2B English File B2

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B·I·ii14iid41 V shops a nd se rvice s

GRAMMAR possessives
a Look at the h
p otos . For each one, say:
When was the last tim b
Did b e you ought one (or some)?
you uy them in a shop or on line? Why? .
A _/

2 PRONUNCIATION rand final -r

a 0)2.17 Listen and repeat the words and sound.

receipt room child ren

b Are there any things in the photos that you would pa rents wrong write
never buy online? Why not?

c Read sentences 1-6. Do they refer to shopping in a b 0)2.18 Listen to the pairs of sentences.
physical shop or shopping online? Then ~ t h e correct word to complete the
pronunciation rule.
1 Excuse me, could you tell me where to find childrens
books? 1 a It's her shop. b It's her,_pwn shop.
2 I'm going to get Carlos present from Amazon . I know 2 a The bank's on the corner.
there's a book he wants. b The bank's on the corne r,_pf the road.
3 When we've finished shopping, we're going to Martas 3 a He's my brother. b He's my brotherjn-law.
- she lives near the shopping centre. 4 a Is that umbrella you rs? b Is that you r~umbrella?
4 A Is this your husbands new car? 5 a It's ou r business. b It's ou r~own business.
B Yes. He got it on eBay - it was a fantastic bargain .
5 When my sisters sweater arrived, it was the wrong size, p Final -r
so she had to send it back. Final -r is pronounced Ir! when the next word
6 My two daughters friends all shop at the new boutique begins with a vowel I consonant sound .
on the corner - it's the 'in' place, apparently.

d With a partner, look at the highlighted words c Listen again and practise saying the sentences.
and phrases in c, and add an apostrophe (') in the
d 0)2.19 Listen and write five sentences. Then listen
correct place. again and mark where -r is pronounced /r/.

e 8 p.207 Grammar Bank 2B 0 SPEAKERS OF SPANISH

Go onllne for extra Pronunciation > r in British and
American English
c G 2.21 Now li sten to the people talki ng . Which
a Look at a list of things people love and hate about 'loves' and 'hates' from the list in a does each
onl ine shopping . the things from each speaker refer to? Write the spea ker's number next
section that you strongly agree with . Compare to the things they mention .
with a partner.
d Listen again and answer the questions with the
speaker's number.
Online shopping is here to stay Who ... ?
Do you love it or hate it - or both? likes knowing exactly when things he or she has
bought are going to arrive
once bought a large quant ity of something by
0 You don't have to carry heavy bags any more. mistake
0 It's easy to send presents to people.
has one pa rt icular item he or she often has to ret urn
0 You can do your shopping from work without anyone
enjoys looking on shopping websites
0 You can buy things from shops that aren't near you. thinks it's easier to deal with problems in real shops
0 You can do your shopping in your pyjamas, when it's e Are there any other things you love or hate about
cold and raining outside.
online shopping?
Things are often cheaper than if you buy them in a shop.
You don't have to push your way through crowds of people.
Online shops are open 24/7.
Go online for extra Vocabulary > online shopping

0 You do less exercise and interact less with other people. 4 SPEAKING
0 You can't get advice from a specialist shop assistant.
0 You can't feel things or see exactly what they look like. Choose three of the topics and tell a partner
0 Your shopping is always delivered when you're out. about them . Give as much information as you can.
0 Supermarkets often substitute an item you ordered for
something you don't want.
0 Things are often bigger or smaller than you wanted made a mistake
because you didn't read the detailed description. bought a
and bought the
0 Clothes or shoes often don't fit, or don't suit you
wrong thing
present for
because you weren't able to try them on. someone online
0 If something isn't right, it can be a problem sending it
back or getting it changed.

ordered bought
had to wait
something that something
a long time
didn't fit and online much
for something
had to send it more cheaply
to be delivered
back than in a shop

found that something you bought
online was very different from what
online that
you were expecting
never arrived

b G2.20 You're going to listen to five people

talking about what they love or hate about online
J) Showing interest
shopping. First, listen and complete some extracts. Ask questions about what people say to show
Are the phrases positive or negative? interest and keep the conversation going, or
1 It's just a huge _ _ __ react to what they're saying.
2 It's so _ _ __ Really? Then what happened?
3 That's a real _ _ __ What was it like? That's amazing!
4 It was a real _ _ __ What did you do? How annoying!
5 I _ _ _ _ the fact that ...
6 It's _ _ _ _ being able to ...
7 That's so _ _ __
and services the title of the article and the photo.
L00 k at
a What · Ie wt·11 be about?
do you think the art,c
a Look at the photos. Where do you th ink these
people work? What do they sell? . h?
b Read the article once. Were you rig t.

c Read the article again. Choose a, b, or c.

People queued outside Waterstones in Piccadilly
because they wanted to - - - -·
a take part in a Harry Potter book event
b meet the author of the Harry Potter books
c buy the fifth Harry Potter book
2 Waterstones was also celebrating the fact
that _ _ __
a a wizard was visiting the store
b the chain was now making money
c the bookshop owned by James Daunt was
closing down
3 One of the things Daunt did to transform Waterstones
was to _ _ __
a choose the books himself
b make stores smaller
c give stores more independence
4 Daunt thinks a good bookseller should _ _ __
a have read every book in their store
b G p.226 Vocabulary Bank Shops and services b be able to recommend su itable books to customers
c be able to copy what Amazon is doing
c Talk to a partner. What's the difference 5 Daunt feels confident about the future of bookshops
between ... ? because he thinks that _ _ __
1 a stationer's and a newsagent's a they provide someth ing which online booksellers
2 a dry-cleaner's and a launderette cannot
3 an estate agent's and a travel agent's b bookshops are the most important part of the
4 'the shop's closing' and 'the shop's closing down' commun ity
c online shopping wi ll not last forever
d Interview a partner with the questions below.
d Look at the highlighted words and phrases from

My local shops ,
the article and their meanings. Can you remember
the missing words? Find the phrases in the article
and check your answers.

1 What kinds of shops are there near where you live? In many of the chain's 275 _ _ _ _ across the uE]
Do you use them much? If not, where do you usually = shops belonging to the same chain in different
do your shopping? parts of the UK
2 What shops have opened up or closed down near 2 it was _ _ _ _ in profit
you? Are you pleased or sorry about it? = making money again
3 What chain stores are there near you (H&M, Zara, 3 had many _ _ _ _ customers
etc.)? Do you shop there? How do you feel about = customers who always go to the same shop
them? Are they in competition with local shops? 4 his first task was to _ _ _ _ costs
4 Are there many small independent shops in your = save money in order to increase profit
country? Do you think it's important to support them? 5 Waterstones _ _ _ _ more than 150,000 titles
Why (not)? = has (books) in the shop
S Do you have charity shops where you live? What
kinds of things do they sell? Have you ever bought e James Daunt says that 'people will always want to
anything from one? go to shops'. Do you agree? Why (not)?
Go online for extra Listening
'th an adjective from the bold word
@a,b,orc. a Complete the sentences w1 .
____ glamour
1 I emailed __ the photos. 1 My grandmother is extreme y
· of you to wait for n,
a her b she c hers 2 I'm so sorry I was late - it was very - - - - e.
2 What are __ surnames?
consider I'd trust him to complete the job well . rely
a them b theirs c their 3 Martin is very - - -- · 'd sen
3 He made . She won't do anything stup1 . se
4 She's very - - - - _ he loves painting. create
a for me coffee b coffee for me 5 He's always been - - -- for a family of four. suit
c coffee to me 6 Their car's not really - - - -
4 My sister __ . 7 Our hotel room was - - - - · luxury
a lent them to us b them lent to we 8 Work is very---- at the moment. stress
c lent to us them 9 It's a bit to carry so much money. risk
5 The red shoes are nice, but I prefer 10 Her Russian is very · impress
those __ .
a blue one b blues ones b Complete the words.
c blue ones , h . r
1 There are a lot of mosquitoes - wheres t e 1 - ---
6 He's __ man I've ever met. 2 The plugs in the USA are different. We're going to need an
a the bossiest b the most bossy a_ _ _ _ .
c the more bossy 3 I brought my toothbrush, but I don't have any t._ _ __
7 She's __ in her new job than she was 4 It always takes me ages to p_ _ _ _ my suitcase.
before. 5 Angela can't go swimming. She hasn't brought her sw_ _ __
a much more happy b more happier 6 You don't need to take your dr_ _ __ I. _ _ __ - we won't
c much happier want to hire a car in Paris.
8 The film was than the book. 7 A Did you bring any nail sc_ _ _ _ ? B Look in my washbag.
a a bit better b bit better 8 I looked in the g,___ _ _ _ and found this great seafood restaurant.
c a bit more better
9 __ a word he says. c Where can you buy these things? Write the name of the shop.
a I'm not believing b I don't believe 1 meat ____ 5 aspirin _ _ __
c I'm not believe 2 a newspaper _ _ __ 6 a house _ __ _ _ __ _
10 You look worried - what __ about? 3 bread _ __ _ 7 fish _ _ __
a are you thinking 4 flowers _ _ _ _ 8 potatoes _ _ __
b you are thinking
c do you think
11 Where __ dinner tonight? PRONUNCIATION
a do we have b are we having
a Practise the words and sounds.
c we have
12 our cousins next weekend. Vowel sounds Consonant sounds
a We're visiting b We're visit
c We visit
13 I love looking at other __ family
photos. fish tree cat horse egg right key snake zebra
a people's b peoples' c people'
14 What's the _ _ where you were born? b O p .238 - 9 Sound Bank Say more words for each sound.
a village's name b village name
c name of the village c What sound in a do the p ink letters have in these words?
15 We grow all _ . 1 ea sy 2 headphones 3 sc issors 4 chemist's S st all
a my own vegetables
b our own vegetables d Underline the stressed syllable.
c ours own vegetables 1 ilniltials 3 lu jxu jri lous 5 fishjmon jger's
2 alfforlda lble 4 un jderlwear
CAN YOU understand this text? b Read the arti cle again and complete it with
phrases A- F. There is one phrase you do not
a Read the article once. Which Underground need.
stations were named after things which were
made there? A when the Anglo-Saxons lived in Britain
B show the size of an elephant
C t he fascinating history behind some
Where did these Tube station D the name means 'a river crossing'

names come from? E in t he 13th century, it was an o rch ard and g arden
F was very fash ionable in the late 16th cent ury
If you travel on the London Underground, you will notice
that the names of many of the stations are rather strange.
Here is well-known station names. 0 CAN YOU understand these people?
The name with one of the oldest origins is Tooting Bee.
It goes back more than 1,300 years, to Many English
G2 .24 Watch or listen and choose a, b, or c.
towns still contain words from Old English: the suffix
'-ham' (as in Birmingham) meant 'settlement', while
'-ton' (as in Brighton) referred to a farm. The ending '-i ng'
meant 'belonging to someone', so Tooting means a place
belonging to the Saxon chief Tota. Bee comes from France.
When the Normans invaded England in I 066, they took
Tilly Tory Claudia Maria Diarmuid
over a lot of properties and gave them new names. The
abbey of Bec-Hellouin in Normandy was given the land Tilly's name is short for __ .
that once belonged to Tota . a Ottilie
b Otillie
c Otilie
2 Tory __ her purple and white bedroom.
a really likes
b has just changed
c isn't happy with
At some point in its long history, Covent Garden lost the 3 When Claudia travels, she usually __ .
letter 'n'. Now it is one of London's best-known tourist a packs a lot
attractions, but 3 1i) which was owned by monks from b prefers to take hand luggage
Westminster Abbey. They called it 'the garden of the c packs well in advance
Abbey and Convent', or 'Convent Garden'. King Henry VIII 4 Maria _ _ when she's on hol iday.
destroyed the monastery in the I500s and some large a is often tired
houses were built there. It was also a fruit market from the
b goes for walks in the evening
I650s to the I970s.
c likes really quiet places
The Elephant & Castle station in south London probably
5 Diarmuid buys __ online.
gets its name from a group of medieval craftsmen who
a everything
made knives and swords. Their symbol showed an elephant
carrying a castle. It is thought that the elephant referred to b everything except clothes
the ivory that they used for their knife handles. The castle c everything except food
was possibly included to 4 111, because few Europeans at the
time would have known what this animal looked like.
Like Oxford Circus, the 'circus' part of Piccadilly Circus
CAN YOU say this in English?
refers to a roundabout where different streets meet. The
Tick the box if you can do these things.
other half of its name is centuries old. A 'piccadill' is a large
collar that - often worn by Queen Elizabeth I, for
example. One London tailor, Robert Baker, made a fortune
Can you ... ?

1 talk about a brand name that you think works well

selling piccadills and built a large house called Piccadilly and say why
Hall in the area in 1611 . When the roundabout was built in 2 say which colour clothes you usually wear, and
1819, it was named Piccadilly Circus, and the same name was which you would never wear and why
given to the Underground station when it opened in 1906.
3 talk about five things you always pack when you
travel, and why you need them
sword a weapon with a long metal blade and a handle 4 give two advantages and two disadvantages of
shopping online
ivory a hard material like bone that forms the tusks of elephants
collar the part around the neck of a shirt, dress, etc.

0 Go online to watch the video, review Files 1 & 2, and check your progress
1'1111 SP£At<ERS OF Sf'AHISH
'-• Pocket 8oo4( p .6

more rules for of to show possession

(» 2 .15
That man over there is a friend of mine.
'fh3t's Mark's i,ate\ .d
~e's my sister s oy rren .
This is an interesting book of Sarah' s.
Te ll me about this plan of thei rs .
wtiat's the name of the street where you live? Where's that husband of yours?
fheY sat at the back of the bus.
• We often use noun + of+ possessive pronoun or
name I noun + 's after a I an or this I that.
ru les for possessive 's
asked Chris' advice. I I asked Chris's advice. G 2 _14 (» 2 .16
1 1 I'd love to have my own business.
This is a photo of my parents' house.
2 That's the chil dren's bedroom. That's my magazine. Why don't you buy your own?
We spent the weekend at Paul's. Our town is going to get its own shopping ce ntre.
3 Small bakers often sell their own bread a nd ca kes.
went to my grandmother's yesterday.
Can you get me some aspirin when you go to the chemist's?
• We can use own after a possessive adje ctive for emphasis.
We saw Tom and M ary's parents.
4 • We can also use of my I his I her, etc. + own, e.g . I'd love to
Is that Kat e and Davi d's house?
have a business of my own.
1 If a name ends w ith -s, we form t he possessive wit h • or 's.
Bot h are pronounced hzl.
2 Possessives are different for regu lar and irregular plurals.
, After a plural noun ending in -s, we form t he possessive with
a final '(b ut no ext ra s).
, After an irregul ar p lural not ending in -s, we form the
possessive with 's.
3 We can use name / person + 's to mean that person's house
or flat .
, We also use 's after words for certain jobs to refer to their
shop or b usiness, e.g . chemist's, hairdresser's etc.
4 When we are talking about something belong ing to two
people or things , we put the 'sonly after the second name.

a ~ he correct form . b Are the highlighted forms right or wrong (X)?

Correct the wrong ones.
What's<f[e name of the iljgp:I the shop's name where
Suzy works? We went to Annes for dinner last night. )( to Ann e 's
1 That 's the car of my friend I my friend's car over there. There are lots of expensive womens' c loth es sh ops
2 My brother's / b rothers' names are Peter and Michae l. round here.
3 I live in the flat at the top o f the building I 2 James's brother is much younger than him .
the build ing's top. 3 They'd really like to have h is own flat.
4 Th e only trave l agents / travel agent's in our vil lage 4 A Who are t hose women?
closed down last year. B The b londe one is my sister Al ice, and the dark one
5 I can't remember Jim and Marie's I Jim 's and Marie's is a colleague of her.
address - do you have it? 5 There's been a hairdressers on that corner for years.
6 A Who's Samantha? 6 Two of my friend's mothers run online businesses.
B She's my husband's sister I my sister's husband. 7 Simon is a distant cousin of ours.
7 We often have lunch at my parents' I my parent's. 8 If you want to work from home, you need to have
8 Tim's a co lleague o f my I of mine. a study of your own .
9 Not many people live in the centre o f London I 9 Keith's and Brian mother works in the shop with them .
London 's centre. 10 There was a beautiful painting of Monet's at the
lO I quite like supermarket pizza, but I p refer t o make ex hibition .
my own I m ine own. Qp .30

0 Go online to review t he grammar for each lesson

Shops and services ( ' SPEAKERS OF SPANISH
Pocket Book p.28


a Match the words and photos .
a Match the highlighted phrasal verbs to the
ba ker's 'hl•1l, _ ,v 1 fl or ist's 'I ln11 , I, 1
barber's 'h.1 :h:ll 9£Iden ce ntre i\1u :d11 ,c 11t.1'
butcher's 'hol r:l/ greengrocer's !'w I:11ljrJ1),:111 A lot of local sh ops and bu si nesses have
closed down becau se of th e recession.
car showroom ,'J,1o ru :111 / hairdresser's 1'hc:idrc,:i1/
cha in store 'IJc111 , 1:i:/ 2 A Do you need any help?
jeweller's /'d3u ::ib1/
B No thanks, I just want to looluound.
chemist's l' kcm 1,1 ~/ launderette /i.l:11 'drcI/
3 I wanted to get the coat in a large, but
deli /'Jc li ' market stall /'n1u:k 1t ,t:i:I /
they'd sold out.
DIY store /, Ji: aI ' \\'al ,1:i:/ newsagent 's /' nju :zc 1d3:inhl
4 A Is there somewhere where I can try on
dry-cleaner's /,dra1 'kli :n:iz/ off-licence /'nf l.11,n, / this sweater?
estate agent's /i\Ic1I c1J3;int~/ stationer's /\ tc1.f;in;iz/ B Yes, the changing rooms are over there.
fishmonger's /'f1JmA1Jg:iz/ travel agent's /'tra.:vl c1d3::111t~/ 5 Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking
for a butcher's. Someone told me there was
one near here.
6 A Do you have these in a med ium?
B I'm sorry, we 're out of mediums at the
moment, but we should be getting some
in soon .
a not have in stock at the moment
b put something on to see if it fits
c (of a shop) not have any more to sell
d stop trading or doing business
e try to find something
f walk round a place to see what there is

b 0)2.23 Listen and check .

ACTIVATION Cover 1-6 and look at definitions a-f.

Say the phrasal verbs.

J) Shop names with 's

The names for many sorts of shops end in
's . This is short for (sb) 's shop, e.g. baker's =
baker's shop, chemist's = chemist's shop. In the
plural of these shops, there is no apostrophe,
e.g. There are several bakers here.
Shop names are also often compound nouns,
e.g. bookshop, pet shop, health food store.

Other places to buy things in the UK

Charity shops sell second -hand items
(especially clothes) which have been given to
them by people to raise money for charity.
Pound shops sell a variety of cheap goods
which cost one pound .
Craft fairs are events where you can buy
handmade things, often made by local people.
Outlets are shops that sell branded goods at
b 0)2.22 Listen and check. reduced prices .
ACTIVATION Cover the words and look at the photos. Say the
words. O p.32

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