Roads and Buildings System

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Roads and Buildings system

1. This is called system (system of roads and buildings)
2. To be contained in this system the following words idiom :

A - The word received by the building authority of the capital of this system of power .

B-mean (buildings) assessed land under all the provisions of article 6 of these rules .

C include the word (everywhere covered plant) exposed operating with electricity go awalbkhar mechanical
power to any machine or any work product industry .

D-among other means (all relevant areas housing area residents) under paragraph (d) the text of the article
(6) of this system .

-Among other means (space) all the land and inhabited lands walled area-free town .

And the word means the law-road system (and buildings .)

G-word means (highways and roads) and all the streets and fields within the municipality and sidewalks .

H-word means (all modern construction) including establishing foundations or any digging or more
structural one article of whether a use of materials created or known or unknown threshold (RAND a
Windows or Sun umbrellas .)

I repair Word intended to remove any or all of the ruined building and repair some existing situation of
which doesn't reach him ruin provided nearly an arm to demolish the Earth's surface .

-The means (building permit) declares the required paper construction according to the conditions set out in
this regulation and other provisions of other laws and regulations .

K-means (owner) landlord or operated or things or proxy details, or other State .

The word refers to (Rap porters) design mode for the town and its ways as set forth its facilities and assets in
this system .

M-Word calling person (Eng)-winning certificate from a recognized school or engineering already works in
practice with the craft and or conditions necessary for the craft and acknowledged by his official circles .

N-word means (one who architect license) conferred municipal practice of construction management .

Q-calls (size) 75 cm long arm architecture .

-Among other means (end line between planning) by area and borders and other established under decision
design .

P-health practitioner intended to designate or town authority of chosen people group Secretary or mayor or
d.c. Health Director in conjunction with every order, and with some authority and duties of the public
authorities in accordance with this system .
R-phrase means (public square street or-or global region year Grove Genuine competent to that Park) under a
paragraph of the article (a) (6) of this system .

S-inter means (local) publication published by the way with local jurisdiction local ads in another town or
area in an adequate manner decided by the Secretary of the mayor or DC .

3 .communication or advertising alarms landlord of substitute or be permissible or by registered mail service

through the reporter's address is known, but finally found the municipality you stick that in the picture
visibly alarming owned place of place or announce it in town. For local newspapers .

4 .staff are instructed not to enter the Buildings Authority ensure that to a place which has sponsored all
instructions and orders the establishment of reformed or torn down build requirements or health issues and
India only had to respond after entering if part of a house or a room dedicated to women to adequate notice,
the tenant must give not Malleable which transferred from means to take what he thinks or to provide

index of the document

Chapter One: Town Planning

Chapter Two: Use of Regions by Division

Chapter 3: Building Line Provisions

Chapter Four: Construction of buildings on the land of construction

Chapter V: In the masons: civil architects, engineers, and contractors

Chapter Six: Building Provisions

Chapter 7: Ventilation - Light - Water cycle. Flue, Power cable

Chapter 8: Finding housing areas and building conditions

Chapter 9: Possible measures to prevent fire and flooding

Chapter 10: In health precautions.

Chapter Eleven: In the license ticket

Chapter XII: In construction and restoration fees

Chapter 13: In the field of scouts

Chapter Fourteen: General Provisions

Chapter Fifteen: Duty-Free Places

Chapter One: Town Planning

5 .A special technical committee shall be formed and entrusted with the mapping and design of the drawings
gradually by a measurement of not less than 1/10000 according to the proposal and submission of these maps
to the competent authorities for their study in the presence of this body in the bodies of the secretariats and
municipalities, including the Council. To do what this committee should start with mapping the capital first,
it gradually moved to the mothers of the cities.

6 - Note in the mapping, in particular, the sites of massacres and horse stables, cows and others, as well as
factories and stores of primary and construction materials, fuel and the like, and must be assigned to these
sites for housing role also notes in the maps mentioned the following considerations:

A - Determination of the location and breadth of the roads and their direction as well as the alleys and the
location and dimensions of the public areas of the town area, including public streets, squares, parks, public
gardens, military barracks and the like, in agreement with the competent authorities.

( B) The determination of the areas on which the buildings are erected shall apply this system and re-divide
those areas referred to the first, second and third levels, including the lands of the buildings.

( C) The report of such areas or areas of land used for housing, marketplaces, auction yards, laboratories,
places where the letter is harmful to health, etc. The use of any building within these areas is not justified
except for the purposes prescribed and subject to the provisions of Article 6 of this Law.

D - To allocate a region or areas of land to be revived, whether by the financial or municipalities for the
housing of people in the suburbs and referred to these areas residential areas of the parents.

E. It shall be noted in the preparation of municipal maps that the dimensions of buildings, construction,
land, etc. are fully verified, etc. The arguments and documents in the hands of their respective owners and
the Technical Committee shall be used in this task by a special committee composed by the Secretariat or the
municipalities to study and install them. The following data:

.1 A line shall be drawn separating the lands belonging to the Ministry of Finance and the lands belonging
to the municipality and the lands from which they are allocated to the residents.

- 2 Areas of the land of buildings erected before or now, whether owned by the government or persons
should be divided into the buildings of the first and second and third and divided into land areas and areas of
shops, markets and yards for auction and trades harmful to health, divided into pieces of buildings.

.3 The area or areas of government land and residential areas.

.4 Lands reserved for military authorities or reserved for use by the Government.

- 5 The lands that are not included in the above mentioned sections, and the fee must be as similar as
possible to the situation of the country and suitable for nature unless they call the government interest
otherwise, and this fee must be exposed to the public whenever necessary.

7 - Determination and design of roads shall be defined in accordance with the map established by the
Technical Committee under these Regulations and shall be effective after ratification by the Supreme Audit

8 .The roads are planned according to the planned design, and this design is to be implemented gradually,
either when the newly demolished or newly constructed buildings are reconstructed, except for the public
interest to be removed.
9 - The implementation of designs requires the owners to declare how to apply a detailed engineering map
must be accompanied by this declaration with giving them a period of objection not less than fifteen days
and the willingness of the competent authorities to compensate them under the system before performing any
executive action towards it.

10 .The objections submitted by the concerned parties in the previous article shall be checked by the
Administrative Council. The Municipal Council shall, after making a decision on the matter, inform the
objectors. If they do not accept this, they shall form a body elected by the owner of the King and the
Municipality and the experts. The Authority is effective after obtaining approval from the current auditor.

11 -If the public interest decides to widen a narrow road, the municipality must estimate the area to be taken
as well as the value to be paid by the owner of the property through a committee of experts. The municipality
and the king will pay equal consideration to the competent authority.

12 - The land taken under Article (11) if the increase of what is taken from the arm of one is estimated to
exceed the arm value paid to the owner of the land by the Secretariat immediately and if the land is small and
after taking the arm of the decision is not possible to build the estimated width of the whole land except For
the arm of the one and pays the owner of the land to be compensated according to the times and locations
where the assessment is made by the committee provided for in the specific article.

13 .The Estimation Committee is charged at the discretion of any house whose owner is not the sole
proprietor of each home.

14 .If construction is required under the map described in Article (7), the municipality shall compensate the
owner of the lump-sum building after estimating the value deducted by the estimation committee, including
the costs of repairing what remains of this building if it can be repaired. Of the construction is not usable, the
estimated compensation for the entire land deducted from them is estimated by the Special Committee also
and the municipality pays the compensation to the owner of the king and put his hand on the rest and use it
while preserving the regularity of the street.

15 .Lands legally taken to the roads are not entitled to claim ownership again and are not allowed to do
anything at all.

16 - If buildings burned more than ten in one site or destroyed, all or some of them surrounded by roads, the
Secretariat must organize two maps of the old building and the second building and the roads required after
the distribution of road sections on buildings according to the capacity prescribed by this system.

17 .Inaccessible roads located in the premises where the places mentioned in the preceding article are burned
shall be opened in the event of a public benefit, if possible, provided that compensation is provided in
accordance with the provisions of this Law.

18 - The section taken from burnt places to expand the road or straightness according to the map if increased
from the one arm is estimated to increase the necessary compensation and handed over to the owner of those
places, but only the arm decided to take the very mentioned is free of charge and includes within the squares
and orchards.

19 - If found after the opening of the road or expansion or integrity of the building was evacuated and the
width is small and is not enough to build a house in it or a store or a store and no dispute, the owner of the
large area adjacent to this bar to take it and by a compromise between them in the price and if they do not
agree, For that interest, by the knowledge of a committee of experts and purchased by the owner of the
estimated price for the conduct of what is required by interest.
Chapter Two: Use of Regions by Division

20 .The use of the zones shall take into account the following provisions:

( A) No buildings may be used in the area of residence as a store or laboratory for any purpose specific to
markets or any of its past trades.

( B) No premises may be used in shops or markets as a factory for any free trade.

( C) No premises may be used in the area of the plant for the purposes of any vested trade, provided that the
head of the Secretariat and the municipalities may, if necessary, authorize such use for a period not
exceeding one year and subject to the conditions and duration of ratification by the supreme auditor.

( D) Houses may not be used for public buildings such as toilets, mosques, hospitals, clinics, kiosks, cafes,
stalls, garages, baths, and vice versa unless the owner obtains a written permit from the municipality or the
secretariat. Its decision as to the validity of the purpose required and a permit to do so is authorized only after
making changes and reforms that make it valid for use.

( E) No temporary or permanent construction may be established in these areas without the express written
permission of the Building Authority, taking into account the restrictions it deems appropriate and any
building approved without the statutory license shall be demolished and the expenses shall be paid by the
person who erected it or caused its construction, Consistent with the buildings erected from that area and
does not harm the interest nor the interest of the neighbors will allow the survival of the building with the
owner of the building pays a quarter of the value of that construction as a sanction and is done by the
Building Committee.

21 .The transfer of buildings from property to land and to property owners who want to be divided into lots
intended for sale or use in a situation other than the situation that they should have reviewed by the
municipality shall be justified by a special request accompanied by the map that the owner wishes to dispose
of, Taking the necessary measures in accordance with the provisions of the specific articles of this Law.

22 .It may be amended by the Department to amend the maps already organized and ratified after the
approval of the Supreme Auditor.

23 .The current streets will remain in their present state unless the Municipality is called upon to expand
them within the planned design of the town map, provided that these newly opened streets do not exceed the
following frequencies:

Main streets are not less than 15 meters.

The secondary streets are not less than 8 meters to 12 meters.

The alleys are not less than 4 meters to 6 meters.

Chapter 3: Building Line Provisions

24 .Building Line Provisions:

( A) The Building Authority may establish a construction line of an area not exceeding fifteen meters from
the regulation line, provided that the placement of such a line shall not preclude the construction of buildings
suitable for the status of the area.

( B) Where the construction line is placed in any residential area, no buildings other than the separation wall
shall be erected after that line.

( C) Where any such construction line is placed on any street or part of the area street, shops and markets,
no buildings shall be erected except for the bows and barges after that line. Such arches and pavements shall
not be erected without the permission of the Building Authority. Such permission shall specify the materials
from which such arches and rails are constructed and may establish conditions for the filing of the design of
the map and the method of construction as the Buildings Authority deems appropriate to the extent of the
buildings covered by that area, provided that the public has the right to pass under these arches and drains.

25 .The Secretariat of the Capital and Municipalities shall put names for the main and secondary streets,
taking into account historical events and incidents. No person may damage, remove or defame that name,
and whoever dares to do so shall be liable to a monetary penalty of 25 piaster's or one day's imprisonment.

26 .The Municipality of the capital and the municipalities must give each house or shop on a private street or
alley in a structured manner so that its sequence ends within it and it can write this tiger on pieces of tin on
one model and then put it in a prominent place on the role or shops, Of the owners for one time when
collecting the prescribed fees. The owners may not refrain from paying, and no person may damage, remove
or distort this tiger, and if he refuses to pay, he shall be warned first and then he shall double the price of the
tigers. Whoever damages or removes or maims the tigers shall be rewarded. With a fine of ten piaster's.

27 .No temporary or permanent building may be erected on the areas specified in paragraph (6) except in
accordance with the rules in line with the land sections designated by the system, noting the following:

( A) In the interest of the Authority and after the approval of the High Commissioner of Building Authority,
the application of any article of this chapter in whole or in part, if it turns out that the application has
difficulty or damage or risks or expenses.

( B) This section shall not be included in the buildings constructed by the Government unless it is not
within the approved map of the supreme authorities. In such case, the public interest shall be applied after
obtaining the supreme approval.

( C) No temporary or permanent construction may be established in the areas referred to in paragraph (a)
(b) of Article (27) except with the permission of the Building Authority.

28 .No housing may be built on any piece of building land within any new area unless the following
conditions are met:

( A) The area of the plot shall not be less than (175) square cubits as determined by the Building Authority
for the area of the town or any part thereof, with the highest approval for the area allocated for the buildings.

( B) The size of the front of the peace shall not be displayed on any street less than one-third of the length
of the piece measured lengthwise on that street and shall by no means be less than nine meters or twelve
cubits longitudinal.
( C) The conditions set out in paragraph (a) of this article shall not apply to any piece of the area of shops
and markets if it is not used as a room or a building for a human dwelling. However, the mayors of
municipalities may, after the supreme approvals, publish a local order specifying the minimum area, The
plots in the premises of the shops and markets and the proportion of what is built of these pieces.

( D) The Building Authority shall not adhere to all or part of the conditions set out in paragraph (1) of this
article in the case of a privately owned piece of land that did not fulfill the above conditions when the said
regulations were enacted. The said authority is convinced that it is not easy or reasonable to ask the owner
The piece must obtain another land to complete the conditions or sell a piece to the owner of the massacres.
In this case, the area on which the buildings are not to be less than half the area of the piece.

29 .The following shall be applied to the assignment of building lands or the construction of walls:

( A) The Building Authority shall declare that each owner of a piece of land built within the area of the
town shall erect a wall within its legal limits within a certain period not exceeding six months from the date
of the declaration.

( B) The owner of any piece of construction shall, when declared by the Building Authority, designate his
land with a wall or wall within the limits of his legal ownership not exceeding four arms and a thickness of
not less than half a arm during the period specified in paragraph (a.)

( C) The owners of property in which walls or walls are to be erected around this system or walls or
perimeter to be demolished and returned to review the municipal department to obtain the proper planning
with the official license before starting work and anyone who violates the provisions of paragraph (a) The
period of one month shall be extended to a daily fine of ten Saudi Pounds. In the event that he fails to do so
during the period, he shall be imprisoned as much as a fine of one day from twenty five piaster's and
whoever contravenes the provisions of paragraph (c) of this Article shall be entitled To demolish the building
and be redesigned according to the plan or find the owner of one hundred piaster's Woody or four days of

30 .Any building or part of it that has become desolate and uninhabitable, and in its condition, such damage
to neighboring buildings, and to residents and passers-by, a decision shall be taken by the Secretariat or
Municipal Authority. The Building Authority and the Building Authority shall thereafter declare the owner
of that building An appropriate period shall be set for him in the declaration itself and the owner of the
building or his representative shall implement the requirements of the advertisement within the specified
period immediately.

31 -The buildings that are in danger of collapse and which force the Secretariat or the municipalities to warn
their people to undermine some or all of them according to the requirements of the previous article, it should
be noted as follows:

( A) If the owner of the building is the property of a single person who has not been able to implement the
decision of the secretariat as called for by the interest of the demolition of the building of some or both must
be assigned by the jurisdiction and if the failure to verify the inability of the municipality to carry out the
demolition of its fund to return the money spent on the king The amount deducted from the ruins of the
building shall be deducted from the ruins of the building, such as wood or stone or the like, provided that the
owner of the king declares this with his assignment to attend the sale, which shall be in the public auction
through it by the Shaykh al-Hajara and Shaykh al-Dalalain.

( B) If the owner of the building is the property of several persons involved in the property and they refuse
to implement the decision of the secretariat in the demolition, they are assigned to do so by the competent
authority. If it is verified by the competent authorities, some are pleased and the rest of the others are pleased
to allow the demolition to be carried out. Which must be sold as described in the preceding paragraph and
that the municipality shall do the same as stated in the same paragraph.

( C) If the building is a private, joint, charitable or public endowment, it shall follow one of the following

- 1 either endowment glasses will cost the demolition if it has the endowment was the one or the type of
stay in the family and in the absence of yield for the building of the suspended type of the municipality to do
so from its fund in the name of the public interest that the insurance of these expenses of the item specified in
Budget in the name of extraordinary expenses.

-2 If the building is in return for one of the charitable institutions, the parties will have to carry out the
demolition, and if they do not have a specific destination or have no destination to secure the amount
required for this purpose, the Directorate of Public Endowments shall take the following item in the
following paragraph:

-3 If the waqf is a year which is not known to a specific party and was linked to the Directorate of Public
Endowments and has no source of payment or yield, the Directorate of Public Endowments shall enforce the
decision taken on the demolition of such places, Extraordinary Expenses) If this type of stay is not bound by
the Waqf Administration and has no restriction in its records, the Municipality shall carry out the demolition
in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of this Article.
Chapter Four: Construction of buildings on the land of construction

32 .Before starting any building he wishes to establish, each person shall submit to the Municipality an
official petition according to the form attached and the petition shall be accompanied by the planned building
fee, except for what was required by the Municipality to remove it or to reform it in the name of the public

33 -The license for the person submitting the petition referred to in the previous article shall be given in any
building application by the Municipality. The license shall be valid for the duration of the licensed
construction process and shall be noted before giving the license the following:

( A) Investigation of the ownership of the building to be constructed or repaired as well as the land.

( B) Apply the face of the map to the location of the license areas, noting the water cycle by its own

( C) Note what may be prohibited by virtue of the specific provisions of these Regulations.

( D) Stabilize the conditions of partnership in the construction of different types and take the consent of

34 .Any dispute between the owners and the authority of the buildings when the actions were taken by the
specific articles of this system are considered by the municipality and after a decision is taken on the
different subject by the administrative council and the municipal council when necessary inform the owner
and in case of objecting to the decision The decision shall be filed with the objection to the High Court,
provided that the objection period shall not exceed ten days from the date of notification thereof.

35 .Any construction or renovation beyond the limit of the license granted by the municipality on the basis of
the sizes and construction conditions presented, the owner of the building shall declare in writing the
violation of the order and shall be required to remove the violation within a period determined by the
building authority not exceeding ten days. It is permissible for her to return to what is paid in this way to the
owner of the infringing king. This is considered a punishment for his violation.

36 .Upon the completion of any building approved by the Municipality according to its assets, the Building
Authority shall be concerned by the owner of the King and the Building Authority shall carry out the
fundamental disclosure and apply what he has been authorized to do. Otherwise, he shall be liable to a
monetary penalty of fifty piaster's or two days' imprisonment.
Chapter V: in Builders: Architects Engineers and Contractors

Construction is the person who meets the following conditions:

-1 A Saudi citizen must be registered with the Department of Manpower. Non-Saudi builders who do not
exist in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia may be employed by them.

- 2 To have obtained the certificate of senior experts from among his crafts certified by the President attests
to the competence in his work and his teachers.

.3 The license applicant shall then pay the prescribed fee in accordance with the specific provisions of this
Law and shall receive the statutory license which shall be considered and enforced during the course of
practicing the profession. He shall declare that this construction is not entitled to be the head of construction

38 .A civil architect shall be deemed to be a civil architect when he is a Saudi who is pregnant with a sense
of his registration in the circle of souls and has the following conditions:

( A) He has spent practicing this profession in a practical manner for at least ten years from the date of his
license to practice this profession after the issuance of this Law, noting that persons who have previously
practiced this profession in the past are satisfied with the application of the preceding Article.

( B) be able to instructions issued by the municipality from time to time with regard to the degree of
responsibility of architects within the scope of their work licensed to them by the application.

( C) It shall be tested in practice by the Building Authority and in the presence of the Technical Engineer,
with the participation of two senior professionals.

( D) After the procedures mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, a decision shall be taken by the inspecting
body to be a department for establishing its official license and carrying the certificate of civil architects,
which must be duly organized by the Municipality Department and authorized to be the head of construction
work. Local architects who do not exist in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia may be employed by their
respective representatives

39 .The following conditions are required for licensing technical engineers:

( A) To be a holder of the Saudi Arabian nationality. Technical engineers who do not exist in the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia may be employed by them.

( B) To obtain a certificate recognized engineering school officially show its efficiency and competence

( C) The papers shall be examined in theory and validated by the Building Authority and shared by the
Technical Engineer of the Municipality.

40 . The Engineering Consultant, Architect and Contractor are each financially responsible for any technical
fault caused by them in the work for which they are responsible for performing within their jurisdiction, and
a legal guarantee must be taken for each one of them when authorized and given the permit to work.

41 .Contractors' acceptance of buildings and constructions shall include the following:

( A) be able to present an official certificate in the degree of his financial status, in which case the amount
of his property must be booked to the extent appropriate to the value of the enterprise and a financial
instrument must be submitted in both cases;
( B) Submit a certificate of good conduct in terms of the work done by him.

( C) If the contractor is not a technical engineer, he shall furnish the former conditions of the civil or
technical architects, so that the building authority may approve the technical engineer's participation in the
performance of the assignee and the financial damage resulting from non-application of the contract texts To
the person of the contractor and for this reason the right of recourse to the architect provided in damages
arising from the architectural aspect.

( D) Any disagreement between the owner of the building or between them and the civil architect or
between the owner of the building and the engineer or the contractor and submitted by the architect and
building etc. The matter is studied and investigated by the dispute to the Administrative Council in the
municipalities. If there is no reason to consider the case in the municipal council Unless it is contested by a
human rights case where the chapter is referred to the judiciary and referred to the competent courts.
Chapter Six: Building Provisions

42 .Before building any buildings on any piece of building land, all organic and plant materials must be
removed from the construction site and the land cleared shall be designated by the building authority as
required by the Authority.

43 .No person may carry out any excavation or excavation on any public street, public square or garden
except in accordance with a written permit issued by the Building Authority stating the purpose of the
excavation and the time in which it continues - otherwise, he shall be entitled to a monetary penalty Of fifty
piaster's or two days imprisonment.

44 .Any permit for the replacement or repair of the surface of the land shall require a repair acceptable to the
Building Authority after the expiry of the permit period. If not, the building authority shall carry it out and
obtain its expenses from the person who granted the permit, in addition to his fines, with a monetary penalty
of fifty piaster's or two days imprisonment.

45 .Every place where a fossil has been excavated shall be covered with a cover that prevents pedestrians
from entering it, and a red light from sunset shall be placed on its sunrise. Otherwise, it shall be rewarded
with a monetary penalty of fifty piaster's or two days imprisonment.

46 .fro the Building Authority to issue a permit to use any public street or square or garden public space or
public when they look need for one establishment or alteration or demolition of any building and have to
demand when needed briefing that the user barrier segment or a fence acceptable to notes that do not come
damage to passers - by The fall of some stones and other masonry so it is desirable to be placed a two-meter
barrier and should be lit by the fence or fence with a red lamp from sunset to sunrise and otherwise be
rewarded with a cash penalty of fifty piaster's or jailed for two days with the repetition of the penalty when

47 .When the construction is underway anywhere within the city area must be the use of construction tools
saved so that does not cause them to disable the public or any road, in general, should focus on the walls
during construction (scaffolding) equipped with bars Court increased when the buildings rise ten feet of any
(3.05 m or 4 arms) in the wooden shops and otherwise be rewarded with a cash penalty of fifty piaster's or
jailed for two days.

48 .The owner must architecture upon completion of construction to transfer from the shop and the
surrounding land And all materials and debris and dirt and if he does not do so within seven days from the
date of being notified of that buildings to order the transfer of these things to the shop you see and get the
transportation costs from the owner of architecture with a monetary fine fifty pounds or imprisoned for two

49 .The height of the lower ground in all dwellings shall be at least 30 cm from the level of the adjacent
street or the surrounding land, except as authorized by the Building Authority. In the case of shops, that level
will be determined by the Building Authority.

50 .All buildings should be built (beyond the nest) so that they can eventually load the weight of the
buildings and additional loads safely to withstand atmospheric and terrestrial interactions or the like.

51 .The ceilings shall be so that they shall be as low as and not exceeding the strength of the technical
probability as follows:

¨ If the ceiling is tilted at an angle not exceeding twenty degrees 300 pounds for each square arm.

¨ If the roof is tilted at an angle not more than 40 ° 210 lbs for each square arm.
¨ If the roof is tilted at an angle of more than 40 degrees 240 lbs for each square arm.

52 .The outer walls of the First and Second Class buildings shall be made of stone or mortar or any other
material that is more workable.

53 .Second-tier buildings may be of green brick, , gallows or any more durable material.

54 .Each wall is built from stone burned or milk stone or must be linked to its parts completely (and
gathered on each compilation ) mortar but all the walls with different directions and all the walls of
separation built of these materials or put through completely walls connected and must dip The top of each
wall is tiled and works with moisture or water.

55 .No Jesus worked bulges in any wall facing the street if it is in cornices (hoops) or infrastructure or other
structural motifs that increases the visibility of about 45 centimeters and all the hoops protrusions on the land
of a neighbor Contiguous must be removed when necessary to be able neighbor of If Vulgar still has the
right of review to remove it on the owner's expenses and obtain it as debt.

56 .Each outer wall shall be constructed according to the following tables. In each case, the thickness of the
planned wall shall be the minimum thickness for which the wall should be constructed and the building
authority shall determine whether the bricks or other solid materials to be used in the construction of the wall
are the materials to be considered applicable On tables 1, 2 and 3 or by a decision if the thickness of the wall
is allowed between the population specified in Table 1, 2 and 3.

Table (1)

57 -The thickness of the building wall when it is constructed from a good solid solid brick or a synthetic
mortar built with lime mortar and the cement listed in Table 3 shall be as follows:

- 1 The construction of a single layer of a wall thickness of 23 cm.

- 2 the building, which rises in two layers, the thickness of the wall is the first layer 35 and the second 23

.3 The three-tiered construction shall be the thickness of the wall of the first layer (47) and the second and
the third (35) centimeters.

.4 The four-tiered building shall be the thickness of the wall, the first layer 59, the second 47, the third and
the fourth (35) cm.

If it is built above a height of 4 layers, the thickness of the four upper layers such as the above-mentioned
brick and the thickness of the lower layers below it shall be increased by 12 cm for each layer increased or
strengthened as the building authority deems necessary. If the thickness of the wall is increased in the first
layer The ratio shall be taken into account after that. The thickness of a section of the walls shall not be less
than 35 cm, except for the upper layer which is the surface layer.

Table (2)

The thickness of the walls of the buildings built of stone and local wood (Noura Baladi) are as follows:

The construction is one layer high 40 centimeters.

The two-tier building is the first layer 45 and the second 40 cm.

The three-tier building is the first 55 and the second 45 and the third 40 centimeters.
The four-tier building is the first 70, the second 55, the third 45 and the fourth 40 centimeters.

If it is built above a four-layer height, the thickness of each of the four upper layers, such as the above-
mentioned structure, and the thickness of all the bottom layers, shall be increased by 15 cm for each layer
increased or strengthened otherwise as the Building Authority deems necessary.

Table (3)

The thickness of the walls of buildings built of cement pieces Khurasan (piece) cement mortar made the
following certified by the authority of the buildings to be as follows- :

One-story buildings are 20 centimeters long and the buildings are two-story high. The first layer is 30 cm
long and the second is 20 cm long. The buildings above the height of the two sides must be strengthened in a
way that the building authority considers necessary.

Table (4)

The thickness of the walls of buildings constructed from mud or unburned bricks shall be as follows:

Buildings with a single height of 37 cm.

Buildings with a height of two layers, the first layer 50 and the second 37 cm.

For the purposes of Tables 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, the height of the 25, 4 or 3/2/5 strands should be
approximate, and according to the requirements of Table 4 of this article, the height of the layer 25 and 3 m
or about 1/3/4 of the architectural arm From the floor to the floor or from the floor to the roof beams and the
thickness of any top layer, the thickness of the layer or the bottom layers shall be increased proportionately.

However, if the height of the one-layer building or the walls of the second layer of the two-layer structure
exceeds 3.80 meters and about five arms, the thickness should be increased to 35 cm.

However, the thickness of the above-mentioned increase may be restricted to skewers that are distributed
proportionately, and their width shall be equal to one quarter of the walls.

59 -Any wall or part of it that does not exceed 35 cm thick and whose length is outside the different direction
wall or from the cross-wall or the separation to the second wall more than nine meters must be increased or
reinforced by pillars or pillars at a distance of nine meters and the wall that holds the ceiling at a distance
More than 8 meters must increase the thickness or strengthen on 2/1/4 as it progresses and otherwise, the
municipality of the parts and take the expenses of it double.

60 .If any outlet or entrance is opened in the wall of any layer, and the amount of its extension is more than
half the surface of the wall, as well as if it works or leaves openings or entrances and its extension is of
layers or more, the wall between these openings shall be strengthened with sufficient supports, A case of
what is mentioned is found in the area or angle at the junction of any two streets. The building shall be
attached to it or 90 meters away from it.

61 .The dimensions of internal and intersecting walls that are not ground floor timber carriers may be less
than the dimensions of the outer walls as agreed by the building authority.

62 .Where any of the main interior walls exist or are based on iron columns or simple tunnels, the building
authority may request that these beams and columns be placed with a fireproofing position completely with a
layer of cement, whitewash or any other fire- protective material with a thickness of two Centimeters at least.

63 .The ceiling sticks should each one be enough reclined in the terminal and be tight until the situation
completely bear the weight is distributed on the wall by race or block or otherwise called here Bordet.
The cusp of the wood shall have a depth of 2/1/1 of the opening of the hole and covered with protection
against damage and soil worm at the request of the Building Authority.

64 .The Building Authority may request that all wood columns be adequately protected from termite damage
or earthworm as deemed appropriate and accessible to the public.

64 .A work may be declared on a road or a path that is at least six feet wide and at least six cubits high above
the surface of the passageway. When the supervisor is standing on a pedestal on the sides of the wall, At
least 2 1/2 meters above the walkway surface.

66 .All points shall be in terms of durability, coordination, organization and integrity in a manner consistent
with the authority of the buildings under the Regulations.

67 .Stalls and sheds that work in adjacent houses should be separated by at least three arms, and if there is a
dispute among their owners, each of them should move away from the other one and a half cubits.

68 .If a person builds a house or wants to prominently in a kiosk or a sidewalk and encounters an old house
adjacent to his house, he must maintain the delay under article 67, provided that the distance between them is
from the opening of the old house adjacent to his house.

69 .The declaration of the events of Rosh hen should not be justified in a new construction on a street or a
public alley unless the area of the is less than half the area of the facade in which it is to be operated . The
extent of the appearance of the varies according to the street capacity, One meter and must take into account
the need for a vacuum between this Rush and met him in front of him with at least four arms.

70 -If a kiosk or a supervisor of an old building has fallen and whose height is less than five cubits, it shall,
upon renewal, maintain the height specified in the advanced materials.

71 .Kherjat located on the line of integrity must be on the following lines- :

( A) The side of the door shall be no more than three carats.

( B) The column hall and its stone chair shall be no more than four carats.

( C) There shall be no more than four carats in the net or iron bar.

( D) The facades of the glass for shops and private property Balchaababak and be in the shops for comment
no more than six carats while gutters rain shall be increased by widening the street, according to the
requirements of conditions and must be in buildings newly created to replace Gutters piped up to the surface
of the Earth.

72 .Gas lamps and similar objects attached to the walls of the roads should be at the height of five arms and
their visibility on the road shall be one and a half cubits.

73 .The doors of shops shall be considered to be open from the inside, and there is no objection to making
them from the outside with special hinges, so that the sum of the folds of the shutter shall not exceed six
cubits from outside the two sides of the shop,
Chapter 7: Ventilation - Light - Water cycle. Flue, Power cable

74 .Each room used for housing must have a window or windows that are not less than a tenth the area of the
floor without its appearance. These windows must be suitable for air passage and lighting in a manner
consistent with the sanitary rules, with the regulation of the water cycle and the sanitary conditions.

75 .In the event that more than one building is built in the marshes, the buildings must be organized for each
other so that the passage of air and air in the buildings is used for adequate housing in a manner that meets
the sanitary conditions.

76 .Public doors shall have multiple doors and exits as far as the need for at least two spaced apart and their
internal ladders (if there are ladders) connected to these doors and exits, provided that the width of the door,
exit or ladder connected to it is not less than two meters For every twenty persons who are likely to pass.

77 .If two persons participate in the ownership of a white land or in its favor and one of them wishes to
construct a new building thereon, each of them shall leave at least one and a half cubits of land. The
utilization of the total distance of the deceased shall be a common right of both parties.

78 .All stoves, stoves and gas turbines must be equipped with special flues or pipes for the transport of
smoke and other ignition effects outside the building. Such pipe or chimney should not be placed in any new
or existing building unless the chimney pipe height is more than one meter from the length of the building
adjacent to his building with which this pipe is otherwise recompensed sanction Nfda of fifteen pounds or
imprisoned for two days with a mandate to do so.

79 .All power cables passing by or near the works of art must be fully maintained by a special non-
conductive pipe or by any other means, which will prevent them from being in danger. This is determined by
the building authority under the system. Otherwise, it is punishable by a penalty of fifty piasters or a prison
sentence For two days with his mandate to do so.

80 .This situation does not permit Amrarha or suspended in any way on the buildings and dwellings
belonging to the nation - exception of the role that extends to the power supply to light with the technical
note should be the way.

81 .The owner of the king or his substitute or had a relationship with electricity to remove or repair or renew
or complete lack of D or electrical wiring mode when or declaration declares its authority by buildings and
otherwise rewarded with a monetary sanction of fifty pounds or imprisonment For two days with his
mandate to do so.

82 .does not justify the establishment of any building special was or years without believes updated water
cycle and health conditions so relate Qsbadtha to BFH house housing cover nets and each toilet window
(energy) overlooking the street permeated the air and his throne shall be equipped or siphon and be It has an
air outlet (pipe) to the top of the house and is covered with wire netting and shall be mounted on the public
sewer or on a special warehouse applicable to the technical roads indicated by the Building Authority.

83 .The floor of the toilet (bathroom, bathroom, kitchen) must be cemented and a cement layer shall be
applied to the inner walls of the water cycle and at least one meter high.

84 .In modern areas, no toilet should be drilled less than 20 meters from any well or drinking water. The
depth of these dug-out latrines should not be less than seven meters (9) cubits, nor should it be drilled in any
place where it is likely to extend. Up to three meters from the surface of the water in the ground, and
otherwise be rewarded with a cash penalty of fifty or two days imprisonment with the mandate to do so.

85 .Jesus did not place any substance or body insoluble in watercourses to impede the progress of its course.
86 .must be available to all water used in watercourses outside of housing by pipes or sewers paved with
textured non-filtration works with warehouses (Pardes) As indicated by the building authority and otherwise
recompensed sanction cash of fifty pounds or imprisonment for two days with a mandate to conduct that.

87 .The pipes shall be connected and interconnected, and the construction shall be made of pipes outside the
outer wall in such a way as to allow air to pass through it if necessary. The outer part of the pipes may be
replaced by an open channel of the building with a sufficiently sloping slope, For access and nomination.

88 .The Building Authority shall instruct the owner of the King or his representative to repair any faults in
the waterways that violate the sanitary conditions of the building and to take all means to discharge the
wastewater and to dry the swamp from it in any case. Otherwise, he shall be rewarded with a cash penalty of
twenty five Or a one-day prison sentence.

89 .Jesus did not place drinking water pipes adjacent to the wastewater pipes.

90 .The excavation of the disinfection shall be sufficiently limited and constructed in a manner to be satisfied
by the authority of the buildings.

91 .It shall be deemed appropriate for the discharge of rainwater, washing water and any surplus thereof for
homes and animals, as indicated by the Building and Health Authority from the technical and health

92 .Replaces the discharge of water from the current situation Gutters running from the terraces and piped
water to reach the bottom of the building is approximately a quarter of the arm at the most so as arise in
modern buildings in the residential area , and parents that it is possible to apply to old buildings gradually.
Chapter 8: Finding housing areas and building conditions

93 .If new areas of land are to be built in a space free of space, the Buildings Authority must, first of all,
plan, map and divide them into suitable plots and may not be built at all in these areas prior to planning.

94 .If the land to be planned for housing is financial, it must be jointly planned and divided by a financial
representative, although it is a private property.

95 .The person to whom land has been allocated in this area shall be constructed by the buildings in
accordance with the provisions of the Building Authority in accordance with the specific provisions of this

96 .Buildings shall be erected in the places specified by the Building Authority on the piece and if there are
multiple buildings, the establishment of adequate air and ventilation shall be observed in its establishment.

97 .Every room intended for human habitation must be at least 16 meters in size and not less than 20 cubic
meters, or 48 cubits.

98 .Every room intended for human habitation is built of clay or a stronger material. The area of windows
and skylights should not be less than 1/10 of its land area.
Chapter 9: Possible measures to prevent fire and flooding

99 .The Secretariat or the municipalities shall determine the quantity of timber that may be stored within or
in part of the town area provided that near the stores there are fire-fighting equipment when they are
determined by the municipalities.

100 .The use of a quantity of petroleum or gasoline and other inflammable substances, which are
indispensable daily in the town and the municipality to determine the amounts used if necessary.

101 .The storage of flammable and flammable materials in the area of the town is not warranted under any
circumstances. This prohibition includes the storage of shackles, cannons, gunpowder and explosives in the
town within the urban area. In this case, it is justified to permit the necessary storage in places far from the
houses. The modern model, which cannot continue the fire and extended flames to other buildings and this
does not contradict with the provisions of the oil system and the system of weapons and ammunition and
explosives or any system issued by the government of the same.

102 .All private buildings, every commercial building, industrial plant, etc., shall have sufficient outlet to
remove all of them within five minutes when any fire occurs. If there is more than one inhabited house in the
building, there shall be two exit exit points. View Building Authority.

103 .The Municipality and Municipalities shall prevent the setting up of fire in any market area except in
kitchens and in any other shop or premises designated for that purpose within the area of the town.

104 .kitchens, cafes, shops and furnaces blacksmiths and Carwash must be constructed from custody and
iron roofs as it should be their doors and windows armored (Zn) prohibits the use of parking wooden
cabinets in which close to the stove fire.

105 .The events of wooden or tanning boxes are not justified within the area of the urban area and there is no
objection to building them in the residential area of the residents outside the building in the view of the
Building Authority.

106 .Every person found to manage the firefighting movement at the time of the fire, be it a technical officer,
a police officer, an ambulance officer, or an officer in charge of the municipality, shall be charged with the

( A) notify the municipal, ambulance and police departments of the incident and its location and call them
to duty as soon as possible.

( B) the removal of any person who is subjected to or obstructs the conduct of the fire movement.

( C) Close any road or corridor connected to the fire site.

( D) Demolition of any building as far as the spread of fire is prohibited.

( E) Access to any place where the interest is spent by using the pumps or the equivalent of the competent
firefighting equipment in order to bring them to the fire or to bring them closer to it or to take water from a
stream, a vents, a vessel, a well, a tank or any source of water sources, whether private or public. .

( F) Locking of main and subsidiary pipes to provide for the conservation of forces in bringing water and
taking any other means necessary to perform the duty.

107 .If any money saved from the fire action Firefighters or other relevant bodies For their reward (by those
funds saved in the case of failure to agree on such remuneration must be determined by a mixed body) of the
municipal police and the judge urgent.
108 .In the case of danger to human life , health or money and exposure to fire, flood or heavy rain, and any
other sudden accident, whether directly or indirectly, shops, municipalities, employees, policemen,
ambulance or any administrative or judicial officer Any person who is present before him and around him or
near the scene of the accident shall be immediately requested by the persons. He shall also request the
assistance of any official or charitable service in connection with the subject. Any official responsible for
these matters shall fail to perform the duty in this manner. His salary and the second time doubles in the
second The it expelled from the job.
Chapter 10: In health precautions.

109 .The Building and Health Authority shall designate within their jurisdiction for each building the
construction of a residential facility. The safest way to ensure such construction is the need for light and air
in the event that the owner of the building fails to do so in the submitted map.

110 .The Secretariat or the municipalities, in consultation with the health authority, must determine the
amounts of any building.

111 .Every resident or owner of land in the area of the town must maintain hygiene and take into account the
rules of health around the land and buildings from the water and other things which is the return of
ownership or use of it , streets, alleys, squares and squares.

112 .No person shall be subjected to any excuses or other excuses from any of the windows of his home or to
any alley, market, street, public square, public square, garden, space or waterway, even in a land owned by
him within the municipal area. Or liquid fluids or bones, except in the subjects prepared by the municipality
of that area within the validity of the contrary and be rewarded with a fine of fifty pounds or two days.

113 .The Secretariat or the municipalities must transfer the carcasses of animals and excrements to specific
places prepared for incineration outside the urban areas as soon as possible.

If the sanitary condition worsens due to the tyranny of a toilet, a quagmire, a tank or a cleansing pipe, and
this is due to the tenant being assigned the necessary cleaning and endorsement, if not because of the tenant,
the landlord is charged with all this and the building authority shall specify the time to do so. By taking it
and taking the value from it twice.

115 .Health Authority to request the municipalities to prevent the use of any water that Modern years or a
special check for public health and harm the municipality booked this resource and not allow the
introduction of it at all as long as the damage persists and dares to Alskie him rewarded with a cash sanction
of fifty pounds.

116 .No justification for anyone to dig wells for use of our charitable work only with the permission of the
buildings authority noting the technical method that should be left in the folded well and encircle it with to
the required technical and health conditions of the conditions make the wellhead is inviolable and Kharma is
a quagmire and otherwise Is entitled to a cash penalty of fifty piaster's or two days' imprisonment with the
application of the system in the reconstruction.

117 .The Building and Health Authority shall declare in writing the owner of the King to clear any well that
verifies that its water is harmful to health within a period specified in the declaration and not to be used until
the damage has been removed and the mooring has been completed. If the well is referred to as a charitable
institution or a stop, then it shall do so. Otherwise, in the town after the said period, it shall carry out the
necessary fund in the name of the public interest.

118 .The health authority shall control the tanks and public baths, including the ponds, within its validity so
as to ensure that they are always protected against any damage that threatens or threatens public health. The
Building Authority shall not authorize the construction of a new building of this kind unless the sanitary and
technical conditions are met.

119 .The residents of the buildings in the town area to implement all what they were required to do health
precautions and technical means to prevent mosquito breeding and not to leave their lands belonging to them
water grouped or ponds or tables leaves water where without change every day at least once, taking into
account the system To do so.
120 .The health authority shall control the wells. And all the sewers and floods technically and health to
prevent hatching mosquitoes (mosquito) and the dangers of their relatives what is necessary.

Chapter Eleven: In the license ticket

121 .Any person wishing to construct or renovate a shop after taking the license and paying the prescribed
fee shall be entitled to do so under the license granted to him in accordance with the articles of this Law.

122 .An offender who is fined for five days to pay the fine.

123 .Any penalty imposed in respect of a fine or imprisonment shall resort to imprisonment only if the fine is
not paid after the end of the warning.

124 .The Capital and Municipalities Secretariat and the Building Authority shall apply the provisions of this
Law and they shall be responsible for any shortcoming or delay in its enforcement.

125 .Any person who obtains the building permit whose provisions are set forth in the Articles of this Law in
Chapter 4 thereof cannot be prevented from continuing the licensed construction except by a judicial
decision of the Shari'a Court in matters of ownership.

126 .The justification for the municipality to consider the dispute or conflict , which is located between a
person licensed to and between another person asked for his arrest for construction whether the dispute
administratively and her that the hand of the licensee stopped temporarily until being investigated in
situations where offset obtained and conflict, the resulting investigation That the dispute is administrative
and is separated by the Building Authority under the specific articles of this system and the right of objection
reserved for the parties to the dispute with the Municipal Council and his decision on the subject is final and

127 .The period of provisional detention under the preceding article shall not exceed fifteen days. In case of
exceeding the period specified above, the provisions of Article 125 of this Law shall apply.

128 .Each foot building on the establishment Outreach before obtaining the official license by the
municipality and the payment of the prescribed fees is limited to the responsibility that comes with:

( A) The owner of the King shall be entitled in the event that he submits the building without a license by
doubling the fee for the first time and doubling the penalty at the time of repetition.

( B) involved construction in the punishment and whether the king took the license on its assets but the
construction exceeded the license limit both the building and the owner of the King monetary fine not less
than fifty pounds or imprisonment for two days to the landlord Rahua as to fall ill from this fine on the

129 .Any violation of any provision of this Law does not specify a penalty system of its own. The Secretariat
of the Municipality and municipalities in the annexes shall determine the necessary penalty and shall issue an
order from the Office of the Procuratorate in the capital and the administrative judges in the annexes.

130 .All penalties specified in this Regulation shall be implemented only after a decision has been taken by
the Secretariat of the Capital and Municipalities in the annexes.
Chapter XII: In construction and restoration fees

131 .The construction of a single layer on each architectural arm shall be taken on the ground floor of a
Saudi shark, and the construction shall be increased from one layer at all to the upper part of the layer by the
amount of land on which the building is built.

132 .The construction of shops, furnaces, cafes, and mills shall be carried out on each architectural arm of a
square of two Saudi trees in proportion to the land on which the building is based.

133 .If a building is to be constructed at the height of the shops, furnaces, cafes, and mills, the surface of the
shops shall be regarded as the surface of the land and a fee shall be taken against it as provided for in the
preceding article.

134 .If a wall is demolished and I want to return it to shops, cafes, ovens or mills, each square arm shall be
taken from a floor area of half a Saudi shark to twopence for the importance of the placement of the piece.

135 .Alrouachin fees Scopus and detailed tanks and baths based on the unit where the base follows the
following- :

( A) If the Roshan, which is made in any layer of the house did not exceed the length of the front and one
arm is excluded from the fee and if it is increased on each arm twenty pounds Saudi.

( B) The points are taken on each arm of twenty Saudi pounds.

( C) Bathrooms and tanks Each square arm of a full floor area shall take five Saudi piasters.

136 .taken each square on the two Saudi arm of the entire floor area of the surface of shops, cafes, ovens,
mills, baths, and factories that want to use the condition that takes place on the surface of each curtain ( the
eaves) enough.

137 .A Saudi shark shall be taken on each architectural arm of the total area of the ponds to be constructed
inside or outside the floor, as well as waterways that are outside the boundaries of the building.

138 .A Saudi shark shall be taken on each arm on the walls that are constructed to identify the mowers and
ruins, as well as the walls that the building authority requires to establish a piece of land within the area of
the town pending its construction.

139 .Each arm shall be taken from the entire floor area of the factory buildings, such as the ice plant and the
flour mill, and the equivalent of ten Saudi piaster's.

140 .taken on each square arm of the entire floor area of funds wooden newly created half a penny a Saudi
also taken each arm of the total length of the walls half penny Saudi and taken to upgrade on each square
arm of the shops and cafes penny Saudis.

141 .Each stove (or jack) or food boiler, as well as stoves of different types, shall be taken by 20 Saudi
piaster's. On each arm of the entire floor area of the brick factories, the wood and the pottery shall be taken
three Saudi piaster's.

142 .Each prominent fund that is established on the high of the shops shall be taken by 15 Saudi Pounds.

143 .Every well-owned property that is created shall be taken for a private non-charitable interest of fifty
Saudi piaster's.
Restoration fees

144 .The drawing in the restoration shall be on the longitudinal arm as follows:

( A) From one arm to 49 cubits, ten Saudi piaster's shall be taken.

( B) From 50 cubits to 99 cubits, fifteen Saudi piaster's shall be taken.

( C) From 100 arm to above taking thirty Pounds Saudi.

145 .The repair fee for shops, cafes, ovens, mills, bathrooms, caves and factories shall be as follows:

From one arm to twenty- nine cubits, 15 Saudi piaster's are taken and from thirty cubits up, thirty piaster's
are taken.

146 .The restoration of each stove, food boiler or factory shall be taken at the rate of fifteen Saudi piaster's.

147 .The fee shall be taken for the restoration of the work of the shelves and cabinets operating in the shops
according to the arm provided for in the article.

142 .The drawing is taken on the restoration Lanai s outstanding surface by shops.

149 .Restoration of wooden houses is required Purification as follows:

( A) from one arm to one of ten cubits taken fifteen pounds Saudis.

( B) from one arm to one of ten cubits taken thirty pounds Saudis.

150 .The restoration of the stores shall be taken from one arm to forty-nine cubits, ten Saudi piaster's, fifty
cubits to ninety-nine cubits, fifteen Saudi piaster's, and one hundred to more than thirty Saudi piaster's.

151 .The restoration of the owned wells, which was dug for personal benefit, is not to be taken as charity.
Chapter 13: Drawing Scouts

152 .The collection of the examination fee follows the following rule:

( A) The fees for the estimation of the construction expenses shall be taken from 10 piasters to 50 piasters.

( B) Construction reports shall be taken from 20 piaster's to 50 piaster's

( C) The statements relating to the deductions shall be taken from 10 to 50 Saudi piaster's.

Chapter Fourteen: General Provisions

153 .Each shop shall be renewed after it has been completely demolished and it is to be returned as it was a
construction fee.

154 .If a wall is demolished on one side of the outer house completely destroyed and wanted to be rebuilt, as
was the fee for the establishment of half a Saudi shark on each flat arm, which would hit the height in height.

155 .All that works inside or outside the house or shop or repair their problems Klfez and restoration of the
butcher Baaj, repair windows, stairs, ceilings, toilets, water streams and the like with the survival of the eye
position of the building is in a clique

156 .The construction license shall be valid until construction is completed within the license as referred to
in Article 33.

157 .The repair license shall be valid for a period of six months from the date of its issuance by the
Chapter Fifteen: Duty-Free Places

158 .Duty-free places are:

( A) Government centers.

( B) Mosques, lattices, and other charitable endowments.

( C) Public and private scientific schools and charitable wells.

( D) places and private buildings into blue, and like-minded charities.

( E) Charitable hospitals and every project intended for charity.

159 .This is effective The system from the date of its ratification and publication.

160 .The Secretariat of the Capital and Municipalities shall apply the provisions of this Law.

(Amendments to Articles 21 and 23 of the Road and Building Regulations) was stated in the Council of
Ministers Resolution 1270 of 12/11/1992

Decides the following:

The following rules shall be followed in the implementation of Articles 21 and 23 of the Building

First: Article 21

(A) The land may be converted into space, planted or built into dedicated plots May be built on them by
dividing them technically according to the provisions of the following paragraphs. It is not permissible to sell
divided part or designated parts of the said lands until after the said division.

(B) The owner of the land wishing to divide the land for the purpose referred to above shall apply to the
municipality located at the headquarters of the jurisdiction of the land accompanied by the draft scheme of
division and the draft plan shall be reviewed by the Town Planning Office or any other competent authority
appointed by the Minister of the Interior, The scheme shall be valid only after being reviewed by the said
authority and approved by the Minister of Interior.

(C) The partition plan shall be consistent with and consistent with the general organizational chart of the
town and the provisions of the road and building regulations, and if the land is outside the municipal
planning scheme. Linking it and coordinating with it as much as possible and apply to the planned land
municipal systems.

(D) In the scheme of division, the streets and roads shall be consistent with the adjacent streets and roads and
shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 of the Road and Building Regulations.

(E) The owner of the land shall not be compensated for the allocation of his land subject to division, which
shall be deducted from it when dividing streets, roads, parks and public squares if the allocation of 33% of
the total area of the land is not divided and compensates for more than or The allocation for land service is
required and the competent municipality shall be compensated by the estimated price per square meter of the
land before its division.

(F) The owner shall be compensated for the allocation of his land when it is divided into mosques and state
property such as schools, hospitals, public markets and police stations at the estimated price per square meter
of land before their division. The administrative authority shall pay the compensation for the land allocated
for its use.

(G) The Shari'a Courts and the Notaries may not document the transfer of ownership of an assigned piece of
land subject to the provisions of this Article except by an approved scheme in accordance with the preceding
provisions indicating the location, boundaries and area of the piece.

(C) The executive procedures for all phases of the partition process shall be determined by a decision of the
Minister of Interior.

(I) The Deputy Minister of the Interior and the person delegated by the Minister of the Interior or his Deputy
shall have the powers previously prescribed by the Minister of the Interior.

(J) A decision by the Minister of the Interior may exclude an area or areas from the application of the
provisions of this article or some of them.

Second: Article 2

(A) The current streets in the cities shall remain in their present state unless the interest requires expansion or
correction of the warp or implementation of the design adopted in the organizational chart of the town. The
streets that are newly opened or designee shall not be less than:

)15( meters to the main streets.

)12( meters of secondary streets in large cities.

)10( meters for secondary streets in small cities.

)6( meters of subways and alleys in large cities.

)5( meters of subways and alleys in small cities.

Subways and alleyways specialize in pedestrian corridors.

(B) In determining the breadth of streets and roads, the local situation of each town and its location shall be
considered Development, population density, traffic and all planning and organizing requirements.

(C) The Minister of the Interior shall be a competent authority in determining the breadth of streets and roads
and shall delegate such jurisdiction to those he deems appropriate in accordance with the provisions of the

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