Iakovou Vlachos Achillas Anastasiadis ICSC 2012

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A Methodological Framework for the Design of Green

Supply Chains for the Agrifood Sector

Eleftherios Iakovou1, Dimitrios Vlachos2, Charisios Achillas3 and Foivos

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
School of Economics and Business Administration, International Hellenic University, Thermi,
School of Economics and Business Administration, International Hellenic University, Thermi,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


The agrifood sector is one of the most significant economic and political areas within
the European Union, with significant implications for sustainability such as the
fulfillment of human needs, the support of employment and economic growth, and its
impact on the natural environment. Growing environmental, social and ethical
concerns and increased awareness of the impacts of the agrifood sector have led to
increased pressure by all involved supply chain stakeholders, while at the same time
the European Union has undertaken a number of relevant regulatory interventions.
This paper aims to present a methodological framework for the design of green
supply chains for the agrifood sector. The framework aims towards the optimization
of the agrifood supply chain design, planning and operations through the
implementation of appropriate green supply chain management and logistics
principles. More specifically, focus is put on the minimization of the environmental
burden and the maximization of supply chain sustainability of the agrifood supply

Keywords: supply chain management, green supply chains, sustainable

development, agrifood sector.

1. Introduction
The agrifood industry is a sector of significant economic and political
significance. It is one of the most regulated and protected sectors in the EU,
with significant implications for sustainability such as the fulfillment of human
needs, the support of employment and economic growth, and its impact on
the natural environment. According to the European Commission, the food
and drink sector made up of about 310,000 companies which provide jobs to
more than 4 million people (European Commission, 2012), while contributing
to 20-30% of all environmental impacts in EU (Bakas, 2010). Growing
environmental, social and ethical concerns and increased awareness of the

effects of food production and consumption on the natural environment have

led to increased pressure by consumer organizations, environmental
advocacy groups, policy-makers and several consumer groups on agrifood
companies to deal with social and environmental issues related to their supply
chains within product lifecycles, from ‘farm to fork’ (Vachon and Klassen,
2006; Welford and Frost, 2006; Courville, 2003; Weatherell and Allinson,
2003; Ilbery and Maye, 2005; Maloni and Brown, 2006; Matos and Hall,
The aim of the proposed framework is the optimization of the agrifood
supply chain design, planning and operations through the implementation of
appropriate green supply chain management and logistics principles. The
research objective is the minimization of the environmental burden and the
maximization of supply chain sustainability of the selected product categories.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present
the emergence of green supply chain management as a key corporate
strategic priority and a center of profitability, while we further focus on its
importance on the agrifood sector. The proposed holistic methodological
framework encompassing six thematic areas is analyzed in Section 3. Finally,
we sum-up with conclusions and future research directions in Section 4.

2. The Emergence of Green Supply Chains

Although the significance of the research focal issue, that of reducing and
controlling the environmental footprint of agrifood supply chains, is now
recognized even from the laymen, herein we further document its value by
providing a few characteristic relevant data and by summarizing the results of
recent research efforts.
Today, societal stakeholders demand corporate responsibility to
transcend product quality and rather extend to areas of labor standards,
health and safety, environmental sustainability, non-financial accounting and
reporting, procurement, supplier relations, product lifecycles and
environmental practices (Bakker and Nijhof, 2002; Waddock and Bodwell,
2004; Teuscher et al., 2006). Sustainable supply chain management expands
the concept of sustainability from a company to the supply chain level (Carter
and Rogers, 2008) by providing companies with tools for improving their own
and the sector’s competitiveness, sustainability and responsibility towards
stakeholder expectations (Fritz and Schiefer, 2008). Principles of
accountability, transparency and stakeholder engagement are highly relevant
to sustainable supply chain management (Waddock and Bodwell, 2004;
Teuscher et al., 2006; Carter and Rogers, 2008).
More specifically, in response to pressures for transparency and
accountability, agrifood companies need to measure, benchmark, and report
environmental sustainability performance of their supply chains, whilst on the
other side, policy-makers need to measure the sectorial performance within
the supply chain context for effective target setting and decision-making
Furthermore, in order to unleash value, it is important to exploit the
potential of utilizing agrifood waste and the associated by-product biomasses

for energy recovery and nutrient recycling, to mitigate climate change and
eutrophication which are currently unexploited (Kahiluoto et al., 2011). To that
end, biomass emerges as a promising option, mainly due to its potential
worldwide availability, its conversion efficiency and its ability to be produced
and consumed on a CO2-neutral basis. Biomass is a versatile energy source,
generating not only electricity but also heat, while it can be further used to
produce biofuels (Verigna, 2006). Iakovou et al. (2010) provide a critical
synthesis of the state-of-the-art literature on waste biomass supply chain
management. Agrifood biomass is usually free of toxic contaminants and is
determined spatially and temporally by the respective local/regional profile of
the pertinent activities. It is well documented that 31% of the greenhouse-gas
emissions and more than 50% of eutrophication are related to food chains,
thus highlighting the need to intervene in the agrifood supply chain to
ameliorate its impact on the environment (CEC, 2006). In order to promote the
“green” character of the agrifood supply chain sector and elaborate agrifood
biomass operations on large scale, the application of appropriately designed
innovative policies and systems is necessary (Negro et al., 2007).
Additionally, the recent post 2009 recession period has further
underlined the need to turn the business focus, across the world, not only to
profitability, but to sustainability as well. Today, one of the key priorities in
corporate strategic design for an organization is to emerge as socially
responsible and sustainable through environment protection. Companies are
structuring their sustainability reports disclosing their strategy to address the
growing concerns of environmental degradation and global warming. Today,
80% of the global Fortune 250 companies release their annual sustainability
report, up from 37% in 2005 (Singh, 2010). As a focal part of sustainability
initiatives, green supply chain management has emerged as a key strategy
that can provide competitive advantage with significant gains for the
company’s bottom line. In designing green supply chains the intent is to adopt
comprehensively and across business boundaries, best practices right from
product conception to the end-of-life recycling stage. Under this context,
green initiatives relate to tangible and intangible corporate benefits.
Sustainability reports of many companies indicate that the greening of their
supply chains has helped them to reduce their operating cost with increased
sustainability of their business.
The result of a recent survey conducted by McKinsey documents that
green supply chain management is one of the top two strategic priorities for
global corporations (McKinsey, 2011). The benefits of going green are
substantial. A green supply chain can not only reduce an organization’s
carbon footprint but also lead to reduced costs, improved reputation with
customers, investors and other stakeholders, thus leading to a competitive
edge in the market and therefore increased profitability.
The importance of linking research to sustainable development is
strongly acknowledged, and the framework for doing so at the EU level has
been setup reciprocally in the EU renewed Sustainable Development Strategy
and in the Seventh Framework Programme. This is further reaffirmed in most
recent EU R&D policy documents; the Communication on "A Strategic
European Framework for International Science and Technology Cooperation"
and the Communication on "Toward Joint Programming in Research: Working
together to tackle common challenges more effectively”. Furthermore, the

ERA vision 2020 (within the Ljubljana process) calls for the European
Research Area to focus on society’s needs and ambitions towards sustainable
development. The three Key Thrusts identified by ETP Food for Life Strategic
Research Agenda 2007-2020 (SRA) meet all of the criteria required to
stimulate innovation, creating new markets and meet important social and
environmental goals. These Thrusts are:
• Improving health, well-being and longevity.
• Building consumer trust in the food chain.
• Supporting sustainable and ethical production.
According to the third Key Thrust, food chains should operate in a
manner that exploits and optimizes the synergies among environmental
protection, social fairness and economic growth. This will further ensure that
the consumers’ needs for transparency and for affordable food of high quality
and diversity are fully met. Progress in this area is expected to have
significant benefits for the industry in terms of reduced uses of resources,
increased efficiency and improved governance.
In July 2008, the European Commission adopted action plans for the
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and a Sustainable Industrial
Policy (SIP). The plans followed a 2005 Commission communication on a
thematic strategy for the sustainable use of natural resources, which calls for
sectorial initiatives to be launched together with economic operators. A
European Retail Forum and Retailers' Environmental Action Programme
(REAP) were launched in 2008 to promote voluntary action to reduce the
environmental footprint of the retail sector and its supply chain, to promote
more sustainable products, and to support consumers buying “green”. In May
2009, the EU sustainable food chain roundtable was launched seeking to
develop a methodology for assessing the environmental footprint of individual
foods and drinks by 2011. The roundtable brings together farmers and
suppliers, food and drink producers, packaging firms and consumer
organizations to develop environmental assessment methodologies for
products and means for effective consumer communication, and to report on
An overview of emerging global trends, policy developments, challenges
and prospects for European agri-futures, point to the need for new strategic
frameworks for the planning and delivery of research. Such frameworks
should address the following challenges:
• Sustainability: Facing climate change in the knowledge-based bio-
• Security: Safeguarding European food, rural, energy, biodiversity and
• Knowledge: User-oriented knowledge development and exchange
• Competitiveness: Positioning Europe in agrifood and other agricultural
lead markets.
• Policy and institutional: Facing policy-makers in synchronizing multi-
level policies.
Addressing these challenges can shift the European agrifood sector to
the knowledge-based bio-economy, while satisfying the need for the sector
(and food retailers) to remain globally competitive while addressing climate
change and sustainable development concerns, such as the maintenance of

biodiversity and prevention of landscape damage. Addressing these multi-

faceted sustainable development challenges facing the agrifood sector in
Europe and worldwide, will require a major overhaul in the current agriculture
research system. Recent foresight work under the aegis of Europe’s Standing
Committee for Agricultural Research (SCAR) has highlighted that in the
emerging global scenario for European agriculture, research content needs to
extend to address a diverse and often inter-related set of issues relating to
sustainable development, including food safety/security, environmental
sustainability, biodiversity, bio-safety and bio-security, animal welfare, ethical
foods, fair trade and the future viability of rural regions. These issues cannot
simply be added to the research agenda; addressing them comprehensively
and holistically in agriculture research requires new methods of organizing
research, in terms of priority-setting, research evaluation and selection
criteria, and in bringing together new configurations of research teams, as well
as managing closer interactions with the user communities and the general
public in order to ensure that relevant information and knowledge is produced
and the results are properly disseminated.
Although sustainability and environmental impact assessments have
traditionally focused on agriculture (McNeeley and Scherr, 2003; Filson,
2004), researchers and policy-makers have recently made attempts to
develop more systemic approaches by incorporating stages of food
processing, food retailing and specifically transportation in the assessment
frameworks of food supply chains (Bakker and Nijhof, 2002; Heller and
Keoleian, 2003; Green and Foster, 2005). Various approaches have been
developed to measure sustainability of the food supply chains that identify
effects at regional, industrial, and firm levels. Some specific sustainability
assessment frameworks developed for the food sector include: farm economic
costing (Pretty et al., 2005); lifecycle approach to sustainability impacts (Roy
et al., 2009; Blengini and Busto, 2009; Heller and Keoleian, 2003); food miles
(Kemp et al., 2010; Coley et al., 2009); energy accounting in product lifecycle
(Carlsson-Kanayama et al., 2003); mass balance of food sectors (Lopez et al.,
2008; Risku-Norjaa and Mäenpääb, 2007; Ortiz, 2008); ecological footprint
(Gerbens-Leenes et al., 2002; Burton, 2009; Ridoutt et al., 2010; Collins and
Fairchild, 2007; Mena et al., 2011); and farm sustainability indicators (Meul et
al., 2009; Rodrigues et al., 2010; Gómez-Limón and Sanchez-Fernandez,
2010; Nickell et al., 2009; Fernandes and Woodhouse, 2008).
Finally, there has been an emergent set of research efforts related to
benchmarking and performance measurement. However, most of this
research is oriented towards the improvement of individual firms or processes
rather than the analysis of entire supply chains (McNeeley and Scherr, 2003;
Filson, 2004). Few efforts have been made to measure supply chain
performance, while the focus has primarily been on efficiency and other
economic-related performance, whereas in the current research framework
there is a strong emphasis on environmental performance. Thus, there is a
significant need to capture environmental performance throughout the entire
supply chain. The enhancement of such measurements by incorporating
stakeholder aspects and additional environmental dimensions is rare or does
not exist at all (Bakker and Nijhof, 2002).

3. A Holistic Methodological Framework

Figure 1 exhibits the main echelons encountered in agrifood supply chains. A
comprehensive framework that tackles holistically and interdisciplinary all
aspects of green supply chain management in the agrifood sector should be
spanning across all aspects of supply chain design and planning with an
environmental (green) footprint, including sustainable farming, reverse
logistics (waste management and packaging reuse), green procurement and
sourcing, transportation, energy consumption efficiency, green marketing,
green accounting, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). To that effect, six
distinct thematic areas are identified, with each of them having a number of
issues that need to be tackled (see Figure 2).

Figure 1. Supply chain management echelons

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework


The interdependencies of the six thematic areas and their impact on the
six supply chain management echelons are captured in Table 1.

Table 1 Benefits for supply chains from the implementation of green practices




Supply Chain Management x x x x

Sustainable Farming x
Reverse Logistics x x x x x x
Marketing x x
Environmental Management x x x x x x
Corporate Social Responsibility x x x x x x

Each of the six component thematic areas is discussed further below.

3.1 Supply Chain Management

A focus on sustainability improvement of supply chain and logistics operations

in the agrifood industry, including research in supporting information systems
and reducing the energy and pollution from transportation. Although most of

the problems are sector-independent, there are few unique characteristics of

the agrifood industry that differentiate traditional approaches. Such
characteristics include the perishability of most agrifood products that highlight
the importance of timely delivery as well as the need for developing “cold”
supply chains and the requirement for product traceability along the supply
chain, which is closely related to the visibility of supply chain.

3.2. Sustainable Farming

Agriculture is one of the most significant contributors to today's most serious

environmental problems. The use of chemicals pesticides for the weed and
the pest control, the use of artificial fertilizers, the improper management of
animal wastes and other wastes produced from biomass production and the
use of high levels of water for irrigation, led to the degradation of the rural
environment. Moreover, agriculture consumes significant amounts of energy,
either directly for operating machinery and equipment on the farm, as well as,
for heating of agricultural buildings (greenhouses, livestock buildings, etc.) or
indirectly for the production of fertilizers and pesticides used in the crops.
Reduction of the energy use in agriculture in a sustainable manner is
attained by the energy production (methane and biohydrogen) through the
anaerobic degradation of the organic wastes, by the use of energy saving
systems in agricultural buildings and of innovative systems for harvest and
tillage. The bio-fertilizers produced after the fermentation of the animal wastes
can be used instead of artificial fertilizers, the high amounts of wastewater
after treatment can be used for irrigation purposes, and the use of an
integrated farming system including crop rotation could minimize the use of
chemical pesticides for weed and pest control. The adoption of these
practices can play an important role towards attaining sustainable agriculture.

3.3. Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics presents a critical area towards green supply chains for the
agrifood sector. A special focus needs to be placed on reusing agrifood
containers and recycling packaging materials or re-designing packaging to
use less material. Additionally, all the operations linked to the reuse of
products and materials in the agrifood supply chain, for example the logistics
activities of collecting and processing of products/materials and used pieces,
should be examined towards the direction of reassuring their sustainable

3.4. Marketing

The main focus regarding this area is on market performance, pricing policies
and customers’ satisfaction in the agrifood supply process. Goals should
include inter alia pricing, relationship management (covering numerous
stakeholders such as producers, suppliers and consumers). Specific issues
that need to be tackled are:

• Pricing scenarios based on the food characteristics (organic products

presented as premium products serving niche markets) and the methods
adopted for their production (e-labeling, soil fertilized with by-products,
recycled water etc.).
• Consumers’ attitudes and behaviors towards products that result from
sustainable ways of production (i.e., products grown with renewable
energy -for instance recycled water, photovoltaic, biomass used as
fertilizer etc.).
• Consumers’ attitudes towards eco-labeling, food safety assurance,
agrifood standards, and third-party certification.
• Drivers and inhibitors of sustainable agrifood productions (elements such
as ethics, social values, sustainability attitudes, trust, social desirability,
image management constructs are considered).
• Consumers’ knowledge of organic products selling points in order to
increase their selling power/efficiency.
• Consumers’ knowledge and attitudes towards agriculture entities’
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Social
Irresponsibility activities (CSI).
• Whether CSR serve as a protection measurement against product harm
crises (such as suppliers’ and consumers’ outcries and boycotts).
• Consumers’/farmers’ willingness to consume/produce food grown with
renewable energy sources (for instance recycled water, photovoltaic,
biomass used as fertilizer etc.).

3.5. Environmental Management

An area of great concern is associated with biodiversity, soil quality and water
habitats as well as the emissions due to production and logistics operations.
More specifically, the following issues need to be addressed:
• Rational use of pesticides and fertilizers.
• Rational water and energy use: Consumption and nature of raw
materials (including water) used in agrifood production and their energy
efficiency, best irrigation practices, water planning, crop management
• Life Cycle Analysis: Assessment of agrifood environmental burden
throughout products’ life cycle (from cradle to grave), applications of the
LCA methodology to food product systems and to food consumption
patterns, support of information sharing and exchange of experience
regarding environmental conscious decision-making in the agrifood
chain, provision of background for the sustainability of the agrifood
• Emissions reduction & control: Best Available Techniques, greenhouse
gas emissions mitigation strategies, economic and technical viability of
upgrading existing installations, use of low-waste technology/ less
hazardous substances, comparable processes/ facilities/ methods,
technological advances and late changes.
• Climate change adaptive management: Impacts of climate changes on
different ecosystems, consequences to agricultural production, changes
in the seasonal and annual patterns of agricultural production, extreme

weather events and disaster management, adaptation measures

towards climate change.
• Interactions between air quality and agri-production: Crop damages from
air pollution, forecasting of agricultural production, quality of food
• Certification of eco-agrifood: Eco-labeling, tracing of food and feed, food
safety assurance, Agrifood standards, third-party certification.

3.6. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The mitigation of irresponsible behavior, opportunities for corporations’

legitimacy, commitment of agriculture business to economic and
environmental sustainability (harmonious use of environmental and human
resources i.e., use of local communities, work equality, work opportunities to
both genders, respect of minorities etc.) should be thoroughly explored.
Specific issues that need to be tackled are:
• Mitigation of resources waste, use of alternative eco-friendly power,
equal opportunities (work and supply), respect of local communities
(e.g., local small farmers), promotion of environmentally friendly-farming
• Use of CSR activities to promote corporate actions and strategies but
not in the expense of society’s interests and well-being (pollution,
considering resource scarcity, i.e., use of recycling water).
• Use of CSR activities for corporations’ legitimization. For instance, large
corporations could be particularly benefited, while small and medium
sized enterprises could also use them as promotional tools.
• Establish CSR agriculture Index tackling the following issues: (a)
Beneficial Product and Services, (b) pollution prevention, (c) recycling (of
resources and byproducts), (d) clean energy, and (e) management
systems which target social equality.
• Production of voluntary CSR reports. A CSR publication provides
accountability over and above legal obligations while competition
pressures are alleviated.
• Relationships among CSR activities, financial performance, sales
increase and consumers’ satisfaction/loyalty.
• Comparing and contrasting agriculture entities’ CSR and Corporate
Social Irresponsibility.
• Criteria for the detection of cases where CSR activities are intended to
mask Corporate Social Irresponsibility.
• Agriculture CSR resulting benefits (achievement of relationship
management with customers, suppliers, sellers etc.).
• Corporate Social Irresponsibility actions and their potential outcomes
(such as boycotts, effects on brand image, pricing policies, and
advertising etc).
• Adoption of CSR activities as protection measurements against product
(harms) crises (such as suppliers’ and consumers’ outcries and

4. Concluding Remarks
The proposed framework for the optimized design of green supply chains for
the agrifood sector is expected to foster sustainable regional economic and
social development in two major axes, namely rural development and
agriculture sector. Taking into account that over 60% of the population of the
in the EU-27 resides in rural areas, which cover 90% of the EU territory, the
rural development is a vitally important policy area. Farming and forestry
remain crucial sectors for the land use and the management of natural
resources in the EU's rural areas. These sectors can be, also, considered as
well as a platform for economic diversification in rural communities. The
strengthening of rural development policy has, therefore, become an overall
EU priority. The proposed framework is focused on the development of state-
of-the-art supply chain management methodologies for increasing farmers’
income through the optimization of the farming operations and through the
reduction of the operational cost in the farm. Biomass or biofuel production
can also have a positive impact on agricultural employment and rural
development, particularly when conversion facilities are of smaller-scale and
are, also, located near crop sources in rural districts. Finally, new crops can,
also, be introduced as economically profitable alternatives to declining crops
(i.e. cotton), according to the European CAP (Common Agricultural Policy).
In respect to sustainable development, the proposed framework needs
to focus on the development of green operations that will lead to new
environmentally benign supply chain design and operations replacing less
sustainable practices. Moreover, the application of such a comprehensive
framework could result into significant reduction of CO2 emissions, helping the
EU to achieve at least a 20% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2020
compared to 1990 levels and an objective for a 30% reduction by 2020. This
may be achieved both by the additional production of others biofuels from
wastes, as well as the introduction of a novel intelligent logistics, in order to
reduce the harvest and transportation energy input. Last but not least, the
expansion of the biomass feedstock available for biofuel production can
provide adequate support towards avoidance of food/fuel competition for land
use. The proposed methodological framework will be further developed,
honed and calibrated with input from leading academic and business
stakeholders from across the EU, supported by a three year (2012-2015) FP7
REGPOT project, entitled “Innovation Capacity Building by Strengthening
Expertise and Research in the Design, Planning and Operations of Green
Agrifood Supply Chains (GREEN-AgriChains)”.

This research has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1) under Grant
Agreement No. 316167 (Project Acronym: GREEN-AgriChains).
Moreover, the present scientific paper was partially executed in the
context of the project entitled “International Hellenic University (Operation –
Development)”, which is part of the Operational Programme “Education and

Lifelong Learning” of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and

Religious affairs and is funded by the European Commission (European
Social Fund – ESF) and from national resources.

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