Faizzi Research

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Research proposal


Impact of Resilience on Subjective Well-Being of


Submitted by:

Faiz ur Rehman

Roll.no FA19M3MB002

MBA (4 years)

4th Semester

Submitted to:

Dr. Syed Javed Iqbal

Department of management sciences

Table of contents:

Chapter No. TITLE

1 Introduction
2 Background of studies
3 Problem Statement
4 Objectives of the study
5 The hypothesis of the study
6 Operational and contextual definition of the
7 Resilience
8 Subjective well-being
9 Data collection Method
10 Conclusion


This research will seek to examine the relationship between resilience and subjective
wellbeing. It will begin with a review of the changes in psychological thought that lead to the
development of the paradigm, positive psychology, and an interest in positive constructs such
as resilience and subjective well-being. For investigating the relationship between subjective
wellbeing and resilience we are explored to establish an appropriate foundation and
methodology which was used to collect data in university students.

Background of the study

There are various branches of psychology; traditional psychology and positive

psychology is among them. Traditional psychology emphasis on sufferings and miseries of
people and the dark side of humanity whereas positive psychology emphasize more human
strengths and the positive side of humanity (McGowan et al., 2006). For decades,
chiefly unnoticed positive subjective well-being however human sadness was studied in
intensity. Positive psychology views illness and health in more clear ways. A lot of work has
been done on positive outcomes. Diner in 1984 described that throughout history
measured happiness to be the peak good and the final drive for human deed yet for decades,
psychologists‘chiefly unnoticed positive subjective well-being (Diener, 1984).
The shift towards positive psychology has created a deep interest in positive human
traits and constructs like resilience, social support, optimism, and hope. A lot of questions
that how these constructs are related with each other in both positive and negative. Various
studies concentrate to tackle these issues in detail, their implementation, and their relation to
constructs such as life satisfaction, happiness, and creativity. Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi
(2000) are the founder of Positive Psychology. They strongly affirmed that research needs to

Focus on the positive values of life to acknowledge the importance of positivity in life.
They believe that it is mandatory to concentrate on happiness and what people are doing
well, not specifically what they are doing wrong. Positive psychology research mainly
on these topics on measuring resiliency, positive effect, productivity, satisfaction, social
talent and wisdom; this contrasts with the traditional clinical focus, which is on pathology,
weakness and damage.

Positive psychologists suggest to a clinical psychologist not to use disease model for
prevention. As it prevents illness to occur but not the healing side of mind and body (WHO,
2004). From this point of view, learning about the protective factors of well-being such as
social support, resilience, and understanding in-depth how they support individuals and
societies to flourish becomes essential (Catalano et al., 2002; Greenberg et al., 2001; National
Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2009).
The interesting research in this field is that subjective well-being not only relates with its
finest physical health, more economical wealth, goals, and a group of psychological strengths
but it is preceded and predicts them (Chide & Steptoe, 2008; Gailliot, 2012; Tugade &
Fredrickson, 2004). The people who are in a happy attitude have the advantage over the
people who are in a sad attitude or a disinteresting attitude. Some people name this fact as the
happiness advantage (Achor, 2011).
Pakistan government also takes interest in these researches and these factors can protect
not only the society but also individuals. These findings and clinical implications protect
people from mental health illnesses. And Government can change its policies according to
their desires
(WHO, 2004). In Pakistan, public awareness about subjective well-being has also risen. Print
media and electronic media also showed their best efforts to raise awareness about it. Our
government of Pakistan also builds medical centers for mental well-being. In the World
Happiness Report, Pakistan got the 92nd position. This reported deals with wealth, social and
public welfare (Helliwell et al., 2013).
More such efforts and research needs to take place because the current problem is
that 99% of recommendations and solutions being proposed so far have had to rely on
international findings and data which may or may not apply to the Pakistan and little is

known about the local population. Few research studies are conducted locally and subjective
well-being levels are unknown and so are the unique. Similarly, the study also examines the
role of social support, a known predictor of well-being worldwide, and searches for the
specific local pattern of sources of social support that lead to high levels of subjective
wellbeing. Increasing social support levels and improving relationships is another approach
with very large support of scientific evidence linking it to successful therapy.

Problem statement

The psychological strength of persons to cope with stress and difficulty is resilience. Change
or loss is an unavoidable element of life. Each of them has different degrees of setbacks at
some point. Not only can the results, but long-term psychological resilience effects play a key
part in dealing with such challenges. Deception or failure could cause someone to conduct
themselves unhealthily, destructively, or even dangerous. Several forms of studies exist in
different nations concerning happiness, its prevalence, and maintenance, i.e. the 2016 poll
revealed that despite external shocks such as the post-2007 economic crisis and the 2011
Erdbeben, three countries, in particular Ireland, Iceland and Japan were able to sustain their
happiness levels through social promotion and unity. Although in Pakistan there is no such
attempt so far. The focus of this research, therefore, was on university students' pleasure
under bad conditions and on how they maintain and rejoice at their level of resilience.


1. To assess the relationship of resilience and satisfaction with life among university
2. To examine the relationship between resilience and subjective happiness.
3. To measure the demographic variables that how they affect other variables.

Hypotheses of the study

H1 It will be hypothesized that resilience would significantly correlate with satisfaction with
H2 It will be assumed that resilience would positive relationship with subjective happiness.
H3 There will be a positive relationship between subjective happiness and satisfaction with
H4 Resilience will likely have a significant impact on subjective well-being or not.
H5 It will be anticipated that demographic variables (gender, educational level) would cause
varied effects on the above-said variables.

Contextual and operational definition of variables


Resilience is operationally defined as determining the presence of relationships within

system and the ability to measure these systems to absorb the change of state variables,
variables and parameters and still exist. Resilience
is a personal trait that helps individuals cope with adversity and achieve good adjustment and
development during trying circumstances. It is a trait that inoculates individuals against the
impact of adversity and traumatic events

Subjective well-being

Subjective well-being is commonly operationally defined in the literature as a

single theoretical construct made of several components, namely a cognitive and an

Emotional component. It is also operationally defined as Swb are necessary objective

conditions such as health, comfort, virtue, or Wealth. Frequent day-to-day pleasant emotions
Infrequent unpleasant emotions. Overall life
satisfaction (Diener, 1984). Diener‘s definition of subjective well-being is judging life
positively And feeling good. Thus a person is said to have high subjective well-being if she
or he experiences life satisfaction and frequent joy, and only infrequently experiences
unpleasant emotions such as sadness or anger. Contrariwise, a person is said to have low
[subjective wellbeing] if she or he is dissatisfied with life, experiences little joy and affection,
and frequently feels negative emotions such as anger or anxiety

Data collection method

Participants of this research were selected from different public and private sector higher
learning institute (The Islamia University of Bahawalpur). The age range of participants is
18-29 years. Table 1 presents the demographic information.

Table 1
Frequency Distribution of Overall Sample (N=90)

Male 80(88.9)
Female 10(11.1)

Urban 40(44.4)
Residence Rural 50(55.6)
FSc 38(42.2)

BSc 25(27.8)
M. Sc. 24(26.7)
MPhil 106(25.2)
PhD 1(1.1)

Unmarried 67(74.4)
Marital Status
Married 23(25.6)


Sampling procedures

A sample of 90 participants will be selected to participate in the present study through

convenience sampling technique which is a type of non-probability sampling method. The
sampling will have consisted of male and female students. Participants will be filled will
three different
questionnaires to check the level of resilience, satisfaction with life, and Subjective
The questionnaire took approximately 10 minutes to complete but we don‘t force participants
to complete it in a given time. Demographic questionnaire. It was developed by the
investigators to obtain information
About respondents‘ name, age, gender, class, year, and stream.

Analyses Plan

When data is collected it is now time to convert it into interpretable and readable form. We
analyze data by SPSS. For this purpose; the following statistical techniques are used bivariate
correlations which are used to determine the relationship between two variables in this
research we find the relationship between life satisfaction and subjective happiness,
Regression is used to determine the association between an independent variable and

dependent variable.
Comparisons between groups were assessed using t-tests and one-way ANOVA as


The findings from this study add a wealth of information to the cross-sectional survey
design in the field of SWB, resilience, social support, and positive psychology. The sample is
large, and the measures used will be reliable and specifically chosen. This allowed for
common ground to make comparisons with results of research done internationally and to
build clearer culture-specific knowledge of SWB, resilience, and social support. There will be
a positive correlation between resilience, social support, and SWB. Pakistan is the most
ingratitude nation on earth and that‘s the reason we slip from 81 ranks to 92.

Thank you


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