2021 Food Science Test Bank

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FFA Career Development Event
Food Science and Technology 2013 TEST

1. molecules can greatly inhibit 7. __________ is needed to metabolize

protein molecules from bonding with each protein and for tissue repair. It can be
other and with water, leading to the found in broccoli, beef liver and asparagus.
reduction of foam’s volume and stability. A. Riboflavin
A. Glucose B. Biotin
B. Carbohydrate C. Niacin
C. Fat D. Thiamin
D. Fructose
8. __________ are commonly used to break
2. Anthocyanins will create colors down protein in the production of cocoa
in certain foods. and chocolate for candy and other
A. green and red products.
B. red and blue A. Lactic­acid bacteria
C. purple and brown B. Carbon­dioxide bacteria
D. yellow and red C. Acetic­acid bacteria
D. Proteolytic bacteria
3. Cola is an example of a(n) .
A. element 9. Fats serve many functions in foods. While
B. compound many of its functions are desired, is
C. heterogeneous mixture one function that is not desired.
D. homogeneous mixture A. emulsification
B. tenderizing
4. Potassium sorbate is a common food C. oxidation
additive that functions as a(n) . D. flavor
A. mold inhibitor
B. stabilizer 10. is a flavor enhancer that some
C. anticaking agent processors are removing from products to
D. rancidity deterrent create a clean ingredient statement.
While it is an FDA approved ingredient, it
5. is a polar covalent compound also occurs naturally in some foods like
commonly referred to as the universal mushrooms.
solvent. A. MSG
A. Vinegar B. Sugar
B. Water C. Trans fat
C. Ethyl Alcohol D. High fructose corn syrup
D. Oil
11. ___________ has a complicated
6. This essential nutrient provides the body production process involving fermentation
with its most concentrated source of and roasting resulting in production of
energy. more than 300 chemical compounds.
A. Vitamins A. Wine
B. Carbohydrates B. Chocolate
C. Proteins C. Beer
D. Fats D. Tea

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12. Canning of foods is a common process that 17. ________ is a digestive enzyme is found in
can safely preserve foods. If canning is salvia, and reacts with carbohydrates in
done improperly, __________ can grow food to initiate breakdown into simpler
and produce a deadly neurotoxin. sugars.
A. Listeria monocytogenes A. Lactase
B. Clostridium botulinum B. Lipase
C. Escherichia coli O157:H7 C. Catalase
D. Yersinia pestis D. Amylase

13. ___________ denatures enzymes that 18. Integrated Pest Management in a food
cause milk to spoil. production area focuses on controlling
A. Homogenization pests with deterrents.
B. Pasteurization A. non­chemical
C. Fortification B. broad application chemical
D. Emulsification C. non­sustainable
D. non­system wide
14. Food scientists commonly use the metric
system when developing products. In a 10 19. Metabolism of food involves two separate
pound product test batch, 3.17 oz of salt is processes. One of these, ,
used. How much salt would be used in involves breaking down complex
grams? molecules into simpler ones during
A. 0.11 g chemical reactions.
B. 6.9 g A. osmosis
C. 50.7 g B. anabolism
D. 89.9 g C. catabolism
D. hydrogenation
15. A food scientist is conducting an
experiment and measuring a volume of a 20. is a subject that is helpful in the
liquid in a buret. The volume of liquid is Food Science field. It involves using
read from the . biology, genetics, and technology to
A. meitnerium improve plants, animals, and
B. mendelevium microorganisms for food production.
C. meniscus A. Bromatology
D. mendotium B. Biotechnology
C. Apiology
16. A solution that contains less solute than D. Zymology
can be dissolved in it at a given
temperature is called a(n) ___________ 21. ___________ is an environmental
solution. pathogen that can contaminate ready­to­
A. unsaturated eat products. If a contaminated food is
B. saturated consumed, it may be up to eight weeks
C. supersaturated before the onset of illness.
D. hypersaturated A. Salmonella enteritidis
B. Escherichia coli O157:H7
C. Listeria monocytogenes
D. Trichinella sprialis
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22. If a food product label bears the symbol in 27. A food manufacturer is producing frozen
this picture, it means that the product has waffles. The waffles are prepared by
been _________. pouring a batter into a waffle iron and the
A. x­rayed waffle iron transfers heat by ________ to
B. sprayed with a bactericide the batter.
C. treated with irradiation A. conduction
D. scanned with a metal detector B. convection
C. radiation
23. This chemical bond is formed by the D. induction
transfer of electrons between atoms of
different elements resulting in positive and 28. A is used in the production of high
negative ions. fructose corn syrup, which is a substance
A. metallic bonds that speeds up the reaction rate without
B. covalent bond being permanently changed or used up
C. hydrogen bond itself.
D. ionic bond A. substrate
B. reactant
24. Starch is a , which is a large C. product
molecule formed when small molecules of D. catalyst
the same kind chain together.
A. protein 29. ___________is often used in thin products
B. polysaccharide with a large surface area (crackers) as a
C. fat leavening agent to allow the unpleasant
D. triglyceride tasting gas that is produced to escape.
A. Baking soda
25. A is an explanation based on a B. Baking powder
body of knowledge gained from many C. Ammonium bicarbonate
observations and supported by the results D. Yeast
of many food science experiments.
A. theory 30. ___________ is a well­known organism in
B. hypothesis the coliform group and is an indicator of
C. speculation potential fecal contamination.
D. conjecture A. Escherichia coli
B. Staphylococcus aureus
26. is a pretreatment for C. Bacillus cereus
dehydration that stops enzyme activity, D. Salmonella spp.
but extends drying time due to water
absorbed by food during the soaking 31. Extrinsic factors are environmental factors
pretreatment. that affect the growth rate of
A. Sulfiting microorganisms. All of the following are
B. Sulfuring extrinsic factors except .
C. Blanching A. temperature
D. Curing B. relative humidity
C. pH
D. oxygen availability

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32. _____________ is a mycotoxin that is a 37. is (are) a systematic, science
potential chemical hazard in apples and based process control system for food
apple products. safety that serves as the basic structure of
A. Patulin a preventative system to produce safe
B. Ochratoxin foods.
C. Aflatoxin A. SSOPs
D. Penicillic acid B. SOPs
33. The length of time required at a specific D. HACCP
temperature to destroy 90% of the
microorganisms when processing food is 38. is formed in meat as naturally
called the . present enzymes use up available oxygen
A. F­value causing the meat to become brown in
B. T­value color.
C. Z­value A. Nitrosomyoglobin
D. D­value B. Oxymyoglobin
C. Metmyoglobin
34. is the spoilage of lipids or lipid D. Deoxymyoglobin
material through the chemical bonding of
oxygen to unsaturated sites of fatty acids. 39. In grains, the is the portion of
A. Oxidative rancidity the kernel that contains the embryo of a
B. Hydrogenation future plant, as well as the lipid or oil.
C. Sublimation A. husk
D. Freezer burn B. endosperm
C. bran
35. Some oils become cloudy when stored in a D. germ
refrigerator. Because of this, many oils are
to precipitate saturated fatty 40. is a common process used in the
acids. food industry that involves the addition of
A. caramelized salt, sugar, and vinegar to vegetables to
B. freeze dried lengthen their shelf life.
C. flash frozen A. Lyophilization
D. winterized B. Pickling
C. Leaching
36. A consumer finds a piece of plastic in their D. Extrusion
yogurt cup. This piece of plastic is an
example of a hazard. 41. Bacteria multiply rapidly in the
A. biological temperature range of . It is
B. physical commonly called the temperature danger
C. chemical zone.
D. ergonomic A. 45 – 150°F
B. 50 ­ 120°F
C. 40 ­ 160°F
D. 40 ­ 140°F

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42. About 50% of all outbreaks of food­related 47. In the Maillard reaction, reducing sugars
illnesses are caused by and is react with the amino acid lysine. All of the
commonly spread by food handlers. following are examples of reducing sugars,
A. Norovirus except .
B. Clostridium perfringens A. sucrose
C. Listeria monocytogenes B. glucose
D. Salmonella spp. C. maltose
D. lactose
43. A foodborne disease outbreak occurs
when or more people develop the 48. is a type of polysaccharide that
same illness after consuming the same occurs naturally in brown algae as a
food. skeletal component of their walls. It is
A. two useful in the food industry as a thickener
B. ten or stabilizing agent.
C. fifty A. Pectin
D. one hundred B. Alginate
C. Chitin
44. Which food item is not one of the eight D. Cellulose
major food allergens?
A. milk 49. In making ice cream, large amounts of air
B. soybeans are incorporated into the mixture to
C. fish increase the volume of the product. The
D. cocoa percent increase in volume is known as
45. To help prevent the spread of disease and A. overrun
to produce safe food, what is the B. padding
recommended length of time that hands C. bulking
should be washed prior to handling food? D. surplus
A. 10 seconds
B. 15 seconds 50. Foods that have a pH greater than 5.3 are
C. 20 seconds considered to be __________.
D. 25 seconds A. high­acid foods
B. acid foods
46. Glucose is an example of a . C. medium­acid foods
A. polysaccharide D. low­acid foods
B. disaccharide
C. monosaccharide
D. trisaccharide

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1. Lecithin is an emulsifier because 5. The __________ was established in
_________________. 1944 by the United Nations with the
a. It has a polar end that is objectives of eliminating hunger and
attracted to oil and a non­ improving nutrition worldwide.
polar end that is attracted to a. World Health Organization
water b. Food and Agricultural
b. It inhibits oil (dispersed Organization
phase) from being dispersed c. Codex Alimentarius
into water (continuous d. UNICEF
phase) 6. ________ is a protein formed from
c. it has a polar end that is glutenin and gliadin found in wheat.
attracted to water and a a. Keratin
non­polar end that is b. Gluten
attracted to oil c. Gelatin
d. it disrupts an emulsion d. Casein
colloid 7. When equal amounts of water and
2. The percent daily value cooking oil are placed in matching
recommendation on a Nutrition containers over identical heat
Facts label is based on a _____ sources, the temperature of the
calorie daily diet. cooking oil will increase much faster
a. 1,000 than water because _________.
b. 1,500 a. the specific heat of water is
c. 2,000 higher than that of oil
d. 3,000 b. the specific heat of oil is
3. During the manufacture of crackers, higher than that of water
ammonium bicarbonate in the c. the density of water is higher
presence of heat produces _______, than that of oil
carbon dioxide, and water. d. the density of oil is higher
a. sodium carbonate than that of water
b. sodium chloride 8. A large pressure canner used to
c. trisodium diphosphate commercially can food is called a
d. ammonia _______.
4. To reduce the risk of BSE in the U.S. a. finisher
food supply, ________ is not b. extruder
permitted in human food products c. retort
or dietary supplements. d. formax
a. beef brain
b. beef cheek meat
c. pork brain
d. pork cheek meat

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9. The meat industry is mandated to 13. If an acid is added to milk lowering
have HACCP while FDA commodities the pH to about 4.6, the ____ breaks
other than juice or seafood are down and forms lumps called curds.
mandated to have __________ a. whey
plans for food safety. b. casein
a. Preventive Controls for c. calcium
Human Food d. lactose
b. Process Containment for 14. Sodium nitrite is added to some
Food meat products as a __________.
c. Production Checks for Food a. stabilizer
d. Potential Controls for Human b. pH controller
Food c. curing agent
10. Maltase in yeast cells acts as a d. binding agent
catalyst for the breakdown of 15. When carbon dioxide is dissolved in
________ to simple sugars in the a liquid such as carbon dioxide in a
process of making yeast bread. carbonated soda, the carbon dioxide
a. glucose is more soluble under _________.
b. galactose a. colder temperatures
c. sucrose b. low pressure
d. maltose c. pressure and temperature
11. __________ are compounds or have no effect
metabolites produced by molds that d. warmer temperatures
are toxic or have other adverse 16. Which of the following sugars is
biological effects on humans. considered to be the sweetest?
a. Psychrotrophs a. glucose
b. Mycotoxins b. maltose
c. Iodophors c. fructose
d. Biofilms d. sucrose
12. When oxygen reacts with ________ 17. __________ is an enzyme that
in freshly cut banana, the bananas converts milk sugar into glucose and
turn brown. galactose.
a. acids a. Lactase
b. bases b. Amylase
c. enzymes c. Phytase
d. moisture d. Invertase

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18. A company developed a new food 23. A company recalled chicken spring
product and is asking several rolls because the product contained
hundred people how much they like eggs that were not listed on the
or dislike the product or one of its package label. This would be an
flavor/texture characteristics. This example of a hazard due to a(n)
would be an example of a ________. ___________.
a. consumer panel a. pathogen
b. laboratory panel b. allergen
c. highly trained expert panel c. radiological contaminant
d. research panel d. physical contaminant
19. Pasteurization of milk will ______. 24. A food scientist is designing a
a. kill spoilage bacteria product that requires a mold
b. denature enzymes inhibitor. Which one of the following
c. increase the rate of spoilage ingredients should this person select
d. decrease the safety of the to provide this function?
milk a. Propionic acid
20. Caffeine is an example of a(n) b. Calcium alginate
___________. c. Tartaric acid
a. heterogeneous mixture d. Silicon dioxide
b. homogeneous mixture 25. White chocolate contains
c. element ___________.
d. compound a. chocolate liquor
21. Freezer burn is ______________. b. cocoa butter
a. mold growing on a product in c. caffeine
a freezer d. chocolate butter
b. not detrimental to food 26. ____________ is considered an
quality allergen that would require labeling
c. occurs in tightly vacuum on a food product in the U.S.
packaged food a. Coconut
d. caused by moisture loss from b. Corn meal
food when food is exposed c. Celery
to air in a freezer d. Canola oil
22. Which of the following is not a 27. Three enzymes which come from
function of fat in a food? papaya fruit are diluted with salt to
a. Tenderizing make a dry powder that can be used
b. Flavor as a _______________.
c. Aeration a. coagulation agent
d. Gelling agent b. clarifying agent
c. meat tenderizer
d. antioxidant

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28. Denaturation if the first step in the  32. Product that is contained in a MAP 
process of protein  _______ , or  package means that it is packaged in  
when a liquid changes into a soft,  ______.
semisolid clot or solid mass such as  a. modified activated pressure
in the process of manufacturing  b. modified atmosphere 
yogurt. packaging
a. dispersion c. membrane advanced 
b. separation packaging
c. homeostasis d. managed aerobic plastic
d. coagulation 33. _________ is the main plant fiber 
29. Which of the following is not a water  found in food and is a polymer made 
soluble vitamin? of a form of glucose called beta­D­
a. Vitamin C glucose.
b. Vitamin K a. Pectin
c. Vitamin B2 b. Hemicellulose
d. Thiamin c. Cellulose
30. ____________ is a method that  d. Algal polysaccharide
measures ATP by its reaction with  34. The type of electromagnetic waves 
the luciferin­luciferase complex to  used for irradiation are called 
provide an indication of the  _______.
microbial load on the surface of  a. gamma rays 
food processing equipment. b. infrared waves
a. Turbidity c. ultraviolet waves
b. Impedance d. radio waves
c. Bioluminescence 35. __________ is (are) a water soluble 
d. Catalase pigment found in blackberries, 
31. __________ is a pathogen that has  blueberries, and other fruits and 
the potential to contaminate ready­ vegetables, and  turn red in acid 
to­eat foods by contaminating the  solutions.
food after processing and before  a. Chlorophyll
packaging, and was responsible for a  b. Tannins
recent recall with Eggo waffles. c. Anthocyanins
a. E. coli O157:H7 d. Quinones
b. Salmonella sp.
c. Staphylococcus aureus
d. Listeria monocytogenes

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36. _______ is an artificial sweetener 40. Umami is found in food and
that is a chlorinated sucrose beverages that are high in
derivative, is not absorbed by the ___________.
body when consumed, and does not a. sodium
break down with heat so it can be b. fats
used in baked products. c. carbohydrates
a. Sucralose d. amino acids
b. Aspartame 41. The aroma and color of pancakes
c. Acesulfame postassium come from a chemical reaction
d. Stevia known as _____________.
37. According to the U.S. government, a. enzymatic browning
ground beef should be cooked to a b. Maillard browning
minimum internal temperature of c. carmelization
_________ for safety. d. oxidative browning
a. 62.8qC 42. ____________ is the protection of
b. 65.6qC food products from intentional
c. 68.3qC adulteration by biological, chemical,
d. 71.1qC physical, or radiological agents.
38. Bread manufactured from _______ a. HACCP
can use the term “whole wheat” on b. Process Containment for
the label. Food
a. wheat with the germ and c. Food defense
bran removed d. Surveillance
b. wheat with the germ intact 43. A food technologist is making a new
c. wheat with the bran intact product that will use a powdered
d. wheat with the bran and granulated sugar with an added anti­
germ intact caking agent such as cornstarch.
39. Leaves from the tea plant, which is This type of sugar is called _______.
part of the _____ family, grow in a a. table sugar
wide range of climates and are used b. brown sugar
to make tea. c. molasses
a. oleaceae d. confectioners sugar
b. camellia 44. The color of fresh meat before it
c. moraceae becomes oxygenated is _________.
d. rutaceae a. red
b. brown
c. purple
d. blue

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45. __________ bacteria are used for 50. If a commercial manufacturer of
fermentation in the vinegar making prepared muffins stirred the batter
process. too long prior to baking, a _______.
a. Lactic acid a. tough product with tunnels
b. Acetic acid would occur due to
c. Carbon dioxide overdevelopment of gluten
d. Proteolytic b. light and delicate product
46. In the U.S., milk is regulated by the would result due to
______________. underdevelopment of gluten
a. Department of Health and c. tough product would occur
Human Services Food and due to overdevelopment of
Drug Administration gliadin.
b. United States Department of d. tender product with tunnels
Agriculture Food Safety and would occur do to
Inspection Service underdevelopment of gluten
c. United States Environmental
Protection Agency
d. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
47. The more solute present in a
solution, the ___________ the
boiling point and the ________ the
freezing point will be.
a. lower, lower
b. lower, higher
c. higher, lower
d. higher, higher
48. Sublimation is induced in a method
of food preservation called _______.
a. dehydration
b. retorting
c. freeze drying
d. refrigeration
49. ___________ is the change of a
protein’s shape under stress, such as
when egg whites are beaten to form
a foam.
a. Acetylation
b. Derivatization
c. Acylation
d. Denaturation
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1. Clostridium botulinum will not 6. In the food sanitation industry, CIP
produce toxin in food at a pH of means which of the following?
_____. a. Critical inspection program
a. 4.6 or lower b. Compliance improvement
b. 4.6 or higher plan
c. 5.6 or lower c. Common industrial practice
d. 5.6 or higher d. Clean­in­place
2. A food scientist measures the color 7. _________ is an enzyme inhibitor
of apples for consistency. Chroma is that slows the spoilage process of
one of the measurements, which eggs when it combines with iron to
determines _____. form a stable compound making
a. how intense the color is iron unavailable for microbial
b. if the color is red, blue, or growth.
green a. Tomatin
c. the lightness or darkness of b. Lactoferrin
the color c. Conalbumin
d. the amount of discoloration d. Phytic acid
3. This substance provides fizz to soft 8. Separation processes are used
drinks. during food production, and _____
a. Potassium bicarbonate is a method based on separation by
b. Carbon dioxide density.
c. Quinine a. evaporation
d. Potassium sulfate b. distillation
4. The quickest method that a food c. crystallization
processor could use for dehydration, d. creaming
especially milk, eggs, and protein 9. When milk curdles to form cheese, a
powders, is ________ drying. change in the shape of a protein
a. tray molecule occurs without breaking
b. drum peptide bonds. This is called _____.
c. spray a. oxidation
d. vacuum b. lyophilization
5. _______ is a type of ROP. c. denaturation
a. MAP d. hydrogenation
b. SAP 10. Intermediate moisture foods have
c. TAP moisture levels of ________ with
d. GAP enough dissolved solids to prevent
the growth of microbes.
a. 10­30%
b. 20­50%
c. 30­60%
d. 40­70%
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11. A __________ is used to determine 16. __________ involves restoring some
the cooking time and temperature of the nutrients to a product that
needed to kill a specific were removed during processing.
microorganism. a. Fortification
a. thermal death curve b. Enrichment
b. bacterial growth curve c. Bioavilability
c. standard growth curve d. Supplementation
d. Gompertz model 17. __________ is an enzyme that
12. A ________ is a misfolded protein breaks down bitter flavor
believed to be the causative agent compounds in citrus fruits.
of bovine spongiform a. Amyloglucosidase
encephalopathy. b. Cellulase
a. virus c. Phytase
b. prion d. Narginase
c. rotavirus 18. Food packaging that is ________
d. bacterium means that liquids and/or gases can
13. The FDA regulates about ____ of the pass through or penetrate the
U.S. food supply. packaging.
a. 50% a. impenetrable
b. 60% b. impervious
c. 80% c. permeable
d. 90% d. hermetic
14. __________ is the inadvertent 19. The temperature at which maximum
introduction of an allergen into a swelling occurs when a liquid is
product, generally resulting from thickened with starch is called the
environmental exposure during ______ point.
processing or handling. a. melting
a. Cross­contamination b. expansion
b. Adulteration c. gelatinization
c. Contamination d. swelling
d. Cross­contact 20. Which of the following is NOT an
15. To allow for the expansion of example of descriptive research
cooking, space left in a container when food scientists are collecting
after adding food is called ______. data on a product?
a. extra volume a. Taste tests
b. condensation space b. Measuring product pH
c. headspace c. Written surveys
d. free space d. Consumer interviews

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21. The sharpness of a cheese refers to 25. Maple syrup is an example of a 
______________. ___________.
a. its cut abiltiy a. heterogeneous mixture
b. its melt ability b. solute
c. the strength of its flavor and  c. pure substance
aroma d. homogeneous mixture
d. the density of the finished  26. Gelatin may be added to beer or 
cheese processed apple juice to chemically 
22. Emulsifiers are commonly used to bind with ____________ so it can be 
manufacture mayonnaise. An  filtered out to remove cloudiness 
emulsifier is a molecule that has  and sediments before bottling.
________. a. allyl sulfides
a. a polar and nonpolar end b. isothiocyanates
b. two polar ends c. tannins
c. two nonpolar ends d. saponins
d. molecule polarity has no  27. Which of the following is an example 
effect on an emulsifier of a nutritive sweetener?
23. In the United States, a certification  a. acesulfame K
process administered by the  b. xylitol
_________ must be followed before  c. sucralose
a food can be labeled “organic.” d. stevioside
a. FDA Health and Human  28. The CDC estimates that eggs are 
Services involved in about 75% of all 
b. USDA Agricultural Marketing  _______ outbreaks.
Service a. listeriosis 
c. USDA Food Safety and  b. E. coli O157:H7
Inspection Service c. Staphylococcus aureus
d. Environmental Protection  d. salmonellosis
Agency 29. Having enough food to feed the 
24. A yogurt labeled as “strawberry­ population is the future, or food 
flavored yogurt” _________. sustainability, is an important goal 
a. means the yogurt is flavored  for food scientists. Which of the 
with strawberries following would NOT be a food 
b. means that at least some of  sustainability goal for the food 
the flavor comes from  industry?
synthetic flavoring agents a. Throw zero product away
c. means only synthetic flavors  b. Minimize food waste
were added c. Get value added out of food 
d. it has no specifications  waste
beyond it looks and tastes  d. Increase marketing
like strawberry
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30. ____________ is a process of adding  34. Vegetable oil becomes cloudy when 
hydrogen ions to an unsaturated  refrigerated because some of the 
lipid to increase its saturation level  triglycerides have a ___________ 
such as forming margarine from  than the temperature in most home 
corn oil. refrigerators.
a. Saturation a. solidification point that is 
b. Hydrogenation higher
c. Auto­oxidation b. solidification point that is 
d. Peroxidation lower 
31. __________ is used to concentrate  c. saturation point that is
fruit juices with limited use of heat  higher
to protect flavor compounds and  d. saturation point that is lower 
Vitamin C. 35. Pumpkin spice is a popular fall flavor 
a. Distillation marketed in products by many food 
b. Osmosis companies.  It is typically a blend of 
c. Reverse osmosis __________.
d. Evaporation a. cinnamon, anise, ginger, and 
32. A food company manufactures  clove or allspice
frozen pancakes that are ready­to­ b. cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, 
reheat and heat and are sold in the  and expresso
frozen food case at retail.  To make  c. cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, 
the pancakes, the company deposits  and clove or allspice
pancake batter on a griddle.  Heat is  d. cinnamon, nutmeg, lavender, 
transferred by ______ though this  and clove or allspice
cooking method. 36. Gylcerol is an example of a(n) 
a. radiation _______, that is a food additive used 
b. conduction to help retain moisture in products 
c. convection such as soft candies, chewing gum, 
d. irradiation and confections. 
33. In a food processing facility, ______  a. humectant
is an extrinsic factor that affects the  b. anticaking agent
growth rate of microorganisms. c. emulsifier
a. water activity d. stabilizer
b. oxidation­reduction potential
c. pH
d. temperature

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37. The FDA FSMA was signed into law 42. When corn syrup is made from corn, 
on January 4, 2011.  What does  ____________ is the first enzyme 
FSMA mean? used to convert starch into 
a. Food Services Modification  oligosaccharides.
Act a. D­xylose
b. Food Security Management  b. glucoamylase
Act c. D­amylase
c. Federal Safety Maintenance d. lactase
Act 43. If a food product is labeled as 
d. Food Safety Modernization “calorie free,” it means that the
Act product contains _______.
38. Myoglobin is the _______ protein  a. zero calories
pigment in muscle tissue that  b. fewer than 5 calories
provides the color. c. fewer than 10 calories
a. zinc­binding d. fewer than 15 calories
b. niacin­binding  44. To provide consumers with expert 
c. magnesium­binding knowledge on handling and storing 
d. iron­binding  food safely and prevent food 
39. The red color in tomatoes comes  poisoning, the UDSA FSIS developed 
from _____, which is a carotenoid. _________ that allows consumers to 
a. lutein ask questions or participate on a live 
b. zeaxanthin chat, either online or through a 
c. lycopene mobile app.
d. genistein a. Ask Betty
40. Of the following allergens, which is  b. Ask Karen
considered one of the “big eight” c. Ask John
allergens? d. Ask Pete
a. apples 45. __________ is an enzymatically 
b. coconut controlled change in a food product 
c. yams brought on by the action of 
d. mustard seeds microorganisms.
41. USDA FSIS requires that companies  a. Fermentation
must have HACCP plans for ______. b. Hydrogenation
a. fruit juices c. Extrusion
b. bread d. Neutralization
c. Siluriformes fish
d. pet foods

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46. __________ is the study of the  50. _______ is the measure of the 
nature of food, the causes of  partial water pressure over a food, 
deterioration, the principles  compared to the vapor pressure 
underlying food processing, and  over pure water at a given 
improvement of foods for the  temperature.
consuming public. a. pH
a. Nutrition b. water activity
b. Home economics c. water content
c. Sensory analysis d. brix
d. Food science
47. Umami can alter the perception of 
tastes, making ____________.
a. sodium less saltier and sugar 
b. sour and bitter less acerbic 
and biting
c. sodium more saltier and 
sugar less sweeter
d. sodium less saltier and sugar 
less sweeter
48. _______ is used as a dough 
conditioner in the bakery industry, 
in addition to being a disinfectant in 
the dairy industry. 
a. Calcium chloride
b. Potassium
c. Iodine
d. Ascorbic acid
49. ___________ is a sucrose polyester 
that looks, feels, and performs like 
fat, yet provides no calories and 
passes through the body 
a. Simplesse
b. Olestra
c. Trailblazer

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National FFA Food Science and Technology Exam Key – 2017

The National FFA CDE Superintendent for the Food Science and Technology CDE requested that the
key for the written exam not be posted on www.ffa.org. Instead, their intent was for the answers
to be researched and discovered.

The reference page from the National FFA Food Science and Technology CDE Handbook has been
included on the following page for your convenience.

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