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oe 1am PAE 3 maa a to mea 2 a een ios Bem su 4387 4 ae vaste gin cs tea Aden si 98 wal Outcome BC Aal718o siehxeARhe BE FAbE ABS HeGD Belts ISHS ve WE 7pestchat OPA Dale, Le} ale nea af BE Polska sghAL welt tel Wh ABA A dole UF VIS BS ae = AS Goh. o] WAS Feo} Pelzo} SAS Biol ee aby, Overview oa me Fat 1, ABo) ah aS ole + ae, 2 Rae 3.43108 BA 4 $ g x # 2 ig 4, Mazel ANCES B+ ale. 1.2 BS 19] English Korean square root Age square number gable absolute value ae iational numbers 2 non-recurring decimal wie real number ae radical sgn ABS 718 radicand ABE 718 091 At rodical ABS like radical radicand7} BE ABE rationalizing #29) $25)
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ARO} wes S01 BsHOKe, | F Falsol te wy Falee, @) Ba1F91 BB ola, Pe Atte] 1a, gn ay 13-3 8h FA aa 2 SAISON LEMKE Bet sade Fo] We Aeqelte Falge olFola Uh, 4, SE ab Hala] 2b a a geet, aed 28 F214 Fol ye Us sued Fal oof] af zh, @D0ABCA| Wor} 20)z, OAS) dolis Bole, © F401 0012, Ylgo] AY VEIT A, OPS} OQe: A191 WAIELS OAS} Be jee V29} -/2o dssh: ABS Ap P, Qoleh ee 9] Bal OFM 12 Grit 1 ramp 6 +129} 1- 2a SAE BS BS + ale, — } | SOU east umoe oft Axis} gate | | HER Folo%el, AE AAA SONA Wate whey BE ASE fad 2914 dl dsb de 1 92150] doe viawe as} Be wus 2 Ado] A718 HIRE FM, 4, FA 8 OF HehHse @, 2eReL sae APE alo Ms Fe | Se, FAG ay tO alo, 1 abo 0eld, o> boleh, 2, a-beoelt, a= bole, 3, a-beoole, axboleh, ———————— | { fxample7 fey O18! 91 2} WS ularaloat, trercise 2 _ (1) 212 ai, Ja—2F & zeke! stotet, (2) Of WEA CIROHE TRS 291 ahs = ator, Answers en O) dev eSeayWeve ey Bs eober 25 | aei2s el ce 17He| 2471 B+ ale | j 7 ———es wm 14 2B7} SO] YE mr 14-4 HBSS] Selah aay HES) BAS + HBB Bl BAL vax JI x= /DXSIE OV A ARE a Aes (2x 8) =x x 2 Bx Bx Hola #4 alseol (V2 x mR VE x 30] 2x39] 2 PH Se, ela 2X3 2 Vix (3= 391% Mazel gel wal 050, 62032 vax 2x38 VG, 7 9) Ao] He] Example 8 O18 488 avbo] Be ep Veo Ba ule7 Dols, OAS) Aol a¥Bol OA) E18 a, Ty 2z O49} ep, 2ol ARSE ASL zp 4 Sag 04 12 Ble SSE Be HS Uh | 12m ofel xia} ches | | Wy eimate Bey ae 892 Wl ase] ae vingiel aah de awe. iat + ale. 3, Faia LE of, LEROY GA euebo ack ot Pit sore sore 42} Me ulnsloie, =a) B UE! shot BEOHS HG 29 SF peed Weve Berweres = 17398) 2474 3 Sle 1.4 287} SO ME Aol AE wr Meo FE + HBBO Bl WAL Vax 6 = ab x= (GUS AA SIU + US 20 aeite) BIA shee op, (v2 x V3) = V2 x V3 x2 x V3 = VOX VE x VS x V9 =2 x36 MV BF YK (\Zx V3) =2x39}7] wage} 2x30] 2x39] ABB S HL M4 ach, WIR (IH zo} Te, Tae BD x B= IRBoleh, mazaaclwal 450, 6508 4, fax =Jaxb + ab =|a¥ 2x3 (23, 7B] AE SA 9) 80] sia] So, [ound | | panic | | 98 458 ob 9 ae eno, | verse 3 Oe $88 Jao] Be Uipoat SB 0M, bao, Answers (1) N32 F3 = as 1 @w 0 = 1000 wo PH 4.4791, ofeh $2] Basse = Pe, Answers : 1520 = (ta =0447 (2) \5B= 42 = 5.64 220-894 mezo US a fa oe + EBS UH 2 B Paseea sawn aa age BA Bouts s1o4 stalatel, “Ze Fe) ga aBzeI 2 oh aaa G 9} eh, azole iat 250, 620% 4, +828 gelaisite we of ML, #81 ado) 49 SOU SS ale fe Paras eenar Janes 9 at F 7p wea 82 Bore as} o] & Rake Biel ech, TAALpl ees Adae Hos EN 08 e Beem da + asc. o] 9s we: ‘aistetan ee gedae 030.0203, oi | exardse 5 ofan >HEsIoFe, Answers () 21a Otel FOla! eS] MER Felstelore, | Bove yoo-' Answers i $01 Aol @ ahae) Aaaal BES w Hh, BES Ae ol clatel elo} gE wah, “of OS Gelato dia | sages aut esa use acs pein | | orcs neaea sanua. ae we Am BS BOE Helse 20] ele Ue, saint AE a Ime og a 47F Bal S| sat AeoR ATS SMI wae ta, B+ VD = Va 2h AN AE, Te aap eu we ole gee Aol Be) VEE 201M, VI AA Larder, shea a & ato] Bich, AMY, V+ 7 JE oo) ah Ae ofA TSS csi a + Ue? 8 ote Ata | F749) ata ego ad CaBPESy DEFCD7t US sh, SH Boe, ODA BA Pole dete? * CABFE=4.7, DEFCD: @DABCDE| aM woke HRV? | s0Apep=a43W7=17 BeDR ATT = TT oleh. 98 718 Gol St OS Moke ABS like radicals2h @kch, of So} 4V7 ike radicals, lke radicals el3}}up 471 sats eens eee, WBE EHF: (e+ b)emace be shave [ sxanpie 10 | OS alee! Ae Zeté] stoiet, Pr a nerve 7 cre HBB ANS ZES| ake Answers 7 113-1340 a be 3 a 2) \S4-2V28 +6236 ABER oi we ABZES de ll da ofA SE9] AE iad el 1.2.1 SAGE FS Ae Uo] se a1 AOL SL Sea SHES 24 Ft aelo] ol, JID) ae ae Bel Gs 2g wate Ho} a 1 eh, FATAL 1499fch fxerie 8 Answers e512 12) 1269 =100 1.2 1 (3) 00145 = CHAPTERFanud. wre ge Fok 2] vstseteh eta a aae og ta «| | sash a 0 Subh age ta, Lm) ae, teh aah 2 BR Aol gata = Wet Lal4olo, wap 2 IMA, JEEA a 28 day + 1g 4 299] 4a DABFES} FM, BAH Belofe, >ke welt? DEFCD=37 A Mole aoa? pres Bo] Tab Te ike radicals a}-14 47] Baad. Woh = ABS denactbe + ate! stoi, matnemanis iN ENGISA wD eH ¥ aes exercise 7 OB MBao| Ne Ziel slot Answers BBV 1B 5 -~vB= 27H +6 = 16-46 +16 =0 ny MBBEE eit wef ABSES Ae Wl AA olof7 ia wt, of 9] 21 ad ol 1.2, 1.3, L47F Seb SASS RE 7B U9] 225-8 Yeah, a An al Wal Gol Sle RES FE 1S a SAVES Ach Wal Ao Sfolt i AE Sol, MITA BS 31 a 13g E DE ah 28 SNE Hol wae et | oleh a, obo E+ GIO] VISTI EE | Lupold, fxercee 8 fet AIBZS| BNR PsIOFe, Answers (1) 126 51.122 2) 12500: ; 1 ona = ® 4 Ser aan aac oe ao gaa © peace 34 aaciae aise paca ea 2a eal a8 22 Nae o1n| 21274 Outcome WISE AGz Actuate 2E ua ol ade Mae HPS AG we ga Aloe AUPueE WS GT ae. of a seal sie ofa Se of 88d, Overview 0] ES ME FI: 1, 1B) KB oleh + ae 2, ES) LPR BAS ANB + ae 3. Sea BAS esol AAD eas & Fale. 2.2 MBS O19 Engl Korean facie eibeaaic factor ae common factor Bele in cescnding power waieos, perfect square expression AH coefficient ae | 461 at, ol asian adalat @ aay Woe eet UM. ba dBA Gote, ( aepsretS9] Wolo] Be} (9) AY) east 9) OVE 343, AAG cleat Mole Ue | i | _| on 43s1PM Mathematics in English 26144 HL FS BNCHENS WHA UA Ao, AS FA oo] cats] Foe UE a, BU PASS Ho} epehT aah] | se deweebt te, Activity Time® $4 hep HIS Ml > 33, eioaat Ps5et6 es) wk i example 1 i CRA (e-1y0242)91 Spm BOHR, } Al mat mb’, 22h BL wal BS mass FF ad S mobs op) @ 4 ch, Tas FAST ah, i matmb=mxa+mxb me BECP, $F 7h9| Holo] BLES al a, opal SAG BEIGE BE WOE wh + oleh, smatmb=m(a+b) { cxamote2 3 | cae wemmaioe, | | L xerse 1 i SS elpaeieiol i Answers 23-2 Qe BA ” 420+ a’—2ab+b'2] ISH 437 (DAA AAZHS) ole a'e2ab-eHo}2, 2 WS} aol: (aso TREE 04+ 20b+ b= (a+b, 19h wee, @-2abs t= (a~by, mo xample 3 Chae clewststo‘el | 1 BUMS 21571 Fal OF AVE Wl Cla ‘Bniyio} B71? Answers ()2x3x5=20 @ras9 a9] S16 a 89) HEMEES wovt oa UR Se YEH seh. eet OF Ds] 2eHo 2 B78, 1 SVS Azo] sto} HS BABE + BIG &, Mele (a+(e~H} th Dee a? b= (a+b)(a—b), | Example " cles dlsetateioty exerae 3 leis 8 Sole, Answers 9.82.42 Dab 24 (atb)e+abS] 216 0 29] ANH] Molt *+ar+br+ab =r (atb)rtab hz, ABS} ABS] Dole 22h (era), (e#b)olch, Te (rtay(n+b)0)eh, ST Apts bolt Hae APE OSH $70, 18829 AES Gxample 5 Cae ele etejor rece Ugg leeetetor Answers ap aca*+(ad+be)x+bd9] 9 ALARHHD] Sols acs'+ = co +c c)atbd 013) 29} ARE A (are b), ( B ocrt(adtbe)r+bd=(a example 6 Ugg etestelot svorise 5 Cee ep eeatéloNaa 2ab-+b'9} olf 2} WOlt a!+2ab+b°0]m1, 2} pele. + oy =(a+b). lsh veh, « ovat, P1938 oF xI7F Wt Zot o “& Welt at0*el ajAhzba 4. del OF D9] Sago BE AAR] slo} Woe F, WAlE (a+by(a~5)0) *=(a+b\(a-b), rove 59] eles Wolke rtartbr+ab 1m, 7HBS} BSI Zoje «0 Mathematics in English @ e#s1 812 Ae (x40), (a+b) och, TIVE 2s (atb)e tab=(e+ay(a+b)2}eh, BE #2) APE ot bo1D, BEE abore APA AEE EASA ESS] a SFU, TAH 29] AGO} oo ea, [eames verse Cee elpeatsiofe Answers (ye Flamys32y=(erdyiez+8y) 2) p'-2p9-249'=(9+4)(9~6q) ace'+(ad+be)x+bd2] 25H HAAS Molt ace+ ade bart bd = acx"+(ad+bcyzbd O12, 6] AAR2} 7 29} MBE Be Cart), (cot D914. 2 aca'+ (ad +be)a+ hd (ax-+ b)(ex+d)9lCh example 6 ] CBS elpwaHsto‘e, | vere 5 Be elowatstoiet, Answers (1) 123°=232-5 (2) 72°=192y+10 + 14-9) 12 Sy)a~2y) 2.4 48S 14a us 2.471 Chee Oeeeai a @ gies) 518 «a Sat deol Ge VHS US oh oe of Gita) -2G'4z) 417 22 AF, Be USS adsl | Gee 1s ae ealetch, algho] al-eehe ©] a4 deh vere 6 cige eloteatstoiel, Answers ()att=A (atb-2\a4b+5)-18 =(A-2(A45)-18=A%43A-28 (a b-(a4b47) =(A-41A47) 0)2243=A, y 222+3)-9(2243)(y-5)—Sly-5) =2A°—9AB -SB'=(2A+B)(A~5B) (222+3)+(y-9)} (2x43) -Sy-5)) dee yt )Or-Sy +28) Q)Pe3reA (at 1)e42\(043)- 15 = (0 ayer 43242)-15 =A(A42) “IS=A'42A-15 S(AHSA-3) =F E45)(BEA3) (4) 243y=a P4Op—dr—12y +6ry-22 +614 9y!42~12y~32 (c¥3y)'—A(a43y)-32 =A 4A-32=(A-BN AH) =(e43y-B)leHy+4) ORAS 8 BAN CHET UIRRIOR aoe cA] 47) Tol ola] SS} OP we HE 7A US MW, o] CHAS BH VEOH Het BAKE Oo cpa] weleich, Mee SuSES We idee.verse 7 eipustatoiet Answers (1) 24 y'-Day-2ye tae P—dayt der ty Dye 2y-2)ervly-22) ~yN(a-y+22) ) 2 by By 6r4 2p 16 Pony Gr 3y'42y-1 Py +6)2+ By 8Ny-2) ~ Ayr 9)a-W: sr 24-2 stashO IB 20088134 zo] MAF 2H AAI af, SHE BAAS ARSKE Aol Belstch, ob ols Ba tebe, cxerse 8 2 -y=(e+yil2- we ABA, 1-34S-749-1PS ASIC, Answers 1-345 PP = 0-3 DHE NSA H9-1DOHID (4+ 12420)=—72 20102008-2009%2007& *14}1i2 ©] Ba SS7] al BG Bg met Resck tad 31a 32 MEE 09) 33 ona 39-1 oat 2 a 39-2 oto} ones 98 341 Bal ava we 4-2 olnaatso| ae 2H 31271 “se Outcome OAS AERA AF ol geet. 1S $91 3S Az aa Sa Gh Fo) vito] B7) 2 AR ARES OPRAAS AR BEE ue. o} SeNA olAbes g haat Feue weL a old. Overview oleae Me Fo 1, olahg-Ba}a Hl SIO1S ofapet 4 eh 2, opNaae B+ at 3. oMeasg ott wae Bas EF 3.2 MBS fF] “ English Korean quadratic equation ova) solution agee nomial gol Sa perfect square expression e141) quad Forts Bol 4 discriminant aw sn equal oot a ——— 4 3.3 1ANIAAl am 3.341 OR EERALD = Mathematics in English 22] Be oa sel ne He de age. ol gal St MOL they 2, BRS SE aloteh, sol att 21 Vee a20g 4 ars Hoe oleae & 7 th frame 1 fake A t7lO Lap: tec 1 otxtelg4f01 S171 2 ol onaste GAP aa tet, Uae ao awa sample 2 21g #8 7S verse 2 vy BAO] AE Rot rT2 RE O18 laa 1801 ere 198 21 bo a lB os Be eh, Bo] visto B27] PARIS Abel Pat PAPAS ALS UN 8 ole. 4 stole oleae + ale ale. a0 ae ws B+ a Korean on eee ‘gel 7ial A a 2934 ww # a6 oo” ”» Mathematics in Engish @ s¢44 9! 212 3.3 84) 33-1 OlkHESAIZ oat Mathematics in English 2°] 404] ar-+b= ae 24 shel AS le VaR FE US Mah ol ELS Fah Sele at Boh hol ofa} 2, APS Has ovaaAL & HS Aoleh. cof BA oLapyaisjo] ABA 21 BAS a408 , a2"+brve= oleh. VE oe ovale 5 9 le de S87 Alt. Pomme ] | ofato| al 271otat olmiSIAI Storat. Opytay401 S17] 9184 09] 2S Answer as3 0) OANA G PSAP aE AAS ax eh WE Wall ate aaletel fo] Agee example 2 12 82 ile BBE ot a7} BE (-2,~1,0,1,2591 BLL a, OLR MO) SHE Store, Answer o 2 let eS ae, 33-2 olghaato] Bo] SISEeEHOH O/B O/RHSAS] #0] Ea 20] OAS UAH BS wae. AS Go} 243042E (24+ 9} Tol Hh OPA B71 AI SRS ABT 4 SUC MOF ax'+he-e= 08) AMI0} QP ‘ee, of 41418 the zero product property, B+ oleh, Zero Post Property Ash A Re AGATA (= 1K0+3)=08 Bora | answer | The zero product propenyol th, | | wor @- D243) Answers (28 8e= 3043 2'+Sr-320 Orie 2e-1=0 or 43) aE, 2 e43V2-3) aa: AZ olPE aso] GAT SS peel | sje 2S shat valet, olgial ztelay. Abad | opMPEa9| Be 5 Aolae 1 Bol Ae | ged sey7b ale, 0] 28 -Solebst teh, WOO U2 SAMI Wie OS Bol oh, ‘Poets eee Saat] SoH Bob eet, 7 orOxeyINO] BAL EVI Pel KS Blot a Answers mere" Q)2-6y=0 36=4he8 sim MES OBE O18fe410) BO a40o|z, HPAI] a(etby'= o3t BE a 6] olapyaAle B71 set aietol ale eeenge a Ah GEL latte Gol ABTS ABA Ro] ol al, mes Boia, verse 5 Bole, Answers yersy'=2 a4S=N21 ra54\21 O)2~6r~ 65-94 182 2°-6249=041 2 3.4 O]ANPAALS] SPB sw 3.41 9] Bast BREA 33014 QA Es ARES AHA Olah AAS Bet oA) 7a artbrtc=O8 MABAOS WEE SPS A oluith ange] AE FS Me BAS HSH F Sch. 91 BAS BO} Bovey ah 24] 0,8, 7AAGOIR, aA 09 A, 1A 1) ie: ae 2h ae WO 291 F418 8S ote wa le AHO et —— | vamp 6 aritbcte=0% QEMBMOR SE BIE | | sa Bol Bue gEaiotet t | Answer lanes ree ez det, Suis ae, | Je auc vet eae den, let 29 BAIA BE tol We A b—dack az'+br+.c=09] Bole eh, 0] ONE ao] waste Zo] ee date det #36 oe 2) aPtbe+e=08 BS. b Wet D> ool, laps) eae 74, Bor D=o01e, ola} e Wet D<00}9, o1ahBAI: sample 7 opiate] 22 oy, answer (2) <0, Zo] giet fess 6 OlstareIAlo] 2S soley. Answers aye. Wy D<0. 319 8, Som 3.4-2 ORAS] F cxample 8 Aveo] Bale] ZO 24882) ZoIrt tome HO|B SIOKe, 7HB7F AL Be, Answer 2seo 2 hh wfoha) MES ae anh siebitals Mele ola heh 7 fe Hea 7 awag 71zaa aaBog UE Se AaF UE BS B48 29) Bole ee, 209 Mh, 914804 te state, BU mote ENS 71S k analog gee 28 ‘ssi0te, 2 MeL ME AL bdact: ‘wolet teh, | olga APE AVE oA Mathematics in English @ WA 312 # ale. 7) | | egsie moo) gol g2aoie, 01 Ba oS 2 AF | | = ase Fetoe ax'+brt-c=08 420%, v—aack Data | | | Answer 8 D>oele, oleate] F 9 AZ GE YRS AEE woke Ob, 229 7a, nin42)=624 m42n-624=0 eto} D=021G, lta ol SAR 7H BED =001%, olAPPa Aol SAS 7H (n-24)(n426) =0 eer D
UES] eRe Aaloly, 1B71E 3, yada 201, Aa ee ola alae abou, aaa 449 aileg Usha? onal Seer? fe Activity Times $814} go}, 69] eg AY 1 9] wehsg AG Mole 2, Babel GAMER alate 3, asioto] a= a9] Aste of, aheateto| ade eae, $12] Activity Times} HE ++ SLE, 14H 2) Tale] BS BEAM, A] aAzSHe| FehS oS He auehis ES Bede, vl hele Walt, Et r<0U G Barely, 20 Udy, Sel, ol BENS BEA 0.0.8 H7E alas aos aleeaolet 2 APS | oot Aa)=02 Mh, BZA eetoret. (1) 2459 i, yak Feo, @) ye49 7ST BE gh Aehoe} ser a> 08 Uh y=ax'9} Tat yao] TALE 88%, aaj ea, 229] ARE HS BO] #4 HR yo2s' yake BE y=2°9) vite] aioleh, 1A22 yore 9} a AE (, yar") yO) 2H WS asta} aa + ae Exercise 3 y-#21 TAB Asia 82a 9) aay 009 W, y=ar* TAZE He Bel 7, O Be 0, OS Abt, HA Dea [al 2) Zo} AMES pS PHA, 28% ABO: g@)=22°7t ySOl 7A 7H Usp Al] AS $4 De cate! wished get vatol ‘ieletel 7b a7] bezel. a< 08 a, y=az'2) Tapa <0 oral y=2"9} q2S 1a ex. RS SAE > UROL 29) yak BA y=2"9) yalsh ARR] a 187 he oleh, alee ya-z'9| ARE (7, -w=2'9] ADS dasa We eae, > 229] a} <0, yaar") BIE: (2 B8etD), BIO, 08 Et a2 Rol AGA | Be ySel piste a a7 2ARS HE AAs Ate g@)=-2e7t yA 7 y=-2'} y=z'e] 20H 2 sls, QbALe@ y= ar'sh aA aver, yeas'(aeoe| te 1 SABE Wa 0.001, 2. ASS yHee= Ole. 3. ano a, BBHA1 98g che Ba) a<0% Mf, 28H] ofa (lz 88) 4 Le)7} ASS, 27 y 5. year's} y=nor't x8 q Bryer xerie 5 FBS y=ar'(ar0)9} 32h fet, Answer doh yoar?e) THE ys woe y 27+ 9 pens? FTA va aA cl doh, 6ze 1S Ae Ws, a 1 EG aE Jal) gor API, 22 TBO ee Htc, hua A Fate) Wel He Bll sheer vel ep BR elo), y=] 2 BS Sa Ee WE A yee'9] yah aatate| soe, LaBe y=-2"2) 2) EYE aaaiol 3a AGSIO} y=-2e"9| AI Mathematics in English @ 2 32 0<08 4, y=ar'9} 2aIte oe Bal slat G1E BFAD), VAO, 8 ANE Eth od 4B Qo} lal7} AVS A Be ySl aRe As Se Woh AE o7} TAZS| HE AAT, LEH To Ae g@)=-207 v9 7A HOD, Jel y=-2°9h y=a'o] xo] Sle AIYS SMe, Le y=as"9} y=-ar"t 244 9} 8A alc, ne ne year'(axoyo} a 1, FAIS A ©, Kb 2, HSE yAe=O)Rh, 3, 0004, EBH°] $12 Hel ae, ore #5) <0 M, FEAo] ob 2 St Gaze 4.lal7t D4, ete gol bse 5. year'sh yn-on' 8 eI, BDF 27 2h Ho) YA, pata & arr eeol, rercse 5 AWE y=ar'(o*0)9) AIO, aR Heh of), Answer a7} G, 9B AOR, fata) a9] ah Sole, yrax"+ 42) Th ep ymar's] TALS ys WOR Ey BolSAE yaar" gS oleh, y=z'sh 742, % AES Mesto] eel Goh a 8 toh, =2428] ye year's) yao HS A ABE $ U.S, eet yaa) TAS yk eee whe Sele y-w'+29) Az att BO 8ee1F2 le weHPIa, TAs] Oy 6 108 #41 Bea. jmaz'+q(aa0)2| ef Lo] 2m yaar pS Heh A Vl Ba 304 a. 2, alae EE: (, 9°18. 3. ASS ySe=0)0}h exercise 6 2 ako] CIA BBS PsHoKe, Answers () AAS: 9%, HB 0,2) (2) HH: 9%, HALA. 1 y=a(e—p)*9| eH Wet yaar'e] TARE 2 YROR pYT AD MOLEAt yaoce-pye] Me, ahah yeh HR WMS FER S Lovot Het, y Sh y=(o-2)' F IAMS WAleho| Bale} got HOA Me] Pry Uo yar'9) Jang 24 Wooe eRe IE VPOLE AIG y= Ce-2y'o] a. y= (sp) (a40)9} 208 19) TAME yaar" pe POR mae ad Oe 4 a. 2, SHS) ALE Cp, OIE, 3. WARS 2-4, sxercse 7 fel 2 etm} leat BAIS psHOKe, Answer yaa: @ dae: BAA: (1,0) , ALA 3,0) 7verse 8 ofa BUS Small TARE sot Ly=Gn's 24 YH2 AoA] TA BE ao, 2.6) WARS 208 4828 BHAA a Answer y=G2 4 9=-G0!" y=-G(r42))'=-9(242)" 15> y=ale—p)'+ 2) Jah ESR yoolr—p)'+ 49] TAME ofA a UGA? y=a(e-p)'9t y= are G2] DAE eS WS BHA oletgHel y= alee 9 9) WANS sels A Ae) BA} BE oh Hh ook she alolelal ia] ebAGaHoFa SES/AHE BH AGH: Bole. 3, Vat B22 Ag + UH Kole, AE Bo agoped, y=(e-279} B® y=2"9) 294 (8-292 aS aust) Abe + ae, Tela y=G-2"+3 9] yRE y= (2-27 2 yA IS BAA WF Slob, TAM DORE yay’ S 23 UE 28 DHE BA HBA o] Ta y= (2° Sys WeeR IE aeged, Tee =(2-27+39] BIBS 2,91, PISS a=201eh, (=p) 4g (a40}9} Tee 1, o| 243 yor HRB SE PE, AZ Bohs BHlSshel Fes A, 2, Ralalel ABEL (p, 99TH. 3, ARE repels Sample H y=2x'9] JAE Ogsiol, v=2Ar-3)'+59] | akEg ee exerdse 9 fel Bi+9] IE ara SIS Zetojet Answers () 3840.7), Agee yaaa CS 1D, aaa =~ terse 10 28% Bol sate y--278 5, v8 YOR BUOIBSIOI aa 4 Ue, 1 BEE patra, Answers (yy=-2e47y41 Qyy=2e-43 4.4 labo] AWAY asea 07 oP HIS] JAAS Te) seh ey L47t yrar'ebreed} Bol FAS a, 149 & AS oho Veh. o] WEIS REGAL yralenp)'+ 98 VAR FE 201 BH. AS Sl, ola2] Salas ctopy7l Hall ya2'+42-39) TARE ESOS SHPO} we, OF y=Weviy-SE HAs GASS AA aoe wel ach, Sale C1, -9elt Ee yBRe 3, Det o] TAME a7} HHO|B SOS HRs LES aol Tats Bele ay, ————— AAES yrar'+be tool 4 401 Bala! 5 = ae hold, Ee, a7} 92 $304 ole 28 BEAD, [== B91 2 401 Hale, a. Answers a Laeset6= er (y= hbarssee6e Le ale: SALA (5, vee (Oy ye-ae 41 13=—3 Bala 222 | salha.-p | exerane 12 yaar'sbe+cOl F013 0} a>} (0, 10} ILE 1 -H9 BSW, 4, 5, 091 | yeau—1r—4 = 0-4 | ene y=-ou-14 sor 4.4~2 O|AtBIEO SIE Mathematics in English 2: Ae Beta alas = oh gushed a2talolal 2 7ry wel Beh] HON" 6a SAO] AEE Telok HARE 2 », #aa ed WHE yas 2, va AR 4 UCL 2 2 Rast AE” Iph of y=az"+bate <7 3 22h] fal eet ey fol 2a a, ao] dol BES REVS JE MRE Zhe] Bch 20] S308 Soha] ah TILE ZEYOR vbpo} se Salas dae alg RAMS C1, 1D EA o] tehatts 07} 0} - 28% AB aes AS es) aa 9 yaa(e—p)'+42 HE Mathematics in English @ stat 51 eh AER yaar" ber co} F0)KE Mo OLA} aes] Bade C Be a. He Hele, ER WARE c2, 09 yO7 ge $A oa BSB Smo) Bye diated. vere 11 gol 2 ASO] cial, SAI yews =F year+ bet 20] OFC i 0] akED} (, 1OVE NILE, BAKO} (1,92) 2B Wo, 5 21 8 PatOF, i Answers a(z-1)4 sor 4,4-2 O1RtBIS2| SIGRzt=H SIAZt Mathematics in English 2°] 48) @l2}4}4¢91 Mt ARV ARLE Sal ateha] gst Uh, hush Aakehola| alae ee atehs 2P8 20) MBI] MAO) AE Bol fe) 242012, AIA] = {22525198 WHF We. ol AFL AL HS 2=-2U oho) gel OL, aaskere 2-1 nfs] Bel Soret, 8] aa7t B7tgI#er71 Bol 271 HE AIS a, y7h ARE 7A alehe SEE fein? ole AE Sabet GESHV7 aeh, hse SAH Vea 2 UE Beale, Qa, 4 ESO gas Aza Ly, a a He 2<0U of, WASH, Aelaay DS AN ARE SRG MEG, es a od, ARGS real ol ME Aah yl y20}S4 et, Oho} aTAaLS ses} 1S Short get. stuyshel g7t epwreRS. alo] $718}7] oleh. Olah Worl eof Bette] Hz Usa a BAO # + YK) o} BEE B7FSHT Sade ayaa adeeb) Aa, ol Be ob IS 710} Aol AALS BS alate the alate 7a Bed, [enna | | ofa aso) seer ce stewie zoi0i@, | | Answers | | 29 ag gsoie8, 24s oa | | -ggein, 2-10 M, aet-78 7a. | | @ 29 Abt gos, Tae sie # | Sein, sau, saserree. | 4 Aga ofae BSH UG1E ao} 1D 272d 4 1k of ed, ATE te, ole a 2} pen UME 27181 Bete2 a
om Outcome sek AWE ge ARES y S EAD a Pele alg S148 Ba aS og wate Wet, ol ene 258 ge Rg a ‘Be Mga @ ord, ager ate Overview Veale we Fol 1, Bekah, AR, waza « 2. aah: BAL, aah 2 3, AE, A, Bea) HAL BEM] ate 4 5.2 AES 019 English redian mode measure of dispersion standard deviation stemplots (or tem-and eat plot 5.3 OER Abe 5.3-1 CHEBE age Cage of TAM Bal abel 8 SAL, ESOS 9) CHE Bhaan at Mes) ao} AA Wel dre (e102 25) +25 28, 25014: Sch, BB eal LR = St'+25t(m)S CECH ea} 2 kolo SBMS wa} Az aot AA UHH ARO a 125, + c0-ser S04 125, “ Bb 2 OH 8 SAE a al Aaa, Wel-zel = a a o> 5127 Outcome ote] Pele ASI ERO BF EE 7 USS SE aM Pe, 0] aw a e4 . Adit ARS esi) sais Sola ug olga Ao] Ba aE cael eho} eelobais SA, alah, we ASE 188) ARE aloe wae ig WA a alle Overview ol ade We Fh 1, Bah, Mah, Baa ls + ae 2, AGE BL, ANG, Bae ANNE + ale 3, AEE, EAL, HERA] A olan + seh, 4 BAB} BENDS) de PES a. 5.2 AES 49] English Korean average ae media ut mode alae mean ae measure of dispersion ARE variance Ba standard deviation zea stemplots eo) setae (orstem-and-leaf plot) 5.3 AES AES 1 CHa ee Caste BE AAU alate, cael Sd AM) BES) BPA 9] Saath HAS BO el Jessy: elo] ah ao] GE BS elma oY ay} Ba) Mathematics in English @ 2431 31 et ————SLS BARE, Jessy] 91 2] Aelia] Weal OF 163cmet, oo Be S719} HES) =e = lessy EUG 2089 U AES] AB Lt EAD ach, ED stem and.eaf plotstemplon): 2719) Ea) TAZE aA 10 ote 2 exo) BO Azhalos Bol Fo} ARE EH sis] eet OTA oda Jesey7} oh BA] ao} Hol Age BAe va 194 3b] sa Al SoES wel S art ah HR Ho] Bris} Ug) TAME 7 ARES ae SAS Mol Fie ashy Aho aa 1 ABR wotehe ool aaah ohystel -aatalel siete] eh) 7] elgeleh, sal 28 qEte ole ARS 98 Uepy a BE SMe. Batol: Hel 714) BHA sev AMMO BES ABH Zo] eso}. ‘average’ He Bole MUSK HOY BF areeae ols So] $2, 71S iat th Aaa At we He ol aol ast SPS Fold. Tet AES Ba aS O14 OF AGMA BE EMA Hope] BE ‘average’ 2h jolt, aaies: Bee Aes US al EFS Ue BES ol SIME, LEI ARONA ‘verage' eh: ol Beto Bal Week. ol Bo F 7h We does: sy, owe BRE BAT LOM 7 SAN G01 Bob oleh. aol aa ‘average’ ake Bole ale alee Bee obeto] Bat aBES 209 AY 719] Bae bas} go] A ADE A, S015 Ms AH TSHITS ID 6,9 sor DSW AF medius HA AU HO SUA (median? 269204 URES? ele AREMW SV EASE BS ET, of S84 cetece dam ge amt le 112223444, SSeS eat S + A Hh, shee ate] 72a Sate} eo} oh ele 9} oh Bo} 112223444 59} zo] Agia] aol dew, sate 70) Soho] ge ol setitel aS Ae al shee, AES 209 HIE] 719] SME obeoh Qt. Be) AG Dolse S Hel SORE F822 Uo} BH, @mmmz» Seo] Oo] zip We ASF] AGHTE (12. 15, 21, 40, 62)2h Ao Folateh- Aap, napa] gag PUSH MOE spol g ‘Bae Dolch. wet ee Yo} wo] 6574014] OAS ANG) ASS BE A, West oho] GA aes wa SET? ot Bol eeehole, ) Bast Sat olutet Bol WHS aslo! 3 abi? 2) ADs BA ast Sate Aol et ae Met, ‘averse Ost | Hh ees APS he Oste | eds WAI Te 791 TTA ABS Hale | @ alert | Wo was} Soe AR] Sag | S901 Sia alc, Ee write Your idea | Sa, Bast SVs SAA Saal al Asa | SSS MAG, eh Bat ols AE 27H el ae Bah ve ASS $$ SaaU, oe aE | Bol Alsiel 2lo] 1 a}e] SS qe | AS Sloleich. Salle alelztolet a}se2} ate 7 wel Ue Bela, 1S Sol, ofeho} zo] +2} aato] SLs ah, 111122344 alate oleh meatal ala ae | ae oleh aah azah Sabah 2a ebupeet Oi Wel aeaRe Be ae Hest, Wetl obeHot 2S. CHE 9} aleto] US a, 111222344 ALE 1h Dele, Sse Lah 27} Seto] PPS AS USI ole, Aue AI | aol Melo) He Sat ANS Bore oF | M9) Weteiol aod seit auaes aad, | 20%] Sas] vol Gat aleIZEe fete} Zo] | tesa. asks @7leh YR else 7A Bol 3 Yeh sb Bet 163eleh, 1 | apaat [as atten re wel ete at | or xe 1 API! SIAIOIN SoH] 4574 OH ICH Bia, BE, BIR, WUE Fala Answer gu AIS AOT 433642 0 = 368.8¢krvh) gape S862 Bae MO 5.3-2 SHEE old eel aaalal aH Bat Ft Be NRE 4S. Ich. eet RS B71 HM alas 3 ely oh ARE HAO ie AS Ee SAA F 59] Way Ee Bola 12H ets} REPT A Weel BF eg, RS A GHISS HERS owe} aol 4 aie BANG wanda eh eh abo] “alg aA 9] 49 Gol 44 0°17] oh © Ao] Sjol7} gir] azole HE So] = 49) Alo! a FADS) Azo] 2 Deh 412 ato] gale Behe? Tels Je ASH BeIwes Ge Ue a ie Aas} de 29 AB BL tevae mas seu 1h, EE Wie Your dea i 1844 Ro WA BOR ay Bat oss. REE | Hh Ee 7 7 We deh. ole ds 7h 1 ARS] SAS AERIS AAMAS aylstolet 74329) 42 delet. Bo] $2) deel le a, 1122344 Ure alah al St] a sae eA awe Be AS Hest, wath 29] alate] U8 a, 1222344 4. Syste 13 27} 220] | gold, avlghe eats] 220 BBE aoe a oly Saab UNOS. ede alulate ofeis} zo] | PRS TelZOLA 7H Wo] 3 |163elet, (oda 7138 whol ett a verse 1 MOAR! SIAtOLA Si=2O1 Al HO) Ale 27} ofais} zich 3px, Ae, BUG, Abe ake, Answer ge AB MOT 43364315, 10 = 368.8¢kmh) St BOY 367500) Aylg 349¢mt) oie ao] aalalal BS seta} Gay as} Sst te HAS Fa Be we SHG Uae doleh. 8 7H wel YEE Be M7] Stabe aytahe sobs es ae seh of Aste ERE a, WEES Ut Me AS SH FAC, Sal Se BES) WAH Ee Gola Wold, AES hea) gale BEMAVE seh, Wee] BE AS MATE OOM, Aer A A ASS Aw} Zo) alate, Tey ome} aloha $e aie, oa DB ALE BAK WHS Ah2) ae] wz] of, 49] “HE'S AISHe olf Walsh Ba 9} A494} Go] 007] sho Zh alAtsh Be] ho}7} a7] waeolC, AE Sol F 49] lee] Lew, MN] Beto] BH eke Ae AA 2 ARTS] BALE BoHEA, 371 ale. o} De}ES A AS BS] BALE 22} 0834 56.8 Mathematics in English @ 18 3! feb LS oleh, ashe Ae Be] BES] Veh AS) wee Buco Baoeyel my gee de ea alc, @ aeBA NeRoe WHA, AR Veo] REWAE e 289) Jolepositivey ABI, FS] WAS Yeha Wl, REeApt Sal Sato] As|ES ee Wyo 32 Heed), Fe ABS ae We 2 he dt wis 39 aaeetas BD xan 1 oft SGMERE SEEMS] 1090] BNE | | BIFOF SAOHLY O24 SIS APISHE SF | 172 2 Ba, Bal RENE Peet | answer | Stemi pine a tee ae ew | eviava, _ Obilabs-)91 tb Bae ES tPxCo Bhatt SDP ayes | | ane, Aelabyocei9) ah | zee = 55.065 | Bisa” 10 ojakel SER sfs}olol4 ete! 2011 é BOSS! SHO XI BALE! goRte) SES 9) LOH LEHA UC tar RAs, BER 28 ete, 3Fo} ARS) WAL REMAHE FAhO|eh WED 2d eho] 209 AES! vis} BS 16s.aseleh web 0] ghee BADE Rea} Poke Hol BU ABD + eh, eoese3 4% AIBOUA| REEAIR-} 5001, B01 200 cipickn. aft, ef 21 B47t 205M BRI ot MES Baa BERS BoleII Answer “Thenew mese:=200% 120% =240 “The new standard devi 120% = 60 ‘When all the data are maliplied by the same ‘alu, you need to mally both the mean and the standard deviation bythe same value. In the graph, the distribution is more spreaded out (scattered), Aze Be HEE ZEW}=50% 1208-60 BE Mol Ve WS BAS ast aude 25 de gee BAG, TTI = BE Male eolalC) 120% = 240 vere 4 ‘Bol AIBoIAY HEI} S0OLn, BAO] 200 Olpich, eet 2} 47k 208M BRE ul, BE 2 BEBE 0| visio OBA BES WET Answer ‘The new mean =200+20=220 ‘The new standard deviation = 50 When adding the same value to all the data, the mean also increases by the same value However, the gap between the increased data and the inereased mean stay’s the same, therefore the standard deviation does not change Mg 9B = 200+20=220 ABE HEB? =50 BE YO4 US Uae et a, Bae EO Be Bes Sree, ey 27 wea arith Ba Ala aie Doll REBHE ‘orl ahh @uazzp Exercise Bul olnigt BSS VA Sled 7D DAE AS ALR eet eet a1 4 ovat 63 nina we} 69-1 alta. ol 2 6a uerzaa 220] 88 5 aot BORN mIEINANA Beta] 66-2 SEU HEMMELA BeI0, 6.1274
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