Honours Course in Space Science
Honours Course in Space Science
Honours Course in Space Science
When Baade & Zwicky proposed in 1934 that collapsed stars
composed of neutrons could be formed in supernova explosions, they had
little notion of how such creatures would manifest themselves
(Chevalier 1998). Initially the radiation from the PWN is absorbed by the
surrounding supernova gas; high energy photons may be reprocessed and
appear at a lower energy. After ~ >10’s of years, the supernova becomes
optically thin and the PWN radiation directly escapes. The Crab Nebula
may be in this phase of evolution. After ~ 103 years for a pulsar like that
in the Crab, the spin down power from the pulsar decreases and the PWN
fades. After ~ 104 years, the reverse shock wave from the supernova
remnant moves to the center of the remnant, crushing the PWN and
leading to an increase in brightness of the nebula.
Most pulsars have a radio lifetime (106-107 yr) which is much
larger than the age <104 yr of an SNR. Therefore pulsars will remain
visible long after the associated SNR has moved into the interstellar
medium. The pulsar then moves as an isolated pulsar through the
interstellar medium.
S-Shell P-Plerions C-Composite
• “Shells” which consist of step-spectrum rings of radio
• “Plerions” which consist of diffuse filled centre flat
spectrum synchrotron nebulae visible in radio and/or X-ray
• “Composites” which consist of plerions inside shells.
• Type 1 Supernovae
A Type 1 Supernova occurs where there are binary stars, or
two stars that orbit closely with each other. The Type 1
Supernova occurs when one of the two stars is a dense, small
star known as a white dwarf. When the two stars get too
close to one another, the gravitational pull from the white
dwarf pulls matter from the other star, and it becomes larger.
When the white dwarf builds up enough matter from the
other star, it collapses, ejecting matter outward and creating
a Type 1 Supernova.
• Type 2 Supernovae
A Type 2 Supernova occurs when the life of a star with great
mass come to an end. As a massive star (more than 5 times
the size of our sun) gets older, its core shrinks as its outer
layers expand. It turns into one of two very large types of
stars- a giant or a super giant. The star continues expanding
as it gets older. While the outer layers are expanding, the
core creates energy and creates outward pressure. When the
core becomes mainly iron and cannot create any more fusion
(to create energy), it cannot create outward pressure to resist
the gravitational pull of the star. The gravity of the star
overpowers the outward pressure of the core, and the star
collapses. The star’s outer layers rebound off of the star’s
core and eject into space as an enormous cloud of gas and
dust, creating a gigantic explosion, the Type 2 Supernova.
Soon after pulsars were discovered and when it was suspected that
they had to be spinning neutron stars, it was predicted that they should be
found in SNRs and in particular there should be one in the Crab nebula.
The discovery of a pulsar in Vela SNR and one in the Crab soon after
seemed at that time to have answered all questions at once. It is known
from various arguments that the neutron star in the Crab nebula must
have been functioning as a pulsar from day one!
Figure 1. The Crab Nebula at different frequencies
The standard age of Vela SNR agrees very well with the
characteristic age of the pulsar, implying once again that the neutron star
must have been born with the present magnetic fields. The pulsar PSR
1509-58 in MSH 15-52 is interesting. The characteristic age of the pulsar
is only 1600 years, but the standard age of the remnant is ~104 years.
Blandford et al have suggested that this discrepancy could be resolved if
the neutron star turned on as a pulsar long after the supernova explosion.
But 104 years is an uncomfortably short time to build up a field of 1.5 x
1013 G. Faced with this difficulty Blandford et al have suggested that the
timescale for building up the field may be much shorter if the neutron star
is a rapid rotator at birth. In most of the field build up mechanisms, the
heat flux is the main source. The idea is that in a rapidly rotating neutron
star one may be able to tap rotational energy to generate additional heat
flux, for example by, by internal friction.(Srinivasan.G 1985)
pulsar is very young, having age ~8 kyr. The existence of so young a
pulsar near RCW 103 suggests the two might be related, casting doubt on
the famous central point source being the stellar remnant. An association
requires a transverse velocity of ~800 km s−1 for a distance of 3.3 kpc,
deduced from HI absorption. The radio-pulsar counterpart has been
discovered at the Parkes observatory. The dispersion measure suggests a
distance to the pulsar of ~4.5–7 kpc. Thus the association can be
considered only tentative, and the nature of the central object remains
CTB80: In this supernova remnant the pulsar PSR B195+32 is located (in
projection) just inside the outer edge of the remnant. The spectral index
of the synchrotron emission in the vicinity of the pulsar system indicates
that there is a plerionic nebula around the pulsar.
G5.4-1.2: in this case the pulsar is located well outside the supernova
remnant. At radio frequencies an emission bridge appears to connect the
pulsar B1757-24 and the associated pulsar wind nebula (PWN) with the
supernova remnant, suggesting a physical association between the
supernova remnant and the pulsar. But there is a discrepancy in the
characteristic pulsar age obtained from the spin period derivative (P/2P
~16kyr), and the dynamical age obtained from the offset distance Rpsr
from the center of G5.4-1.2 (Rpsr/Vpsr ≥ 39 kyr). (van der Swaluv et al.
to be known as ‘plerions’. It doesn’t have a rapidly expanding shell of
radio emission.
The Crab pulsar, with an age of 947 years, was until recently the
youngest known pulsar. A newly discovered pulsar in the remnant Kes 75
has a characteristic age of only 723 years and so may be younger.
However, the search for very young pulsars (age < 100 years) continues.
The discovery of such objects is important for understanding the early
evolution of pulsars. In their early phases, pulsars are expected to interact
with their surrounding supernovae. This occurs both through the
dynamical interaction of the pulsar bubble with the supernova and the
interaction of the radiation with the surrounding supernova gas.
(Chevalier 2002)
Other Pulsar/SNR like Associations
Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs): SGRs, of which 4 are known, are
sources that occasionally and suddenly emit bursts of soft γ-rays having
super-Eddington luminosities. That 3 of them lie in the Galactic Plane,
and the 4th is in the LMC, argues that they are a young population. The
detection of AXP-like X-ray pulsations from two of these sources, with
evidence for pulses from the other two, also argues strongly that they are
isolated neutron stars. Their burst properties and observed spin-down are
well explained in the magnetar model .The association between SGR
0526−66 and the SNR N49 in the LMC first suggested the SGRs might
be young neutron stars; however since then, the SGR/SNR association
picture has grown a bit murky. First, SGR 0526−66 is located near the
edge of the N49 shell; this is problematic as it requires a very high
transverse velocity (vt > 1000 km/s) for the SGR. SGR 1806−20 has been
suggested to be associated with the plerionic radio nebula G10.0−0.3,
although a recent relocalization of the γ-ray source calls the association
into question. SGR 1900+14 has been associated with SNR G42.8+0.6,
however the γ -ray source lies well outside the shell, demanding a
distressing vt > 3000 km/s. Smith et al. (1999) suggest that the newly
discovered SGR 1627−41 may be associated with the shell SNR
G337.0−0.1; the large SGR positional uncertainty precludes a firm
The Crab Nebula has always been considered the prototype of the
plerionic class. The discovery of its twin 0540-69 in the LMC seemed to
confirm this. However in the mean time a rather numerous class of
plerionic objects have been identified which have no observable pulsars,
radio spectra generally flatter still than the Crab, frequently breaks at
relatively low frequencies, and rather steep mean spectra between radio
and X-ray wavelengths. They would presumably be powered by short
lived pulsars with either very small braking indices or they would
undergo some “phase change” following which the acceleration of
relativistic particles is drastically reduced.
against a much higher number predicted by theory is striking. As for the
case of age discrepancies in link-ups, more elaborate models like the one
by Marsden et al (2001) may resolve the prevailing differences up to
some extent
1. Chevalier.R.A: astro-ph/0201295 v1 17 Jan 2002
v1 2 Feb 2001
7. Narayan.R, Schaudt.K.J The Astrophysical Journal, 325:L43-L46,
1988 Feb 15
8. Pacini.F: (1985) Supernovae, their progenitors and Remnants Eds
Astr. (1984)5,403-423
10.Srinivasan.G: (1985) Supernovae, their progenitors and Remnants
Eds G.Srinivasan & V.Radhakrishnan, pp. 105-117
11.van der Swaluw.E, Achterberg.A, Gallant.Y.A, Downes.T.P &
Keppens.R Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. aah3465
12. Woltjer.L, Salvati.M, Pacini.F and Bandiera.R Astron. Astrophys.,