EECE 674 CH 2 2021 Solar Radiation
EECE 674 CH 2 2021 Solar Radiation
EECE 674 CH 2 2021 Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation
Main References
John Twidell and Tony Weir
John Duffie & William Beckman
• Solar radiation on Earth is at a maximum flux density of about 1 kW m-2 in a
wavelength between 0.25 and 2.5 μm. This is the short wave radiation that
includes the visible spectrum. The energy received varies from 3 to 30 MJ m-2 per
day depending on place, time, and weather.
• This energy is of very high thermodynamic quality from the sun with a surface
temperature of 5777 K giving a photon energy of about 2 eV.
• Radiant energy from Earth is also of the order 1 kW m-2 but occurs in a wavelength
band of 5 and 25 μm. This is the long wave radiation peaking at about 10 μm.
• Annual solar irradiation (ASI) differs significantly throughout the Earth. In northern
and central Europe it is 700 and 1000 kWh/ (m2 year), respectively; whereas in
southern Europe it is 1700 kWh/ (m2 year). The ASI in the Sahara is 2350 kWh/
(m2 year) and the global primal energy demand could be provided by collecting
the energy received by 48,500 km2 of the Sahara that has an area of 8.7×106 km2.
• The main aim of this chapter is to calculate the solar radiation available as input to
a solar device at a specific location, orientation and time. We will then deal with
the measurement of solar radiation on a horizontal surface and how we can use it
to estimate radiation on surface with other orientations at the same location.
Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation
• The spectral distribution of solar irradiance at the earth’s mean distance (1.496x108 km) is like
that of a black body at 5777 K. The area beneath the curve is the radiant flux density on a
plane directly facing the sun’s rays; it is equal to the solar constant G0= 13672 W m-2. The
solar spectrum is divided into three main regions as shown below. The percentages shown in
Fig. 2.1 are for the spectrum at AM0.
Spectrum AM1.5
500 terrestrial
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Wavelength (m)
Cloud and
diffuse diffuse
• At the earth’s surface, direct beam radiation is observable from the direction of the Sun’s
disk, and diffuse radiation is received from other directions. This shown in Fig. 2.2. Diffuse
radiation varies from less than 20% on a clear day to 100% on a cloudy day. Note that only
beam radiation can be focused.
• Beam and diffuse solar radiation measured in kWh/ (m2 day) at the following locations are,
respectively, as follows: London 0.99 and 1.47, Rome 2.41 and 1.78, LA 3.03 and 2.07, and
Cairo 3.39 and 1.95. 4
Components of Radiation – Air Mass
The air mass (AM) is a dimensionless measure of the length of the path of beam
radiation in the atmosphere. It is approximately (?) given below in terms of the
zenith angle. Its variation at different times of the year at solar noon is given in figure
2.3 below for Cairo.
AM 1/ (cos z )
Components of Radiation - Measurement
Beam Beam Beam
Diffuse Diffuse
• The measurements of radiation components are illustrated in Fig. 2.4. Let Gb be the
available beam irradiance, then the beam irradiance at a collector surface is:
Gbc= Gb cos (2.1)
• Total irradiance is the sum of beam and diffuse components:
Gt= Gbc + Gd (2.2)
Measurement of Solar Radiation
Instruments - 1
Fig. 2.5: (a) pyranometer that measures total horizontal radiation, (b)
Pyrheliometer to measure beam radiation, (c) Sphere blocking beam
radiation so that the pyranometer measures diffuse radiation. 7
Measurement of Solar Radiation
Instruments - 2 (Table 2.1)
Geometry of Earth and Sun
The Equation of Time
• Earth rotates once in 24 hours about its own axis, defined Equatorial Plane
by the north and south poles (N and S), which is normal to
the equatorial plane.
• In Fig. 2.6, the position of a point P on Earth’s surface is
determined by its longitude Ψ and latitude Φ angles.
• Points G and E are points on the equator having the same
longitude as Greenwich and P, respectively.
• Let tsolar be the solar time and tzone be the local civic time at G
point P. Let Ψzone be the longitude where the sun is
overhead when tzone is 12:00 noon, then:
tsolar = tzone + 4 (Ψ – Ψzone) + E (2.5)
• E is measured in minutes and calculated using the
“equation of time” (Spencer 1971): S
E= 229.2 (0.000075 + 0.001868 cos B – 0.032077 sin B Fig. 2.6: Longitude and latitude of
– 0.014615 cos 2B – 0.04089 sin 2B) (2.6) a point P on Earth.
• The value of B is given by: B= (n – 1)×360/ 365, where n is the day of the year
(n= 1 on January 1). The values of E may be represented by a harmonic function
that repeats itself every year and is in the range 15 minutes.
Geometry of Earth and Sun
Example on the Equation of Time
• The variation in E, shown in Fig.
2.7, is due to the tilt of the N-S
axis with respect to the orbital
plane, and the elliptic orbit of
Earth around the Sun. This means 15
that the time between two solar
noons is not exactly 24 hours.
Direction of rotation
Observer S
N δ0 Observer
21 Jun.
S Observer
21 Mar.
Fig. 2.8: Orbital plane of Earth around the Sun.
• Earth orbits the sun once per year while the direction of its axis remains fixed at an angle
0= 23.45 with the normal to the orbital plane, as shown in Fig. 2.8.
• The declination angle is the angle between the Sun’s rays and the equatorial plane. It is
equal to the latitude of a point on Earth where the Sun is exactly overhead at solar noon. It
can be proven that it is the angle between the projection of the N-S axis on a plane normal
to an observer at a point further along Earth’s orbit, and the normal to the orbital plane.
Geometry of Earth and Sun
Variation of Declination Angle
• The observer’s view of Earth as seen from a point further along its orbit is shown in Fig. 2.9.
It is shown for 4 times of the year with circles of latitudes at 0, 23.45, and 66.5.
• The declination angle varies smoothly from = 23.45 at midsummer in the northern
hemisphere (21 June) to = -23.45 at midwinter (21 December) in the northern
hemisphere. Analytically it can be found from the approximate equation of Cooper (1969)
with day n of the year:
= 23.45 sin [ (360 (284 + n) / 365) ] (2.7)
• A more accurate formula (error < 0.035) is given by Spencer (1971):
= 0.006918 – 0.399912 cos B + 0.070257 sin B
– 0.006758 cos 2B + 0.000907 sin 2B (2.8)
– 0.002679 cos 3B + 0.00148 sin 3B with B= (n-1) 360/ 365 12
Geometry of Collector and Solar Beam
Definitions - 1
Normal to
• With reference to Fig. 2.10, for the collector collector
surface we define: Normal to
Slope : It is the angle between the collector
surface and the horizontal, with 0 < < 90.
Surface Azimuth Angle : It is the angle of, the
projection of the normal to the collector surface
on the horizontal plane, and the local longitude
meridian. For a surface facing due south =0,
180 due north, 0 to 180 facing westwards and 0
to -180 eastwards. For a horizontal surface, = 0.
Incidence Angle : The angle between the solar
beam and the normal to the collector surface.
• For the solar beam we define:
Zenith Angle z : It is the angle between the solar
beam and the vertical. Note that and z are not N Fig. 2.10:
necessarily in the same plane. Perspective (a),
Solar Azimuth Angle s: It is the angle of, the top view (b).
projection of the sun beam on the horizontal W E
plane, and the local longitude meridian. The angle
between the projection of solar beam and that of
normal to the collector is s . s (b)
Geometry of Collector and Solar Beam
Calculation of Incidence Angle
• The incidence angle, between beam and normal to the collector, is given by one of the
following equations:
cos = (A – B) sin + [C sin + (D + E) cos ] cos (2.9)
cos = cos z cos + sin z sin cos ( s ) (2.10)
where: A= sin cos , B= cos sin cos , C= sin sin , D= cos cos , and E= sin
sin cos
• The hour angle is the angle through which the earth has rotated since solar noon:
= (360/24) (tsolar – 12) (2.11)
• When facing the equator ( = 0) at a slope equal to the latitude, = , Eq. (2.9) reduces to:
cos = cos cos (2.12)
• For a horizontal plane = 0 equation (2.9) is greatly simplified:
cos = cos z = sin sin + cos cos cos (2.13)
• The solar azimuth angle ( s) can have values in the range -180 to 180 for north or south
latitudes between 23.45 and 66.45; s will be between -90 and 90 for days less than 12h
long; for days longer than 12h s will have values lower than -90 and greater than 90. In
general s has the sign of the hour angle 𝜔 and is given by the following equation:
cos 𝜃𝑧 sin 𝜙 − sin 𝛿
𝛾𝑠 = sign 𝜔 cos−1 (2.14)
sin 𝜃𝑧 cos 𝜙
Geometry of Collector and Solar Beam
Example 2.2: Calculation of Angle of Incidence
Example 2.2: Calculate the angle of incidence of beam radiation on a collector
facing south in Beirut (35.5 E, 33.2 N) and tilted at the angle of latitude at 10:00
AM (civic time) on March 1.
Solution: Since the tilt angle equals the latitude ( = ) then cos is given by (2.12).
So we need to calculate the solar time using (2.5), the hour angle using (2.11), and
the declination angle using Cooper’s equation (2.7).
First we determine the EOT E from (2.6) or approximately from Fig. 2.7 as -12.9
minutes. The solar time is:
tsolar = 10:00 + {4 (35.5 – 30) – 12.9}’= 10:09= 10.15 hours
The hour angle from (2.11) is:
ω= (360/24) (10.15 – 12)= -27.75
The declination angle on March 1 (n= 60) from (2.7) is:
= 23.45 sin [ (360 (284 + 60) / 365) ]= -8.29
The angle of incidence is obtained using (2.12):
cos = cos(-27.75) cos(-8.29)= 0.875 = cos-1(0.875)= 28.87
Exercise: Repeat the calculation for June 1. Also, repeat the calculation for a similar
collector placed in Aleppo at the same times and dates.
Geometry of Collector and Solar Beam
Example 2.3: Solar Azimuth Angle Calculation
• Example 2.3: Calculate the zenith and solar azimuth angles in Beirut at 10:00 civic time on
March 1.
• Solution: The hour and declination angles are as calculated in Example 2.2, ω = -27.75 and
= -8.29. From equation 2.13:
cos z = sin (33.2) sin (-8.29) + cos (33.2) cos (-27.75) cos (-8.29)= 0.654 z= 49.2
From equation 2.14
cos 49.2 sin 33.2 − sin(−8.29)
𝛾𝑠 = −1 cos−1 = -37.5
sin 49.2 cos 33.2
• Exercise: Repeat Example 2.3 for 5:30 PM on June 13, and comment on the results.
• Another angle of interest is the solar profile angle (p) of beam radiation, which is the
projection of the solar elevation angle (s), from the horizontal (s= − 𝜃𝑧 ), on a vertical
plane passing through the azimuth direction of the collector. It is useful to calculate shades of
overhangs and is given by:
tan p= tan s / (cos( s- ) (2.15)
The “optimum” direction of a flat plate collector is not obvious because of the diffuse
radiation. But a “good-enough” position of a fixed plate collector position is to face the
equator with a slope equal to the latitude ( = ). At high latitudes it is sensible to adjust the
slope monthly. A concentrating collector is made to point towards the sun, through tracking,
to minimize the incidence angle.
Geometry of Collector and Solar Beam
Angles of Tracking Surfaces
• Some solar collectors track the sun to minimize the angle of incidence of beam radiation and
maximize efficiency. There are different modes of tracking, e.g. east-west tracking about a
horizontal (north-south) axis, north-south tracking about a horizontal (east-west) axis, and
continuous tracking about two axes.
• For a collector tracking the sun from east to west, and rotating about a north-south axis with
continuous adjustment, the angle of incidence ( ) is obtained from:
cos = (cos2 z + cos2 sin2 )1/2 (2.16)
The tilt angle ( ) of the surface is given by:
tan = tan z |cos ( – s)| (2.17)
The surface azimuth angle = -90 if s 0, and = 90 if s 0,.
• For a collector tracking the sun from north to south, rotated about an east-west axis with
continuous adjustment, the angle of incidence ( ) is obtained from:
cos = (1 – cos2 sin2 )1/2 (2.18)
The tilt angle ( ) of the surface is given by:
tan = tan z |cos s| (2.19)
The surface azimuth angle = 0 if |s| 90, and = 180 if |s| 90.
• For a collector continuously tracking the sun about two axes to minimize the angle of
incidence: cos = 1, = z and = s .
Geometry of Collector and Solar Beam
Example 2.4: Calculation of Angles for Tracking Surfaces:
• Example 2.4: Calculate the angle of incidence, the tilt angle of the surface, and the sun
azimuth angle for = 33.2, = 21, and = 30 (2:00 PM), if it is continuously rotated about a
north-south axis to minimize .
• Solution: First calculate z from equation 2.13:
cos z = sin sin + cos cos cos
cos z = sin (33.2) sin (21) + cos (33.2) cos (30) cos (21)= 0.873 z = 29.2
From equation 2.16 we find the angle of beam incidence:
cos = ( cos2 z + cos2 sin2 )1/2
cos = ( cos2 (29.2) + cos2 (21) sin2 (30) )1/2 = 0.9899 = 8.15
Now we need the solar azimuth angle that is found from 2.14:
cos 29.2 sin 33.2 − sin(21)
𝛾𝑠 = 1 cos−1 = 72.96
sin 29.2 cos 33.2
The tilt angle ( ) is found from equation 2.16:
tan = tan z |cos ( – s)|= tan(29.2) x |cos (90 – 72.96)|= 0.534 = 28.1
• Exercise: Repeat Example 2.4 for = 60 (4:00PM).
• Exercise: Repeat Example 2.4 for if the collector is continuously rotated about an east-west
axis to minimize .
Geometry of Collector and Solar Beam
Beam radiation on Tilted Surface
• Sometimes for design purposes, it is necessary to calculate the beam radiation on a tilted
surface from a measurement of solar radiation on a horizontal surface. The most common
available data is the hourly or daily radiation on horizontal surfaces. If Gb is the available
beam radiation, with reference to Fig. 2.10, the ratio Rb is given by:
Rb= (Gb cos )/ (Gb cos z)= cos / cos z (2.20)
• Example 2.5: What is the ratio of beam radiation to that of the horizontal surface for the
surface and time specified in Example 2.2.
• Solution: In Example 2.2 we found cos = 0.885. The angle z was calculated in Example 2.3,
cos z= 0.662, so:
Rb= cos / cos z = 0.885/ 0.662= 1.34
• Exercise: Repeat Example 2.5 for = 60 (4:00PM).
• Exercise: Repeat Example 2.5 for if the collector is continuously rotated about an east-west
axis to minimize .
Gb z
Fig. 2.10: Beam radiation on
horizontal and tilted surfaces.
Available Extraterrestrial Radiation
Daily Insolation on a Horizontal Surface
• At any given time, the solar radiation on a plane normal to the beam outside the
atmosphere (𝐺0 ) is given by Eq. (2.21a) with adequate accuracy. Spencer (1971) provides a
more accurate equation (0.01%) in Eq. (2.21b):
𝐺𝑠𝑐 1 + 0.033 cos (2.21a)
𝐺0 = 𝐺 (1.000110 + 0.034221 cos B + 0.001280 sin B
+0.000719 cos 2B + 0.000077 sin 2B) (2.21b)
• The average daily extraterrestrial insolation H0 (on a horizontal plane) is the total energy
per unit area received daily from the sun:
𝐻0 = 0 𝐺0 cos 𝜃𝑧 𝑑𝑡 (2.22)
• The seasonal variation of the daily insolation on a horizontal plane is shown in Fig. 2.11 on
the next slide and varies significantly at high latitudes due to two main reasons:
– Variation in the number of sun hours 𝑁 given by:
𝑁= cos−1 (− tan 𝜙 tan 𝛿) (2.23)
At a latitude = 48, N varies from 16h in midsummer to 8h in midwinter.
– Increase in the zenith angle at high latitude causes cos 𝜃𝑧 to drop, which consequently
causes a reduction in the daily insolation 𝐻0 .
Available Extraterrestrial Radiation
Variation with Latitude and Season
Fig. 2.11: Variation of daily insolation on a horizontal plane in clear skies. In summer H0 is
about 25 MJ m-2 per day at all latitudes. In winter H0 is much less at high latitudes because
of shorter day length, more oblique incidence.
Effect of Earth’s Atmosphere 22
Energy Balance
• As solar short wave radiation enters the atmosphere, about 30% is reflected back into
space mainly due to clouds with a smaller proportion from snow and ice. This
reflectance (0= 0.3) is called the albedo.
• At thermal equilibrium the power received on earth, i.e. R2 (1 – 0 ) G0, is equal to
the power radiated from the earth’s system, i.e. 4R2 Te4, since geothermal and
tidal energy effects are minimal:
R2 (1 – 0 ) G0 = 4R2 Te4 (2.24)
with 0= 0.3, = 1, R = 6.371×106 m, G0 1367 Wm-2, and = 5.67×10-8 Wm-2K-4
(Stephan-Boltzmann), we obtain from Eq. (2.24) the average Earth’s temperature Te
250K = –23C. Thus emission from Earth has the spectral distribution of a black body
at 250 K emitting energy at relatively long wavelength around 10 m (Fig. 2.12).
Greenhouse Effect
• The Earth’s average temperature is 14C that is about 37C above that of the outer atmosphere
(–23C). In effect the atmosphere acts as a blanket because its gases absorb long wave radiation.
This increase in surface temperature, is called the greenhouse effect, and the gases causing it are
called greenhouse gases (GHG). By this effect infrared radiation transmission from inside to
outside Earth is prevented or reduced.
• Measurements of gases trapped in polar ice and long term recordings of remote meteorological
stations show that the concentration of GHG in the atmosphere has increased markedly since
the industrial revolution in the late 18th century. The concentration of CO2 has increased from 280
ppm in 1800, a value very nearly sustained since year 1 CE, to about 400 ppm in 2019, largely due
to the burning of fossil fuels (IPCC 2001, Richie and Roser 2020).
• An analysis by IPCC in 2001 estimated the increase in GHG between 1750 and 2000 to have an
effect equivalent to an increase in 2.5 Wm-2 in solar radiation. Houghton (2004) gives a scientific
explanation of this effect and its implications, as some GHG contribute more than others to the
greenhouse effect. Infrared radiation is absorbed when this electromagnetic radiation resonates
with natural mechanical vibration of molecules. More complex molecules lead to more vibration
modes and a greater likelihood of absorption at any particular radiation frequency.
• Thus 1 kg of CH4 (5 atoms per molecule) in the atmosphere has as a greenhouse impact over 100
years equivalent to 21 kg of CO2 (3 atoms per molecule). This is called the ‘global warming
potential’ (GWP), so the GWP of CH4 is 21, the GWP of water vapor ranges from 3 to 10, and the
GWP of N2O is 310. Most hydro-fluorocarbons (HFC), which were used as substitutes for
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), which are ozone depletion substances, have a GWP of over 1000.
Effect of Earth’s Atmosphere
• The variation of the absorptivity of selected gases of the atmosphere
versus wavelength is shown in Fig. 2.13.
Fig. 2.13
Effect of Earths Atmosphere 25
A 1230 1214 1185 1135 1103 1088 1085 1107 1151 1192 1220 1233
B 0.142 0.144 0.156 0.180 0.196 0.205 0.207 0.201 0.177 0.160 0.149 0.142
C 0.058 0.060 0.071 0.097 0.121 0.134 0.136 0.122 0.092 0.073 0.063 0.057
Beam and Diffuse Components of Radiation: 29
On Horizontal Surface
• In many cases, the global horizontal radiation is measured and there is a need to estimate the
beam or diffuse radiation. First the clearness index 𝑘 𝑇 is calculated as follows:
𝑘𝑇 = (2.34)
𝐺0 cos 𝜃𝑧
• Where 𝐺0 is the solar radiation calculated from Eq. 2.21, and 𝐺ℎ is the measured global
horizontal radiation.
• The fraction of hourly diffuse radiation on a horizontal plane 𝜌𝑑 = 𝐺𝑑 /𝐺ℎ is then given by the
widely used Orgill and Holland’s (1958) correlation:
1.0 − 0.249𝑘 𝑇 for 𝑘 𝑇 ≤ 0.35
𝜌𝑑 = 𝐺𝑑 /𝐺ℎ = ቐ 1.557 − 1.84𝑘 𝑇 for 0.35 < 𝑘 𝑇 ≤ 0.75 (2.35)
0.177 for 𝑘 𝑇 > 0.75
• A more accurate correlation was developed by Erbs et al (1982) and is given by Duffie and
Beckman (2013).
• Once the diffuse radiation is obtained (from 2.35), then the beam radiation normal to the
horizontal is estimated as:
𝐺𝑏ℎ = 1 − 𝜌𝑑 𝐺ℎ (2.36)
• And the beam normal radiation is then given by:
𝐺𝑏 = (2.37)
cos 𝜃𝑧
Beam and Diffuse Components of Radiation: 30
On a Sloped Surface
• The total radiation on a sloped surface may be calculated using the “isotropic sky model”
developed by Liu and Jordan (1963). It is considered to include three terms: beam, isotropic
diffuse, and diffuse radiation reflected from ground. It is expressed as:
1+cos 𝛽 1−cos 𝛽
𝐺𝑇 = 𝐺𝑏ℎ 𝑅𝑏 + 𝐺𝑑 + 𝐺ℎ 𝜌𝑔 (2.38)
2 2
• Where (1 + cos 𝛽)/2 is the view factor to the sky and (1 − cos 𝛽)/2 is the view factor to
ground, and 𝜌𝑔 is the ground reflectance factor.
• The isotropic sky model is conservative but is easy to understand. An improvement using an
“anisotropic sky model” that takes into consideration the circumsolar and horizontal
brightening components into consideration. It was first proposed by Hay and Davies (1980)
and modified was modified by Reindl et al (1990) by accounting for horizon brightness using a
modulating factor proposed by Klucher (1979) for the isotropic model: 1 + 𝑓 sin3 . The
model is known as the HDKR (Hay, Davies, Klucher, Reindl) model:
1+cos 𝛽 𝛽
𝐺𝑇 = (𝐺𝑏ℎ +𝐺𝑑 𝐴𝑖 )𝑅𝑏 + 𝐺𝑑 1 − 𝐴𝑖 1 + 𝑓 sin3
2 2
1−cos 𝛽
+𝐺ℎ 𝜌𝑔 (2.39)
• Where the anisotropic index 𝐴𝑖 = 𝐺𝑏ℎ Τ 𝐺0 cos 𝜃𝑧 and the modulating factor 𝑓 = ൗ𝐺ℎ
Beam and Diffuse Components of Radiation: 31