Assignment XBFS4103

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Discuss on how Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles will ensure
Sabah Tea comply with Food Act 1983 and Food Hygiene Regulations, 2009.


Giovannucci et al. (2012) state that the agriculture plays an essential part in providing
people's food needs on a global scale. Humans require food to survive, thus as new
technology and transportation improve, the food production and distribution system becomes
more national in scale and sophisticated. The growth of the agriculture industry in Malaysia
has been steadily expanding throughout time. The agriculture industry is characterised by
perishable, variable-quality, and irregularly available raw materials. According to Vogel in
his book tittle “Trading up: Consumer and environmental regulation in a global economy”
that the consumer safety, product quality, and environmental preservation are all strictly
regulated in this industry. More closely coordinated and better planned linkages between
agribusiness corporations, farmers, retailers, and others in the supply chain are replacing
traditional production and distribution techniques.

The massive expansion in food processing and manufacturing mechanisation in recent years,
as well as advancements in food technology, have all contributed to an increase in the risk of
food contamination and the importance of sanitary procedures in the food industry (Al,
Orking, & Clima, 2008). Generally speaking, all machinery and equipment utilised in food
establishments must be closely controlled and supervised by law and regulation. The bulk
procurement and storage of massive quantities of raw materials; the packing, loading, and
delivery of finished products are all challenges that arise as a result of a large factory's
excessive output. Despite automatic management of operations in such huge machines, there
is also a risk of contamination by organisms from any single point in the long chain of
operations in such large projects. Finally, boring job draws individuals with limited abilities,
making it harder to maintain hygienic standards in food processing facilities.


Complex techniques based on improvements in science and technology have been established
to evaluate and manage the risks associated with the food supply as agriculture and
marketing systems have evolved to deliver food to a growing and increasingly sophisticated
population. Despite well-established procedures for controlling many dietary dangers, major
public health risks still exist. Even though estimates vary widely, everyone agrees that
foodborne illness is a severe concern.

Food safety is more critical today than it has ever been. People increasingly choose to eat
their meals cooked outside of their homes, in places like restaurants, canteens, cafes, motels,
food stalls, or drive-thru take-out. Furthermore, an increasing number of people consume
foods that are easily prepared by food manufacturers. Contamination dangers are more likely
to occur in this area. Food manufacturers' poor handling of their machinery and food
processes may have an impact on the quality of the product they produce. The health of all
consumers will be affected by the products, whether it is good or bad. Foodborne disease
outbreaks produced by a range of viruses and involving a variety of food products have made
headlines recently, but it is uncertain if the prevalence of foodborne disease has grown during
the last generation.

The importance of new or re-emerging foodborne disease causes is well understood, but the
magnitude of the risk increase is uncertain. Emerging and re-emerging illnesses, according to
Archana Ruhela (2008), are new, recurring, or drug-resistant infections whose occurrence in
humans has increased in the recent two decades or threatens to increase shortly. E. Coli, other
pathogenic E. Coli, Cyclospora, and cryptosporidium are examples of known agents.
Salmonella Enteritidis in eggs and the hepatitis A virus in produce are two examples of old
agents resurfacing in new vehicles or product streams. Raw agriculture commodities
cultivated on open fields or water raised in a variety of production buildings, such as barns,
coops, pens, and feedlots, are the source of the foods we eat. Raw components can include
rocks, stones, metal, wood, glass, and other physical items. Because of equipment failure,
accident, or neglect, further contamination can occur during the shipping, processing, or
distribution of foods. End testing is not a good technique to ensure food safety (Walker et al.,
2003) because the food has already been served and consumed by the time the findings are
acquired, making it difficult to trace or recall. As a result, extra procedures must be followed


throughout processing, which must be monitored using a Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Point (HACCP) system. Unlike previous food safety measures, which are reactive, the
HACCP approach focuses on preventing hazards that could cause foodborne illness by
implementing science-based controls at every stage of the process, from raw materials to
finished products.

The principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) in Malaysia

The implementation was mostly focused on export-oriented industries, especially when

importing countries demanded it. The HACCP Certificate Scheme is being developed by the
Ministry of Health as a safety assurance mechanism for food processing companies. The
HACCP implementation auditors were well-trained and experienced in a variety of food
processing and food service disciplines (World Health Organization, 1995). The HACCP
system has gained international recognition as a technique for preventing foodborne illness.
The government has promoted Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP) as part of an initiative (HACCP). The government places a
higher priority on the industrial sector, where HACCP implementation is more critical. The
HACCP implementation was overseen by the Department of Fisheries (DOF) and the
Department of Veterinary Services (DVS). In addition, the government works with all entities
involved in the food supply chain. The media's involvement in promoting customer and
corporate demand for food goods with the HACCP label was crucial. However, the
government faces several concerns and obstacles. The infrastructure and facilities in some
food processing enterprises are inadequate. To speed up the implementation process, the
government's initiative fund was required. The HACCP system must be enforced by the
government. Because it will have an impact on other quality systems as well. The
implementation was not just for the aim of export, but also for food safety and quality.
HACCP is a catalyst for implementing hygiene and safety aspects in the food preparation


Sabah Tea was Borneo's sole and one of the world's few organic tea farms. A rainforest
encircled the tea plantation. The Sabah Tea plantation had 6200 acres, however only 1200
acres were automated. Camellia Sinensis is the type of leaf utilised. The tea plantation was
formed under the Sabah Tea Sdn Bhd. Company on April 26, 1978, with a subsidiary of KPD
to manage and operate it. On February 19, 1984, our previous Prime Minister, Tun Dr.
Mahathir, officially opened the plantation. In 1987, the Sabah Tea management combined
with the Tate & Lyle Company and the Commonwealth Development Corporation to lower
the government's financial obligations. Tate & Lyle's Company's consolidation has aided the
government industry's ability to compete with other tea plantations. However, in 1997, the
Yee Lee Corporation Bhd acquired all of the shares from Sabah Tea Sdn Bhd and Desa Tea
Sdn Bhd, a large corporation that included a production, export, and product distribution at
the time.

A study by Ahmad et al. (2014) indicates that there were many different sorts of tea products
made. The tea is produced with a variety of flavours. Each taste was distinct from the others.
There is tea that is beneficial to one's health. The tea aids in the removal of poisons from our
bodies. Aside from that, correct tea brewing processes were required to maintain the tea's
nutritional value. The Sabah Tea Plantation was located in Ranau's Kampung Napalak. The
plantation located around 120 kilometres from the city core of Kota Kinabalu. The tea
plantation was located halfway between Telupid and Ranau, immediately after the Poring Hot
Spring junction.


Figure 1: Sabah Tea Processing


In Figure 1, the first step of Tea Processing is harvesting. The top two tea leaves and a bud
are harvested by using shears or mechanized cutter by tea harvesters. Normally, the
harvesting was done between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. In the step two which is the withering part.
The initial stage of black tea manufacturing where freshly cut shoots are spread evenly in
special troughs, and conditioned air flow through and around the leaves to concentrate the
juices in the leaves by reducing 60 percent of the moisture. The leaves must be turn both
sides in 2 to 3 hours. In the third step is the rolling. The withered leaves are passed through
the Rotovane machines which crush and squeeze the juices to the surface of the leaves.
Rolling the tea leaves give them their future form. The process continued in the fourth step.
Fermentation. This is where the oxidation process occurs, the tea juice in the presence of air
oxidizes. The leaves absorb oxygen which activates enzymes to create essential oils and
causes chemical changes, oxidizing some of the polyphenols or what is known as the tannin.
Fermentation or oxidation goes on 1-2 hours, depending on weather and moisture level, there
is a distinct change in aroma and colour, from green to coppery brown. Fermentation is
essential for the teas to be palatable. In the drying part, the fermented teas are transferred to
drying ovens which remove the moisture and arrest fermentation. The teas from a coppery
brown become black in colour after this process. The moisture level should now be three in
the half to five percent. The last two step was sorting and packing. In the sorting part, it is the
final stage of the manufacturing process is the sorting of the tea particles to different grades
according to sizes and shapes for identification by various specialist involved in tasting and
exporting of the tea. The different grades of tea can be categorized as broken orange pekoe
(BOP), broken orange pekoe fanning (BOPF), fanning and dust. The final process is packing.
The teas are packed in tea bags or pouches, placed into boxes and cartons, and readied for
shipping to customers.



Ahmad, H., Mohtar, S., Ahmad, A., & Anis Mohammad, A. (2014). Transformation for
business sustainability: A case study of Sabah Tea.

Al, W., Orking, G., & Clima, O. (2008). Climate change and food security: a framework
document. FAO Rome.

Giovannucci, D., Scherr, S. J., Nierenberg, D., Hebebrand, C., Shapiro, J., Milder, J., &
Wheeler, K. (2012). Food and Agriculture: the future of sustainability. The sustainable
development in the 21st century (SD21) Report for Rio, 20.

Vogel, D. (2009). Trading up: Consumer and environmental regulation in a global economy.

Harvard University Press.

World Health Organization. (1995). Workshop on the Use of Hazard Analysis Critical

Control Point (HACCP) Systems in Food Safety, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-16 June 1995:
report. Kuala Lumpur: WHO Western Pacific Regional Environmental Health Centre.



a. Select ONE food poisoning case

NST (May 26, 2020) 48 down with food poisoning after consuming dessert
purchased online
(Please find attachment)

b. Self-reflection essay

In this essay, I discuss my own experiences with food poisoning as well as my thoughts
on the topic. It occurred in the year 2002, and it was a really distressing and unfortunate
circumstance. First, I had taken contaminated food when the symptoms of food poisoning
appeared after a few hours. I became sick (nausea), vomited, had diarrhoea, and
experienced stomach cramps and abdominal discomfort all at once. Following the death
of a 25-year-old woman in Terengganu who died from severe food poisoning after
consuming 'puding buih' purchased online, the police received 99 reports of people
seeking medical treatment for food poisoning symptoms such as vomiting and fever, with
some being admitted to hospital. More food enterprises have moved to internet delivery-
based strategies to reach out to clients as a result of Malaysia's movement control order
(MCO). To prevent such food poisoning instances, the government should establish a
standard operating procedure for small enterprises such as home-based food dealers.

My point of view on this is that we cannot enable home-based cuisine to be sold straight
online due to food hygiene and safety concerns. I also advised that the MOH's Food


Safety and Quality Division issue safety standards for food items sold online during the
MCO period. The recommendations state that if there is no proper storage facility, food
vendors must acquire their supply of raw materials every day.


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