Tesla Model 3 Rearview Camera Cable Recall

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OMB Control No.

: 2127-0004

Part 573 Safety Recall Report 21V-00D

Manufacturer Name : Tesla, Inc.

Submission Date : DEC 21, 2021
NHTSA Recall No. : 21V-00D
Manufacturer Recall No. : SB-21-17-008

Manufacturer Information : Population :

Manufacturer Name : Tesla, Inc. Number of potentially involved : 356,309
Address : 3500 Deer Creek Road Estimated percentage with defect : 1 %
Palo Alto CA 94304
Company phone : 650-413-4000

Vehicle Information :

Vehicle 1 : 2017-2020 Tesla Model 3

Vehicle Type :
Body Style :
Power Train : NR
Descriptive Information : The recall population includes all Model Year (“MY”) 2017 to 2020 Model 3 vehicles
and was determined based on a review of design and manufacturing records.
Production Dates : JUL 15, 2017 - SEP 30, 2020
VIN Range 1 : Begin : NR End : NR Not sequential

Description of Defect :

Description of the Defect : The Model 3 trunk harness is equipped with a solid core coaxial cable that
provides the rearview camera feed for visibility on the center display. Over
time, repeated opening and closing of the trunk lid may cause excessive wear to
the coaxial cable. If the wear causes the core of the coaxial cable to separate,
the rearview camera feed is not visible on the center display.
Description of the Safety Risk : Unavailability of the rearview camera display may affect the driver’s rear
view and increase the risk of a collision. If there is a loss of rearview camera
display, the driver can continue to operate the vehicle by performing a
shoulder check and using their mirrors when backing.
Description of the Cause : The coaxial cable is affixed to a harness on the trunk lid and extends or folds as
the trunk opens and closes. When the trunk is in a closed state, the harness
folds and may experience a tight bend radius, stressing the core of the cable.
Identification of Any Warning Material wear on the harness may cause flickering or intermittent rearview
that can Occur : camera visibility on the center display.

The information contained in this report was submitted pursuant to 49 CFR §573
Part 573 Safety Recall Report 21V-00D Page 2

Involved Components :

Component Name 1 : ASY,HARN,DECKLID,M3

Component Description : MODEL 3 TRUNK HARNESS
Component Part Number : 1068789-00-G

Supplier Identification :

Component Manufacturer
Name : NR
Address : NR
Country : NR

Chronology :
- In June 2021, the Field Quality team observed a potential trend in trunk harness consumption in Service and
initiated an engineering study.

- From June to August 2021, failure analyses were performed on harness samples that were replaced in Service.
Based on this analysis, a root cause hypothesis was developed.

- From August to December 2021, cycle and recreation tests were performed to further assess the suspected
root cause, determine whether the condition was potentially the result of another root cause, and assess the
potential safety impact of the condition. In addition, design and manufacturing records were reviewed to
identify the scope of a potentially affected vehicle population.

- On December 10, 2021, the team completed their investigation, confirming the suspected root cause, risk
assessment, and affected vehicle population.

- On December 14, 2021, a recall determination was made.

- As of December 16, 2021, Tesla identified 2,301 warranty claims and 601 field reports (received between
October 2017 and December 2021) that have been received for U.S. vehicles and that are related to or may be
related to this condition. Tesla is not aware of any crashes, injuries, or deaths related to this condition.

The information contained in this report was submitted pursuant to 49 CFR §573
Part 573 Safety Recall Report 21V-00D Page 3

Description of Remedy :

Description of Remedy Program : Tesla Service will inspect the trunk harness on affected vehicles for wear.
If wear is determined to be within specifications for the coaxial cable,
Tesla Service will equip the harness with a guide protector to ensure a
sufficient radius when the harness holds in a closed trunk state and
prevent further wear. If wear is determined to be beyond the
specifications for the coaxial cable, Tesla Service will install a new harness
and guide protector.

Customers who paid to replace or service the trunk harness for this
condition prior to the recall notification may be eligible for reimbursement
per Tesla’s General Recall Reimbursement Plan.
How Remedy Component Differs The remedy component will be equipped with a guide protector.
from Recalled Component :
Identify How/When Recall Condition The recalled component was discontinued with the end of MY 2020 Model
was Corrected in Production : 3 vehicle production. MY 2021 Model 3 vehicles are equipped with a
different harness design.

Recall Schedule :
Description of Recall Schedule : All Tesla stores and service centers will be notified on or shortly after
December 23, 2021. Owner notification letters will be mailed in
accordance with 49 C.F.R. § 577.7.
Planned Dealer Notification Date : DEC 23, 2021 - DEC 23, 2021
Planned Owner Notification Date : FEB 18, 2022 - FEB 18, 2022

* NR - Not Reported

The information contained in this report was submitted pursuant to 49 CFR §573

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