A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur.: Department of Computer Engineering

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Shanti Education Society’s

A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur.

All Programs NBA Accredited

Department of Computer Engineering

Micro-Project Proposal
“Moving car using geometric objects”

Roll No. Name


Under the Course: Computer Engineering

COs covered:
CO1: Manipulate visual and geometric information of images.
CO2: Implement standard algorithm to draw various graphics objects using C

(Ms. Nanaware Y.B ) (Mr. Patil T.L)

(Course Coordinator) (Program Coordinator)

(Year 2020-21)

Part A
Semester III
“Moving car using geometric objects”

1.0 Brief Introduction :

Output Primitives: The Primitives are the simple Geometric functions that are used to
generate various Computer Graphics objects required by the user. Some most basic
Outputprimitives are point-position (pixel) , a straight line, circle, rectangle and ellipse.

Text Mode: Screen is divided into character positions. Screen is mapped as number of rows
and columns.
Text mode functions:
putch():Displays single character at cursor position.

clrscr():Clears entire screen.

gotoxy():Positions cursors to specifies location on screen.

Textcolor():Apply color to text.

Graphics Mode: Screen is divided into pixels. While working in C programming language,
default output mode is text mode. To draw graphics objects on the screen mode to
graphics mode, use functions below.

Void initgraph(int v*graphdriver,int graph mode,char*pathodriver);

Some of the basic graphics functions are
#include<graphics.h> : The header file must be included for every graphics program

1. Void initgraph(int v*graphdriver,int graph mode,char*pathodriver);

Initgraph() function is used To change from text mode to graphics mode. The graphics
drivers and graphics mode are the parameters to this function. detectgraph() function is
used to find out the graphics drivers and graphics mode.
2. void closegraph();
closegraph() function closes the graphcis mode , deallocates all memory allocated by
graphics system and restores the screen to text
2.0 Actual plan:

Sr. Planned Started Planned Finished Name of Responsible

Details of Activity
NO. Date Date Team Member

Group formation & topic

1 16-9-20 20-9-20 All Group Members.
selection discussion.

Discussion of group with

2 22-9-20 29-9-20 All Group Members.
project guide.

3 Finalization of topic. 30-9-20 All Group Members.

4 Data collections. 16-9-20 20-10-20 All Group Members.

5 Arrangement of data 22-9-20 29-10-20 All Group Members.

6 Data correction 29-10-20 30-10-20 All Group Members.

7 Preparation of Softcopy 01-11-20 6-11-20 All Group Member

8 Finalization of Softcopy 16-11-20 20-11-20 ALL Group Member

9 Proposal Writing (Rough) 22-11-20 29-11-20 All Group Members

10 Proposal Writing (Fair) 30-11-20 All Group Members

11 Report writing (Rough) 1-12-20 10-12-20 All Group Members

12 Presentation of report (Fair) 19-12-20 All Group Members

13 Preparation of Project 20-12-20 31-12-20 All Group Members

14 Presentation of Project 05-01-21 All Group Members

Final submission of the micro-

15 10-01-21 All Group Members
3.0 Aim of Micro Project:
1. To draw basic graphic objects.

2. Function to draw various graphics.

3. Learn graphic coordinate system to plot objects.

4.0 Actual Resources Used:

Sr. No. Name of Resource/ Material Specification Qty Remarks

1. Processor Intel 2.5 GHz Dual Core 1 Working

2. RAM 4 GB 1 Working

3. Motherboard Asus P5KPL 1 Working

4. HDD 50 GB 1 Working

5. Software Turbo C7 1 Working

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