Students shall
1. To be familiar with different types of Tools and methods used in Cyber Crime.
2. To be fluent with various security measures for handling different types of Cyber-
3. To be able to analyze and implement protection and prevention of Cyber Crime
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to:
Text Book:
1.SunitBelapure and Nina Godbole, “Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes,
Computer Forensics And Legal Perspectives”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, ISBN: 978-81-265-21791,
Publish Date 2013.
The main aim is to study the steps to ensure security of any one web browser
(Mozilla Firefox/Google chrome).
At the same time, this gives you the option to place suspicious content in a safe
location where you can analyze it afterwards.
Next, go to the Privacy tab.
Doing this is especially useful when multiple people have access to the computer,
since it asks you introduce a master password before you can access logins. This way, other
people won’t be able to access your important accounts such as email. Once more, we cannot
recommend this enough, but don’t let your
The detail studies of the steps to ensure security of any one web browser (mozilla
firefox/google chrome) is completed successfully
The main aim is to gather the information using windows command line
Using Windows –based tools, lets gather some information about the target.
You can ask any target domain or IP address, in our case, we are using
as a target.
4) Now, enter the command “ping –f -l 1500” to check the value of
The detail studies of the steps to ensure security of any one web browser (mozilla
firefox/google chrome) is completed successfully
The main aim is to analyze the security vulnerabilities of e-commerce services.
Vulnerabilities due to Buffer Overflow:
A buffer overflow condition occurs when a program attempts to copy more
data in a buffer than it can hold. Buffer overflow is probably the best known
form of software security vulnerability.
At the code level, buffer overflow vulnerabilities usually involve the violation
of a programmer's assumptions. Hackers use buffer overflows to corrupt the
execution stack of a web application.
Buffer overflow flaws can be present in both the web server or application
server products that serve the static and dynamic aspects of the site. Buffer
overflows generally resulted in to crashes.
Other type of attacks will create the situation like lack of availability are
possible, including putting the program into an infinite loop.
Vulnerabilities due to Log Forging:
Writing invalidated user input to log files can give access to attacker for
forging log entries or injecting malicious content into the logs.
Log forging vulnerabilities occur in following conditions: i) Data copied to an
application from an unreliable source. ii) The data is copied to an application
or system log file. Applications uses log file to store a history of events for
later review and record, statistics gathering, or debugging.
Analysis of the log files may be misdirected if an attacker can supply
inappropriate data to the application. In the most common case, an attacker
may be able to insert false entries into the log file by providing the application
with input that includes appropriate characters.
If the log file is processed automatically, the attacker can render the file
unusable by corrupting the format of the file or injecting unexpected
characters. A more dangerous attack might involve changing the log file
The main aim is to analyze the security vulnerabilities of e-commerce services is
successfully completed
The main aim is to scan the system vulnerabilities using Microsoft baseline
security analyzer (MBSA)
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is used to verify patch compliance.
MBSA also performed several other security checks for Windows, IIS, and SQL
Unfortunately, the logic behind these additional checks had not been actively
maintained since Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
Changes in the products since then rendered many of these security checks obsolete
and some of their recommendations counterproductive.
MBSA was largely used in situations where neither Microsoft Update nor a local
WSUS or Configuration Manager server was available, or as a compliance tool to
ensure that all security updates were deployed to a managed environment.
While MBSA version 2.3 introduced supports for Windows Server 2012 R2 and
Windows 8.1, it has since been deprecated and no longer developed. MBSA 2.3 is not
updated to fully support Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
The main aim is to scan the system vulnerabilities using Microsoft baseline
security analyzer (MBSA) is completed successfully.
The main aim is to study of techniques uses for web based password capturing in
The main aim is to Study about Techniques uses for Web Based Password Capturing.
Many people don’t understand how easy it is for attackers to take advantage of weak
passwords, and therefore don’t use a password manager or other means to make their
passwords stronger.
This post describes 9 common ways passwords get captured, roughly ordered from
most to least common. Proper use of a password manager can thwart some of these
attacks and limit damages from most other types of attacks.
1: Mass Theft of Password Files:
Most people don’t realize that user names and passwords routinely get stolen
while your computer is off and disconnected from the internet. How? Web
sites with many users and weak security are prime targets for attackers who
want to steal a password file which lists all user names and passwords.
Recent examples include and While most sites
do not store passwords as clear text, many sites store passwords in a form that
can be read using widely available rainbow table software. For people who use
the same password on many sites, the theft of this password on one site can be
the starting point for an attack on all of your accounts.
A simple and effective defense for users is to only use long, randomly
generated passwords. How long? 15 characters. Rainbow tables easily crack
passwords 8 or fewer characters long and in some cases up to 14 characters.
Damage Control:
In the unlikely case that a rainbow table attack manages to crack one of your
15 character passwords, at least your damages will be limited to one account if you
have a unique password for each account. Change the password of any account that
becomes compromised due to mass theft.
2: Brute Force:
Brute Force refers to discovering passwords through trial and error, similar to
trying every possible combination on a lock. The most well known form of
The detail Study about Techniques uses for Web Based Password Capturing is
The main aim is to open an authorized ms excel document by password cracking.
Step 1: Open the MS EXCEL by clicking start menu icon in the task bar.
Step 2: Create an any highly official document (example: student mark sheet, EMP
salary, ECT….)
Step 4: Protect your document with a password by selecting review tab and choose
protect sheet. Assign a password
Step 5: Enable all the alignment edition option so therefore one can edit out official
document. Select ok
Step 7: Now check if the editing is possible in our official document. If we try to
change any this will display that this document is protected by password
Step 10: Open the zip file by double click (or) right click and open
Step 12: Select the worksheet folder by double click (or) right click and open
Step 20: Now the document unprotected and hacker can able to edit the official data
The main aim is to open an authorized ms excel document by password cracking is
completed successfully.
The main aim is to study the problems and prevention of sniffing attacks in detail.
Sniffing refers to the use of software or hardware to watch data as it travels over the
Internet. There are some legitimate uses for the process. It is then called network analysis and
helps network administrators diagnose problems. In the hands of the wrong person, however,
a sniffing program can collect passwords and read email. Sniffing is considered a passive
security attack, according to TechiWarehouse.
What problems can result?
Sniffing means a loss of privacy for those on a network. Along with the loss of
privacy goes a loss of trust, which is necessary in many situations.
Sniffing can compromise the privacy of passwords. An Ethernet sniffer can
easily detect passwords.
Sniffing can allow unauthorized persons access to financial information,
including account numbers for banking and credit cards.
Sniffing private and confidential information contained in email is very
common. Having an email viewed by someone other than the intended
recipient can cause problems ranging from embarrassment to a breach of
national security.
Sniffing can yield low-level protocol information. Anyone who is interested in
attacking a network will then have the needed information.
New data suggests that there is no way to detect when your computer has been
sniffed. They also advise that while people can take measures to make sniffing
difficult, it may be almost impossible to totally prevent being sniffed.
Encryption helps. Replacing the hub with a switch may also add protection.
Taking care when using public Wi-Fi may also help reduce exposure.
Consumer Fraud Reporting adds that you can help protect against spoofing by
following these suggestions:
Don’t click on an email link that requests personal information, even if it looks like a
legitimate site.
Be suspicious of anyone asking for personal information.
The main aim is to study the problems and prevention of sniffing attacks in detail is
studied successfully.
The main aim is to hide and recover the information using QUICKSTEGO
Steganography is the science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one
apart from the sender and intended recipient even realizes there is a hidden message.
QuickStego lets you hide text in pictures so that only other users of QuickStego can
retrieve and read the hidden secret messages. Once text is hidden in an image the
saved picture is still a 'picture', it will load just like any other image and appear as it
did before.
Step 1 : Download the QuickStego tool
Step 2 : Install the QuickStego tool and launch the desktop icon
Step 8 : Click save image to upload the secret data to image a new image file is created and
Step 10 : Now open the newly saved image and click the Get Text
The main aim is to hide and recover the information using QUICKSTEGO
TOOL is completed successfully.
The main aim is to Study the detail report of cyber forensic tools.
The main aim is to study the detail report of cyber forensic tools is completed.
The main aim is to comparison of two files for forensics investigation by
COMPARE IT is software that displays 2 files side by side, with colored differences
sections to simplify analyzing. You can move changes between files with a single
mouse click or keystroke, and of course, you have the ability to edit files directly in
comparison window.
It can make colored printout of differences report, exactly as it’s on the screen. First
of all, install the Compare It from the Link given below. it is a 1.7 Mb Software package Click on
Compare It Tool, It will show a window to select the files to be compared.
First, select the first file and click on open and then select the second file and click on
STEP 1: open the notepad and create a first text file with the extension .txt and save
with a file name
Step 7: Displays 2 files side by side, with colored differences sections to simplify
analyzing. You can move changes between files with a single mouse click or keystroke
The main aim is to comparison of two files for forensics investigation by
COMPARE IT tool is executed successfully.
The main aim is to downloading a website using website copier tool (HTTtack)
HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility.
It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local
directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files
from the server to your computer.
HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure.
Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse
the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online.
HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads.
HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.
WinHTTrack is the Windows (from Windows 2000 to Windows 10 and above)
release of HTTrack, and WebHTTrack the Linux/Unix/BSD release.
STEP 1: Install WinHTTrack
STEP 3: Enter the project name in new project field: Example: Website hacking
Step 12: Click on Website hacking file, then the URL address
file given in the Step 8 will be visible.
Step 14: Click on any file to alter the content : open with notepad.
Example: Click the file about-dsi. 3 Files are displayed. Any file can be opened in a
notepad then changes can be done in the file.
The main aim is to downloading a website using website copier tool (HTTtack) is
completed successfully
The main aim is to hide the information in the Text File Using SNOW TOOL- Text
1) Create a text File with some data in the same directory where SNOW Tool is installed.
2) In our Experiment Snow tool is installed in Desktop.
5) Example:
Snow -C -m “My Account number 1234567” –p “password123” Sample.txt
The Source file is a Sample.txt file as shown above. Destination file will be
created automatically and exact copy of source file containing hidden information.
6) Go to the Directory: You will find a new File by name Test.txt. Open the file
7) New file has the same text as an Original file (Sample.txt) without any hidden
information. This file can be sent to the target.
8) Recovering the Hidden Information :
On the Destination, the receiver can reveal information by using the command
snow –C –p “password” <Destination File>
snow –C –p “password123” test.txt
The main aim is to hide the information in the Text File Using SNOW TOOL- Text
Stegnography is completed successfully.
The most potent and vulnerable threat of computer users is virus attacks.
Virus attacks hampers important work involved with data and documents.
It is imperative for every computer user to be aware about the software and
programs that can help to protect the personal computers from attacks. One
must take every possible measure in order to keep the computer systems free
from virus attacks.
The top sources of virus attacks are highlighted below:
Downloadable Programs
Cracked Software
Email Attachments
Booting From CD
Trojan horse attacks pose one of the most serious threats to computer security.
If you were referred here, you may have not only been attacked but may also
be attacking others unknowingly.
According to legend, the Greeks won the Trojan war by hiding in a huge,
hollow wooden horse to sneak into the fortified city of Troy.
In today’s computer world, a Trojan horse is defined as a “malicious, security-
breaking program that is disguised as something benign”.
For example, you download what appears to be a movie or music file, but
when you click on it, you unleash a dangerous program that erases your disk,
sends your credit card numbers and passwords to a stranger, or lets that
stranger hijack your computer to commit illegal denial of service attacks.
Repairing the Damage
1. Anti-Virus Software: Compared to traditional viruses, today’s trojans evolve
much quicker and come in many seemingly innocuous forms, so anti-virus software is always
going to be playing catch up. Also, if they fail to find every trojan, anti-virus software can
The main aim is to study of different attack caused virus and Trojans is completed
The main aim is to write a program to illustrate buffer overflow attack.
A buffer overflow (or buffer overrun) occurs when the volume of data exceeds the storage
capacity of the memory buffer. ... If the transaction overwrites executable code, it can
cause the program to behave unpredictably and generate incorrect results, memory access
errors, or crashes.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char buff[15];
int pass = 0;
if(strcmp(buff, "thegeekstuff"))
pass = 1;
The program above simulates scenario where a program expects a password from user
and if the password is correct then it grants root privileges to the user.
Correct Password
This works as expected. The passwords match and root privileges are given.But do
you know that there is a possibility of buffer overflow in this program. The gets() function
does not check the array bounds and can even write string of length greater than the size of
the buffer to which the string is written. Now, can you even imagine what can an attacker do
with this kind of a loophole?
Here is an example :
Wrong Password
The main aim is to write a program to illustrate buffer overflow attack is completed
The main aim is to analyze the security issues and threats in e-mail application in
Security Issues and vulnerability in Email System:
E-mail is one of the main modes of communication today but in the following section
it can be seen how insecure it is. The importance of email is for corporate and private
communication can be estimated by the summary presented by Radicati Group’s report titled
“E-Mail Market, 2012- 2016” that the world wide each day total emails sent in 2012 was
144.8 billion, which is increased steadily with each passing year and in 2016 approximately
192.2 billion emails will sent each day. The report also states that corporate webmail clients
grow from 629 million in 2012 to over one billion by the end of 2016.
Eavesdropping: E-mail messages pass through networks which are part of big picture
i.e. Internet with a lot of people on it. So it is very easy for someone to track or capture your
message and read it.
Identity Theft:
Means someone pretend to be you on the network. It may be possible if not proper
security protocols are followed that someone may steal or capture your username/password
and used to read your email messages. Further also send email messages from your account
without your knowledge.
Unprotected Backups:
Messages generally stored in plain Text on SMTP server and also backups can be
created. Even if you delete the message they can be residing on the severs/backup-servers for
years. So anyone who accesses these servers can also access or read your message.
As it is known that email messages can easily be forged so anyone sending you some
message can later on deny regarding sending of message and it is very difficult to prove it.
This has implications corresponding to emails use as contracts in business communications.
Email spoofing:
Sometime email that pretends to be received from an authentic source but in actual it
is send from somewhere else.
Spam or junk mail refers to sending of email to no. of persons for any advertisement
purpose or for some malicious intent. To send spam often lists are created by searching data
from Internet, or by stealing mailing list from the internet.
Email bombing:
Sending threats:
Threatening mails are sending to users which disturb their state of mind or to provoke
them to take some wrong step. Sometimes false statements are also forwarded to third parties
or users to injure the reputation of some particular person. It is called as Defamation, a
communication is not considered defamatory unless it is forwarded to someone other than the
Email frauds:
Email Fraud is the intentional deception made for some personal or monetary gain.
Emails used as tools to spread malicious software: Emails are also used as tools to spread
viruses, worms and other malicious software. They are attached to your emails as attachment,
when you click on them they attack your computer or browser.
The main aim is to analyze the security issues and threats in e-mail application in
detail is completed successfully.
The main aim is to hide and extract any text file behind an image file using
Command Prompt.
1. Any file like .rar .jpg .txt or any file can be merged inside another file. In a simple
way, we shall learn how to hide a text file inside an image file using the Command Prompt.
2. Suppose you have to hide a text file “A.txt” with the image file “B.jpg” and
combine them in a new file as “C.jpg”. Where “C.jpg” is our output file which contains the
text hidden in the image file.
Step1:Create a text document with the file name and .txt as an extension
Step2: Type the content which you need to hide in the image and save it
Step 5: Open command prompt by selecting start icon in the task bar
Step 6: Open the command prompt a black working place will be available (or) press
ctrl+r and type cmd and hit enter.
>>cd desktop
Step 8: Open the text file by its file name Example a.txt then txt file will get open
Step 9: Open the .jpg file by its file name Example b.jpg then the image file will get
Step 11: locate C.jpg file from where you want to retrieve text data
Done! Successfully opened! In the last of the notepad, you’ll find the content of the
text file