Experiment No: 05 Aim: Theory:: What Is A USE Case Diagram?

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Aim: Design USE case diagram, state diagram for given scenario.


 What is a USE case diagram?

In the Unified Modelling Language (UML), a use case diagram can
summarize the details of your system's users (also known as actors) and
their interactions with the system. To build one, you'll use a set of
specialized symbols and connectors. An effective use case diagram can
help your team discuss and represent:
 Scenarios in which your system or application interacts with
people, organizations, or external systems.
 Goals that your system or application helps those entities (known
as actors) achieve.
 The scope of your system.

 When to apply use case diagrams

Use case diagrams specify the events of a system and their flows.
But use case diagram never describes how they are implemented.
Use case diagram can be imagined as a black box where only the
input, output, and the function of the black box is known.
These diagrams are used at a very high level of design. This high-
level design is refined again and again to get a complete and
practical picture of the system. A well-structured use case also
describes the pre-condition, post condition, and exceptions. These
extra elements are used to make test cases when performing the

Use case diagrams can be used for –

 Requirement analysis and high-level design.
 Model the context of a system.
 Reverse engineering.
 Forward engineering
Notation Description Visual Representation

Someone interacts with use case (system
Similar to the concept of user, but a user
can play different roles
Actor has a responsibility toward the
system (inputs), and Actor has
expectations from the system (outputs).
Use Case
System function (process - automated or Use Case
i.e. Do something
Each Actor must be linked to a use case,
while some use cases may not be linked to
Communication Link
Actors may be connected to use cases by
associations, indicating that the actor and
the use case communicate with one
another using messages.
Boundary of system
The system boundary is potentially the
entire system as defined in the
requirements document.
For example, for an ERP system for an
organization, each of the modules such as
personnel, payroll, accounting, etc.

Relationships in Use Case Diagrams

There are five types of relationships in a use case diagram. They are
 Association between an actor and a use case
 Generalization of an actor
 Extend relationship between two use cases
 Include relationship between two use cases
 Generalization of a use case
 How to Create a Use Case Diagram

 Identifying Actors
Actors are external entities that interact with your system. It can be a person,
another system or an organization. In a banking system, the most obvious actor
is the customer. Other actors can be bank employee or cashier depending on
the role you’re trying to show in the use case.

 Identifying Use Cases

Now it’s time to identify the use cases. A good way to do this is to identify
what the actors need from the system. In a banking system, a customer will
need to open accounts, deposit and withdraw funds, request check books and
similar functions. So, all of these can be considered as use cases.
Top level use cases should always provide a complete function required
by an actor. You can extend or include use cases depending on the complexity
of the system.

 Look for Common Functionality to use Include

Look for common functionality that can be reused across the system. If you
find two or more use cases that share common functionality you can extract
the common functions and add it to a separate use case. Then you can connect
it via the include relationship to show that it’s always called when the original
use case is executed.

 Is it Possible to Generalize Actors and Use Cases?

There may be instances where actors are associated with similar use cases
while triggering a few use cases unique only to them. In such instances, you
can generalize the actor to show the inheritance of functions.
One of the best examples of this is “Make Payment” use case in a
payment system. You can further generalize it to “Pay by Credit Card”, “Pay
by Cash”, “Pay by Check” etc. All of them have the attributes and the
functionality of payment with special scenarios unique to them.

 Optional Functions or Additional Functions

There are some functions that are triggered optionally. In such cases, you can
use the extend relationship and attach an extension rule to it. In the below
banking system example “Calculate Bonus” is optional and only triggers when
a certain condition is matched.
Fig. Example of use case diagrams

 Scenario: Online Banking System

 Questions:
1. What is the Importance of Use Case Diagrams?


The Importance Of Use Case Diagrams are :

 Requirement analysis and high-level design.

 Model the context of a system.
 Reverse engineering.
 Forward engineering

2. Draw a USE case diagram for given scenario?

3. Are use cases the same as functional requirements are
different from use cases?

Yes , There is difference between use cases and functional
requirements because the use case diagrams are a graphical
representation of the systems requirements, whereas
functional requirements are in text form. Use cases can also
have text but the main focus is on the diagram itself,
whereas in functional requirements the focus is on the
written text.

4. Which part of a use case description can also be modelled

by using an activity diagram? and why?

The “flow of activities “ section of a use case description can

also be modelled by using an activity diagram. The flow of
the activities can be easily expressed with the help of a
diagram and hence activity diagram can be used to easily
show the flow of data and activity between the model .

 Conclusion:

After performing the practicle based on Design USE

case diagram, state diagram for given scenario I learnt
about the how to draw a use case diagram and state
diagram and what are uses of use case and state
diagram . I learnt about how apply this diagrams on
given scenarios .

(10) (20) (10) (10) TOTAL


Aim: Create Sequence diagram, state diagram for given scenario.

 What is a Sequence diagram?
A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time
sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario
and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed
to carry out the functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams are
sometimes called event diagrams or event scenarios. Sequence
diagrams are preferred by both developers and readers alike for their

A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines (lifelines),

different processes or objects that live simultaneously, and, as
horizontal arrows, the messages exchanged between them, in the order
in which they occur. This allows the specification of simple runtime
scenarios in a graphical manner.

 High-Level Sequence Diagrams:

High-level sequence diagrams give a good overview of the interactions
between customers, partners, and the business system. They serve as the
basis for the electronic data transfer between the business system and
customers, business partners, and suppliers (see Modelling for System

Fig: Example of sequence diagram

 What is State diagram?

A state diagram is a type of diagram used in computer science and
related fields to describe the behaviour of systems. State diagrams
require that the system described is composed of a finite number of
states; sometimes, this is indeed the case, while at other times this is a
reasonable abstraction. Many forms of state diagrams exist, which
differ slightly and have different semantics.

State diagrams are used to give an abstract description of the behaviour

of a system. This behaviour is analysed and represented as a series of
events that can occur in one or more possible states. Hereby "each
diagram usually represents objects of a single class and track the
different states of its objects through the system".
Fig: Example of State diagram

 Purpose of state diagram:

Its specific purpose is to define the state changes triggered by events.

Events are internal or external factors influencing the system. State
chart diagrams are used to model the states and also the events
operating on the system.

 Scenario:
1. Government wish to transfer subsidy to those farmer's bank
account having land less than 2 hectares.
a. Farmer needs to register themselves on a provided
b. Farmer needs to upload required documents.
c. Inspection team inspects farmer document and land.
d. Government successfully transfers the subsidy in farmer's
bank account.

 Questions:

1. Draw Sequence diagram for given scenario.

2. Draw State diagram for given scenario.

2. Comparison between sequence diagram and state diagram.


A sequence diagram typically state diagrams show the

shows the execution of a various states that are valid for
particular use case for the an object (which could be
application and the objects (as anything from a method to a
in instances of a class) that are class to the system as a whole).
involved in carrying out that use That could be a particular class
case. or the system as a whole.

It could either show a single This type of diagram shows

path, or all of the various paths, what actions are valid for a
through the use case, starting given object, depending on
what state it is currently in.
with an actor (user, external
system, event) initiating some
kind of action.


After performing the practicle based on activity

diagram and state diagram I learnt how to draw
activity diagram and state diagram based on
given scenario .

(10) (20) (10) (10) TOTAL


Aim: Draw E-R diagr, DFD and create data dictionary for above system.
 What is Entity?
An entity is any object in the system that we want to model and
store information about. Entities are usually recognizable concepts,
either concrete or abstract, such as person, places, things, or events
which have relevance to the database.
Some specific examples of entities are Employee, Student, Lecturer .

 What is E-R diagram?

An entity relationship model, also called an entity - relationship

(ER) diagram, is a graphical representation of entities and their
relationships to each other, typically used in computing in regard to the
organization of data within databases or information systems.
For example: In the following ER diagram we have - two entities
Student and College and these two entities have many to one
relationship as many student’s study in a single college.

 ER Diagram Uses:
When documenting a system or process, looking at the system in
multiple ways increases the understanding of that system.
ERD diagrams are commonly used in conjunction with a data
flow diagram to display the contents of a data store.

 Common Entity Relationship Diagram Symbols:

Entities, which are represented by rectangles. An
entity is an object or concept about which you want
to store information.

weak entity is an entity that must defined by a
foreign key relationship with another entity as it
cannot be uniquely identified by its own
attributes alone.

Relationship, which are represented by

diamond shapes, show how two entities
share information in the database.

Attributes, which are represented by ovals. A

key attribute is the unique, distinguishing
characteristic of the entity.

multivalued attribute can have more than one

value. For example, an employee entity can
have multiple skill values.

Connecting lines, solid lines that connect attributes to show the

relationships of entities in the diagram.

 Relationship
Relationships are represented by diamond-shaped box. Name of the
relationship is written inside the diamond-box. All the entities
(rectangles) participating in a relationship, are connected to it by a

One-to-one − When only one instance of an entity is

associated with the relationship, it is marked as '1:1'. The
following image reflects that only one instance of each entity
should be associated with the relationship. It depicts one-to-
one relationship.

One-to-many − When more than one instance of an entity is

associated with a relationship, it is marked as '1: N'. The
following image reflects that only one instance of entity on the
left and more than one instance of an entity on the right can be
associated with the relationship. It depicts one-to-many


Many-to-one − When more than one instance of entity is

associated with the relationship, it is marked as 'N:1'. The
following image reflects that more than one instance of an
entity on the left and only one instance of an entity on the right
can be associated with the relationship

Many-to-many − The following image reflects that more than

one instance of an entity on the left and more than one
instance of an entity on the right can be associated with the
relationship. It depicts many-to-many relationship.

 How to Draw ER Diagrams?

Below points show how to go about creating an ER diagram.

1. Identify all the entities in the system. An entity should appear

only once in a particular diagram. Create rectangles for all
entities and name them properly.
2. Identify relationships between entities. Connect them using a
line and add a diamond in the middle describing the
3. Add attributes for entities. Give meaningful attribute names so
they can be understood easily

Advantages of ER Diagram:

Conceptually it is very simple: ER model is very simple

because if we know relationship between entities and
attributes, then we can easily draw an ER diagram.
Better visual representation: ER model is a diagrammatic
representation of any logical structure of database. By seeing
ER diagram, we can easily understand relationship among
entities and relationship.
Effective communication tool: It is an effective
communication tool for database designer.
Highly integrated with relational model: ER model can be
easily converted into relational model by simply converting
ER model into tables.

Easy conversion to any data model: ER model can be easily

converted into another data model like hierarchical data
model, network data model and so on.

Disadvantages of ER Diagram:

Limited constraints and specification.

Loss of information content: Some information be lost or
hidden in ER model.
Limited relationship representation: ER model represents
limited relationship as compared to another data models like
relational model etc.
No representation of data manipulation: It is difficult to show
data manipulation in ER model.
Popular for high level design: ER model is very popular for
designing high level design

 What is Data Flow Diagram?

Data flow diagrams are used to graphically represent the flow of data
in a business information system. DFD describes the processes that are
involved in a system to transfer data from the input to the file storage
and reports generation.
Data flow diagrams can be divided into logical and physical. The
logical data flow diagram describes flow of data through a system to
perform certain functionality of a business. The physical data flow
diagram describes the implementation of the logical data flow.

 DFD Symbols:
There are four basic symbols that are used to represent a data-flow diagram.

 Process
A process receives input data and produces output with a different
content or form. Processes can be as simple as collecting input data
and saving in the database, or it can be complex as producing a
report containing monthly sales of all retail stores in the northwest
Every process has a name that identifies the function it
performs. The name consists of a verb, followed by a singular noun.
Apply Payment
Calculate Commission
Verify Order
 Data Flow
A data-flow is a path for data to move from one part of the
information system to another. A data-flow may represent a single
data element such the Customer ID or it can represent a set of data
element (or a data structure).
Customer info (Last Name, FirstName, SS#, Tel #, etc.)
Order info (Ordered, Item#, Order Date, Customer, etc.).

 Data Store
A data store or data repository is used in a data-flow diagram to
represent a situation when the system must retain data because one
or more processes need to use the stored data in a later time.

 External Entity

It Is also known as actors, sources or sinks, and terminators, external
entities produce and consume data that flows between the entity and
the system being diagrammed. These data flows are the inputs and
outputs of the DFD.

 How to draw a data flow diagram?

Lucid chart makes it easy to create a customized data flow diagram

starting with a simple template. Choose the symbols you need from
our library—processes, data stores, data flow, and external entities—
and drag-and-drop them into place. Since Lucid chart is an online
tool, it facilitates collaboration and bypasses the hassles of desktop
DFD software.

 Levels in Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

In Software engineering DFD (data flow diagram) can be drawn to

represent the system of different levels of abstraction. Higher level
DFDs are partitioned into low levels-hacking more information and
functional elements. Levels in DFD are numbered 0, 1, 2 or
beyond. Here, we will see mainly 3 levels in data flow diagram,
which are: 0- level DFD, 1-level DFD, and 2-level DFD.

0- level DFD:

It is also known as context diagram. It’s designed to be an

abstraction view, showing the system as a single process with
its relationship to external entities. It represents the entire
system as single bubble with input and output data indicated
by incoming/outgoing arrows.

1- level DFD:

In 1-level DFD, context diagram is decomposed into multiple

bubbles/processes.in this level we highlight the main functions
of the system and breakdown the high-level process of 0-level
DFD into subprocesses.

2- level DFD:

2- level DFD goes one step deeper into parts of 1-level

DFD.It can be used to plan or record the specific/necessary
detail about the system’s functioning.

 Advantages of data flow diagram:

A simple graphical technique which is easy to understand.

It helps in defining the boundaries of the system.
It is useful for communicating current system
knowledge to the users.
It is used as the part of system documentation file.
It explains the logic behind the data flow within the system.

 Disadvantages of data flow diagram:

Data flow diagram undergoes lot of alteration before
going to users, so makes the process little slow.
Physical consideration is left out. It makes the
programmers little confusing towards the system.

 What is Data Dictionary?

A data dictionary contains metadata i.e. data about the database. The
data dictionary is very important as it contains information such as
what is in the database, who is allowed to access it, where is the
database physically stored etc. The users of the database normally
don't interact with the data dictionary, it is only handled by the
database administrators.

The different types of data dictionary are:

 Active Data Dictionary
If the structure of the database or its specifications change at any
point of time, it should be reflected in the data dictionary. This is
the responsibility of the database management system in which the
data dictionary resides.

 Passive Data Dictionary

This is not as useful or easy to handle as an active data dictionary.
A passive data dictionary is maintained separately to the database
whose contents are stored in the dictionary. That means that if the
database is modified the database dictionary is not automatically
updated as in the case of Active Data Dictionary.

 Creating the Data Dictionary

When you use the Database Configuration Assistant to create a
database, Oracle automatically creates the data dictionary.
Thereafter, whenever the database is in operation, Oracle updates
the data dictionary in response to every DDL statement.

The data dictionary base tables are the first objects created in
any Oracle database. They are created in the system tablespace
and must remain there. The data dictionary base tables store
information about all user-defined objects in the database.

 Advantages of data Dictionary:

There are a number of advantages of using Data Dictionary in
computer system analysis and design. The advantages are:
consistency, clarity; reusability; completeness; increase in sharing
and integration; and ease of use for the developer.
 Scenario:

1. Water Vending Machine – ER DIAGRAM

2. Library Management System- DFD DIAGRAM

 Questions:

1. Draw the ER diagram for given scenario 1?


2. Draw DFD diagram for given scenario 2?

3. Create data dictionary for given scenario 1?




4. What is the objective of maintaining data dictionary?

Data dictionaries are used to provide detailed information
about the contents of a dataset or database, such as the
names of measured variables, their data types or formats,
and text descriptions. A data dictionary provides a concise
guide to understanding and using the data. A data
dictionary contains metadata i.e. data about the database.
The data dictionary is very important as it contains
information such as what is in the database, who is
allowed to access it, where is the database physically
stored etc.

After performing the practicle based on E-R diagram, DFD
and create data dictionary I learnt about ER diagram , DFD
diagram and creating data dictionary on the given scenario
and I am able to draw diagrams on given secenario

(10) (20) (10) (10 TOTAL


Aim: Draw activity diagram for above system.


 Activity diagram:
 Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML
to describe the dynamic aspects of the system.
 Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the
flow from one activity to another activity. The activity
can be described as an operation of the system.
 The control flow is drawn from one operation to another.
This flow can be sequential, branched, or concurrent.
Activity diagrams deal with all type of flow control by
using different elements such as fork, join, etc
 The basic purposes of activity diagrams are similar to
other four diagrams. It captures the dynamic behaviour
of the system. Other four diagrams are used to show the
message flow from one object to another but activity
diagram is used to show message flow from one activity
to another.
Fig: Activity Diagram

The purpose of an activity diagram can be described as −

 The activity flow of a system.

 Describe the sequence from one activity to another.
 Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the

Activity diagram can be used for −

 Modelling work flow by using activities.

 Modelling business requirements.
 High level understanding of the system's functionalities.
 Investigating business requirements at a later stage.

 Scenario: New online bank account opening and

managing system

 Questions:

1) When to Use Activity Diagram?


Activity diagram can be used for −

 Modelling work flow by using activities.

 Modelling business requirements.
 High level understanding of the system's functionalities.
 Investigating business requirements at a later stage.
2) Draw activity diagram for given scenario.
3) Comparison between activity diagram and sequence diagram.



 The Sequence diagram represents

the UML, which is used to visualize  The Activity diagram
the sequence of calls in a system that represents the UML,
is used to perform a specific which is used to model
functionality. the workflow of a system.

 The Activity diagram

 The Sequence diagram shows the shows the message flow
message flow from one object to from one activity to
another object. another.

 Activity diagram is used

 Sequence diagram is used for the for the purpose of
purpose of dynamic modelling. functional modelling.

 Activity diagrams is used

 Sequence diagram is used to to describe the general
describe the behavior of several sequence
objects of actions for several
in a single use case objects and use cases.

 Activity diagram is used

 Sequence diagram is mainly used to to represent the
represent the time order of a process. execution of the process.

After performing the practicle based on activity diagram for above

system I able to draw activity diagram for any given system . I learnt
about the activity diagram and how to draw it according to the scenario
given to in question .

10 20 10 10 Total

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