Ramirez v. Bagatsing

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G.R. No.

L-41631 December 17, 1976

HON. RAMON D. BAGATSING, as Mayor of the City of Manila; ROMAN G. GARGANTIEL, as Secretary to
HON. PEDRO A. RAMIREZ, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of the Court of First Instance of Manila,

Santiago F. Alidio and Restituto R. Villanueva for petitioners.

Antonio H. Abad, Jr. for private respondent.

Federico A. Blay for petitioner for intervention.


The chief question to be decided in this case is what law shall govern the publication of a tax ordinance
enacted by the Municipal Board of Manila, the Revised City Charter (R.A. 409, as amended), which
requires publication of the ordinance before its enactment and after its approval, or the Local Tax Code
(P.D. No. 231), which only demands publication after approval.

On June 12, 1974, the Municipal Board of Manila enacted Ordinance No. 7522, "AN ORDINANCE
petitioner City Mayor, Ramon D. Bagatsing, approved the ordinance on June 15, 1974.

On February 17, 1975, respondent Federation of Manila Market Vendors, Inc. commenced Civil Case
96787 before the Court of First Instance of Manila presided over by respondent Judge, seeking the
declaration of nullity of Ordinance No. 7522 for the reason that (a) the publication requirement under
the Revised Charter of the City of Manila has not been complied with; (b) the Market Committee was
not given any participation in the enactment of the ordinance, as envisioned by Republic Act 6039; (c)
Section 3 (e) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act has been violated; and (d) the ordinance would
violate Presidential Decree No. 7 of September 30, 1972 prescribing the collection of fees and charges
on livestock and animal products.

Resolving the accompanying prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction, respondent
Judge issued an order on March 11, 1975, denying the plea for failure of the respondent Federation of
Manila Market Vendors, Inc. to exhaust the administrative remedies outlined in the Local Tax Code.

After due hearing on the merits, respondent Judge rendered its decision on August 29, 1975, declaring
the nullity of Ordinance No. 7522 of the City of Manila on the primary ground of non-compliance with
the requirement of publication under the Revised City Charter. Respondent Judge ruled:

There is, therefore, no question that the ordinance in question was not published at all in two daily
newspapers of general circulation in the City of Manila before its enactment. Neither was it published in
the same manner after approval, although it was posted in the legislative hall and in all city public
markets and city public libraries. There being no compliance with the mandatory requirement of
publication before and after approval, the ordinance in question is invalid and, therefore, null and void.
Petitioners moved for reconsideration of the adverse decision, stressing that (a) only a post-publication
is required by the Local Tax Code; and (b) private respondent failed to exhaust all administrative
remedies before instituting an action in court.

On September 26, 1975, respondent Judge denied the motion.

Forthwith, petitioners brought the matter to Us through the present petition for review on certiorari.

We find the petition impressed with merits.

1. The nexus of the present controversy is the apparent conflict between the Revised Charter of the City
of Manila and the Local Tax Code on the manner of publishing a tax ordinance enacted by the Municipal
Board of Manila. For, while Section 17 of the Revised Charter provides:

Each proposed ordinance shall be published in two daily newspapers of general circulation in the city,
and shall not be discussed or enacted by the Board until after the third day following such publication. *
* * Each approved ordinance * * * shall be published in two daily newspapers of general circulation in
the city, within ten days after its approval; and shall take effect and be in force on and after the
twentieth day following its publication, if no date is fixed in the ordinance.

Section 43 of the Local Tax Code directs:

Within ten days after their approval, certified true copies of all provincial, city, municipal and
barrio ordinances levying or imposing taxes, fees or other charges shall be published for three
consecutive days in a newspaper or publication widely circulated within the jurisdiction of the local
government, or posted in the local legislative hall or premises and in two other conspicuous places
within the territorial jurisdiction of the local government. In either case, copies of all provincial, city,
municipal and barrio ordinances shall be furnished the treasurers of the respective component and
mother units of a local government for dissemination.

In other words, while the Revised Charter of the City of Manila requires publication before the
enactment of the ordinance and after the approval thereof in two daily newspapers of general
circulation in the city, the Local Tax Code only prescribes for publication after the approval of
"ordinances levying or imposing taxes, fees or other charges" either in a newspaper or publication widely
circulated within the jurisdiction of the local government or by posting the ordinance in the local
legislative hall or premises and in two other conspicuous places within the territorial jurisdiction of the
local government. Petitioners' compliance with the Local Tax Code rather than with the Revised Charter
of the City spawned this litigation.

There is no question that the Revised Charter of the City of Manila is a special act since it relates only to
the City of Manila, whereas the Local Tax Code is a general law because it applies universally to all local
governments. Blackstone defines general law as a universal rule affecting the entire community and
special law as one relating to particular persons or things of a class. 1 And the rule commonly said is that
a prior special law is not ordinarily repealed by a subsequent general law. The fact that one is special
and the other general creates a presumption that the special is to be considered as remaining an
exception of the general, one as a general law of the land, the other as the law of a particular
case. 2 However, the rule readily yields to a situation where the special statute refers to a subject in
general, which the general statute treats in particular. The exactly is the circumstance obtaining in the
case at bar. Section 17 of the Revised Charter of the City of Manila speaks of "ordinance" in general, i.e.,
irrespective of the nature and scope thereof, whereas, Section 43 of the Local Tax Code relates to
"ordinances levying or imposing taxes, fees or other charges" in particular. In regard, therefore, to
ordinances in general, the Revised Charter of the City of Manila is doubtless dominant, but, that
dominant force loses its continuity when it approaches the realm of "ordinances levying or imposing
taxes, fees or other charges" in particular. There, the Local Tax Code controls. Here, as always, a general
provision must give way to a particular provision. 3 Special provision governs. 4 This is especially true
where the law containing the particular provision was enacted later than the one containing the general
provision. The City Charter of Manila was promulgated on June 18, 1949 as against the Local Tax Code
which was decreed on June 1, 1973. The law-making power cannot be said to have intended the
establishment of conflicting and hostile systems upon the same subject, or to leave in force provisions of
a prior law by which the new will of the legislating power may be thwarted and overthrown. Such a
result would render legislation a useless and Idle ceremony, and subject the law to the reproach of
uncertainty and unintelligibility. 5

The case of City of Manila v. Teotico  6 is opposite. In that case, Teotico sued the City of Manila for
damages arising from the injuries he suffered when he fell inside an uncovered and unlighted catchbasin
or manhole on P. Burgos Avenue. The City of Manila denied liability on the basis of the City Charter (R.A.
409) exempting the City of Manila from any liability for damages or injury to persons or property arising
from the failure of the city officers to enforce the provisions of the charter or any other law or
ordinance, or from negligence of the City Mayor, Municipal Board, or other officers while enforcing or
attempting to enforce the provisions of the charter or of any other law or ordinance. Upon the other
hand, Article 2189 of the Civil Code makes cities liable for damages for the death of, or injury suffered by
any persons by reason of the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and other
public works under their control or supervision. On review, the Court held the Civil Code controlling. It is
true that, insofar as its territorial application is concerned, the Revised City Charter is a special law and
the subject matter of the two laws, the Revised City Charter establishes a general rule of liability arising
from negligence in general, regardless of the object thereof, whereas the Civil Code constitutes a
particular prescription for liability due to defective streets in particular. In the same manner, the Revised
Charter of the City prescribes a rule for the publication of "ordinance" in general, while the Local Tax
Code establishes a rule for the publication of "ordinance levying or imposing taxes fees or other
charges in particular.

In fact, there is no rule which prohibits the repeal even by implication of a special or specific act by a
general or broad one. 7 A charter provision may be impliedly modified or superseded by a later statute,
and where a statute is controlling, it must be read into the charter notwithstanding any particular
charter provision. 8 A subsequent general law similarly applicable to all cities prevails over any conflicting
charter provision, for the reason that a charter must not be inconsistent with the general laws and
public policy of the state. 9 A chartered city is not an independent sovereignty. The state remains
supreme in all matters not purely local. Otherwise stated, a charter must yield to the constitution and
general laws of the state, it is to have read into it that general law which governs the municipal
corporation and which the corporation cannot set aside but to which it must yield. When a city adopts a
charter, it in effect adopts as part of its charter general law of such character. 10

2. The principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies is strongly asserted by petitioners as having

been violated by private respondent in bringing a direct suit in court. This is because Section 47 of the
Local Tax Code provides that any question or issue raised against the legality of any tax ordinance, or
portion thereof, shall be referred for opinion to the city fiscal in the case of tax ordinance of a city. The
opinion of the city fiscal is appealable to the Secretary of Justice, whose decision shall be final and
executory unless contested before a competent court within thirty (30) days. But, the petition below
plainly shows that the controversy between the parties is deeply rooted in a pure question of law:
whether it is the Revised Charter of the City of Manila or the Local Tax Code that should govern the
publication of the tax ordinance. In other words, the dispute is sharply focused on the applicability of
the Revised City Charter or the Local Tax Code on the point at issue, and not on the legality of the
imposition of the tax. Exhaustion of administrative remedies before resort to judicial bodies is not an
absolute rule. It admits of exceptions. Where the question litigated upon is purely a legal one, the rule
does not apply. 11 The principle may also be disregarded when it does not provide a plain, speedy and
adequate remedy. It may and should be relaxed when its application may cause great and irreparable
damage. 12

3. It is maintained by private respondent that the subject ordinance is not a "tax ordinance," because
the imposition of rentals, permit fees, tolls and other fees is not strictly a taxing power but a revenue-
raising function, so that the procedure for publication under the Local Tax Code finds no application. The
pretense bears its own marks of fallacy. Precisely, the raising of revenues is the principal object of
taxation. Under Section 5, Article XI of the New Constitution, "Each local government unit shall have the
power to create its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, subject to such provisions as may be
provided by law." 13 And one of those sources of revenue is what the Local Tax Code points to in
particular: "Local governments may collect fees or rentals for the occupancy or use of public markets
and premises * * *." 14 They can provide for and regulate market stands, stalls and privileges, and, also,
the sale, lease or occupancy thereof. They can license, or permit the use of, lease, sell or otherwise
dispose of stands, stalls or marketing privileges. 15

It is a feeble attempt to argue that the ordinance violates Presidential Decree No. 7, dated September
30, 1972, insofar as it affects livestock and animal products, because the said decree prescribes the
collection of other fees and charges thereon "with the exception of ante-mortem and post-mortem
inspection fees, as well as the delivery, stockyard and slaughter fees as may be authorized by the
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources." 16 Clearly, even the exception clause of the decree itself
permits the collection of the proper fees for livestock. And the Local Tax Code (P.D. 231, July 1, 1973)
authorizes in its Section 31: "Local governments may collect fees for the slaughter of animals and the
use of corrals * * * "

4. The non-participation of the Market Committee in the enactment of Ordinance No. 7522 supposedly
in accordance with Republic Act No. 6039, an amendment to the City Charter of Manila, providing that
"the market committee shall formulate, recommend and adopt, subject to the ratification of the
municipal board, and approval of the mayor, policies and rules or regulation repealing or maneding
existing provisions of the market code" does not infect the ordinance with any germ of invalidity. 17 The
function of the committee is purely recommendatory as the underscored phrase suggests, its
recommendation is without binding effect on the Municipal Board and the City Mayor. Its prior
acquiescence of an intended or proposed city ordinance is not a condition sine qua non before the
Municipal Board could enact such ordinance. The native power of the Municipal Board to legislate
remains undisturbed even in the slightest degree. It can move in its own initiative and the Market
Committee cannot demur. At most, the Market Committee may serve as a legislative aide of the
Municipal Board in the enactment of city ordinances affecting the city markets or, in plain words, in the
gathering of the necessary data, studies and the collection of consensus for the proposal of ordinances
regarding city markets. Much less could it be said that Republic Act 6039 intended to delegate to the
Market Committee the adoption of regulatory measures for the operation and administration of the city
markets. Potestas delegata non delegare potest.

5. Private respondent bewails that the market stall fees imposed in the disputed ordinance are diverted
to the exclusive private use of the Asiatic Integrated Corporation since the collection of said fees had
been let by the City of Manila to the said corporation in a "Management and Operating Contract." The
assumption is of course saddled on erroneous premise. The fees collected do not go direct to the private
coffers of the corporation. Ordinance No. 7522 was not made for the corporation but for the purpose of
raising revenues for the city. That is the object it serves. The entrusting of the collection of the fees does
not destroy the public purpose of the ordinance. So long as the purpose is public, it does not matter
whether the agency through which the money is dispensed is public or private. The right to tax depends
upon the ultimate use, purpose and object for which the fund is raised. It is not dependent on the
nature or character of the person or corporation whose intermediate agency is to be used in applying it.
The people may be taxed for a public purpose, although it be under the direction of an individual or
private corporation. 18

Nor can the ordinance be stricken down as violative of Section 3(e) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act because the increased rates of market stall fees as levied by the ordinance will necessarily
inure to the unwarranted benefit and advantage of the corporation. 19 We are concerned only with the
issue whether the ordinance in question is intra vires. Once determined in the affirmative, the measure
may not be invalidated because of consequences that may arise from its enforcement. 20

ACCORDINGLY, the decision of the court below is hereby reversed and set aside. Ordinance No. 7522 of
the City of Manila, dated June 15, 1975, is hereby held to have been validly enacted. No. costs.


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