Farm Mechanization

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Concept of Farm Mechanization
Farm mechanization is the
application of engineering
technology agricultural operations to do a job in a better and
improve productivity. This includes development, applicationwaytoto
management of all and
mechanical aids for field production, water
material handling, storing and processing. Mechanical control
hand tools, animal drawn aids include
electric motors, processing and
power tiller, tractor, oil engines
hauling equipments.
Farm mechanization does not mean the use of
and tractors for farm work. only big machines
Mechanization is a need based process
which provide sufficient time
gap for self adjustment of various
without causing sudden impact of inputs
Scope of farm Mechanization
There is a good scope of farm mechanization
in India, Gulf
countries, South East Asia and African countries due to the
reasons: following
(i) Improved irrigation facility in the area.
(ii) Introduction of high yielding varieties of
(ii) Introduction of high dose of fertilizers
and pesticides for
different crops.
(iv) Introduction of new crops in different parts of the country.
() Multi cropping system and intensive
different parts of the country.
cultivation, followed in
The above factors are responsible to encourage farm
zation, which can be viewed with the tollowing points in mind:
(a) Population of the country is increasing day by day. Steps have
to be taken to arrange food and fibres for such large population
by adopting intensive farming in the country. Intensive farm-
ing required machines on the farm.
(b) In multiple cropping system, generally high yielding variety of
seeds are sown, so farm operations are required to be com-
pleted in limited time with economy and efficiency. This is
possible only with help of mechanization.
(c) Farm mechanization reduces drudgery (boredom, monotony) of
labour to a great extent. A ploughman has to walk about 66 km
on foot while ploughing one hectare of land once by bullocks
having 15 cm. furrow width.
(d) A large number of female worker and children work on farms
unwillingly due to shortage of power. From the human stand
point, it is not desirable to ergage females and children for
arduous farm work.
A child must go to school and woman must devote time for mana-
ging home affairs to make life pleasant. If machines are used, the
following relief may be expected:
(i) A farmer and his animals can be relieved of hard work.
(i) He will do his job with machine better and quicker.
(ii) He will get more leisure and devote more time to other work.
iv) He will earn better living and enjoy life in nice manner.
and fer-
(v) The proper utilization of basic inputs like water, seed
tilizer will be possible only when proper equipments are used.
(a) The seeds and fertilizer should be placed at a certain depth
with, respect to each other for the optimum interactions of the
two, which is possible by seed drill.
(6) Seed bed should be prepared to required tilth for better crops.
(c) The field should have uniform slope for better irrigation
to be
(d) There are certain operations which are rather difficult
performed by animal power and human labour such as:
e 0 ) Deep ploughing in case of deep rooted erops.
0 )Killing the pernicious weeds by deep tillage operation.
(21) Levelling of uneven land.
iv) Land reclamation
U)Application of insecticides during epidemic
Benefits of Farm Mechanization
The following are the benefits of farm
1. Timeliness of operation
2. Precision of operation
3. Improvement of work environment
4. Enhancement of safety
5. Reduction of drudgery of labour
6. Reduction of loss of crops and food
7. Increased
productivity of land
8. Increased economic return to farmer
9. Improved dignity of farmer ber n t
10. Progress and
prosperity in rural areas.

Limiting Factors in Farm Mechanization

The following are the
limiting factors in tarm
India: mechanization in
1. Small land
2. Less
investing capacity of farmersohe of oen
3.Agricultural labour is easily available b
4. Adequate draft animals
are available in the
5. Lack of suitable farm country
machine for different
6. Lack of repair and operation
7. Lack of trained man
servicing facilities for machines
8. Lack of coordination
between research
facturer organization and manu-
9. High cost of machines
10. Inadequate
quality control of machine.
Suggestion for Farm Mechanization
1. To develop a nation al policy on farm
2. To establish an apex body to mechanisation.
farm mechanisation.
This may
implement the national policy on
plan their provide basis for industries
capacities, sale and servicing of
3. To open
adequate training centres for equipment.
engineers, mechanics, technicians, imparting training
farm power and operators, and users on u
tion, maintenance and repairregarding proper selection, opera
of machines.
4. To start testing and
evaluating centres for farm
machinery on regional basis. power a d

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