Subclass Sorcerer GhostWalker

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At 1st level, you choose a sorcerous origin that describes the

source of your inherent magical abilities. The following Ghost
Walker option is available to all sorcerers along with the
typical archetypes. It grants features at 1st level and again at
6th, 14th, and 18th level.

Somewhere in your ancestry, there was a connection to the
spirit realm that left a lasting bond in your bloodline. Some
call it a gift, and some call it a curse. However you choose to
see it, you are a conduit between the living and the dead, and
the power of the ethereal flows through you. Spirits speak to
and through you, granting you power beyond mortal ken.
Ghost Walker Features
Sorcerer Features
1st Spirit Touched, Ethereal Support
6th Spirit Summoner
14th Ghost Step
18th Spirit Surge

1st-Level Ghost Walker Feature
When you choose this archetype, you have a strong
connection with the ethereal realm. Your exposure to spirits
from a young age has given you insight and mental fortitude.
You gain proficiency in History through years of conversation
with the ancient dead.
You have also learned the comprehend languages spell from
all of the various spirits you have spoken to and can cast it as a
cantrip. This spell does not count towards the maximum
number of spells you can know.

1st-Level Ghost Walker Feature
An ethereal essence surrounds you at all times, empowering
your spells. When you cast a spell that does Psychic damage,
you can add your Charisma modifier to one damage roll of
that spell.

6th-Level Ghost Walker Feature
You gain the ability to spend 3 sorcery points to call upon the
ethereal realm and summon a spirit guardian for 1 hour. The
spirit overlays its ghostly form over your body, granting you a
bonus to your AC equal to your Charisma modifier, and when
you cast a spell that does damage, you can choose to change
the damage type to Psychic.

14th-Level Ghost Walker Feature
You have learned to step through the veil between the planes
temporarily. As a bonus action, you become enveloped in
swirling ethereal energy and can teleport up to 60 feet to an
unoccupied space you can see.


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