Bandar Jubran Thesis

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Electromagnetic Interference Caused By A High Voltage Transmission

Network On Buried Pipelines & Communication Cables

Thesis · January 2009

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2312.2962


6 4,988

1 author:

Bandar Alqahtani
Duke University


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This Thesis is Gratefully Dedicated To

My Parents


In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds, Master of the Day of Judgment whom we do

worship, and whose pleasure and aid we seek. Blessings and peace of Allah be upon his

last Prophet and Messenger Mohammed and upon his Family and Companions.

The contents of this thesis have been developed and improved by the contributions of

numerous people.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor, Professor Mohammed

Al-Shwehdi, for his steadfast encouragement, useful discussions, invaluable assistance,

advice, and comments. Without his tireless and insightful supervision, the completion of

this thesis would not have been possible. He has taught me as an undergraduate student on

how to do research and given me plenty of opportunities to present my work in front of

experts in the field at local and international conferences. He has also taught me many

important lessons in life which will always guide me throughout my career. The many

skills I have 1earnt from him will constantly remind me of how great a teacher he is.

Many thanks and appreciations are due to the members of my thesis committee: Dr. Jamil

M. Bakhashwain, Professor Essam Hassan, Dr. Zakariya Al-Hamouz, and Dr. Ibrahim

Habiballah. Their encouragement, advice, patience and critical editing and correction have

enhanced this manuscript.

I would like also to express my special thanks to Mr. Mubarak Al-Mulhim, Transmission

Planning & Development Vice-President in the Saudi Electricity Company, for his kind

support in providing the necessary software to conduct this study.

I am forever profoundly indebted to my parents, to whom this work is dedicated, for their

unparalleled love, support and encouragement throughout my entire life.

I would like to express my profound gratitude to my little boy, Abdullateef, to whom I

owe my life, for missing me so much throughout my study.

But most of all my sincere love and deepest appreciation goes to my wife, Um-

Abdullateef, for her constant support, understanding and patience during my study.

Last but not least, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my brothers and sisters, Dr.

Saeed, Dr. Hussain, Maryam, A’isha, Khalid, Fawzia, Abdullah, Khalil and Mohammed,

for their emotional support and time spent to guide and advise me during my whole


I have thanked just a few of the people who have been instrumental in shaping my career

so far, and I ask forgiveness from those who have been omitted unintentionally.


LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………….........viii

LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………………ix

ABSTRACT (ENGLISH)…………………………………………………………...xi

ABSTRACT (ARABIC)…………………………………………………………….xii

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………..1

1.1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE …………………………………………………1

1.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY …………………………………………..2

1.3 RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION …………………………………………...3

1.4 THESIS ORGANIZATION ………………………………………………..4

1.5 GENERAL BACKGROUND ……………………………………………...5

1.6 MECHANISM OF EMI ……………………………………………………6

1.7 EFFECTS OF EMI …………………………………………………………13

CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW …………………………………………..16

2.1 GENERAL REVIEW ……………………………………………………...16

2.2 EMI INTERFERENCE …………………………………………………….17

2.3 SAFETY STANDARDS………………………………………………........21

2.3 MITIGATION OF EMI EFFECTS …………………………..…………….23



3.1 INDUCTIVE INTERFERENCE …………………………………………..31

3.2 CONDUCTIVE INTERFERENCE ………...……………………………...41


COMMUNICATION CABLES……………………………………………47


4.1 INTRODUCTION ………...……………………………………….………49

4.2 TERMINOLOGY ………...…………………………...…………………...53

4.3 CONDUCTORS COORDINATES .…………………...…………………..57

4.4 CONDUCTORS GROUNDING .……………………...…………………..76


5.1 INTRODUCTION ………...………………………………………..……...78

5.2 VALIDATION OF SOFTWARE RESULTS ...……...…………………….78

5.3 STEADY-STATE CONDITION ………...………………...………………82

5.4 TRANSIENT CONDITION ……..………...……………………………....94


CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION ……..………...…………………….……………..106

NOMENCLATURE ..………...………………………………………….………..109

REFERENCES ……..………...………………………………………….………..111

VITA ...…………...………...………………………………………………...……116


Table Page

2.1 Standards of maximum allowable touch voltage level….………….................22

4.1 Line-Path Coordinates Measured in Faras-Qurayyah Right-of-Way…...…….59

4.2 Physical characteristics of transmission line phase conductors ...…………....64

4.3 Physical characteristics of transmission line ground wire conductors ...……..65

4.4 UA-1 Pipeline Characteristics ……………………….……………………….66

4.5 QUU-1 Pipeline Characteristics …………………….………………………..67

4.6 UBTG-1 Pipeline Characteristics ………….………………………................68

4.7 UJNGL-1 Pipeline Characteristics …………………….…………………......69

4.8 SHNGL-1 Pipeline Characteristics …………………….…………………….70

4.9 UA-4 Pipeline Characteristics ……………………….……………………….71

4.10 UA-6 Pipeline Characteristics ……………………….……………………….72

4.11 SEC Oil Pipeline Characteristics ……………………….…………………….73

4.12 60” Water Pipeline Characteristics ……………………….…………………..74

4.13 Communication Cable Characteristics ………………….…………………….75

4.14 Soil Resistivities ……………………………………...……………….............77

5.1 Pipeline potential along the QUU-1 Pipeline ………………………................81

5.2 Fault Currents Level for Faras-Qurayyah 380KV Transmission Line………...97


Figure Page

1.1 Inductive Coupling………………………………………………..….…………8

1.2 Conductive Coupling ………………………….……………...………………..12

3.1 Example of E.M.F. Induced in Normal Situation ………………………...........36

4.1 380 KV Network with Pipelines & Cables to be Modeled …………………….52

4.2 Partial Coordinates Map Generated by DGN Program …………..…………….58

4.3 Cross section of 380 KV Faras-Qurayyah Transmission Line …....……………62

4.4 Cross section of 380 KV Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission Line ..……............63

5.1 Pipeline Potential along The Axial Length of The QUU-1 Pipeline …………...80

5.2 Current Level on 380KV Faras-Qurayyah Transmission Lines ………………..85

5.3 Current Level on 380KV Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission Lines ...................86

5.4 Pipeline Potential on the UA-1 Pipeline during steady state condition …….….87

5.5 Pipeline Potential on the SEC Oil Pipeline during steady state condition……...88

5.6 Pipeline Potential on the Gas Pipeline during steady state condition ..………...89

5.7 Pipeline Potential on the QUU-1 Pipeline during steady state condition………90

5.8 Pipeline Potential on the UA-4 Oil Pipeline during steady state condition…….91

5.9 Pipeline Potential on the QUU-1 Pipeline during steady state condition………92

5.10 Induced voltage on the Communication Cable during steady state condition….93

5.11 Touch Voltage along The Axial Length of The UA-1 Pipeline ….……....……98

5.12 Touch Voltage along The Axial Length of The SEC Oil Pipeline ………...…..99

6.1 Typical Gradient Control Wire Installation ………………………...…………101

6.2 Touch Voltage along The UA-1 Pipeline After Mitigation ………….......……104

6.3 Touch Voltage along The SEC Oil Pipeline After Mitigation ........……….......105




Electromagnetic fields, produced by the transmission lines on nearby oil and gas buried
pipelines and underground communication cables, generate uncontrolled voltages which
can be a safety problem and distort communications. This research evaluates and analyzes
the electromagnetic interference effects on oil and gas buried pipelines and underground
communication cables created by the nearby high voltage transmission lines in the Eastern
Province of Saudi Arabia. The study revealed that the maximum induced voltage on all
buried pipelines and communication cables during the steady state condition is within the
standard limit. However, the results during the short circuit condition exceed the safety
limits on some buried pipelines. A mitigation system using gradient control wires has
been simulated to reduce the pipeline potential to the safety limit.



‫ﺧﻼﺻﺔ اﻟﺮﺳﺎﻟﺔ‬

‫‪ :‬ﺑﻨﺪر ﺟﺒﺮان اﻟﻘﺤﻄﺎﻧﻲ‬ ‫اﻻﺳﻢ اﻟﻜﺎﻣﻞ‬

‫ﻋﻨﻮان اﻟﺮﺳﺎﻟﺔ ‪ :‬أﺛﺮ اﻟﺘﺪاﺧﻼت اﻟﻜﻬﺮوﻣﻐﻨﺎﻃﻴﺴﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺘﻮﻟﺪة ﻣﻦ ﺧﻄﻮط ﻧﻘﻞ اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ذات اﻟﺠﻬﺪ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫ﻋﻠﻰ ﺧﻄﻮط اﻷﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ واﻻﺕﺼﺎﻻت اﻟﻤﺪﻓﻮﻧﺔ‬
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‫ﺕﺎرﻳﺦ اﻟﺘﺨﺮج ‪ :‬یﻨﺎیﺮ ‪2009‬‬

‫ﺕﺘﺄﺛﺮ ﺧﻄﻮط أﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ اﻟﺰیﺖ واﻟﻐﺎز وﺧﻄﻮط اﻻﺕﺼﺎﻻت اﻟﻤﺪﻓﻮﻧﺔ واﻟﻤﺘﻮاﺟﺪة ﺑﺎﻟﻘﺮب ﻣﻦ ﺧﻄﻮط ﻧﻘﻞ اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ذات‬
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‫اﻷﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ وﺧﻄﻮط اﻻﺕﺼﺎﻻت ﻣﻤﺎ ﻗﺪ یﺆﺛﺮ ﺳﻠﺒًﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ و یﻌﻤﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺕﺸﻮیﺶ اﻻﺕﺼﺎﻻت‪ .‬ﺳﻴﺘﻢ ﻓﻲ هﺬا اﻟﺒﺤﺚ‬
‫ﺕﻘﻴﻴﻢ و ﺕﺤﻠﻴﻞ أﺛﺮ اﻟﺘﺪاﺧﻼت اﻟﻜﻬﺮوﻣﻐﻨﺎﻃﻴﺴﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺘﻮﻟﺪة ﻣﻦ ﺧﻄﻮط ﻧﻘﻞ اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ذات اﻟﺠﻬﺪ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ ﻓﻲ ﺵﺮق اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ‬
‫اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدیﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺧﻄﻮط أﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ اﻟﺰیﺖ واﻟﻐﺎز وﺧﻄﻮط اﻻﺕﺼﺎﻻت اﻟﻘﺮیﺒﺔ واﻟﻤﺪﻓﻮﻧﺔ‪ .‬ﻟﻘﺪ أوﺿﺤﺖ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ أن‬
‫ﺕﺄﺛﻴﺮات اﻟﺘﺪاﺧﻼت اﻟﻜﻬﺮوﻣﻐﻨﺎﻃﻴﺴﻴﺔ آﺎن ﺿﻤﻦ اﻟﻤﻌﺎیﻴﺮ اﻟﻤﺴﻤﻮح ﺑﻬﺎ دوﻟﻴًﺎ و ﻣﺤﻠﻴًﺎ أﺛﻨﺎء اﻟﻈﺮوف اﻟﻌﺎدیﺔ‪ .‬ﺑﻴﻨﻤﺎ‬
‫ﺳﺠﻠﺖ أرﻗﺎم ﻋﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﺟﺪًا ﻋﻠﻰ ﺑﻌﺾ ﺧﻄﻮط اﻷﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ ﻓﻲ ﺡﺎﻟﺔ وﺟﻮد ﻗﺼﺮ آﻬﺮﺑﺎﺋﻲ ﻣﻤﺎ یﺘﻮﺟﺐ ﻋﻤﻞ إﺟﺮاءات وﻗﺎﺋﻴﺔ‬
‫ﻟﻠﺤﺪ و اﻟﺘﻘﻠﻴﻞ ﻣﻦ هﺬﻩ اﻟﺘﺄﺛﻴﺮات ﻟﺘﺘﻮاﻓﻖ ﻣﻊ اﻟﻤﻘﺎیﻴﺲ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻤﻴﺔ و اﻟﻤﺤﻠﻴﺔ‪.‬‬

‫درﺟﺔ اﻟﻤﺎﺟﺴﺘﻴﺮ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﺔ اﻟﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎﺋﻴﺔ‬

‫ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﻓﻬﺪ ﻟﻠﺒﺘﺮول واﻟﻤﻌﺎدن‬
‫اﻟﻈﻬﺮان – ‪31261‬‬
‫اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدﻳﺔ‬




The intention of this research is to conduct a comprehensive study on the

electromagnetic interference effects on oil and gas buried pipelines and underground

communication cables. This research also updates the previous studies, done years ago, to

analyze the inductive interference in a wide area of Saudi Electric transmission lines and

nearby oil and gas buried pipelines. The present area has been changed drastically since

new transmission lines were erected and some pipelines were removed. The objectives of

this research are to determine what are the induced voltages at all locations along buried

pipelines and communication cables, which remain within the vicinity of transmission

lines for significant distances, and to check whether these induced voltages are within

standards’ safe limit. The research will include the present steady-state conditions as well

as the transient-state conditions. Moreover, the present study will cover the effect of the

tower grounding resistance, soil resistivity, and distance between the transmission lines

and buried pipelines and communication cables on the reduction of EMI effects on these

pipelines and cables.



The research started by collecting the required updated data from Saudi Electricity

Company (SEC) and Saudi Aramco (such as transmission line conductors, tower

configuration coordinates and characteristics, transmission lines loading, soil resistivity,

leakage, ground footing resistances, pipelines and communication cables layout drawings,

diameter, material, etc.). Due to the complexity of the case-study, which includes more

than one transmission lines and many oil and gas buried pipelines and underground

communication cables, it was difficult to calculate the induced voltages by hand

calculation. Thus, the case-study has been carried out through the following major steps

using the modeling and simulation of Current Distribution, Electromagnetics, Grounding,

and Soil Structure Analysis (CDEGS) software developed by the Safe Engineering

Services & Technologies (SES):

1. Determine the self and mutual impedances of all conductors under study.

2. Using the circuit model established with the impedance obtained in step 1,

determine the induced voltage in the buried pipelines and communication cables.

3. Determine the stress voltages across the insulation or coating of the buried

pipelines and communication cables.

4. Analyze the effects of various mitigation measures.



This research will present a rigorous background to help engineers understand the

importance of the EMI problem, through the collection of data on the standards available,

and the modeling and simulation of practical cases.

The major benefits envisaged from this research are as follows:

1. Identify the technical merits of applying, planning and analyzing the interference


2. Encourage safe and reliable solutions to interference problems.

3. Calculate the induced voltage on the buried pipelines and communication cables

and compare them with standards.

4. In the case of excess over standards, conduct and implement a mitigation analysis.

5. Provide utility planners with new alternatives for installation of new transmission

lines and pipelines.

6. Allow safe and secure distances to a buried pipeline from a given transmission


7. Provide a basis for continually updated studies and contracts/agreements; whereby

both the utility and end-users can benefit from electromagnetic investigations.


Chapter 1 addresses the objective and methodology of this research, and it provides

general background about the EMI mechanisms and effects.

Chapter 2 gives a brief history of electromagnetic interference studies, including inductive

and conductive couplings between pipelines and power lines. Also, special consideration

is given to the available software used to conduct the electromagnetic interference studies.

Chapter 3 briefly discusses some theoretical essentials and calculations for inductive and

conductive interferences. It also considers the position of the pipelines or communication

cables which might comprise a succession of parallelisms, oblique approaches and

crossings with reference to the power lines.

The EMI Analysis for the investigation area is introduced in Chapter 4, and it covers the

geographical area of the 380 KV transmission lines between Faras and Qurayyah power

plants that are used to feed the power to several oil and gas facilities owned by Saudi


Chapter 5 presents the simulation results of the EMI analysis for the Faras-Qurayyah

case-study, and then Chapter 6 proposes a mitigation technique to limit the EMI

interference to the acceptable safe levels that meet the local and international standards.

Chapter 7 contains the conclusion and the summary of the research analysis, and it

highlights the future work.


Metal pipelines are largely used to convey fluids and especially liquid or gaseous

hydrocarbons (i.e. oil or natural gas). Their length can reach several hundreds and even

thousands of kilometers. The pipelines are generally buried at shallow depths but they can

also be aerial. In order to prevent electrochemical corrosion of the metal, the underground

pipelines are provided with an outside insulating coating and connected to a cathodic

protection installation. For the sake of the cathodic protection, insulating flanges can

interrupt the electrical conduction of the pipeline at different places.

Because of the continuous growth of energy consumption, and of the tendency to site

power lines and pipelines along the same routes, high voltage structures are more and

more frequently located in the vicinity of metallic pipelines. Moreover, short-circuit

current becomes higher as electric networks increase in size and power. Therefore, there

has been and still is a growing concern about the following possible hazards resulting

from the influence of H.V. systems on metal pipelines [7, 38]:

- safety of people entering in contact with the pipeline


- risks of damage of the pipeline

- risks of destruction of equipment connected with pipeline.

Metal pipelines and communication cables form conductors insulated from the earth,

and they may be on a part of their length exposed to influences of nearby high voltage

lines. Influences of H.V. lines can result from three types of couplings: capacitive,

inductive and conductive. Under fault conditions, the voltages on influenced pipelines can

reach a magnitude between several hundred volts and a few kilovolts. In normal

operation, influences are normally much lower, but nevertheless they can make problems.

Since the capacitive effect is negligible for the buried pipelines and communication

cables, only the inductive and conductive couplings are considered in this research. [9, 26]



Buried pipelines or communication cables that run parallel to or in close proximity to

transmission lines are subjected to induced voltages caused by the time-varying

magnetic fields produced by the transmission line currents (Figure 1.1). The induced

e.m.f.s cause currents to flow in the buried pipeline and communication cable and also

voltages between them and the surrounding earth. [4]


The inductive influence of a H.V. line on a nearby pipeline depends basically on three


- Power transmission line currents and operating conditions. Under short circuit

conditions, induced e.m.fs depend on the fault current. The induced voltages can

be much higher than in normal situations but their duration is very short. [4]

- Distance between electrical line and pipeline. The separation between the

transmission line and the pipeline is an important factor influencing the induced

voltage level, which is reduced with increasing separation. [37]

- Exposure length. The length of exposure is the length of the zone where the

influence is significant. The influence is considered significant when the induced

e.m.f. due to a fault current with earth-return is higher than 10 V/km x kA, or in

other words when a 1 kA current with earth return produces an electromotive force

higher than 10 V per kilometer. Such values correspond approximately to

distances (in m) between the electrical line and the pipeline less than 200 ρ

(with ρ soil receptivity in Ωm ). [16]


Figure 1.1 Inductive Coupling. [3]


Although the total e.m.f increases with the exposure length, induced voltages increase

with the exposure lengths only where these are short (from 1 up to a few kilometers

depending on the pipeline coating). For long exposure lengths, there is a limitation of

the induced voltages due to the leakage impedance of the coating. [16]

For the communication cables, the inductive coupling occurs via the mutual

inductance between the power lines and the communication cables. The magnetic

flux, produced by the transmission line current, may induce noise voltage into an

adjacent communication cable, generating a loop current in the disturbed circuit. The

geometry of the conductors, as well as the geometric range between the power lines

and communication cables, determines the value of the mutual impedance and,

consequently, the intensity of the inductive coupling. [53]


When a ground fault occurs at a power line tower (or in a power substation), there is

conductive coupling between the line tower (or a power substation) and a nearby

pipeline if the pipeline is directly connected to the ground electrode of the H.V.

system (i.e. inside a power station) or if the pipeline enters the “zone influence” of the

tower (or power substation), i.e. a noticeable ground potential rise (GPR) appears at

the pipeline location because of the fault current flowing into the soil. In practice,

conductive coupling most often results from the second case (ground potential rise at

pipeline location). [4]

In so far as a pipeline is not influenced by capacitive or inductive coupling, its

potential can be assumed to remain very close to the reference potential of remote

earth. Therefore, any GPR (ground potential rise) at the pipeline location is directly

applied to the pipeline insulating coating. Problems may appear when the GPR

exceeds the coating dielectric strength: in such a case, permanent, but usually very

limited, puncturing of the pipeline coating can be observed. Melting of the pipeline

steel may even occur, but only when the pipeline is very close to a tower grounding

electrode. [31]

When the coating material is not perfectly insulating (i.e. bitumen), or if the

pipeline is intentionally grounded inside the zone of influence of the faulted tower (or

substation), leakage currents flow from the soil into the pipeline. Thus a fraction of the

GPR is transferred to the metallic pipeline. This transferred potential can be

transmitted by the pipeline to a remote point such as an insulating flange, a pipeline

access point, or a cathodic protection system. Depending upon its amplitude, this

transferred potential may generate a dielectric stress upon the insulating flange or

upon the cathodic protection system, or it may create touch and step voltages which

may be applied to workers touching the pipeline at access points or staying nearby. A

similar situation appears when a pipeline section is directly bonded to the earth

electrode of a power station. [3]


Thus, touch voltages (between the pipeline and the earth) appear within and

outside the station. If safety precautions are not taken, such voltages might represent a

risk to workers (in the station) and to the public (outside the station). In addition, the

ground potential rise of the station is transmitted along the pipeline and, before

decreasing to a safe value, it can be applied to an insulating flange. [3, 4]

In the case of communication cable, the conductive coupling occurs when

transmission lines and communication cable have a common branch. The conductive

coupling is fairly common when the bonding and grounding systems used for the

power and telecommunications are not sufficiently isolated. [53]


Figure 1.2 Conductive coupling during line-to-ground fault condition. [4]




Induced voltages can be responsible for safety problems for people in contact with

an aerial or underground pipeline – situated in the vicinity of H.V. lines. Most

national regulations insist that safety measures have to be taken when the voltages

on the pipeline exceed 50 or 65V under steady-state conditions. During H.V. faults

to the earth, much higher voltages are admissible, as the fault produces a short

duration stress and the admissible voltage depends on the stress duration. Risks due

to faults are limited, because of the limited rate of faults and the low probability that

somebody is in contact with the pipeline at the very moment when the danger level

is exceeded. Also, during H.V. earth faults, voltages on the pipeline can exceed the

withstand voltage level of the insulating flanges. The same danger exists for

equipment connected to the pipeline, especially for cathodic protection apparatus.


The electromagnetic interference may cause electrical and electronic malfunctions

and can prevent the proper use of the radio frequency spectrum. In data

communication, excessive electromagnetic interference hinders the ability of remote


receivers to successfully detect data packets. The end result is increased errors,

network traffic due to packet retransmissions, and network congestion. [53]


When the transferred potential develops along a pipeline, workers touching the

pipeline (or staying close to it) may be subjected to electrical shock, which can

eventually result in ventricular fibrillation. The risk depends upon many factors:

duration of the fault, voltage amplitude, combined probability for people to be in an

exposed position during a phase-to-earth fault, voltage distribution around the access

point, quality of gloves and shoes that workers wear, etc. [9]

Any voltage difference between the metallic pipeline and the surrounding soil is

applied to the insulating coating. Investigations have shown that relatively low

voltage values (1000 to 2000 V) result in glow and arc discharges on the whole area

of bitumen coatings. During such phenomena, the pipeline’s transverse admittance

to the earth is increased (i.e. the coating becomes more conductive). If the coating

degradation is irreversible, it will further result in an increased current consumption

by the cathodic protection systems, and also in a smaller pipeline a voltage increase

in the case of inductive coupling with a H.V. line. Damage to polyethylene coating

will be usually more localized. [4]


High-intensity current passing through a small-size coating puncture would heat up

the pipeline steel and, in theory, could make it melt. Experiments and calculations

have shown that such a puncturing process cannot result from the sole “transferred

potential” mechanism: it can happen only if the pipeline is so close to the H.V.

tower footing (or the substation grounding grid) that an electric arc appears in the

soil and, by establishing a zero-resistance path between the electrode and the

pipeline, makes it possible for a large current to flow directly into the pipeline. [16]

Voltage transferred into a pipeline section can result in a dielectric stress across an

insulating flange. If the flange dielectric strength is exceeded, flashover will occur,

with the destruction of the insulating flange as a possible result. However, such an

accident is rather unlikely to occur, since voltages transferred by resistive coupling

are most often much lower than voltages resulting from inductive coupling against

which insulating flanges are dimensioned. [16]

Active cathodic protection system, including semi-conductor rectifiers (SCRs) can

be damaged by high voltage resulting from transferred potential if no protective

measures are taken. [4]




Electromagnetic interference caused by electric transmission and distribution lines

on neighboring metallic utilities such as gas and oil pipelines became a major concern in

the early 60s due to the significant increase in the load and short-circuit current levels

needed to satisfy the energy required by the phenomenal industrial growth of Western

nations. Another reason for increased interference levels originates from the more recent

environmental concerns which obligate various utilities to share common corridors in an

effort to minimize the impact on wildlife and other related threats to nature. [11]

Electromagnetic interference problems were analyzed in the early days of

telegraph and telephone mainly as an inductive coupling problem between

telecommunications circuits (crosstalk) and between electric lines and

telecommunications lines (electric noise). However, it is only in the mid 60s that the first

detailed investigations of a realistic interference analysis, including power lines and

pipelines, were published by Favez et al. [15]



The interference of power lines to closely located metallic structures, buried pipelines and

telecommunication cables has been a topic of interest over the past 25 years. The

inductive and conductive interferences were examined by researchers who produced

various reports, papers, and standards [1-56]. The widely known Carson’s relations were

the basis for the initial attempts to study these interferences [12]. A technical

recommendation was developed in Germany based on these studies, which was revised

later, by utilizing more advanced and sophisticated analytical models in a computer

program [15].

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, two research projects of the Electrical Power

Research Institute (EPRI) and the American Gas Association (AGA) introduced practical

analytical expressions that could be computerized or programmed on handheld calculators

[18]. In the following years, EPRI and AGA jointly developed a computer program that

utilizes equivalent circuits with concentrated or distributed elements with the self and

mutual inductances being calculated using classic formulas from Carson et al [27].

Furthermore, CIGRE’s Study Committee 36 produced a report detailing the different

regulations existing in several countries and, some years later, published a general guide

on the subject, with a summary of its most important parts [16]. Moreover, a universal

algorithm was proposed that may be used to simulate uniformly both the inductive and

conductive interferences, whereas a more general method may be applied to pipeline

networks with complex geometries [6].

More recently, a finite-element method (FEM) was adopted to calculate the induced

voltages on pipelines. This method removes certain approximations that previous

approaches used. However, due to the large solution area of the problem, only two-

dimensional (2-D) FEM calculations were performed. This made the method applicable

only to symmetrical cases (e.g., parallel routings) and to cases where the pipeline has a

perfect coating, which is a situation rarely encountered in reality. Defects on pipeline

coatings are a common fact, especially in old pipelines, and they can range from a few

millimeters to several decimeters. In order to overcome the above limitations, an

improved hybrid method was introduced later, utilizing both FEM calculations and circuit

theory, that is capable of calculating unknown parameters of the problem, such as the

induced currents or voltages, and it was validated by comparing it with other published

results. [17,19]

During 1990-2001, the electromagnetic field method (EFM) and the conventional circuit

method (CCM) were proposed by the Safe Engineering Services & Technologies (SES)

Group to analyze electromagnetic interference between transmission lines, railways,

pipelines, communication lines or other metallic structures parallel to the transmission

lines. In the EFM case, the total interference level is obtained in one step without the need

to compute separately each individual component such as inductive and conductive

components. The main limitation of EFM is that it is difficult to handle very long right-of-

ways with many circuits. In the CCM case, interference levels due to induction and

conduction are computed separately. The total interference level is then obtained by

combining the inductive and conductive components, which is always a time-consuming

process. When the victim circuit is connected to the electrical substation grounding grid,

which is usually connected to the overhead ground wires, the total interference level can

no longer be computed accurately by CCM. Recently, the SES Group has adopted the

CCM approach where the total interference level can be computed efficiently and

accurately even where pipelines are connected to electric substation grounding systems.

[2, 14]

In 1994, Charge Simulation Method (CSM) was developed for calculating the induced

voltages on fence wires/pipelines underneath AC power transmission lines. The calculated

induced voltages compare favorably with those measured experimentally. [40]

In 2003, a local case study was conducted to analyze and evaluate the inductive effects on

some old parts of Saudi Aramco pipelines created by the operation of SEC 380KV power

lines in the some parts of the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. A mathematical model is

given for the computation of the electrostatic effect of the power line on the pipelines. [3]

Nodal network analysis was used in 2004 to analyze the induced voltage on the buried gas

pipelines. The induced voltage on the 71.3 km long gas pipeline running parallel to the

22.9 kV power line is analyzed, and the maximum induced voltage is 4.78 V at the

starting point of the longest parallel segment. [54]


In 2005, a new technique was presented on the basis of the development of an artificial

neural network (ANN) model for predicting the electromagnetic interference effects on

gas pipelines shared right-of-way (ROW) with high voltage transmission lines. It was

demonstrated that the ANN-based model developed can predict the induced voltage with

high accuracy. The accuracy of the predicted induced voltage is very important for

designing mitigation systems that will increase overall pipeline integrity and make the

pipeline and equipments connected to pipeline safe for operating personnel. [55]

The influence of strong electromagnetic fields of power lines on telecommunication lines

was studied in two characteristic cases: when the power line is used only for power

transportation, and when the power line is used for transporting data. [53]

Study of the influence of the electrostatic and magnetostatic fields from a power

transmission line over a gas pipeline distribution system, for a non-parallel configuration

was published in 2008. That study was based on the nodal model analysis for power line,

quantifying the capacitive and self and mutual impedance effects, due to the geometrical

configuration of both systems, as they depend on the power line voltage and on the

current in conductors, respectively. [5]

Longitudinal induction voltage measurement on communication cables running parallel to

overhead lines was presented in April 2008. It aimed to briefly highlight the effect of

induced voltage in the telecommunication cables, and to explain methods by which the

longitudinal induced voltage can be measured, and to introduce a new method for this

measurement. [1]

The most recent study was conducted in November 2008, and it focused on the

possibilities of studying the electromagnetic interferences in common corridors shared by

electric transmission lines and other utilities, such as pipelines, by using professional

analysis and modeling software. The study confirmed the possibility of obtaining an

accurate modeling of extremely long common corridors, along which various parameters

may change, such as soil resistivity, power line current magnitude, fault location, and

victim line characteristics. [2]


Several international standards provide a methodology for determining the maximum

acceptable touch and step voltages, and they are all based on the minimum current

required to induce ventricular fibrillation. In addition, many national standards are set by

many countries to provide their own safety limits. In general, there is no worldwide

consensus on a maximum safe touch voltage level. Table 2.1 lists different countries and

standards for the maximum allowable touch voltage level. [41-44]

Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia has no national code standard to determine the maximum

safe limits for touch and step voltages. Instead, the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) and

Saudi Aramco Company refer to the IEEE 80 standard for the maximum touch voltage


TABLE 2.1 Standards of Maximum Allowable Touch Voltage Level

Fault State
Steady State
Max. Voltage (V)
Max. Time Max. Voltage (V)

IEEE 80-2000 15 0.5 287

IEC-479 0.45 220

NACE RP0177-2000 15 No guidance

Saudi Arabia According to IEEE 80-2000

United States 25 According to IEEE 80-2000

Germany 65 0.5 1000

Sweden 15 0.5 600

Switzerland 50 0.3 300

South Africa 50 > 0.35 430

Telecommunication 60 0.5 430
Union’s guidelines


A mitigation system designed to protect the buried pipeline and communication cable

subject to EMI interference must achieve several objectives. Under worst case power-line

load conditions, the buried pipeline or communication cable potentials with respect to

local earth must be reduced to acceptable levels for the safety of operating personnel and

the public. The mitigation system must ensure the safety of the public and operating

personnel at exposed sites during fault conditions in the power line.

The mitigation system must also ensure that pipeline coating stress voltages remain within

acceptable limits to prevent damage to the coating or even to the pipeline steel. Following

are the most common mitigation techniques that can control induced voltage on an

influenced buried pipeline and communication cable.


The simplest method to lower EMI interference levels in the buried pipeline or

communication cable is to connect it to an earth electrode at certain locations. This

method is known as lumped grounding or a “brute force method”.


The soil resistivity in the area can affect the size of the required electrode significantly.

For example, 50 m vertical rod in 100 Ωm soil achieves 3 Ω. But 0.3 Ω can be achieved

by six 100 m long vertical rods spaced 100 m apart and connected with a horizontal

conductor. If soil resistivity increases to 1000 Ωm, these dimensions increase tenfold.

While it can still work well for mitigation systems with low impedance requirements and

in a very low soil resistivity, in many practical cases this method is impractical and very

expensive. [10]


Cancellation wire as a method was developed in the late 1980s. It consists of a long

buried wire parallel to the transmission line, often on the side of the transmission line

opposite to the buried pipeline or the communication cable, so that the transmission line is

located between the buried pipeline and the cancellation wire. With proper positioning,

the voltages induced in the wire are out-of-phase with voltages induced into the pipeline.

As one end of the cancellation wire is connected to the pipeline, these voltages cancel

each other when the other end of the wire is left free.

The problems with this method are that it cancels only the inductive component of the

fault currents, and it may transfer excessive voltages to its unconnected end. The method

requires the purchase of additional land for the placement of the wire. [31]


Insulating joints divide the pipeline into several electrically isolated parts so that induced

voltage cannot reach high levels. Local ground is then connected to the pipeline at each

side of the insulating joint. Each earthing electrode is connected to the pipeline through a

surge diverter, which operates only when the voltage on the pipeline is higher than its

breakdown level. With this method, the pipeline is protected from stray currents that can

cause corrosion, and cathodic protection currents are prevented from leaking out. The

combination of insulating joints and permanent earths can be quite an effective way of

mitigating the induced voltages on the pipeline. But insulating joints are more

complicated in relation to maintenance. They can be shorted during operation (this case

has already been reported in the field). Insulating joints are tested only in the laboratory,

and thus their performance in the field during faults or lightning cannot be predicted.

Sealing and installation of the joints maybe difficult, and may lead to future leaks. Use of

insulating joints appears to be an old technique for mitigation of induced voltages in

pipelines. [31]


The latest method for mitigating induced voltages on the buried pipelines and

communication cables is the use of gradient control wire. It consists of one or two zinc

wires buried in parallel with the buried pipeline or communication cable, with regular

electrical connections to the pipeline or the communication cable. The connections should

be made through surge diverters, as in the case of insulating joints. Two insulating joints

are also present at the start and at the end of the protected structure.

Gradient control wires provide grounding to the protected structure in relation to inductive

interference. They also raise the potential of the local earth, reducing the touch and

coating stress voltages. Similarly, in relation to conductive interference, these wires

reduce the potential difference between the buried pipeline or communication cable and

the local earth by allowing the current to flow between them. [10, 35]


Solving problems that involve power system electromagnetic fields (EMF),

electromagnetic interference (EMI), and grounding tends to be complex, and many

interrelations exist among these three areas. Almost any attempt to simulate problems

involving current circulating outside phase conductors (i.e., in earth, neutral ground wires,

metal pipes, etc.) should take into account many aspects of EMF, EMI, and grounding


The early analysis tools were limited in several ways, which have been overcome

by more recent research. While earlier software was based on the assumption of

essentially parallel facilities, cases arise in practice in which both the electric power lines

and the pipelines follow curved paths which intersect one another, diverge, re-converge,

etc., making them difficult to model accurately. Recently, field-theory based software

does away with the parallel assumption, and it accounts simultaneously for the inductive

and conductive couplings between the electric power lines and the pipelines. [21]

During a research project sponsored jointly by the Electric Power Research

Institute (EPRI) and the Pipeline Research Committee (PRC) of the American Gas

Association (A.G.A.) in 1989-1990, the ECCAPP software package was developed to

analyze the electromagnetic and conductive coupling effects between transmission lines

and nearby pipelines. ECCAPP enables users to predict electrical effects on gas pipelines

produced by normal-load and ground-fault currents from electrical transmission lines, and

also to design mitigation systems whenever these effects exceed tolerable levels.

ECCAPP has been utilized in some projects and studies, such as the capacitive coupling

between 750-KV single circuit and nearby pipelines. Also, it has been used to study the

effect of the earth layer and resistivity on the performance of the EMI mitigation system.


In 1991, the DECOP software package was developed using the Decoupled

method. DECOP decouples and reduces the equivalent ladder circuit by using circuit

techniques introduced in the Decoupled method. [13]

Over the past twenty years, Safe Engineering Services & Technologies (SES) has

been developing the Current Distribution, Electromagnetics, Grounding, and Soil

Structure Analysis (CDEGS) software package. CDEGS includes six specific engineering

applications modules that can analyze soil resistivity, design of grounding, and EMF &

EMI. References show different projects, studies and researches conducted with the

CDEGS software. A few years ago, SES developed an integrated software package, as

part of CDEGS, called “Right-Of-Way”. It consists of several engineering application

packages which analyze EMI interference and mitigation analyses, and a variety of other

engineering studies involving electrical power systems. [21]

The available software packages for EMI studies have been evaluated to select the most

appropriate one for our study. It was found that the “Right-Of-Way” package is the best

for the EMI interference and mitigation analysis. This selection is based on many facts.

“Right-Of-Way” has been proved by many studies and projects to be ideal for accurately

computing voltages and currents transferred from electric power lines and cables (by

inductive, capacitive and conductive coupling) to pipelines, railways, communication

lines and other such utilities, whether buried or above ground. It is especially designed to

simplify and to automate the modeling of complex right-of-way configurations. It can

automatically create phase-to-ground faults along any transmission line at regular

intervals throughout the right-of-way corridor, as specified by the user.

The “Right-Of-Way” software is used by more than 200 large well-known

companies such as Pacific Gas and Electric Company (California), Lower Colorado River

Authority (Texas), Houston Power and Light (Texas), Florida Power and Light, South

Carolina Electric and Gas, Rochester Gas and Electric (New York), Ontario Hydro,

Manitoba Hydro, TransAlta Utilities (Alberta), ARAMCO (Texas and Saudi Arabia),

SNC Group, Consulting Engineers (Quebec). [22]


Three modules in “Right-Of-Way” software are used to perform EMI analysis [22]:

1. The TRALIN module calculates the self and mutual impedances of buried and

above-ground conductors such as transmission line phase wires, shield wires,

pipelines, and communication cables.

2. The SPLITS module determines the current distribution in the transmission line

conductors, and the induced voltages on nearby buried pipelines and cables, by

performing circuit reduction using the double-sided elimination technique which

remains accurate for large numbers of transmission line sections and for large

numbers of conductors.

3. The MALZ module performs the EMI analysis during the transient condition.

In more detail, an inductive and conductive interference analysis using the TRALIN

module along with the SPLITS and MALZ modules consists of the following steps:

1. Produce a single map showing in detail the transmission lines and all buried

pipelines and communication cables of interest in the study.

2. Measure the relative coordinates of the endpoints of all nonparallel transmission line

and buried pipeline or communication cable segments. Measure the spacing between

parallel transmission line conductors and buried pipelines or communication cables.

3. Determine the equivalent pipeline shunt or coating leakage resistances to ground.

4. Run the TRALIN module to get self and mutual impedances of phase bundles.

5. Run the SPLITS module to obtain the induced voltages in all buried pipeline and

communication cables.

6. Run the MALZ program to determine the EMI effect on buried pipelines and

communication cables during the transient condition.

7. Analyze the effects of the mitigation system.




Calculation of the voltages appearing on the pipelines is normally worked out in two


- Determination of the electromotive forces (e.m.f.) induced along the pipeline.

- Calculation of voltages to earth in response to the induced e.m.f.s and calculation of

the circulating currents

A clear distinction has to be made between e.m.fs and voltages appearing on the pipeline.

E.m.fs are virtual electric generators inside the pipeline resulting from the influence of the

inductive coupling. These e.m.fs produced voltages on the pipeline, and only these

voltages represent the actual stresses on the pipeline and its equipment.

The zone of influence generally comprises a succession of parallelisms, approaches and

crossings. Expressions giving electromotive forces are given for parallelisms between


pipelines and disturbing circuits. For the calculation of induced voltages, approaches and

crossings may be assimilated to parallelisms, provided they are subdivided into short

lengths. All equations and calculations listed in the following sections are extracted from

the Power System Analysis [23] and the handbook of Cathodic Corrosion Protection [24].


Two different situations of the power network have to be considered:

- Fault conditions giving rise to the highest e.m.fs but only during rare and short periods

of time.

- Normal operation producing smaller but permanent e.m.fs. Fault Conditions. Among the different kinds of faults, short circuits between

one phase and the earth produce the most severe influences. Calculation is then applied to

the evaluation of the coupling between two circuits having the earth as return conductor.

In the simplest configuration, where the electrical line is not provided with earth wire(s),

and in the absence of other metallic conductors in the vicinity, the electromotive force E

affecting the circuit pipeline/earth per unit length is related to the fault current I

circulating in the phase conductor by the following expression [24]:


E = - Zm I (3.1)

where Z m represents the mutual impedance per unit length of the circuits phase

conductor/earth and pipeline/earth ( Ω / m ) and it can be calculated by using the Carso-

Clem expression [24]:

µ oω  2 1
Z m (Ω/m) = + jµ o f ln +  (3.2)
8  gαd 2 

where µo= 4π10-7 H/m

f = frequency (Hz)

g = 1.7811- Euler’s constant

ωµ o

ρ = soil resistivity ( Ω⋅ m )

d = geometrical distance between conductors (m)

The validity of the calculations depends, among other things, on the knowledge of the

inducing currents. With modern meshed electrical networks, calculations of fault currents

are relatively complicated, and they require special computer programs. Electricity

utilities are familiar with such calculations, and values of currents to be used are available

from these companies.


Metallic conductors in the vicinity of the HV line or of the pipeline can reduce

disturbances. The current induced in such conductors by the HV line produces on the

pipeline an e.m.f. which partially cancels the e.m.f. due to the fault current. The screening

factor represents the ratio between the e.m.f. induced in presence of the conductor and the

e.m.f. induced in absence of the conductor. The main reduction effect is generally

produced by the earth wire(s) which equip the line. It is generally around 0.7 – 0.75 for

one earth wire and 0.5 – 0.55 for two earth wires. Wires placed along the pipeline

(especially bare wires) can also be efficient. Normal Operation. Different situations are to be considered. The simplest case

concerns a line without earth wires, when the currents are balanced.

A balanced system means the same amplitude with phase differences equal to 120˚ and

240˚ [23],

I1 = I , I2 =
( )
−1− j 3 , I3 =
(−1+ j 3 )

The residual e.m.f. comes from the difference in the distances between the pipeline and

each of the phase conductors. Formulas for calculations are given in [16].

Curve A of figure 3.1 shows the evolution with the distance of the 50 Hz e.m.f. produced

in a steady-state operation by a 400 kV line with vertical configuration of the conductors.

The emf decreases fast with the distance.

If the line is provided with earth wire(s), the current forced in the earth wire(s) can reach

10% of the phase current in each earth wire in the case of vertical configuration. It thus

creates a second e.m.f., which can increase stresses on the pipeline. Curve B of figure 3.1

shows the effect of the earth wires on a 400 kV line with vertical configuration of the


Generally the currents are unbalanced, because of the different capacitances between the

phase conductor and the earth, and because of unbalanced loads. Supplementary e.m.f.s

can then be produced, which are a function of the unbalanced current. For unbalanced

systems, calculation will be preferably carried out by using the decomposition of the

currents in symmetrical components: positive, negative and zero-sequence components.

For close proximities between the line and the pipeline, the e.m.f. depends mainly on the

different distances between the pipeline and each phase conductor, while for greater

distances it results from the unbalanced current. Curve C of Figure 3.1 shows the

influence of a 400 kV line, with vertical configuration crossed by a current presenting a

positive sequence current equal to 1 kA and a zero-sequence current equal to 0.1 kA.








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Distance (m)

Figure 3.1 Example of e.m.f. induced in normal situation. [16]

Curve A – line without earth wire – balanced currents (1000 A)

Curve B – line with earth wire – balanced currents (1000 A)

Curve C – line with earth wire – unbalanced currents (positive seq. current= 1000A &

zero seq. current = 100 A)



The following concerns the calculation of the response of the pipeline-earth electrical

circuit to the e.m.f.s. The voltage calculation method will be first demonstrated for the

simple theoretical case of a “perfect” parallelism. The principles for the general case will

be given in Perfect Parallelism Between The Electrical Line and Pipeline. The calculation

presented here is based on the following assumptions:

- The pipeline is parallel to the disturbing line.

- The leakage admittance of the pipeline is constant, i.e. for underground pipelines, the

coating resistance per unit length of the pipeline is uniform and independent of the

applied voltage.

- The soil resistivity along the parallel routing is constant.

On the basis of the above assumptions, the equations of the circuit pipeline-earth are [16]:

+ z I(x) − E(x) = 0 (3.3)

+ y V(x) =0 (3.4)


z = impedance per unit length of the circuit pipeline-earth

y = admittance per unit length of the circuit pipeline-earth

E(x) = e.m.f. induced on the pipeline per unit length

This equation is the so-called “transmission line” equation, whose solution can be found

in the text books. It is only briefly recalled here for three particular cases which are worth

examining. [16]

Case I: The pipeline extends for a few kilometers beyond the parallel routing without


V(x) =

E -γ (L - x )
- e −γ x ) (3.5)

I(x) =
2 - e -γ (L - x ) - e − γ x ) (3.6)

with γ= zy propagation coefficient of the circuit pipeline earth.

The maximum pipeline potential occurs at the ends of the parallel routing at x = L

and x = 0

VO = VL = VR max =

1 - e −γ L ) (3.7)

Outside the exposure, the pipeline potential declines according to the exponential


VR = VR max e − γx (3.8)

with x= co-ordination outside the subdivided suction

Case II: the pipeline extends beyond the parallel routing at one extremity (A) and stops at

the other extremity (B) without earthing:

V(x) =
E γx

[ (
e 2e- γL - e − 2γ L − e − γx ) ] (3.9)

Vmax =
1 - e- γ L ) (3.10)

V(o) =

1 + e- 2γ L + 2 e − γL ) (3.11)

V (L) = Vmax =
1 - e- γ L ) (3.12)

Case III: The pipeline is perfectly earthed at one extremity of the parallelism (A) while it

extends to the other extremity (B):

V (x) =

E γ x -γ x -γ L
e -e e ) (3.13)

Vmax =

1 - e- 2γ L ) (3.14)

V (o) = 0; V (L) = Vmax =


1 - e- 2γ L ) (3.15) Non-Parallelisms Between The Electrical Line and Pipeline. The zone of

influence generally comprises a succession of parallelisms, oblique approaches and

crossings. Determination of e.m.f.s along the zone of influence requires a subdivision of

the pipeline into sections which will be assimilated to parallelisms.

The simplest evaluation consists in assimilating the complete zone of influence to a

parallelism, with a constant equivalent emf per unit length. This equivalent emf is given

by the expression [16]:



i =1
Ei Li (3.16)

where Ei = e.m.f. per unit length in section i

Li = length of section i

n = number of sections

L = total length of the zone of influence L =

i =1

The maximum induced voltages are then given by applying expressions 3.7, 3.12 or 3.15

according to the cases: extension of the pipeline outside the zone of influence, earthing at

one extremity. Such a rough estimate is generally insufficient, but it helps to determine

whether admissible limits are likely to be exceeded, and thus whether a more precise

evaluation of the stresses is necessary. As this estimate is conservative, no more

calculations are needed if limits are not exceeded.


Electric stresses resulting from conductive coupling can be calculated in order to

predict the effects of conductive coupling to a buried pipeline. For this purpose, one has to

determine various electrical quantities: GPR at pipeline location, voltage applied to the

pipeline coating, voltage transferred to the metallic pipeline, voltage applied to insulating

flanges and to cathodic protection systems. The following paragraphs will provide

simplified methods for an approximate determination of these quantities. More accurate,

but more complex, methods are available in various software packages.



Because in practice coatings are not perfectly insulating, some voltage is transferred to a

metallic pipeline if a ground fault occurs on a nearby transmission line tower. The

magnitude of this transferred voltage obviously depends on the GPR at the pipeline

location and on the pipeline coating admittance. The variations of transferred potential

along the pipeline can be derived [16]:

For x > 0: V(x) = Vo e − γx (3.17)

For x < 0: V(x) = Vo e γx (3.18)

where Vo = γ ∫ Ve (x ) dx


x : abscissa along the pipeline route (the origin is taken at the closest point to the


V(x) : GPR along the pipeline at the abscissa x

V(x) : pipeline voltage at abscissa x (with reference to remote earth)

γ : propagation constant of the buried insulated pipeline (γ = [zy]1/2)

These simple analytical expressions still require the numerical integration of GPR V(x)

along the pipeline route. They show in a qualitative manner the influence of the pipeline

coating admittance y on the variations of transferred voltages Vo and V(x). The higher is y

(the poorer the coating insulation), the higher will be the maximum transferred voltage Vo

and the faster will be the transferred voltage V(x) decrease apart from abscissa x = 0.


Since, in a resistive coupling, the voltage transferred to the pipeline is always low (as

compared to GPR), one can make the simplifying assumption that the voltage across the

coating equals the GPR at the pipeline location.



- Case I: the pipeline is electrically connected to the station ground mat, and it extends

outside the station area. If there is no interruption of the electric continuity of the

pipeline, the pipeline voltage can be assumed to decrease exponentially, and it is

therefore given by the following equation [16]:

V(x) = VS e -γ x (3.19)


x : abscissa along the pipeline route outside the perimeter of the station (the origin

is taken at the outer limit of the station ground electrode, and the abscissa is

positive outwards from the station limit)

V(x) : pipeline voltage at abscissa x

VS : potential rise of the station earth electrode

The equation 3.19 is valid as long as no insulating flange has been installed on the

pipeline “close” to the station (“close” meaning closer than 3 to 4 times the

characteristic length λ = 1/γ of the insulated pipeline).

If there is an insulating flange at a distance xf “close” to the station, an additional term

must be added to equation 3.19 to take into account the reflection at xf :

e-γ x + e-γ (x - 2 x f ) - γ x
V(x) = VS e (3.20)
1 + e2 γ x f

The voltage applied to the insulating flange is given by the value of the difference

between V(xf) and the pipeline voltage on the other side of the flange. In most

practical cases, this difference equals V(xf) since the pipeline extends far beyond the

insulating flange and its voltage is negligible on this part (assuming no other coupling

mechanism is involved).

- Case II: The pipeline is electrically interrupted by an insulating flange at the station

outer limit. The situation is then similar to the case of transferred potential analyzed in

section 3.2.1, and the equations 3.17 and 3.18 may be used.


Voltage appears across an insulating flange (separating two sections of a pipeline) when

one of those sections is being submitted to transferred potential resulting from either a

GPR along the pipeline route or a direct bonding of the pipeline to a ground mesh (i.e.

inside a power station). In the first case, voltage across the flange can be estimated from

equations 3.17, 3.18, 3.19. In the second case, the mesh ground potential rise can be

computed by using methods presented in reference [16].



As an example, consider a situation where a pipeline is buried near a H.V. tower, and let

us assume that the pipeline coating has a single defect: a hole with a cross-section. At the

defect point, the pipeline has a resistance to earth whose approximate value is

(considering the hole as an earth electrode having the form of a disk) [24]:

ρ π
r= (3.21)
4 s

If the GPR value is Ve at the pipeline location, the current flowing through the coating

defect is [24]:

I= (3.22)

Thus the current density I d through the coating defect is [24]:

Id = (3.23)

Taking typical values (ρ=100 Ωm, s=1 mm2, Ve= 5000 V), it can easily be shown that d

has such a low value that the metal pipeline temperature is not significantly increased

during a phase-to-ground fault on a H.V. system.

However, this conclusion is no longer true if soil ionization allows a high intensity arc

current to flow directly from the power system earth electrode into the pipeline. Because

of the high value of the disruptive electric field in the soil, such a discharge cannot occur

when the distance between the earth electrode and the pipeline exceeds approximately 0.5

meters, unless it is initiated by a high amplitude impulse current resulting from a stroke of

lightning to a H.V. tower.



When designing the power system, engineers take into account the currents, which may

flow into conductors due to normal operating conditions and more importantly due to

fault conditions. Faults may include earth, which cause the earth currents to rise rapidly.

Earth faults will cause current flow in earth-wires, and these currents generate induce

voltages on other conductors. The current in the shield is calculated as the shield produces

an induced voltage which opposes the voltage created by the phase wire. The shield

current, however, can decrease farther from the fault if the cable has ground contact along

its length. The resultant induced voltage is the difference between the voltage induced by

the faulted phase conductor and the shield. The value of induced voltage is calculated by

using the following formula [1]:

V = C.L.I.K (3.29)


V: induced longitudinal voltage [V]

C: mutual impedance per unit length [ohm/km]

L: length of exposure (between power and communication cable) [km]

I: fault current [A]

K: shielding factor {K=1 for no shielding}

The mutual impedance, C, of two parallel circuits having earth returns is given by

  6 x 10 5 ρ 
C = 2 πf log e 1 + 2
 x 10 − 4 [ohm/km] (3.30)
  d f 


d: geometric separation between earth return circuits in meters

ρ: earth resistivity in ohm-meter

f: system frequency in Hz

If the shield is not grounded on both ends, the shield current is zero and the shielding

factor K is 1.


4.1 Introduction

As mentioned earlier, the main objective of this research is to study and analyze the

electromagnetic interference effects on Saudi Aramco buried pipelines and underground

communication cables created by the operation of SEC 380 KV power lines in the

Kingdom’s eastern province.

The area of investigation is about 130 x 55 km, and it covers the geographical area of

the 380 KV transmission lines between Faras and Qurayyah power plants that feed the

power to several oil and gas facilities owned by Saudi Aramco. This study is an update for

a similar study conducted twenty years ago by the Safe Engineering Services (SES)

Company. The old study did not consider the 380 KV Shedgum-Qurayyah transmission

lines which run parallel with the Faras-Qurayyah transmission lines for about 45 km.

Also, over the last twenty years, several buried pipelines and underground communication

cables have been removed or relocated.


One very important and time-consuming task, which must be performed in

electromagnetic interference analysis, is the collection and classification of large amounts

of data. As illustrated in the following section, various data/materials for the EMI study

have been collected. Briefly they can be classified as follows:

1. Conductor coordinates:

• Height or burial depth of all conductors

• Horizontal separation distances between all parallel conductors

• Entire geographical area of interest, showing all conductors under study.

2. Conductor characteristics:

• Physical dimensions of all conductors: overall radius, core radius, number and

radius of strands (if any), wall thickness, inner and outer radii of all coaxial

conductors (as in a cable), thickness of insulating coating (if any).

• Resistivity and permeability of all conductors.

• Conductivity and permittivity of insulating material (if any) making up each


3. Soil resistivity and leakage resistance:

• Soil resistivity values or estimates for the entire geographical region of


• Ground resistance values or estimates for all transmission line towers.


• Impedance values of all regularly occurring grounds along non-energized


4. Termination impedances:

• Ground impedances of all installations which provide grounding for non-

energized conductors in the study.

• How each non-energized conductor in the study is terminated. If the conductor

terminates outside the geographical area of interest, equivalent shunt

impedance will be calculated.

• Which conductors are bonded together.

5. Boundary conditions:

• Voltage magnitude and angle at phase buses of all transmission substations

involved in the study.

• Magnitude and angle of current or power in each phase of the transmission


• Ground impedance of all substations involved in the study.

Figure 4.1 indicates the buried pipelines of interest in this study. These nine pipelines

were chosen because of their long lengths of exposure to the Faras-Qurayyah transmission

line and their proximity to the interference source. In addition to these buried pipelines, an

underground communication cable has also been modeled. It was chosen for the same

reason as those related to the pipelines.


60” water line Sub.






5.3 UJNGL-1


55 KM



1.25 0.05


Oil To SEC

Sub. Transmission Lines


Communication Cable


110 KM

Figure 4.1 380 KV network with buried pipelines & cables to be modeled. (All numbers
are in km)


The following terms will frequently appear in the discussion which follows. It is best,

therefore, that they be clearly defined immediately.

Conductor: A conductor can be any of the following: a transmission line phase

conductor, a transmission line neutral conductor or shield wire, a pipeline,

a copper strand in a communication cable, the aluminum shield of a

communication cable, the steel armour of a communication cable, a

transmission line counterpoise, etc.

Line Path: A line path is a group of conductors that are associated together for the

purpose of the easier management of right-of-way conductors. At any

given point along the transmission right-of-way, a line-path is composed of

one or several parallel conductors (or none) in which one of them is

expected to be the principal conductor while all other conductors are

defined as satellite conductors. For example, a single circuit transmission

line contains three phases: A, B, and C. If Phase A is the principal

conductor, then the other two phases are satellites of Phase A. A line-path

is not necessarily continuous: one group of conductors representing the

line-path may terminate at some point, while another group of conductors

representing the line-path may begin at a later point.


Principal : There may be several principal conductors in a right-of-way. One

Conductor principal conductor is chosen from each line path bundle of conductors (a

bundle is a group of parallel conductors). The relative coordinates of a

principal conductor are specified; the positions of other conductors in the

same bundle are specified as relative spacing from the principal

conductor, i.e. they become satellites of the principal conductor.

Satellite : A satellite conductor is any conductor that is parallel to the main

Conductor conductor or to a principal conductor and whose position is specified as

relative spacing from one of these. For instance, line-path 11 consists of

pipelines UBTG-1, UJNGL-1 and SHNGL-1. During the measurement of

the coordinates, UBTG-1 was used for the measurement and therefore

becomes a “principal” conductor; UJNGL-1 and SHNGL-1 then become

satellites. Only the coordinates of principal conductors are entered in

TRALIN software; whereas the satellites are specified in terms of their

spacing from their associated principal conductors.

Phase (bus): All conductors having the same potentials are assigned a phase number.

Each phase bundle is ultimately replaced by a single equivalent conductor

for the circuit analysis to be performed by the circuit modeling (SPLITS)


Region: A region is a portion of the transmission line right-of-way where the main

path (usually the transmission line) is straight, and where no significant

change occurs in the characteristics of any of the line-paths under study

except that a line-path need not exist throughout the region. The

characteristics of the path include the number of conductors, conductor

diameters, coating resistances, soil resistivity, etc.

Attribute Set: An attribute set defines the characteristics of all conductors in a line path

and the relative position of satellite conductors within a path. Several

regions can be associated to a given attribute set, even if the positions of

the line paths relative to each other are different from one region to the

other. It is practical to divide the transmission line right-of-way into

attribute sets that are referenced by the regions. An attribute set consists of

an integral number of transmission line sections.

Section: The Right-of-Way program subdivides the transmission line regions into

sections, based on a nominal section (span) length specified by the user. A

section usually corresponds to an actual transmission line span.

Based on these definitions, the phases and line paths of the Faras-Qurayyah right-of-way

along with nearby buried pipelines and underground communications cables can be

defined as follows:

Phase 1: 380 KV Transmission Line Phase A Conductors

Phase 2: 380 KV Transmission Line Phase B Conductors


Phase 3: 380 KV Transmission Line Phase C Conductors

Phase 4: 380 KV Transmission Line Sky wires

Phase 5: Pipeline UA-1

Phase 6: Pipelines UA-4/UA-6

Phase 7: Pipeline 60” WATER

Phase 8: Pipeline QUU-1

Phase 9: Communication Cable Cores

Phase 10: Communication Cable Shields/Armours

Phase 11: Pipelines UBTG/UJNGL/SHJNGL

Phase 12: Pipeline SEC OIL

Phase 13: 380 KV Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission Line Phase A Conductors

Phase 14: 380 KV Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission Line Phase B Conductors

Phase 15: 380 KV Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission Line Phase C Conductors

Phase 16: 380 KV Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission Line Sky wires

Also, based on the above definitions, the transmission line right-of-way has been divided

into 340 sections, 30 regions and 10 attribute sets.



The coordinates of the line paths under study in the Faras-Qurayyah right of way have

been measured by a special program (part of the generated map is shown in figure 4.2).

The coordinates of the transmission lines were measured first, after dividing the

transmission line into a series of straight-line segments or regions such that the

transmission line changes in one axis direction (e.g. x-axis). Then, the principal

conductors of each line path that contains buried pipeline or underground communication

cable were measured with respect to the transmission line coordinates.

Based on the above mentioned definition of the region and the software methodology, the

Faras Qurayyah right of way has been divided to 30 regions as shown in the table 4.1.

Table 4.1 lists the coordinates of the transmission lines with a multiplicative factor of 0.5

which converts grid unit to km. For example, in region 26 as shown in table 4.1, the SEC

Oil pipeline is running parallel with power transmission lines for about 22.75 km (45.5

grid units) and it is separated by 400 m (0.8 grid units).


Figure 4.2 Partial map generated by special program to measure the coordinates

TABLE 4.1 Line-Path coordinates measured in Faras-Qurayyah Right-of-Way

Transmission Relative Line-Path Coordinates

Region# Line coordinates (Grid units)
Phase 1-4
Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7 Phase 8 Phase 11 Phase 12
(Grid units)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.0, -2.0)
(1.5, 0.0) (1.4, -2.2)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.6, -2.3)
(7.0, 0.0) (7.1, -0.2)
(-0.1, 0.3)
(0.0, 0.0)
R3 (4.0, -0.2)
(7.0, 0.0)
(6.8, -0.6)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.1, -0.5)
(13.0, 0.0) (12.7, 2.9)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.0, 3.0)
(10.3, 0.0) (10.5, 2.2)
(0.0, 0.0) (-0.3, 2.2)
(7.0, 0.0) (6.7, 3.3)
(0.4, 3.4)
(0.0, 0.0)
R7 (1.5, 3.2)
(8.2, 0.0)
(8.2, 4.1)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.0, 4.1)
(6.7, 0.0) (7.3, 4.8)
(0.0, 0.0) (-0.6, 4.8)
(14.8, 0.0) (14.6, 10.0)
(0.0, 0.0) (-4.8, 8.9)
(4.4, 0.0) (-0.5, 13.5)
(0.0, 0.0) (-12.4, 7.5)
(5.2, 0.0) (-10.0, 11.5)
(0.0, 0.0)
(11.0, 0.0)
(0.0, 0.0) (-0.5, -2.8) (-3.0, -14.5)
(8.7, 0.0) (7.5, -2.8) (3.5, -11.5)
(1.1, -4.5) (0.7, -2.6) (2.8, -12.1)
(0.0, 0.0)
R14 (4.5, -1.5) (4.7, 0.0) (7.6, -3.0)
(7.5, 0.0)
(6.3, 1.8) (6.0, 2.3) (7.9, -0.7)

Phase 1-4
Region# (Grid units)
Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7 Phase 8 Phase 11 Phase 12
(0.5, -0.7)
(0.0, 0.0) (1.2, 1.8) (1.5, 2.4)
R15 (3.5, 0.5)
(10.7, 0.0) (11.2, 1.3) (12.7, 4.5)
(10.1, 0.3)
(-1.0, 5.0) (0.1, 0.3)
(0.0, 0.0) (-0.4, 1.3)
R16 (1.8, 7.8) (4.5, 2.5)
(10.9, 0.0) (7.9, 6.4)
(5.6, 11.2) (10.5, 0.8)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.1, 0.8)
(3.0, 0.0) (2.3, -1.5)
(0.4, -1.4)
(0.0, 0.0)
R18 (2.5, -1.5)
(3.4, 0.0)
(3.9, -1.2)
(0.0, 0.0) (-0.5, -1.2)
(11.0, 0.0) (8.2, -9.5)
(0.0, 0.0)
(3.0, 0.0)
(0.0, 0.0) (2.1, 3.4)
(17.7, 0.0) (17.4, -2.4)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.5, -2.4)
(5.6, 0.0) (5.3, -2.5)
(0.2, -2.5)
(0.0, 0.0)
R23 (15.2, 1.1)
(18.6, 0.0)
(18.6, 5.5)
(0.0, 0.0) (3.2, 9.5)
(7.1, 0.0) (7.1, -0.73)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.0, -0.8)
(10.0, 0.0) (10.0, -0.8)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.0, -0.8)
(45.5, 0.0) (45.5, -0.8)
(0.0, 0.0) (0.0, -0.6)
(5.0, 0.0) (5.0, -5.3)
(0.0, 0.0)
(5.7, 0.0)
(0.0, 0.0)
(4.0, 0.0)
(0.0, 0.0)
(2.0, 0.0)


The Faras-Qurayyah transmission line is a single circuit, with 4-bundle conductors

per phase, mounted in horizontal configuration on a lattice steel structure as

illustrated by figure 4.3. On the other hand, the Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission

line is a double circuit, with 4-bundle conductors per phase, mounted in vertical

configuration on a lattice steel structure as shown in figure 4.4.

Tables 4.2 and 4.3 list, respectively, the physical characteristics of the

transmission line phase conductors as well as ground wire conductors such as

sectional area, overall diameter, strands number and GMR. The conductors of both

transmission lines have the same characteristics. The coordinates of the

transmission lines are specified to the TRALIN package in terms of their average

absolute heights and their X coordinates relative to the reference conductor.


All pipelines under study are buried so that their centers are 1.5 m below the

earth’s surface, while all communication cables are buried 0.6 m below the earth’s

surface Tables 4.4 to 4.12 list the characteristics for all buried pipelines such as

radius, wall thickness, length, coating thickness and the carrying liquid or gas

type. Table 4.13 lists the characteristics of the underground communication cable.

Figure 4.3 Cross section of 380 KV Faras-Qurayyah Transmission Lines


Figure 4.4 Cross section of 380 KV Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission Lines


TABLE 4.2 Physical Characteristics of Transmission Line Phase Conductors

Parameter Data


Sectional area 547.4

Overall diameter 30.4 mm

Overall radius 15.2 mm

Conductor weight 1.506 kg/m

Ultimate tensile strength 12338 kg

Maximum sag 15 m

Number of outer strands 18

Number of inner strands 19

Outer strands radius 2.17 mm

AC resistance (@25˚C) 0.0582 Ω-km

GMR 0.0117 m

Core radius 0.01085 m


TABLE 4.3 Physical Characteristics of Transmission Line Ground Wire Conductors

Parameter Data

Type 7/5 AWG AS

Sectional area 170.18

Overall diameter 13.9 mm

Overall radius 6.95 mm

Conductor weight 0.8006 kg/m

Ultimate tensile strength 13256 kg

Maximum sag 9.5 m

Number of strands 7

Outer strands radius 2.31 mm

AC resistance (@25˚C) 1.037 Ω-km

GMR 9.02 x 10-4 m

Core radius 2.31 m


TABLE 4.4 UA-1 Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service Arab Light Crude

Radius 0.381 m

Wall thickness 0.00635 m

Material GR. Of pipe X52

Length 46400 m

Flange rating 300#

Max. operating pressure 600 PSIG

Design temperature 171 ºF

Coating resistance 6503 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 0.391 m

router 0.381 m

rinner 0.37465 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 658797 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 3.68 x 10-4 siemens/m


TABLE 4.5 QUU-1 Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service Seawater

Radius 0.762 m

Wall thickness 0.0127

Material GR. Of pipe X60

Length 50570 m

Flange rating 300#

Max. operating pressure 720 PSIG

Design temperature 170 ºF

Coating thickness 0.01 m

Coating resistance 6503 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 0.772 m

router 0.762 m

rinner 0.7507 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 654558 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 7.36 x 10-4 siemens/m


TABLE 4.6 UBTG-1 Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service Sweet Gas

Radius 0.533 m

Wall thickness 0.0159 m

Material GR. Of pipe X60

Length 16240 m

Flange rating 400#

Max. operating pressure 960 PSIG

Design temperature 120 ºF

Coating resistance 7432 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 0.543 m

router 0.533 m

rinner 0.5171 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 750170 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 4.51 x 10-4 siemens/m


TABLE 4.7 UJNGL-1 Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service NGL C2+ Gas

Radius 0.381 m

Wall thickness 0.013 m

Material GR. Of pipe X60

Length 133930 m

Flange rating 600#

Max. operating pressure 900 PSIG

Design temperature 120 ºF

Coating resistance 7432.2 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 0.391 m

router 0.381 m

rinner 0.368 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 752931 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 3.22 x 10-4 siemens/m


Table 4.8 SHNGL-1 Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service NGL C2+ Gas

Radius 0.381 m

Wall thickness 0.0111 m

Material GR. Of pipe X60

Length 130012 m

Flange rating 600#

Max. operating pressure 1225 PSIG

Design temperature 200 ºF

Coating resistance 11148 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 0.391 m

router 0.381 m

rinner 0.369 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 1129367 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 2.15 x 10-4 siemens/m


TABLE 4.9 UA-4 Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service Arab Light Crude

Radius 0.533 m

Wall thickness 0.0159 m

Material GR. Of pipe X60

Length 52496 m

Flange rating 300#

Max. operating pressure 649 PSIG

Design temperature 150 ºF

Coating resistance 7432 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 0.543 m

router 0.533 m

rinner 0.5171 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 750170 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 4.51 x 10-4 siemens/m


TABLE 4.10 UA-6 Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service Arab Light Crude

Radius 0.5842 m

Wall thickness 0.0159 m

Material GR. Of pipe X60

Length 17090 m

Flange rating 300#

Max. operating pressure 585 PSIG

Design temperature 170 ºF

Coating resistance 7432 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 0.5942 m

router 0.5842 m

rinner 0.5683 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 749563 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 4.94 x 10-4 siemens/m


TABLE 4.11 SEC Oil Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service Oil

Radius 0.3048 m

Wall thickness 0.0061 m

Material GR. Of pipe X52

Length 52400 m

Flange rating 300#

Max. operating pressure 600 PSIG

Design temperature 170 ºF

Coating resistance 13935 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 0.3148 m

router 0.3048 m

rinner 0.29845 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 1416236 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 1.37 x 10-4 siemens/m


TABLE 4.12 60” Water Pipeline Characteristics

Parameter Data

Service Water

Radius 1.52 m

Wall thickness 0.015

Material GR. Of pipe X60

Length 12350 m

Flange rating 300#

Max. operating pressure 900 PSIG

Design temperature 130 ºF

Coating thickness 0.01 m

Coating resistance 6503 Ω-m2

Coating thickness 0.01 m

rwhole 1.53 m

router 1.52 m

rinner 1.505 m

ρconductor 17.0 ρcu

µconductor 250.0 µ0

ρcoating 654558 Ω-m

εcoating Ε0

Ycoating 7.36 x 10-4 siemens/m


Table 4.13 Communication Cable characteristics

Cable Radius 0.019 m

Core Inner Radius 0.0 m

Core Outer Radius 0.000455 m (19 AWG)

ρr Core 1.0 (relative resistivity – with

respect to annealed copper)
µr Core 1.0 (relative permeability)

σr Core Insulation 0.0 (conductivity)

εr Core Insulation 1.0 (relative permittivity)

Sheath Inner Radius 0.013 m

Sheath Outer Radius 0.0132 m

ρr Sheath 1.5625 (aluminum)

µr Sheath 1.0

σr Sheath Insulation 0.0

εr Sheath Insulation 1.0

Armour Inner Radius 0.016 m

Armour Outer Radius 0.01615 m

ρr Armour 17.0 (Steel)

µr Armour 250.0

σr Armour Insulation 0.0

εr Armour Insulation 1.0



The CDEGS program requires the soil resistivity in each region set of the right-of-way, in

order to determine accurately the self impedances of all line-paths. Table 4.14 lists the soil

resistivity value applicable for each region set.

Also, the CDEGS program requires the values of any diffuse or regularly occurring

impedances between the line-paths and the earth. These take the form of transmission

phase wire capacitances, pipeline coating resistances or ground resistances of splice points

on communication cables. Since great care is taken to isolate transmission line phase

wires from earth, only capacitive impedance exists. The value of this impedance can be

obtained by running the TRALIN program for the ACAR phase wire bundles. The

capacitive impedance of all transmission line phases is approximately -j 26664000.0 Ω-m.

For irregularly occurring grounds on buried pipelines, following are the large grounding

installations for pipelines:

1. QUU-1 pipeline is bonded to the pump house ground (0.06 Ω) at Jadidah Booster


2. SEC Oil pipeline is bonded to seawater treatment plant ground (0.05 Ω).

TABLE 4.14 Soil Resistivities

Soil Resistivity
Region Set Region Starting Section Ending Section
1 1 2
1 21
2 3 11
3 12 19
2 4 21 35 27
5 36 48
6 49 57
3 22
7 58 67
8 68 75
9 76 93
4 10 94 98 90
11 99 104
12 105 118
13 119 129
14 130 138
15 139 151
5 27
16 152 164
17 165 168
18 169 172
6 19 173 186 51
20 187 190
7 21 191 212 13
22 213 219
8 23 220 242 13
9 24 243 251 13
25 252 263
26 264 319
27 320 325
10 16
28 326 332
29 333 337
30 338 340



The case study explained in the previous chapter has been modeled and simulated by

using CDEGS software to calculate the induced voltages along the concerned pipelines

due to inductive and conductive interferences during both steady-state and transient

conditions. The following sections will analyze the simulation results of the induced

voltages on all buried pipelines and underground communication cables.


The simulation results obtained by CDEGS software have been verified by comparing the

induced voltages calculated by CDEGS with the field-measured ones performed by the

pipeline department in Saudi Aramco on QUU-1 pipeline (11 Km long). Figure 5.1 and


table 5.1 show the results of the comparison. Fortunately, the measurement was done

during the peak load on the 380 KV Faras-Qurayyah transmission lines where the current

reached 900 A per phase. The comparison revealed acceptable convergence between the

measured induced voltages and the simulated ones under the same condition.

Moreover, extensive scientific validations of the CDEGS software, by using field tests

and comparisons with analytical or published research results, have been conducted by

Safe Engineering Services & Technologies Ltd. (SES) as well as other independent

researchers, and they have shown excellent agreement between the simulation results and

the reference ones. These validation tests have been documented in tens of technical

papers and scientific researches published in prestigious international journals. [27-33]


QUU-1 Pipeline Potential

Potential (m V)

2500 Measurement
2000 CDEGS Results
10 0
20 0
30 0
36 0
36 0
36 1
37 2
40 0
50 0
60 0
70 0
80 0
90 0
10 0
11 00


Distance (m)

Figure 5.1 Pipeline potential along the axial length of the QUU-1 Pipeline

TABLE 5.1 Pipeline Potential along the QUU-1 Pipeline

Location Measured value Computed value

Error %
(Meter) (mV) (mV)
0 245 300 18.3
400 310 400 22.5
440 340 400 15.0
550 450 400 12.5
900 885 1000 11.5
1000 870 1000 13.0
2000 3650 3900 6.4
3000 1050 1100 4.5
3600 1035 1100 5.9
3750 1040 1100 5.5
4000 1055 1100 4.1
5000 1060 1100 3.6
6000 1130 1190 5.0
7000 1640 2000 18.0
8000 1090 1200 9.2
9000 330 400 17.5
10000 410 500 18.0
11000 590 700 15.7


The rights-of-way of 380KV Faras-Qurayyah and Shedgum-Qurayyah were modeled

under worst-case steady-state conditions, with a maximum current of 900 A and 1200 A

per phase, respectively, as shown in figures 5.2 & 5.3. These values were obtained from

the SEC Dispatcher during different loading cycles.

The induced voltages along the buried pipelines under study have been calculated by the

software. The touch voltage is the difference between the pipeline potential and earth

surface potential. Because the earth surface potential is very small (close to 0 V), the

touch voltage is actually very close to the pipeline potential.

The resulting induced voltage along the crude oil buried pipeline UA-1 is shown in figure

5.4. The zone of influence comprises parallelisms, approaches and crossings between the

power transmission lines and the buried pipeline which greatly affects the induced voltage

level on the pipeline. The induced voltage began to increase from 2 V at 5 km from the

Faras Substation, where the pipeline is 400 m away from the right-of-way (ROW), to 15

V at 7.6 km where the separation between the buried pipeline and the transmission lines is

50 m. Then, it decreased to below 2 V where the pipeline crosses and runs away from the


The UA-1 Pipeline recorded the highest induced voltage among all buried pipelines under

study, and it reached the maximum allowable touch voltage 15 of volts. This relative high

induced voltage was expected, due to the vicinity and the extensive parallel exposure of

the UA-1 pipeline to the power transmission lines.

Figure 5.5 shows the calculated induced voltage along the SEC Oil buried pipeline.

Although it runs parallel with power transmission lines for about 30 km, the induced

voltage was in the order of 6 volts. However, this relatively low induced voltage was

expected, because the buried pipeline is mostly located 400-500 m away from the power

transmission lines and it is also bonded to the Seawater Treatment Plant ground. The

maximum induced voltage occurs at the bending points of the pipeline. This is because

the strong discontinuity of the EMF at these points forces a large leakage current from the

pipeline, resulting in higher pipeline potentials at these points.

The computed induced voltages along the other buried pipelines (crude pipeline UA-4,

water pipeline QUU-1, 60” water pipeline, and gas pipeline) were in the order of 2-6

volts. These results are realistic since these pipelines are run far away from the power

transmission lines and do not have perfect parallelism along the right of way. Also, the

underground communication cables that mostly located 500 meters away from the power

lines have a maximum induced voltage of 6 volts.


Figure 5.6 shows the induced voltage along the gas pipeline that smoothly approaches and

crosses the Faras-Qurayyah transmission lines. The maximum induced voltage occurred

in the crossing area, and it reached 13 volts.

Figures 5.7, 5.8 & 5.9 show the induced voltages along the QUU-1 and UA-4 pipelines.

Both pipelines behave quite similarly in terms of approaching and crossing the ROW.

However, compared with the gas pipeline in figure 5.6, the induced voltages were much

lower because these pipelines cross the ROW sharply. As expected, the maximum

induced voltage occurred in the crossing area, and it reached 3.5 and 1.8 volts on the

QUU-1 and UA-4 pipelines, respectively.

Figure 5.10 shows the induced voltage along the underground communication cable that

is located mostly more than 500 meters away from the ROW, but it approaches the

transmission lines once where the horizontal separation is about 200 meters. The

maximum induced voltage reached 5.5 volts at the closest point between the

communication cable and the transmission lines.

Based on the simulation results, the maximum touch voltages along all buried pipelines

and underground communication cables do not exceed 15 volts, and therefore no

mitigation is required according to the Saudi Electricity Company, IEEE and IEC


Figure 5.2 Current level on 380KV Faras-Qurayyah Transmission Lines


Figure 5.3 The current level on 380KV Shedgum-Qurayyah Transmission Lines


1600 16
Transmission lines

1400 UA-1 Pipeline 14

Induced voltage
1200 12

Induced voltage (V)

1000 10
Separation (m)

800 8

600 6

400 4

200 2

0 0
15.5 12 10.8 7.6 5 km
-200 -2

-400 -4

Figure 5.4 Pipeline potential along the axial length of the UA-1 Pipeline

3500 7
Transmission lines

3000 SEC Oil Pipeline 6

Induced voltage
2500 5

In d u c ed vo ltag e (V )
2000 4
S ep ara tio n (m )

1500 3

1000 2

500 1

0 0
90 94 98 102 106 110 114 118 122 126 130
-500 -1
-1000 -2

-1500 -3

Figure 5.5 Pipeline potential along the axial length of the SEC Oil Pipeline

3000 13

2500 11


Induced voltage (V)

Separation (m)

0.1 3.75 4.2 4.6 5.7 7.6 9.3 -1

-500 km

-1000 -5
Transmission lines

Gas Pipeline
-1500 -7
Induced voltage

Figure 5.6 Pipeline potential along the axial length of the Gas Pipeline



Induced voltage (V)

Separation (m)

0.35 0.9 1.05 1.45 1.65 4.65 -1


Transmission lines

QUU-1 Pipeline
-1000 -7
Induced voltage

Figure 5.7 Pipeline potential along the axial length of the QUU-1 Pipeline (Case-1)

1500 3

1000 2

500 1

Induced voltage (V)

Separation (m)

0 0
0 4.75 5.35 5.8 6.25 7.1
-500 -1

-1000 -2

-1500 -3
Transmission lines

UA-4 Oil Pipeline

-2000 -4
Induced voltage

Figure 5.8 Pipeline potential along the axial length of the UA-4 Oil Pipeline

1600 8

1400 7

1200 6

1000 5

Induced voltage (V)

800 4
Separation (m)

600 3

400 2

200 1

0 0
3.6 4.4 5.6 5.7
-200 -1

Transmission lines
-400 -2

Induced voltage

Figure 5.9 Pipeline potential along the axial length of the QUU-1 Pipeline (Case-2)

1200 6


Induced voltage (V)

800 4
Separation (m)


400 2


0 0
0.1 0.5 1.75 3.55 4.4 6.3 6.85 6.9 7.6

Transmission lines

Communication cable

Induced voltage

Figure 5.10 Induced voltage along the communication cable


5.4 Transient Condition

Single line-to-ground fault has been simulated at 10% intervals throughout the Faras-

Qurayyah transmission lines. The fault current level computed by the CDEGS software

matches the actual levels provided by SEC as shown in the table 5.2.

The following sections show the touch voltages along all buried pipelines and

underground communication cables during single line-to-ground fault at 10% intervals

throughout the Faras-Qurayyah transmission line starting with a fault at Faras substation.

The maximum safe touch voltage limit can be calculated according to the following

ANSI/IEEE 80 equation as well as the IEC-479 standard:

116 + (0.17 ρ )
Vtouch =


ρ = Surface soil resistivity in ohms-meters

t = Fault duration in seconds.

Therefore, for 500 ohm-meter top soil resistivity and 0.5 second fault clearing time, the

safe touch voltage limit is 287 volts for a person whose weight is 50 kg.

The simulation results, as predicted, have shown that the touch voltage levels are directly

proportional to the soil resistivity, while they are inversely proportional to the separation

distance. Following is the summarized results analysis of the touch voltage along all the

pipelines during the proposed fault locations:

1) The touch voltages along all buried pipelines and communication cables except the

UA-1 and SEC oil pipelines were below the safety touch voltage limit 287 volts. This

result was expected, because these buried pipelines are mostly located more than 500

m away from the ROW, and they are far away from the power substations. Moreover,

the soil resistivities at the locations of these pipeline are relatively low (20-50 Ω·m).

2) The touch voltage reaches 870 V on the nearby UA-1 pipeline during the fault at 10%

from the Faras Substation, as shown in figure 5.7. Also, it exceeds the safety limit

during the simulated faults at 20-50% from the Faras Substation. This high touch

voltage resulted from the pipeline being close to the faulted transmission line towers

(70 m away) as well as the Faras Substation (8 km away).

3) The touch voltage reaches 650 V on the nearby SEC-Oil pipeline during the fault at

90% from the Faras Substation, as shown in figure 5.8. Also, it exceeds the safety

limit during the simulated faults at 60-90% from the Faras Substation. The pipeline is

mostly 400-500 m away from the transmission lines, but one of its ends crosses the

ROW near the transmission line tower, which highly affects the touch voltage levels.

The coating stress voltage is expected to be in the order of touch voltage, since most of

the potential drop between the earth surface and the pipeline steel occurs across the

pipeline coating. There is no problem regarding the pipeline coating stress voltage,

because these pipelines have a coating of fusion bonded epoxy which can withstand

voltage up to 3000 V.

TABLE 5.2 Fault Currents Level for Faras-Qurayyah 380KV Transmission Line

Fault Location
Terminal Section
% From Faras Current (A) Current (A)

Faras 25 85 7644 7550

50 170 4490 4440

75 255 2987 2965

Qurayyah 25 85 3241 3225

50 170 4859 4870

75 255 8576 8310


1600 900

1400 800


Induced voltage (V)

Separation (m)


0 0
15.5 12 10.8 7.6 5 km
-200 -100

-400 -200

Transmission lines UA-1 Pipeline

Fault Location Induced voltage

Figure 5.11 Touch voltage along the axial length of the UA-1 Pipeline

3500 700

3000 600

2500 500

Induced voltage (V)

2000 400
Separation (m)

1500 300

1000 200

500 100

0 0
90 94 98 102 106 110 114 118 122 126 130
-500 -100
-1000 -200

-1500 Transmission lines SEC Oil Pipeline -300

Fault Location Induced voltage

Figure 5.12 Touch voltage along the axial length of the SEC Oil Pipeline


The simulation results of the system show that a high level of touch voltages has existed

in some pipelines, which need to be reduced to the touch voltage limit as per the IEEE and

ICE standards (the other standards refer to IEEE for this limit).

Various techniques have been developed to mitigate AC voltages on buried pipelines,

such as lumped grounding, cancellation of wires, bonding across isolation flanges and

ground mats. However, the most popular and cost effective mitigation technique is the

application of gradient control wire. The gradient control wires are generally made of bare

zinc extruded over a thin gauge steel wire. The mitigation typically consists of one or two

bare wires / ribbons, buried parallel to the pipeline to be protected, and connected to the

pipeline at regular intervals. Figure 6.1 shows a schematic arrangement of pipeline

connected to the zinc ribbon for mitigation of EMI interference. The mitigation wire

reduces the effects of inductive and conductive interference. The gradient control wires

provide grounding for the pipe, decreasing the induced pipe potential rise at the same time

as the potential of the local earth is raised due to the gradient control wires, thus reducing

the potential difference between the earth and the pipe. [34, 35]


Figure 6.1 Typical gradient control wire installation. [35]


The simulation results have been analyzed to find out the best cost-effective locations to

install the gradient control wire for the pipelines that need mitigation. Following is a

summary of the maximum touch voltages on these pipelines that exceed the touch voltage


4) The touch voltage reaches 870 V on the UA-1 pipeline during the fault at 10% from

the Faras Substation.

5) The touch voltage reaches 650 V on the SEC-Oil pipeline during the fault at 90%

from the Faras Substation.

So, by using CDEGS software, the following proposed installations of gradient control

wires have been simulated to check their mitigation performance:

1 1050 m gradient control wire installed on UA-1 pipeline between tower # 7 to

tower #10 from Faras Substation.

2 1050 m gradient control wire installed on UA-1 pipeline between tower # 17 to

tower #20 from Faras Substation.

3 1050 m gradient control wire installed on UA-1 pipeline from tower # 30 to tower

#33 with reference to Faras Substation.

4 350 m gradient control wire installed on SEC Oil pipeline between tower # 252 to

tower #253 from Faras Substation.

5 700 m gradient control wire installed on SEC Oil pipeline between tower # 271 to

tower #273 from Faras Substation.


6 700 m gradient control wire installed on SEC Oil pipeline between tower # 304 to

tower #306 from Faras Substation.

7 1050 m gradient control wire installed on SEC Oil pipeline between tower # 317

to tower #320 from Faras Substation.

Figures 6.2 and 6.3 show the simulation results for the above mentioned pipelines after

installing the proposed gradient control wires.

The touch voltages on the UA-1 and SEC Oil pipelines have been reduced to 180V and

144V respectively, which are far below the safe touch voltage limit (287 V).

The rough cost estimate of installing gradient control wires is about $ 25,000 per

kilometer including the materials and the installation cost [31]. So, the proposed

mitigation system for the UA-A and SEC Oil Pipelines costs around $ 125,000.

1600 900

1400 800

1200 700


Induced voltage (V)

Separation (m)


0 0
15.5 12 10.8 7.6 5 km
-200 -100

-400 -200
Transmission lines SEC Oil Pipeline

Induced voltage
Fault Location
Induced voltage (after mitigation)

Figure 6.2 Touch voltage along the UA-1 Pipeline after mitigation

3500 700

3000 600

2500 500

Induced voltage (V)

2000 400
Separation (m)

1500 300

1000 200

500 100

0 0
90 94 98 102 106 110 114 118 122 126 130
-500 -100
-1000 -200
SEC Oil Pipeline
-1500 Transmission lines -300
Induced voltage
Fault Location
Induced voltage (after mitigation)

Figure 6.3 Touch voltage along the SEC Oil Pipeline after mitigation


Electromagnetic fields, produced by the transmission lines on nearby pipelines and

communication cables, generate uncontrolled voltages which can be a safety problem and

distort communications. Therefore, there has been and still is growing concern about

possible hazards resulting from the influence of High Voltage systems on metal pipelines.

This research covered the basis of electromagnetic field interference (EMI) theory, and it

illustrated an actual comprehensive local case-study by using well known software which

was acquired to assist in the simulation and evaluation of such EMI problems. It

calculated, evaluated and analyzed interference effects on buried pipelines and

underground communication cables, due to the nearby high voltage transmission lines.

The local case-study focused on the electromagnetic interference effects on Saudi Aramco

buried pipelines and underground communication cables created by the nearby two 380

KV transmission lines operated by SEC in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Due to

the complexity of the case-study, which includes more than one transmission lines and

many buried pipelines, it was difficult to calculate the induced voltage by hand


calculation. Thus, it was carried out using a well-known software program. The program

was subjected to a validation test where the program simulation result was compared with

the field measurements result. The test has shown good agreement between the simulated

and measured values.

The local case-study of a 380KV transmission network with the nearby buried pipelines

and underground communication cables was modeled, simulated, evaluated, and analyzed

to ensure that the calculated induced voltages on these pipelines and communication

cables are within international standards such as IEEE 80-2000 and IEC-479 and/or

whether they need some mitigation measures.

The study revealed that the maximum induced voltage on all buried pipelines and

underground communication cables during the steady state condition is within the

standard limit and ranging between 0.06 and 15 volts. Most of these pipelines and

communication cables are located more than 400 m away from the ROW, except one

pipeline that runs close to the ROW for about 3.5 km and recorded a maximum of 15


However, the resulting touch voltages during the short circuit condition exceed the safety

limits on two pipelines, and they reached 650-870 volts. These pipelines cross the ROW

near the transmission line towers, and they run parallel with the transmission lines for a

significant distance. The other buried pipelines and communication cables recorded low

touch voltages, because they are mostly located more than 500 m away from the ROW,

and they are far away from the power substations. Moreover, the soil resistivities at the

locations of these pipelines are relatively low (20-50 Ω·m).

A mitigation system using gradient control wires has been simulated to reduce the

pipeline potential to the safety limit. The proposed mitigation system significantly

reduced the touch voltages on the two concerned pipelines during the short circuit

condition. The mitigated touch voltages were much below the standard’s safe limits.

While there has been a significant level of research on the performance of the mitigation

systems for the EMI effects on the buried pipelines during the steady-state and fault

conditions, little is known about their performance during lightning strikes. The EMI

analysis and the mitigation system performance during the lightning condition is a

direction for future research.


ACAR: Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced

AWG: American Wire Gauge

C: Capacitance per unit length (F/m)

d: Geometrical distance between conductors (m)

E: Electromotive force induced per unit length (V/m)

EF : Electrical field (V/m)

f: Frequency (Hz)

g: Euler’s constant g = 1.7811

GMR: Geometric mean radius

h: Height of the pipeline

I: Current intensity (A)

IF : Fault current (A)

Id : Current density (A/m2)

j: −1

L: Length (of a circuit, of the zone of influence) (m)

R: Resistance (Ω)

rwhole: Radius of the pipeline including the coating layer

router: Outer radius of the pipeline

rinner: Inner radius of the pipeline

s: Area of coating defect

V: Voltage induced on a conductor

y: Admittance of a circuit per unit length (Ω/m)-1

Z: Impedance (Ω)

Zm : Mutual impedance of two circuits per unit length (Ω/m)

z: Impedance of a circuit per unit length (Ω/m)

ωµ o

γ: zy = propagation coefficient of a circuit (m)-1

ε: Electrical permeability of the air

εo = 8.85 x 10-12 F/m

µ o: Magnetic permeability of the air

µo = 4π 10-7 H/m

ρ: Soil resistivity (Ωm)

ω: 2πf (rad/s)

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Education: Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Electrical Engineering

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree in Electrical Engineering

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Date of Birth: 12th June 1979

Contact: [email protected]

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