Supply Chain Oriented Performance Measurement For Automotive Spare Parts
Supply Chain Oriented Performance Measurement For Automotive Spare Parts
Supply Chain Oriented Performance Measurement For Automotive Spare Parts
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2 authors, including:
Sander De Leeuw
Wageningen University & Research
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Sander de Leeuw*
Department of Economics and Business Sciences
Information and Logistics
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105/3A–33
1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Windesheim Honours College
Praubstraat 17, 8011 PN Zwolle, The Netherlands
*Corresponding author
Loek Beekman
AP-Logistics B.V.
‘s-Gravenlandseweg 379
3125 BJ Schiedam, The Netherlands
1 Introduction
With the growing importance of logistics and supply chain management within
organisations, the management of the performance of supply chains is also gaining
interest (Gunasekaran et al., 2004; Lohman et al., 2004; Hausman, 2003). Statements
such as ‘poor’ or ‘good’ are not sufficient to make an assessment of the effectiveness
and efficiency of supply chains. A quantified approach is needed to evaluate the extent
to which customer expectations are met or strategic objectives are adhered to.
Formal performance measurement is therefore required (Beamon, 1999). Performance
measurement is furthermore required to achieve control of processes in a supply chain
– at least in part (Gunasekaran et al., 2004). The results of such measurements give
insights into the effects of supply chain strategies and they reveal opportunities in the
management of a supply chain (Chan, 2003). Literature suggests that performance
measurement in a supply chain is not a matter of design per se, but above all a matter of
coordination (Lohman et al., 2004). Selection of appropriate performance measures in a
supply chain context is therefore crucial (Beamon, 1999). However, the current
development state of supply chain management leaves a gap in evaluating the
performance of a supply chain as a whole (Chan et al., 2006; Gunasekaran et al., 2001;
Holmberg, 2000; Van Hoek, 1998).
There are a number of conceptual frameworks on supply chain performance
measurement (Chan et al., 2006; De Toni and Tonchia, 2001). The balanced scorecard
(Kaplan and Norton, 1992) is an often cited and popular example (Neely, 2005).
However, these frameworks are mostly focused on single links in supply chains (Rafele,
2004). Since a supply chain is a mix of processes that ties chain partners together,
performance of one activity within a company may influence the performance of a supply
chain as a whole (Rafele, 2004). It is therefore becoming more and more important to
focus on the performance of a supply chain as a whole (Gunasekaran et al., 2001;
Lambert and Pohlen, 2001). However, there is a lack of empirical analysis and case
studies on performance metrics and measurements in a supply chain environment
(Gunasekaran et al., 2004).
This article will provide the results of an empirical study into performance
measurement in a supply chain context in the automotive after-sales market. We
predominantly focus on the manufacturer related dependent channel, though we have
verified our findings with an independent spare parts distributor as well. It is our
objective to explore what types of measures are applicable to the automotive spare parts
58 S. de Leeuw and L. Beekman
supply chain and to what extent those measurements provide a supply chain perspective
on after-sales performance. The automotive industry has been selected because supply
chain management is crucial in this industry to create a competitive positioning (Holweg
and Pil, 2004). We have focused on the automotive spare parts supply chain owing to its
complexity and size (Cohen et al., 2000), the importance of after-sales for the automotive
sector (Chieux et al., 2005) and its importance for total automotive profitability (Bijl
et al., 2000).
The next section reviews literature on performance measurement in supply chains
and discusses the selection of a supply chain performance measurement model for our
empirical analysis. We describe a high-level overview of key issues and opportunities
in supply chain-oriented performance measurement. For a more detailed overview of
measurement models and metrics we refer to Chan et al. (2006) and Gunasekaran et al.
(2001). Subsequently, we discuss our research methodology. The key characteristics of
automotive spare parts supply chains and the results of our empirical investigation are
discussed thereafter and conclusions and implications are reviewed in the last section.
Most of the performance measurement systems that focus on a supply chain context
actually fail to do so (Chan et al., 2006). They focus on the development of performances
measures for an organisation. These systems do not capture the performance of the
supply chain in total nor how each organisation affects overall performance (Lambert and
Pohlen, 2001). There are several issues with performance measurement in a supply chain
context: performance measurement systems lack a balanced approach as they often
heavily rely on cost as a primary measure; they are not inclusive and are inconsistent with
the strategic goals of the organisation; they lack a holistic or ‘systems thinking’ view and
as a result lose the supply chain context encouraging local optimisation (Chan et al.,
2006; Lohman et al., 2004; Chan and Qi, 2003; Lambert and Pohlen, 2001; Gunasekaran
et al., 2001; Holmberg, 2000; Beamon, 1999).
Few authors take the perspective of a complete supply chain when defining
performance measures (Hausman, 2003; Gunasekaran et al., 2001). A generally
applicable systematic approach to performance measurement in a supply chain is not yet
widely available, mainly because of the specific measurement characteristics required
(Beamon, 1999).
processes. In order to create such a hierarchy, basic service elements need to be defined
and aggregated into homogeneous groups (‘classes’). Servqual has served as a starting
point for defining the main service dimensions. These dimensions have been translated
into three logistics service dimensions (Rafele, 2004):
1 Tangible components – these concern means and resources applied to the service
realisation, such as assets, transport or inventory.
2 Ways of fulfilment – these include all manners and significant parameters of carrying
out the service, such as flexibility and lead time.
3 Informative actions – this dimension adds the communication with the
customers about service activities to the model, including marketing and
order management.
Together, these three dimensions form a framework to determine the perceived service
of a company and to develop detailed metrics. Rafele (2004) provides an overview of
relevant indicators for each of these dimensions.
3 Research methodology
may exist and to understand which relationships may be valid research objects. As
such, an exploratory research approach seems appropriate (Yin, 1994; Eisenhardt, 1999;
Johnston et al., 1999).
We investigated companies that play a role in the distribution of spare parts in the
dependent channel: importers, distributors and dealers. We have decided to focus our
efforts on the dependent channel. We expect that this channel is organised the most
consistently and operates in a rather unified way as many aspects of the service channel
are driven by the brand owners in the dependent channel (Chieux et al., 2005). We
interviewed six dependent importers, one distributor and two dealers. All companies
interviewed are part of different brands and are located in the Netherlands. We have
researched a mix of European and Asian brands to cover a wide array of practices. Both
specialty and volume brands have been included. Afterwards, our conclusions have been
checked with an independent automotive parts distributor by means of an interview. Our
research therefore provides a perspective on the independent channel as well. Results of
this interview are presented in the discussion section.
Data collection comprised both field research and desk research. We have
interviewed the employees responsible for after-sales and/or logistics. Telephone
conversations have been held afterwards if additional discussion or data was required.
We furthermore analysed documents from branch organisations and company reports.
Given the exploratory nature of the research, the interviews were semistructured to
allow interviewees to discuss areas that opened up during discussion. Every interview
has been based on the LogistiQual model (Rafele, 2004). For every dimension of the
model – tangible components, ways of fulfilment and informative actions – the types of
performance measures used were investigated. Every respondent was asked to indicate
which types of performance indicators are used and why. For each of the three aspects, a
potential list of measures was already proposed. Every interviewee also had the option to
add measures to the list.
hold stock. Dealer stock replenishment takes place on average once a week. Every day
dealers may place emergency orders for parts that are not on stock but are required
urgently for vehicle repairs.
Figure 1 Spare parts supply chain (see online version for colours)
Central buying organisation
Private customers,
fleets, insurance companies
The independent channel is more complicated. The independent channel starts with
Original Equipment Suppliers (OES). OES can supply their parts directly to the vehicle
manufacturers or to central buying/wholesale organisations. These central buying
organisations can also import parts from other companies. The independent parts
distributors can distribute parts to any kind of company (Chieux et al., 2005). Normally,
independent garages, service chains and body shops do not hold significant stock. These
organisations may receive several parts deliveries every day (Chieux et al., 2005).
The Saturn example shows that performance of the actual service activities and
therefore the performance of spare part supply chains as a whole are directly related to
the loyalty of customers (Cohen et al., 2000). Performance measurement has thus become
a crucial issue in automotive spare parts supply chains (Chieux and Guillaneuf, 2005;
Cohen et al., 2000). From a customer perspective, any performance measure of service
should be related to the delay time between coming in for service and the actual repair
and pick-up of their vehicle. Speed is crucial in these supply chains as customers
require this delay time to be as short as possible (Barkawi and Partners GmbH, 2002). An
important metric is therefore the ‘part fill rate’, which measures the fraction of demand
for parts that are fulfilled from on-site stock. Other spare parts-related performance
measures are ‘product availability’ or ‘availability rate’ (Cohen et al., 2005).
Non-financial performance measures play an important role in the automotive spare
parts supply chains. In a recent survey, 67% of the respondents mentioned effectiveness
related measures as the most important measures (Saccani et al., 2006). Such measures
are mostly related to the time dimension and could consist of, for example, service
delivery lead time or delivery lateness.
According to research on spare parts supply chains performed by Barkawi and
Partners GmbH (2002), the following seven supply chain-related types of key
performance indicators are used by spare parts providers:
1 on-time delivery performance, to requested and committed dates
2 inventory turn rate, stock turnaround time, cycle time, stock turnover
3 average cost per event, movement
4 service level, stock availability, fill rate
5 accuracy of delivery, books, forecasts
6 total inventory, inventory level
7 complaint rate, failure rate, customer satisfaction.
This overview relates to performance measurement in a single link of the spare parts
supply chain. However, for improvement of spare parts supply chain management, it is
necessary to create a wide scope of control and to develop new approaches for
cooperation between supply chain partners (Fortuin and Martin, 1999). Measuring the
spare parts supply chain performance as a whole certainly contributes to the creation of
such a wider scope. The next section discusses the empirical results of our study into
supply chain-oriented performance measurement for automotive spare parts.
Figure 2 Measures for tangible components (letters a–h each represent a company;
x = measured by the respective company) (see online version for colours)
Taking in mind the statements of the interviewees and the fact that the customers
are demanding high speed and quality (Chieux and Guillaneuf, 2005), it is not surprising
that most performance measures around tangible components are focusing on inventory
and availability. Good performance on these metrics significantly contributes to short
vehicle repair lead times. Respondents indicated that efficiency, utilisation and
productivity are less important than the other types of measures. One of the possible
explanations for this could be that in the automotive spare parts business, sales margins
are rather high (Chieux et al., 2005). Given the objective to return serviced cars to
customers as fast as possible, higher margins enable importers and distributors to execute
a service supply chain that is more focused on responsiveness and less on efficiency
(Fisher, 1997).
Figure 3 Measures for ways of fulfilment (letters a–h each represent a company; x = measured
by the respective company) (see online version for colours)
It appears that companies measure much more of this part of the LogistiQual model than
of the tangible components dimension. One of the importers even appeared to measure
every aspect from this part of the model. It turned out that in this specific case all these
indicators were requested by the car manufacturer (this was an overseas manufacturer). In
actual practice, the role of this importer concerning after-sales is strictly a coordinating
role as the distribution centre is located abroad. A second and third importer measuring
nearly all aspects related to ways of fulfilment also experienced a strong manufacturer
influence. Interestingly enough, there are also two importers that hardly measure
anything in this category (companies B and D). One of these two, company D, is
operating a privately owned warehousing and distribution centre within the Netherlands.
The distribution process of company D is less influenced by the manufacturer. Compared
66 S. de Leeuw and L. Beekman
to Company C, the distribution centre of D is located close to the customer, which makes
it easier to respond to last minute parts requests. Measuring supply conditions was
therefore considered not that crucial.
Completeness, correctness and lead time are measured by most respondents and all
indicated during the interviews that these measures are very important. Lead time can be
seen as an indicator of speed. Correctness and completeness are indicators of quality. As
mentioned before, importers, distributor and dealers all state that fast delivery and high
delivery quality are the most important elements for ensuring fast vehicle repairs.
Figure 4 Informative actions (letters a–h each represent a company; x = measured by the
respective company) (see online version for colours)
During the interviews, it turned out that companies have difficulties defining performance
measures for informative actions. Though interviewees mostly indicated that concrete
measures are actually not available, actions that represent this category do take place and
are a crucial part of the total service delivery. Informative actions regarding marketing
and e-business were indicated as not very relevant. Informative actions with regard
to marketing deal with, for example, range completeness and product information.
E-business concerns online support and online ordering systems. All interviewees
indicated that informative actions concerning after-sales and order management are the
most relevant in this category. They argue that informative actions around order
management and after-sales contribute to speed and quality of the distribution process.
Order management systems enable supply chain partners to follow orders, place orders
and check stocks at different locations. The after-sales informative actions mentioned
by interviewees concentrate on warranty issues, back orders and customer support.
Companies indicated that both after-sales and order management are in fact seen as
minimum conditions for managing after-sales activities.
Supply chain-oriented performance measurement for automotive spare parts 67
During the interviews, most companies indicated that their performance information
was sufficient except for two aspects: the importers and distributors indicated that there
was a need for information about the actual consumer who has a car serviced. This could
consist of, for example, information on service history. The dealers, and also the
distributor on the other hand, indicated that information about parts availability in other
parts of the supply chain could be advantageous. This would imply that a dealer can, for
example, see parts availability at central warehouses and maybe also at other dealerships
in the vicinity.
One of the questions was to what extent the automotive spare parts supply chain is
measured as a whole. In line with the findings of Cohen et al. (2005) there seems to be an
agreement about the use of inventory and availability-related measures as key indicators.
This was confirmed in our interview with the independent spare parts distributor. Spare
parts companies currently seem to measure the supply chain as a whole with regard to
this aspect. However, there are also considerable differences between the entities in the
supply chain for the other tangible components and in fact all the metrics related to the
ways of fulfilment. For these aspects, companies do not seem to measure the supply chain
as a whole though most interviewees mentioned that order completeness and correctness
combined with lead times are key measures.
The managerial implications are threefold. First of all, both literature and our
empirical study suggest that measurements focused on the ways of fulfilment such as
order completeness and correctness are universally accepted and important measures in
spare parts supply chains. Also, inventory and availability-oriented measures are key
measures for all parties involved. On these aspects, companies are well underway to
measure their spare parts supply chain as a whole. However, there is a desire in the
supply chain upstream towards the manufacturers to know more about consumers.
Downstream towards the consumers, there is a desire to know more about parts
availability in other sections of the supply chain (at other dealers or in distribution
centres). These areas need to be developed as they are currently lacking. Secondly, when
designing performance measures on tangible aspects in supply chains, it is important to
realise that asset-related measures such as utilisation, efficiency and productivity are not
as important as inventory and availability-related performance measures. This is related
to the fact that entities in this supply chain focus on responsiveness more than on process
efficiency. However, there may be a pressure towards more focus on such efficiency
related measures in the future. Thirdly, informative actions and in particular information
with regard to after-sales and order management were found to be relevant for all supply
chain participants. However, hardly any measures are available in this area. As a result,
there is an opportunity to develop new measures for this dimension.
It is clear that a step has been set in the direction of supply chain-oriented
performance measurement of automotive spare parts. However, particularly in the area of
transparency of links in the supply chain for all supply chain participants as well as the
measurement of ways of fulfilment and informative actions there is a need to further
develop supply chain-oriented performance measurement.
Supply chain-oriented performance measurement for automotive spare parts 69
The authors would like to thank Thomas Chieux of the International Car Distribution
Programme and Professor Carlo Rafele and his research group at the Politecnico di
Torino for their support during the preparation of the empirical part of their research.
Furthermore, the authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
suggestions for the improvement of this article.
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