From Itinerant Ferromagnetism To Insulating Antiferromagnetism: A Magnetic and Transport Study of Single Crystal Srru MN O (0 X 0.60)

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From itinerant ferromagnetism to insulating antiferromagnetism:

A magnetic and transport study of single crystal SrRu1-xMnxO3 (0≤ x<0.60)

G. Cao, S. Chikara, X.N. Lin, E. Elhami and V. Durairaj

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY40506

P. Schlottmann
Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL32306

We report results of a magnetic and transport study of SrRu1-xMnxO3 (0≤ x<0.60),

i.e., Mn doped SrRuO3. The Mn doping drives the system from the itinerant

ferromagnetic state (TC=165 K for x=0) through a quantum critical point at xc=0.39 to an

insulating antiferromagnetic state. The onset of antiferromagnetism is abrupt with a Néel

temperature increasing from 205 K for x=0.44 to 250 K for x=0.59. Accompanying this

quantum phase transition is a drastic change in resistivity by as much as 8 orders of

magnitude as a function of x at low temperatures. The critical composition xc=0.39

sharply separates the two distinct ground states, namely the ferromagnetic metal from the

antiferromagnetic insulator.

PACS: 71.30.+h; 75.30.-m


In numerous strongly correlated electron systems different degrees of freedom,

such as the spin, orbitals and lattice deformations are inextricably coupled, usually by

Coulomb interactions and the specifics of the crystal structure, but also due to alloying.

Such systems are often characterized by competing ground states susceptible to external

perturbations such as magnetic field, pressure or chemical doping. Tuning the external

parameters may lead to a quantum critical point and stabilize novel ground states with

exotic properties. This point is well illustrated in the cuprate superconductors [1].

The layered ruthenates, i.e., the Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) series Can+1RunO3n+1

and Srn+1RunO3n+1 (n=number of Ru-O layeres/unit cell), are a class of correlated electron

materials showing a rich variety of properties. The major characteristic of these 4d-

electron based transition metal oxides is the more extended d-orbitals of the Ru-ion as

compared to those of 3d ions, which greatly enhances the transition-metal-oxygen or p-d

hybridization. The physical properties of the ruthenates are critically linked to n, the

number of Ru-O layers per unit cell, and to the cation (Ca or Sr), which lead to different

ground states and inter- and intra-layer magnetic couplings. The Ru-ions are surrounded

by O-ions forming octahedra. The deformations and relative orientations of these corner-

shared octahedra crucially determine the crystalline field splitting, the band structure and

hence the magnetic and transport properties. As a result, the Srn+1RunO3n+1 are metallic

and tend to be ferromagnetic with Sr2RuO4 (n=1) being an exception, whereas the

isoelectronic Can+1RunO3n+1 are all at the verge of a metal-nonmetal transition and prone

to antiferromagnetism. The Curie temperature, TC, for the series Srn+1RunO3n+1 increases

with n, whereas the Néel temperature, TN, for the Can+1RunO3n+1 series decreases with

increasing n [2-12]. No such behavior has been observed in other transition metal RP

systems. Controlling the orientation of the octahedra by changing the chemical

composition therefore opens a unique opportunity to systematically tune physical

properties in these materials.

The perovskite SrRuO3 is the by far the most studied compound in the

Srn+1RunO3n+1 series (see for example [13-29]). SrRuO3 is an itinerant ferromagnet with

TC=165 K and a saturation moment of 1.10 µB/Ru aligned within the basal plane [19].

The crystal field effect in Ru4+ (4d4) ions is so large that the Hund’s rules partially break

down, yielding a low spin state with S=1 (3T1g). SrRuO3 features robust Fermi-liquid

behavior [17,19,28] with an enhanced effective mass [19,29] and quantum oscillations

[29] at low temperatures, and anomalous transport behavior at high temperatures

evidenced by a linear temperature dependence of the resistivity up to 900 K that violates

the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit [28]. It is believed that the hybridization between O 2p states

and Ru 4d states and the interplay with the Mott-Hubbard limit account for the unusual

magnetic and transport behavior [20,25]. Our earlier study on single crystal Sr1-xCaxRuO3

indicates that the magnetic coupling is highly sensitive to perturbations in the Ru-O-Ru

bond length and angle caused by substituting Sr with the isoelectronic smaller Ca-ion.

This gives rise to a rotation of the RuO6 octahedron and thus a subtle change in the

electron hopping between octahedra, yielding a state that is less favorable for

ferromagnetism. Consequently, Tc decreases monotonically with Ca concentration and

vanishes for x<0.8 [19]. A similar interplay between lattice and electronic properties also

leads to an antiferromagnetic insulating ground state with TN=26 K in the double-

perovskite Sr2YRuO6 that is derived from the perovskite SrRuO3 by replacing every

second Ru by Y [30].

A very different interplay between spin, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom is

found in the manganite alloys La1-xCaxMnO3 and La1-xSrxMnO3 [31,32]. The Mn ions

exist in their trivalent and tetravalent states. Here the Hund’s rule energy aligning all

spins of the 3d-electrons is relatively larger than the crystalline fields. Hence, the total

spin of Mn3+ is S=2 (5Eg), while that of Mn4+ is S=3/2 (4A2g). The latter state consist of

the three t2g being singly occupied, while for Mn3+ there is in addition one eg electron. The

t2g electrons are localized and the interaction among the t2g on neighboring Mn ions is via

antiferromagnetic superexchange mediated by the O bonds. The eg electrons can hop

between sites and this process induces the ferromagnetic double-exchange interaction.

The interplay between the double-exchange and the superexchange in conjunction with

the Jahn-Teller effect (there are two eg orbitals) then leads to several ferromagnetic,

antiferromagnetic and canted spin phases, the colossal magneto-resistance, orbital order,

metal-insulator transitions and phase separation. The different size of Ca2+ and Sr2+ also

plays a role in the manganites, which manifests itself, e.g., in a much larger phase

separation in the Ca-compound than for the Sr-alloy.

In particular, the perovskite SrMnO3 has only Mn4+ ions, is an insulator, and has

cubic symmetry with the S=3/2 t2g-spins ordering antiferromagnetically in the G-phase

(alternating up- and down-spins on a simple cubic lattice) [33]. This is possibly the

simplest scenario for the manganites, because there are no eg electrons involved in the

ground state. In this paper we study the system SrRu1-xMnxO3 (x<0.60), i.e. the alloy of

SrRuO3 with SrMnO3. The different crystalline structure of the end-compound impedes to

extend the range of x to larger values. This work reveals a rich phase diagram where Mn

doping effectively drives the system from the itinerant ferromagnetic state through a

quantum critical point at xc=0.39 to an insulating antiferromagnetic state. This transition

to the antiferromagnetic state occurs abruptly (but continuously) with the disappearance

of the ferromagnetism. The Néel temperature increases from essentially zero at xc to 205

K for x=0.44 to 250 K for x=0.59. Accompanying this magnetic phase transition is a

dramatic change in resistivity at low temperatures by as much as 8 orders of magnitude

(measured at 7 K) for the entire Mn doping range of 0≤x<0.60. A Mott-type transition

and quantum critical point at the composition xc=0.39 sharply divides the two regimes,

namely the ferromagnetic metal from the antiferromagnetic insulator. This behavior is in

contrast to that seen in Sr1-xCaxRuO3 where the magnetic phase transition occurs between

the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic state without an occurrence of a metal-insulator

transition [19].

It is noted that some of the results presented here are different from those of a

study on polycrystalline SrRu1-xMnxO3 (x≤0.50) reported earlier by Sahu et al. [34],

where the Curie temperature TC=165 K for x=0 remained essentially unchanged for the

entire Mn doping range of 0≤x≤0.50 (see Fig. 2a of Ref. 34). The discrepancy may, at

least partially, result from the difference between single crystals and polycrystalline

samples. The SrRuO3 phase is notoriously known to be unavoidable in polycrystalline

oxides whenever Sr and Ru ions are simultaneously involved. The unwanted

ferromagnetic phase, even a very small amount of it, could overshadow changes in

physical properties due to Mn doping.


The single crystals of the entire series of SrRu1-xMnxO3 were grown using both

floating zone and flux techniques. All crystals studied were characterized by single

crystal or powder x-ray diffraction, EDS and TEM. No impurities and intergrowth were

found. The fact that quantum oscillations are observed in SrRuO3 [29] confirms the high

quality of the crystals studied. The Dingle temperature TD estimated from the quantum

oscillations, a measure of scattering rate, is in a range of TD = 2.0 K [29], comparable to

those of good organic metals, whose TD varies from 0.5 to 3.5 K. The magnetization was

measured using the Quantum Design MPMS LX 7T magnetometer. The resistivity was

obtained using the standard four-lead technique and a function of transport measurements

added to the magnetometer. For each composition, a few crystals were measured and the

data was averaged in order to reduce errors that could be generated by uncertain lead



Shown in Fig.1 are the lattice parameters for the a-, b- (left scale) and c-axis (right

scale) as a function of Mn concentration, x, ranging from 0 to 0.59 for SrRu1-xMnxO3.

The lattice parameters are determined using x-ray diffraction data on powdered crystals.

For x=0 (SrRuO3), the lattice parameters are in good agreement with those reported

earlier [35]. The orthorhombic symmetry is retained as a function of x, which is

consistent with results reported previously [34]. Within the error of the measurement, the

lattice parameters systematically decrease with x, since the ionic radius of Mn4+ (0.53 Ǻ)

is smaller than that of Ru4+ (0.62 Ǻ). The changes in the lattice parameters result in a

shrinkage of the unit-cell volume by about 4%. The decrease in the a- and c-axis is more

rapid near x=0.39. As seen below, this distinct behavior is accompanied by drastic

changes in the electronic and magnetic structure.

Shown in Fig. 2a is the temperature dependence of the basal plane magnetic

susceptibility, χ, defined as M/H, for representative compositions. A similar behavior is

seen for the c-axis magnetic susceptibility and therefore not shown. The ferromagnetic

order decreases with x and disappears at xc=0.39. The Curie temperature TC is effectively

suppressed from 165 K for x=0 to lower temperatures with increasing x and vanishes for

xc=0.39 (the curve of χ for xc=0.39 is enlarged by a factor of 20 for clarity). χ for the

critical composition xc=0.39, where the lattice parameters for the a- and c-axis decrease

significantly (see Fig.1), displays a rather weak temperature-dependence without any sign

of long-range ordering (this point is to be further discussed below) and spin glass

behavior (as no hysteresis behavior is discerned). For x>xc antiferromagnetic long-range

order emerges abruptly as x increases. Hence, the disappearance of the ferromagnetic

state is immediately followed by the appearance of a strong antiferromagnetic state,

which for x=0.44 has already a Néel temperature TN=205 K. The temperature dependence

of χ in the vicinity of TN is also unusual (note that χ for x=0.44 is plotted by reducing its

magnitude by a factor of 25 for comparison with that of x=0.51 and 0.59). While TN

further rises and eventually reaches 250 K for x=0.59, the magnitude of χ decreases with

x. The change in the magnetic ground state is also reflected in the basal plane isothermal

magnetization, M, shown in Fig. 2b, where M as a function magnetic field B for T=5 K is

plotted for a few representative compositions. M for x≤ 0.28 displays field dependence

typical of a ferromagnet, whereas the linear field dependence of M for x=0.39 and 0.59 is

more characteristic of an antiferromagnet.

The data in Fig. 2a was fitted to a Curie-Weiss law χ=χo+C/(T-θ), where χo is a

temperature-independent susceptibility, C is the Curie constant, and θ the Curie-Weiss

temperature, for 200<T<350 K and 0<x<0.39. The fitting range for x=0.44 is 280-360 K

since TN=205 K, and no fitting was attempted for x=0.51 and x=0.59 as the temperature

range is not wide enough to obtain valid parameters, again because of the high Néel

temperature. As expected, the Curie-Weiss temperature θ decreases from +167 K for x=0

to -2 K for x=0.39 and finally to -242 K for x=0.44. The change in sign is associated with

the change from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic exchange coupling. The effective

moment estimated from the Curie constant C varies monotonically from 2.72 µB for x=0

to 3.41 µB for x=0.44. These values are slightly smaller but close to those anticipated for

tetravalent Ru and Mn ions, i.e. S=1 for Ru4+ and S=3/2 for Mn4+, respectively. Note that

the effective magnetic moments for Ru5+ (S=3/2) and Mn3+ (S=2) are considerably larger,

so that the Curie constant is only consistent with tetravalent Ru and Mn ions for all


As shown in Fig. 3, the temperature independent susceptibility χo only depends

weakly on x for x<0.24, but increases significantly at x=0.28 and peaks at xc=0.39 where

the ferromagnetism disappears. For x=0.51 and 0.59 the temperature range of the fit is

too small and a valid value of χo cannot be determined. This temperature independent

susceptibility is usually associated with a Pauli susceptibility and a measure of the

density of states at the Fermi level, N(ε), i.e., χo~N(ε). The rapid increase of χo near

x=0.39 can then be attributed to an increase in the density of the states. At the same time,

the ordered moment, Ms, obtained by extrapolating M to zero-field, B=0, decreases from

1.10 µB for x=0 to nearly zero for x=0.39. As illustrated in Fig.3, the variations of both χo

and Ms (right scale) are larger in the vicinity of x=0.39, suggesting an intimate correlation

between the density of states and the disappearance of the ferromagnetism.

The low temperature resistivity also undergoes dramatic changes with x. As seen

in Fig. 4a, ρ, varies by 8 orders of magnitude from x=0 to x=0.59 at 7 K. Shown in Fig.

4a is the resistivity in the basal plane, ρab, on a logarithmic scale as a function of

temperature for x=0, 0.28, 0.39 and 0.59. ρab rapidly increases with increasing x, and

x=0.28 (or slightly larger) appears to be the dividing line between metallic and insulating

behavior. For x=0 the resistivity is the expected one for a metal, while for x=0.59 the

behavior is clearly insulating.

For x=0, there is a sharp break in the slope of ρ at Tc = 165 K (it is seen more

clearly on a linear scale for ρ [28]), which according to the Fisher-Langer theory is the

consequence of scattering off short-range spin fluctuations in the neighborhood of Tc [27].

The residual resistivity ratio [RRR=ρ(300K)/ρ(2K)] for x=0 is 120 and the residual

resistivity ρo is 2 µΩ cm for the basal plane [28]. Recently, de Haas van Alphen

oscillations have been observed in this system with frequencies ranging from 100 to

11,000 T [29]. Although ρ for T>Tc increases almost linearly with temperature up to 900

K and violates the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit [28], SrRuO3 behaves like a Fermi liquid for

temperatures below 38 K, as ρ can be described by ρ=ρo+AT2 with A being 9.3×10-9 Ω

cm K-2 [28]. The coefficient A is proportional to the square of the effective mass, m*, i.e.

A~m*2. The value of A is comparable to those of other correlated electron systems. The

Fermi liquid behavior at low temperatures survives with increasing x up to x=0.28 for T≤

24K with an enhanced A of 2.6×10-8 Ω cm K-2, suggesting an increase of the correlation

effects with x.

At x=0.39 the ferromagnetism is already suppressed and antiferromagnetism has

not yet developed as shown in Fig. 4b. For the temperature range 40≤T≤100 K the

resistivity can be described by ρ=ρo+AT2 with A=3.0×10-8 Ω cm K-2, i.e. the parameter A

is further enhanced. The increase in A is consistent with the increase in χo shown in Fig.3,

suggesting that the correlation effects are important in driving the metal-insulator

transition. Below 20 K, with decreasing temperature, ρ rises rapidly by a factor of 30 but

follows no activation law or any other power law. The rapid uprising in ρ is suggestive of

a gap opening, e.g. due to a critical value U/W for a Mott-like transition in the Hubbard

model (here W is the d-band width and U the Coulomb repulsion). This behavior is also

mirrored in χ. As seen in Fig. 4b, the temperature dependence of χ (right scale) at low

temperatures is strikingly similar to that of Sr3Ru2O7, which is known to have a field-

tuned quantum critical point [10], and Pd, which is close to a Stoner ferromagnetic

instability [36].

A further increase of x drives the system into a much more insulating state. ρ for

x=0.59 obeys no activation law but follows the variable range hopping behavior,

ρ~exp(To/T)n, as shown in Fig. 5. Acceptable fits can be obtained for n=1/3 with

T0=21622 K and n=1/2 with T0=1220 K, but n is probably closer to 1/3. This corresponds

to two-dimensional hopping without interactions between the electrons, or the usual

three-dimensional variable ranging hopping behavior with n=1/4 with some influence

from long-range Coulomb repulsions, which ideally reduce n to 1/2 [37, 38]. Note also

that variable range hopping conduction, which normally is expected to take place only at

very low temperatures, is found over nearly the entire temperature range of 2K<T<300K

for x=0.59.

Discussion and Conclusions

The magnetic and electronic phase diagram as a function of Mn content x is

summarized in Fig. 6. It is clear that the substitution of itinerant Ru t2g electrons by

localized Mn t2g electrons strongly affects the properties. As illustrated in the phase

diagram, the ferromagnetism-antiferromagnestim transition is accompanied by the metal-

insulator transition. Separating the two phases is the critical composition xc=0.39, which

corresponds to a quantum critical point [1]. Note that the transition from ferromagnetism

to antiferromagnetism is not of first order, since both order parameters vanish at xc. From

the resistivity data it is difficult to exactly determine the concentration x of the metal

insulator transition.

In SrRuO3 some of the 4d t2g-orbitals are itinerant due to self-doping by the O 2p-

electrons (an effect also known as valence admixture) and the system is metallic.

Transport and magnetic properties strongly depend on the relative orientation of the

corner-shared octahedra. There is a strong coupling of lattice, charge, orbital and spin

degrees of freedom. In SrRu1-xMnxO3 the substitution of Ru by Mn eliminates one of the

t2g electrons and hence the itinerant character of the d-electrons. Since the Mn t2g levels

are all occupied with one electron, the only possibility of hopping would be to

temporarily fill one of the eg levels. This process is, however, energetically unfavorable.

Hence, as a consequence of the large crystalline field splitting in the MnO6 octahedra, the

Mn sites interrupt the dynamics of the 4d t2g-electrons, and the metallic and

ferromagnetic character of the Ru end-compound gradually disappears with increasing x.

Tentatively, the metal-insulator transition could be associated with a site

percolation of nearest neighbor Ru-Ru bonds. For a simple cubic lattice the percolation

threshold is roughly at a Ru concentration (1-x) of 30.7%, i.e. x=0.693 [39]. This is much

larger than the observed value of xc=0.39. However, the SrRuO3 compound is not cubic,

but layered. Reducing the dimensionality reduces the connectivity and hence increases

the percolation threshold (1-x). For the square lattice the critical concentration of site

percolation of nearest neighbor bonds is 0.590±0.010 [39], corresponding to xc=0.41,

which is very close to the measured xc for SrRu1-xMnxO3. This agreement, however, is

likely to be accidental since the compound is not strictly two-dimensional. The disruption

of Ru connectivity also affects the orientation of the RuO6 octahedra (tilting angle),

which to a great extent determines the properties of the ruthenates.

Decreasing the connectivity of the Ru bond network also reduces the

ferromagnetic coupling, which is probably of the double-exchange type, i.e. induced by

the hopping of the 4d t2g electron in the highest energy level (note that hopping requires

self-doping through the oxygen orbitals). Experimentally it is not clearly determined if

the long-range ferromagnetism collapses simultaneously with the conductivity. The

reduced connectivity also tends to localize the electrons and hence it leads to an increased

density of states at the Fermi level. For larger x the antiferromagnetic superexchange

between Mn ions, mediated by the O bonds, prevails and the alloy becomes


Like Mn4+, the Fe4+ (3d4) ion of the perovskite SrFeO3 is in a high spin state.

However, unlike Mn doping, Fe substitution, i.e. SrRu1-xFexO3, leads to the occurrence of

a paramagnetic state following a disappearance of the ferromagnetism for x>0.35.

Moreover, this magnetic phase transition is not accompanied by a metal-insulator

transition [40]. Fe4+ is most likely iso-electronic to Mn3+, i.e., three of 3d electrons of Fe4+

occupy one t2g orbital each and the fourth one is in an eg-orbital. Hence, the main

difference between Mn4+ and Fe4+ is the occupation of the eg-orbital. In SrRu1-xFexO3 this

eg-electron may become itinerant and hybridize with the Ru t2g electrons.


This work was supported by National Science Foundation under grant No. DMR-

0240813. Work at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory was supported through

NSF Cooperative Agreement DMR-0084173 and the State of Florida. P.S. acknowledges

the support by NSF (grant No. DMR01-05431) and DOE (grant No. DE-FG02-



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Fig.1. Lattice parameters for the a-, b- (left scale) and c-axis (right scale), for SrRu1-
xMnxO3 as a function of Mn concentration, x, which ranges from 0 to 0.59.

Fig.2. (a) Temperature dependence of basal plane magnetic susceptibility χ for

representative compositions (left scale for x≤0.39, and right scale for the remaining x).
Note that χ for x=0.39 is enlarged by a factor of 20 for clarity; and that χ for x=0.44
is reduced by a factor of 25 for comparison with that for x=0.51 and x=0.59; (b) Basal
plane isothermal magnetization M as a function of magnetic field B at T=5 K for a
few representative x.

Fig.3. Temperature independent magnetic susceptibility χo and the saturation moment

Ms (right scale) as a function of x. Note that χo for x=0.51 and 0.59 cannot be
obtained because the temperature is too narrow for a valid fitting.

Fig.4. (a) Basal plane resistivity ρab on a logarithmic scale vs. temperature for x=0,
0.28, 0.39, and 0.59; (b) ρ and χ (right scale) for xc=0.39 as a function of temperature
for 2≤T≤120 K for comparison.

Fig.5. Variable range hopping plot for the resistivity. The logarithm of the resistivity
for x=0.59 is presented against T-1/3 and T-1/2 (lower and upper horizontal axis,
respectively) for a wide temperature range (2<T<300 K).

Fig.6. T-x phase diagram illustrating the crossover from itinerant ferromagnetism to
the insulating antiferromagnetism. There is a quantum critical point (QCP) at xc=0.39
separating the two quantum ground states. F-M stands for ferromagnetic metal and
AF-I antiferromagnetic insulator.

5.600 7.900

5.400 7.650
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Mn concentration (%)


12 0.06
x=0.44 (x25)
10 0.05
8 x=0.06 0.04

x=0.16 x=0.51
6 0.03
4 x=0.39 0.02
2 x=0.59 0.01

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
T (K)
1.2 T=5 K x=0
ab-plane x=0.06

0.8 x=0.16

0.6 x=0.28

0.2 x=0.59 x=0.39

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
B (T)


0.003 1.5

0.002 χ 1

0.001 0.5

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Mn concentration x (%)


102 (a)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
T (K)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
T (K)


-1/2 -1/2
T (K )
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
4 n
ρ~exp(T /T)

T =1220 K
T =21622 K
-2 (n=1/3)

0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
-1/3 -1/3
T (K )






50 F-M AF-I

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Mn concentration (%)



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