The Nameless City

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The adventure is set in an ancient desert city and involves exploring ruins and encountering magical and mythical threats.

The setting is an ancient desert city discovered beneath the sands that was once a lush jungle.

The goal is to explore the ruins of the ancient city and uncover its secrets.

The Nameless City

Swords & Wizardry Complete Rules

An Adventure for Character Levels 7-10

by Alphonso Warden

Author: Alphonso Warden
Editor: Matt Finch
Cover Art: John Bingham
Interior Art: John Bingham
background information in order to maintain the
A WORD FROM THE DESIGNER flow of the plot. Such is definitely not the kind of
game I would ever want to participate in, and I
I am greatly pleased that you have purchased this hope that those reading this feel the same way. In
product, which I feel will help fill a void in the role- other words, if you came of gaming age in the late
playing game market. What void you say? Well, I seventies and early eighties or merely wish you
feel that at present there are few adventure had, then you will not be disappointed with this
modules being written that are set in more exotic product.
locales such as ancient Babylon, Egypt, India,
Persia, Greece, or even the imaginary worlds of the The adventure herein, The Nameless City, was
late, great pulp writers H.P. Lovecraft, Clark designed to be run with a minimum of preparation.
Ashton Smith, and Abraham Merritt. Furthermore, even though the adventure is set in
The adventure you are about to read is quite exotic, the imaginary desert milieu of H.P. Lovecraft’s
indeed, and replicates the general feel of the classic short story “The Nameless City,” it can be
fabulous desert romances of such pulp and integrated into the Game Master’s home campaign
Victorian writers as H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Bloch, with little effort. Now with my introduction out of
Robert E. Howard, Sir Richard Burton, and my the way, I invite you to read or skim over the
personal favorite, H. Rider Haggard. However, adventure and get playing posthaste, for worlds
considering the strong fantasy element inherent in undreamed of lurk beneath the ever-shifting sands
“old school” role-playing games, the adventure of the desert.
contains a generous helping of eldritch magic and
mythical beasts sure to strike terror into the most
doughty of players. INTRODUCTION
For those who may be unfamiliar with the term The Nameless City* is an OSRIC and Swords &
“old school” as it applies to adventure design, Wizardry adventure designed for four to six
perhaps a bit of explanation is in order. To this characters of levels 7 through 10. For Swords &
designer, “old school” adventures are action- Wizardry, this version of the module is designed for
oriented dungeon crawls positively brimming with the Core or the Complete Rules. There is a separate
fell monsters, diabolical traps, and clever riddles. version for the Swords & Wizardry: WhiteBox Rules.
They are designed to tax both the brains and sword At least one +1 weapon should be available to the
arms of the player characters. They are not, and I group, and if the thief character class exists in your
can’t emphasize this enough, burdened with ream campaign, the party should be accompanied by at
upon ream of source material and intricate plots least one thief due to the number of traps in the
which reduce players to nothing more than scripted adventure.
actors in the Game Master’s “grand saga.” Apart *This adventure is loosely based on the weird tale
from limiting spontaneity on the part of the player of the same name by the famed early twentieth
characters, these overly story-driven adventures century author H.P. Lovecraft.
tend to burden the Game Master, forcing him or her
to constantly reference the particulars of the

And thus we begin…

The Nameless City
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND The more robust humans enjoyed nothing more
than to lash back at their ages-old nemesis, and
Well over 50,000 years ago, the vast desert – called they led many successful attacks on the
the Dunes of Despair by the nomad tribes that now underground city of the serpent people. During one
call this place home – was a lush tropical jungle such attack, the human forces even penetrated to
bordered on the west by a small sea. In this distant the great palace of the serpent-men nobles, killing
age, a race of vaguely humanoid ophidian almost all save the non-combatant children and
creatures, descended from nothing less than women. However, the puissant magicks of the
dinosaurs, dominated the primitive hunter/gatherer serpent-men mages allowed the race to partially
tribes of humans who shared the jungle with them. recover from the loss of almost its entire ruling class
The latter were regarded by the former as inferior of nobles. The mages spent many months carefully
specimens of life, fit only for use as slaves and food. carving and polishing a magnificent lump of crystal
With time, however, the primitive humans the size of a large boulder. After it had been shaped
developed a civilization of their own, one almost into a perfect sphere of unbelievable smoothness,
rivaling that of their ophidian oppressors. They they channeled thereinto great magical energies.
even went so far as to declare formal war on their Once completed, the sphere was able to generate a
ancient enemies, oftentimes being quite successful field of force manifesting as a ten-foot-thick
in their efforts. However, the elder magicks in horizontal sheet of opaque, weirdly glowing mist –
possession of the serpent people always kept such that entirely canopied the city’s massive hollow in
uprisings to a manageable level. the earth. Being wicked to the core, these mages
And so the situation stood until around 20,000 engineered the layer of mist to act as a poison to the
years ago, when the planet experienced a dramatic humans above. The mages were even able to bind
climate change which, virtually overnight in an elder air elemental to the mist. This elemental
geological time, transformed the once verdant lands was then put under a magical geas to leave the city
of the serpent people and the neighboring humans each and every morning, spilling out of the small
into barren desert. The bodies of the serpent people opening leading to the surface. During these forays,
were unable to withstand the extreme heat and lack it was commanded to work a beguiling weird upon
of moisture on the surface, and they were the minds of the surface humans, pulling them into
eventually forced to seek out the much cooler the city to later be eaten or sacrificed. The elemental
natural caverns beneath the earth. Eventually, they takes the form of a continuous, 20’-wide stream of
abandoned their aboveground city altogether, and purplish mist that extends from the city’s
focused their efforts on building a vast subterranean entrance well over a mile into the
subterranean metropolis. However, underground desert. To this very day, the bound air elemental
life, while preferable to that on the surface, forced continues to lure in anyone foolish enough to
the serpent people to sustain themselves on little approach the centuries-old demesne of the serpent
more than insects and cave fish – such provender people.
being far inferior to that which they were
accustomed: human flesh. As a result, their bodies FOR THE GAME MASTER
began to decay, becoming skeletal and sickly. This
made them much more susceptible to the The former above-ground capital of the serpent
depredations of the humans living aboveground, people, whose name has been lost to mists of time,
whose physiologies were far better adapted to is now almost a total ruin, with only the occasional
desert life than their own. sun-bleached stone poking out from the
omnipresent sand of the desert. The only buildings
still standing are those whose façades dot a low

ridge of cliffs along the eastern edge of the city, pyramids, and a scant few in the Palace of the
which in general resembles those of the ancient city Nobles, still possess the high intelligence of their
of Petra in our world. They extend upwards for 50’ forebears before the fall, and pose a great threat to
or so, jutting out a mere 10’ from the face of the any and all surface dwellers making their way
cliff. Of the five buildings originally built into the down into the city. That being said, the mages and
low cliff, only one remains virtually intact and not clerics holed up in their ancestral homes have little
buried under a mountain of sand. The interiors of interaction with the serpent-people commoners
the other four have totally collapsed, and only the living in their hovels along the outer edges of the
upper 15’ of their exteriors are exposed. city. The mages and clerics only venture out onto
the streets when a threat to the security of their city
Due to an increase of inbreeding and the extreme arises, or when they need to procure victims for
malnutrition brought on from being forced to sacrifices or experiments.
subsist on the meager sustenance provided them by
the flora and fauna of their underground realm, the The serpent-people residing in the Academy of
serpent people today have greatly degraded as a Sorcery have the primary responsibility for
species, both mentally and physically. Most are maintaining the enchanted mist that provides a
now at the same stage of development as the very protective ceiling over their subterranean city.
humans they used to prey on during their cultural Intruders coming in contact with the layer of mist,
height. As such, most serpent people currently whether or not they are under the charm* of the
residing in their ancient city are more often than not elder air elemental bound into the mist, suffer the
covered with unhealthy patches of skin – complete loss of 2d6 hit points and 1d4 points of Strength. A
with bleeding boils and other disgusting lesions, successful saving throw against the poison at -3
possess misshapen limbs and facial features – one prevents such. Characters making their saving
eye larger or lower than the other, missing a horn, throws are assumed to be immune, and needn’t
etc., and are of low intelligence. Apart from the make any further saves on subsequent trips into the
mages and clerics holed up in their massive city (creative expedients such as cloth held over the
pyramids in the middle of the city, all of the non- mouth and nose will reduce damage but will not
classed serpent people found today have been affect the saving throw). A neutralize poison spell
reduced to little more than pack animals, attacking does not return lost hit points, but if it is cast upon
any living things in sight. Their only concern is the a character up to a day before encountering the
procurement of food, up to and including the mist, it will prevent any damage. Any character still
various species of dinosaurs roaming about. Such affected by the poison will suffer an attack of
eating habits are most unusual, for dinosaurs were nausea 20 turns after exposure, becoming helpless
historically revered as sacred creatures by the for 2d6 turns.
ancient serpent people, and were never directly
harmed – let alone eaten – under any circumstances If the PCs wish to rid the surface world of the threat
in the past. that the serpent people still pose, they must, at bare
minimum, neutralize or destroy the massive gem
As alluded to above, during the fall of their great powering the magical mist and then collapse the
civilization most upper-classed serpent people surface entrance to the underground city. It would
sequestered themselves in their massive pyramids, be ideal if they also eliminated most, if not all, of
two of which still stand today almost wholly intact. the magic-users and clerics residing in the city.
These buildings are the Academy of Sorcery and With such removed from the gene pool of the
the Great Fane, the former being the seat of the serpent people, the race as a whole will die off in 50
magic-users in the city and the latter being the years or so. With the death of the serpent people
center of the serpent people’s religion. The other will also come the demise of their god, which
two pyramids in the center of the city, the Great currently resides in a deep pit in the vast, stadium-
Library and the Palace of the Nobles, are now like structure known as the High Altar. The PCs
mostly in ruin, the latter having fared better than need not fight the god directly in order to
the former. Those residing in the two nearly intact successfully complete the adventure. In fact, it is

smart to avoid such direct engagement, as the deity massive serpents, support its roof. A low, darkened
of the wicked serpent people could make short doorway opens onto the interior of the monument.
work of even very high-level characters.
* The charm manifests as a low whistling sound, But what madness is this? From the darkened doorway is
having the same effect as a charm monster spell with now issuing a sinuous ribbon of purplish mist that is
a -3 penalty to the save. heading straight towards you, almost as if it were
imbued with sentience. A low moaning is coming from
INTRODUCING THE ADVENTURE the strange manifestation, which sounds like nothing less
the tortured cry of the damned.
The Game Master can most easily draw the PCs
Upon hearing the sound, all of the PCs must make
into the adventure by having them follow up on
immediate saving throws against the spell, at a -3
rumors heard at a local oasis-town of a great horde
penalty, to resist the magic of the elder elemental
of gold, jewels, and magic items rumored to exist
bound into the purple mist. Those failing their
within the ruins of an ancient city far out in the
saves are affected as the spell charm monster, and
Dunes of Despair. The Nameless City should lie
find themselves unable to do anything other than
several miles away (or the town would likely not
follow the mist as it retreats back into the
exist). The journey to the adventure site can be as
entranceway from whence it came. Any verbal
mundane or as perilous as the Game Master
attempt made by the companions of the charmed
desires. Perhaps the PCs could be beset by a few
PC to force him or her to head in another direction
wandering monsters along the way such as giant
is met by a curt refusal. Attempts at physically
ant lions, earth elementals, evil dervishes, or even
restraining affected PCs result in them violently
such things as sandstorms and patches of the desert
attacking their former companions. Affected PCs
equivalent of quicksand.
are allowed a new save every turn to break the
enchantment; however, they suffer a cumulative
The following describes the area marked A on Map
penalty of -1 to do so. The PCs are also granted a
new saving throw against the spell, without
penalty, as soon as they come in contact with the
After having trekked through the inhospitable Dunes of
poisonous sheet of mist obscuring the subterranean
Despair in search of the magnificent ruins said to exist,
city. Dispel magic instantly breaks the
you finally happen upon the remains of a sizeable
settlement, maybe even a city. Stretching for several
hundred feet in all directions is a chaotic jumble of
cyclopean blocks of basalt and limestone. It is rather
obvious that the sun-bleached stones must be ancient
indeed, for the carvings visible on some have been
weathered to the point of illegibility. Also noteworthy is
the fact that not a single building still stands, or so it
appears until you spot a low ridge of cliffs to the east of
the ruins. The façades of five tall buildings have been
built directly into the side of the cliff, jutting out a mere
10’ from the surface. It is clear that the interiors of these
buildings must extend for several feet directly into the
cliff side. Four of the five buildings are almost entirely
buried in a mountain of sand, with only the upper 15’ of
their exteriors exposed to the elements. The building in
the middle, however, is totally free of sand and stands a
full 50’ tall, barely 20’ lower than the cliff itself. Four
soaring columns, enwrapped by what appear to be

of the natural rock. The arched roof lies only 5’
overhead: negotiating the stairs for will be
extremely uncomfortable. The steps burrow into the
rock for well over 2000’ feet before terminating at
Special Note: Undead creatures in the Nameless area B.
City have existed there for uncounted centuries, far
longer than the undead found in a “normal”
dungeon; their age and ancient malevolence grant B. GRAND MUSEUM
them a certain resistance to being turned. Any
attempt to turn one of these ancient undead has a The stairs finally terminate in a 10’-wide corbelled
10% chance of failure in addition to the normal die hallway that stretches for well over 200’. The area is
roll. bathed in a murky purple light, which emanates from a
much brighter source at its far end. Staggered along both

walls every 10’ or so are oblong, coffin-shaped cases of
age-blackened cedar with glass fronts. Within lie the
mummified forms of what can only be described as a
You find yourselves in a dark, roughly rectangular disgusting cross between a serpent and a man. They are
cavern perhaps 150’ by 100’; your torchlight barely rearing upright like a cobra poised to strike, their bottom
revealing the roof that lies a good 50’ overhead. While halves supported by clawed feet attached to stubby legs.
generally rough, the walls show evidence of artificial From the midsection of the hybrids sprout long arms
smoothing in places. Moreover, they contain traces of ending in clawed, five-fingered hands. What unnerves
pictorial art, heavily faded and flaking streaks of curling you most about the creatures are their horrid visages,
crimson paint. In the center of the chamber stand two which are elongated like that of a crocodile. From their
squat altars rising no more than 2’ off the ground. protuberant foreheads sprout a set of short horns. It is
Carved onto their surfaces are a series of curvilinear, obvious that such creatures were greatly revered in life,
mazelike designs. It is readily apparent that whomever or for even in death they are enrobed in costly silken robes
whatever worshipped here was of extremely short and wear bracelets and necklaces generously laden with
stature, for the height of the altars would be unsuitable gold, lapis lazuli, and rubies. The robes are festooned
even for dwarfs. Barely visible along the opposite wall is with images of the same curvilinear script seen in the
a low, darkened opening that has been cut into the room above. Between each of the glass cases are murals
natural rock. depicting the weird serpent people performing various
daily activities.
When the aboveground capital of the serpent
people was at its zenith, this cavern served as one The hallway continues for 200’ before terminating
of several shrines where worshippers could come to in a massive bronze door engraved with the
pay homage to their god. If the characters use some curvilinear script of the serpent people. The door is
sort of magic to learn about the chamber, they ajar and leads to area C. There are 40 of the glass
might learn that the serpent-people did this by first cases in total, 20 per wall, and an equal number of
sacrificing a human or small animal on one of the murals on the walls.
altars herein. Afterwards, they would partake of The cases hold the mummified remains of the first
vast quantities of hallucinogenic drugs whilst 40 kings of the serpent people, the oldest being well
peering at the spiral patterns on the altars and over 50,000 years old! Each mummy wears between
walls, thereby entering into the trance-like state 400-800gp worth of gold and jewels. Unfortunately
required for full communion with their dark god. for the PCs, however, accessing such treasure is no
When the upper city was abandoned, this particular mean feat; the glass of the cases is enchanted to be
shrine was converted into an entranceway to their unbreakable, and the wood has the hardness of
new home beneath the desert floor. plate mail (100 hp). Furthermore, each case is
secured with an intricate lock with magical runes
The opening along the far wall gives to a set of low, etched into it. If a lock is opened, the area directly
steeply descending steps that have been carved out in front of the case is shot through with intense

heat, dealing 36 points of fire damage. (A saving are now wearing rich clothing, also having shed
throw is permitted against this spell for half their crude weapons of stone and bone. It is quite
damage). Worst of all, even should the lock be obvious that the humans are becoming the
successfully picked and the runes magically dominant race of the surface lands. The last couple
deactivated, the mere opening of each case of murals show what is evidently a serpent person
immediately imbues the mummified remains inside priest tearing a human priest apart with his bare
with unholy, undead life. These particular hands. Afterwards, the serpent person priest is
mummies pose a far greater threat than usual, for shown making his way towards one of four
they are extremely quick, entirely resistant to both massive subterranean pyramids. Such a scene is a
normal and magical fire, and bear enchanted gems symbolic representation of the serpent people’s
on their foreheads. The gems can issue a single blast final retreat from the lands of man into the bowels
of fire into a ten-foot area, which the awakened of the earth.
mummy immediately activates to deal with the
interlopers. Any character in the area takes 4d6 40 Sacred King-Mummies: HD 6+4; AC 3[16]; Atk
points of damage, half if a successful saving throw 1 fist (1d12); Move 6; Save 11; AL C; CL/XP 8/800;
is made against the spell. Most likely, their first Special: Rot, fire-gem, immune to fire, hit only by
encounter with these abnormally strong mummies magic weapons, 10% resistance to turning.
will convince the PCs that the rich baubles in the Possessions: Each mummy wears 400-800 gp worth
remaining 39 cases are not worth the effort. of assorted jewelry.

The murals portray scenes from the entire history of

the serpent people. Those on the south end depict
the earliest glimpses of serpent person life while
those at the north end are the most recent. The first
few murals vividly show the land above before it
was claimed by the desert. Such is portrayed as a
verdant paradise, with a large body of water
nearby, a small ocean or perhaps a massive lake.
Here the serpent people are shown happily
engaging in various tasks such as erecting massive
monumental buildings, riding on the backs of their
dinosaur mounts, and rearing children. As the PCs
make their way down the hall, the murals become
more disturbing, vividly portraying the serpent
people engaging in numerous bloody battles with
their primitive-looking human enemies as the water
begins to retreat and the land becomes increasingly
more fallow, with their sacred poppy crops
withering in the fields. The last few murals along
the hall show the serpent people burrowing into the
natural rock beneath their once-beautiful lands.
Their tunneling is shown to open onto a large
natural cavern deep beneath the ground, which Beyond the bronze door in area B is a steep set of
seems to stretch for miles in all directions. Here the low stone steps. They descend for 1000’ feet or so
serpent people do not possess as noble a bearing, before opening into a massive natural cavern in the
many of whom are shown sporting various earth that extends for thousands of feet in all
deformities such as misshapen limbs and eyes as directions, the floor lying 250’ beneath the feet of
they busily construct their underground city. It is the PCs. The stairs end in a dense, 10’-thick layer of
readily apparent that their civilization is on the purplish mist that fills the entire length and breadth
decline. Their human enemies, on the other hand, of the cavern, effectively concealing the city below.

Should the PCs follow the steps into the mist, ring the interior of the structure, terminating in a
immediately have them make their saving throws circular arena at its bottom. It is rather obvious that the
against the poison mist at a -3 penalty, as described building functions as some manner of amphitheater.
in the “For the Game Master” section of the Another cylindrical structure lies along the far wall of
module. The steps continue straight down to the the cavern some 1000’ to the north. 50’-wide roads,
floor of the cavern. paved with gleaming limestone, connect the four
pyramids, and similar roads link the two amphitheaters
together. Along the western and eastern walls of the

cavern can be seen blocks of short stone houses, lying
mostly in ruin.

OF THE SERPENT The rocky floor of the subterranean city of the


serpent people is slightly irregular but poses no
falling danger to running PCs. As the PCs explore
areas E-N of the city, the GM should check for
Beneath the 10’-thick layer of mist, the steps wandering monsters once every three turns. There
become perfectly smooth and regular. In fact, such is a 4 in 10 chance per check that a random
steps are part of a massive staircase that is encounter occurs. When an encounter is called for,
supported by several Romanesque arches with consult the following table:
unbelievably tall columns leading off from them all
the way down to the floor below.
Unbeknownst to the PCs, the moment they
penetrated the defensive layer of mist at area C,
they set off magical alarms in the pyramid of the
1). 2-4 Serpent People (1d3+1)
Academy of Sorcery (area J), thereby putting the
Serpent People: HD 4; AC 3[16]; Atk 2 weapons
inhabitants therein on full alert (c.f.).
(see note below) or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12;
Save 13; AL C; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Charm,
Read or paraphrase the following to the players
poison, stench.
after their characters pass below the mist:
50% are armed with two stone cudgels that inflict 1-
6 hp of damage. The rest wield two rusty scimitars
The wonders you have experienced thus far pale in
that inflict 1-8 hp of damage apiece (10% chance of
comparison to that which lies below the weird glowing
breakage per hit).
mist – you see the ruins of a massive metropolis in the
bowels of the earth, murkily lit by large patches of
These creatures have left their homes in area G to
phosphorescent fungi growing all along the walls. The
search for food. They attack the PCs on sight,
most prominent sight is of four pyramids fashioned of the
wishing to add them to their larders.
blackest basalt, soaring well over 200’ towards the
ceiling of mist, itself only 50’ higher than the apex of the
2). 1 Otyugh
pyramids. Each is surrounded by a 30’-wide moat, some
Otyugh: HD 7; AC 3[16]; Atk 2 tentacles (1d8), bite
of the moats filled with still, black water, others with
(1d4+1); Move 6; Save 9; AL N; CL/XP 8/800;
rubble. The massive structures lie at the four corners of a
Special: Disease.
plaza that is easily 600’ square. Two of the pyramids –
the ones at the northeast and southeast corners of the
The serpent people allow these noisome creatures
plaza – are largely in ruin, their cyclopean stones
to roam their city, as they are quite adept at ridding
collapsed. In the middle of the plaza is a 100’-tall, 300’-
the streets of carrion, offal, and, of course, the
diameter cylindrical building with twin sets of stairs that
occasional adventurer, which they attack on sight.
begin at its southern tip and spiral along the west and
east walls towards the open roof. From your vantage
point, you can barely make out several levels of seats that

3). 1 Giant Spider 5). 1 Grey Ooze
Giant Spider (6ft diameter): HD 4+2; AC 4[15]; Atk Grey Ooze: HD 3; AC 8[11]; Atk 1 strike (2d6);
1 bite (1d6+2 + poison); Move 4; Save 13; CL/XP Move 1; Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Acid,
7/600; Special: lethal poison, webs. immune to spells, heat, cold, and blunt weapons.

These monstrously overgrown arachnids are These amorphous blobs spend the better part of
especially prevalent in area G, preying on the their days oozing about the rocky floor of the city,
serpent people commoners that make their home and attack any PCs who happen to cross their path.
there. A PC passing by one of the hovels in area G
may be caught unawares when one these horrors 6). 1-2 Iguanodons
leaps from hiding to attack. On occasion they can be Iguanodon: HD 6; AC 4[15]; Atk 2 claws (1d3) 1
found roaming other areas of the city. bite (2d4); Move 15; Save 11; AL N; CL/XP 6/400;
Special: None.
4). 1 Gelatinous Cube
Gelatinous Cube: HD 4; AC 8[11]; Atk 1 (2d4); Iguanodons are bipedal, herbivorous dinosaurs
Move 6; Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: Paralysis, weighing about 3 tons. Small packs of them roam
immune to lightning and cold. the city in search of subterranean fungi. They
attempt to flee when encountered by the PCs, but
The magic-users in area J set these creatures loose will fight if cornered.
to clean refuse from the streets.
7). 1 Monoclonius
Monoclonius: HD 8; AC 3[16]; Atk 1 horn (2d8);
Move 6; Save 8; AL N; CL/XP 8/800; Special: None.

These rhinoceros-like dinosaurs, while herbivores,

are rather aggressive and will attack small groups
wandering the city.

8). 1 Ankylosaurus
Ankylosaurus: HD 9; AC 0[19]; Atk 1 tail (3d6);
Move 6; Save 6; AL N; CL/XP 9/1100; Special:

These massive armor-plated dinosaurs are

generally peaceful but have been known to mow
down those who get in their way. When the
civilization of the serpent people was at its height,
warriors would often ride into battle atop these
mighty beasts.

9). 1-3 Giant Lizards

Giant Lizards: HD 6; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 bite (2d6);
Move 12; Save 11; CL/XP 6/400; Special: None.

These large lizards are extremely aggressive and

attack the PCs on sight. At their height, the serpent
people bred these creatures for use as mounts and
Gelatinous Cube pack animals. They now roam the city free, as their
former masters live out their solitary existence in
the massive pyramids at areas J, K and L.

10). Ghasts* (1d2) leading a pack of ghouls* toward the bottom of the building, terminating in a
(1d2+2) 100’- diameter sunken plaza. A massive locked
bronze door stands along the north wall of the
Ghasts: HD 4; AC 4[15]; Atk 2 claws (1d3), 1 bite building. The door is protected with a magical
(1d6); Move 14; Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: glyph that, if the door is touched, electrocutes the
Stench, paralyzing touch, 10% resistance to victim for 25 points of damage (saving throw for
turning. half damage). This door opens onto a 10’-wide
corridor with a 15’-high vaulted roof that cuts
Ghouls: HD 2; AC 6[13]; Atk 2 claws (1d3), 1 bite through the masonry of the building and ends in a
(1d4); Move 9; Save 16; CL/XP 3/60; Special: set of portcullises. When raised, the portcullises
Immunities, paralyzing touch, 10% resistance to open directly onto the sunken plaza. In the past,
turning. sacrificial victims, usually captured humans from
the surface, would be marched through this
These creatures are the former human slaves of the hallway by the head priest and his retinue towards
serpent people who, due to eating the flesh of their the plaza. The entire population of the city by this
fellows, arose as ghouls upon death. They roam the time would have filled the seats to view the coming
city to this very day and attack anything in sight, sacrifice. This building is still used on occasion,
especially their former masters. though human slaves are becoming increasingly
hard to come by, forcing the priests to sacrifice their
*Remember to take into account the 10% resistance own people to appease their god. When the PCs
to turning the ancient undead creatures of the city. arrive on the scene, the portcullis is in the lowered
position and can be raised in the usual manner.

E. PAVED ROADS The 100’-diameter sacrificial plaza at the bottom of

the building lies 15’ below the bottommost ring of
seats. At its center is found a 30’-diameter opening
These roads are comprised of cyclopean blocks of into the earth, with a short altar block of basalt
polished limestone, joined together with massive immediately south of it. A chute leads off from the
steel clamps sunk deep into the bedrock. They rise altar directly into the pit. When victims are
about 2’ from the surrounding rocky floor, and link sacrificed at the altar, their blood is allowed to run
together the major public works of the subterranean down the chute and straight into the hungry maw
city. The main road begins at the bottom of the tall of the serpent people’s god. The smooth-walled pit
staircase that leads into the city from area C, and burrows through the solid rock for a full 100’,
then branches off to the east and west to meet up terminating in a globular natural cavern roughly
with the two pyramids (areas I and J) that ring the 400’ in diameter and 50’ high. The god of the
southwest and southeast corners of the great plaza. serpent people resides in the cavern to this very
The road also continues due north to meet up with day, and can still be summoned forth by foolish
the amphitheater-like building (area F). PCs if they so choose.


The god of the serpent people is really no god at all
but rather an extremely long-lived, highly
intelligent species of snake that can grow up to 200’
This cylindrical building rises a full 100’ from the in length, with an average body thickness of 20’.
floor of the cavern, and is nearly 300’ in diameter. The serpent in the pit is the last of its kind, the rest
Twin staircases branch off from the paved road of its species having died off several thousand years
leading into the building from the south, and spiral ago. The one herein is well over 100,000 years old,
up towards the open roof, along the west and east has reached a length of 150’, and is around 18’
walls. The stairs end at the lip opening onto the wide. It attacks by either squeezing the life out of its
upper seating area, which rings the entire victims or biting them with its colossal, poison-
circumference of the building. Twenty additional filled fangs.
levels of seats, each 5’ below the other, go down

Worst of all, the snake possesses the spell-casting the scholars and its last remaining follower. In the
ability of a 20th level cleric and a 14th level magic- unlikely event that the PCs engage the massive
user. Thankfully for the PCs, it is usually serpent in battle, here are its statistics:
summoned from its lair by reciting the magical
formula inscribed on the altar before the pit Serpent “God:” HD 20; HP 90; AC 0[19]; Atk 1 bite
opening, for it spends most of its time in (4d6 + poison) or constrict (3d6); Move 12; Save 3;
hibernation. That being said, its preternatural AL C; CL/XP 21/4700; Special: Fear aura, poison
senses alert it to the presence of anyone coming bite (-4 save), constriction, spells, magic weapon
within 100’ of its body, meaning that PCs lowering required to hit.
themselves into the serpent’s lair are in for a rude The snake’s constriction attack is the attempt to
awakening, literally. Hopefully, they realize their lash a coil around an opponent. If the attack
peril and immediately retreat when they see the succeeds, the opponent is constricted and will
colossal serpent rousing itself awake. If such is not continue to take damage automatically thereafter.
incentive enough, the serpent generates an almost The snake is so huge that it can be constricting
overwhelming aura of fear, as the spell, in a 100’- several people at once.
radius, even while asleep. PCs reaching the
midpoint of the 100’-deep shaft leading to the lair of Cleric Spells (3/3/3/3/3):
the serpent must immediately save vs. spells at a -7 Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic x2,
penalty. Those failing this save race/fly back to the Protection from Law; Level 2: Hold Person x2,
surface at their full movement rate. Should the PCs Silence 15ft Radius; Level 3: Cause Disease x2,
somehow be granted the opportunity to search the Speak with Dead; Level 4: Cure Serious Wounds x3;
serpent’s lair, they are rewarded with nothing more Level 5: Insect Plague
than the desiccated remains of several normal
insects, for its inhabitant values one thing above Magic-User Spells (4/4/4/4/4/1):
any amount of gold, jewels, or even magic: the Level 1: Charm Person x2, Detect Magic, Read
blood of freshly sacrificed victims, preferably that Languages; Level 2: Detect Invisibility, Detect
of humans. Thoughts, Phantasmal Force, Web; Level 3: Dispel
Even though not a god, the massive serpent does Magic x2, Protection From Normal Missiles; Slow;
possess the ability to grant its worshippers spells. It Level 4: Charm Monster x2, Confusion, Wall of Ice;
does so by acting as a conduit between the serpent Level 5: Cloudkill, Feeblemind, Telekinesis,
people clerics and its own deity, which is an elder Transmute Rock to Mud; Level 6: Disintegrate
god of tremendous power long forgotten by all save

G. COMMONERS’ alert any of their fellows on the streets. However,
those currently in their residences do not respond

to the alert unless the battle with the PCs rages for
more than 5 rounds. In any case, immobilized or
slain PCs are promptly collected and then quickly
Read or paraphrase the following to the players as eaten at the conclusion of the battle.
the characters approach this area:
Serpent People: HD 4; AC 3[16]; Atk 2 weapons
Nestled against the inwardly-sloping western wall of this (see note below) or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12;
massive cavern is a village of some sort covering 125,000 Save 13; AL C; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Charm,
square feet of area. The residences therein are rather poison, stench.
crude affairs, being nothing more than beehive-shaped 50% are armed with two stone cudgels that inflict 1-
piles of both natural and worked blocks of basalt. The 6 hp of damage. The rest wield two rusty scimitars
latter blocks indicate that perhaps in the distant past, that inflict 1-8 hp of damage apiece (10% chance of
these residences would have been far more sophisticated, breakage per hit).
for lying haphazardly on the ground you see the remains
of intricately carved pediments, arches, and columns. Serpent People (young): HD 1; AC 6[13]; Atk
Slithering along the narrow lanes between the houses none; Move 12; Save 18; AL C; CL/XP A/5; Special:
you see several horrific creatures that can best be weak stench (+4 bonus to save).
described as a gross cross between a snake and a man, for
long arms and stubby legs sprout from their serpentine Treasure: There is a 20% chance that any given
bodies. residence searched contains 100-300 gp worth of
assorted jewelry and coinage, such having been
When this city was at its height, this section of the plundered from the few humans that have
cavern was where the serpent people commoners wandered into the city over the years. Such
made their home. As alluded to above, the treasure, if present, is always hidden somewhere in
residences were once much grander affairs, the the residence. (A successful search for secret doors
architectural style being a combination of that seen reveals).
in ancient Greece and Egypt. Their sorry state today
can be attributed to the serpent people having
reverted to savagery over the centuries. Roughly H. UPPER CLASS
200 individual serpent people occupy this area
today. There are about 40 occupied residences in RESIDENCES
the city that support families of 1-2 adults and 3-4
non-combatant young. The residents of any given Read or paraphrase the following to the players as
house are away on one their hunts 60% of the time their characters approach this area:
when the PCs first arrive. Serpent people never
leave their young behind when they go hunting for Situated along the eastern wall of the cavern are a series
fear of them being attacked by roving dinosaurs or, of 20 or more queer pyramidal structures constructed of
even more likely, members of their own race. basalt. They are arranged in neat rows, with the lanes
(Young are carried on the backs of their parents, between them chiseled to a uniform smoothness. The
being secured via crude ropes made of interwoven buildings average around 15’ in height and width, and
dried fungus fibers). At any given time 10-30 adults are entered via low, short corridors that jut out from
can be found roving the narrow lanes between their their southern faces. They are in various states of
homes performing such tasks as looking out for disrepair, most with their capstones lying on the floor
rampaging dinosaurs and gathering up the nearby. The once smooth surfaces of the buildings show
multitude of nutritious insects that crawl along the evidence of attack, for they are riddled with cracks and
cavern floor. Whether encountered inside or gouges.
outside of their homes, the serpent people attack
the PCs on sight, emitting a series of loud hisses to

This section of the cavern was where the upper
classed serpent people made their homes. In their I. THE GREAT LIBRARY
last major battle with the humans living above, they
were almost totally slaughtered. Unfortunately for The size of the pyramid before you, even in its ruined
the PCs, many of those slain in battle here still state, staggers the imagination. It measures a full 200’
haunt their old homes as various forms of the per side, its apex a mere 50’ below the ceiling of mist
undead. 250’ overhead. Most of the polished casing stones that
once covered this impressive structure almost entirely fill
Even though all of the pyramidal residences here the 30’-wide surrounding moat. As such, the walls of the
show evidence of battle, they are still relatively pyramid are extremely rough, their angular surfaces
intact. Unfortunately, the rich baubles once stored exposed. Polished limestone roads lead into the pyramid
inside were plundered by the ravaging humans in from the north and west. No entrance to the monument
antiquity. There is a 40% chance that any residence is apparent from your vantage point.
entered by the PCs contains one of the undead from
the table below. Moreover, at any given time there This pyramid once functioned as a many-
is a 60% chance that between 3-6 such undead are chambered library housing thousands of scrolls and
encountered wandering about in the lanes between tomes dealing with a variety of subjects.
the residences when the PCs arrive. Unfortunately for the PCs, this pyramid, not
bearing much of the enchantments of the
1) Wight: HD 3; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 claw (1hp + level neighboring pyramids, was unable to withstand the
drain); Move 9; Save 14; CL/XP 5/240; Special: attacks of the invading humans from the surface.
Drain 1 level with hit, hit only by magic or silver As such, all of the chambers inside of the pyramid
weapons, 10% resistance to turning. have collapsed and their contents are destroyed.
Even the main entrance to the structure collapsed.
2) Wraith: HD 4; AC 3[16]; Atk 1 touch (1d6+ level The encircling moat has long since dried out, but
drain); Move 9 (Fly 24); Save 13; CL/XP 6/400; the PCs can attempt to walk across the tumbled
Special: drain 1 level with hit, 10% resistance to blocks therein to reach the pyramid 30’ away. It is
turning. possible to slip and fall to the floor of the moat 30’
below, suffering 3-18 points of damage from being
3) Spectre: HD 7; AC 2[17]; Atk 1 spectral weapon bashed by the blocks on the way down.
or touch (1d8 + level drain); Move 15 (Fly 30); Save
9; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Drain 2 levels with hit, Should the PCs cross the moat, they immediately
immune to non-magical weapons, 10% resistance encounter the sole resident haunting the pyramid,
to turning. the ghost of the former head librarian, who died
when the walls collapsed on him (see “Arcana”).
4) Ghast: HD 4; AC 4[15]; Atk 2 claws (1d3), 1 bite He flits straight through the walls of the pyramid
(1d6); Move 14; Save 13; CL/XP 5/240; Special: and attacks the PCs on sight, fighting to the “death”
Stench, paralyzing touch, 10% resistance to to protect what remains of his beloved library.
The Librarian Ghost: HD 10; AC 0[19] (until
Note: Remember to take into account the 10% materializing, then 8[11]); Atk 1 touch (magical
turning resistance that these undead have against a effects); Move 9; Save 5; CL/XP 12/2000; Special:
cleric’s attempt to turn them. Touch, fear, possession, hit only by magic or
silver weapons.

J. ACADEMY OF corridor or room, just in the spaces between them.

*This 20’-diameter sphere has an effective armor
class of –6 [25], has 400 hp, can only be affected by
magic weapons, and is 90% resistant to spells.
Before you stands a virtually intact pyramid that soars Further, each time a physical blow is delivered to
into the air for a full 200’, most of its highly polished the sphere, a surge of electricity races up the
casing-stones still in place, which is in stark contrast to weapon used and into the body of the victim,
its eastern neighbor. Capping the colossal structure is a dealing 25 points of damage! (Save for half
massive globe of gleaming crystal, from which emanate damage). Destroying the massive sphere directly, or
streamers of pulsating, purplish mist that combine the crystal ball in area 10 that controls it, has two
overhead to make up a massive cloud totally obscuring effects: the protective mist is dispelled and the elder
the roof of the cavern. From the north and east, polished elemental bound thereto is returned to the
limestone roads lead into the 30’- wide moat Elemental Plane of Air.
surrounding the monument. From your vantage point,
you can see the outline of a 20’-wide by 30’-tall door of MOAT: The 30’-wide and deep moat encircling the
polished bronze that lies flush with the slanting face of pyramid contains still water that is home to 5 giant
the pyramid. It is quite evident that this door, if lowered, crocodiles. Any PC falling into or purposely
would provide a convenient means of crossing over the swimming in the moat is immediately attacked by
moat. The massive portal stands directly opposite the 1-2 of the reptilian horrors. The remaining
nearest road leading into the monument. You can only crocodiles swim over to join in the fun 1-3 rounds
assume that a like portal will be found opposite the other later.
road leading into the pyramid.
Giant Crocodiles: HD 6; AC 3[16]; Atk 1 bite (3d6),
At the height of the city, this massive edifice 1 tail (1d6); Move 9 (Swim 12); Save 11; CL/XP
functioned as an academy where serpent people 6/400; Special: None.
wishing to study the art of sorcery would come to
study. It serves this function to this very day, still DRAWBRIDGES: The towering portals of bronze
housing a sizeable collection of both students and along the middle of the north and east faces of the
instructors. It was the masters at the academy that pyramid can be lowered to span the moat, and are
devised the purplish mist enclosing the city, which controlled with massive windlasses to the
is powered by the lump of crystal* atop the immediate right of their respective entry halls. Each
pyramid and controlled by the crystal ball in one of windlass bears enchantments that greatly multiply
the lower rooms. Due to the mighty abjurative the torque applied to them by their operator,
magicks cast onto the walls of the pyramid, it, along meaning that a single humanoid can easily raise or
with its inhabitants, was relatively unharmed when lower the drawbridge it controls by himself.
the humans from the surface led their last attack on
the city. All of the inner and outer walls of the Each drawbridge can withstand up to 200 hp of
pyramid are magically warded against any form of damage, and has an effective armor class of 3 [16]
extra-dimensional travel such as that afforded by owing to the enchantments cast thereon. Of course,
the spells teleport and passwall. These wards do the ban on extra-dimensional travel indicated above
not operate within the confines of an individual also applies to the doors.

Baalroch Clay Golem: HD 12 (50hp); AC 7[12]; Atk
This level of the academy is where the students and 1 fist (3d10) and flaming whip (draws in to fire);
their masters conduct day-to-day activities such as Move 8; Save 5; AL N; CL/XP; 14/2700; Special:
eating, sleeping, and practicing their craft. Immune to slashing and piercing weapons,
Immune to most spells, magic weapon needed to
Dungeon Features for Levels 1 and 2: All of the hit, flaming oil coating (3d6).
rooms and corridors in the pyramid are extremely
austere, being merely polished blocks of cyclopean 1A. MAGICAL ELEVATOR: The clay golem
basalt devoid of virtually any decoration. Except stands directly in front of a 5’-wide floor-to-ceiling
where noted otherwise, they all feature 15’-high column situated at the point marked “a” on the
vaulted ceilings. All doors are constructed of map. Several serpent designs wrap around the
bronze and sealed with the spells wizard lock and stone column. A secret door is located on the north
hold portal. The only means of opening these side of the column, which opens onto its hollow
doors, short of breaking them down with brute interior. If the PCs place their hands inside, they
force, is to cast either two knock spells, two dispel feel a cool current of wind blowing upwards from
magic spells, or one of each on them. Secret doors several holes drilled into the floor of the column.
are hidden on both sides. Unless noted otherwise, Those stepping into the column gently rise 20’ up to
secret doors pivot about their centers when the Level 2.
correct wall stone is depressed. They must be
pushed inward to open. Affixed to the ceiling of 2. STUDENTS’ BARRACKS: This massive room,
each and every corridor and chamber in the easily 40’ square, serves as the sleeping quarters for
pyramid is a 1’-diameter globe of crystal with a the four serpent people magic-users currently
continual light spell cast thereon, which bathes its studying at the academy. The walls of the room are
space in a warm green glow. bare save for the symbol of fear drawn on the wall
opposite the entrance. Victims of the symbol flee
1. ENTRANCE CORRIDORS: Standing at the the room at their full movement rate. Strewn about
intersection of the two 20’-wide corridors leading the floor are several plush throw pillows with
into the pyramid is an 8’-tall clay golem carved into curvilinear, mazelike designs sewn onto them. They
the shape of demonic Baalroch. To all appearances, serve as beds for the magic-users in residence here.
the golem is virtually indistinguishable from a true Bolted to the floor along the west wall is a large
Baalroch, for it has been coated in a magical chest that all of the students use to hold their
pigment that creates the illusion of muscles flexing, valuables. It is wizard locked and warded with a
chest heaving, etc. Furthermore, its body has been fireball spell. If triggered, the victim is engulfed in
coated in a magical oil that, once lit, never goes out, a ball of flame, suffering 3-18 points of damage in
effectively replicating the appearance of a true the process. (Making a saving throw against the
Baalroch’s flaming body. Last but not least, it spell halves the resulting damage).
possesses a flaming whip that functions exactly like
that possessed by its infernal model. All who look Should the PCs engage the clay golem at area 1, the
upon the golem must make a saving throw or flee four magic-users herein immediately start casting
in fear, as if affected by a wand of fear, at their full spells to prepare themselves. They fight the PCs
movement rate. until losing a quarter of their hit points, at which
The golem has been ordered to attack anyone time they attempt to flee the pyramid, screaming
entering the pyramid, save for the mages of the “intruders” as they pass the door leading to area 3.
serpent-people in residence. The sounds of battle Those in area 3 calmly await the PCs in their room,
are automatically heard by the residents of areas 2 their supreme confidence in their abilities
and 3, who remain in their rooms and prepare overriding common sense. Unless circumstances
themselves for the intruders by casting an dictate otherwise, they will most likely prepare
assortment of spells on themselves (c.f.). themselves by casting the spells marked with an

Serpent-People Mage #1 (MU5): HD 5; HP 30; AC Possessions: dagger +2, necklace of magic missiles
2[17]; Atk 1 weapon (+1 dagger) and wand, or 1 (one 5-dice, two 3-dice), wand of lightning (35
bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 11 (+2 vs spells); charges).
AL C; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Charm, poison,
stench, spells. Example tactics: One possible approach the serpent-
Spells (4/2/1): mages might take is for each to cast the starred
Level 1: charm person, light, magic missile, sleep protective spell in the first round, then for mage #4
Level 2: phantasmal force, mirror image* and mage #3 to cast haste and strength upon mage
Level 3: protection from normal missiles #1. Mage #1, with mirror image, haste, and strength,
Possessions: dagger +1, ring of protection +2, wand will serve as the front line, attacking into melee. In
of polymorph (10 charges), scroll of web. the first round of combat, mage #2 would cast a
fireball from his necklace, mage #3 would cast
Serpent-People Mage #2 (MU5): HD 5; HP 24; AC confusion from his scroll, and mage #4 would cast a
3[16]; Atk 1 weapon (+1 dagger) and wand, or 1 lightning bolt.
bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 11 (+2 vs spells);
AL C; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Charm, poison, Treasure: The chest holds 1,000 gp in loose coins of
stench, spells. ancient vintage and 900 gp worth of assorted
Spells (4/2/1): jewelry and gems. The magic items usually stored
Level 1: detect magic, magic missile x2, shield* in the chest are being worn/used by the inhabitants
Level 2: phantasmal force, web of this room unless the PCs were somehow able to evade
Level 3: dispel magic the clay golem at area 1. If such applies, then it takes
Possessions: dagger +1, wand of phantasmal force the magic-users a full round to retrieve all of their
(10 charges), necklace of fireballs (one 5-dice, two magic items from the chest.
3. INSTRUCTORS’ BARRACKS: This 40’-square
Serpent-People Mage #3 (MU6): HD 6; HP 26; AC room serves as the sleeping quarters for the head
3[16]; Atk 1 weapon (+2 dagger) and wand, or 1 instructor at the academy and his two assistants.
bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 10 (+2 vs spells); Like area 2, this room is decorated with a series of
AL C; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Charm, poison, sleeping pillows, and a wizard locked and fireball-
stench, spells. trapped chest is bolted to the floor along the east
Spells (4/2/2): wall. If the trap on the chest is triggered, the victim
Level 1: charm person, detect magic, shield*, sleep is engulfed in a ball of flame, suffering 3d6 points of
Level 2: strength, web damage in the process. (A saving throw against this
Level 3: dispel magic, fireball spell cuts the damage in half). Those entering the
Possessions: dagger +2, wand of magic missiles (15 room without voicing a special password activate a
charges), scroll of confusion, potion of gaseous trap which reverses gravity in the 10’-square area
form. directly behind the door, and they will “fall” onto
1-4 of the great multitude of spikes protruding from
Serpent-People Mage #4 (MU6): HD 6; HP 24; AC the roof. Victims suffer 1-4 points of damage per
3[16]; Atk 1 weapon (+2 dagger) and wand, or 1 spike and are injected with a lethal poison (make a
bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 10 (+2 vs spells); saving throw or die).
AL C; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Charm, poison,
stench, spells. Should the PCs engage the clay golem at area 1 or
Spells (4/2/2): the four magic-user students at area 2, the three
First (4): charm person, detect magic, magic missile, magic-user instructors herein immediately start
shield* preparing themselves by casting any desired spells.
Second (2): phantasmal force, web Regardless of what happens in the corridor outside,
Third (2): dispel magic, haste* the four instructors wait patiently for the intruders
to come to them. They fight to the death anyone

who enters their chambers, neither expecting nor 4. DINING HALL: This 50’ by 40’ chamber is
giving any quarter. where all the residents of the academy take their
meals. In the center of the room is a long stone table
Serpent-People Instructor-Mage #1 (MU7): HD 7; that is a mere 3’ off the ground, flanked on either
HP 27; AC 0[19]; Atk 1 weapon (+1 staff of striking side by soft floor pillows. Six 2”-tall brass buttons
2d6), or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 9 (+2 protrude from the edges of the table, three per side.
vs spells); AL C; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Charm, Depressing any of the buttons magically creates a
poison, stench, spells. full day’s serving of food and water to magically
Spells (4/3/2/1): appear on the table. The buttons only function once
Level 1: detect magic, light, magic missile (x2) per day, and there is a 50% chance that any given
Level 2: invisibility, detect invisibility, mirror image button has already been used.
Level 3: fireball, protection from normal missiles
Level 4: fear Along the west wall is an unlocked bronze door
Possessions: ring of protection +3, +1 staff of that is extremely cold to the touch, which opens
striking, scrolls of levitate, lightning bolt, strength, onto area 5, the larder. A flesh golem stands
potion of healing. directly before the door, instructed to wait on the
students and instructors but to attack any others
Serpent-People Instructor-Mage #2 (MU7): HD 7; who should enter. The moment the PCs enter the
HP 30; AC 0[19]; Atk 1 weapon (+1 staff of striking room, the formerly-inert golem turns to face them
2d6), or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 9 and then rushes to attack. It does not, however,
(addl. +2 from ring, addl. +2 vs spells); AL C; pursue PCs fleeing into the hall outside.
CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Charm, poison, stench,
spells. Flesh Golem: HD 10 (45hp); AC 9[10]; Atk 2 fists
Spells (4/3/2/1): (2d8); Move 8; Save 5; CL/XP 12/2000; Special:
Level 1: charm person x2, light, sleep Healed by lightning, hit only by magic weapons,
Level 2: darkness 15’ radius, levitate, web slowed by fire and cold, immune to most spells.
Level 3: fireball, lightning bolt
Level 4: polymorph other 5. LARDER: Recently-obtained corpses are stored
Possessions: ring of protection +2, +1 staff of herein, which are chilled by a permanent spell of
striking, scroll of mirror image, potion of healing. extreme cold, the area of which fills the entire
chamber. PCs entering here suffer 4d6 points of
Serpent-People Instructor-Mage #3 (MU8): HD 8; damage (save vs. spells for half damage). The room
HP 33; AC 1[18]; Atk 1 weapon (+2 staff of striking currently contains the body of a magic-user student
2d6), or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 8 (+2 who was caught trying to break into the treasury
vs spells); AL C; CL/XP 10/1400; Special: Charm, below the day before the PCs arrived. The head
poison, stench, spells. instructor had the dishonest student first held in
Spells (4/3/3/2): place via magic and then bashed to death with
Level 1: charm person x2, light, sleep repeated blows of his staff of striking. As such,
Level 2: darkness 15’ radius, levitate, web every bone in the student’s body has been broken
Level 3: fireball, fly, lightning bolt and his skin bears a great multitude of gaping
Level 4: wall of ice, polymorph self wounds and bruises.
Possessions: ring of protection +2, +2 staff of
striking, scroll of confusion, potion of gaseous 6. PRACTICE ROOM: This 60’-square room is
form, potion of healing. where students at the academy come to practice
their spell casting abilities. Each wall is covered by
Treasure: 3,000 gp in assorted coins, 2000 gp worth a tapestry featuring the life-like depiction of a
of assorted jewelry, and two rubies. The latter are monster angrily staring into the room. The west
valued at 1,000 gp apiece and are needed to wall features a medusa, the east wall a lemure-
deactivate the trap in area 11 (c.f.). demon, the north wall a salamander, and the south
wall an earth elemental. One of the four creatures

(determined randomly) magically steps out of the grow out of control and the enchantments on the
wall for each PC that enters the room. Each creature wall that formerly prevented the creature from
focuses its attacks on a single opponent. When the crawling thereon have failed. As such, the deadly
hit point total of any given monster is reduced by ooze is now big enough to be able to extend one of
75% or more, it is instantly teleported back into its its pseudopods out of the privy holes, and employs
tapestry to recover, and the PC in question receives such to attack the next creature to enter its lair.
full experience points for its defeat. The magic in Afterwards, it oozes its entire body out of one of the
the tapestry heals the wounded creature of 10 hit privy holes and then pursues the PCs all
points of damage per day. The tapestries bear throughout the pyramid unless they bar the door. It
various enchantments that not only make them surprises the first person to enter the privy 5 times
impervious to harm but also prevent their removal in 6.
from the wall. After being forced back into its
tapestry, the creature will not step therefrom until Black Pudding: HD 10; HP 39; AC 6[13]; Atk 1
all of its lost hit points have been recovered. It attack (3d8); Move 6; Save 5; CL/XP 11/1700;
should also be noted that the four creatures are Special: Acidic surface, immune to cold, divides
magically bound to this room and can never leave when hit with lightning.
The tapestries were created by the greatest sorcerer
the serpent people race ever spawned. He created
these marvelous devices almost 20,000 years ago, This level contains the more dangerous areas of the
and they function perfectly to this very day, having academy, where students, under close supervision,
trained several generations of serpent people are instructed how to summon fell extra-planar
sorcerers. creatures, engage in dangerous alchemical
experiments, and learn the esoteric formulae
Medusa: HD 6; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 weapon (1d4); needed to compose magical scrolls. It is also on this
Move 9; Save 11; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Gaze turns level that the academy’s collection of rare and
to stone, poison. powerful magic items is stored.

Lemure Demon: HD 3; AC 7[12]; Atk 1 claw (1d3); The hollow column on Level 1 burrows straight
Move 3; Save 14; CL/XP 4/120; Special: Regenerate through the basalt masonry of the floor of this level
(1hp/round). and ends in a 20’-diameter circular chamber. On
this level, the opening onto the interior of the
Salamander: HD 7; AC 5 [14] (torso); 3[16] (serpent column is exposed. Ten feet away along the
body); Atk Touch and constrict (2d8 + 1d6 heat), 1 northwest and northeast bends of the surrounding
weapon (1d6); Move 9; Save 9; CL/XP 8/800; room are the doors leading into areas 8 and 9, with
Special: Heat, constrict. another door along the southwest bend.

Earth Elemental (8HD): HD 8; AC 2[17]; Atk 1 8. SCRIPTORIUM

strike (3d6); Move 6; Save 8; CL/XP 9/1100; Special:
Tear down stonework. This 40’-square room contains two long tables in the
middle of floor that run from north to south. Each is
7. PRIVY: This 10’ by 20’ room features a series of made of stone and rises a mere 3’ off the floor. A tall
1’-wide holes in the floor used by the serpent cedar shelf projects from the west wall, its face covered by
people magic-users for waste disposal. A black an ornately-woven, obviously costly rug. An equally tall
pudding residing in the equal-sized room below the glass-paneled wooden cabinet stands along the north
floor consumes whatever bodily wastes and, on wall.
occasion, food scraps that are deposited through
the holes. Owing to the laziness of the magic-users
in residence, the black pudding has been allowed to

This area functions as a scriptorium where students
practice penning magical scrolls. The shelf along
the west wall contains rolls of vellum, pots of rare
inks, quills, and magical reference material. The
whole lot could easily fetch 4,000 gp in any big city
where magic is practiced. (The seven volumes of
reference material do not allow the magical devotee
to learn any new spells unless intensely studied for
several years, and are not magical in any way). As a
prank, one of the students has hung a cursed rug
over the face of this shelf, which instantly wraps
itself around anyone who so much as touches it
(smothering the victim within 1d3+3 rounds if it is
not prevented from doing so). The entire surface of
the wooden cabinet along the north wall is magical
glass as hard as steel. (Treat such as having 80 hit
points for bashing attempts). It also bears a
complicated lock and a magical glyph that, if
activated, electrocutes the victim for 25 points of
damage (save for half damage). Once the cabinet is
opened, the PCs find the following completed
scrolls inside: mirror image, protection from magic,
dispel magic, confusion, levitate, ice storm, and
lightning bolt.

9. SUMMONING CHAMBER: Inked onto the floor Demon of the Summoning Chamber
of this massive room are three magical summoning
circles. Burning candles bearing powerful
10. LABORATORY: Along the north wall of this
enchantments to bind extra-planar creatures are
40’-square chamber is a tall shelf containing a wide
currently burning along the perimeter of the middle
assortment of alchemical apparatuses such as
circle. Trapped within this circle is an angry demon
empty potion bottles, jars of reagents, and various
that the head instructor summoned several weeks
spell components—pickled monster parts,
ago for matters best left unmentioned. The magical
powdered semi-precious gems, etc. Along the south
circle has been rigged as a trap to keep out
wall stands a glass-fronted cedar cabinet that has
intruders. Unless a special password is spoken just
the same protections as the northernmost shelf in
before entering this room, as soon as the opener sets
area 8. Two long tables in the middle of the floor
foot inside, the door slams shut and locks. A
contain further alchemical appurtenances such as
powerful, magically-summoned gust of wind
alembics, crucibles, tongs, etc. As can be guessed,
instantly blows out all of the candles of the
the various items in this room are used to brew
summoning circle, thereby releasing the furious
magical potions, oils, and ointments by the students
demon. Once it is released, it flies into a rage and
at the academy.
attacks the PCs mercilessly, fighting to the death.

A tapestry is affixed to the west wall of the

Demon: HD 8; HP 35; AC 1[18]; Atk 1 beak (1d6), 2
laboratory. The right half of the tapestry depicts
foreclaws (1d4), 2 rear claws (1d6); Move 12 (Fly
several serpent people cavorting in a massive body
18); Save 8; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Magic
of water bordered by lush jungle. The left half of
resistance (50%), cause darkness, immune to fire,
the tapestry shows these same serpent people
once per day attempt to summon an identical
leading several bound humans towards a darkened
demon (50% chance to succeed).
sea cave. The tapestry is magical, and functions as a

portal system. Those touching the left half of the 11. TREASURY: PCs teleported here from area 10
tapestry are instantly teleported to a 10’ by 10’ by arrive on a raised pedestal directly before the south
10’ cubicle bounded on all sides by several hundred wall. (PCs stepping off and then stepping back on
feet or rock. It lies one mile directly below the the pedestal are instantly teleported to area 10). The
pyramid. One round after the victim(s) arrive at the only noteworthy features of this 20’-square room
small room, it starts flooding with water. The are a massive chest resting along the east wall and a
chamber becomes completely filled with water a 5’-tall iron column along the north wall in the shape
mere 3 rounds later. (If the Referee desires a specific of a rearing cobra. The chest is both wizard locked
rule to handle this, use the following: PCs can hold and warded with a symbol of death. The only safe
their breath for the number of rounds equal to their way of opening the chest is to insert the two rubies
Constitution scores divided by 3. Beyond this carried by the head instructor of the academy (see
period, they must make saving throws at a –2 area 3) into the hollow eye sockets on the face of the
penalty for each subsequent round. Those failing iron column. Doing so instantly deactivates both
any such saving throw will drown.) Those coming wards on the chest, and causes it to open with an
in contact with the right half of the tapestry are audible click.
instantly teleported to area 11, and such is the only
way to gain access thereto. Treasure: The following items are housed in the
chest: a Manual of Efficacious Conjuration*, a
A globe of highly polished crystal rests on a short Libram of Fell Magics**, and a Manual of Golems,
pedestal before the east wall. By placing one’s along with 5,000 gp worth of assorted jewelry and
hands on the crystal orb and then peering within, coins.
one is offered a bird’s eye view of the entire cavern.
The viewer can further command the orb to zoom *The Manual of Efficacious Conjuration contains
down towards the very floor of the city. It does not theories and formulae of ancient lore and power; if
allow the viewer to see through the walls of it is studied by a magic-user of non-Chaotic
buildings, however. It basically functions like a alignment for a full week, the character will gain
crystal ball except that the view is limited to the one level of experience. Chaotic magic-users
city below. The globe’s other function is to power perusing the book even casually must make a
the magical mist veiling the city. Destroying the saving throw or lose 1000xp. Characters that are not
globe herein or the massive lump of crystal atop the magic-users must make a saving throw or become
pyramid instantly dispels the magical mist and insane (as per a curse).
banishes the elder air elemental bound inside back **The Libram of Fell Magics, like the Manual of
to its home on the Elemental Plane of Air. The globe Efficacious Conjuration, contains various theorems
in this room can be destroyed by delivering a total and formulae pertaining to the craft of the magic-
of 100 hp of damage to its surface with any kind of user. However, the information in this tome is
bashing weapon. Unfortunately, its hardness gives distasteful and necromantic; only a magic-user of
it an armor class of -2. Last but not least, each time Chaotic alignment can benefit from studying it. If
a blow is delivered to the globe, a surge of such a magic-user pores over the book’s contents
electricity races up the weapon used and into the for a full week, the character will gain a level of
body of the victim, dealing 14 points of damage. experience. Non-Chaotic magic-users reading
(Save for half damage). through the book will lose one level.

Treasure: The cabinet along the south wall holds

the following: potions of poison, gaseous form,
heroism, ethereality, slipperiness, and fire

K. GREAT FANE Giant Crocodiles: HD 6; AC 3[16]; Atk 1 bite (3d6),
1 tail (1d6); Move 9 (Swim 12); Save 11; CL/XP
6/400; Special: None.
Before you stands a partially-ruined pyramid that soars
into the air for a full 200’, many of its highly-polished
DRAWBRIDGES: The towering portals of bronze
casing stones having fallen away, exposing the more
along the middle of the north and east faces of the
roughly hewn interior blocks. Capping the colossal
pyramid can be lowered to span the moat, and are
structure is a massive pyramidion of what appears to be
controlled with windlasses to the immediate right
solid gold. Polished limestone roads lead into the 30’-
of their respective entry halls. (Each windlass bears
wide moat surrounding the monument from the south
enchantments that greatly multiply the torque
and east. Several of the pyramid’s casing stones have
applied to them by their operator, meaning that a
tumbled into the moat, the southern branch being almost
single humanoid can easily raise or lower the
wholly choked with the massive basalt blocks. From your
drawbridge it controls by himself). Both
vantage point, you can see the outlines of two 20’- wide
drawbridges can withstand up to 100 hp of
by 30’-tall doors of polished bronze that lie flush with the
damage, and have an effective armor class of 5 [14].
slanting southern and eastern faces of the pyramid. It is
quite evident that these doors, if lowered, would provide
a convenient means of crossing over the surrounding AREA K: KEY TO LEVEL 1 (AREAS 1-9)
moat. The massive portals stand directly opposite the
limestone roads leading into the pyramid. This level of the fane houses the sleeping quarters,
dining room, and worship hall of the serpent
At the height of the city, this massive edifice people clerics.
functioned as the main religious center of the
priesthood entrusted with the “divine” secrets of Dungeon Features for Levels 1 and 2: All of the
the serpent “god.” Even though the priesthood rooms and corridors in the pyramid are extremely
suffered great losses in its decisive battle with the austere, being merely polished blocks of cyclopean
surface humans, it has mostly recovered. However, basalt devoid of virtually any decoration. Except
the pyramid housing the priests fared rather badly where noted otherwise, they all feature 15’-high
in the onslaught, and as a result lost almost all of corbelled ceilings. All doors, unless stated
the casing stones from its southern face, which bore otherwise, are constructed of bronze, locked, and
the brunt of the surface humans’ attacks. These have magical glyphs cast upon them which will
stones now entirely fill the southern stretch of the electrocute intruders for 25 points of damage (save
moat, jutting out in several places from the still, for half damage). Secret doors are hidden on both
dark waters. The bronze drawbridge serving as the sides. Unless noted otherwise, secret doors pivot
southern entrance to the pyramid was so damaged about their centers when the correct wall stone is
in the assault that it had to be replaced. The interior depressed. They must be pushed inward to open.
walls of the temple are still structurally sound, Affixed to the ceiling of each and every corridor
though they are fire-blackened in places and and chamber in the pyramid is a 1’-diameter globe
riddled with a series of small cracks. of crystal with a continual light spell cast thereon,
which bathes its space in a warm green glow.
MOAT: As with the moat encircling the Academy
of Sorcery, the 30’-wide and deep moat encircling 1. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: A 10’-square offering
this pyramid is home to 5 giant crocodiles. Any PC pool of still water lies 10’ into the eastern and
falling into or purposely swimming in the moat is southern entrance corridors. If either of the two
immediately attacked by 1-2 of these, and the drawbridges are bashed or blasted open, then the
remaining crocodiles swim over attack within 1-3 water weird (See “Arcana”) residing in each pool
rounds. cannot be surprised. As soon as an intruder comes
within 5’ of its pool, the water weird lairing therein
rises up and attacks, surprising 5 times in 6.

Water Weirds: HD 3+3; AC 4[15]; Atk 1 “grab”; Along the west wall is an unlocked bronze door
Move 0 (Swim 12); Save 14; CL/XP 4/120; Special: that is extremely cold to the touch. Such opens onto
Drowns victims area 4a, the Larder. Directly before the entrance to
area 5 along the north wall is a small bowl resting
2. PRIVY: A series of 1’-diameter privy holes dot atop a short pedestal. Placed beside it is a wickedly-
the floor of this room. The holes all open over a 20’- sharp obsidian dagger. The only way to open the
diameter shaft that drops several hundred feet to door to area 5 is to employ the dagger to pierce
meet up with a swift-flowing underground river one’s wrist, allowing 1-2 hp worth of blood to drip
that exits at the massive lake at area N. Because the into the bowl. Once the required level of fresh
underground river runs flush with the rough blood accumulates in the bowl, a stopper opens
ceiling 10’ overhead, PCs somehow making their along the bottom of the bowl, allowing the precious
way down thereinto will eventually drown unless liquid to drain into the base of pedestal. When the
they have access to water breathing magic, for area 3’-high by 1’-wide pedestal becomes filled with
N lies several hundred feet away. blood, it is the head priest’s duty to push the
cleverly concealed button along its western face.
3. INITIATES’ ROBING ROOM: Hanging from Such action causes the 1”-diameter stone plug
several pegs along the walls of this largish room are above the button to swing open, which allows the
up to 10 crimson robes made of a silk-like material blood to drain out of the pedestal and into an
with several curvilinear, mazelike patterns woven appropriate vessel. The collecting vessel is then
thereinto with silver thread. The robes are donned carried under great panoply over to area F where it
by members of the lower priesthood, the initiates, is offered to the Serpent God. The offering of one’s
before going to worship at area 8, the High Temple, blood to the bowl serves as the greatest expression
or at area F, the High Altar of the Serpent God. The of a serpent person cleric’s devotion to his god, and
robes’ primary function is that they render their the initiates, in particular, are forcibly reminded of
wearers immune to magical fear, especially that such each and every time they retire to their
emanating from the Serpent God when it makes its quarters in area 5.
appearance at area F. Unfortunately for the PCs, the
vestments act as cloaks of poisonousness (make a 4A. LARDER: The larder of the Great Fane is
saving throw or die) for any human or demi-human similar to that contained in the Academy of Sorcery.
who so much as touches them. Should the initiates Recently-obtained corpses are stored herein, which
be present in area 8 when the PCs first arrive at the are chilled by a permanent spell of extreme cold,
pyramid, then 4 of the 10 crimson robes are absent the area of which fills the entire chamber. PCs
from this room, having been donned by their entering here suffer 4d6 points of damage (save vs.
owners. spells for half damage). This room currently
contains the corpses of four serpent people
4. DINING HALL: This 40’-square chamber is commoners that were hunted down and then
where all of the clerics in residence take their meals. carried back to the temple to serve as grim
The magic herein is essentially identical to that provender for the resident clerics.
employed in the Academy of Sorcery: in the center
of the room is a long stone table that is a mere 3’ off 5. INITIATES’ RECTORY: This area serves as the
the ground, flanked on either side by soft floor sleeping quarters for the serpent people under-
pillows. Six 2”-tall brass buttons protrude from the clerics, the initiates, currently stationed in the fane.
edges of the table, three per side. Depressing any of Painted on all of the walls in fading black ink is a
the buttons magically creates a full day’s serving of series of curvilinear, mazelike lines that form a
food and water to magically appear on the table. pattern that is hypnotic to humans and demi-
The buttons only function once per day, and there humans looking upon them. All such must make a
is a 50% chance that any given button has already saving throw or be transfixed (up to a maximum of
been used. 20HD may be affected at one time). Strewn about
the floor of the room are several plush throw
pillows with more of the strange designs sewn onto

them. However, they do not affect the viewer as Serpent-People Initiate #3 (Clr6): HD 6; HP 23; AC
those on the wall. The pillows serve as beds for the 3[16]; Atk +2 staff of striking (2d6), or 1 bite (1d6 +
clerics in residence here. Bolted to the floor along poison); Move 12; Save 10 (+2 vs paralysis or
the west wall is a large chest that the clerics share to poison); AL C; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Charm,
hold their valuables. It is locked and warded with a poison, stench, summon snakes, spells.
magical glyph that, if triggered, electrocutes for 25 Spells (2/2/1/1):
points of damage (a successful saving throw against Level 1: cure light wounds x2
the spell reduces damage by 50%). Level 2: hold person x2
Level 3: continual darkness
There is a 50% chance that four serpent people Level 4: sticks to snakes
initiates are relaxing in this room when the PCs first Possessions: +2 staff of striking, scrolls of cure
arrive. Should they be absent when the PCs arrive, disease and dispel magic, holy symbol, possibly
then they can be found worshipping in area 8, the wearing robe from area 3
High Temple. Should their presence in this room be
indicated, they do not respond to the sounds of Serpent-People Initiate #4 (Clr6): HD 6; HP 26; AC
battle raging in any of the surrounding rooms or 3[16]; Atk +2 mace (1d8+2), or 1 bite (1d6 + poison);
corridors, instead choosing to cower on their Move 12; Save 10 (+2 vs paralysis or poison); AL C;
pillows out of self-preservation. They do, however, CL/XP 7/600; Special: Charm, poison, stench,
fight any PCs breaking into their room, calling out summon snakes, spells.
for aid from the head priest and his two assistants Spells (2/2/1/1):
in area 7 all the while. There is a 60% chance that Level 1: cure light wounds x2
the residents of area 7 hear the cries of their fellows, Level 2: hold person x2
arriving 1 round later. Level 3: continual darkness
Level 4: cure serious wounds
Serpent-People Initiate #1 (Clr5): HD 5; HP 20; AC Possessions: mace +2, scroll of cure serious wounds
3[16]; Atk +1 mace (1d8+1), or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); and speak with dead, holy symbol, possibly
Move 12; Save 11 (+2 vs paralysis or poison); AL C; wearing robe from area 3
CL/XP 6/400; Special: Charm, poison, stench,
summon snakes, spells. Treasure: The chest holds 2,000 gp in loose coins of
Spells (2/2/1): ancient vintage and 1,000 gp worth of assorted
Level 1: cause light wounds, cure light wounds jewelry and gems. The magic items usually stored
Level 2: hold person, silence 15ft radius in the chest are being worn/used by the inhabitants
Level 3: continual darkness of this room unless the PCs were somehow able to
Possessions: mace +1, rod of curing light wounds approach silently. If such applies, then it takes the
(18 charges, usable by clerics only), scrolls of clerics a full round to retrieve all of their magic
remove curse and cure disease, unholy symbol, items from the chest.
possibly a robe from area 3

Serpent-People Initiate #2 (Clr5): HD 5; HP 19; AC

3[16]; Atk +1 mace (1d8+1), or 1 bite (1d6 + poison);
Move 12; Save 11 (+2 vs paralysis or poison); AL C;
CL/XP 6/400; Special: Charm, poison, stench,
summon snakes, spells.
Spells (2/2/1):
Level 1: cure light wounds x2
Level 2: hold person x2
Level 3: continual darkness
Possessions: mace +1, rod of fear (22 charges,
usable by clerics or magic-users), scroll of insect
plague, holy symbol, possibly a robe from area 3.

6. SENIOR CLERICS’ ROBING ROOM: This much less trusting of his fellow serpent people than
room is identical to area 3 in both function and is the norm, he has insisted that his belongings in
appearance except that there are only four hooks on chest #1 be stored apart from that of his two
the wall, three of the four robes usually depending assistants.
therefrom being worn by the high cleric and his two
assistants should they be encountered in area 8, the There is a 50% chance that the high cleric and his
High Temple. These robes not only afford their assistants are relaxing in this room when the PCs
wearers total immunity to magical fear but also first arrive. If the clerics are absent when the PCs
improve AC by 2. Their benefits can only be make their appearance herein, then they can be
utilized by serpent people clerics of 7th level or found worshipping in area 8, the High Temple.
higher. The robes act as cloaks of poisonousness Should their presence in this room be indicated,
(saving throw or die) to humans and demi-humans. then they respond to the sounds of battle raging in
This room is protected by a will-o-(the)-wisp that is any of the surrounding rooms or corridors, arriving
hovering just below the ceiling, appearing as one of on the scene 1 round later. However, should a fight
the many continual light globes that illuminate the break out in one of the rooms on the west wing of
corridors and rooms of this pyramid. It has been the fane, then they hear and thereby respond to the
instructed to attack any who enter here other than commotion only 60% of the time, arriving on the
the high cleric and his two assistants, surprising its scene a mere 1 round later.
opponents 5 times in 6.
Serpent-People High Cleric (Clr8): HD 8; HP 40;
Will-o-the-wisp: HD 9; HP 36; AC –8[27]; Atk 1 AC 1[18]; Atk +2 mace (1d8+2), or 1 bite (1d6 +
shock (2d6); Move 18; Save 6; CL/XP 10/1400; poison); Move 12; Save 8 (addl. +2 from ring, addl.
Special: None. +2 vs paralysis or poison); AL C; CL/XP 9/1100;
Special: Charm, poison, stench, summon snakes,
7. SENIOR CLERICS’ RECTORY: This area serves spells.
as the sleeping quarters for the high cleric and his Spells (2/2/2/2/2):
two assistants. Immediately past the door is a small Level 1: cure light wounds x2
pile of twigs. Should any other than the high cleric Level 2: hold person x2
and his assistants enter here, the twigs transform Level 3: continual darkness, prayer
into snakes and attack, as the spell sticks to snakes. Level 4: cure serious wounds, sticks to snakes
As in area 5, painted on all of the walls in fading Level 5: insect plague
black ink is a series of curvilinear, mazelike designs Possessions: mace +2, scroll of raise dead, potion of
that form a pattern that is hypnotic to humans and heroism, ring of protection +2, platinum holy
demi-humans looking upon them. All such must symbol (figurine of the Serpent “God” valued at
make a saving throw or be transfixed (up to a 1,000 gp), possibly wearing robe from area 6.
maximum of 20HD may be affected at one time).
Strewn about the floor of the room are five plush Serpent-People Assistant Cleric #1 (Clr7): HD 7;
throw pillows with more of the queer designs sewn HP 28; AC 2[17]; Atk +2 mace (1d8+2+poison), or 1
onto them. (The designs on the pillows do not affect bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 9 (addl. +1 from
the viewer as those on the wall). The pillows are ring, +2 vs paralysis or poison); AL C; CL/XP 8/800;
made of the finest silk, and could easily fetch 200 gp Special: Charm, poison, stench, summon snakes,
apiece on the open market, possibly more if the spells.
buyer is informed of their provenance. Bolted to the Spells (2/2/2/1/1):
floor along the west wall are two large chests that Level 1: cure light wounds x2
the clerics use to store their valuables. Chest #1 is Level 2: hold person, silence 15ft radius
both locked and trapped with a flesh to stone spell Level 3: continual darkness x2
that affects the opener accordingly. Chest #2 is also Level 4: cure serious wounds
locked but warded with a polymorph other spell. Level 5: insect plague
Victims setting off the trap are transformed into Possessions: poisoned +2 mace, rod of hold person
normal, non-poisonous snakes. As the high cleric is (22 charges), ring of protection +1, scroll of insect

plague, holy symbol, possibly wearing robe from causes 1-4 hp of damage to the PC). After the
area 6. offering is made, acids gurgle up from the interior
of the altar and bathe the member, instantly
Serpent-People Assistant Cleric #2 (Clr7): HD 7; dissolving it. The moment the PC in question leaves
HP 30; AC 2[17]; Atk +1 staff of striking (2d6), or 1 and then returns to the High Temple, a vile flesh-
bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 9 (addl. +1 from colored fluid rises up from the interior of the altar
ring, +2 vs paralysis or poison); AL C; CL/XP 8/800; and reforms itself into the sacrificed hand. The PC
Special: Charm, poison, stench, summon snakes, in question can reattach his lost member by simply
spells. touching the stump of his arm to the severed hand.
Spells (2/2/2/1/1): At the same time, the altar again rises up from
Level 1: cure light wounds x2 floor, blocking off the entrance to area 9.
Level 2: hold person x2 As indicated in areas 5 and 7, there is a 50% chance
Level 3: continual darkness x2 that the inhabitants thereof* are present in this
Level 4: cause serious wounds room when the PCs first arrive. If such is the case,
Level 5: finger of death one or both parties are weaving their heads back
Possessions: +1 staff of striking, ring of protection and forth while emitting high-pitched hissing
+1, scrolls of protection from magic and cure sounds. There is a further 25% chance that the PCs
serious wounds, holy symbol, possibly wearing interrupt one of their weekly sacrificial ceremonies.
robe from area 6. (All of the clerics in the temple are forced to attend
such). The PCs then witness the high cleric slitting
Treasure: Chest #1 holds 2 rubies valued at 1,500 gp the throat of a bound serpent person commoner on
apiece (used in area 12, c.f.), 2,000 gp in loose coins the altar while the worshippers in the pews look
of ancient vintage, and 1,500 gp worth of assorted happily on. Afterwards, the worshippers make
jewelry. Chest #2 holds 1,000 gp worth of ancient their way to the altar and imbibe the precious fluid
coins and 1,000 gp worth of assorted jewelry. The before it spills to the floor. Any serpent people
magic items usually stored in both chests are being present in this chamber respond to intruders with
worn/used by the inhabitants of this room unless extreme prejudice.
the PCs were somehow able to approach silently. If *Any initiate or senior clerics present are wearing
such applies, then it takes the clerics a full round to their ceremonial robes from areas 3 and 6,
retrieve all of their magic items from the chests. respectively.

8. HIGH TEMPLE: This diamond-shaped room is 9. TREASURY ENTRANCE: This triangular area
flanked on both sections of the west and east walls features a floor-to-ceiling column along the far wall.
by two rows of 1’-deep depressions that function as Entwined around the column are representations of
pews for the serpent people who come to worship two wide-bodied serpents. In the middle of the
here. Where the angled walls to the north meet rests floor is found a 5’-square trapdoor fashioned of
a triangular altar with a hand-shaped depression gleaming bronze, which is both locked and trapped.
thereon. An obsidian dagger whose blade is Those failing to find and disarm the trap thereon
filigreed with a series of rune-like characters rests cause the two serpents on the column to animate,
beside the depression. The runes (which must be which drop to the floor and immediately attack the
translated) read as follows: Those worthy of our god’s interlopers. The 12’-long, 2’-thick serpents attack as
grace must sacrifice that which offends him. Of course, 8 HD monsters, have 30 hit points each, and have
being a massive serpent, the god of the serpent an armor class of 2 [17]. A bite from the serpents
people feels that such things as hands and feet are causes 2d6 points of damage plus injects poison
unsightly. If one of the PCs does as bidden, into the victim’s bloodstream. (Save vs. poison or
meaning that he uses the obsidian dagger to sever die).
that which offends the Serpent God, his own hand,
such action causes the entire altar block to sink into Beneath the trapdoor is a steep flight of low stone
the floor, thereby allowing access to area 9 to the steps that descends a full 100’ beneath the base of
north. (The wound cauterizes instantly, and only the pyramid, terminating at area 10.

AREA K: KEY TO LEVEL 2 (AREAS 10-15) north, it can be returned to its original position by
depressing another hidden panel along the opposite
This level contains a gauntlet of trapped areas that inner wall of the hallway. The rotation of the
must be bypassed in order to access the three circular hallway is accompanied by a loud rumble
chambers comprising the treasury of the fane. The from the mechanism below.
temple clerics went to such troubles to safeguard
the treasuries because they contain almost 60,000 12. THE FACE OF THE SERPENT: The northern
years worth of wisdom pertaining to their deity, the end of this hallway is blocked by the slightly
Serpent God. They further house a collection of protruding stone face of a serpent that stretches
highly powerful and dangerous magical relics. from wall to wall and ceiling to floor. The massive
rubies that serve as the stone effigy’s eyes are
10. TRAPPED HALLWAY: The stairs from area 9 missing. Should the PCs insert the two rubies from
terminate in a 10’-square landing. There are bronze chest #1 in area 12 into the empty sockets, the entire
doors on the north, west, and east walls. Should the wall section containing the snake head sinks into
PCs look to the floor, they find the following the floor, allowing them access to the T-shaped
message (read languages spell or other method hallway beyond.
required to translate) engraved thereon: You can’t go
forward in life always dwelling on what you did wrong 13. SACRED BOOKS: The door to this room is
or right in the past. What’s left of your life is all that blocked off by the rearing statue of a robed serpent
matters. The riddle, if read correctly, should clue the person. Its arms are outstretched with palms up.
PCs in to the fact that they should only open the left Should the PCs closely examine the statue, they
door, for it is “all that matters.” Said locked but not find that the hands can be rotated a full 180
trapped door opens onto the hallway leading to degrees. PCs simultaneously rotating the two palms
area 11. The door on the right opens onto a 10’- to the downward position cause the entire statue to
square cubicle. An illusion makes it appear as sink into the floor. Nothing happens if only one of
though a tunnel extends from it to the east for 40’ the hands is rotated.
and then turns south. Should the PCs fail to
disbelieve the illusion and then step into the The 20’ x 30’ room behind the statue-door contains
cubicle, they trigger a hinged trapdoor on the floor the life-sized eidolon of a rearing snake with a
that opens onto a 30’- deep pit whose last 10’ is human head, the face bearing a malevolent
filled with acid. The acid causes 1d4 x10 hp of expression, which stands between two massive
damage per round! Immediately after depositing its chests along the far wall. The chests are both
victim in the pool of acid, the trapdoor swings shut mechanically locked and also “trapped” with a
and remains locked for a full hour, after which time mechanical snake-head device, the tongue of which
it can be triggered to open again. Lastly, the locked can be pulled out. Should the PCs fail to find and
door to the north opens onto a blank wall. Those pull out the moving tongue on either chest before
failing to find and disarm the trap on the lock are opening it, the statue animates into an actual spirit
pricked by a poison needle. (Save vs. poison or die). naga and attacks.

11. SPINNING HALLWAY: The archway along the Spirit Naga: HD 9; HP 45; AC 4[15]; Atk 1 bite (1d3
south wall opens onto a 10’-wide hallway that + poison); Move 12; Save 6; CL/XP 13/2300; Special:
curves to the west and east, completely encircling a Poison, charm gaze, spells.
30’-diameter ceiling-to-floor column. Depressing Magic-user spells
the hidden panel (treat as secret door) along the Level 1: Charm Person x2, Magic Missile, Sleep
inner wall of the western branch of the hallway Level 2: Mirror Image, Web
causes the archway along the south wall to rotate a Level 3: Protection from Normal Missiles
full 180 degrees to the north, thereby giving the PCs Cleric spells
access to the corridor leading to area 12. Once the Level 1: Cure Light Wounds x2
archway has been rotated a full 180 degrees to the Level 2: Silence 15ft Radius.

Treasure: Chest #1 contains a massive tome written 15. SACRED ICONS: Along the far wall of this 20’-
in the ancient rune-like script of the serpent people square chamber rests a massive chest that is bolted
detailing their entire history. PCs reading therefrom to the floor. Blocking access thereto is a 20’-deep
can learn everything contained in the new monster and 10’-long wall-to-wall pit filled to the brim with
write-up of the serpent people (see “Arcana”) not to massive bones. PCs either walking across or flying
mention everything contained in the “Adventure over the pit cause the bones to instantly knit
Background” and “For the Game Master” sections themselves together into the undead skeleton of a
of the module. Deciphering the script requires 30’-long gorgosaurus dinosaur that fights to the
translation (or a read languages spell, of course). death. Its massive size prevents it from leaving the
Chest #2 contains a tome of higher elucidation* and room, as it is too wide to fit through the entrance
a grimoire of pain**. door, though it can reach anywhere in the room
with its claws and mouth.
*The Tome of Higher Elucidation grants one level of
experience if it is studied for a week by a non- Gorgosaurus Skeleton: HD 13; HP 60; AC 5[14];
Chaotic cleric. Atk 2 claws (1d3) and 1 bite (5d6); Move 9; Save 3;
AL N; CL/XP 13/2300; Special: 10% resistance to
**The Grimoire of Pain grants one level of turning, turned as vampire.
experience to a Chaotic character of any character
class if it is studied for a week. Characters of Treasure: The chest contains a pearl of wisdom*,
Lawful or Neutral alignments will lose 2000 XP if blocks of both incense of meditation** and
they peruse the book even casually (a successful theological ineptitude***, and a necklace of prayer
saving throw reduces the XP loss to 1d10 x100). beads****. The special beads on the latter item are
of curing, blessing, and atonement.
14. SACRED WEAPONS: This 20’-square room is
bare save for the massive chest along the middle of *Adds 1 to a cleric’s Wisdom
the far wall. The chest is both locked and trapped.
Should the PCs fail to find and remove the trap on **When burned as a cleric is praying for spells, the
the chest, a deluge of normal-sized spitting snakes spells, when cast, will achieve the maximum
starts raining down on their heads from several 2”- possible effect.
diameter holes in the ceiling. (The holes are well-
concealed but can be seen if the ceiling is checked ***When burned as a cleric is praying for spells, the
with care). At the same time, the entrance door cleric will fail to gain the spells, but be convinced
slams shut and locks. that they have been acquired and will even try to
cast them.
Normal Spitting Snakes (20): HD 1+1; HP 5 each;
AC 5[14]; Atk 1 bite (1d2 + poison) or spit (poison); ****The special beads may be used once per day
Move 12; Save 17; AL N; CL/XP 3/60; Special: (determining what each one is requires the use of a
Poison. commune spell or other direct divine
communication). The curing bead may be used to
Treasure: The chest contains a staff of curing* (15 cure blindness, cure disease, or to cast cure serious
charges), a mace of smiting undead**, and 3,000 gp wounds. The bead of blessing allows the casting of
in assorted jewelry and coins. bless. The bead of atonement may be used to allow
*The staff fully heals all damage and cures disease casting of reverse versions of a clerical spell without
when a charge is expended divine disapproval.
**The mace is +1, +2 vs undead, and inflicts double
damage against undead

L. ROYAL PALACE and their distant descendents live in the palace to
this very day.
Before you stands a partially-ruined pyramid that soars
into the air for a full 180’, many of its highly-polished MOAT: The encircling moat has long since dried
casing stones having fallen away, exposing the more out, but the PCs can attempt to walk across the
roughly hewn interior blocks. The pyramidion that tumbled blocks therein to reach the pyramid 30’
should be capping the pyramid is absent, reducing the away, a somewhat difficult task that could involve
total height of the massive structure by over 20’. (It lies a falling 30’.
hundred feet away to the east). From the south and west,
polished limestone roads lead into the 30’-wide moat DRAWBRIDGES: The towering portals of bronze
surrounding the monument. Several of the pyramid’s along the middle of the south and west faces of the
casing stones have tumbled into the moat, completely pyramid can be lowered to span the rubble-choked
filling it. From your vantage point, you can see the moat, and are controlled with massive windlasses
outlines of two 20’- wide by 30’-tall doors of polished to the immediate right of their respective entry
bronze that lie flush with the slanting southern and halls. (Each windlass bears enchantments that
western faces of the pyramid. It is quite evident that greatly multiply the torque applied to them by their
these doors, if lowered, would provide a convenient operator, meaning that a single humanoid can
means of safely crossing over the rubble-filled moat. The easily raise or lower the drawbridge it controls by
massive portals stand directly opposite the limestone himself). Both drawbridges can withstand up to 100
roads leading into the pyramid. hp of damage.

This pyramid once functioned as the three-level AREA L: KEY TO LEVEL 1 (AREAS 1-11)
palace of the serpent people royal family and its
retainers, and contained dozens of chambers. Not This level of the palace contains the living quarters
bearing the enchantments of the Academy of of the king and his closest associates.
Sorcery (area J), almost all of this pyramid’s outer
casing stones were blasted away during the last Features of Level 1 and Dungeon Level: All of the
major invasion by the surface humans several rooms and corridors in the pyramid are extremely
centuries back, and they now completely fill the austere, being merely polished blocks of cyclopean
surrounding moat. The last two upper levels of the basalt devoid of virtually any decoration. Except
palace, which housed the main administrative where noted otherwise, they all feature 15’- high
offices of the royal government, also fell to the vaulted ceilings. All doors are constructed of
invaders. As such, only the first upper level and the bronze and are locked and protected with poison
dungeon level still stand. All of the chambers and needle traps. (Save vs. poison or die). Unless noted
corridors on the first level, though still relatively otherwise, secret doors pivot about their centers
sound, bear long cracks and deep gouges on all of when the correct wall stone is depressed. They
the walls, floors, and ceilings. Being as the dungeon must be pushed inward to open. Affixed to the
level lies concealed via a secret staircase and was ceiling of each and every corridor and chamber in
never discovered by the raiding surface humans, it the pyramid is a 1’-diameter globe of crystal with a
has remained totally intact. continual light spell cast onto its surface, which
bathes its space in a warm green glow.
The last king of the serpent people, his immediate
family, and most of his retainers were also slain by 1. GUARD STATIONS: Standing at these two
the marauding humans. That being said, the king locations behind lowered portcullises are three
still rules his subjects even from the grave, for he serpent person guards armed with 10’-long
along with his vizier and closest retainer haunt this halberds that allow them to reach anywhere in the
pyramid as undead horrors. A few members of the 10’-square areas behind the drawbridge gates. They
royal family survived the attack by the humans, cannot be surprised by the PCs if they were alerted
by the magical mist alarm at area C. In the event

that intruders burst the drawbridge gates open via PCs examining the far wall of the chamber note the
magic and then attack from afar, the guards have short door of beaten bronze that lies to the
also been equipped with longbows and 10 poison- immediate left of the throne. Such leads to area 3,
tipped arrows apiece. They attack any non-serpent the king’s bedchamber; it is locked and bears a
people on sight. Any sounds of battle with the PCs magical glyph. If the glyph is activated, the victim
alert those at the other guard station and the is electrocuted for 25 points of damage. (Save for
reserve guards relaxing in the barracks (area 5). The half damage).
former arrive in 1-2 rounds and the latter in 2-3
rounds. The magic-users stationed in area 7 and the Ghost of the Last King: HD 10; HP 45; AC 0[19]
king and his retainers in area 2 hear the sounds of (until materializing, then 8[11]); Atk 1 touch
fighting 50% of the time but remain in their rooms, (magical effects); Move 9; Save 5; CL/XP 12/2000;
silently preparing themselves for the eventual Special: Touch, fear, possession, hit only by magic
arrival of the PCs. or silver weapons.
Note: The 10’-square areas immediately behind the
drawbridge gates were originally outfitted with Wraiths (2): HD 4; HP 20, 16; AC 3[16]; Atk 1 touch
murder holes in the ceiling from which guards on (1d6+ level drain); Move 9 (Fly 24); Save 13; CL/XP
the now-collapsed second level would pour flaming 6/400; Special: drain 1 level with hit, 10%
oil on the heads of intruders. resistance to turning.

Serpent People Guards (3 at each station) Treasure: The various precious gems studding the
Guards (Ftr7): HD 7; AC 3[16]; Atk 1 halberd throne are worth a total of 4,000 gp.
(1d10) or 1 bite (1d6 + poison) or longbow
(1d6+poison); Move 12; Save 8; AL C; CL/XP 8/800; 3. KING’S BEDCHAMBER: All of the walls of this
Special: Charm, poison, stench. massive room are decorated with decaying
Possessions: 10’-long halberd and longbow with 10 tapestries depicting the last king of the serpent
poison-tipped arrows apiece. (Save vs. poison on a people engaging in various activities such as
successful hit or die). coupling with his concubines, leading armies on the
battlefield against his human enemies, watching the
2. THRONE ROOM: The west and east walls of gladiatorial games at area M, and practicing the
this massive lozenge-shaped chamber are lined magical arts at the Academy of Sorcery. Along the
with 5 towering statues of menacing serpent people far wall stands a formerly supple but now decayed
in a variety of poses. Leading up to the massive floor pillow that served as the king’s bed on those
throne along the far wall is a frayed carpet of rare occasions when he chose not to entertain
deepest purple decorated with a series of himself with one of his many concubines in area 3a,
curvilinear, mazelike designs. The throne is nothing the Harem, which lies behind the tall bronze door
more than a shallow 5’-wide gem-encrusted, gold- in the middle of the east wall. Rearing upright a
plated stone bowl atop a raised dais. Seated thereon few feet aft of the royal bed is what at first appears
is the ghost of the last king of the serpent people. to be a statue of a serpent person with a haughty
Standing to either side of him are his vizier and his bearing. This is, in actuality, a clay golem that
most loyal retainer, both of whom now live on as animates and attacks anyone entering here other
wraiths. They attack any non-serpent people than the king and his concubines in the adjoining
entering here on sight, all the while emitting room.
ghostly moans that summon any remaining guards
in the temple in 2-4 rounds. As its first action, the Clay Golem: HD 12 (50hp); AC 7[12]; Atk 1 fist
king’s ghost attempts to possess the body of the (3d10); Move 8; Save 5; AL N; CL/XP; 14/2700;
most powerful magic-user in the party, and then Special: Immune to slashing and piercing
uses such to attack the remaining PCs. (The king weapons, Immune to most spells.
has a preference for magic using PCs because he
was a magic-user in his former life).

3A. HAREM: This 40’ by 20’ area serves as the serve as beds. Bolted to the floor along the north
residence of the king’s many concubines that he wall is a large chest that the guards use to hold
enjoyed while alive. Three of them live on to this their valuables. It is locked and trapped with a
very day as mummies that look as fresh as the day poison needle. (Save vs. poison or die). Lastly, racks
they died, and are found reclining on the various along the west and east walls hold 6 spare halberds,
decayed pillows strewn about the floor. When it long swords, and long bows, not to mention the
became clear that the fall of his city was close at long sword +2 belonging to the commander of the
hand, the king had his most favored concubines guards and the long sword +1 belonging to his
slain and then reanimated shortly thereafter as lieutenant. Wooden baskets at the far end of each
mummies to preserve their beauty forevermore. He rack hold 30 additional arrows, which are
further had his court wizards cast permanent customarily envenomed by the guards before going
invisibility spells on their wrappings, thereby on duty by dripping some ichor from their fangs
making their gorgeous (to a serpent person) onto the serrated heads attached thereto.
physical forms exposed at all times. Unless called by their fellows in area 1, there are 4
As soon as they catch sight of the PCs, the guards relaxing in this room when the PCs first
mummies rise from their pillows and attack en arrive. Should the PCs burst into the room when
masse. the guards are present, the guards will all grab long
swords from the wall and attack. During the battle,
Mummies (3): HD 6+4; HP 30 each; AC 3[16]; Atk 1 the guards shout to attract any surviving guards at
fist (1d12); Move 6; Save 11; CL/XP 7/600; Special: area 1, which arrive 1-2 rounds later.
Rot, hit only by magic weapons.
Commander (Ftr8): HD 8; HP 35; AC 3[16]; Atk +2
Possessions: Each mummy wears 500gp worth of longsword (1d8+2) or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); Move
assorted jewelry, some pieces of which have been 12; Save 7; AL C; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Charm,
inserted between their wrappings. poison, stench.
Possessions: +2 longsword
pyramid has remained closed off to the general Lieutentant (Ftr7): HD 7; HP 30; AC 3[16]; Atk +1
public for several centuries, the formerly costly longsword (1d8+1) or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); Move
floor pillows in this room reserved for those 12; Save 8; AL C; CL/XP 8/800; Special: Charm,
awaiting an audience with the king are now much poison, stench.
decayed. However, the short stone fountain along Possessions: +1 longsword
the west wall still magically provides visitors with a
ready supply of fresh water. Alongside the fountain Guards (Ftr6): HD 6; HP 25; AC 3[16]; Atk 1
sits a short stone table that once provided visitors longsword (1d8) or 1 bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12;
with a sumptuous buffet consisting of an Save 9; AL C; CL/XP 7/600; Special: Charm, poison,
assortment of limbs, eyes, tongues, and sweet stench.
breads cut from the bodies of captured humans Possessions: longsword
from the surface. In times of famine, the grim
provender was provided by slain serpent people Treasure: 2,000 gp worth of assorted ancient coins
commoners. Standing in the center of this room is lie at the bottom of the chest along with potions of
the rearing statue of a beautiful serpent person heroism (4), healing (4), and fire resistance (2). Each
female. The statue has 1,000 gp-value rubies for serpent-person quaffs a potion of heroism if
eyes, which, if removed, petrify the thief, as the forewarned of the PCs’ arrival, either because the
spell flesh to stone. guards are responding to the cries of their fellows
at area 1 or if the PCs take overlong in bursting
5. GUARD BARRACKS: This massive room, easily through the door to this room.
40’ square, serves as the sleeping quarters for the all
of the guards stationed at the temple. Strewn about
the floor are several shabby, round pillows that

6. UPPER CLASSES’ WAITING ROOM: This area Serpent-People Mage #2 (MU7): HD 7; HP 26; AC
resembles area 4 except that the cushions on the 2[17]; Atk 1 staff (1d6), or 1 bite (1d6 + poison);
floor are fashioned from richer material and the Move 12; Save 9 (addl. +1 from ring, addl. +2 vs
statue of the beautiful serpent person female in the spells); AL C; CL/XP 9/1100; Special: Charm,
center of the room bears a different trap. Any PC poison, stench, spells.
attempting to remove one or both of the 1,500 gp- Spells (4/3/2/1):
value rubies from the eye sockets of the statue are Level 1: detect magic, light, magic missile x2
instantly drained of 2 experience levels (saving Level 2: invisibility, detect invisibility, phantasmal force
throw permitted), and are shocked for 18 points of Level 3: lightning bolt x2
damage. (A successful save vs. spells halves the Level 4: polymorph other
latter damage). Possessions: ring of protection +1, scroll of fly,
potion of healing.
area serves as the sleeping quarters for some distant Serpent-People Mage #3 (MU6): HD 6; HP 24; AC
relatives of the last king of the serpent people. Like 3[16]; Atk 1 dagger (1d4) and wand, or 1 bite (1d6 +
their ancestor, those herein are all devotees of the poison); Move 12; Save 10 (+2 vs spells); AL C;
ars magica. Along the north wall is a large locked CL/XP 8/800; Special: Charm, poison, stench,
chest that is bolted to the floor. The two squares on spells.
the map directly in front of the chest demarcate a Spells (4/2/2):
40’-deep pit. The top of the pit is concealed by an First (4): charm person, detect magic, magic missile,
illusion, making it appear as a normal part of the shield
floor. PCs falling into the pit suffer 4d6 points of Second (2): phantasmal force, web
falling damage and are automatically surprised by Third (2): dispel magic, fireball
the ochre jelly lying at the bottom. When the Possessions: wand of magic missiles (13 charges),
owners want to access the chest, they depress a scroll of confusion, potion of gaseous form.
secret pressure plate on the east wall that causes a
stone panel to slide into place over the pit. Serpent-People Mage #4 (MU6): HD 6; HP 23; AC
3[16]; Atk 1 dagger (1d4) and wand, or 1 bite (1d6 +
The four magic-users in this room do not respond poison); Move 12; Save 10 (+2 vs spells); AL C;
to any cries of help from either the guards at areas 1 CL/XP 8/800; Special: Charm, poison, stench,
and 5 or the king at area 2. They patiently prepare spells.
themselves for the PCs’ arrival by casting any Spells (4/2/2):
desired spells on themselves. First (4): charm person, detect magic, magic missile x2
Second (2): mirror image, phantasmal force
Ochre Jelly: HD 6; HP 25; AC 8[11]; Atk 1 acid- Third (2): dispel magic, fireball
laden strike (3d4); Move 3; Save 11; CL/XP 6/400; Possessions: wand of phantasmal force (20
Special: Lightning divides creature. charges), necklace of fireballs (one 5-dice, two 3-
Serpent-People Mage #1 (MU8): HD 8; HP 30; AC
1[18]; Atk 1 weapon (+1 staff of striking 2d6), or 1 Treasure: 4,000 gp in assorted coins and 2000 gp
bite (1d6 + poison); Move 12; Save 8 (addl. +2 from worth of assorted jewelry.
ring, addl. +2 vs spells); AL C; CL/XP 10/1400;
Special: Charm, poison, stench, spells. 8. DINING HALL: This 40’-square chamber is
Spells (4/3/3/2): where the royals used to take their meals. Being as
Level 1: charm person x2, light, sleep most were slain long ago, it is now mostly used by
Level 2: darkness 15’ radius, phantasmal force, web the distant relatives of the king in area 7 and the
Level 3: fireball, fly, lightning bolt guards in areas 1 and 5. The magical food supply
Level 4: wall of ice, polymorph self here is essentially identical to that employed in the
Possessions: ring of protection +2, +1 staff of other pyramids: in the center of the room is a long
striking. stone table that is a mere 3’ off the ground, flanked

on either side by soft floor pillows. Six 2”-tall brass down to the dungeon level. It ends after almost 100’
buttons protrude from the edges of the table, three at area 12.
per side. Depressing any of the buttons magically
creates a full day’s serving of food and water to AREA L: KEY TO DUNGEON LEVEL (AREAS
magically appear on the table. The buttons only
function once per day, and there is a 50% chance
that any given button has already been used. In the
This level of the palace contains a gauntlet of
middle of the north wall is a bronze door leading to
trapped areas that the PCs must pass through if
area 8a, the Larder.
they wish to gain access to the royal treasury.

8A. LARDER: As with the larders of the other

12. DUNGEON ENTRANCE: The stairs from area
pyramids, recently-obtained corpses are stored
11 terminate at a 10’-square landing, which opens
herein, chilled by a permanent spell of extreme
onto a 30’-long corridor bearing due north. At the
cold, the area of which fills the entire chamber. PCs
far end of the corridor is a blank wall with a
entering here suffer 4d6 points of damage (save vs.
message inscribed thereon in raised letters that
spells for half damage). This room currently
reads: The man without wisdom is but a peon.
contains the corpses of three serpent people
(Deciphering the ancient script requires a read
commoners that were hunted down and then
languages spell or other translation). If the PCs
carried back to the palace to serve as grim
depress the letters “o,” “p,” “e,” and “n” of the last
provender for its living inhabitants. Also here is the
word in the message, “peon,” in order, then the
corpse of a dwarf adventurer who wandered into
entire wall rises up into the ceiling, allowing them
the city and was killed by one of the magic-users in
access to the corridor beyond. Depressing the
area 7 while on a food gathering expedition. The
required letters out of sequence or any other letters
other members of the dwarf’s adventuring troop
of the message causes a magical rune to form in the
were slain by the same magic-user, but they have
air and then explode: the 10’ by 10’ area directly in
since been eaten.
front of the wall is shot through with intense heat
that deals 25 points of fire damage to all standing
9. PRIVY: A series of 1’-diameter privy holes dot
thereon. (Save against the spell for half damage).
the floor of this room. The holes all open over a 20’-
diameter shaft that drops several hundred feet to
13. TRAPPED HALL: At the end of this 50’-long
meet up with a swift-flowing underground river
hall is a trapped false door. If opened, a transmute
that exits at the massive lake comprising area N.
rock to mud spell is activated whose area of effect
Because the underground river runs flush with the
covers the entire hall. A reversed version of the
rough ceiling 10’ overhead, PCs somehow making
spell goes into effect 1 round later which traps the
their way down thereto eventually drown unless
victims’ feet in place. (The mud is rather loose,
they have access to water breathing magic, as area
meaning that the PCs sink a full 2’ into the muck
N lies several hundred feet away.
before the spell is reversed). At the same time, a
stone panel drops into place at the location
indicated on the map, trapping the PCs in the hall.
staircase of stone steps winds upwards, ending
Last, but most definitely not least, several holes
after only 15’ due to the collapse of the two levels
along the ceiling then open, releasing a torrent of
above. Without access to high level magic, the PCs
water down on the PCs. The water fills the 10’-high
will find it impossible to clear away the rubble.
hallway at a rate of 2’ per round, meaning that
Should they do so, their efforts will not be
trapped PCs of average height start drowning on
rewarded, as all of the contents of the upper levels
the third round. PCs can hold their breath for the
are totally destroyed.
number of rounds equal to their Constitution scores
divided by 3. Beyond this period, they must make
saving throws each round or perish.
the secret door is a circular staircase that spirals

14. ROYAL TREASURY: In the exact middle of this Giant Spitting Snakes (6): HD 4; AC 5[14]; Atk 1
10’-section of wall is a tiny half-inch-square bite (1d3 + poison) or spit poison; Move 12; Save
opening that begins at the point where the wall 11; CL/XP 6/400; Special: Spit or bite with lethal
joins the floor. The opening requires a successful poison.
search for secret doors to find. The opening leads to
a tiny 1” x 1” x 1” chamber. Along the opposite wall
therein lies a chest containing the combined M. STADIUM OF THE
treasure horde of generations of serpent people
kings. If the PCs remove the treasure from the tiny
room, a simple dispel magic spell can be used to
return the shrunken horde to its normal size. The This building almost exactly resembles area F. The
chest itself is both wizard locked and trapped with primary physical differences are that the street level
a fireball spell. If triggered, the victim is engulfed bronze door lies along the south not the north wall,
in a ball of flame, suffering 3d6 points of damage in which is immediately flanked by staircases
the process. (Save vs. spells halves damage). The spiraling up the west and east walls, and the
treasure could be removed by any expedient, from circular plaza in the center of the structure is totally
actually shrinking party members down to fetch it, covered in fine sand.
sucking it out with a straw, chipping away enough
stone to reach the inch-wide hidden chamber, etc. At the city’s height, gladiatorial games were staged
Treasure: The chest contains 7,000 gp worth of in this stadium on a nightly basis, with captured
assorted coins, gems, and jewelry. Beneath the humans or serpent people criminals doing battle
more mundane treasure is the following: dagger +3, with each other, or even with one or more
longsword +2, cursed long sword -2, wand of metal dinosaurs. The participants would be led into the
and mineral detection, longbow +2 and a quiver of stadium via the bronze door and then released into
four arrows +1, a staff of healing (30 charges), spear the arena to battle to the death. As no games have
+2, ring of regeneration. been staged in the stadium for several centuries, the
formerly secure bronze door and portcullis at the
15. FALSE TREASURY: The door leading to this end of entry hall stand ajar and raised, respectively.
room is double locked, and the lock is magical. Its In the intervening millennia, the dinosaurs and
trap may be disabled by using dispel magic; those giant lizards of the cavern have come to call the
failing to disarm the trap are electrocuted for 25 arena home, and 1-3 of the terrors are encountered
points of damage when the lock is touched or the therein at any given time. Any PCs violating the
door is opened. (Save vs. spells for half damage). sanctity of their home are attacked on sight. This
The room beyond is cloaked in an illusion that even applies to the ordinarily docile species. Roll
makes it appear to contain several tall piles of (1d3 times) for such on the following table.
neatly stacked platinum and gold coins, mounds of
precious gems, and a varied assortment of 1) 1 Iguanodon
bedizened weaponry, all of which lies along the far Iguanodon: HD 6; AC 4[15]; Atk 2 claws (1d3) 1
wall. PCs failing to disbelieve or otherwise detect bite (2d4); Move 15; Save 11; AL N; CL/XP 6/400;
the illusion will fall into the 60’ deep wall-to-wall Special: None.
pit that covers the last 10’ by 20’ section of the floor,
resulting in 6d6 points of damage. At the bottom of 2) 1 Monoclonius
the pit lie 6 giant spitting snakes in magical Monoclonius: HD 8; AC 3[16]; Atk 1 horn (2d8);
suspended animation. A ring of magical runes Move 6; Save 8; AL N; CL/XP 8/800; Special: None.
spans the midpoint of the pit, and any PCs
plummeting past them causes a spring-loaded 3) 1 Ankylosaurus
trapdoor to snap shut over their heads and the Ankylosaurus: HD 9; AC 0[19]; Atk 1 tail (3d6);
poisonous serpents at their feet to awaken. Move 6; Save 6; AL N; CL/XP 9/1100; Special:

4-5) 1-2 Giant Lizards
Giant Lizards: HD 6; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 bite (2d6);
Move 12; Save 11; CL/XP 6/400; Special: None.
Disabling the lump of crystal atop the pyramid
6) 1 Megalosaurus* containing the Academy of Sorcery deactivates the
Megalosaurus: HD 12; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 bite (3d6); magical mist that has lured itinerant nomads to
Move 12; Save 3; AL N; CL/XP 12/2000; Special: their death for several centuries. If the PCs also
None. eliminate most of the serpent people residing at the
*Can only be encountered alone. Ignore any Great Fane and the Royal Palace, the combined
previous or subsequent rolls. result will be the rapid decline of the serpent
people; their entire race will either vanish entirely
or revert to total savagery within a half century.

Here ends the descent into the City of the Serpent People.
It is my hope that you and your players derived as much
enjoyment in participating in this module as I did in
designing it. This module is nothing less than the
fulfillment of my lifelong dream to pay homage to the
legendary pulp writers of the early twentieth century,
especially Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Requiescat in
pace, civis magnus. I must also make mention of the
recent passing of the man who was the primary architect
of this beloved pastime of ours, whose unique vision
ignited the imaginations of thousands of fantasy role-
playing gamers worldwide. In Memorium Gary
Gygax. In ludis, veritas est.

Hit Dice: 10 (45hp)
Armor Class: 0 [19] before materializing, then 8[11]
Attacks: 1 touch (see below)
Saving Throw: 5
Special: Touch, fear, possession, hit only by magic
or silver weapons


Alignment: Chaos
Challenge Level/XP: 12/2000
This lake stretches for well over 150’ in all Although ghosts tend to be quite individual in
directions, and averages around 80’ in depth. The nature, the two ghosts of the Nameless City (the
waters therein are extremely foul-tasting though Librarian and the King), having been formed under
perfectly potable, serving as the main water supply similar circumstances, are quite similar to each
for the city. Thankfully for the PCs, no aquatic other.
terrors lurk under the calm waters of the lake. In
fact, the only inhabitants of the lake are several Each ghost’s appearance is so terrifying that anyone
species of small, blind cave fish. seeing it must make a saving throw or flee for 2d6
turns. Clerics and paladins are immune to the fear.

The ghost is capable of taking possession of a SERPENT PEOPLE
nearby individual, if the victim fails a saving throw Hit Dice: 4
at -4. In this case, the ghost controls the possessed Armor Class: 3 [16]
body. The victim is allowed a further saving throw Attacks: 2 weapons (1d8) or 1 bite (1d6 + poison)
each round, and a successful turning attempt will Saving Throw: 13
drive out the ghost. Such turning attempts are more Special: Charm, poison, stench (high level clerics
of an exorcism than traditional turning; although summon snakes)
the ghost has the 10% turning resistance against it, Move: 12
the exorcism will not necessarily follow any normal Alignment: Chaotic
restrictions on turning attempts. Saving throws Challenge Level/XP: 6/400
attempting to break the possession are made with a
progressive penalty: the first is at –5, the second at – The serpent people are a vile, elder race that once
6, the third at –7, and so on. dominated the primitive humans sharing the jungle
with them. Several centuries back they were forced
The ghost may only attempt one possession per to permanently retreat underground when the
day, so if it fails it will (semi) materialize to attack desert claimed their once-verdant homeland on the
physically. Its touch freezes the soul in horror, with surface, reducing their mighty cities to ruins. The
three effects: (1) the character is paralyzed for 1d4+3 creatures resemble wide-bodied, black-banded
rounds unless a saving throw is made, (2) the green serpents of 7-8’ in length, possessing a set of
character loses 1 level unless a saving throw is humanoid arms and five-fingered hands along the
made, (3) the character loses 1d8 hit points plus midpoint of their bodies and a set of splayed feet
another 1d3hp per round of paralysis (if near their tail sections. They move by slithering
applicable). along their bellies like a traditional serpent.
However, when faced with a humanoid enemy,
Note: Remember to take into account the 10% they rear up like a cobra, using their short legged
turning resistance. feet to support their bodies in combat. They get two
weapon attacks per round, the fighters of their race
OTYUGH preferring scimitars. Serpent people magic-users
Hit Dice: 7 and clerics traditionally arm themselves with staves
Armor Class: 3 [16] and maces, respectively. They may also choose to
Attacks: 2 tentacles (1d8), bite (1d4+1) bite their victims if not already engaged in weapon-
Saving Throw: 9 play. Such bites cause 1d6 points of damage and
Special: Disease. inject a powerful poison. (Save vs. poison or die).
Move: 6 They carry all of their possessions in leathern bags
Alignment: Neutral that are securely strapped to their backs, and they
Challenge Level/XP: 8/800 never wear armor though they may possess
Otyughs live underground, hiding in piles of magical protective devices such as bracers, rings,
refuse, for they are scavengers. These bizarre and phylacteries.
creatures are slightly larger than a human, a mass
of flesh mounted on three squat, elephant-like legs. The serpent people almost always initially attack by
The otyugh has a sensory-organ stalk, and two rearing up and then rapidly weaving their bodies
rough, bone-ridged tentacles used for attacking back and forth much like a cobra would do.
enemies. Anyone bitten by an otyugh’s mouth has Anyone viewing such a display is affected as by the
a 90% chance of contracting a fatal disease (death in spell charm monster should they fail to save vs.
3d6 days unless cured). Although they are magic at a -2 penalty. Victims proceed toward and
relatively stupid, otyughs use rudimentary follow any non-suicidal commands given by the
telepathy to communicate with each other (and serpent person. Worse yet, serpent people exude
other telepathic beings, if they are encountered). such a foul stench that anyone coming within a 10’-
radius of their bodies must save vs. poison or
become extremely nauseated, suffering a -2 penalty

“to hit” for the remainder of the battle. About 75% WATER WEIRD
of serpent people hailing from the upper classes Hit Dice: 3+3
have had training as either a magic-user or cleric. In Armor Class: 4 [15]
this adventure, all such serpent people encountered Attacks: 1 touch
have the spell casting ability of either a 5th-9th level Saving Throw: 14
magic-user or cleric (50% chance for either). Clerics Special: Drowns victims
of 4th level or higher are able to summon creatures Move: 0 (Swim 12)
to aid them in battle. This ability calls 1d4+1 Alignment: Chaos
poisonous snakes that arrive in 2-12 melee rounds: Challenge Level/XP: 4/120
HD 1d6hp; AC 5[14]; Atk 1 bite (1hp + poison); Water weirds are an elemental corruption of water
Move 18; Save 18; CL/XP 2/30; Special: Lethal that has formed into a semi-intelligent, feral
poison (+2 save). existence as a creature. These things cannot be
killed by normal damage, although their material
substance can be temporarily disrupted by attacks,
although sharp weapons inflict only 1hp of
damage, and fire spells have only half the normal
effect. If the weird’s hit points are reduced to 0, it
has been physically disrupted and the spirit must
re-form its physical shape (which takes 1d4+2 melee
rounds). A weird may be permanently killed only
by magical or ritual purification of its corrupted
water (various spells may do this), or by use of a
remove curse spell.

To attack, the weird lashes its waters in serpentine

form at the victim, and if it scores a successful hit,
the victim is caught and dragged into the waters (a
saving throw allows the victim to avoid being
pulled in). Victims pulled into the weird-water are

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