Seasons Greetings (2021)

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The article discusses the Wonderland of Trees event held at the Holland Land Office Museum, where local groups and businesses decorate Christmas trees to display. It also talks about how different groups decorated trees for the event and the themes they chose.

The Wonderland of Trees is an annual event where local groups and businesses decorate and display Christmas trees at the Holland Land Office Museum for the community to view throughout the month of December. It features over 20 decorated trees and also includes a gala opening and tree viewing.

The Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden decorated with photos from the garden's history. The Stafford Historical Society/Country Club featured the country club in celebration of its 100th anniversary. They typically choose yearly themes related to local history.


December 16th, 2021

2 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings

Wonderland of Trees attracts repeat participants

[email protected]
BATAVIA — This year’s
Wonderland of Trees at the
Holland Land Office Muse-
um features at least 20 Christ-
mas trees decorated by local
groups or businesses.
The Friends of the Batavia
Peace Garden has sponsored
and decorated a tree for each
of the last 10 years, since the
Peace Garden was created.
“We’re good neighbors and
we want to support the mu-
seum. That’s the reason we MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
put the garden next to them,” BRIAN QUINN/DAILY NEWS A Santa ornament in the Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden
Friends of the Peace Garden From left, BOCES student Taryne, teaching assistant Laura Christmas tree at the HLOM.
President Barbara Toal said. Pastecki and another student, Gena, check out one of the more
“We took photos from a book than 20 trees at this year’s Wonderland of Trees.
that’s been written on how the Happy Holidays!
Friends of the Peace Garden couple of days, she said. Historical Society/Stafford
was formed in Batavia. We “I think it’s a wonderful Country Club. Linda Call of the
took the photos out of book event. It’s great to have that Stafford Historical Society said
and hung them on the tree.” for the community,” Toal said the Historical Society has dec-
The photos form a timeline of the Wonderland of Trees. orated trees in the past for this Lynn Bezon
through the years since the “They have the gala along with event. cell 585.746.6253
Peace Garden was formed, she the opening. They have the ”We’ve done it probably ph 585.344.HOME
said. trees to view for the month of three, four years and before fx 585.343.8884
Eight to 10 people helped December.” email: [email protected]
that, I was personally involved
decorate the Friends of the Another of the decorated 340 Main Street, Batavia, NY 14020 • 585.343.4663
Peace Garden’s tree over a trees was done by the Stafford See TREES T3

Happy Holidays
From Our Family to Yours

Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 3

pretty much every day that Oakfield and our third trip will A Quick Look
Trees we’re open.”
Duffy said on Dec. 17, the
be to the village of Bergen to
tour their trees.” WHAT: “Wonderland of Trees.”
From T2 Genesee Symphony Orches- Lamkin said the class is do- WHEN: Through Jan. 1, 2022.
tra Flute Quartet will perform ing activities to learn about WHERE: Holland Land Office Mu-
with the Stafford Garden Club a show at 6:30 p.m. at the mu- Hanukkah; Christmas tra- seum, 131 West Main St., Batavia.
and we did it for a few years,” seum. Basket raffles are going ditions in France, where the HOURS: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tues-
she said. “They (Garden Club until the 17th as well. stocking originated; Christ- days through Saturdays.
members) would do some- On Dec. 10, a group of stu- mas traditions in Germany, ADMISSION: $5 ($3 for stu-
thing to decorate the tree with dents and staff from Genesee where the tree originated; the dents, veterans, seniors; $1 for
natural ornaments that we Valley BOCES were at the mu- Mexican poinsettia; the meno- child; $10 for family).
made from living things — seum as part of their activi- rah, the dreidel. INFORMATION: (585) 343-4727
milkweed pods, pine cones ties for that day. The students
and other dried weeds.” were in Michelle Lamkin’s and
Call said the Historical So- Jeanne Johnson’s class.
ciety is featuring the Country “We are doing a unit on
Club this year. MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS ‘Christmas traditions around
“We’ve had a different fea- The St. Joseph’s Church tree the world,’ and this is the ‘Tour
ture every year. We pick a is illuminated at the Holland of Trees,’ so this was the first
theme somehow related to Land Office Museum. stop, here, at the Holland Land
history. We try to tie it in with Office.
something historical and just kept it during our regular “Our second stop will be to
something from our town,” business hours and it’s been tour the trees in the village of
Call said. “The Country Club
is our feature this year because
they are celebrating their
100th anniversary and they
are in our town. We are excited H
for them that they have been
More Than Just a
there for 100 years.” “Motorcycle Shop”
Holland Land Office Muse- Tuesday - Friday 9-5 Since 1958
Saturday 9-4
um Executive Director Ryan 45 YEARS IN BUSINESS! Closed Sunday (585) 343-9598
Duffy said the number of peo- & Monday
ple coming in during the day to 4425 W. Saile Dr.,
see the Wonderland of Trees is Batavia, NY
585.493.5709 | [email protected] | 585.493.2426
up this year.
150 West Mill Street, Castile, NY
“It’s been very busy. We’ve

From our family

to yours...

Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a New Year filled with health, happiness & prosperity.
Thank you for your support this year!
Come see why we’ve been chosen as the 2020 Genesee County Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year
4060 Pearl Street Road, Batavia | 344.2658 |
4 • Thursday, December 16, 2021 Season’s Greetings

Come caroling,
and spread
holiday cheer
[email protected]
BATAVIA — Join The Bata-
via Daily News for some holi-
day cheer!
On 7 p.m. Friday come to the
West Bethany Baptist Church,
located at 10333 West Beth-
any Road in Batavia, the our
third annual “Christmas-Sing”
Christmas Carol Concert.
After going virtual last year
to the pandemic, this year it’s
back to in-person.
Wendy Williams will be con-
ducting again with her won-
derful students from Sound
Foundations Vocal Studio.
Hot cocoa and cookies will
be available afterward, provid-
ed by Pub Coffee Hub.
There will be 11 songs.
You can find the songbook
inside the Dec. 16 edition of
The Daily News and its sibling
weekly The Livingston County
News, based in Geneseo.
The song book features both
music and lyrics for more than
a dozen holiday favorites. The
songs are accompanied by
notes about the style of sing-
ing. These descriptions in-
clude “reverently,” “with spir-
it,” “expressively,” “quickly,”
and “not too slow.”
For those who cannot at-
tend in person, we will also be
live streaming the concert on
both our Daily News and Liv-
ingston County News Face-
book pages.
The annual concert was first
presented in 2019 at St. James
Episcopal Church in Batavia.
Inspiration for the con-
cert came after a customer
brought in a song book that
had been published in The
Daily News around 1991. The
paper thought it would be
great to once again include a
holiday song book and renew a
seasonal tradition. Soon after,
the idea of a free public carol-
ing event – inspired by one in
Chicago – developed in part-
nership with Sound Founda-
tions, which has been part of
all three concerts.
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 5

Lighting up Le Roy House

Unusual trees tell stories of Christmases past
[email protected]
LE ROY — Christmas trees
aren’t just tall pine trees; at
least not in Le Roy.
Unusual trees are on display
this holiday season at Le Roy
House, including a gas tree.
“The whole funny thing is
we wanted to do Christmas
trees that are connected with
the history of Le Roy,” said The Tinsel Christmas Tree.
Lynne Belluscio, Le Roy his-
torian and director of Le Roy
House. “Which we got some
neat stories.”
The story of Le Roy’s gas
tree was found in a 1907 issue
of the Le Roy Gazette. The tree
was exhibited by H. A. Par-
melee in the 1860s. Parmelee
wrote a letter to the newspaper
explaining his project. At the
time, he was living in Honolu-
lu. Sam Zalacca portrays Mr. Jacob Le Roy as places decorations on the gas Christmas Tree at the Le Roy
“I think that here is a good House. The tree is one of a series of unique and unusual Christmas trees that help tell the stories of Sam Zalacca places a candle
place to speak of a certain how Christmases have changed over the years. ornament on the Victorian Tree.
Christmas tree that I took par-
ticular interest in ... It was in with the instantaneous light. I
the Starr Hall. One year, it was am now wondering if that idea
in Central Hall and afterward was original with us.”
in the church. This particular As it turns out, gas-lit Christ-
tree in Starr Hall was my pride. mas decorations were not
It was the first Christmas Tree unique and were common in
in Le Roy to be illuminated New York City and in England,
by gas. The idea was evolved but specific mention of a
through many consultations Christmas tree lit with gas jets
and discussions with James has not been found.
McKenzie. A lead pipe lead- This year, the gas tree has
ing up beside the trunk of the been constructed by Ray Stein
tree and branches of small who built it to the specifica-
lead pipe that could be twisted tions of a drawing discovered
among the branches. I spent in an obscure journal.
an entire day in Rochester There will also be alumini-
searching for the small pipe, um trees, which were popular
of such a size that the ordinary in the 1960s.
gas burner would screw in- “Then ‘Charlie Brown
to it. James McKenzie did the Christmas’ comes out, and ...with many thanks
plumbing work and Gideon everyone says Christmas is
Fordham, superintendent of becoming so commercialized.
for the gift of your business.
the gas works, kindly loaned This is an example of commer-
the burners and assisted in in-
stalling the apparatus. I looked
on. Thus, we were enabled to
cialization,” Belluscio said.
“Then, all of a sudden, nobody
wants an aluminium tree.”
do away with the dangerous A tree will also be on display
and dripping wax tapers and, decorated as it might have 651 East Main St., Batavia, NY 14020 • 343-7830
at the same time, obtain the been during the Civil War. Closing at 4:30 on December 23 • Closed December 24 & 25
proper effect of simultaneous During the Civil War, it was Closing at Noon on December 31 • Closed January 1
lighting, the gas being turned not uncommon for people to
down to its lowest limit and, Visit our web site at:
at the proper time, turned on See LE ROY T7
6 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings

‘The Christmas Tree’

An excerpt from ‘My House of Life, An Autobiography’ by Jessie Belle Rittenhouse
EDITOR’S NOTE: In this con-
tribution from the Livingston About Jessie Belle Rittenhouse
County Historian’s Office,
Jessie Belle Rittenhouse, a Jessie Belle (Rittenhouse) Scol-
distinguished Mount Morris lard (1869-1948), a daughter of John
native and co-founder of the E. and Mary Jane (MacArthur) Rit-
Poetry Society of America, tenhouse, was born in the hamlet
describes her grandparent’s of Tuscarora in the town of Mount
house in Tuscarora around Morris. She attended Nunda Acad-
1880 as it is all decked out emy and graduated from the Gen-
for Christmas . esee Wesleyan Seminary in Lima in
Jessie Rittenhouse taught En-

ne memory ... perhaps
glish in Illinois
the most vivid of my and Michigan
childhood, centers before pursu-
about the old mansion on the ing a career in
hill, for it was a large house of journalism. She
began writing
which only part was in com- freelance arti-
mon use, the rest being re- cles for Buffalo Rittenhouse
served for state occasions. and Rochester
This incident is connect- newspapers and reviewed books
and press syndicates before be-
ed with my first memory of coming a modern-poetry lecturer
Christmas, my first sight of a at Columbia University in 1900.
Christmas tree. Prior to this In 1905, Rittenhouse joined the
I can vaguely recall running editorial staff of the New York Times
and The Bookman, a literary mag-
downstairs in the early dawn azine, and held both positions for
to see what was left in the several years. She then edited and
A Christmas tree at Mills Mansion, Mount Morris, is decorated in 2019 with candles, cornhusk dolls
bulging stocking by the coal published poetry compilations,
and tin ornaments. the first being The Younger Amer-
stove, but nothing stands out
as particularly romantic un- ican Poets, published in 1904. She
head-cheese but at his junc- to myself that it could not be touched, was the doll. I be- continued to publish compilations
til the night of the Christmas ture proceedings were stayed for me, it was far too beauti- gan to be afraid that I should until 1927, a time when many crit-
tree set up in the great hall at by the information that each ful. It must be for some older cry when it was assigned ics believed poetry’s contemporary
Grandfather Rittenhouse’s. family had brought its own girl, I could not expect to have to someone else and medi- popularity had ended.
My father was one of seven Rittenhouse was the only wom-
contribution to the feast. And anything as lovely as that – tated flight to the chamber an founding member of the Poet-
children, all of whom were what a feast it was, served and the more I schooled my- beyond, but was held by a ry Society of America in 1910 and
married and had families of at the edge of evening with self against it, the more acute spell as Santa Claus at least served as secretary of the society
their own, and nearly all, by a lights and cheer! became the desire. reached up, took down the for 10 years. She also published her
strange chance, lived within own poetry in four volumes: “The
We of the younger gen- My father’s only brother, doll, turned it slowly over, Door of Dreams” (1918), “The Lifted
driving distance of the early eration had no inkling that a large blond man and a ge- looked well at the card, and Cup” (1921), “The Secret Bird” (1930),
home. more was to follow, until nial spirit, was dressed as then read out my name! and “My House of Life” (1934).
A widowed sister kept the dinner over, the doors to Santa Claus and distributed There have been gifts in life Rittenhouse was awarded a
house for the parents and bronze medal in 1931 by the Po-
the great front hall thrown the presents. He frequently ardently desired, gifts that I etry Society of America for distin-
conceived of the idea one open and we flocked in, to be called my name and one gift feared would never be mine, guished service to poetry.
Christmas of asking the var- thrilled by the most dazzling after another was passed up but none like this. I look back In 2019, the town of Mount Mor-
ious families to dinner and sight that ever met the eyes of the stair to me, but I could upon the moment as my first ris installed a historical marker at the
of having a tree set up in the an unsophisticated country look at none, for there, at the knowledge that joy is made Dutch Street Cemetery, near the
site of her childhood home.
front hall and decorated, child. The tree, blazing with very top of the tree, still un- exquisite by pain.
without the knowledge of candles and gay with tinsel,
the old people. This plan was had been placed at the foot of
quite feasible, owing to the
size of the house and the fact
the wide stair, up and down
whose steps we were quickly
Look great for the holidays!
Off frame
that in winter that part of it disposed, the larger children
was rarely used. near the bottom, the small
My aunt had delayed the near the top. My point of van-
dinner, saying she thought
some of the family might
come home, and when one
tage was with the latter, and
from the moment I saw the
tree there was for me but one
(Must have eye exam and lenses)
group after another began to think upon it – a doll, such as No other discounts apply.
arrive, great consternation I had never seen before, a doll Offer expires 12/31/21
was felt on the part of my to take the very heart out of a
grandmother lest the tur- child with longing. We accept most insurance including: EYEMED, NYS Vision
key should not hold out. She This was my first discipline 113 E. Main Street Plan, Univera, Community Blue, Spectera, Aetha, Cigna,
whisked about, rushing to in renunciation, my first at- Batavia, N.Y. (585) 344-1345 VSP, Excellus, Preferred Care, Davis & Fidelis
the pantry for sausage and tempt to forefend pain. I said
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 7

A fountain filled with holiday spirit

Geneseo Garden Club continues holiday tradition at Main Street landmark
By BRENDAN MCDONOUGH lene Collins of Groveland.
[email protected] The trees will be up for the
GENESEO – Members of the entire month of December.
Geneseo Garden Club are once Garden Club members said
again using the famous bear they hope the decorated trees
fountain to help spread a little will not only boost community
holiday cheer. pride, but put those who pass
Club members decorate the by the fountain in the holiday
trees that have been placed in spirit.
the fountain for Christmas. “It was more fun when the
“It just adds to the festivity kids did it because they would
of Geneseo and the village has drive by on the school bus and
their decorations up, so I say let they would see their ornament
the festivities begin,” said Mi- and they would get all excited
chelle Strang of Geneseo. when they saw the ones that
Helping to brighten up the they had made, but it is nice for
area is something that volun- us to see them also,” said Allan.
teers from the Garden Club With brightly colored lights
have been doing for more than and unique ornaments, orga-
50 years. They normally go in- nizers said they hope the trees
will be something that people of
third grades make ornaments Members of the Geneseo Garden Club decorate the fountain on Geneseo’s Main Street. all ages will stop by to enjoy, as
and then those ornaments are they take in the spirit of the holi-
used to decorate the trees but used to be able to make the This year, some of the deco- sicle sticks there was no limit to day season.
because of the COVID-19 pan- ornaments with the kids, but rations came from a local Girl the creativity used to help make “This is in the name of civic
demic they could not do that since we can’t do it with the kids Scout troop and the rest were the ornaments. beautification,” said organizer
this year. we are out here hanging them made by members of the Gar- “I think it is just fun for the Julie Brocklehurst-Woods, “and
“I love doing it. I taught at this year,” said Pat Allan of Gen- den Club. From wooden disks town and for the students, this is another way to help keep
Geneseo, so I liked when we eseo. to ornaments made from pop- when they can do it,” said Dar- our community beautiful.”

wired 80 red, white and blue

Le Roy lights together in 1882 and Celebrating
From T5
put them on an evergreen
tree. But it took years before the Gifts of
decorate their Christmas trees
the idea of electric Christmas
lights became popular. For the
Friendship &
with small American flags in
honor of the men serving in
average homeowner, electric
Christmas lights were very ex-
the war. pensive. Although there were
Another unusual tree which assembled light kits available
will be on display is the “ladder as early as 1903, it wasn’t un-
tree” from 1892. The shape of til the 1920s that Christmas
the step ladder is similar to the tree lights found their way into
Christmas tree and for some homes. As we wrap up another year,
people it was easier to put up MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS The Le Roy Historical Soci- we think about how lucky we are to know
a ladder than it was to put up A Ladder Tree at Le Roy House. ety has compiled the stories of good folks like you. Thanks for making us feel so at home here.
a tree. Sometimes, boards the trees in a 16-page booklet.
We sincerely appreciate your patronage and support.
are placed from one side to in 1848, a tree was put up in
A Quick Look
the other and presents were Windsor Castle and the Queen
WHAT: The Le Roy Historical
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
placed on the boards. Today, and her husband took great
some people use the boards to delight in decorating it them- Society. from our entire team!
WHERE: 23 East Main St., Le
display Christmas villages or selves. In 1850 that tradition Roy.
other Christmas collections. was Americanized and Victo- WHEN: Museum hours through
The popularity of the rian trees had candles, paper Dec. 31 are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Christmas tree in America, chains, hollow egg shells filled Mondays through Saturdays and 1
Mark Doerr, MD
was due partially to Queen with seeds and candy, paper to 4 p.m. Sundays. The museum is
closed Christmas and New Year’s 408 North Main St., Warsaw, NY
Victoria’s popularity in En- cornucopias and snowflakes.
gland. Her husband Prince Electricity changed how NOTES: The trees are expected Matthew Sheldon, MD
Albert brought the Christmas Americans celebrated Christ- to be displayed at least through 24 East Main St. (Route 33), Corfu, NY
tree tradition from his native mas, however. Christmas. For more information, 716-677-2273 •
Germany. On Christmas Eve A friend of Thomas Edison call (585) 768-7433.
8 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings

Why ‘The Nutcracker’ is the sound of the holidays

By MOIRA MACDONALD that if you love this music, the
Seattle Times best recording is whichever
It is, for so many of us, the one is at hand. There’s a love-
permanent soundtrack of the ly one currently on YouTube,
holiday season. Pyotr Ilyich should you be in need of it, by
Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nut- the Rotterdam Philharmonic
cracker,” like no other music, — an unusual presentation of
conjures up images for me just the music of the full bal-
of warm fireplaces, whirling let, without the dancing. But
snowflakes, brightly wrapped
let me correct myself: There’s
presents, twinkling lights on a
actually plenty of dancing, in
fragrant tree. I’ve been hooked
on the “Nutcracker” score ever the expressive full-body move-
since my first performance of ments of the conductor who’s
the ballet at the age of maybe 6 clearly enjoying letting this
or 7, sitting in a folding chair at glorious music wash over him.
the high school gym as a friend “For the thousands who
of mine performed to recorded see it every December,
music with her ballet school. Tchaikovsky has become
Dozens of Nutcrackers later, it’s something like a favorite uncle
still magic. before Christmas (a little like
Things weren’t quite so Drosselmeyer),” wrote Da-
magical at its beginning. YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES/TNS vid Schroeder in “Experienc-
Tchaikovsky, late in his career, Musicians of the Nairobi Philharmonic Orchestra and foreign guest musicians perform during a ing Tchaikovsky: A Listener’s
began writing the “Nutcrack- production of the “Nutcracker,” a ballet primarily performed during the Christmas period, during Companion,” “enchanting us
er” ballet — as well as a sepa- the annual show of Dance Centre Kenya at the Oshwal Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, on Dec. 1, 2018. and ushering us into the sea-
rate composition combining son like nothing else can.”
much of its music, called “The in America, from the tiniest you’re 6 years old again, gazing wings; a dance of ethereal beau-
Try listening to it with your
Nutcracker Suite” — in 1891 ballet schools to the most daz- rapt at a stage transforming ty and weightless joy.
zling professional companies. before your eyes, hearing the eyes closed at some point
as a companion piece to a now I wish I was enough of a clas-
forgotten one-act opera called And while it’s always a joy to cymbals clash and the strings during this holiday season,
sical music expert to recom- and see if you don’t sudden-
“Iolanta.” The two works pre- hear this work performed live, soar. Brown, in “Tchaikovsky:
miered in December 1892 at you don’t need to buy a ticket The Man and His Music,” mend a particular “Nutcrack- ly shiver, as if softly pelted by
the Mariinsky Theatre in St. — or even have any interest in called the tree-growing music er” recording, but I suspect sudden perfect snow.
Petersburg, Russia, to luke- ballet — to appreciate the art- simply “one of the most awe-
warm response. Tchaikovsky istry of Tchaikovsky’s score. It some passages Tchaikovsky
died the following year at the plays in my head all the time, ever wrote.” (I just listened to it
age of 53, believing the work to always beginning with the again. He’s not wrong.)
be a failure; it was, according to delicate flicks of the overture On we go, into the shadowy
biographer David Brown, not (former Pacific Northwest Bal- playfulness of the battle music,
performed again in Russia until let music director Stewart Ker- the majestic notes of the pre-
1919. shaw, who conducted around Snow pas de deux (Kershaw
And that might have been 800 performances of the ballet called it “the great C Major”)
that, were it not for Willam in his career, told me years ago and the delicious lilting flutes CAVATIES: WHAT ARE THEY?
Christensen, artistic director that he thought of this piece of the Waltz of the Snowflakes, Tooth enamel is the durable, protective outer layer of teeth. Bacteria
of the San Francisco Ballet, as the opening of a music box, which always sounds to me ex- in the mouth use ingested sugars to crate acids that deteriorate this
who single-handedly began setting the stage), played by actly what a nighttime snow- protective layer, forming cavities. Because enamel does not regenerate,
dentists advise daily bushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing to
the “Nutcracker” tradition in the orchestra’s lighter instru- fall feels like, with snowflakes
halt this destruction. A cavity begins as a white spot, which can be
America by presenting the first ments, as if reassuring the chasing each other in the icy healed. However, over time, discoloration and decay occur, turning
U.S. production of the ballet in youngest audience members breeze. Act 2 brings a pastiche the spot from brown to black. Cavities primarily form on the tops of
December 1944. According to that all is gentle here. of musical inspirations for the the teeth as well as in between them, where food becomes impacted,
the San Francisco Ballet, Chris- The music of the party various international dances creating more bacteria. If not properly addressed, cavities cause
tensen had never actually seen scene, with its playful marches (though Brown notes that the sensitivity, pain, infection,and loss of sound natural teeth, making
“The Nutcracker” performed and stately gavotte, is pleasant Arabian variation, also known cavity prevention the first line of defense in avoiding permanent tooth
in its entirety before staging and lovely, but the real joy of as the Peacock, isn’t Arabian loss.
it, but was able to obtain a no- Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker” in the slightest but is based on Cavity-causing bacteria and its resultant damage can be controlled
if we deal with bacterial plaque activity on a daily basis. A toothbrush
tated score from the Library of doesn’t begin until Clara goes a Georgian cradle song). And alone, however, no matter how often used, cannot do the whole job. It
Congress, and spoke to George to bed. The stage is empty there’s another bit of magic: the takes the combined effort of smart eating, conscientious daily brushing
Balanchine about the latter’s and night has fallen, and the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, and flossing, and professional visits to promote total oral health as well
memories of the ballet in Rus- music finds a sense of dark with the delicate bell-like tones as complete body health. If it’s been too long since you treated your
sia. Balanchine would go on to wonder, with little eruptions of the celesta — then a brand- teeth and gums to professional care, now would be a good time to
create his own wildly popular of notes and a sudden brass new instrument whose debut call BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL for an appointment. You can reach us at
“Nutcracker” for New York City crash. And then it begins to Tchaikovsky plotted in secret, 585.343.4246, 6 Batavia City Centre.
Ballet a decade later, and today grow and grow, like the tree, worried that another compos- P.S. One third of a human tooth, known as the root, is hidden beneath
you can hear Tchaikovsky’s its notes emerging like gold er would steal his thunder. It’s the gums, making it vitally important to keep gums healthy to ensure
oral health.
score in a “Nutcracker” pro- thread being spun in ever-in- as if the ballerina is dancing on
duction in every city and town creasing heaps, and suddenly delicate porcelain, or on fairy
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 9

Shake on the Lake puts its twists on ‘Christmas Carol’ FIND HUNDREDS OF THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU VISIT
By MALLORY DIEFENBACH quired for entry. Masks will be cast features past Shake on the
[email protected] required during the perfor- Lake actors such as Madeleine
PERRY — Shake on the Lake mance. Dauer, Ashley Winkfield, and
is promising “A Christmas Car- Shake on the Lake is offer- Fergie L. Philippe as Ebenezer
ol” like you’ve never seen it be- ing a second way to experience Scrooge.
fore. The Dec. 18 production “A Christmas Carol.” Shake Philippe is currently play-
will be an improvised take on has created a podcast play in ing the roles of Hercules Mul-
the Charles Dickens holiday which Ebenezer Scrooge and ligan and James Madison in
classic, “A Christmas Carol.” the cast of ghosts, memories the Broadway production of
“Improv is all about struc- and shadows of Scrooge’s un- “Hamilton.” Past work with
tures, even when we’re making redeemable past try to move Shake on the Lake includes its
it all up as it comes along. Even him to a redemptive future by 2016 production of “Twelfth
in a ‘Whose Line is it Anyway?’ understanding the true mean- Night” in the roles on Antonio
they have a structure; they are ing of the holiday spirit. The and Maria.
improvising,” said Josh Rice,
Stars are bright, but it’ s good friends like you who really light up our
co-founder and producing ar- Phone: 585.786.5880 year! Thanks for bringing us so many smiles and great memories.
tistic director of Shake on the Fax: 585.786.8269 We cherish the times we’ve shared with you in 2021,
Lake. “We’re improvising the and we look forward to serving you again soon.
Christmas Carol.” Commercial
People know the story and Residential
the structure; Miserly mis- Agricultural
anthrope Ebenezer Scrooge
humbugs the holiday, but Excavation
when he gets visited by Jacob Blacktop
Marley, and a cavalcade of Hydro-Seed
ghostly characters from his 8276 Park Road, Batavia, NY 14020 • (585) 343-7440
past, present, and future, his [email protected] 17 East Buffalo Street Warsaw, NY 14569 •
world changes forever.
Rice said what Shake on the
Lake is going to do is find mo-
ments within that structure
where they can take out the
specific things and insert audi-
ence suggestions. An example
might be changing Scrooge’s

Attica Rodeo
“It will change the story a
little bit, but for the most part
what we’re hoping is to still
keep is the main structure of
the story of Scrooge,” Rice said.
Shake on the Lake is also
considering other ways to get 64th Annual
the audience a little bit more
involved, such as giving them
props to use.
The show will feature the
improv duo “The Joshes” –
Rice and Josh Marcks – along
with special guests. Rice likens
the production to “A Muppet
Christmas Carol,” in which
august 4-7, 2022
the Dickens classic is mashed Get your tickts today!
up with absurdity to deliver a Go to:
unique performance.
“A(n Improvised) Christ-
mas Carol” will be performed
7:30 p.m. Dec. 18 at East Hill
Creamery, 346 South Main St.,
Perry. Tickets, which cost $20,
are available on Shake on the The Perfect Gift
Lake’s website at www.shake- Makes a Great Stocking Stuffer!
The production is appropri-
ate for ages 10 and older.
Proof of vaccination or a
recent (within three days)
negative COVID-19 test is re-
10 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings

Holiday happenings abundant FACEBOOK.COM/BATAVIADAILYNEWS

The holiday season is near- judged on Dec. 18. art work by Martin Walter
and Louis Melendez. Work is
ing its climax, but there are on view through Dec. 30 at
still more than a few things the Arts Council for Wyoming
you can do to help celebrate
THROUGH DEC. 30 County’s satellite gallery at
The Rochester “Holiday Light the Wyoming County YMCA,
the season with others in the Show”: 5 to 9 p.m. Sunshine 115 Linwood Ave., Warsaw.
community or find unique Camp, 809 Five Points Rd.,
ways to personalize your own Rush. The Rochester “Holiday THROUGH DEC. 31
Light Show” is a drive-through
holiday experience. light show featuring dozens Wonderland of Trees: The
Here’s a guide to selected of dazzling, larger-than-life Wonderland of Trees will run
holiday-themed displays to through the end of Decem-
events in the four-county delight the entire family. Visi- ber. The theme to honor this
GLOW region to help you feel tors are welcomed to bundle milestone year is “Through
the holiday spirit. up in their car, pack a favorite the Years.” The basket raffle
snack or beverage and tune winners will be drawn Dec.
With the COVID-19 pan- their radio to enjoy the synced 17. Further holiday events will
demic continuing, some light performance as they trav- also take place throughout
el the more than 1 mile route the season. For more informa-
events may be presented tion, contact the museum or
through the “Holiday Light visit www.hollandlandoffice.
virtually, and others will have Show.” For ticket information, com. Holland Land Office
safety requests such as social go to Museum, 131 West Main St.,
distancing and masks. For all Exhibit: Martin Walter & Louis Batavia.
events, we encourage you to Melendez: The Walter &
Melendez Exhibition features See EVENTS T11
call ahead to verify it is still
scheduled and also to check
for any special protocols.
Here is a selection of activ-
ities scheduled in and near
Genesee, Livingston, Orleans
and Wyoming counties. For
updates and more events, SPECIALIZING IN WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE
check the online calendar at 108 Bank Street, Batavia • 343-6600 Krysten Schmidt, or fax 343-6601 • [email protected] Nurse Practitioner
During this
Artful Holidays: 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. Tuesdays through Satur-
Holiday Season
days (until 7 p.m. Thursdays)
at the Genesee Valley Council more than ever, our
on the Arts, 4 Murray Hill
Drive, Mount Morris. Browse
the curated, boutique-style
thoughts turn gratefully to
sale featuring works by more
than 30 local artisans. Items those who made our progress
available include jewelry,
ceramics, holiday decor, hand-
made soaps, fiber arts and
possible! And in this spirit,
more. For information, go to or call (585)
we say Thank You and
Drive-Thru Country Christmas:
Bring the family out for a
send Warm Wishes to all.
festive holiday experience Hours: Mon. 8-4, Tues. 7-3, Wed. Closed, Thur. 7-3, Fri. 7-12
hosted by the Western New
York Gas & Steam Associa-
tion. Thousands of lights are
displayed along a half-mile
long route. The event starts
the eve of Thanksgiving and
continues Thanskgiving night
Purchase a $25 gift card, Get $5 FREE
and every Friday and Saturday
night through Dec. 18. Gates
open each night from 5p.m.-
9p.m. $10 per car, cash only
Kathy & Staff would like to wish you a

Merry Christmas
at gate. The entrance will be
3000 Walker Rd., Alexander.
Food vendors will be on site.
This event is in compliance
with COVID-19 safety mea-
sures. This is a fundraiser for
the association. Western New
York Gas & Steam Associa-
tion, 10294 Gillate Rd., Alex-
ander. (716) 380-7061.
& Happy New Year
Holiday Decorating Contest - Sun-Mon: 11:00am - 9:00pm,
Mount Morris: Mount Morris
is conducting a house deco- Tues-Thu: 11:00am - 10:00pm, Fri-Sat: 11:00am - 11:00pm
rating contest in the village.
Judging on Dec. 18. Keep
your lights on the week of
Dec. 13. Also, best-dressed 500 East Main Street, Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 343-3303
window for store fronts will be
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 11

immerse themselves in the dations Vocal Studio and An (Improvised) Christmas

Events exuberance of a spirited
town dance, merry singing,
candle-lit trees, and jubilant
community members in a
Christmas carol sing-along.
Song books available in
Carol: 7:30 p.m., Perry.
iserly misanthrope Ebenezer
Scrooge humbugs the holiday,
From T10 gift-giving. St. Nick may even today’s edition of The Daily but when he gets visited by
make an appearance as vis- News and Livingston County Jacob Marley, and a caval-
itors move about town. Gen- News. Free. Concert will also cade of ghostly characters
2.5 Million Christmas Lights eral admission for Yuletide be livestreamed on the Face- from his past, present, and
Display at The Red Osier: Tours is $27 ($24 for Muse- book pages of The Daily News future, his world changes for-
Ring in the holiday season um members). Tours can be and The LCN. West Bethany ever. Only, in this production
with Red Osier and its Winter paired with a festive Yuletide Baptist Church, 10333 West by Shake on the Lake, will
Wonderland of Lights. The dinner, which cost $25 for Bethany Rd., Batavia. feature an improvised tale.
Original Red Osier Landmark GENESEE COUNTRY VILLAGE & MUSEUM PHOTOGRAPH adults and $15 for guests 12 Tickets available at shakeon-
Restaurant is becoming the and younger. Reservations are Appropriate for
largest holiday light display An interpreter dressed as a required for both tours and ages 10 and older. Masks
in Genesee County, with well 19th century St. Nicholas. dinner, and can be made sep- DEC. 18 required, along with proof of
more than 2 million lights arately. For information, go Holiday Bake Sale by Livonia vaccine or a negative COVID-
on display. The Original Red & Dinners: 5 to 8:30 p.m. to or call (585) Area Preservation & Histor- 19 test. East HIll Creamery,
Osier Landmark Restaurant, Fridays, 2 to 8:30 p.m. Satur- 538-6822. Genesee Country ical Society: 8 a.m. Home- 346 South Main St., Perry.
6492 East Main Rd., Stafford. days on Dec. 17-18, Genesee Village & Museum, 1410 Flint made pies, cookies, sweet
Country Village & Museum, Hill Rd., Mumford. breads & many other treats.
Mumford. Visitors can explore Livonia Historical Society, 10 See EVENTS T12
THROUGH JAN. 2, 2022 the wintry Village and be invit- Commercial St., Livonia.
DEC. 17
Magic of Lights: A festive drive ed into scenes that highlight
through Holiday Light Dis- 19th century celebrations and Christmas-Sing Christmas
play Extravaganza!: Six Flags gatherings. Historic homes Carol Concert: 7 p.m.,

It’s the Most Wonderful

Darien Lake, Darien Center. will be bedecked in holiday Batavia. Concert featuring
“Magic of Lights” will run daily splendor, and visitors can students from Sound Foun-
through Jan. 2, 2022 from
5 to 9 p.m. It will be closed

Time of the Year to

Dec. 24 and 25. All guests
are required to purchase Warm
tickets in advance (online
only) and admission is free INSURANCE AGENCY Wishes for
to current season pass hold- a Joyous
ers. Season passes for the say thank you to all of our compassionate volunteers,
2022 season are available Holiday
and include admission to this
event. For information, go to Season the 80 families who trusted us with their loved ones and all of the businesses and individuals who have
Six Flags Darien Lake, 9993 41 Liberty Street
Alleghany Rd., Darien Center. Batavia, NY 14020 donated to our mission for the past 4 years!
Phone: (585) 219-4214
DEC. 17-18
Fax: (585) 219-4877
Yuletide in the Country Tours

Helping guests and

their families through the
end of life journey
167 North Main Street, Perry
[email protected]

May the miraculous

spirit of this holy season
fill your heart and home
with peace, wonder and
feelings of good will.
We feel blessed to
celebrate Christmas
with such great friends
and neighbors.
12 • Thursday, December 16, 2021 Season’s Greetings
or reservations, call (585) Holiday Open House: 11 a.m.
Events 344-1122.
Pancake Breakfast with
Santa: Seatings at 10 a.m.,
to 3 p.m. each day, Genesee
Country Village & Museum,
Mumford. Families can cele-
brate the season by exploring
From T11 11 a.m. and noon, Genesee the festive Historic Village.
Country Village, Mumford. See villagers bustling with
Guests can enjoy a sweet and winter tasks and offering
DEC. 18-19 savory buffet breakfast of pan- greetings to their neighbors
Polar Express Train Rides: On cakes, stuffed French toast, and friends. Bring the whole
the Polar Express, children sausage, and other offerings, family for self-guided tours
experience the magic of the and afterwards, take a stroll through historic homes that
classic Christmas movie through the wintry Historic are warmed by fires and alive
(based on the book) during Village. Breakfast with St. with holiday lights, candles,
a one-hour train ride. Aboard Nick is $12 for adults, $10 and traditional decorations.
the train, songs from the for youths 12 and younger, Tickets available online for
movie play over the sound and free for children three advance purchase as well as
system. Just like the movie, and younger. Reservations are at the door. General admis-
entertainers dressed as chefs required. For information, go sion for the Holiday Open
move through the train cars, to or call (585) House is $12 ($9 for Muse-
delivering cookies and hot 538-6822. Genesee Country
chocolate to the passengers. Village & Museum, 1410 Flint
The ride even includes story Hill Rd., Mumford. See EVENTS T14
time, narrated by Liam Nee-
son. Thirty minutes into the
ride, the Polar Express stops
at the North Pole to pick up
Santa himself! Santa rides
back to Medina with everyone,
children. All Polar Express Genesee Country Village and Museum hosts a pancake breakfast
tickets include admission into
the Medina Railroad Muse- with Santa on Dec. 19. There will be three seatings.
um Museum, hot cocoa, a
cookie and a bell for children.
For more information, go
to https://www.medinarail- Medina
Railroad Museum, 530 West
Ave., Medina.
“Offering help for the Journey”
DEC. 19 from everyone at
“Create-A-Critter” and “Treats Best Wishes for a
for Wildlife”: Meet for an
eclectic spread of craft mate- Happy Healthy 2022
rials gathered from nature.
Genesee County Park & 127 North St., Batavia, NY
Forest Interpretive Center,
11095 Bethany Center Rd., (585) 345-0417 •
East Bethany. For information
Season’s Greetings Thursday, December 16, 2021 • 13

es &
Christmas Cooki ed
Hot Cocoa to be t!
after the co nc er
Can’t make it in
Join us on

See our songbook

inside Dec. 16th
TDN & LCN to
bring with you to
the concert!
Please Join Us for our

LIVE Christmas Carol Concert
December 17, 2021 @ 7pm in person

at with
10333 W. Bethany Rd., Batavia Voice Studio with Wendy Williams
14 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings
Library!: Join in the fun and le, includes special music, Brockport. New Year’s Eve Masquerade
Events come celebrate the holidays
with us. Wear your favorite
ugly Christmas sweater or fes-
readings, and carols. East
Bethany Presbyterian Church,
5735 Ellicott Street Rd., East
Batavia Downs 2022 New
Year’s Eve Party: Count down
Ball: 7 p.m. An elegant eve-
ning of ballgowns and tuxedos
in a historic 1840s building.
tive holiday outfit to the library Bethany. to 2022 at Batavia Downs
From T12 with its “Around The World”- The New Year’s Eve party will
and get a sweet treat. Pick up
your treat at the service desk. themed New Year’s Eve Party. feel like an elegant dinner
um members, free for children Bonus points if you pose for Reservations required. Call party. The theme is “Vene-
three and younger). Genesee pictures. Wadsworth Library, DEC. 29 Sara at (585) 343-3750 or tian Masquerade Ball” with
Country Village & Museum, 24 Center St., Geneseo. New Year’s Eve Appetizers email STenney@westernotb. dancing, casino games and a
1410 Flint Hill Rd., Mumford. with Liz: 10:30 a.m. Brock- com. Payment required ahead champagne toast at midnight.
port. Liz will demonstrate of time. Ring in 2022 with Limited tickets available. For
“Rejoice Believers” presented unique ideas for appetizers dinner, drinks and dancing
by The East Bethany Pres- DEC. 20 that you just might want to with music. Each person information, call (585) 226-
byterian Church: 10:30 a.m. DIY Flannel Christmas Trees: 6 share on New Year’s Eve. will receive $100 Free Play 8181. The Avon Inn, 55 East
“Rejoice Believers,” a Christ- p.m. Geneseo. Brandy Finoc- You even get to sample, so Open Bar from 7-10 p.m., Main St., Avon.
mas Cantata, will be present- chario will teach participants call a friend and join us in the buffet dinner from 6-8 p.m.,
ed at The East Bethany Pres- how to make decorative trees Duryea Room for a tasty pro- Le Roy’s “First Night”: Wel-
byterian Church. The Church live music 8-11 p.m., and
with flannel and Styrofoam gram. For adults. For informa- fireworks at 11:30 p.m. No come the New Year in Le Roy.
Choir under the direction of cones. All materials included. tion, call (585) 637-1050 or one under the age of 21 is Shops will be open. Purchase
Mark Barie will perform this Space is limited. For more go to warm drinks. Enjoy entertain-
beautiful musical piece with allowed inside the New Year’s
information, contact the Seymour Library, 161 East Eve Party. Batavia Downs, ment and fireworks. For infor-
readings to share the story library at (585) 243-0440. Ave., Brockport.
and joy of the season. East 8315 Park Rd., Batavia. mation, call (585) 768-2527.
Wadsworth Library, 24 Center
Bethany Presbyterian Church, St., Geneseo.
5735 Ellicott Street Rd., East
Bethany. DEC. 31
Song of Emmanuel: A Cantata Countdown to the Noon Year:
for Christmas: 2 p.m. The
DEC. 24 11:30 a.m., Brockport.
Geneseo United Methodist Christmas Candlelight Service Celebrate the “Noon” Year
Church presents “Song of at The East Bethany Presby- with a balloon drop at noon.
Emmanuel: A Cantata for terian Church: 7 p.m. East Story time, then make a
Christmas” by Lloyd Larson. Bethany Presbyterian Church noisemaker and celebrate.
The cantata will feature the presents a Christmas Eve For families. For information,
music of the Geneseo Ecu- Candlelight Service of carols call (585) 637-1050 or go to
menical Singers, the Bliss and readings. The service, Sey-
String Quartet of Eastman led by the Rev. John Goeh- mour Library, 161 East Ave.,
School of Music, Connor
Ricotta on piano, and the
choirs of the Geneseo Unit-
ed Methodist Church. This
presentation is a free and Great Food
open to the community. The Great Prices!
church is fully handicapped
accessible. The sanctuary is Great People!
equipped with a t-coil hearing
loop for the hearing impaired.
Geneseo United Methodist
Church, 4520 Genesee St.,
Geneseo. 461 N Main St., Warsaw
(585) 786-0820
DEC. 20-23 Mon. - Sat.: 8am - 9pm, Sun. 8am - 8pm
Celebrate Ugly Christmas
Sweater Week at the

East Bethany
Presbyterian Church
5735 Ellicott St. Rd., East Bethany • 585.344.2931
Sunday, December 19th 10:30 AM
“Rejoice Believers” a Christmas Cantata
The Church Choir under the direction of Mark Barie
will perform this beautiful musical piece with
readings to share the story and joy of the season.
“IT’S WHAT WE DO” Please join us all are welcome!

77 Years in Business Friday, December 24th 7:00 PM

Trusted. Reliable. Christmas Eve. Candlelight Service
Professional. Lead by Rev. John Goehle includes
special music, readings, and carols.
Richard Wendt, President Please join us for an inspirational service to
RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL Fully Insured & Free Estimates begin your Christmas festivities.
128 Cedar St. Batavia, NY • 585-343-2400 / 585-356-4300
RAHAITZ.COM | [email protected]
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 15

Family-friendly activities to VISIT THE DAILY NEWS ONLINE
celebrate New Year’s Day
Metro Creative are great for these occasions uary 1, making them an even
People spend so much time because no one will likely want more relaxing respite.
planning New Year’s Eve rev- to cook for a crowd. Letchworth State Park and
elry that they may not consider n Enjoy a movie marathon. the Genesee Valley Greenway
that they have another day on Spend the day in comfortable State Park have, in recent years,
the holiday calendar to enjoy clothes and make a new family hosted First Day Hikes. For in-
after the clock strikes 12. New tradition. Select one movie for formation on the Greenway,
Year’s Day activities may differ each family member to watch go to
significantly from the count- and then cue up the streaming 96b7r7. For information on
downs and parties of the night service or dust off that DVD Letchworth hikes go to https://
before, but that doesn’t mean it player. Use holiday mugs for
can’t be equally enjoyable. hot cocoa and dig into any left- n Tackle an organizational
Chances are children are overs from holiday dinners. If project. Get the whole family
home from school for holiday a marathon at home isn’t up together and take on a project
breaks, meaning New Year’s your alley, check out the show- that has been pushed aside,
Day activities should probably ings at a nearby theater and en- such as organizing the garage
be family-friendly. Check out joy an afternoon at the cinema. or cleaning out the refrigerator.
these family-friendly ways to
spend New YearÕs Day.
n Catch (or play) a football
game. New Year’s Day and
n Take a hike. Enjoy the cold
weather up close and personal
with a hike in the brisk air. State
n Volunteer with a local
charity. Give back to the com-
munity and start off the new
Lamb Farms, Inc
parks or nearby nature pre- year on a positive note by vol-
football go hand in hand, and serves may not be busy on Jan- unteering as a family.
families can likely find a game 585-948-5777
on television to enjoy together. We Are Open For All Of Your Foot Care Needs
Of course, it’s also fun to burn
off a few New Year’s Eve calo- [email protected]
ries by playing a game of foot-
ball in the backyard on January
n Host a New Year’s Day
meal. Give people plenty
of time to recover from last
nights’s antics by inviting
neighbors or friends and their A New York leader in quality
children over for a brunch, late milk production and ag innovation
3922 West Main Road, Batavia | 585-344-1677 |
lunch or early dinner. Potlucks

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ew Year!
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Shoveling & Salting
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Get your Gift Cards

for your favorite beer lover
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John Morrill, Owner 81 Lake Street, LeRoy
16 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings


with these holiday pointers Charter Partner

Metro Creative perature, and see what the them on different racks and
The holiday season is thermometer reads. slightly offset them to enable Nancy M. Crocker
Lic. Real Estate Salesperson
steeped in tradition. Baking is If it is different, adjust cook- air circulation.
one tradition that comes with ing times accordingly or have Cell: (585) 314-7982
[email protected]
the holiday territory. the oven repaired. Cooking at USE PARCHMENT PAPER 7133 W. Main Road • LeRoy, NY 14482
Many people may only bake the wrong temperature might This unsung hero of baking office • (585) 502-5250
in November and Decem- mean the recipe doesn’t turn can keep cookies from spread- Main Office: 2112 Empire Blvd • Webster, NY 14580
ber, so it’s understandable if out right. ing out on baking sheets, pre-
they’re a little rusty come the vent cakes from sticking to
holiday season. USE UNSALTED BUTTER pans and may even help batter
These baking tips can lead Most recipes will call for and dough bake evenly. Batnws2021
to successful yields of cookies, unsalted butter so you aren’t
cakes and other holiday treats. adding unwanted sodium to FLIP CAKES
the recipe, affecting dough Cool cakes upside down on
FOLLOW THE RECIPE CAREFULLY consistency and flavor. a cooling rack. This will help
When cooking, it is easy to flatten out the tops, which
add an extra dash of this or a POSITION PANS CENTRALLY makes it easier to stack and
pinch of that. But baking is a Pans should be on the cen- level cakes for layered cakes.
science and the ingredients ter rack of the oven. If the oven A few tips can go a long way
are used in a ratio to produce isn’t wide enough to put mul- to helping holiday baking go
a desired chemical reaction
while cooking. To ensure suc-
tiple pans side by side, place more smoothly. Entire Purchase
cess, do not substitute ingre- *Some restrictions apply.
dients unless the recipe tells
you how to do so, and measure
Lantz’s Expires 12/30/21
45 Main St., Brockport • 585.637.2260 •
each addition carefully.
SPOON OUT Deli & Cafe
YOUR MEASUREMENTS 5673 Route 20A, Warsaw
It can be tempting to dig a 585.786.3710
measuring cup right into a bag
of flour, but scooping packs
the ingredients down – po- Make your holiday extra special...
tentially causing you to use Smoked Whole Hams
more than the recipe calls for. Baked Goods • Gift Cards
Instead, spoon the flour in- Unique Gift Items
to your measuring cup gently
and use a straight edge to level We would like to wish everyone
a blessed Christmas season!
it out. Even better, use a scale
Monday to Friday 7-5 • Saturday 7-4
and metric measurements to Christmas Eve 7-3 • Closed Christmas Day In this season snowy and white
ensure exact amounts of wet
and dry ingredients. We send our wishes warm and bright
And hope that the holiday brings to you
Certain ingredients, like
butter and eggs, are tempera-
ture-dependent. Cold butter
STELLA Ever ything you want it to!
With heartfelt thanks and warm wishes
in biscuits helps them to rise COLLISION SERVICE, INC. from all of us this holiday season.
up flaky and delicious. Eggs
brought to room temperature
enable the emulsification pro-
Advanced Podiatry Associates
cess to work more readily. The Dr. Joseph Canzoneri
difference in temperature can
mean a completely different
Dr. Evan LaTourrette
chemical reaction, so follow and staff
the recipe accordingly.
Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 2 STATE STREET, BATAVIA
Purchase an oven ther- 8375 East Main Rd., LeRoy
mometer, set your oven to 350
F, the standard baking tem-
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 17

Simple recipes for your holiday enjoyment

By Lilly Crane and Kendra Brace
Wyoming County Dairy Princess and Alternate
As the winter season ap-
proaches, everyone typically
gets more laid back on many
things but one specifically
being their diets. Your diet
contributes to many everyday
tasks, even sleeping!
Pumpkin pie.
Of course, there isn’t much
to do during what some like Pumpkin Pie
to call the “most wonderful
time of the year,” but there are 15 ounces of pumpkin puree
many ways to have fun in the 3 large eggs
snow and to enjoy seasonal 1 1/4 cups of brown sugar
meals and beverages that in- 1 Tablespoon of cornstarch
clude dairy! 1/2 teaspoon of salt
One of the most challenging 1 1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
things to keep up with during 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
these cold harsh months is 1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
your everyday routine. For 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
those that have kids home for 1 cup of heavy cream
winter break it can be even 1/4 cup of milk (any percentage)
more challenging.
One activity I love to do is METRO CREATIVE Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Eggnog is a wonderful refreshment to make and help you enjoy a happy holiday season with your Whisk the pumpkin, eggs, and brown sugar
take my siblings outside and
family. together until mixed. Then add the corn-
play in the snow. A lot of my
most fond memories include starch, sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg,
going out and sledding, snow-
One of my favorite holiday Homemade Eggnog! The Dairy Court knows lots cloves, heavy cream, and milk. Whisk the
drinks is eggnog. of great ways you can cele- remaining ingredients in until it’s all mixed
ball fights or building snow- Eggnog contains one serving Ingredients
brate the season while sup- together.
men! of dairy while providing you 6 large egg yolks
A way to provide a deli- porting the dairy industry. Stir it all up and add it to your pie crust.
with a delicious treat. Nothing 1/2 cup granulated sugar When you’re ready to bake it, put it in the
cious treat while catering to a Wyoming County Dairy
sounds better than having a 1 cup heavy whipping cream oven for about 55 to 60 minutes. Let it cool for
healthy diet this winter is hot nice cup of eggnog while keep- 2 cups milk Princess Alternate Kendra
Brace shares a pumpkin pie three hours on a rack.
chocolate. Hot chocolate may ing warm inside your home 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg Once finished use whatever toppings you
seem like a dessert choice such and watching the snowfall. pinch of salt recipe – it’s a flavor everyone wish, pour a tall glass of milk, and enjoy!
as ice cream, but it can have Another idea for keeping 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract loves – and to make it better
a nutritious benefit by mak- your body healthy after shov- ground cinnamon (for topping) you can use heavy cream in Celebrate this season using
ing one simple change. One eling all that dreaded snow your pie. dairy products.
thing my mom always did for here in Western New York or Directions
us was use warm milk in the even trying to keep up with Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until
hot chocolate mix instead of outside maintenance is re- light and creamy. Set aside.
water. Warm-milk hot choco- warding yourself with a nice In a saucepan over medium-high heat, com-
late provides a great serving of cold glass of chocolate milk; bine the milk, cream, nutmeg and salt. Stir
dairy and essential minerals in the number one refuel bever- frequently until to comes up to a low simmer.
our diets and also continues to age. Many don’t know this but Temper the egg mixture by ladling a big
support our hard working local chocolate milk replenishes spoonful of the hot milk to the egg mixture
dairy farmers that persevere electrolytes and builds muscle (first one) and whisk quickly to incorporate
through these times. faster than any other beverage. well. Repeat a couple of times until the egg
The recommended number It contributes to your health mixture is hot.
of dairy servings you should in many ways including that Pour both mixtures together in the saucepan.
have daily is three. This may serving of dairy I keep going on Whisk constantly for a few minutes (about
seem like a lot but when you’re about. 5 miutes), until the mixture is just slightly
consuming things you enjoy I am wishing you all a safe thickened.
it is so easy! Milk contains 13
essential nutrients such as
and wonderful holiday season. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla. Bouchard Financial Services, LLC
Always remember to support Pour the eggnog into a pitcher or other con- Investments*, Insurance and Tax Preparation
high-quality protein, calcium, the hard working dairy indus- tainer and cover with plastic wrap.
vitamin D and more. These try by aiding your body and Refrigerate until chilled. It will thicken as it Donald E. Bouchard, MBA, ATP, LUTCF
nutrients help our bodies func- consuming as they provide for cools. Financial Advisor and Accredited Tax Return Preparer
tion properly while giving us us. Serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon, and fresh
a great night of sleep, which is I have added a nice and sim- whipped cream, if desired. 585-343-7478
essential to everyone, includ- ple recipe for everyone to make Store homemade eggnog in the fridge for up Visit Online:
ing highly active kids. and enjoy with their family. to one week! * Securities offered through Avantax Investment ServicesSM, Member FINRA, SIPC,
The holiday season brings Happy holidays and remem- Investment Advisory Services offered through Avantax Advisory ServicesSM,
Insurance Services offered through Avantax Insurance AgencySM,
many options for you to con- ber to make the most out of the Bouchard Financial Services, LLC is not a registered broker/dealer or registered investment advisory firm.
tinue to keep dairy in your diet. snow and have fun!
18 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings

’Tis the season for gingerbread cookies

Metro Creative
Tradition plays a big role Tips and tricks for cutting out cookies
during the holiday season. Food
is at the center of many families’ Cut cookies are some of the most out dough.
traditions, which may include popular cookies to make during the n When rolling out dough, portion
big family dinners and Sunday holiday season. Certain techniques it out into a few smaller amounts to
make holiday baking sessions easier roll out more easily. This will also help
brunches together. and ensure consistent results. it to chill more readily.
Holiday baking sessions al- n Work on a lightly floured, cool n Cookies cut most easily when
so hold a sacred spot in many surface, such as a cutting board or the dough is chilled. Refrigerate the
households. Such sessions are stone counter top. A warm surface dough for as long as possible, ideally
a great opportunity for adults can cause dough to spread and stick. an hour or more – even overnight.
and children to have some fun n Roll out the dough between The more chilled, the firmer the
two sheets of baking or parchment dough will be.
in the kitchen and create some paper. Betty Crocker recommends n Dip cookie cutters into flour with
tasty treats the whole family can a thickness of about 1/8 inch, unless each cut. Work from the center and
enjoy. noted in the recipe. This prevents the move out to the edges when cutting
Baked goods devotees may dough from sticking, and parchment out your designs. Try to maximize
find it hard to imagine the hol- enables you to easily transfer rolled- space and avoid scraps and rerolling.
idays without gingerbread, and
this recipe for “Soft Glazed Gin- sides with a small knife. It is not Then, while the cookies are
gerbread” from Elisabeth M. necessary to cut into smaller siz- still warm, using even strokes,
Prueitt and Chad RobertsonÕ’s es before baking. brush a light coat of glaze on the
“Tartine” (Chronicle Books) can Bake the cookies until lightly top of each cookie, evenly cov-
ensure the whole family enjoys golden along the sides but still ering it.
this holiday season staple. soft to the touch in the centers, Let the cookies cool com-
Soft Glazed Gingerbread 7 to 15 minutes. The timing will pletely.
METRO CREATIVE depend on the size of the indi- When the glaze dries, it
Yields 12 to 20 cookies Baked goods devotees may find it hard to imagine the holidays vidual cookies, or if you have should leave a shiny, opaque
without gingerbread. made a single large patterned
Dough finish.
piece that will be cut after bak-
3-3/4 cups all-purpose flour scrape down the sides of the shapes with a small knife and If you have used a patterned
1 tablespoon cocoa powder bowl. Add the flour mixture and place on the prepared baking While the cookies are bak- pin to make a single large
4 teaspoons ground ginger beat on low speed until a dough sheet, spacing them about 1 ing, prepare the glaze. In a small plaque, cut into the desired sizes
1-1/2 teaspoons ground cloves forms that pulls away from the inch apart. Alternatively, using bowl, whisk together the con- with a small, very sharp knife.
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon sides of the bowl and all the in- the mold as a guide, cut around fectioners’ sugar and water until The cookies will keep in an
1/2 teaspoon baking soda gredients are well incorporated. it with a small knife, flip the smooth. airtight container in a cool place
1 teaspoon salt Remove the dough from the mold over so the design is facing When the cookies are ready, for about 2 weeks. They do not
1-1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper bowl, flatten it on a large piece you, and place the dough over remove from the oven and let freeze well, however, as the
1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature of plastic wrap into a rectangle it, pressing it into the design. cool in the pan on a wire rack for glaze becomes watery when
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar about 1 inch thick, cover the Unmold the shapes onto the about 10 minutes. they are thawed.
1 large egg dough with the plastic wrap, prepared baking sheet, leaving
1/2 cup blackstrap or other dark molasses and refrigerate overnight. about 1 inch between them.
2 tablespoons light corn syrup Preheat the oven to 350 de- If using a patterned rolling
grees F. Line a baking sheet with pin, lightly dust the lined baking
Glaze parchment paper on a nonstick sheet with flour and transfer the
1 cup confectioners’ sugar liner. dough to the pan. Lightly dust
2 tablespoons water Unwrap the dough and place the top of the dough with flour
on a floured work surface. If us- and roll it into a rectangle about
To make the dough, stir to-
gether the flour, cocoa powder,
ginger, cloves, cinnamon, bak-
ing soda, salt, and pepper in a
mixing bowl. Set aside.
Using a stand mixer fitted
ing a plaque with a design, roll
out the dough 1/3-inch thick,
lightly dust the top with flour,
press your cookie molds over
the dough, and then cut out the
1/3-inch thick with a plain pin.
Then, using the patterned pin,
roll over the dough with enough
pressure to ensure a clear im-
pression of the design. Trim the
with the paddle attachment,
beat the butter on medium-high ******* HAPPY HOLIDAYS ******* C.B. Beach & Son
speed until creamy. Slowly add
the granulated sugar and mix on
medium speed until the mixture
is completely smooth and soft.
Mortuary, Inc.
Stop the mixer and scrape down 1903 - 2021 ~ Celebrating 118 years
the sides of the bowl with a rub- 4 - 6 Main Street, Corfu, N.Y. 14036
ber spatula as needed. Add the
egg and mix well. Phone: 585-599-4520
Add the molasses and corn Charles A. Herman Julie A. Herman
syrup and beat until incorpo- Funeral Director, 1932-2020 Funeral Director
rated. Stop the mixer again and
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 19

Toast the season with a

literary-inspired cocktail
Metro Creative
Come the holidays, ma-
ny people engage in various
customs and rituals that
make the season even more
special. One person may
bake dozens of cookies to
share with friends and fami-
ly, while another may go car-
oling with the church choir.
Reading familiar stories
and watching classic Christ-
mas movies also are part and
parcel of many celebrations. A cocktail shaker and glasses.
For example, “A Christmas
Carol,” a novella by Charles mention the Sherry Cobbler
Dickens that was published in “A Christmas Carol,” the
in 1843, is a must-read and beverage does make an ap-
must-see for many people pearance in another of his
METRO CREATIVE each holiday season. The works, “The Life and Adven-
There are many versions of wassail beverages. Today, most are now mulled cider. story is the tale of the miserly tures of Martin Chuzzlewit.”
Ebenezer Scrooge, who is vis- Charles Dickens’s
Toast to good health ited by various ghosts, each
of whom teaches Scrooge
an important lesson about
living life to its fullest. Many
Sherry Cobbler
Serves 1

with a traditional wassail local theater companies put 2 orange slices

on productions of the classic 1 tablespoon sugar
Dickens tale around the holi- 4 ounces amontillado sherry
day season. Berries (in season) for garnishing
Metro Creative riment at any time during the Preheat oven to 400 F. Cut Maraschino cherries for garnishing
The practice of wassailing is holiday season. apples into thick slices, and Holiday celebrants and
fans of “A Christmas Carol” 1 lemon wheel for garnishing
a time-honored tradition that There are many versions of arrange in layers in a covered
has spanned centuries. wassail beverages, including casserole dish, sprinkling a few can raise a toast to Charles Muddle orange slices and
When wassailing, people this “Traditional Wassail,” teaspoons of sugar over each Dickens by enjoying one of sugar at the bottom of a cock-
go door-to-door, singing and courtesy of “The FarmerÕs Al- layer. Cover and bake for 30 his favorite cocktails, the tail shaker. Add sherry and
offering a sip of drink from manac.” minutes. (Apples will get puffy “Sherry Cobbler,” courtesy ice and shake. Strain ingredi-
something called a wassail and soft.) of Margaret Kaplan’s “How ents into a Collins glass filled
bowl. Most do it to spread
Traditional Wassail While the apples bake, com- to Drink Like a Writer: Rec- with crushed ice.
holiday cheer and wish good Serves 8 to 12 bine beer, spices, lemon zest, ipes for the Cocktails and Garnish with seasonal
health on their neighbors. and remaining sugar in large Libations that Inspired 100 berries, maraschino cherries
5 to 6 large baking apples, peeled and cored Literary Greats” (Apollo Pub-
The word “wassail” is de- saucepan. Heat slowly, bring- and a lemon wheel.
(such as Baldwin, Gravenstein, McIntosh, or
rived from the Anglo-Saxon ing jst to a simmer. (Don’t let lishing). Serve with a generosity of
Stayman Winesap)
phrase “waes hael,” which the mixture boil.) When it is While Dickens did not spirit.
1 cup sugar
loosely translates to “good 2 quarts beer or ale hot, add sherry and keep heat-
health” or “be whole.” ing until the mixture reaches a
Wassailing remains popular
2 cinnamon sticks, broken in half, or 2 tea-
spoons ground cinnamon simmer again, still not boiling. Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
in some communities, though 1 teaspoon ground ginger Place the hot baked apples in a
caroling has overtaken it as a Zest of 1 lemon punch bowl, and pour the hot
way to spread cheer through 1-½ cups sherry or sweet red wine wassail over them. Serve hot.
Wassail drink was originally
made from mulled ale, curdled Wishing you a season
cream, roasted apples, eggs, 10597 Main St.
cloves, ginger, nutmeg, and
of wonder. . . Alexander, NY 14005
sugar, according to the hol-
iday customs and traditions
resource WhyChristmas. Most
wassails are now mulled ci-
ders, which are popular in late Jim Rudgers, Owner 585-591-1140
fall. Wassail was traditionally 1-888-344-0176
enjoyed on Twelfth Night (Jan.
5 or 6), but it can be used to [email protected]
toast to good health and mer-
20 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings

Explaining the primary symbols of Kwanzaa

Metro Creative embody.
Kwanzaa is an African Kikombe cha Umoja
American and pan-African
holiday that is celebrated each The Kikombe cha Umoja is
December beginning on De- the unity cup and symbolizes,
cember 26. The celebration of in both principle and practice,
family, community and cul- the unity that makes all else
ture lasts for seven days. possible.
Many holidays have their Mishumaa Saba
own unique symbols, and
This is the seven candles,
Kwanzaa is no exception. which are symbolic of Ngu-
The following are the prima- zo Saba, or the Seven Princi-
ry symbols of Kwanzaa, cour- ples of Kwanzaa. Each day of
tesy of OfficialKwanzaaWeb- Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of the Seven Principles. The
Mazao principles are a set of values
Kwanzaa celebrants are urged
Mazao symbolizes the crops to live by.
of African harvest celebra-
tions. Zawadi
Mazao also is symbolic of Zawadi stands for “The
the rewards of productive and Gifts” and are symbolic of the
collective labor. labor and love of parents and
Mkeka METRO CREATIVE the commitments made and
The seven candles are symbolic of the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa. kept by children.
Mkeka translates to “The The seven-day celebration
Mat.” The mat in Kwanzaa cel- traditions and histories are holder that is symbolic of Muhindi of Kwanzaa celebrates African
ebrations symbolizes African built. the continential Africans to
Muhindi stands for “The American and pan-African
American and pan-African whom African Americans and
Kinara culture. The symbols of the
tradition and history and the pan-Africans trace their roots. Corn” and symbolizes chil- holiday are a vital component
foundations on which those The kinara is a candle dren and the future that they of that celebration.

How holiday hosts can avoid overserving guests

Metro Creative from that expertise and training ity risks. In addition, restaurants stop for fear they’re consuming charades or other activities that
A house full of family and if they hire professional bartend- and bars tend to be very busy too much alcohol. require guests to stay sharp.
friends no doubt excites indi- ers. Let guests know in advance during the holiday season. That n Shift the focus of the festiv- n Stop serving alcohol as the
viduals who love to host holiday that bartenders have been asked means it will likely take longer ities. When planning the party, party winds down. As the festiv-
gatherings. Coming off a year in to monitor each guest’s con- for guests to order and receive look for games and activities that ities begin to wind down, stop
which no such celebrations were sumption, and support the bar- their drinks. Extra time between engage guests and don’t pro- serving alcohol and offer water,
held, it’s easy to see how hosts tender should he or she refuse to drinks can reduce the risk of mote drinking. Guests are less coffee or tea in its stead. This de-
and their guests might be tempt- serve a guest. overconsumption. likely to drink too much if they’re creases the chances that guests
ed to celebrate a bit too much. n Host outside your home. A n Stay sober. Hosts can more given something to do at the par- will overdo it and gives them a
Overconsumption of alco- large party at home may create effectively monitor how much ty, especially if the activity has chance to assess how they feel
hol can affect guests’ judgment, a warm atmosphere, but it also their guests are drinking if they nothing to do with alcohol. Avoid and determine if they can drive
both during the party and at the can leave hosts liable in the eyes abstain from alcohol. Guests games like beer pong in favor of home safely.
end of the night when it’s time to of the law. Hosting the party at a who recognize hosts are not
go home. restaurant with a valid liquor li- drinking also might be more Wishing you the timeless treasure of
Hosts must acknowledge and
cense can minimize hosts’ liabil- agreeable if hosts ask them to Christmas. The warmth of home, the love
accept various responsibilities
when hosting a holiday party, of family and the company of friends.
not the least of which is making Have a blessed and meaningful
sure guests get home safe and Christmas!
sound. Hosts can consider these
strategies to avoid overserving Carmichael & Reed Monument Co.,
guests: LLC.
n Hire a professional bar- Authorized Dealer
tender to serve drinks. The In- Mark D. Hansen Sandra R. Hansen
surance Information Institute
notes that most professional
bartenders are trained to recog-
nize signs of intoxication and are email: cr [email protected]
skilled at limiting consumption 55 S. Main St.Warsaw, NY (585) 786-3830
by partygoers. Hosts can benefit
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 21

Jan. 1 New Year’s celebrations a recent phenomenon

Metro Creative
Celebrating the new year on January 1 is a rel-
atively recent phenomenon.
The calendar as we know it today has evolved
several times and months have gone by differ-
ent names.
On the early Roman calendar, March was the
first month of the 10-month calendar. That is
why the last four months of the year have pre-
fixes that coordinate with the seventh (Septem- METRO CREATIVE
ber), eighth (October), ninth (November), and
tenth (December) numerals. ment on the ancient Roman one, which was
King Numa Pompilius reformed the calendar
around 700 BCE by adding the months of Janu-
lunar-based. During this time, the month of
Quintilis was renamed July in honor of Julius
ary and February to the original 10 months. Caesar and Sextilis was renamed August in hon-
Ace Hardware
But the calendar still required some addi- or of Augustus.
tional tweaking to be more aligned with the Shortly after the introduction of the solar
seasons. In 46 B.C., Julius Caesar introduced calendar, the beginning of the year was moved
a solar-based calendar that was an improve- from March 1 to January 1.

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Times and seating requirements are subject to change
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Masses at Our Lady of Mercy will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
To Designate.
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This Holiday Season...

Please Remember to
Celebrate Responsibly
Message courtesy of:
Orleans Co. STOP-DWI & Orleans Co. Youth Bureau
22 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings

The benefits of making FOLLOW THE DAILY NEWS n
Twitter @Batavia_Daily n Twitter @BataviaDNSports

New Year’s resolutions

Metro Creative a catalyst for positive change.
The end of December is a When something isn’t working
busy time of year. Families with your routine, personal
are shopping for gifts for loved health or relationships, resolu-
ones and friends, holiday cel- tions can serve as the catalyst
ebrations are in full swing and that ultimately rights the ship.
thoughts begin to turn to the n Resolutions can promote
new year ahead. self-esteem and empower-
At the stroke of midnight on ment. Making resolutions and
New Year’s Eve, it is custom- keeping them can provide a
ary to sip a glass of champagne sense of accomplishment that
and toast to the new year. Ma- comes with goal-setting and
ny people use the dawn of a following through. Resolving P.O. Box 58, Stafford
new year as a time to create a to lose five pounds and then
list of resolutions that reflect seeing the proof on a scale can 585-343-5449
positive changes they hope to be a powerful motivator that
make in the year ahead. compels you to make other
Between 40 and 45 percent METRO CREATIVE self-improvements. Accom-
of American adults make res- Making resolutions and plishing small goals also can
olutions each year, accord- keeping them can provide a boost self-esteem.
ing to the health and wellness sense of accomplishment that Resolutions are often made
group Proactive Mindfulness. comes with goal-setting and at the dawn of a new year.
According to John C. Norcross, following through. These efforts can provide
Marci S. Mrykalo and Matthew according to the wellness re- the motivation and direction
D. Blagys, coauthors of the source Alternative Daily. people need to make positive
study “Auld Lang Syne: Suc- n Resolutions can serve as changes in their lives.
cess predictors, change pro-
cesses, and self-reported out-
comes of New Year’s resolvers
and nonresolvers,” within six
months of starting a resolution
46 percent of people are still
Going Out Tonight?
maintaining their resolutions.
Resolutions may seem silly
to some, but there are several
positive reasons to make them.
n Resolutions provide
practice setting goals.
Goal-setting is an important
component of life. Goals are
key because they provide gen-
eral direction in life. A goal
is a map that can give you an
idea of where you are head-
ing and what path you need to
take to get there, according to
the self-improvement guide
Success Consciousness. Res-
olutions can be fun, low-pres-
So Are We!
sure goals. Think of them as
dress rehearsals for bigger life This Holiday Season...
n Resolutions offer time please remember to
for reflection. Too often peo-
ple are rushing through daily
life without stopping or slow-
celebrate responsibly.
ing down to truly assess the
impact of their actions. Res- Message courtesy of:
olutions help you reflect on Genesee County STOP-DWI &
the past, present and future, Genesee County Youth Bureau
figuring out what has been
working and what may need to
be changed to provide a boost,
Season’s Greetings December 2021 • 23

Here are some fun facts about Three Kings Day

Metro Creative tides have largely shifted out- garner considerable atten-
The holiday season begins side of Latin America and ar- tion during holiday celebra-
January 6 marks the celebration
with Thanksgiving, and ma-
ny people believe that the
eas dominated by large pop- tions, but Three Kings Day of the Epiphany, which is sometimes
ulations of people who have also is an important date
festivities come to a close af-
ter ringing in the new year. Latin American heritage. on the calendar for faithful referred to as Three Kings Day.
In fact, for the faithful, the Christmas and New Year’s Christians.
Christmas season does not
end until January 6 (January
12 in Eastern churches).
January 6 marks the cel-
ebration of the Epipha-
ny, sometimes referred to
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Kings Day. While the four
weeks preceding Christmas,
also known as Advent, are
supposed to be times of re-
flection and prayer in antic-
ipation of the birth of Jesus
Christ, the 12 days of Christ-
Adam Miller
mas are times of great cele- TOY & BIKE STORE
bration. 8 Center St., Batavia • 343-0548
On the Epiphany, children
may leave their shoes out for
presents in a similar fash-
ion to the way stockings are
hung. Gifts are exchanged,
reminiscent of the three gifts
the magi presented to the We Have The Best Stocking Stuffers
Christ child of gold, frankin- Melissa & Doug Toys
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Many celebrants will bake clean-burning, low-emissions, an
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ring-shaped cakes in which
they will hide plastic baby
figurines that are meant to
symbolize Jesus Christ. The
cake is called The Kings Ring, Heating
or Rosca de Reyes.
In Latin America, the three
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19th century, the Epiphany Phone: 585-343-2678
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24 • December 2021 Season’s Greetings

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