Exposing The Deep State Ties To Jan-06

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 https://www.thegatewaypundit.


 Joe Hoft

 7 min read


STATE TIES TO JAN 6: The Origin of the
Russia Sham - Don Berlin's Original Russia

The origins of the first Russia dossier go back to 2002 when Don Berlin
created Russia collusion stories involving billionaire brothers which were
released to the Mainstream Media years later after the brothers became vocal
supporters of Brexit.
Dan Bongino shared in March 2019 that the Russia collusion scam was actually created a
decade before President Trump’s campaign for the Presidency.

 “Ladies and gentlemen, Democrats were looking for a ready-made

scenario to attack Donald Trump, and thus the dossier appeared. But the
information in this dossier is very close to the article written by the founder of the
company that prepared this dossier, Glenn Simpson, who founded Fusion GPS,
”said Bongino.

Simpson founded a company that received funding from Democrats to

investigate Trump long before he wrote an article for The Wall Street Journal, that
is, the dossier was written at least 10 years before Trump’s presidential

TRENDING: PART 4: - It Was a Set-Up: As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained

Deep State Operative Don Berlin's Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were
Leaked to the Mainstream Media to Claim 'Trump Insurrection'

The conspiracy participants in the article and in the dossier, according to Bongino,
almost completely coincide.

“According to the plot of an article in The Wall Street Journal, written in 2007 by
Glenn Simpson and his wife, former Soviet officials are trying to influence
American politics,” – said the former secret service agent.

The April 17 article [of 2007], written by Simpson and Mary Jacoby, was titled
“How lobbyists helped former Soviet officials influence Washington.”

“This article bears a lot of similarities with the dossier: plot, heroes. Who is the
article talking about? This is Manafort, Deripaska. Deripaska is not mentioned in
the dossier, but he plays a big role in the entire plot of Russian influence on the US
elections, ”Bongino said.

It is clear that the Russia collusion story used to harass and attempt to remove President
Trump from office was created years ago.  But Glenn Simpson was not the creator of the
original Russian collusion story.  The real creator of the Russia collusion scam is an
individual who created a fake dossier to use against a billionaire and his brother back in

Billionaire Christopher Chandler is suing the creator of the original Russia collusion sham.

Chandler’s suit was reported in an article in 2018 at Buzzfeed.  [emphasis added]

 A billionaire accused by British politicians of being a suspected Russian

agent has turned to the American courts in an attempt to “vindicate his
reputation”, BuzzFeed News can reveal.

Christopher Chandler, the 58-year-old New Zealand–born founder of a think tank

that had a significant influence on the Brexit debate, claims that a private
investigator based in Washington, DC, was the original source of “demonstrably
false” allegations of money laundering, organised crime, and Russian espionage
against him and his brother, Richard, that caused a sensation in London earlier
this year.

Chandler, a financier based in Dubai, is suing Donald Berlin and his company,
Investigative Consultants, Inc., for $15 million (about £11.6 million) in damages.
The libel case was filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia last
month and is reported here for the first time.
The article goes on to describe the actions taken by Berlin in 2002.

 The proceedings against Berlin will expose Chandler’s background and

business activities to a degree of scrutiny that the billionaire has spent his
career avoiding.

The lawsuit claims that Berlin, while portraying himself as an experienced

investigator with good sources, defrauded customers by providing worthless
background reports that he put together by “inventing salacious narratives from
his own imagination and weaving those false narratives together with
manipulated information from the public domain”.

According to the lawsuit, Berlin was approached by Prince Albert of Monaco’s

intelligence adviser to conduct a background check on the Chandlers in 2002,
when the brothers lived in Monte Carlo. The suit claims Berlin tried to defraud the
prince by producing a fabricated report. It allegedly included details lifted word-
for-word from old news articles Berlin found on the internet, while other details,
the suit claims, were inspired by “outdated spy novels”.

Berlin is contesting the claim. According to his lawyers, he is a small-business

owner with a high-level US government security clearance who simply carried out
a background check as requested by a client 15 years ago. They say Chandler has
tried to intimidate him into providing a false retraction, but that he refused to go
along with it.

Berlin’s story is very similar to the Russia collusion sham, claiming the Chandlers were
recruited by the Russian SVR.

 The brothers didn’t just handle financial transactions for powerful

Russians, the report continued. They also participated personally in
spying operations in the south of France. On several occasions, it was claimed,
Christopher Chandler left or picked up “dead drops” in French cities for
undercover agents, containing personal documents, cash, and shortwave radios.
So important were the Chandlers to their Russian patrons, it alleged, they enjoyed
the protection of politicians all the way up to the top of the Kremlin. In 1999, the
report said, Richard Chandler was awarded the “third class” Russian order for
“service for the fatherland”.

Chandler denies all of this. He and his brother have never engaged in money
laundering or organised crime, his lawsuit against Berlin asserts. They’ve never
had relationships with the politicians mentioned — including Putin. And they’ve
never had anything to do with Russian intelligence.

The Chandler’s claimed the entire Berlin dossier was garbage.

 Chandler’s lawyers alleged that Berlin had concocted an entirely false

history about the brothers in an attempt to trick Prince Albert, through
Eringer, into paying nearly $100,000 for additional bogus investigations.

“From the beginning Berlin knew he did not have Swiss or Russian human
intelligence or other sources and expertise required to provide an accurate
background report on the Chandlers, so he set out to prepare a fictitious report
about them,” Chandler’s legal complaint states. “Berlin intentionally invented
salacious accusations about the Chandler brothers in an attempt to entice his
marks to pay tens of thousands of dollars for additional fake reports about them.”

The suit claims Berlin “simply copied large portions” of a report he’d written for a
previous client, relating to an alleged scam involving Gazprom, and changed the
details to make it appear that the Chandlers had participated.

Other allegations were lifted from old news articles. One such claim was that the
Chandlers hid money “in the name of Panamanian registered companies such as
Dramal, Camparal, and Tutoral at the International Bank of Luxembourg (BIL)”.
According to the lawsuit, this was taken from a 2002 article in Le Monde about a
totally unrelated case, with the details changed to implicate the Chandlers.

The allegations about espionage are baseless, the suit says. Richard Chandler
had allegedly been awarded a “third class” medal for service to the Russian
fatherland, but there was no such award, it contends. Christopher Chandler had
allegedly organised dead drops of shortwave radios for secret agents to use, but
by 2002 such technology was outdated and Russian spies used mobile phones.

Below is Christopher Chandler’s filing in this case against Don Berlin and his company.

Berlin Dossier on Chandlers by Jim Hoft on Scribd

The court case above describes multiple accusations made by Berlin in his Russia dossier
and Chandler’s denials of these accusations.

According to the case, Berlin is domiciled in Leesburg, Virginia.  His company, Investigative
Consultants Inc. has an office in Washington, D.C.  There are numerous redactions in the
document, so Berlin likely has some connections with the Deep State.  Much more to follow.

Next, we will report on the shocking story of the real Russia connection in the
Russia collusion sham.

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 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/part-2-exclusive-exposing-deep-state-ties-jan-6-…

 Joe Hoft

 8 min read


JAN 6: Origin of the Russia Sham – Real
Russian Collusion with Robert Eringer

The Deep State’s ties to Jan 6 and the real Russia collusion fairy tale started
long ago.

We reported yesterday on how the origins of the Russia collusion narrative started long ago
in the early 2000s.  This was brought to light in a court case filed in 2018 by a billionaire
named Christopher Chandler who claimed a relatively unheard of individual by the name of
Don Berlin made up stories about Chandler and Russia.

What was omitted in yesterday’s report is the actions of Don Berlin’s acquaintance, Robert
Eringer.  This man was also noted in the Buzzfeed article in 2018.

TRENDING: PART 4: - It Was a Set-Up: As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State
Operative Don Berlin's Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream
Media to Claim 'Trump Insurrection'

 In this biographical vacuum — unknown to the Chandlers — a radically

different explanation for their wealth had emerged in the early 2000s,
when the brothers lived in Monaco and they came to the attention of Prince
Albert’s personal intelligence adviser, an American named Robert Eringer.

 Eringer wasn’t a conventional spy. Born in California in 1954, the son of a

Disney illustrator, he has led a career including stints as a bartender,
investigative journalist, literary agent, spy novelist, freelance FBI
counterintelligence operative, and blogger. In memoirs and on his personal
website, Eringer styles himself as a globe-trotting raconteur with a taste for fine
wine, five-star hotels, and clandestine adventures. He apparently stumbled into
the intelligence world after befriending a former senior CIA officer in the late

In a self-published memoir, The Spymaster & Me, Eringer claimed he was recruited

by Prince Albert II to be his personal intelligence adviser over drinks at the Hotel
Columbus in Monaco in the summer of 2002. According to Eringer’s account,
Prince Albert was eager to rid the principality of shady characters and asked
Eringer to help. For a fee of 80,000 euros a quarter, Eringer agreed to set up a
covert unit that would investigate prominent residents, vet public officials, and
build relationships with foreign intelligence agencies such as the CIA and MI6. He
operated outside formal government structures, working from an office on
London’s Marylebone High Street to avoid detection, and styled himself as “Agent
001” of the “Monaco Intelligence Service”.
One of Eringer’s first targets, he recounts in The Spymaster & Me, was the
Chandlers. Eringer believed the brothers were suspicious partly because so little
was known about them and their apartment building was mostly empty. At best,
he figured, they were running an unregistered commodities business. But he
thought they might be laundering money for Russian criminals. Eringer began
investigating the brothers.

According to Chandler’s lawsuit, Eringer’s decision to investigate them began a

sequence of events that led to Chandler being accused of being a Russian spy in
the UK more than a decade later. The dossier that circulated in London late last
year consisted of material drawn from Eringer’s investigation, including Eringer’s
own November 2004 writeup about the findings of the probe and the contentious
background reports from Berlin. Some of these documents have been entered
into evidence in the US libel claim by Chandler’s lawyers.

Of course, the Chandler brothers argued this entire story from Eringer was false.  This is
noted in the filing in their case against Berlin which is embedded in Part 1 of this series. 
Christopher Chandler sued Don Berlin who reportedly provided the data in the Russia dossier
to Eringer.  But Berlin’s lawyers responded with the following:

 According to Berlin’s legal filings, he was hired by Eringer to do a

background search on Richard Chandler 16 years ago. He prepared a
confidential report for Eringer and gave it to him in February 2003. The
information was drawn from “various databases and other sources”. Berlin says
he “simply gathered information available to him and passed it along to Mr
Eringer with the understanding that the information needed to be evaluated and
verified before it could be relied upon as accurate”.

“Some time after receiving Mr Berlin’s limited report, Mr Eringer produced a

dossier about [Chandler] and his brother,” Berlin’s lawyers argued. “Mr Eringer’s
dossier accused them of acting as Russian agents and laundering money for
Russian criminal groups … Mr Berlin had no role in the preparation of Mr Eringer’s
dossier and the complaint contains no allegation that he did.”
What’s not shared (and perhaps not known) by the Chandler brothers is that Eringer, who
accused the brothers of having a relationship with Russia, had a relationship with Russia

In a recent blog post, Eringer admits that he took frequent trips to Moscow and Havana for
the FBI.  When asked if he would take a polygraph to retain any relationship with the FBI,
Eringer shared this:

  You may be aware that for a nine-year period (1993-2002) I operated

secretly for the FBI on at least a half-dozen sensitive cases. Because I
took FBI-sponsored trips to Moscow and Havana, operating undercover without
diplomatic immunity, I believe I earned the appreciation and respect of various
special agents and special agents-in-charge in field offices and also inside

Eringer was so close to the Russians that he had his picture taken with the KGB Chairman. 
Also, with him at the dinner was Edward Lee Howard. 

Howard is famous for being the first CIA officer believed to have defected to the KGB.  In July
2002 he was suspected of dying in Russia.

 In August 1985, armed with a tip provided by Soviet defector Vitaly

Yurchenko, the FBI identified Howard as a possible CIA mole. The agents
interviewed him — and he denied being a spy.

The FBI placed his home under constant surveillance, a move that prompted
Howard to undertake an escape operation fitting for a spy. He dressed up a
dummy and spirited it into his car, then went out to dinner with his wife. When
returning from the restaurant, his wife at the wheel, Howard slid out of the car as
she turned a corner, having put the dummy in the passenger seat.

When his wife returned to their house, she called an office and played a tape
Howard had recorded setting up an interview for the next morning. With that, the
FBI, which was listening to Howard’s phone calls, decided he was home.
Meanwhile, Howard apparently went to the airport, flew to Dallas and then
overseas, finally arriving in Helsinki, where he took refuge in the Soviet Embassy.
Shortly thereafter he walked across the Finnish-Soviet border and turned up in
Moscow, where the KGB supplied him with an apartment and a dacha in the

Eringer actually wrote a book about his time in Russia, which included the death of Edward
Lee Howard.

Ruse_ Undercover With FBI Counterintelligence by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Eringer had much information on Howard, having dined with him in the past in Russia with
the Head of the KGB.  The Russians liked Eringer so much he received an honorary member
card to the KGB.
Eringer was also involved in Russia with the FBI at the same time Robert Hanssen was
providing the Russians damaging information.  Hanssen gave information to the Russians on
multiple spies, some of who were executed.  The FBI documented this in a special report.

 Hanssen was the most damaging spy in FBI history, and he betrayed
some of this nation’s most important counterintelligence and military
secrets, including the identities of dozens of human assets, at least three of
whom were executed.

Even though Eringer was working for the FBI at the time US human assets outed by Hanssen
were executed by Russia, Eringer was saved.  There may be no one in the Russia collusion
fairy tale who knows more about Russia than Eringer.

Eringer may have been projecting his relationship with Russia onto others like the Chandler
brothers and Donald Trump.  This explains his relationship with Don Berlin.

Next, we will bring you up to date on more recent actions of Don Berlin and the
Deep State.

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 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/part-3-shocking-deep-state-ties-jan-6-don-berlin-…

 Joe Hoft

 5 min read


Operative Don Berlin Presented Bogus
Election Dossier to President Trump Before
1-6, Now Jan 6 Committee is Using This to
Claim Insurrection and Take Down President

The Deep State used operative Don Berlin multiple times to produce garbage
dossiers for several specific purposes – Russia collusion, Las Vegas Shooter,
and the 2020 Election, for example.  

Berlin prepared and presented his 2020 Election dossier to President Trump
before January 6. It was a set-up.  The Jan 6 committee is now using this
document to claim President Trump was involved in an insurrection.  

We reported Monday on how the origins of the Russia collusion narrative started long ago in
the early 2000s.  This was brought to light in a court case filed in 2018 by a billionaire named
Christopher Chandler who claimed a man named Don Berlin made up stories about Chandler
and Russia.


Origin of the Russia Sham – Don Berlin’s Original Russia Dossier

TRENDING: PART 4: - It Was a Set-Up: As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State
Operative Don Berlin's Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream
Media to Claim 'Trump Insurrection'

Don Berlin didn’t act alone.  He worked with Robert Eringer on the Russia collusion dossier in
2002.  Eringer claims he worked for the FBI in the 1990s in Russia but at the same time
Eringer was given an honorary KGB ID card from Russia.

Sham – Real Russian Collusion with Robert Eringer

Don Berlin created his Russia collusion dossier in 2002 when Robert Mueller was the Head of
the FBI.  Years later in June 2016, Berlin was interviewed by the FBI in regard to work he did
related to Hillary’s emails and her actions in Libya.  In the interview notes, Berlin claimed he
was a “defense contractor specializing in the areas of missile, space, and intelligence.”  Berlin
claimed he was near completing his work related to the Hillary project when he was
interviewed.  According to Berlin, this work was at the behest of Republicans.

302 – Serial 91 – Donald Berlin by Jim Hoft on Scribd

A year after the FBI interview Berlin was back creating another dossier.  This one was related
to the Las Vegas shooter.  Berlin created a grand scheme where he claimed that “preliminary
indicators suggest [that a second shooter had] possible ties to Islamic organizations and the
Islamic State (IS) linkage”.

We don’t know at this time who paid him for this dossier but it does appear that this
included deliberate disinformation for some unknown purpose.

Las Vegas Redacted by Jim Hoft

Late in 2020, Donald Berlin created a 2020 Election dossier.  This was another piece of art
and fiction.  Berlin’s dossier appears connected to Republicans because he presented it
before a group of Republican leaders and President Trump sometime in the early days of
January 2021.  Berlin actually was there to present the dossier he prepared to the President. 
We know this from a trusted and verified source.

Roughly 90% of this document created by Berlin was dedicated to voting software and
machines.  Little is mentioned regarding absentee ballots and chain of custody.  On page 75
of the presentation, Berlin listed actions the President should take.  US Marshalls are to
secure ballots and the National Guard is to step in.

Here is the dossier.

Project Foot Patrol by Jim Hoft

A shorter version of the presentation given to President Trump was distributed to various

This document made it to Liz Cheney and the Jan 6 Committee.

Election Fraud Foreign Inte… by Jim Hoft

This is what the Jan 6 Committee is using to claim President Trump was
engaged in an insurrection.  

There are many questions related to this Berlin dossier on the 2020 Election. 

1. Why the focus on the machines and software?

2. Was the timing of the dossier pre-planned with Jan 6 right around the corner?
3. Is Don Berlin a government source?  Is he working for the government?  (Our source
claims he is a government employee with a ‘classified’ clearance.)
4. What was the intent of the dossier?
5. Was it paid for by Republicans to set up President Trump?
6. Who all knew this was going to happen ahead of time?

This is the Deep State.  The same group that attacked and harassed President
Trump and the American people for his entire administration.  This is a corrupt
America.  And this is how they set up President Trump.

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 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/part-4-soon-jan-6-committee-obtained-deep-stat…

 Joe Hoft

 5 min read

PART 4: - It Was a Set-Up: As Soon as Jan 6

Committee Obtained Deep State Operative
Don Berlin's Bogus Election Dossier Claims,
They Were Leaked to the Mainstream Media
to Claim 'Trump Insurrection'

They knew what they were looking for.  Information from the Deep State
dossier created by Don Berlin that was presented to President Trump right
before Jan 6, was leaked to the media as soon as Mark Meadows provided it
to the Jan 6 Committee in December 2021 per the committee’s subpoena.

We reported yesterday how Deep State operative Don Berlin created a bogus dossier and
presented it to President Trump related to the 2020 Election a few days before his rally on
January 6th at the Capitol.  (Parts 1 and 2 in this series are also linked to in this article.)

 PART 3: WE CAUGHT THEM: Deep State Operative Don Berlin Presented

Bogus Election Dossier to President Trump Before 1-6, Now Jan 6
Committee is Using This to Claim Insurrection and Take Down President Trump

Information from this bogus dossier was then summarized and provided to a group of
individuals in the Trump White House, including the President’s Chief of Staff, Mark
Meadows.  CNN reported on December 9th that President Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark
Meadows provided documents to the Jan 6 Committee.

TRENDING: PART 4: - It Was a Set-Up: As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State
Operative Don Berlin's Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream
Media to Claim 'Trump Insurrection'

 These communications offer a window into what people were texting to

Meadows on January 6, what he was telling them about Trump in real
time, and what the former President was doing for those hours while the Capitol
was under attack and rioters were chanting “Hang Mike Pence,” according to the

The far-left Rolling Stone website reported on a PowerPoint presentation included in

Meadows’ emails provided to the Jan 6 Committee on December 9th as well.

 The House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the

Capitol has obtained a trove of electronic messages from former Trump
Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, including an email referring to a PowerPoint
suggesting Trump could declare a national security emergency in order to delay
the certification of the results of the 2020 election.
The revelation is the latest indication that Trump and his inner circle, including his
allies in Congress, were very actively and very aggressively trying to overturn the
results of the election, which Trump lost handily.

The PowerPoint presentation, which spanned 38 pages and was titled “Election
fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN,” was part of an email sent on Jan.
5, the day before the attack on the Capitol. The email pertained to a briefing that
was to be provided “on the hill.” Hugo Lowell of The Guardian tweeted slides from
the presentation on Thursday detailing a conspiracy theory-laden plan for Vice
President Pence to install Republican electors in states “where fraud occurred,”
and for Trump to declare a national emergency and for all electronic voting to be
rendered invalid, citing foreign “control” of electronic voting systems.

The Deep State’s favorite Mainstream Media outlet, the New York Times, the Deep State’s
choice for dropping garbage hit pieces on President Trump, reported on the bogus
PowerPoint presentation on December 10th:

 Jan. 6 Committee Examines PowerPoint Document Sent to Meadows

 Mark Meadows’s lawyer said the former White House chief of staff did
not act on the document, which recommended that President Donald J.
Trump declare a national emergency to keep himself in power.

This same news story was then reported at the Boston Globe later that day:

 The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol is

scrutinizing a 38-page PowerPoint document filled with extreme plans to
overturn the 2020 election that Mark Meadows, the last chief of staff to President
Donald Trump, has turned over to the panel.

The document recommended that Trump declare a national emergency to delay

the certification of the election results and included a claim that China and
Venezuela had obtained control over the voting infrastructure in a majority of
A lawyer for Meadows, George J. Terwilliger III, said Friday that Meadows
provided the document to the committee because he merely received it by email
in his inbox and did nothing with it.

  “We produced the document because it wasn’t privileged,” Terwilliger


 Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel and an influential voice in the

movement to challenge the election, said Friday from a bar he owns
outside Austin, Texas, that he had circulated the document — titled “Election
Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN” — among Trump’s allies and on
Capitol Hill before the attack. Waldron said that he did not personally send the
document to Meadows, but that it was possible someone on his team had passed
it along to the former chief of staff.

This leaves us with more questions:

1. How did the Jan 6 Committee know to obtain this memo from Mark Meadows?
2. Why was this leaked so fast after being obtained by the Jan 6 Committee?
3. Who on the Committee leaked this PowerPoint presentation?
4. How many more Deep State set up’s took place against President Trump?

The longer the Deep State lives, the more America dies.

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