8th IPhO Problem and Solution

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Problems of the 8th International Physics Olympiad

(Güstrow, 1975)

Gunnar Friege1 & Gunter Lind

The 8th International Physics Olympiad took place from the 7.7. to the 12.7. 1975 in Güstrow,
in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Altogether, 9 countries with 45 pupils participated.
The teams came from Bulgaria, the German Democratic Republic, the Federal Republic of
Germany (FRG), France, Poland, Rumania, Tchechoslowakia, Hungary and the USSR. The
entire event took place in the pedagogic academy of Güstrow. Pupils and leaders were
accommodated inside the university academy complex. On the schedule there was the
competition and receptions as well as excursions to Schwerin, Rostock, and Berlin were offered.
The delegation of the FRG reported of a very good organisation of the olympiad.
The problems and solutions of the 8th International Physics Olympiad were created by a
commission of university physics professors and lecturers. The same commission set marking
schemes and conducted the correction of the tests. The correction was carried out very quickly
and was considered as righteous and, in cases of doubt, as very generous.
The main competition consisted of a 5 hour test in theory and a 4.5 hour experimental test. The
time for the theoretical part was rather short and for the experimental part rather long. The
problems originated from central areas of classical physics. The theoretical problems were
relatively difficult, although solvable with good physics knowledge taught at school. The level
of difficulty of the experimental problem was adequate. There were no additional devices
necessary for the solution of the problems. Only basic formula knowledge was requested, and
could be demanded from all pupils. Critics were only uttered concerning the second theoretical
problem (thick lens). This problem requested relatively little physical understanding, but tested
the mathematical skills and the routine in approaching problems (e.g. correct distinction of
cases). However, it is also difficult to find substantial physics problems in the area of
geometrical optics.

Remark: This article was written due to the special request to us by Dr. W. Gorzkowski, in order to close one of
the last few gaps in the IPhO-report collection.
Contact: Dr. Gunnar Friege, Leibniz-Institute for Science Education (IPN) at the University of Kiel, Olshausenstr.
62, 24098 Kiel, Germany, [email protected]

Altogether 50 points were the maximum to achieve; 30 in the theoretical test and 20 in the
experimental test. The best contestant came from the USSR and had 43 points. The first prize
(gold medal) was awarded with 39 points, the second prize (silver medal) with 34 points, the
third prize (bronze medal) with 28 points and the fourth prize (honourable mention) with 22
points. Among the 45 contestants, 7 I. prizes, 9 II. prizes, 12 III. prizes and 8 IV. prizes were
awarded, meaning that 80 % of all contestants were awarded.
The following problem descriptions and solution are based mainly on a translation of the
original German version from 1975. Because the original drafts are not well preserved, some
new sketches were drawn. We also gave the problems headlines and the solutions are in more

Theoretical problem 1: “Rotating rod”

A rod revolves with a constant angular velocity ω
around a vertical axis A. The rod includes a fixed angle
of π / 2 - α with the axis. A body of mass m can glide
along the rod. The coefficient of friction is µ = tanβ.
The angle β is called „friction angle“.
a) Determine the angles α under which the body
remains at rest and under which the body is in
motion if the rod is not rotating (i.e. ω = 0).
b) The rod rotates with constant angular velocity
ω > 0. The angle α does not change during rotation.
Find the condition for the body to remain at rest
relative to the rod.

You can use the following relations:

sin (α ± β) = sin α ⋅ cos β ± cos α ⋅ sin β
cos (α ± β) = cos α ⋅ cos β ∓ sin α ⋅ sin β

Solution of problem 1:
a) ω = 0:
The forces in this case are (see figure):
G=Z + N =m⋅ g (1),

Z = m ⋅ g ⋅ sin α = Z (2),

N = m ⋅ g ⋅ cos α = N (3),

R = µ ⋅ N = µ ⋅ m ⋅ g ⋅ cos α = R (4).

[ R : force of friction]
The body is at rest relative to the rod, if Z ≤ R . According to equations (2) and (4) this is
equivalent to tan α ≤ tan β . That means, the body is at rest relative to the rod for α ≤ β and
the body moves along the rod for α > β .

b) ω > 0:
Two different situations have to be considered: 1. α > β and 2. α ≤ β .
If the rod is moving ( ω ≠ 0 ) the forces are G = m ⋅ g and Fr = m ⋅ r ⋅ ω .

From the parallelogramm of forces (see figure):

Z + N = G + Fr (5).
The condition of equilibrium is:
Z =µ N (6).

Z is oriented downwards, i.e. g ⋅ sin α > r ⋅ ω ⋅ cos α .

Case 1:

Z = m ⋅ g ⋅ sin α - m ⋅ r ⋅ω ⋅ cos α and N = m ⋅ g ⋅ cos α + m ⋅ r ⋅ ω ⋅ sin α

2 2

Case 2: Z is oriented upwards, i.e. g ⋅ sin α < r ⋅ ω ⋅ cos α .

Z = − m ⋅ g ⋅ sin α + m ⋅ r ⋅ω ⋅ cos α and N = m ⋅ g ⋅ cos α + m ⋅ r ⋅ ω ⋅ sin α

2 2

It follows from the condition of equilibrium equation (6) that

± ( g ⋅ sin α − r ⋅ ω 2 ⋅ cos α ) = tan β ⋅ ( g ⋅ cos α + r ⋅ ω 2 ⋅ sin α ) (7).

Algebraic manipulation of equation (7) leads to:
g ⋅ sin (α − β ) = r ⋅ω 2 ⋅ cos (α − β ) (8),

g ⋅ sin (α + β ) = r ⋅ω 2 ⋅ cos (α + β ) (9).

That means,
r1,2 = ⋅ tan (α ∓ β ) (10).
The body is at rest relative to the rotating rod in the case α > β if the following inequalities
r1 ≤ r ≤ r2 with r1 , r2 > 0 (11)

L1 ≤ L ≤ L2 with L1 = r1 / cos α and L2 = r2 / cos α (12).

The body is at rest relative to the rotating rod in the case α ≤ β if the following inequalities
0 ≤ r ≤ r2 with r1 = 0 (since r1 < 0 is not a physical solution), r2 > 0 (13).

Inequality (13) is equivalent to

0 ≤ L ≤ L2 with L2 = r2 / cos α > 0 (14).

Theoretical problem 2: “Thick lens”

The focal length f of a thick glass lens in air with refractive index n, radius curvatures r1, r2 and
n r1r2
vertex distance d (see figure) is given by: f =
( n − 1)  n ( r2 − r1 ) + d ( n − 1)

Remark: ri > 0 means that the central curvature point Mi is on the right side of the aerial
vertex Si, ri < 0 means that the central curvature point Mi is on the left side of the
aerial vertex Si (i = 1,2).
For some special applications it is required, that the focal length is independent from the
a) For how many different wavelengths can the same focal length be achieved?
b) Describe a relation between ri (i = 1,2), d and the refractive index n for which the required
wavelength independence can be fulfilled and discuss this relation.
Sketch possible shapes of lenses and mark the central curvature points M1 and M2.
c) Prove that for a given planconvex lens a specific focal length can be achieved by only one
d) State possible parameters of the thick lens for two further cases in which a certain focal
length can be realized for one wavelength only. Take into account the physical and the
geometrical circumstances.

Solution of problem 2:
a) The refractive index n is a function of the wavelength λ , i.e. n = n ( λ ). According to the
given formula for the focal length f (see above) which for a given f yields to an equation
quadratic in n there are at most two different wavelengths (indices of refraction) for the same
focal length.
b) If the focal length is the same for two different wavelengths, then the equation
f ( λ1 ) = f ( λ 2 ) or f ( n1 ) = f ( n2 ) (1)

holds. Using the given equation for the focal length it follows from equation (1):
n1 r1r2 n2 r1r2
( n1 − 1)  n1 ( r2 − r1 ) + d ( n1 − 1)  ( n2 − 1) n2 ( r2 − r1 ) + d ( n2 − 1) 
Algebraic calculations lead to:
 1 
r1 − r2 = d ⋅ 1 −  (2).
 n1n 2 
If the values of the radii r1, r2 and the thickness satisfy this condition the focal length will be
the same for two wavelengths (indices of refraction). The parameters in this equation are
subject to some physical restrictions: The indices of refraction are greater than 1 and the
thickness of the lens is greater than 0 m. Therefore, from equation (2) the relation
d > r1 − r2 > 0 (3)

is obtained.

The following table shows a discussion of different cases:

r1 r2 condition shape of the lens centre of


r1 > 0 r2 > 0 0 < r1 − r2 < d M2 is always

or right of M1.
r2 < r1 < d + r2 M 1M 2 < S1S 2

r1 > 0 r2 < 0 r1 + r2 < d Order of points:

S1M 1M 2 S2

r1 < 0 r2 > 0 never fulfilled

r1 < 0 r2 < 0 0 < r2 − r1 < d M2 is always

right of M1.
r1 < r2 < d + r1 M 1M 2 < S1S 2

c) The radius r1 or the radius r2 is infinite in the case of the planconvex lens. In the following it
is assumed that r1 is infinite and r2 is finite.
n r2 r2
lim f = lim = (4)
r1 →∞ r1 →∞  r  d  1− n
( n − 1)  n  2 − 1 + ( n − 1) 
  r1  r1 

Equation (4) means, that for each wavelength (refractive index) there exists a different value
of the focal length.

d) From the given formula for the focal length (see problem formulation) one obtains the
following quadratic equation in n:
A ⋅ n2 + B ⋅ n + C = 0 (5)

with A = ( r2 − r1 + d ) ⋅ f , B = −  f ⋅ ( r2 − r1 ) + 2 ⋅ f ⋅ d + r1 ⋅ r2  and C = f ⋅ d .

Solutions of equation (5) are:

B B2 C
n1,2 = − ± − (6).
2⋅ A 4⋅ A 2

Equation (5) has only one physical correct solution, if...

I) A = 0 (i.e., the coefficient of n2 in equation (5) vanishes)
In this case the following relationships exists:
r1 – r2 = d (7),
f ⋅d
n= >1 (8).
f ⋅ d + r1 ⋅ r2
II) B = 0 (i.e. the coefficient of n in equation (5) vanishes)
In this case the equation has a positive and a negative solution. Only the positve
solution makes sense from the physical point of view. It is:
f ⋅ ( r2 − r1 ) + 2 ⋅ f ⋅ d + r1 ⋅ r2 = 0 (9),

C d
n2 = − =− >1 (10),
A ( r2 − r1 + d )
III) B2 = 4 AC
In this case two identical real solutions exist. It is:

 f ⋅ ( r2 − r1 ) + 2 ⋅ f ⋅ d + r1 ⋅ r2  = 4 ⋅ (r2 − r1 + d ) ⋅ f 2 ⋅ d

B f ⋅ ( r2 − r1 ) + 2 ⋅ f ⋅ d + r1 ⋅ r2
n=− = >1 (12).
2⋅ A 2 ⋅ f ( r2 − r1 + d )

Theoretical problem 3: “Ions in a magnetic field”

A beam of positive ions (charge +e) of the same and
constant mass m spread from point Q in different directions
in the plane of paper (see figure2). The ions were
accelerated by a voltage U. They are deflected in a uniform
magnetic field B that is perpendicular to the plane of paper.
The boundaries of the magnetic field are made in a way
that the initially diverging ions are focussed in point A
( QA = 2 ⋅ a ). The trajectories of the ions are symmetric to the middle perpendicular on QA .

Remark: This illustrative figure was not part of the original problem formulation.

Among different possible boundaries of magnetic fields a specific type shall be considered in
which a contiguous magnetic field acts around the middle perpendicular and in which the points
Q and A are in the field free area.
a) Describe the radius curvature R of the particle path in the magnetic field as a function of the
voltage U and the induction B.
b) Describe the characteristic properties of the particle paths in the setup mentioned above.
c) Obtain the boundaries of the magnetic field boundaries by geometrical constructions for the
cases R < a, R = a and R > 0.
d) Describe the general equation for the boundaries of the magnetic field.

Solution of problem 3:
a) The kinetic energy of the ion after acceleration by a voltage U is:
½ mv2 = eU (1).
From equation (1) the velocity of the ions is calculated:

2 ⋅ e ⋅U
v= (2).
On a moving ion (charge e and velocity v) in a homogenous magnetic field B acts a Lorentz
force F. Under the given conditions the velocity is always perpendicular to the magnetic
field. Therefore, the paths of the ions are circular with Radius R. Lorentz force and
centrifugal force are of the same amount:
m ⋅ v2
e⋅v ⋅ B = (3).
From equation (3) the radius of the ion path is calculated:

1 2 ⋅ m ⋅U
R= (4).
B e

b) All ions of mass m travel on circular paths of radius R = v⋅m / e⋅B inside the magnetic field.
Leaving the magnetic field they fly in a straight line along the last tangent. The centres of
curvature of the ion paths lie on the middle perpendicular on QA since the magnetic field is

assumed to be symmetric to the middle perpendicular on QA . The paths of the focussed

ions are above QA due to the direction of the magnetic field.

c) The construction method of the boundaries of the magnetic fields is based on the
considerations in part b:
- Sketch circles of radius R and different centres of curvature on the middle perpendicular
on QA .
- Sketch tangents on the circle with either point Q or point A on these straight lines.
- The points of tangency make up the boundaries of the magnetic field. If R > a then not
all ions will reach point A. Ions starting at an angle steeper than the tangent at Q, do not
arrive in A. The figure on the last page shows the boundaries of the magnetic field for
the three cases R < a, R = a and R > a.

d) It is convenient to deduce a general equation for the boundaries of the magnetic field in
polar coordinates (r, ϕ) instead of using cartesian coordinates (x, y).

The following relation is obtained from the figure:

r ⋅ cos ϕ + R sin ϕ = a (7).
The boundaries of the magnetic field are given by:
a  R 
r= 1 − sin ϕ  (8).
cos ϕ  a 

Experimental problem: “Semiconductor element”
In this experiment a semiconductor element ( ), an adjustable resistor (up to 140 Ω),
a fixed resistor (300 Ω), a 9-V-direct voltage source, cables and two multimeters are at disposal.
It is not allowed to use the multimeters as ohmmeters.
a) Determine the current-voltage-characteristics of the semiconductor element taking into
account the fact that the maximum load permitted is 250 mW. Write down your data in
tabular form and plot your data. Before your measurements consider how an overload of the
semiconductor element can surely be avoided and note down your thoughts. Sketch the
circuit diagram of the chosen setup and discuss the systematic errors of the circuit.
b) Calculate the resistance (dynamic resistance) of the semiconductor element for a current of
25 mA.
c) Determine the dependence of output voltage U2 from the input voltage U1 by using the
circuit described below. Write down your data in tabular form and plot your data.

The input voltage U1 varies between 0 V and 9 V. The semiconductor element is to be

placed in the circuit in such a manner, that U2 is as high as possible. Describe the entire
circuit diagram in the protocol and discuss the results of the measurements.
d) How does the output voltage U2 change, when the input voltage is raised from 7 V to 9 V?
Explain qualitatively the ratio ∆U1 / ∆U2.
e) What type of semiconductor element is used in the experiment? What is a practical
application of the circuit shown above?

Hints: The multimeters can be used as voltmeter or as ammeter. The precision class of these
instruments is 2.5% and they have the following features:

measuring range 50 µA 300 µA 3 mA 30 mA 300 mA 0,3 V 1 V 3V 10 V

internal resistance 2 kΩ 1 kΩ 100 Ω 10 Ω 1Ω 6 kΩ 20 kΩ 60 kΩ 200 kΩ

Solution of the experimental problem:
a) Some considerations: the product of the voltage across the semiconductor element U and
current I through this element is not allowed to be larger than the maximum permitted load
of 250 mW. Therefore the measurements have to be processed in a way, that the product U⋅
I is always smaller than 250 mW.
The figure shows two different circuit diagram that can be used in this experiment:

The complete current-voltage-

characteristics look like this:

The systematic error is produced

by the measuring instruments.
Concerning the circuit diagram on
the left (“Stromfehlerschaltung”),
the ammeter also measures the
current running through the voltmeter. The current must therefore be corrected. Concerning
the circuit diagram on the right (“Spannungsfehlerschaltung”) the voltmeter also measures
the voltage across the ammeter. This error must also be corrected. To this end, the given
internal resistances of the measuring instruments can be used. Another systematic error is
produced by the uncontrolled temperature increase of the semiconductor element, whereby
the electric conductivity rises.

b) The dynamic resistance is obtained as ratio of small differences by

Ri = (1).
The dynamic resistance is different for the two directions of the current. The order of
magnitude in one direction (backward direction) is 10 Ω ± 50% and the order of magnitude
in the other direction (flux direction) is 1 Ω ± 50%.

c) The complete circuit diagram contains a potentiometer and two voltmeters.

The graph of the function U 2 = f (U 1 ) has

generally the same form for both directions of
the current, but the absolute values are different.
By requesting that the semiconductor element
has to be placed in such a way, that the output
voltage U2 is as high as possible, a backward
direction should be used.

Comment: After exceeding a specific input voltage U1 the output voltage increases only a
little, because with the alteration of U1 the current I increases (breakdown of the
diode) and therefore also the voltage drop at the resistance.

d) The output voltages belonging to U1 = 7 V and U1 = 9 V are measured and their difference
∆U 2 is calculated:

∆U 2 = 0.1 V ± 50% (2).

Comment: The circuit is a voltage divider circuit. Its special behaviour results from the
different resistances. The resistance of the semiconductor element is much
smaller than the resistance. It changes nonlinear with the voltage across the
element. From Ri << RV follows ∆U 2 < ∆U 1 in the case of U 1 > U 2 .

e) The semiconductor element is a Z-diode (Zener diode); also correct: diode and rectifier. The
circuit diagram can be used for stabilisation of voltages.

Marking scheme

Problem 1: “Rotating rod” (10 points)

Part a 1 point
Part b – cases 1. and 2. 1 point
– forces and condition of equilibrium 1 point
– case Z downwards 2 points
– case Z upwards 2 points
– calculation of r1,2 1 point
– case α > β 1 point
– case α ≤ β 1 point

Problem 2: “Thick lens” (10 points)

Part a 1 point
Part b – equation (1), equation (2) 2 points
– physical restrictions, equation (3) 1 point
– discussion of different cases 2 points
– shapes of lenses 1 point
Part c – discussion and equation (4) 1 point
Part d 2 point

Problem 3: “Ions in a magnetic field” (10 points)

Part a – derivation of equations (1) and (2) 1 point
– derivation of equation (4) 1 point
Part b – characteristics properties of the particle 3 points
Part c – boundaries of the magnetic field for the 3 points
three cases
Part d 2 points

Experimental problem: “Semiconductor element” (20 points)
Part a – considerations concerning overload, 6 points
circuit diagram,
experiment and measurements,
complete current-voltage-
discussion of the systematic errors
Part b – equation (1) 3 points
dynamic resistance for both directions
correct results within ±50%
Part c – complete circuit diagram, 5 points
graph of the function U 2 = f (U 1 ) ,
correct comment
Part d – correct ∆U 2 within ±50%, 3 points
correct comment
Part e – Zener-diode (diode, rectifier) and 3 points
stabilisation of voltages

Remarks: If the diode is destroyed two points are deducted.

If a multimeter is destroyed five points are deducted.


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