A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur.: Department of Computer Engineering
A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur.: Department of Computer Engineering
A. G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur.: Department of Computer Engineering
(Year 2020-21)
Part A
Semester III
“Moving car using geometric objects”
Output Primitives: The Primitives are the simple Geometric functions that are used to
generate various Computer Graphics objects required by the user. Some most basic
Outputprimitives are point-position (pixel) , a straight line, circle, rectangle and ellipse.
Text Mode: Screen is divided into character positions. Screen is mapped as number of rows
and columns.
Text mode functions:
putch():Displays single character at cursor position.
Graphics Mode: Screen is divided into pixels. While working in C programming language,
default output mode is text mode. To draw graphics objects on the screen mode to
graphics mode, use functions below.
2. RAM 4 GB 1 Working
4. HDD 50 GB 1 Working