Dynamic Programming Treatment of The Travelling Salesman Problem

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Graph Theory, Applications and Combinatorics

UE19CS323 - Assignment 3
Summary on -
Dynamic Programming Treatment of the Travelling Salesman
Author: Richard Bellman, Dated: Jan 1962, #Citations: 872

Date: 5/12/2021
Sumukh Raju Bhat PES1UG19CS519

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Dynamic Programming Treatment of the Travelling Salesman Problem

Travelling salesman problem or simply TSP, is one of the most famous
NP-hard and NP, and naturally a NP-complete problem known till date in
the field of computer science and complexity theory in general. It is the
key, like other NP-complete problems, directly or indirectly in solving
many optimization problems. To name a few: vehicle routing problems,
logistics, planning and scheduling.
Dynamic programming on the other hand is one of the most famous
techniques to bring down the complexity of algorithms from exponential
to polynomial. To name a few algorithms, 0/1 knapsack, subset sum,
matrix chain multiplication etc. It is used where we have problems, which
can be divided into similar sub-problems, so that their results can be
reused. Mostly, these algorithms are used for optimization. Before
solving the in-hand problem, dynamic programming will try to examine
the results of the previously solved subproblems.
In the above mentioned paper, there is an attempt to apply dynamic
programming technique on the travelling salesman problem to bring
down the exponential time complexity to polynomial runtime or atleast
improve the efficiency for a subset of inputs.

Defining the problem:

As it is infamously known, the problem TSP is stated as follows(As in the

“A salesman is required to visit once and only once each of n different
cities starting from a base city, and returning to this city. What path
minimizes the total distance travelled by the salesman?” In technical
terms, TSP builds on the hamilton circuit problem and is concerned with
computing the lowest cost hamiltonian cycle on a weighted (di)graph. It
is to be noted that HCP or hamilton cycle problem, in itself is a NP-hard
problem which can be proved by polynomially reducing an already
known NP-complete problem called 3-SAT to HCP. In addition, we have
to take care of the optimality condition to successfully solve TSP.

Previous works(At the time, the paper was published):

The problem was treated as a combination of ingenuity and linear
programming, which although produced results for simple inputs, say 4
cities, but failed when the number of cities was increased to 10. The
current paper however, gives results and with good runtime for 17 cities.
For larger numbers, the method presented, combined with various
simple manipulations, may be used to obtain quick approximate
solutions. (These methods were later published by 2 independent

DP formulation:
Let f(i; j1, j2, …, jk) define the length of a path of minimum length from i
to 0 which passes once and only once through each of the remaining k
unvisited cities j1, j2, j3, …jk.
The whole TSP is broken down into a multistage decision problem. Let’s
assume that the tour begins at some origin or source, say city number 0.
Fixing this arbitrarily won’t mean we lose generality as the tour is the
round trip as explained by the author.
For the tour to be optimal, the path from i through j1, j2, j3,...jk in some
order and then to 0 must be minimum. Why? Let’s assume that the
above sentence is false. Then that would mean that we could find a
shorter path and reduced shorter path from i through j1, j2, …, jk which
would not be desirable by the TSP statement. Thus the entire TSP has
been reduced to obtaining f(0; j1, j2, …jn) and a path which has this
Thus the recursive relation would be:

f(i; j1, j2, j3,...jk) = min {dijm + f(i; j1, j2, …, jm-1, jm+1, …. jk)} —--- (1)
1 <= m <= k and dij is defined as the distance between ith and jth cities.
We can compute the whole thing iteratively using the following steps:
S1. Initialization: f(i; j) = dij + dj0
S2. Loop Invariant: Use equation (1) to get f(i;j1, j2) from initialization,
which inturn is used to get f(i; j1, j2, j3) and so on…
S3: Stopping condition: When f(0; j1, j2, …, jn) is obtained.
The informal proof that the above algorithm works is that the sequence
of values of different values of m minimizes the expression in the braces
on the right-hand side of equation (1) and hence gives a desired
minimum path. And also the fact that the right hand of the equation (1)
and also the stopping condition of the algorithm has j1, j2, j3, …, jn has
all unique ji’s and 1<=i<=n, means that all cities are visited only once.

Complexity Analysis and conclusions:

Solving TSP using the good-old bruteforce way takes O(n!) time
complexity. The mentioned algorithm, although doesn’t convert it to a
polynomially solvable problem as per as it’s reputation, but still solves
the problem in the order of O((2^n)*(n^2)) which is definitely an
improvement as factorial would have grown faster than the exponential
execution time function.
Space complexity on the other hand takes a serious hit by using this
algorithm as an approach to solve TSP as we increase our tour size. The
reason being that with the extent of memory and memory access speed
available on those days, exponential memory requirement is too much to
ask even for the best computer of those times. In the algorithm
described, it is not necessary to store the order in which the cities are
visited but we need to store the function f’s results. Hence we need to
tabulate all ways of choosing k quantities from n-1 quantities. The
quantity is largest when k is the largest integer nearer to (n-1)/2.
Considering the case when n-1 is even, using the Stirling’s formula we
get space complexity of the order of O(2^n).
The author has stated that for 11 cities the program can be run routinely,
for 17 cities he requires the largest of the then current fast memory
computers, but for 21 cities the algorithm is not feasible to be executed
and the technology then is a few years behind.

The author mentions that the memory limitations can be avoided by
using some clever but complicated programming tricks by leveraging the
fact that the distances will be integers and that we need not use all digits
of one word to specify a distance. He also mentions that, in particular
cases, one can easily reduce the number of cities by grouping subtours
as a new distance in itself. As mentioned by the author, one of the most
important advantages of using this algorithm is that we can easily apply
many of the real life constraints that will occur in real life when compared
to other solutions and approximate solutions to TSP. For instance, say
we need the top 15 nearest neighbours of a given city i.

References in the paper:

1. On a linear programming combinatorial approach to the travelling
salesman problem by G.B. Dantzig et. al.
2. Integer programming formulation and travelling salesman
problems by C.E. Miller et. al.
3. Dynamic Programming by R. Bellman

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