodies of water.

 We were in the sea all day. swimming

 We were on the sea all day. in a boat

 I have a beautiful house on the sea. on the shore

In a Boat vs. On a Boat vs. Aboard a Boat

The word boat is a little more complicated. When English speakers are in small boats, they feel that they
are inside something like a car, so they use the preposition in. On large boats or ships, it feels more like
public transportation and they prefer to use the word on rather than in.

The preposition aboard is usually used in more formal language with large passenger vehicles such as
planes, trains and ships and is often used to emphasize the moment you first step onto the vehicle. It is
most commonly heard in the expression welcome aboard.


 Jane was in a rowboat when she saw the whale. small boat

 Natalie was on a cruise ship when she saw the whale. big boat

 When everyone was aboard the ship, we departed. more formal

Time Prepositions

There are two types of time prepositions in English. First, we will take a look at the basic time
prepositions at, in, and on. Secondly, we will cover the functional time
prepositions after, before, by, during, for, from, in, to and until/till.

Basic Time Prepositions

The prepositions at, in and on are associated with specific time categories, which must be memorized. For
example, we say "at 5 PM on Sunday in June" because English speakers use at with clock times, on with
days, and in with months. Study the categories and the examples below.

Preposition Time Categories

at clock times, exact times of day, night, holiday periods

in months, years, morning/afternoon/evening, seasons, centuries, eras

on days, dates, holidays, weekends, days+morning/afternoon/evening

To help you understand the time categories listed above, here are a few real-life examples of at, in and
on to get you started.

At In On
at 3:45 PM in June on Tuesday

at noon in August on September 8, 1969

at midnight in the winter on Christmas Eve

at sunrise in the summer on the day we met

at sunset in the morning on the weekend

at dawn in the afternoon on weekends

at Christmastime in the Renaissance on my birthday

at the close of day in the '70s on Thanksgiving

at night in the 14th century on Friday mornings

at 6 o'clock in 1922 on the first day of the month

On Christmas vs. At Christmas

Both on and at are used with holidays, but the meaning is different. On is used with specific days and at is
used with holiday periods. For this reason, on Christmas means on Christmas Day (Dec. 25) whereas at
Christmas means during the Christmas season (late December). There is a similar distinction with longer
holidays, including Easter, Hanukkah, the New Year, Thanksgiving weekend, Chinese New Year etc.


 On Christmas, we always eat dinner at my grandparents' house. Christmas day

 I love all the decorations at Christmas. Christmastime

No Prepositions with Tomorrow, Yesterday, Next, and Last

Do not use on with the words tomorrow or yesterday. Similarly, do not use at, in or on with any of the

expressions listed above when they follow the words next or last.


 I went to the movies on yesterday. Not correct

 I went to the movies yesterday. Correct

 I went to the movies on last Tuesday. Not correct

 I went to the movies last Tuesday. Correct

 I graduated from college in last August. Not correct

 I graduated from college last August. Correct

Functional Time Prepositions

The following time prepositions have a more functional usage and show how two or more events relate to
each other in time. For example, Lisa jogs before dinner means Lisa jogs first and eats dinner second.
These time prepositions can be hard to translate and are best learned through conversation.

Preposition Use Examples

before earlier than Before work, Tony eats breakfast.

from... to start time... end time Tony works from 9 AM to 5 PM.

from... until/till start time... end time Tony works from 9 AM until 5 PM.

for amount of time Tony works for eight hours.

during within a time During the day, Tony eats a small snack and lunch.

by before a point of time By 5 PM, Tony is quite hungry again.

after later than After work, Tony goes home and eats dinner.

in within an amount of time Tony eats four times in twelve hours.

To vs. Until vs. Till

Both to and until express similar ideas, but there is a difference in usage between the two words. To is a
preposition, and it must be followed by a noun, most frequently a clock time such as 3:45 PM.

Until is both a preposition and an adverb, which means it is more flexible. Until can be followed by any
time noun or even an entire clause. If you are confused, you can use until and that will always be right.

Till is a short, less formal version of until. Till (also written as 'til) is more common in spoken English,
songs, and poetry.


 Jane stayed from 3:30 to 5:30.

 Jane stayed from 3:30 until 5:30.

 Jane stayed until the end.

 Jane stayed till the end.

 Jane stayed until every person in the room had left.

 Jane stayed till every person in the room had left.

Complete List of Prepositions

The following is a complete list of prepositions and related words used in our preposition tutorial
including types of prepositions and preposition example sentences.

Preposition Type Example Sentence

Above position The coconut was high above our heads, so nobody could reach it.

Across position The cat lay across my lap.

across direction We walked across the street.

after time After dinner, we ate dessert.

against position The broom was leaning against the fence.

against direction He threw the glass against the wall.

along direction The path led along the river.

among position The deer hid among the trees.

around position There was a white fence around the house.

around direction He walked around the tree.

at location We don't have a coffee maker at work.

at time Class begins at 7 AM.

away from direction The fireman led the people away from the burning building.

before time Before work, I go to the fitness center.

Behind position We parked in the parking lot behind the building.

below position We entered the huge basement below the house.

beneath position We sat beneath the tree and enjoyed the shade.

beside position The dog sat beside him obediently.

between position There was a fence between the two houses.

by position There is a pharmacy by the grocery store.

by time By the time we started dinner, the food was cold.

down direction The ball rolled down the hill.

during time Somebody's phone rang during the movie.

for time We were in Hawaii for two weeks.

from direction He comes from France.

from time The lecture lasts from 1:30 PM to 3 PM.

in position The laptop is in my backpack.

in location I learned Japanese in college.

in time The movie starts in ten minutes.

in front of position The car was parked in front of the store.

inside position A gift was inside the box.

into direction Naomi walked into the house.

near position The public library was near my school.

next to position The pizza parlor was next to the movie theater.

off (of) direction The cat fell off (of) the couch.

on position The pencil is on the table.

on location My house is on Main Street.

on time My vacation begins on Thursday.

onto direction The cat jumped onto my lap.

Out of direction When we walked out of the hotel, the taxi was waiting for us.

Outside location He was outside the house when the fire began.

Over position There was a rainbow over us.

Over direction He jumped over the snake.

Through position There was a tunnel through the mountain.

Through direction We walked through the tunnel.

Till time We waited till Tom arrived to start dinner.

To direction Nancy walked to the mall.

To time The movie is from 7 to 9.

Toward(s) direction The boat sailed towards the horizon.

Under position The cat is under my chair.

Under direction The whale swam under the boat.

Underneath position The child was underneath the blanket.

Until time I can't wait until summer, so we can go to the beach again.

Up direction We walked up the hill to see the view.


Prepositions are short words (on, in, to) that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of
gerund verbs).

Even advanced learners of English find prepositions difficult, as a 1:1 translation is usually not possible.
One preposition in your native language might have several translations depending on the situation.

There are hardly any rules as to when to use which preposition. The only way to learn prepositions is
looking them up in a dictionary, reading a lot in English (literature) and learning useful phrases off by
heart (study tips).

The following table contains rules for some of the most frequently used prepositions in English:

Prepositions – Time

English Usage Example

on  days of the week  on Monday

in  months / seasons  in August / in winter

 time of day  in the morning

 year  in 2006

 After a certain period of time (when?)  in an hour

at  for night  at night

 for weekend  at the weekend

 a certain point of time (when?)  at half past nine

since  from a certain point of time (past till now)  since 1980

for  over a certain period of time (past till  for 2 years


ago  a certain time in the past  2 years ago

English Usage Example

before  earlier than a certain point of time  before 2004

to  telling the time  ten to six (5:50)

past  telling the time  ten past six (6:10)

to / till /  marking the beginning and end of a  from Monday to/till Friday
until period of time

till / until  in the sense of how long something is  He is on holiday until Friday.
going to last

by  in the sense of at the latest  I will be back by 6 o’clock.

 up to a certain time  By 11 o'clock, I had read five


Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)

English Usage Example

in  room, building, street, town, country  in the kitchen, in London

 book, paper etc.  in the book

 car, taxi  in the car, in a taxi

 picture, world  in the picture, in the world

at  meaning next to, by an object  at the door, at the station

 for table  at the table

 for events  at a concert, at the party

 place where you are to do something typical  at the cinema, at school, at

(watch a film, study, work) work

on  attached  the picture on the wall

 for a place with a river  London lies on the Thames.

 being on a surface  on the table

 for a certain side (left, right)  on the left

 for a floor in a house  on the first floor

English Usage Example

 for public transport  on the bus, on a plane

 for television, radio  on TV, on the radio

by,  left or right of somebody or something  Jane is standing by / next to /
next to, beside the car.

under  on the ground, lower than (or covered by)  the bag is under the table
something else

below  lower than something else but above ground  the fish are below the surface

over  covered by something else  put a jacket over your shirt

 meaning more than  over 16 years of age

 getting to the other side (also across)  walk over the bridge

 overcoming an obstacle  climb over the wall

above  higher than something else, but not directly  a path above the lake
over it

across  getting to the other side (also over)  walk across the bridge

 getting to the other side  swim across the lake

through  something with limits on top, bottom and  drive through the tunnel
the sides

to  movement to person or building  go to the cinema

 movement to a place or country  go to London / Ireland

 for bed  go to bed

into  enter a room / a building  go into the kitchen / the house

toward  movement in the direction of something  go 5 steps towards the house

s (but not directly to it)

onto  movement to the top of something  jump onto the table

from  in the sense of where from  a flower from the garden

Other important Prepositions

English Usage Example

from  who gave it  a present from Jane

of  who/what does it belong to  a page of the book

 what does it show  the picture of a palace

by  who made it  a book by Mark Twain

on  walking or riding on horseback  on foot, on horseback

 entering a public transport vehicle  get on the bus

in  entering a car  / Taxi  get in the car

off  leaving a public transport vehicle  get off the train

out of  leaving a car  / Taxi  get out of the taxi

by  rise or fall of something  prices have risen by 10 percent

 travelling (other than walking or horse  by car, by bus


at  for age  she learned Russian at 45

about  for topics, meaning what about  we were talking about you

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