Acknowledgements ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Alhamdulillahirabbil‘alamin. All praises are rendered only to Allah SWT,

the almighty God, for the gracious mercy and blessing that enabled me to finish
this thesis. Greeting is never forgotten, peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW
and his family, followers and all Muslims. This thesis entitled “A Comparative
Study of Writing Competence between Extrovert andIntrovert Students at the
Second Grader Of Mts Miftahul Ulum Sumbermanjing Wetan Malang” is
submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Undergraduate
Degree of English Education Department.

In this opportunity, I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect

to those who have made valuable contributions to this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. Muhammad Adib, M.Ag., as the Rector of Islamic Institute of Al-

Qolam Malang. and Mr Muhammad Masykur Baiquni, M.Pd., as the Dean
of Tarbiyah Faculty of Islamic Institute Al-Qolam Malang.
2. Mr Budik Kusworo, M.Pd., as the head of English Department of Islamic
Institute Al-Qolam Malang.
3. Mr Joko Wibowo, M.Pd., as my advisor, thanks for your generous advice,
valuable guidance and elaborate correction during your busy time to the
completion of my thesis.
4. All lecturers of English Department of Islamic Institute Al-Qolam Malang,
who have given knowledge, support and information of this thesis.
5. Kyai Nawawi Istna and Nyai Hj Siti Rohmah, Kyai Bashori Alwi and
Nyai Hj Sulihah, who have prayed, supported and given guidance in my
6. All of my beloved teachers whose names cannot be mentioned one by one.
Thank you for your motivation and valuable knowledge during my study.
7. My beautiful mother, thank you for raising, educating me and the full
support both mentally and financially during my study. Your prayer
becomes my driving force into the success.
8. My hero, my father. Thanks for supporting, raising and accompanying me
in the difficult situations. I’m proud of all your effort and hard work.
9. My little brother. Thanks for pranking on me. I hate you but I love you
very much.
10. My beloved family members, thank you for the support and keep praying
for my success.
11. Fachrizal Surya Imani, thank you for being someone who is always there
for me.
12. My lovely friends, Yuliana Ratnasari S.Si, Ana Sri Lestari, Moh.
Syifa’udin, Zulaihah S.Pd and Hari Prasath. Thanks for being a solid
friend, all of you are the precious thing in the world.
13. English Department Students batch 17. I love you all.
14. My self. Thanks for trying your best during this time. You are truly,
deeply and madly awesome.
Hopefully, this thesis will give positive contribution to the educational
development an also to those who want to carry out further research. The
researcher believes that her writing is still far from perfection. There might be
weakness in this research. Thus, comments, critics and suggestions are highly
appreciated for better future improvement.

Malang, 12th of July 2021

The Researcher

NPM. 20178401471020
NIRM. 2017.4.084.0147.1.000086

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