Keith - The Molasses Reef Wreck

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82 The Molasses Reef Wreck Underwater Cultural Heritage at Risk

The Molasses Reef Wreck

Donald H. Keith
Ships of Discovery

Named for the reef in the Turks & Caicos Islands on which
it was found, the Molasses Reef wreck is thought to be the
oldest shipwreck discovered in the Western Hemisphere.
Complete excavation of the site produced Spanish ceramics
typical of the late 15th- and early 16th-centuries as well as
early-style wrought-iron, breech-loading ordnance. Most of
the hull of the ship had disintegrated in the shallow, wave-
swept waters of the reef, but about 2% remained trapped
beneath the stone ballast. In a better state of preservation
were the ship’s armaments: swivel guns, cannons, shoulder Figure 1: Location of the Turks & Caicos Islands with approximate
arms, crossbows, swords, shot and grenades. Following positions of late 15th- and early 16th-century shipwrecks
cleaning, conservation and analysis in the US, the entire mentioned in historical references
artifact collection was returned to the Islands where it forms
the nuclear exhibit of the Turks & Caicos National Museum. Treasure Seekers” showed up claiming it had “inherited” the
site from the original discoverers — who had been jailed in
the US for poaching on another treasure hunter’s site. The
Discovery of the Site government gave Nomad permission to cruise its waters and
to “look but don’t touch,” but forbade it to visit Molasses
Like many other Caribbean shipwreck sites, the Molasses
Reef. After a few weeks, when it became apparent that not
Reef wreck was discovered serendipitously by treasure-
only had Nomad been indiscriminately hauling up cannons,
hunters rather than by archaeologists. Although fishermen
anchors and other artifacts from various sites at random
from the Caicos Islands, who free-dive for conch and lobster
and without permission, but also had attempted to steal
must have passed through the site many times over the years,
artifacts from the Molasses Reef Wreck, the government had
its flattened condition, camouflaged by nearly five centuries
had enough of treasure hunters. It revoked the Caribbean
of marine growth prevented them from recognizing it as
Ventures salvage permit and invited archaeologists from the
the remains of a shipwreck. In 1976 a pair of underwater
Institute to excavate the Molasses Reef wreck.
explorers methodically searching Molasses Reef for
salvageable material spotted the site and realized that it was
an early shipwreck. They stayed long enough to illegally
raise a few artifacts, then returned to Miami. Excavation
Four years later in 1980, under the name of “Caribbean The reef’s remote location, more than 26 km from the nearest
Ventures,” the men applied to the government of the Turks inhabited island, meant that a sea-going vessel would be
& Caicos, a British Crown Colony, seeking permission to necessary to work the site. Captain Sumner Gerard made his
prospect for and salvage shipwrecks on the Caicos Bank. Miami-based 33 m research vessel Morning Watch available
When permission was granted they announced that they had to serve as the mother ship. Funding was solicited from the
found the wreck of Columbus’ caravel, Pinta, and that they Institute’s Board of Directors and a volunteer excavation team of
expected to make US $100,000,000 from marketing it and graduate students was hastily assembled. Arriving at Molasses
from mining other treasure-bearing shipwrecks they said lay Reef on April 4, 1982, the archaeologists met an unpleasant
nearby. The salvors’ argument that the wreck was Columbus’ surprise: a huge crater, made by explosives and enlarged by
Pinta was, at best, thinly supported. Not at all convinced frenzied digging, occupied the center of the ballast mound.
by the Caribbean Ventures prospectus, the Governor of the The remains of homemade pipe bombs and intentionally
Turks & Caicos invited Dr. Colin Martin of the Scottish mutilated artifacts lay scattered across the sea bed. Fortunately,
Institute of Maritime Sciences to visit the site and offer a the original provenances of the most salient artifacts had been
second opinion on its scientific significance. Dr. Martin’s accurately mapped two years previously by the reconnaissance
report urged the government to insist that an archaeologist be team. Most of the wreck lay in water less than 6 m deep, in a
present during the salvage, and suggested the Texas A&M- depression between “fingers” of the reef covering an area of
based Institute of Nautical Archaeology. The Institute sent some 6,000 m2. A natural ship trap, Molasses Reef had captured
a two-man reconnaissance team to inspect and map the site. other victims as well, and the remains of several later maritime
A year later, another band of salvors calling itself “Nomad disasters overlay parts of the site.
Underwater Cultural Heritage at Risk The Molasses Reef Wreck 83

Conservation and Analysis

Six months of excavation on the reef, spread over three
years, produced more than ten tons of artifacts, all of which
were shipped more than 4,000 km back to Texas. Texas
A&M University loaned the project use of an old firehouse
located on its Research Extension Annex. Over the next
several years graduate students and volunteers cobbled
together a conservation laboratory for the Molasses Reef
Wreck artifacts, making efficient use of well-used, but still
serviceable equipment acquired from the State’s surplus
equipment depots. Pioneering studies in ballast analysis,
ordnance design and manufacture, metalography, and
sclerochronology were undertaken during the artifact
cleaning, documentation, conservation and analysis phase of
the project, which consumed seven years.
An intensive study of the ship’s ballast undertaken by
geologist William R. Lamb managed to trace some of the
stones from the ship to their most likely place of origin:
Lisbon, Portugal. Experiments carried out by Joe J.
Simmons III, discovered how the wrought-iron breech-
loading artillery was constructed and how the mysterious
Figure 2: Mapping the locations of individual stones in the ballast
lead-iron “composite” shot were made. Sclerochronologist
mound transect profile before removing them for petrographical
Dr. Dick Dodge of Nova University attempted to date the site analysis
by counting the accumulation of annual growth rings in core
samples extracted from a large Montastraea annularis coral
head growing on top of the ballast mound, but the coral head
proved to be only about 250 years old —­ centuries younger Figure 3: Surviving hull remains of the Molasses Reef Wreck in
than the site. situ
The vessel’s gross dimensions were revealed by combining
clues provided by the scant remains of the ship’s wooden
hull, the distribution of ballast, and curious grooves gouged
into the seabed by structures which had entirely disintegrated.
It was a medium-size ship of the period — about 19 m long,
5 to 6 m wide and 2 m or slightly more in draft. Preserved
portions of the hull included ceiling planking, first futtocks,
and hull planking from one side of the ship at about the
level of the turn of the bilge. No traces of keel, keelson, or
endposts survived. The fragmentary hull remains preserved
several construction features commonly found on 15th- and
16th-century Spanish ships: dovetail-joined, transversely-
treenailed floors and futtocks, “fillers” closing the gaps
between floors and futtocks, and the use of white oak for
every major component of the hull.
The presence of two different sizes of iron hearteye straps
suggests that the ship had at least three masts: square-rigged
fore and main masts and at least one other mast which likely
carried a lateen sail. The ship’s capacity is more difficult to
estimate: The stone ballast in the ship’s hold was carefully
calculated at 40 metric tons, to which can be added the
mass of the armaments, cargo, crew and ship’s stores. The
“permanent” ballast (large stones placed in the bottom
of the ship when it was built to trim its balance) included
black limestone originating near Bristol, England, and
alkali-olivine basalt similar to that found in the mid-Atlantic
islands; however one of the most prevalent types of stone,
high alumina basalt, appears to have originated in Lisbon,
Portugal. Another prevalent type, Miocene limestone, is
84 The Molasses Reef Wreck Underwater Cultural Heritage at Risk

Creation of the Turks & Caicos National Museum

In 1988, responsibility for completing the project passed from
the Institute of Nautical Archaeology to Ships of Discovery,
a small, publicly-funded non-profit research institute formed
by the graduate students who had initiated and carried out
the project from the beginning. Two years later, prompted
by the sure knowledge that the Molasses Reef Wreck artifact
collection would soon be shipped to the Islands, concerned
citizens banded together to form the Turks & Caicos National
Museum, a publicly-funded, non-profit trust fully sanctioned
by but independent of the government, authorized to collect,
preserve and exhibit objects and examples of the cultural and
Figure 4: An “exploded” view of one of the swivel guns from the natural history of the Turks & Caicos Islands. A Museum
wreck, showing all its associated parts including swivel, swivel trustee donated the “Guinep Lodge,” one of the oldest houses
“saddle,” breech chamber, breech wedge, projectile, and textile on Grand Turk, to become the Museum’s home.
From its new base of operations in Dallas, Ships of Discovery
also found in the Lisbon area. The ballast study by itself
completed conservation and study of the artifacts and designed
may not furnish a definitive indicator of where the ship was
the exhibits which would house them in the Turks & Caicos
built or precisely which ports it visited, but it does supply
National Museum. All the artifacts and original data resulting
incontrovertible evidence of connections with Lisbon and
from the excavation were shipped to the Museum in 1990
where they now occupy the entire ground floor, and comprise
The ship was heavily armed, but most of the armaments were the Museum’s primary attraction. In spite of numerous
stored and not loaded. A surprising dearth of ceramic sherds impediments, the Molasses Reef wreck remains one of very
suggests that most of the ship’s provisions were carried in few New World archaeological shipwreck projects actually
wooden casks and barrels. The crew’s modest amenities were carried through to completion.
predominantly utilitarian: even the tableware was Spartan.
No coins or other absolutely datable objects were found, but Although scores of caravels and other types of exploratory
the characteristics of the artifact assemblage, particularly vessels were wrecked in the Caribbean, only three have been
the pottery and firearms, indicate that the ship ran aground located. Of these, the Molasses Reef Wreck is the oldest, the
on Molasses Reef in the second or third decade of the 16th- most complete, and the most carefully excavated. Had the
century (1510-1530). Tiny glass beads may be indicators excavation not been undertaken, the fate of the Molasses Reef
of trade with the Indians. Several sets of leg irons, some wreck would have been the same as that of hundreds of other
of them locked, may have been part of the ship’s normal historic shipwrecks in Caribbean waters. Following the site’s
complement of disciplinary gear, or they may have been used initial discovery it would have been blasted and picked apart
to immobilize captives. The almost total absence of objects by curiosity-seekers, collectors, and professional treasure-
that might be considered personal possessions argues that the hunters. One by one its artifacts would have disappeared
people on board survived the wreck and had sufficient time only to grace a mantlepiece or coffee table for a few months,
to organize its abandonment, but the fact that all the ordnance then be forgotten and eventually discarded. Nothing would
remains on the site suggests that no one ever returned to have been learned and nothing would have been preserved
salvage the ship. for the entertainment and instruction of future generations.

But even after analysis, the identity and mission of the ship In contrast, when archaeological finds are properly cared for
that became the Molasses Reef wreck remain a mystery. The and held responsibly in the public trust, everyone wins. The
wreck does not appear to match any of the more than 120 Molasses Reef wreck project provided the impetus for the
European ships known to have been lost in the Americas formation of the Turks & Caicos National Museum, which
before 1520. Early maps show that Spanish navigators knew now contains exhibits on the cultural and natural history of
of, and had often visited the Turks and Caicos Islands. The the Islands as well. A source of both pride and revenue for
purpose of such voyages was to capture Lucayans, the Indians people of the Islands, the Museum can also be credited with
living in the Bahama and Turks & Caicos Islands when the awakening a new interest in their history. This, in turn, has
first Europeans arrived, to work as slaves in the mines and spun off other endeavors such as strengthening legislation
fields of Spanish Hispaniola. It is highly probable that the ship protecting sites of historical and archaeological interest,
which came to grief on Molasses Reef was engaged in this recording oral histories, repatriating artifacts taken from the
“grey market” enterprise. Departing from Santo Domingo or Islands more than a century ago, identifying and registering
one of the other Spanish ports in the Greater Antilles, the ship the oldest structures in the Islands, and the collection,
left no record of its final voyage in Old World archives. conservation, and rebinding of the nation’s archives.

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