Improving Mini-Basin and Subsalt Imaging With Reflection Full Waveform Inversion
Improving Mini-Basin and Subsalt Imaging With Reflection Full Waveform Inversion
Improving Mini-Basin and Subsalt Imaging With Reflection Full Waveform Inversion
Katarina Jonke*, Zhan Fu, Brad Wray and Hao Shen, CGG
Ray-based tomography is a default tool for updating both Our study area is situated in the western GOM, on the
suprasalt and subsalt velocities. However, when the Mexican side of the prolific Perdido fold belt. The water
shallow sediment geology is complex, tomography can fail depth ranges from 1500 m to 3500 m. Large deposits of salt
to provide a velocity model that is accurate enough for and shale are influenced by a regional compressional
correct top-down salt geometry modeling. Ray-based system. Advancement of the salt nappes is hindered by the
tomography also has limited success in dirty salt and Perdido folds, resulting in salt autosutures and a rugose top
subsalt applications in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), even of salt (TOS). Shallow overburden is severely deformed
when reverse time migration (RTM) angle gathers (Xu at due to the shortening, while large folds and thrusts form the
al., 2011; Li et al., 2011) or surface offset gathers (SOGs) subsalt Lower Tertiary targets.
(Yang at al., 2015) are used. Due to a narrow range of
incident angles at subsalt events, ultra-long offset data is Data used in the study was acquired using a WAZ
essential for improving subsalt velocity tomography acquisition geometry. Maximum inline and crossline
updates with either type of RTM gathers. offsets were 8100 m and 4200 m, with a nominal fold
of 189 and record length of 14 s. Data pre-processing steps
FWI that primarily uses diving waves can refine the included denoise, source and receiver deghosting,
velocity model beyond the capabilities of tomography and designature, and 3D surface-related multiple elimination.
has become a standard tool used to improve the imaging of
the shallow overburden (Sirgue et al., 2010; Ratcliffe et al., Mini-basin velocity update with RFWI
2014). However, when applied on data acquired with
traditional narrow or wide azimuth (WAZ) geometry, FWI In our application of RFWI, we started with a velocity
has difficulty properly updating deeper strata due to the model that went through several iterations of tomography
lack of diving wave penetration. To reduce the need for and FWI updates. These updates were able to improve the
Figure 1: Sediment flood RTM shows TOS before (a) and after (b) suprasalt RFWI. Salt body RTM image before update (c). Suprasalt RFWI
and re-interpretation improved focusing of BOS and continuity of subsalt (d).
velocity of the shallow folds but failed to properly update our RFWI method (A. Gomes and N. Chazalnoel, personal
the shale velocity at the bottom of the mini-basin due to the communication, 2017).
close proximity of salt, the absence of reflectivity inside the
shale, and the shale depth. The sediment flood RTM shows The suprasalt RFWI updated velocity model was used to
that the underlying rugose TOS was poorly imaged, re-run sediment and salt floods, which were then used to re-
without sufficient focusing needed for a precise horizon interpret the TOS and base of salt (BOS), respectively.
interpretation (Figure 1a). Improved images of both the BOS and subsalt show the
direct impact of the suprasalt velocity accuracy on salt
RFWI was then applied from 4 Hz to 7 Hz using a wavelet interpretation (Figures 1c and 1d).
extracted from the data. High-wavenumbers of the density
were updated down to TOS to drive the low-wavenumber Subsalt velocity update with RFWI
velocity update above it. Figure 1b shows the sediment
flood RTM image after RFWI update. We can see Following the shallow sediment update and salt geometry
improvements in the imaging of TOS: a strong peak event refinement, we applied a second iteration of RFWI. We
has fewer swings and is now more coherent. The initial allowed updates in sediment inclusions within the salt and
velocity model is shown in Figure 2a and perturbation in in the subsalt, but maintained the precise salt boundaries
Figure 2b. Sediment flood RTM SOGs showed a more necessary for high-definition imaging. The parameters used
distinct TOS event following RFWI application (Figures 2c were similar to those in the suprasalt RFWI application.
and 2d). Although data QC indicated that the imaging was The key difference was allowing the high-wavenumber
improved, the perturbation showed the somewhat vertical density update to extend to 14 km. We show an example
nature of our RFWI update. Due to poor reflectivity of the from a location where large sediment inclusions and sutures
shale, this deeper part of the perturbation was dominated by influence the imaging under a salt nappe (Figure 3a).
the contribution of low-wavenumber energy backscattered Improvement in the intra-salt velocity provided more
from the stronger TOS event. Separating the update down correct BOS positioning and reduced pullup in the subsalt
to the TOS, and then subsequently down to the Mesozoic, (Figure 3b). RTM SOGs after RFWI showed flatter gathers
was one way to mitigate the vertical resolution limitation in both within and below the salt (Figures 3c and 3d).
Our final example shows the application of RFWI in an improving the imaging of both shallow and deep strata in a
area of highly deformed Perdido folds. Lines across the dip geologically complex salt province.
(Figure 4a) and strike (Figure 4b) directions of a subsalt
Figure 2: Initial velocity model (a) with TOS and SOG locations.
Mini-basin RFWI perturbation (b). Sediment flood RTM SOGs
zoomed on TOS before (c) and after RFWI (d).
Figure 4: Dip and strike RTM images across a Perdido area fold before (a) and (b), and after subsalt RFWI (c) and (d).
Figure 5: Initial velocity (a) and perturbation (b) from RFWI update. RTM SOGs along the same dip line before (c) and after subsalt RFWI (d).
Chazalnoel, N., A. Gomes, W. Zhao, and B. Wray, 2017, Revealing shallow and deep complex geological
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case study—Reloaded: 76th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended
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Sirgue, L., O. I. Barkved, J. Dellinger, J. Etgen, U. Albertin, and J.H. Kommedal, 2010, Full waveform
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The data used in this study are from a long offset deep
basin-study dataset of the type described by Horn (2015).
In this case the overall program includes several thousand
linear kilometers of 2D data, and the line shown here is
some 360km long. The maximum offset recorded in the
marine cable was 12km, with a record length of 18s.
Imaging was performed to a depth of 40km, so as to try to
capture Moho reflectors and to determine the boundary
between continental and oceanic crust.
Velocity model building commenced with several iterations Figure1. clockwise from top left: true model; smoothed
of high resolution non-parametric inversion (Fruehn et al., starting model; result of conventional FWI (the shallow
2014), in conjunction with interpretation of the top and model is successfully recovered, but the salt body is not);
base evaporite (‘salt’) geobodies. It is well understood that result of RFWI – the shape of the salt body is reasonable
the resolution available with such ray-based methods is recovered, and the sub-salt model is beginning to emerge
limited to lateral scale lengths of several hundred metres (example courtesy of Chao Wang et al., 2017).
(e.g. Jones 2010, 2015) except for well-behaved clean long
offset data. Consequently, in recent years we have seen the
introduction of Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) in order to
Figure 2: image with model overlay after high resolution Figure 3: image with model overlay after tomo plus
ray tomography, and preliminary picking of the salt conventional FWI: the near surface and post-salt sequence
bodies, is nicely updated, but salt and below remain unchanged
Figure 4: image with model overlay after tomo plus Figure 5: image with model overlay after further iterations
conventional FW, plus RFWI and residual tomo: salt and of RFWI and a final residual tomo: salt and below are now
below are now updated better defined
Although FWI has offered great promise as a mean of
updating near-surface structure, pushing past the limits of
ray-based tomography, the acoustic approximation, when
applied in the data-domain is still essentially limited to the
transmitted wavefield. Extending FWI to include image-
domain constraints can greatly expand the range of
usefulness of the wave-based inversion techniques, also
helping to mitigate the effects of cycle skipping on Figure 6: Top – interval velocity from legacy 2016
convergence. conventional isotropic tomographic model update.
Bottom – new anisotropic tomography + FWI + RFWI
model. Both shown with the associated well log.
We thank BP staff for their helpful insights into the
expected geological structure of the region, and to ION for
permission to present this work. We also thank Ian Jones
for his help in preparing the manuscript, and guidance in
the model building.
Brittan, J., J. Bai, H. Delome, C. Wang, and D. Yingst, 2013, Full waveform inversion—The state of the
art: First Break, 31, 75–81.
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anomalies using non-parametric autopicking and hybrid tomography: CSEG Recorder, 39.
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Encyclopedia of Exploration Geophysics, U1-1–U1-24.
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Plessix, R.-E., G. Baeten, J. W. de Maag, M. Klaassen, R. Zhang, and Z. Tao, 2010, Application of
acoustic full waveform inversion to a low-frequency large-offset land data set: 80th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 930–934,
Pratt, R. G., Z.-M. Song, P. Williamson, and M. Warner, 1996, Two-dimensional velocity models from
wide-angle seismic data by wavefield inversion: Geophysical Journal International, 124, 323–
Vigh, D., K. Jiao, X. Cheng, D. Sun, and W. Lewis, 2016, Earth-model building from shallow to deep
with full-waveform inversion: The Leading Edge, 35, 1025–1030.
Wang, C., D. Yingst, P. Farmer, and J. Leveille, 2016, Full-waveform inversion with the reconstructed
wavefield method: 86th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1237–1241,
Wang, C., D. Yingst, P. Farmer, G. Martin, and J. Leveille, 2017, Reconstructed full waveform inversion
with the extended source: 87th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
Warner, M., and L. Guasch, 2016, Adaptive waveform inversion: Theory: Geophysics, 81, no. 6, R429–
traveltime shift objective functions, as shown in the equation initial model were through into Kirchhoff Depth Migration
below, where φ is the instantaneous phase error, which is a to produce the common offset gathers to validate the
function of time, is the Hilbert transform operator, E is kinematical convergence. Fig 2 shows the KDM gather
the instantaneous amplitude operator, and DF[m]* stands comparisons among (a) FWI initial model, (b) adjustive FWI
for the adjoint operator of the first derivative map of F[m], without salt auto-adjust and (c) adjustive FWI with salt auto-
which consists of a backward propagation and an application adjust. The depth gathers from adjustive FWI without salt
of imaging condition. FWI will use the instantaneous phase auto-adjust is slightly over-corrected while the gathers from
gradient formulation to back-project the local traveltime adjustive FWI with salt auto-adjust is quite flat.
shift into model error.
On the mega-size survey mentioned before, two frequency
bands (4Hz and 6Hz) of adjustive FWI were employed with
this auto-adjust salt geometry feature. Fig 1 (b) shows an
example of the update, comparing to the initial on Fig 1 (a),
with this auto-adjust salt feature, FWI was able to pick
several high velocity zone (carbonate) just on top of the salt,
also it picked up the shallow slow shale velocity bodies on
Regarding to salt, one of the conventional approach to the left side. Fig 3 shows one location with carbonate just
handle the salt is to over smooth the sediment/salt model to on top of the salt, (a) is the KDM gather from initial model,
mitigate the cycle-skipping issue, FWI might be able to in which the top salt and carbonate reflection events are both
change the salt with more iterations and at higher curving up indicating the initial velocity is too slow; (b) is
frequencies. The other approach would require manually re- the KDM gather from FWI updated model, in which the
picking the salt geometry on depth migration volumes after gather flatness is improved from shallow to bottom,
each FWI updates, which is also quite time-consuming. especially for the carbonate and top of salt the events are flat.
On the KDM image (c), it’s clear that the carbonate body is
Instead of dealing with the combined sediment and salt well defined.
model, we separate the velocity into two pieces, sediment
velocity field and a salt mask. The initial salt mask can be Comparison on Fig 4 showed that with this auto-adjust salt
easily picked on a depth migrated image (like Reverse Time method, reflection FWI can improve the base of salt imaging
Migration image) with FWI input data and initial sediment quality. Fig 4 (a) is an 18Hz RTM image from pre-RFWI
velocity model. Then inside the loop of FWI, the two pieces model, and (b) is an 18Hz RTM image from post-RFWI
will be combined together to generate a sediment velocity model. As the yellow arrow points, after FWI updates, the
model with salt body. After each iteration of FWI, as the coherency and continuity of the base of salt reflector is
sediment velocity changes, this salt body geometry will be improved after 5 iterations of Reflection based FWI.
repositioned using a map-migration kind of technique. In
such a way, the repositioned salt body matches the seismic Conclusions
imaging from the depth migration with a FWI updated
sediment model much better than the previous un-adjusted The conventional way to handle salt geometry in FWI is time
salt body. consuming. Without a proper way to handle the salt
geometry change during FWI updates, it’s very challenged
Examples and Results to get detailed updates close to salt. The auto-adjust salt
method is employed in FWI and the salt geometry is
A 2x4 wide-azimuth (WAZ) data set with about 9km automatically adjusted during FWI iterations in a timely
maximum offset acquired in the Gulf of Mexico is taken as manner. Applying this auto-adjust salt to adjustive FWI
example for the salt-auto-adjust FWI test. The gun array, the (cycle-skip mitigated), FWI is able to provide high-
shot depth and the cable depth allowed to record frequencies resolution update in the vicinity of salt. In the real data
lower to about 2.5 to 3 Hz. We started the FWI at 4Hz from examples, FWI was able to pick shallow slow shale body,
a 1D type of starting velocity field, one example section is high velocity carbonate sitting on top of the salt and also
displayed in Fig 1 (a). improve the coherence and continuity of the base salt
First, we execute the adjustive FWI (cycle-skip mitigated) at
4 Hz with and without this auto-adjust salt method in a small Acknowledgements
area. For the test without auto-adjust salt method, the input
salt body model was smoothed to mitigate the errors from The authors would like to thank WesternGeco Geosolutions
mis-positioned salt geometry during FWI updates. After and Multi-Client for the permission to publish this paper.
several iterations, the two final updated models plus the
Fig 2. On the top panel, from left to right are KDM gathers from (a) initial model, (b) adjustive FWI
without auto-adjusted salt geometry, (c) KDM gather from adjustive FWI with auto-adjusted salt
geometry, and the yellow arrow indicates the top of salt location. (Courtesy Schlumberger)
Fig 3. From left to right are KDM gathers from (a) initial model, (b) adjustive FWI with auto-adjusted salt
geometry, (c) KDM Image from adjustive FWI with auto-adjusted salt. Blue arrows on gathers indicate
the top of salt location, the yellow line on the KDM image indicates the gather location, and the red
arrow on the KDM image points to the high velocity geobody. (Courtesy Schlumberger)
Bozdag, E., J. Trampert, and J. Tromp, 2011, Misfit functions for full-waveform inversion based on
instantaneous phase and envelope measurements: Geophysical Journal International, 185, 845–
Esser, E., L. Guasch, T. van Leeuwen, A. Y. Aravkin, and F. Herrmann, 2015, Automatic salt
delineation - wavefield reconstruction inversion with convex constraints: 85th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1337–1343,
Jiao, K., D. Sun, X. Cheng and D. Vigh, 2015, Adjustive full waveform inversion: 85th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1091–1095,
Lewis, W., D. Vigh, 2016, 3D salt geometry inversion in full-waveform inversion using a level-set
method: 86th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1221–1226,
Xukai Shen*, Imtiaz Ahmed, Andrew Brenders, Joe Dellinger, John Etgen and Scott Michell
enhancing FWI algorithms to better meet the challenge of calculated using the latest 2014-2015 OBN seismic data
automatic model-building (Routh et al., 2016), with varying and the legacy velocity model shown in Figure 1. The no-
degrees of success. Meanwhile, both theoretical studies image zone in the bottom panel of Figure 2 indicates that
(Sirgue, 2006) and case studies using onshore field data there must be a problem with the earth model, which
(Plessix et al., 2010) have indicated that recording low becomes even more obvious when compared with the clear
frequencies at wide offsets might provide a more direct and detailed extra-salt image immediately to the right of the
way to achieve success, by making the underlying “no-image” zone. The stark contrast in image quality
inversion problem more tractable. suggests that the sedimentary model in the extra-salt
overburden is of an acceptable quality, whereas the
With that in mind, we designed the most recent 2014-2015 complex salt model within the overburden is clearly not.
Atlantis 4D OBN Survey (van Gestel et al., 2015) to record
as much long offset and low frequency data as possible. By
design, the survey had full-azimuth coverage with a
significant portion of the data having offsets exceeding 20
km, considerably more than required for a 4D repeat of
previous surveys. In addition, improved acquisition quality
control, airguns that were more reliable and repeatable than
before, better OBN hardware and software, and paying
more careful attention to the data at every step of the
processing chain allowed us to record, retain, and make use
of lower frequencies at wider offsets than we had
previously managed for Atlantis OBN surveys. Comparison
of the amplitude spectra of data acquired in 2014-15 with
data acquired in 2005 shows a more consistent source Figure 1: The legacy Atlantis velocity model.
signature with a higher signal-to-noise ratio below 5 Hz,
and S/N crossover at 1.5 Hz, versus ~3 Hz for the 2005
data. Above 5 Hz the S/N ratios were similar. The extra
time and cost would not have been justified if the goal were
merely to record better data for imaging using our pre-
existing velocity models. The goal was to record better data
to allow us to build a better velocity model for imaging.
Figure 1 shows the latest-generation legacy velocity model Figure 2: Reverse time migration using the legacy model (Figure
across the center of the Atlantis Field. The “no-image” 1) applied to the 2014-2015 OBN data. Top: image of the same
zone lies underneath the prominent salt fingers at the top cross-section as the one in Figure 1. Bottom: zoomed-in image of
center of the section. Figure 2 shows the corresponding the box in the top panel.
section of a P-wave prestack depth-migrated image,
Figure 3 shows the same cross-section as Figure 1, but image. The structure is much better defined, including the
made using the velocity model produced by FWI. The target reservoir, the top of the mother salt, sub-salt faults
improved low frequencies and wide offsets present in the and sub-salt strata. We can also see a bright event where
latest generation of Atlantis OBN data have allowed the the (now removed) salt finger had been in the legacy
FWI to start from the legacy velocity model in Figure 1 and model. This event is likely what misled the interpreters into
make meaningful model updates all the way to the erroneously including the deeper salt finger in the velocity
maximum depth of the computational grid, something it model.
was not able to do using previous generations of Atlantis
OBN data. There are several features to note in the FWI
result. First, the shallow sediments have added geologically
reasonable detail, similar to what we expect to see from
FWI results in sedimentary basins. Second, the top of salt
around x=6 km has had non-trivial adjustments made to its
shape and has significantly reduced the degree of salt
overhang. Third, the salt fingers in the center of the section
have dramatically changed. The deepest salt finger has
been removed, the bottom of the second deepest finger is
deeper than before and the shape and location of the
sedimentary wedge between the salt fingers is significantly
different. Fourth, the sub-salt, and particularly sub-finger,
sediment velocities have had major updates, including the
addition of some low-velocity anomalies. Finally, the top of
the mother salt is significantly shallower than it was before.
We demonstrated a successful FWI application in the salt We thank BP and the partner of the Atlantis Field (BHP
environment. With low-frequency, long-offset data, FWI Billiton) for permission to publish this paper. More results
can correct major errors in the salt definition and bring from this study may be found at Shen et al. (2017).
step-change improvements to the sub-salt image. The FWI
result is migration-friendly and points the way towards a
paradigm shift in the industry-standard practice of salt
model building.
Figure 5: A depth slice from reverse time migration using the Figure 6: As Figure 7, but for the FWI velocity model.
legacy model at the level of the target. Top: overall image; Middle:
zoomed-in image of the left box in the top panel; Bottom: zoomed-
in image of the right box in the top panel.
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SUMMARY in the 1980s and 1990s, neural networks didn’t find widespread
adoption due to being very expensive to train even for simple
Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is now a mature technology models. The advent of GPUs and the massive amount of data
that is routinely used in exploration around the world to ob- available during the last decade transformed this field just as it
tain high resolution earth models. In geological areas such did with FWI. The availability of highly efficient and parallel
as the Gulf of Mexico, however, reconstructing complex salt solvers on GPUs have enabled training of deep networks in a
geobodies poses a huge challenge to FWI due to the absence short period of time. The deep learning approach to solving
of low frequencies in the data needed to resolve such features. classification and segmentation problems in medical imaging
A skilled seismic interpreter has to interpret these geobodies has shown significant success (Greenspan et al., 2016; Setio
and manually insert them into the earth model and repeat this et al., 2016) in discriminating between normal and pathologi-
process several times in the earth model building workflow. cal biological tissues.
Deep learning algorithms have gained a lot of interest in re-
cent years by obtaining state-of-the art results in various prob- Seismic interpreters have long relied on a number of different
lems arising in the fields of computer vision, automatic speech attributes computed from a seismic image to guide them in the
recognition and natural language processing. We investigate interpretation process (Halpert et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2015).
the use of these algorithms to generate useful prior models for Here we investigate an approach to apply deep learning meth-
full-waveform inversion by learning features relevant to earth ods to seismic images and attributes derived from it to generate
model building from a seismic image. We test this method- a probability of a region of the seismic image belonging to a
ology in full-waveform inversion by generating a probability salt geobody. We do this by using the prior that salt geobod-
map of salt bodies in the migrated image along with a prior ies found in Gulf of mexico regions usually don’t have well
model and incorporating it in the FWI objective function. This defined structure and hence discriminating between structure
approach is shown to be promising in enabling an automated and lack of structure in seismic images is a reasonable indi-
salt body reconstruction using FWI. cator of the presence of salt. This a priori information is then
used as an extra regularization term in the FWI objective func-
tion which guides the inversion towards the prior model.
Full-waveform inversion is a promising technology that the
seismic industry has to produce high resolution earth models The classical formulation of the full-waveform inversion prob-
that fully explain the recorded seismic data. Although the the- lem is posed as the minimization of the objective function,
ory for FWI was developed in the 1980s (Tarantola, 1984), it
is only in the last decade that major advances in high perfor- 1
min f (m) = kF(m) − dk22 , (1)
mance computing power provided by the graphical computing m 2
units (GPUs) enabled a widespread adoption of FWI on field where F : M → D is a wave equation modeling operator that
datasets (Virieux and Operto, 2009; Vigh et al., 2011; Kapoor given a earth property model m ∈ M (velocity, density, etc),
et al., 2014). However, geological areas such as the Gulf of simulates synthetic seismic data, d ∈ D the seismic data mea-
Mexico (GOM) pose a huge challenge to FWI due to the pres- sured in the field and k · k22 represents the squared L2 norm.
ence of high contrast complex salt geobodies. Given the long An adjoint-state method (Plessix, 2006) is used to compute the
wavelength nature of these anomalies, running FWI with an gradient g(m) = ∇ f (m) and iterative optimization algorithms
initial model without a reasonably accurate representation of are used to minimize the objective function.
these geobodies already present in the model would lead to cy-
cle skipping and cause the inversion to converge to a wrong Prior model regularization
solution. Several approaches to overcome this challenge have
Seismic inverse problems are generally ill-posed and their so-
been investigated (Esser et al., 2015, 2016). Here we investi-
lution is non-unique and unstable. Regularization in the form
gate a data driven approach that mimics what interpreters nat-
of incorporating additional information about the nature of the
urally do in the current model building workflow as it might
solution is essential to obtain a reasonable solution to the in-
have better success with field datasets.
verse problem (Tikhonov and Arsenin, 1977; Zhdanov, 1993).
Deep learning (LeCun et al., 2015) is a branch of machine
In model space, this is achieved by introducing a priori infor-
learning that has generated widespread interest in recent years
mation in the inversion procedure about the earth’s subsurface
by breaking previous records for recognition and classification
structure in the form of a functional J(m). We have the regu-
tasks in image and speech processing. The algorithms that
larized objective function as,
come under deep learning are essentially variants of artificial
neural networks but with a significantly deeper layers of neu- 1
min fˆ(m) = kF(m) − dk22 + λ J(m), (2)
rons than what have been used in the past. Although invented m 2
Pooling Probability
Pooling Pooling
where λ is the user-defined regularization weight. The stan- reduce the amount of parameters and computation in the net-
dard Tikhonov regularizing functional is given by, work, and hence to also control overfitting. Neurons in a fully
connected layer (FC) have full connections to all the activa-
J(m) = kΓ(m − m prior )k22 , (3) tions in the previous layer, as done in regular neural networks.
2 A softmax layer is used as the final layer of the network. It
where m prior is some a priori model, usually set to zero when converts the output of the final fully connected layer, which
nothing is assumed to be known, and, Γ is the Tikhonov matrix outputs arbitrary values, into a probability distribution for the
that can be interpreted as the confidence we place on the prior output classes.
model. This approach has been successful on field datasets
in constraining the model updates around the well by creating Many CNN architectures have been proposed and shown to
prior and confidence models using the well log information obtain breakthrough classification accuracy on image classi-
(Vigh et al., 2015) and also ensuring model updates are geo- fication challenges. The most well known of these are the
logical and consistent with the structure in the seismic image LeNet (Lecun et al., 1998), AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012),
(Lewis et al., 2014). In a similar fashion we would like to GoogleNet (Szegedy et al., 2014) and VGGNet (Simonyan and
build a prior model that represents our best guess of the loca- Zisserman, 2014) CNN architectures. Here, instead of invent-
tion of salt geobodies in the current model and use it to guide ing our own CNN architecture, we investigate the performance
the current model towards a solution which also incorporates of the AlexNet architecture. Only minor changes are made to
the predicted salt geobodies. adapt it to our needs since the original network is geared to-
wards predicting a large number of classes of natural images.
Convolutional Neural Networks
input : Starting model m0 , regularization weight λ ,
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a kind of deep learn-
deep learned model χ
ing model that are specially well suited to process images.
output: Final earth model m∗
They are a specialization of the neural network (LeCun, 1989)
designed to process input data that is specified on a grid, such k ← 0;
as an image. They differ from a regular neural network in that m prev ← 0;
they replace the matrix multiplication operation of a regular while not converged do
neuron by a convolution. By making the explicit assumption
if mk sufficiently different from m prev then
that the inputs are images, they are able to greatly reduce the
Ik ← Migrate (mk );
number of unknown weights that need to be trained in each
Γ ← GenerateConfidence (mk , Ik , χ);
layer. This allows one to build deeper models thus allowing
m prior ← GeneratePrior (mk , Γ);
them to learn highly complex non-linear relationships from the
m prev ← mk ;
The typical architecture of a CNN is shown in Figure 1. They gk ← ∇ f (mk ) + λ ∇J(mk , Γ, m prior ); /* gradient */
are made up of interconnected layers, commonly made up of pk ← ComputeSearchDirection (gk , pk−1 , ..., p1 );
only three layer types, convolutional layer (CONV), pooling αk ← LineSearch (mk , pk ); /* find steplength */
layer (POOL) and fully-connected layer (FC). The CONV lay- mk+1 ← mk + αk pk ;
ers parameters consist of a set of filters whose filter weights are k ← k + 1;
determined in the learning stage. Every filter is small spatially
(along width and height), but extends through the full depth
of the input volume. Periodically a pooling layer (POOL) is m∗ ← mk
inserted in-between successive CONV layers. Its function is Algorithm 1: Prior regularized FWI workflow
to progressively reduce the spatial size of the representation to
Extract image
Test dataset (unknown models)
Deep learning prior models model that contains salt velocity in regions of high salt prob-
ability and velocity from the current model everywhere else
Our deep learning workflow for generating prior models is where this probability is low.
shown in Figure 2. We first prepare a training and validation
dataset using earth models that are representative of the geol- We can now use this generated prior model in our regularized
ogy in Gulf of Mexico. We generate migrated seismic images FWI objective function (2) with an appropriate regularization
from the known velocity models and the ground truth annota- weight to guide the inversion towards incorporating features
tion indicating the locations of regions of each image contain- from the prior model into the inversion result. This prior model
ing the salt geobodies. Together these are then used to extract generation is repeated every time we have a velocity model that
image patches from the seismic images and label them as those is sufficiently different from the velocity model we last used to
containing structural features and those without as can be seen obtain the migrated seismic image. This newly migrated im-
in the top left of Figure 2. Before these image patches can be age is used to create a new prior model which can constrain
used for training, careful pre-processing is needed and steps the subsequent iterations of the inversion. Algorithm 1 speci-
such as normalization and rescaling are applied. fies the complete description of this deep learned prior model
regularized FWI workflow.
These image patches are then input into a deep learning model
along with the associated labels. The training is computation-
ally demanding and depending on the number of input images, RESULTS
the kind of model used and the solver parameters, can take
anywhere from a few hours to days even on the latest GPU We test our method on the subsalt multiples attenuation and re-
hardware. duction technology (SMAART JV) Pluto 1.5 model. The Fig-
When running FWI on an unknown dataset we first use the ure 3 (a) shows the starting model used for FWI. The starting
starting velocity model to obtain a migrated seismic image. model is created by removing the salt geobodies from the true
This image forms our test dataset. We apply the same pre- model and applying a heavy smoothing to the sediment only
processing steps used in creating the image patches for our velocity model. To generate the training and validation dataset
training dataset and extract overlapping image patches at de- for the deep learning model, we use the Sigsbee2B (Paffenholz
sired output locations in the image. We then use our previously et al., 2005) model and some inline sections of the SEAM 3D
trained model to output a probability of each image patch con- salt model (Fehler and Larner, 2008). In total about 90,000
taining structural features. We can then use this probability image patches were extracted from these datasets along with
map to create a confidence model of the salt geobodies. the ground truth labels. It is important to mention that no in-
formation about the Pluto dataset itself was used in either the
Now, using the above computed probability and the knowledge training or validation datasets. The training is performed on a
that the salt velocity is about 4500 m/s, we can create a prior 8x Tesla K80 GPU node and took about 39 hours for 200,000
Figure 3: (a) Starting velocity used for inversion and prior gen- Figure 4: (a) FWI inverted model without any regularization.
eration (b) Predicted salt geobody confidence overlaid on the (b) Regularized FWI inverted model with the deep learned
seismic image. prior.
iterations. CONCLUSIONS
Before starting the FWI iterations, a migration is performed We have demonstrated a data driven workflow to build prior
using the Pluto starting velocity to obtain a seismic image which models for FWI by learning features from the seismic image
is then used as the test dataset for our trained deep model. This using state of the art deep learning models. We apply this to the
model generates a confidence model of the salt geobodies as problem of salt body reconstruction by learning the probability
shown in Figure 3 (b) overlaid on the seismic image. Using of salt geobodies being present at any location in a seismic im-
this confidence map along with the prior information that salt age and using this information to regularize the FWI objective
velocity is 4500 m/s we use the current velocity model to re- function. Doing this we show that long wavelength features of
place the high probability regions with salt velocity to generate the model such as salt can be introduced in the model which
our prior model. due to lack of low frequencies in the data is really challenging
Now we perform some inversions with the starting Pluto veloc- for FWI to achieve using the seismic data alone.
ity where we limit the usable data frequency in the 3Hz-8Hz Future work will aim at validating our approach on field data,
bandwidth. We first use the regular FWI workflow (ie data and comparing its performance to the interpretations obtained
misfit only objective function in Equation (1)) without a prior by expert seismic interpreters, with the ultimate goal of gradu-
model. The inverted velocity model after 25 iterations can be ally bringing automated salt body reconstruction using FWI
seen in Figure 4 (a). The inversion gets stuck into a local min- into the earth model building workflow. Although here we
imum and only the top layer of the salt geobody has been re- have focused our efforts toward the problem of salt body re-
covered. This is because the majority of the data sensitivity is construction, what we have presented is a general regulariza-
to the top salt-sediment interface alone, which gets recovered tion strategy that can be used to incorporate any prior informa-
reasonably in the inversion. tion that can be learned from a seismic image into FWI.
We now run the prior regularized FWI workflow. The inver-
sion result after 25 iterations can be seen in Figure 4 (b). Even
though we are still far away from the true model, we have re- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
covered the bulk of the salt geobody information and seem to
be headed in the right direction. This shows that our use of the The authors thank Schlumberger management for permission
prior model is nudging the inversion to incorporate these geo- to publish this work. Richard Coates is thanked for his sup-
bodies in the inversion result by adding the long wavelength port and numerous helpful discussions and suggestions. Ben
features missing in the data gradient alone. Veitch is thanked for his very helpful review. Jerry Kapoor is
thanked for providing the motivation for tackling this problem
by reminding frequently that the salt was still winning.
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successfully applied the method in combination with control the level set. Typically, we use a sufficiently smooth
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Previously, we presented a robust implementation that (r) = (1 r)+8 (32r 3 + 25r 2 + 8r + 1).
1 1
1 1
z [km]
z [km]
T ⇤
g↵ = AT D↵ J (F (↵) d) , 2 2
T ⇤
H↵ = AT D↵ J J D↵ A,
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
x [km] x [km]
(a) (b)
where J is the Jacobian of the forward modeling operator F.
The diagonal matrix D↵ denotes the element-wise
0 0
z [km]
velocity with the Dirac-Delta function:
2 2
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
x [km] x [km]
where h✏ (·) is an approximation of the Heaviside function with Figure 2: An example of bilinear interpolation. The less nodes,
width ✏. It is important to note that the level-set sensitivities from (a) to (d), the smoother the representation of the model.
depend on two main factors: (1) the difference between the
salt and sediment velocity and (2) the approximation of the
Joint reconstruction
Heaviside function.
The model is now represented in terms of ↵ and as:
We use a compact approximation of the Heaviside function,
m = {1 h( A↵)} (m0min + B ) + h( A↵)m1 . (3)
plotted in Figure 1. This formulation provides a constant region
of sensitivity around the level-set boundary. This allows level- With prior information about the salt velocity m1 and water
set parameters to take large steps as the FWI gradient (i.e., velocity m0min , the minimization problem becomes
J ⇤ (F (↵) d)) are extrapolated by a constant factor. Due to its
( )
compactness, only neighboring RBFs are updated, providing min f (↵, ) = 12 kF (↵, ) dk22 ,
less artifacts in the reconstruction. ↵,
such that min max .
The width of the Heaviside depends on the level-set boundary
and the spatial gradient of the level-set function. Because We use an alternating minimization strategy, splitting the
this gradient is expensive to compute, we approximate it using optimization procedure in two parts, namely minimization
the lower and upper bounds of level-set function. Hence, the over the level-set parameters ↵ and minimization over the
Heaviside width is given by: background parameters . We alternately update the level set
! and the background in a multi-scale fashion. Algorithm 1
max( ) min( )
✏= x presents the basic algorithm, whereas Figure 3 outlines the
x (2) multi-scale work-flow.
= [max( A↵) min( A↵)]
z [km]
0 2 4 6 8 10
x [km]
initial model.
0.5 0.5 0.5
0 1 1 1
depth [km]
depth [km]
depth [km]
1 1.5 1.5 1.5
z [km]
2 2 2
2000 2.5 2.5 2.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 3 3 3
1000 2000 3000 4000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1000 2000 3000 4000
x [km] velocity [m/s] velocity [m/s] velocity [m/s]
20 20 20 0.08
80 80 80 0.02
method. A total of 4 passes are made over the frequency range,
100 100 100 0
120 -0.02
parameter () is initialized with 0.05 and reduced by 20% after 180 180 180 -0.08
3000 reconstructed model at (a) 2.5 Hz, (b) 3.5 Hz, and (c) 4.5 Hz.
We normalized the differences by the maximum value of the
3 true data per frequency.
0 2 4 6 8 10
x [km]
sediment. The salt geometry is defined with a level set
Figure 8: Model obtained by the joint reconstruction approach. represented by radial basis functions. The sediment, in turn, is
Corresponding positive (pluses) and negative (dots) RBFs. represented by piecewise linear functions on a small number
of nodes. This low-dimensional formulation of the model
Figure 8 shows the model obtained with the proposed method. imposes smoothness on the sediment and on the salt
The salt is reconstructed accurately at its top and sides. The geometries. The proposed compact approximation of the
sediment structure is reconstructed well down to a depth of Heaviside function leads to faster convergence and produces
1.5 km as shown in Figure 10. Figure 9 illustrates the need for no artifacts. We apply an alternating minimization strategy to
multiple passes over the frequency range. Figure 11 shows that optimize over the two different parameters. Results on a
the method manages to fit the data for the lower frequencies but synthetic acoustic example demonstrates the method’s
not for the higher. capability. The proposed method accurately predicts the salt
geometry where the conventional full-waveform inversion
0 0 0 fails.
1 1 1
z [km]
z [km]
z [km]
2 2 2
3 3 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
x [km] x [km] x [km]
(a) (b) (c) This work is part of the Industrial Partnership Programme
(IPP) ‘Computational sciences for energy research’ of the
Figure 9: Reconstructed model after the 1st (a), 2nd (b) and 3rd Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM),
(c) frequency pass. which is part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific
Research (NWO). This research programme is co-financed by
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. The third author is
financially supported by the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research (NWO) as part of research programme
We have proposed a joint reconstruction approach for salt 613.009.032. We acknowledge Seismic Laboratory for
delineation in seismic full-waveform inversion. Our approach Modeling and Imaging (SLIM) at UBC for providing
is based on the idea of separating the model into salt and computational software.
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with 3D body reconstruction: 83rd Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,
Kadu, A., T. van Leeuwen, and W. A. Mulder, 2016, A parametric level-set approach for seismic full-
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Traditionally, envelope Fréchet derivative (envelope by neglecting the interference in energy scattering, linear
sensitivity kernel) is derived from a chain rule of functional superposition is valid under the single scattering
derivatives, and the implementation is relied on the use of approximation for velocity (or impedance) perturbation,
waveform Fréchet derivative (WFD). In operator form, it is leading to a better linearity in the case of strong scattering
∂d ∂d ∂u ∂d such as the boundary scattering (reflection) of strong-
= = Fu (2) contrast media. This is why we prefer to derive the envelope
∂v ∂u ∂v ∂u
Fréchet derivative (EFD) directly with energy formulation
Where ∂d / ∂v =Fd is the data Fréchet derivative (data rather than through the chain rule and relate it to the
sensitivity operator), and Fu = ∂u / ∂v is the waveform waveform Fréchet derivative.
Fréchet derivative (waveform sensitivity operator). If the
In waveform inversion, the sensitivity operator (Fréchet
data functional is very nonlinear, the partial functional
derivative) can be expressed in an operator form (Tarantola,
derivative ∂d / ∂u is also nonlinear. However, when we 2005; Pratt et al, 1998)
introduce a nonlinear data functional to the waveform data, δu = Fuδ v = G 0Q 0δ v (3)
we hope the new data set will have a better linearity to the
velocity perturbations. On the other hand, the chain rule of Where G 0 is the background Green’s operator, and Q 0 is
differentiation is in fact making the linearization to both the linearized virtual source operator, defined as (under
nonlinear partial derivatives ∂d / ∂u and ∂u / ∂v which may weak scattering approximation)
destroy the advantage of the new nonlinear data functional. 2 ∂2
This can be explained clearly by a schematic graph Figure 2, = Q0 ( x, x ', t ) u0 ( x ', t )δ ( x − x ') (4)
v0 ( x ') ∂t 2
© 2017 SEG Page 1524
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Multi-scale seismic envelope inversion with new Frechét derivative
envelope inversion related to the two different Fréchet field of EI using the traditional Fréchet (WFD) (Figure 5a),
derivatives. For envelope inversion, defining the envelope as the superiority of the new Fréchet is obvious.
our data, then we can apply the adjoint operator of FE to
derive the gradient operator for envelope inversion. Apply
FET , which is the transpose (approximate adjoint) of FE , to
equation (6), resulting in
δ v = (FET FE ) −1 FET δe (7)
This is a generalized linear inversion, and FET FE is
recognized as the approximate Hessian operator. For the (a)
gradient method, we need only the adjoint envelope Fréchet:
= FET (=G E Q E )T QTE G TE (8)
We see from (7) and (8) that the adjoint source by using the
envelope Fréchet is just the envelope residual δe . In
comparison, if we use the waveform Fréchet as in the
traditional envelope inversion, the adjoint source will be
(∂d / ∂u)T δe . Due to the strong filtering of the partial
derivative (∂d / ∂u)T , the ultra-low-frequency (ULF) in the
envelope data are lost. In the case large-scale envelope data,
the ULF information may be totally lost. Figure 3 shows the
comparison of adjoint sources between the conventional
FWI (a), envelope inversion (EI) using the waveform
Fréchet derivative (b), and the MS-EI using the new
envelope Fréchet EFD (c). In Figure 4 we give the Fig.3: Comparison of adjoint sources between the conventional
corresponding spectra. We know that the adjoint source for FWI (a), EI (envelope inversion) using the waveform Fréchet
traditional FWI is the waveform data residual, so its derivative (WFD) (b), and the MS-EI using the new envelope
spectrum is restricted to the effective band of the source Fréchet derivative (EFD) (c).
spectrum (red spectrum). Conventional EI using the
waveform Fréchet Derivative can expand the spectra
towards the l-f band, but the expansion is severely filtered
out due to the weak nonlinearity assumption. In contrast, for
the MS-EI using the new EFD the ultra-low-frequency
components are preserved in the adjoint sources.
Next, we show the difference in gradient fields between Fig.4: Comparison of adjoint sources spectra: FWI (red),
using the new EFD and using the traditional WFD for conventional EI (green), and MS-EI using the new envelope
envelope data. Figure 5 shows the Gradient fields using Fréchet derivative (EFD) (blue)
different Fréchet derivatives: (a) conventional EI using
WFD; (b)-(h) MS-EI using EFD with different window- NUMERICAL TESTS OF MS-EI (MULTI-SCALE
widths: (b) original, (c) to (h) are 20ms, 50ms, 100ms, ENVELOPE INVERSION) ON THE SEG 2D SALT
200ms, 300ms, and 500ms, respectively. We see that for this MODEL
strong-nonlinear case of salt model inversion, using the
traditional WFD derived by the chain rule results in a Now we show the inversion results of our MS-EI using the
gradient similar to the case of FWI, and the gradient reaches new EFD applied on the SEG 2D salt model. There are 128
only shallow depth; while the new EFD can reach greater shots distributed along the model surface at intervals of
depth, since the adjoint source in the latter case is just the 120m. For each shot, we use 645 receivers with intervals of
envelope residual. For the multi-scale envelope data, the new 24m. A low-cut Ricker wavelet is used as source in the test
Fréchet EFD depicts the better linear correspondence (cut from 4Hz below, 4-5Hz is the taper zone). The
between the multi-scale data and the multiple-scale velocity dominant frequency of the source is 9 Hz. We set the linear
structures (Figure 5 b-h). Figure 6 gives the multiple-scale gradient model as the initial model. For comparison, we plot
gradient field of MS-EI by superposing the individual the results of conventional FWI in Fig. 7(a) and conventional
gradient fields, showing how the gradient field resembles the EI+FWI in Fig. 7(b). Due to the strong-contrast and large
gross feature of the salt structure. Compared to the gradient size of the salt body, the traditional FWI can only see the top
© 2017 SEG Page 1525
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Multi-scale seismic envelope inversion with new Frechét derivative
© 2017 SEG Page 1526
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Note: This reference list is a copyedited version of the reference list submitted by the author. Reference lists for the 2017
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F |t=t0 = w 2 qj u(x;t0 )v(x;t0 )(F j,t0 (x) · n j ) dsx ,
dt t
∂ Tj 0
where n j is the exterior normal to ∂ T jt0 , sx is the surface mea-
sure, w is the frequency, given a mesh Wt0 , u(x;t0 ) solves
the forward problem, v(x;t0 ) solves the adjoint problem, and
F j,t0 (x) : R3 7! R3 is the affine map with the property that for
all four vetices in a tetrahedron
F j,t0 (V j,i + t0 v j,i ) = v j,i , for i = 1, 2, 3, 4,
where V j,i denotes the initial vertex and v j,i here is the direc-
tion of a particular vertex. More details can be found in Beretta
et al. (2015).
In practice, we perform integration over the internal surfaces
Figure 1: SEAM example: (a) mesh for the ocean bottom, (b) and sum over all the available sources. Initially the shape
mesh for the salt body. derivative provides us information to move the internal facets
along their normal directions and the length of their move-
ments are determined by the integral values of the surface inte-
a Lipschitz stability estimate from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann gration. We then derive the direction and relative magnitude of
map. Although the real data is essentially the single-layer movement for each vertex. It will depend on the shape deriva-
potential operator, the stability estimates for the Dirichlet-to- tive information among all the triangles which contain this ver-
Neumann map directly carry over to stability estimate for the tex.
real data operator. Lipschitz stability estimates provide us a
framework for iterative reconstruction. Indeed, the conver- Deformation techniques
We move vertex V j from V jt to V jt . Then, the linearized shape
gence radius of this reconstruction is determined by the stabil-
ity constant. The information about the Hausdorff distance dH deformation scheme can be described by
between two different meshes can naturally be transformed to
V jt = V jt F (V jt )n(V jt ),
the vertices of the tetrahedra forming the new meshes. Via a
minimizing the Hausdorff distance dH , the recovery of the
polyhedral interfaces becomes a shape optimization. Ye and with a some proper step size, n(V jt ) the update direction of
de Hoop (2015) obtained a sequence of tetrahedral meshes for this vertex V jt and d t the gradient magnitude at this
dt F (V j )
reconstructing the true mesh. vertex V jt .
In reality, the true shape needs to be revealed and the Hausdorff Based on this information, we deform the interfaces. Since
distance dH can not be measured directly. But the Hausdorff we expect some significant changes over the shape of the sur-
distance connects to the misfit between real and synthetic data. face, it is quite possible that the mesh qualities of the surround-
Hence we now employ FWI technique to detect the shape in- ing volume elements will be bad. Hence we design an edge-
formation for subsalt recovery. based joint refinement and coarsening algorithm for repairing
7 8
Our model is constructed with appropriate domain partition- Y Axis (km)
0 1 2
X Axis (km)
not obtain the geometrical information directly. Instead, we Z Axis (km) 1.5
lelized for computational efficiency. We illustrate the gradient Figure 2: (a) SEAM Vp model with axes, (b) a time-harmonic
flows on two different shapes. These gradient flows provide solution at 14.0 Hz.
updating direction.
Forward modeling
salt body is complicated, but the triangular mesh can very well
To model complex geometries accurately, we capture these in-
outline the structure. The model has a size of 8km⇥5km⇥4km
ternal discontinuities using triangular meshes via a level set
and contains roughly 250,000 elements. We use polynomial
method. The mesh examples are illustrated in Figs. 1. We then
order p = 2 for constructing the CG matrices. We applied 50
construct the geological models using unstructured tetrahedral
sources and 50 receivers at the upper surface for computing the
meshes. Fig. 2(a) shows the Vp model of size 7km⇥8km⇥3km
FWI shape gradients.
with axes. This model contains roughly 3,000,000 elements,
which is enough for representing the major geological features. For the shape optimization test, we start at 2.0Hz. We do not
The CG finite element method is a natural choice for solving update the wave speed here. For better illustration, we illus-
this problem. We design an efficient scheme for the general trate the minus gradient, i.e. d t t
dt F (V j )n(V j ). Fig. 4(a)
boundary value problems and implement Perfectly Matched shows the pure gradient flow, the color indicates the magnitude
Layer (PML). We also parallelize this method via a domain of the flow vector. Fig. 4(b) contains a lighter shape, which is
partitioning to obtain distributed matrices. We construct vari- the true shape shown in Fig. 3(b). The gradient flow leads a
ous polynomial orders for better accuracy. We use polynomial reasonable direction for mesh evolution. We note that most
order p = 3 in this case, which generates a sparse matrix of vertices are moving to the right direction, i.e. the lighter true
size n = 1.35 ⇥ 107 . Fig. 2(b) shows a pressure field at 14.0Hz, mesh area. After we update the shape as shown in (Ye and de
given a source near ocean surface and PMLs cover the whole Hoop, 2015), the new shape is closer to the true one. We move
computational domain. to 4.0Hz and expect to obtain more resolution. Fig. 4(a) shows
the new pure gradient flow on the updated shape. Similarly, the
Gradient flows on the shapes
color indicates the magnitude of the gradient flows. Some scal-
Here we study the shape derivatives from our computational
ing terms are needed for balancing the amplitudes the shape
experiments. Since we partition the computational domain, the
derivatives, since the amplitudes of the near-surface gradient
shape derivatives are computed in a parallel way as well. The
are typically stronger than the amplitudes of the deep part gra-
master computer node then collects all the information for con-
dient. Fig. 5(b) contains a lighter true shape and a purple up-
structing the final gradient flow. We use the SEG/EAGE 3D
dated shape with its edge information. Although the gradient
salt model for our numerical tests. Fig. 3(a) shows the starting
flow does reasonably well for the upper surface, one may still
model with an initial guess of the salt body. Fig. 3(b) illus-
have difficulties to update the deep part of the shapes, since the
trates the true model with the true salt body. The shape of the
data are collected from the ocean surface.
(a) (a)
0.5 1
Vp (km/s)
1 1.5 4.500
3 0.87611
3.5 2.25 0.58407
8 Y Axis (km)
6 1.500 0.29204
X Axis (km) 2
1 0
X Axis (km)
Y Axis (km) 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 7 6
3 4 0
1 2
0.5 1
Vp (km/s)
1 1.5 4.500
Z Axis (km) 2 2.5
3 (b)
3.5 2.25
Node Movement
2 Y Axis (km)
6 1.500
X Axis (km) 2
1 0 0.87611
(a) 0.000
Node Movement
0.58407 Figure 5: The shape derivative on the updated shape: (a) pure
illustration of the gradient flow, (b) comparison between the
lighter (true) shape and the purple (updated) shape.
0.87611 vertices. We can then either deform the mesh or remesh the
whole computational domain. Via this framework, we rebuild
the geometries iteratively for subsalt recovery.
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6 6
∂C X X ∂C ∂Ci j ∂C ∂ ρ 200 200
= + . (4)
∂α ∂Ci j ∂α ∂ ρ ∂α
i=1 j=i
300 300
True topography True topography
CARTESIAN-BASED DEFORMED MESH Discretization at 100m P4 GLL interpretation
400 400
2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600
To combine the accurate representation of topography, allowed X (m) X (m)
by FE meshes, and the easiness of implementation of FD grid, Figure 1: Topography description of a 2D cross-section (extracted
our SEM3D package considers a Cartesian-based mesh, with from SEAM II model) using (A) the eight corners of each element and
vertically deformed elements. The numbers of elements in x, P1 shape function and (B) the (4 + 1) 3 GLL control points associated
y and z directions are constant. For the interpolation at order with P4 shape functions. The element size is 100m in both case.
N = 4 or 5, SEM allows to accurately model elastic waves while the simulation accuracy related to the complex wave-
propagation with around 5 GLL nodes per shortest wavelength phenomena at the free-surface is significantly improved.
(Komatitsch, 1997). This condition is referred as the volume
When considering the presence of significant topography vari- Modeling kernel
ation, hexahedral elements can be vertically deformed. For The SEM implementation used in our workflow is based on
each element, a set of (n + 1) control points in each direction limited interpolation orders for test functions with N = 4 or
is considered, leading to (n + 1) 3 control points and associ- 5. It has been shown that these orders provide a good com-
ated shape functions in 3D. These shape functions are triple promise between the numerical accuracy and the constraint
products of Lagrange polynomials of degree n. The number of on the CFL stability condition (Komatitsch, 1997). The key
control points and shape functions (n + 1) is not related to the part of the modeling kernel is the computation of the stiffness-
interpolation order N of the test functions needed for solving displacement matrix-vector product Ku. Our implementation
the PDE. benefits from the factorization of the stiffness matrix as
Representing the surface with P1 shape functions (linear func- K = Dw CD, (6)
tions with n = 1) leads to the use of the eight corners of the where the operator D estimates the spatial derivatives of a vec-
element as control points. Such simple representation cannot tor in the Catesian space. The operator Dw is equivalent to a
honor sharp spatial variation of the free surface, as shown in weighted spatial derivatives operator. The application of these
one example in Figure 1A. The rough P1 approximation of operators on a vector can be decomposed into two steps: the
the topography affect the accuracy of the simulation due to estimation of the spatial derivatives in the reference space and
the interaction between elastic waves and the complex surface. the projection back to the real space. The former step in the
Decreasing the element size is one way for following the rapid reference space can be estimated by using highly efficient al-
variation of the topography, namely the surface condition. This gorithms developed by Deville et al. (2002), which take benefit
criterion might be stricter than the volume condition, and would from the tensorial properties of hexahedral elements, the opti-
significantly increase the computational cost. mization of cache usage, and the combination of efficient loop
This surface condition limitation can be overcome by Pn shape vectorization and manual unrolling. Similar strategies can be
functions at the arbitrary order n, where the control points are applied to accelerate the computation of the volumetric Jaco-
(n + 1) 3 GLL points inside the element: bian associated with the Pn shape functions, when necessary.
n+1 X
X n+1 X
n+1 Parallel implementation
x(ξ, η, ζ ) = ` k̂ (ξ, η, ζ )xk̂ , (5) Our implementation relies on a two-level MPI-based paral-
k1 =1 k2 =1 k3 =1 lelization: one level is designed on Cartesian-based domain
where k̂ stands for the triple indexes k 1, k 2, k 3 . The associated decomposition, allowing an efficient load-balancing thanks to
shape function is a triple product of Lagrange polynomials of the Cartesian-based mesh. This avoids the use of a third-party
degree n: ` k̂ (ξ, η, ζ ). Figure 1B highlights that with the same mesh-partitioner, even when the number of possible subdo-
size of the element (at 100 m), the P4 shape function provides mains is constrained by the mesh split in each direction. The
a better representation of the complex topography (i.e. (4 + 1) 2 second MPI-level is over seismic shots (or “super-shots”) man-
GLL points are used in each element to capture the topography aged in parallel.
map, instead of (1 + 1) 2 points for the P1 case).
Inversion kernel
It should be noticed that only the volumetric Jacobian matrix The inversion kernel relies on the reverse-communication in-
associated with the mapping from the reference space to the terface provided by the SEISCOPE optimization toolbox (Mé-
Cartesian space is required for the wave propagation (together tivier and Brossier, 2016), which includes various non-linear
with the surface Jacobian for the radiative absorbing boundary optimization methods. The FWI gradient, required as the in-
condition). The mesh creation with Pn shape functions only put of the optimization process, is computed by the zero-lag
affects the mesh construction and the computation of the Ja- cross-correlation of the incident and adjoint wavefields in the
cobian, which are computed only once in the FWI workflow. time-domain. The incident field is recomputed by the backward
The computational cost of the wavefield modeling is unaltered, propagation in time from the stored wavefield in the boundaries,
synchronously with the forward propagation of the adjoint field. naturally yields a symmetric, positive-definite and well-condi-
As the gradient for the elastic tensor coefficient Ci j (Equation tioned linear system
3) involves the strain field, the gradient is directly accumulated (Mb + Kb )s = Mb g. (9)
during the simultaneous back and forth computation of inci-
Similar to the wave propagation problem, the mass matrix Mb
dent and adjoint fields, resulting in a cheap operation (Dussaud
associated with the application of Bessel filter is diagonal and
et al., 2008).
the stiffness matrix Kb is symmetric by definition.
BESSEL SMOOTHING FILTER The anisotropic nonstationary filter is defined by a 3D rotation
In many application, the gradient vector g(x) can exhibit arti- defined by dip θ and azimuth ϕ angles and variable coherent
ficial high wavenumber components, incompatible with the in- lengths: L v is associated with the direction perpendicular to
trinsic resolution of FWI. Designing a non-stationary, anisotro- the local bedding plan, L u and L w are related to the planar
pic smoothing operator which can incorporate some prior knowl- structure of geological structures. Under the assumption of
edge of the geological structure, such as the local 3D rotation, slow variation of the filter parameters, their spatial derivatives
becomes mandatory for practical applications. Such a filter has can be neglected. The PDE governing the smoothing process
to be efficiently applied to the vector of interest. can be approximated as
s(x) − ∇tz, x,y P(x)Pt (x)∇z, x,y s(x) = g(x), (10)
To fulfill those requirements, we introduce the Bessel filter
where ∇z, x,y is the spatial derivatives (∂/∂z, ∂/∂ x, ∂/∂ y) t , and
B3D (x), which can be directly and efficiently implemented with
the upper symbol “t ” stands for the transposed operator. The
any FD or FE method (Trinh et al., 2017). Instead of convolving
information related to the geological variation of the medium
the original vector g(x) with the forward filter B3D (x) to get the
is preserved in the projection matrix
smoothed vector s(x), we solve the following equation relying
L v cos ϕ L u sin ϕ
on the inverse operator 0
−1 P(x) = −L v cos θ sin ϕ L u cos θ cos ϕ L w sin θ ,
B3D (x) ∗ s(x) = g(x). (7)
L v sin θ sin ϕ −L u sin θ cos ϕ L w cos θ
If the coherent lengths L x , L y and L z in x, y and z directions (11)
are uniform over space, Equation (7) can be translated into the between the real space and the locally rotated dimensionless
related-Bessel PDE coordinates system.
∂2 ∂2 ∂2
s(x) − L 2z 2 + L 2x 2 + L 2y 2 s(x) = g(x), (8) Similar to the system (9) for constant filter parameters, the weak
∂z ∂x ∂y
form of Equation (10) yields a symmetric, positive-definite and
in which the original gradient g(x) appears in the right hand
well-conditioned linear system. We solve this linear system
side. Following the weak formulation of SEM, Equation (8)
one for the wave equation. The most expensive operator is the
Z (km)
product of the sparse stiffness-matrix Kb with a given vector.
Again, the factorization of this matrix-vector product is used
to achieve an efficient implementation (Deville et al., 2002).
3 1500
A double application of Bessel operators provides an accurate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 X (km)
approximation of the Laplace filter. The overall scheme is 2500
highly efficient, as the algorithmic complexity is of order O(L),
for a given coherent length L = L x = L y = L z , compared to 1
the complexity O(L 3 ) for the 3D explicit convolution approach
Z (km)
(Trinh et al., 2017).
Figure 2 illustrates the application of an anisotropic nonsta-
tionary Laplace filter (approximated by double application of
Bessel filters) on a gradient computed in the Marmousi bench- 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
mark. The 2D Marmousi has been extended to an elastic 3D 0 X (km) 2500
Z (km)
between receivers. A Ricker wavelet centered at 8 Hz is used as 2000
eters as described in Figures 2C and D is applied to produce Figure 3: (A) True Vs model. (B) Initial Vs model. (C) Inverted Vs
the smoothed gradient as shown in Figure 2F. The near-surface model.
acquisition footprint is effectively removed. The continuity of smoothing filter with L z = 25 m, L x = L y = 75 m is applied
the features at greater depths is enhanced, because the horizon- to the gradient to remove artifacts beyond the FWI intrinsic
tal oscillation artifacts are attenuated, as indicated by the black resolution. The inversion successfully recovers details in the
arrows. Due to the design of the coherent lengths, the energy is Vs model, even with the presence of a complex topography.
not smeared out across the faults, indicated by the red arrows in No acquisition footprint or high wavenumber artifact appears
Figures 2E and F. In this example, the smoothing process costs in the final model, thanks to the effectiveness of the smoothing
about 2.2% running time comparing to the forward problem. filter.
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where Kα↔α is the correct update kernel for α, and the terms Kβ →α
and Kρ 0 →α are defined as inter-parameter contamination kernels. The
model perturbation vectors ∆mβ and ∆mρ 0 , blurred by off-diagonal
blocks Hαβ and Hαρ 0 are mapped into the update for parameter α.
Similarly, sensitivity kernels Kβ and Kρ 0 can be written as:
Kβ = Kα→β +Kβ ↔β +Kρ 0 →β = −Hβ α ∆mα −Hβ β ∆mβ −Hβ ρ 0 ∆mρ 0 ,
Kρ 0 = Kα→ρ 0 +Kβ →ρ 0 +Kρ 0 ↔ρ 0 = −Hρ 0 α ∆mα −Hρ 0 β ∆mβ −Hρ 0 ρ 0 ∆mρ 0 ,
where Kβ ↔β and Kρ 0 ↔ρ 0 are the correct update kernels for β and ρ 0 ,
Kα→β and Kρ 0 →β , involving off-diagonal blocks Hβ α and Hβ ρ 0 , mea-
sure contaminations from α and ρ 0 into β , and Kα→ρ 0 and Kβ →ρ 0
involving off-diagonal blocks Hρ 0 α and Hρ 0 β , further measure con-
taminations from α and β into ρ 0 .
Figure 1: MPSFs arranged in a block structure. APSF indicates the
Quantifying inter-parameter tradeoffs maximum magnitude.
Local inter-parameter tradeoffs
Selecting model perturbations ∆mα = 0, ∆mρ = 0 and ∆mβ = Aβ δ (x − z), where means element-wise division, nr = [1, ..., NR] indicates the
the gradient update Kβ in equation (7) becomes: random vector index. If the subblocks of multiparameter Hessian are
highly diagonally-dominant, a small number of random probes are
Hβ β x, x0 δ x0 − z dx0 = −Aβ Hβ β (x, z) , (9)
Kβ (x) = −Aβ needed. To measure the inter-parameter tradeoffs with off-diagonal el-
Ω(x0 )
ements in off-diagonal blocks, the multiparameter Hessian is applied
where Kβ (x) represents an conservative estimate of spike model per- to vectors with discrete spikes regularly distributed in the whole vol-
turbation blurred by diagonal block Hβ β . The sensitivity kernels Kα ume. The resulting MPSF volumes approximate row summations of
and Kρ 0 due to this point-localized perturbation can likewise be ex- multiparameter Hessian.
pressed as:
Reducing cross-talks with approximated contamination kernels
Kα (x) = −Aβ Hβ α (x, z) , Kρ 0 (x) = −Aβ Hβ ρ 0 (x, z) . (10)
In equation (8), the sensitivity kernel Kρ 0 is a linear summation of the
The preserved multiparameter Hessian column Hβ (x, z) is named as correct update kernel Kρ 0 ↔ρ 0 with the contamination kernels. We have
multiparameter point spread function (MPSF) following the conven- observed, during parameter tradeoff analysis in the numerical mod-
tion in exploration geophysics. Applying the Hessian to spike model elling section, that density suffers contaminations primarily from S-
perturbations ∆mα = Aα δ (x − z) or ∆mρ 0 = Aρ 0 δ (x − z) allows us to wave velocity, and S-wave velocity is less contaminated by other pa-
calculate the MPSFs Hβ α (x, z), Hρ 0 α (x, z), Hαρ 0 (x, z), and Hβ ρ 0 (x, z), rameters. This is suggestive that we can first update the S-wave ve-
which describe the local contaminations from α to β and ρ 0 and the locity iteratively for a finite number of k0 iterations, which provides an
contaminations from ρ 0 to α and β . 0
estimated model mkβ . The inversion is then started from initial models
Stochastic probing and MPSF volumes by simultaneously updating the three parameters. At the k̃th iteration,
approximated contamination kernels are constructed:
If the Hessian operator is diagonally dominant, expectation values of Z
the correlations between a zero-mean random vector v and its Hessian-
K̃βk̃ →α (x) = − k̃
x, x0 ∆m̃k̃β x0 dx0
Hαβ (14)
vector product H = Hv approximates the Hessian diagonals (Sacchi Ω(x0 )
et al., 2007). In a multiparameter inverse problem, the random vector v Z
can be partitioned into N p subvectors, and the multiparameter Hessian K̃βk̃ →ρ 0 (x) = − Hρk̃ 0 β x, x0 ∆m̃k̃β x0 dx0 ,
can be likewise divided into N p × N p subblock matrices. Applying Ω(x0 )
the multiparameter Hessian to the random vector gives N p Hessian- k̃ 0
vector products. Diagonals of the Hessian subblock matrices can then where ∆m̃β = mkβ − mk̃β is the approximated model perturbation vec-
be estimated by: tor. The new update kernels for α, β and ρ 0 are given by: :
X K̃αk̃ = Kαk̃ − K̃βk̃ →α , K̃βk̃ = Kβk̃ , K̃ρk̃ 0 = Kρk̃ 0 − K̃βk̃ →ρ 0 . (16)
H pq = E [v p H p ] = E[v p H pq vq ], (11)
p=1 Subtracting the approximated contamination kernels from the sensitiv-
where means element-wise multiplication, E denotes the expecta- ity kernels, Kαk̃ and Kρk̃ 0 , suppresses the contaminations partially. Better
tion operation, p and q are indices for subvectors representing dif- approximations of the model perturbation vector ∆m̃β would remove
ferent physical parameters, and H p is the sub-Hessian-vector product. contaminations more completely, but would be more computationally
Assuming independent zero-mean random vectors v p and vq for two expensive.
different physical parameters, E v p (x) vq (x0 ) = 0, equation (11) be-
H pq = H pq E v p vq = H pq E [v p v p ] . (12)
p=1 Multiparameter point spread functions
For example, in isotropic-elastic FWI, diagonal elements of the off- We use a 2D, 1km×1km homogeneous and isotropic-elastic model to
diagonal block Hρ 0 β can be estimated by: test the idea of quantifying parameter tradeoffs with multiparameter
point spread functions (MPSFs). P-wave, S-wave velocity and density
Hρ 0 β ≈
vβ ,nr Hρ 0 β vβ ,nr
vβ ,nr vβ ,nr , (13) are 2000 m/s, 1400 m/s and 1.2 kg/m3 . A P-SV source with a Ricker
nr=1 nr=1
wavelet ( fdom = 8Hz) is used for modelling. A total of 60 sources
Figure 2: Panels (a-c) show the true P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity
and density of the Gaussian anomaly models: mtrue true
α , mβ and mρ 0 .
Figure 5: Panel (a-c) show true P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity and
Figure 3: Panels (a-c) sensitivity kernels Kα , Kβ and Kρ 0 ; Panels (d-f) density models; Panels (d-f) show the corresponding initial models;
show estimated model vector ∆m̃β and approximated contamination Panels (g-i) show the true model perturbations.
kernels K̃β →α and K̃β →ρ 0 ; Panels (g-i) new update kernels K̃α , K̃β and
K̃ρ 0 .
tions. The P-wave velocity and density however have strong cross-talk
artifacts leaking from the S-wave velocity. Figures 4d, 4e and 4f plot
and 200 receivers are arranged regularly along all boundaries of the the inverted models created using the new inversion strategy with ap-
model. We first apply a positive spike perturbation in P-wave veloc- proximated contamination kernels. As indicated by the arrows, the
ity at position z (center of the model): ∆mα (z) = 100 m/s. MPSFs contaminations due S-wave velocity in the inverted P-wave and den-
Hαα (x, z), Hβ α (x, z), and Hρ 0 α (x, z) are calculated, where Hβ α (x, z) sity models have been significantly suppressed.
and Hρ 0 α (x, z) describe the mappings from α to β and ρ 0 . Then, spike Marmousi model example
perturbations ∆mβ (z) = 100 m/s and ∆mρ 0 (z) = 100 kg/m3 are ap-
plied respectively. MPSFs Hαβ (x, z), Hβ β (x, z), Hρ 0 β (x, z), Hαρ 0 (x, z), In Figure 5, the true P-wave and S-wave velocity and density models
Hβ ρ 0 (x, z), and Hρ 0 ρ 0 (x, z) are obtained. for a more complex Marmousi model are illustrated. The second row
and third row in Figure 5 are the corresponding initial models and
These MPSFs are arranged in a block structure which is consistent model perturbations. We deploy sources and receivers regularly along
with their positions in the multiparameter Hessian, as shown in Figure top surface of the model.
1. Magnitudes of the MPSFs differ significantly. Contaminations from
α to β and ρ 0 appear to be relatively weak. An S-wave velocity β per- The stochastic probing approach is applied to estimate the diagonals
turbation produces strong negative mapping to α and positive mapping of the subblock matrices in the multiparameter Hessian with two inde-
to ρ 0 . A density ρ 0 perturbation also produces unwanted artifacts in α pendent random vectors. The first row in Figure 6 shows the diagonals
diag diag diag
and β . S-wave velocity β experiences the least contaminations of the of the diagonal blocks Hαα , Hβ β and Hρ 0 ρ 0 which can be used as
three parameters. These contaminations may result in density being preconditioners in the inversion process (Pan et al., 2014, 2015). The
highly under- or overestimated. Figures 2a, 2b, and 2c show the true second row in Figure 6 illustrates the diagonals of the off-diagonal
α, β and ρ 0 models with 3 isolated Gaussian anomalies. The initial diag diag diag
blocks Hαβ , Hαρ 0 and Hβ ρ 0 which indicate the coupling strengths
models are homogeneous. An l-BFGS optimization method is em-
of the isotropic-elastic parameters within the whole volume. Similar-
ployed for updating α, β and ρ 0 simultaneously. Figures 3a, 3b and 3c diag diag
show the sensitivity kernels. Relative strengths and phase-character of ity of Hβ ρ 0 and Hβ β indicates that contaminations from β to ρ 0 are
the inter-parameter contaminations are observed to match the predic- strong.
tions made using MPSFs, as shown in Figure 1. Contamination kernels A vector v0 consisting of densely distributed spikes with a constant
Kβ →α and Kβ →ρ 0 are relatively strong. Negative S-wave velocity per- magnitude of 100 is designed. The corresponding multiparameter Hessian-
turbations produce positive and negative contaminations in α and ρ 0 . vector products are shown in Figure 7. The strengths of inter-parameter
We iteratively update S-wave velocity by k0 = 3 iterations, which pro- contaminations generally match our predictions with multiparameter
vides an estimated model perturbation vector ∆m̃β , shown in Figure Hessian diagonals. Comparing strengths of the off-diagonal Hessian-
3d. Figures 3e and 3f show the approximated contamination kernels vector products (i.e., Hβ α ) with those of the diagonal Hessian-vector
K̃β →α and K̃β →ρ 0 . Figures 3g, 3h and 3i show the new update kernels products (i.e., Hβ β ), we conclude that contaminations from α to β and
K̃α , K̃β and K̃ρ 0 . Compared to the sensitivity kernels shown in Figures ρ 0 are relatively weak and can be ignored. Contaminations from ρ 0 to
3a, 3b and 3c, the mappings from S-wave velocity to P-wave velocity α and β are also relatively weak. However, contamination from β to
and density are now much weaker. Figures 4a, 4b and 4c show the α could potentially decrease the α update by as much as 20%, and
inverted α, β and ρ 0 models with traditional simultaneous inversion contamination from β to ρ 0 may increase the ρ 0 update by as much as
strategy. The S-wave velocity exhibits minimal cross-talk contamina- 2.8 times.
Alkhalifa, T., and R. Plessix, 2014, A recipe for practical full-waveform inversion in anisotropic media:
An analytic parameter resolution study: Geophysics, 79, no. 3, R91–R101,
Fichtner, A., and J. Trampert, 2011, Resolution analysis in full waveform inversion: Geophysical Journal
International, 187, 1604–1642,
Fichtner, A., and T. van Leeuwen, 2015, Resolution analysis by random probing: Journal of Geophysical
Research: Solid Earth, 120, 5549–5573,
Gholami, Y., R. Brossier, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux, 2013, Which parametrization for
acoustic VTI full waveform inversion?-part 1: sensitivity and trade-off analysis: Geophysics, 78,
no. 2, R81–R105,
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Innanen, K. A., 2014, Seismic AVO and the inverse Hessian in precritical reflection full waveform
inversion: Geophysical Journal International, 199, 717–734,
Jeong, W., H.-Y. Lee, and D. J. Min, 2011, Full waveform inversion strategy for density in the frequency
domain: Geophysical Journal International, 188, no. 3, 1221–1242,
Metivier, L., R. Brossier, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, 2015, Acoustic multi-parameter FWI for the
reconstruction of p-wave velocity, density and attenuation: preconditioned truncated Newton
approach: 85th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1198–1203,
Modrak, R., J. Tromp, and Y. O. Yuan, 2016, On the choice of material parameters for elastic full
waveform inversion: 86th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1115–1119,
Operto, S., Y. Gholami, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti, R. Brossier, L. Metivier, and J. Virieux, 2013, A guided
tour of multiparameter full waveform inversion with multicomponent data: from theory to
practice: The Leading Edge, 32, 1040–1054,
Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, and W. Liao, 2017, Accelerating Hessian-free Gauss-Newton full-waveform
inversion via l-BFGS preconditioned conjugate-gradient algorithm: Geophysics, 82, no. 2, R49–
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waveform inversion in the t-p domain: Geophysics, 80, no. 5, R225–R14,
Pan, W., K. A. Innanen, G. F. Margrave, M. C. Fhler, X. Fang, and J. Li, 2016, Estimation of elastic
constants for HTI media using Gauss-Newton and full-Newton multiparameter full-waveform
inversion: Geophysics, 81, no. 5, R275–R291,
Pan, W., G. F. Margrave, and K. A. Innanen, 2014, Iterative modeling migration and inversion (IMMI):
Combining full waveform inversion with standard inversion methodology: 84th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 938–943,
dt x x
t x 2
z t 0 t t t t 0 t t t t
2 u z xz zz 2u z u x u x† u z u z†
t 2 x z t 2
0 t t t t
u x u z u u (7)
xx ( 2 ) 2 x z .
x z x z where u† is the wavefield propagating backward in time
u x u z u u
zz ( 2 ) 2 z x generated from the residual data at the receiver positions,
x z z x
u z
u x u
z x
u u† is the perturbed wavefield propagating backward
x z x z †
The perturbed wavefield refers to the single scattered generated from the wavefield u at the model perturbations.
wavefield, which is produced when the background
wavefield encounters the perturbation of medium The trade-off between different parameters is inevitable in
parameters. That is to say, eq. (4) expresses the de- the multiparameter inversion. We should select a proper
migration operator. parameterization to suppress the crosstalk, especially for
the important parameters that we care about. Here, we use
We employ the objective function (Wu and Alkhalifah, the velocity parameterization, where the investigation of
2015): other parameterizations will be left to future study. We can
1 obtain the gradients with respect to P- and S-wave
min O m, m
u u u
. obs velocities and density by using the chain rule, given by:
m , m 2 t
s ,r
Ov 2 v p Op . (8)
where u obs is the observed multicomponent data, Ovs 4 vs O 2 vs O
m , u, and m , u, are background and O v 2p 2vs2 O vs2O O
perturbed model parameters, respectively. The background Considering that the stable update of the background model
and perturbed model parameters are inverted needs an accurate perturbation image, the perturbations of
simultaneously to minimize the misfit between the modeled P- and S-wave velocities and density are simultaneously
and observed data. Specifically, we update the model optimized in the elastic least-squares migration to produce
perturbations to fit the near-offset data well. Thus, when the reflections. The background parts of P- and S-wave
the background models are closer to the true models, the velocities are updated iteratively in the elastic RWI.
residuals at the far offsets will then be used to further
correct the background models. Examples
Given the objective function, we deduce the gradient of the We test our method on the elastic Marmousi model. We
functional with respect to model perturbations using the add a constant-velocity layer (we keep it fixed through the
adjoint state method (Plessix, 2006): inversion) above the original model to reduce the source
near field effect. The true P-wave velocity model is shown
T u u u † u † ,(6)
O x z x z dt in Figure 1. The true S-wave velocity model is built with a
x z x z
passion ratio of 0.25. The true density model is constructed
T u u u u † u u u † u †
O 2 x x z z z x z x dt based on the Gardner formula (Gardner et al., 1974). The
x x z z x z x z explosive source, a Ricker wavelet with peak frequency of
u x u x† u z u z†
dt 5 Hz after filtering out frequencies below 2.5 Hz, is used in
0 t t t t
synthesizing the wavefields. We ignite 47 evenly
and the gradient for the background model: distributed shots on the surface. The initial P-wave velocity
is shown in Figure 2. Similarly, we build the initial S-wave
velocity and density. Given the initial models, we first
update the model perturbations (δvp, δvs, δρ)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 8: The inverted background models vp(a) and vs(b) in the
case that the density perturbation is not inverted.
(a) (b)
We proposed an elastic RWI method with variable density.
The background and perturbation components of elastic
medium parameters are updated in a nested way.
Considering that the density influences the amplitudes of
reflections, the perturbation components of density and
velocities are optimized simultaneously to better fit the
near-offset reflections. The inclusion of density helps
mitigate high wavenumber artifacts from our RWI results.
Numerical tests demonstrate that our approach can better
recover the background P- and S-wave velocities, which
Figure 7: The elastic FWI results starting from the initial models can accurately describe the kinematic information. Using
shown in Figure 2. Inverted vp(a) and inverted vs(b). the background models, the elastic LSRTM can be
implemented effectively. In addition, high-resolution
models are obtained when the model perturbations are
added to the background models, and enable elastic FWI to
converge to a more accurate result with less iterations.
Alkhalifah, T., and Z. Wu, 2014, FWI and MVA the natural way: 76th Annual International Conference
and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, WeE10612,
Gardner, G. H. F., L. W. Gardner, and A. R. Gregory, 1974, Formation velocity and density — The
diagnostic basics for stratigraphic traps: Geophysics, 39, 770–780,
Guo, Q., and T. Alkhalifah, 2016, A nonlinear approach of elastic reflection waveform inversion: 86th
Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,
Jeong, W., H.-Y. Lee, and D.-J. Min, 2012, Full waveform inversion strategy for density in the frequency
domain: Geophysical Journal International, 188, 1221–1242,
Köhn, D., D. De Nil, A. Kurzmann, A. Przebindowska, and T. Bohlen, 2012, On the influence of model
parametrization in elastic full waveform tomography: Geophysical Journal International, 191,
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Operto, S., Y. Gholami, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti, R. Brossier, L. Métivier, and J. Virieux, 2013, A guided
tour of multi-parameter full waveform inversion with multi-component data: From theory to
practice: The Leading Edge, 32, 1040–1054,
Plessix, R., 2006, A review of the adjoint-state method for computing the gradient of a functional with
geophysical applications: Geophysical Journal International, 167, 495–503,
Plessix, R., Y. D. Roeck, and G. Chavent, 1995, Automatic and simultaneous migration velocity analysis
and waveform inversion of real data using a MBTT/WKB J formulation: 65th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,
Symes, W. W., 2008, Migration velocity analysis and waveform inversion: Geophysical Prospecting, 56,
Tarantola, A., 1986, A strategy for nonlinear elastic inversion of seismic reflection data: Geophysics, 51,
Virieux, J., and S. Operto, 2009, An overview of full-waveform inversion in exploration geophysics:
Geophysics, 74, no. 6, WCC1–WCC26,
Wang, S., F. Chen, H. Zhang, and Y. Shen, 2013, Reflection-based full waveform inversion (RFWI) in
the frequency domain: 83rd Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 877–881,
Wu, Z., and T. Alkhalifah, 2015b, Simultaneous inversion of the background velocity and the
perturbation in full-waveform inversion: Geophysics, 80, no. 6, R317–R329,
Xu, K., and G. A. McMechan, 2014, 2D frequency-domain elastic full-waveform inversion using time-
domain modeling and a multistep-length gradient approach: Geophysics, 79, no. 6, R41–R53,
face5 face5
ε 2 + k ∇m k2 dx,
Density (g/cm
JTV = (3) 1.8 face6
J prior =k Wm (minv − mc ) k2 . (4) Figure 1: Six facies with normal observation errors. Each color
denotes the corresponding group of the face. There are nine
Similarly, Wm is a diagonal matrix, minv
denotes the inverted observations with normally distributed errors for each face.
model in each iteration, and mc is the calculated confidence They’re used as the possibility P( f ) in equation 6.
map which depends on both the inversion results and the prior
information, as we will see below. Usually we only have a
general information of the facies without knowing their spa- where γ controls the resolution of estimated confidence map.
tial distributions. Thus, we use Bayesian inversion to estimate denotes the element-wise multiplication. The solution of the
their spatial distributions and then use them as constraints in Bayesian inverse problem is then represented by its posterior
the inversion. expectation.
The gradient with respect to the objective function is written
P(m|f) = exp(−γ(m − f) (m − f)), (7) Five frequency bands are used in the inversion, which are 2-7
Vp Vs ρ
Anisotropic Example
Vn Vh V sh
Vn Vh V sh
Figure 13: Vertical profiles from the conventional method.
Figure 10: Initial models used in the VTI example. Cyan: true models; Green: initial models; Pink: inverted mod-
Vp Vs ρ
Vp Vs ρ
Vn Vh V sh
Vn Vh V sh
Figure 11: Inverted models from conventional elastic FWI.
Figure 14: Vertical profiles from the proposed method. Cyan:
true models; Green: initial models; Red: inverted models.
Vp Vs ρ
Alkhalifah, T., and R.-E. Plessix, 2014, A recipe for practical full-waveform inversion in anisotropic
media: An analytical parameter resolution study: Geophysics, 79, no. 3, R91–R101,
Asnaashari, A., R. Brossier, S. Garambois, F. Audebert, P. Thore, and J. Virieux, 2013, Regularized
seismic full waveform inversion with prior model information: Geophysics, 78, no. 2, R25–R36,
Buland, A., and H. Omre, 2003, Bayesian linearized AVO inversion: Geophysics, 68, 185–198,
Kemper, M., and J. Gunning, 2014, Joint impedance and facies inversion–seismic inversion redefined:
First Break, 32, 89–95.
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parametrization in elastic full waveform tomography: Geophysical Journal International, 191,
Oh, J.-W., and T. Alkhalifah, 2016, Elastic orthorhombic anisotropic parameter inversion: An analysis of
parameterization: Geophysics, 81, no. 6, C279–C293,
Operto, S., Y. Gholami, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti, R. Brossier, L. Metivier, and J. Virieux, 2013, A guided
tour of multiparameter full-waveform inversion with multicomponent data: From theory to
practice: The Leading Edge, 32, 1040–1054,
Tarantola, A., 2005, Inverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation: SIAM.
Zabihi Naeini, E., T. Alkhalifah, I. Tsvankin, N. Kamath, and J. Cheng, 2016, Main components of full-
waveform inversion for reservoir characterization: First Break, 34, 37–48,
Zabihi Naeini, E., and R. Exley, 2017, Quantitative interpretation using facies-based seismic inversion:
Interpretation, 5, SL1–SL8,
Zhang, Z.-D., E. Zabihi Naeini, and T. Alkhalifah, 2017, Facies constrained elastic full waveform
inversion: 79th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts,
Marmousi and a real OBC data from North Sea. where ρ and f indicate the density and seismic source at a
position, xs. The adjoint wavefield, ua, can be computed by
Introduction backpropagating the following adjoint source,
Multi-parameter elastic FWI is in the forefront of our f a (x r ,t) =
d m (p)
{ ( ) }
d̂ m (p) d̂ m (p) ⋅ d̂ o − d̂ o . (4)
efforts to recover sub-surface information from measured
seismic data (Operto et al., 2013, Alkhalifah et. al., 2016). Eq. (2) requires both the source and adjoint wavefields to
Although promising, it suffers from the endemic problems be present for the dot product operation, which is
of a large computational cost and for Null space in its quest computationally cumbersome especially in large 3D
in recovering the unknowns despite accommodating better problems. However, ExA mitigates those requirements
physics into the inversion framework (Tarantola, 1986; using the following steps (Kalita and Alkhalifah, 2016):
Brossier et al., 2009; Prieux et al., 2013; Vigh et al., 2014). (I) Computation of the excitation time and amplitude,
However, as usual, trade-off exist between the (II) modification in the adjoint source by a temporal
computational advantages and the accuracy of Physics. To cross-correlation process of source function,
ameliorate the former, numerous solutions exist, including (III) evaluation of gradient direction only at the
boundary saving (Raknes and Weibull, 2016) schemes, excitation time.
time-frequency domain approaches (Sirgue et al., 2008) Therefore, ExA does not require storing entire wavefields.
and wavefield compression techniques (Boehm et al., 2016). Neither it requires additional wavefield extrapolation, often
Alternately, Kalita and Alkhalifah (2016) reduce the used in boundary saving schemes (Rakness and Weibull,
computational overhead by approximating the source 2016). As a result, ExA completes the gradient evaluation
wavefield with the excitation amplitude (the most energetic accessing a limited memory block and investing shorter
arrival) and its arrival time (excitation time) in acoustic time than its conventional counterpart. Unlike acoustic
FWI. In this abstract, we employ the excitation approach media, displacement fields include both P- and S-waves
(ExA) under the elastic FWI realm to mitigate both the together in the elastic case. Therefore, it is hard to
computational and convergence issues of large-scale 3D segregate the excitation time of P-wave in elastic media. As
problems. We show the versatility of elastic excitation suggested by Nguyen and McMechan (2015) in the context
method on Marmousi II model and 3D real data. In addition of reverse time migration, we compute excitation time of
to the computational advantages, ExA removes long- the divergence of wavefields ( S∇ ), which includes only P-
wavelength artifacts from SS correlations, thus, results in a wave motions. Next, we store the original displacement
cleaner gradient than its conventional counterpart. wavefield at this excitation time. Mathematically,
P-wave ExA in elastic FWI tex = tex (x) = arg max S ∇ (x,t)
t∈⎡⎣1,nt ⎤⎦
{ } (5)
The global correlation norm (Choi and Alkhalifah, 2012) represents the excitation time of P waves. Using ExA in eq.
that measures the mismatch between observed (do) and (2), the gradient can be reduced as follows:
modeled (dm) data is defined as ∂E ∂c ∂u ∂u! a
(x) = ijkl (x) l (x,tex (x)) i (x,tmax − tex (x)) , (6)
E = − ∑ d̂ m (p) ⋅ d̂o } (1) ∂p ∂p ∂xk ∂x j
Elastic FWI using P-wave excitation amplitude
where u! a is the modified adjoint source in step (II). times for P-waves can be computed using the divergence
operator in anisotropic media, in which the divergence
Automatic mode separation using P-wave ExA operator results in much stronger P-wave than S-wave
energy unless anisotropy is extremely strong.
In addition to enhanced computational speed, ExA offers (a) Distance (km) gradient
0 2 4 6 8
the possibility of an automatic mode separation in elastic 0 0.5
Depth (km)
FWI. As eq. (2) shows, the conventional gradient direction
incurs all possible correlations between P- and S-waves. 0
However, using the excitation approximation with P-waves, 2
the gradient evaluation process automatically filters out the 3 -0.5
SP and SS contributions, which mainly includes artifacts in
marine surveys. (b) 0 0.5
Depth (km)
Figure 1 shows the P- and S-wave velocities of the true 1
Marmousi II model. The original Marmousi model has a 2
soft sea bottom, which induces slow S-wave velocity.
3 -0.5
However, to avoid numerical dispersion, S-wave velocities
are modified in this example. We use a homogeneous (c) 0 0.5
Depth (km)
density model (1g/cm3) and update only seismic velocities. 1
For initial models, we use smoothed P- and S-wave 0
velocity, so does the overall convergence rate of multi-
parameter FWI (Figures 3a and 3b). Thus, ExA improves 2
computational speed and reduces number of required 3 1.5
iterations involved in completing the FWI.
(a) Distance (km)
P-wave (b) 0
Depth (km)
Velocity (km/s)
0 2 4 6 8 1
0 4.5 1.8
Depth (km)
3 3 0.8
(b) 0
2.8 3
Depth (km)
1.8 3 1.5
3 0.8 (d) 0
Depth (km)
Figure 1: The true (a) P- and (b) S-wave velocities. 1.8
In anisotropic media, mode separation requires additional 3 0.8
work in solving the Christoffel equation (Cheng and Kang,
2014), which increases the cost in large 3D elastic FWI. Figure 3: The inverted P- (a and c) and S-wave (b and d) velocities
However, in marine survey (P-wave source), excitation using the conventional method (a and b) and ExA (c and d).
Elastic FWI using P-wave excitation amplitude
Depth (km) Crossline (km)
Inverted Vs
We further apply the P-wave ExA to 3D real OBC data 1.3 (Conventional from ux )
from the North Sea (Szydlik et al., 2007). We use a 1 xz/yz
smoothed initial model (Figure 4) derived from the
tomography result. The direct waves are muted by the data- 2 1.3
owner so we opt to use the global correlation norm over the
least squares. FWI is conducted for data with frequencies 4 0
Depth (km) Crossline (km)
sources out of the total of 3400 at each iteration to avoid 1.6
Inverted Vs
artifacts (Díaz and Guitton, 2011). 1.3 (EXA from ux )
xy 1 xz/yz
Depth (km) Crossline (km)
3 2.6
2.7 initial 2
2.4 xz/yz
4 0
4 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6
2 3
Inline (km) Crossline (km)
2C Volve data
Normalized gradient
PZ data (vertical) PS data (inline)
Tomography 2 0
Acoustic FWI 4 -1
Smoothed Vp
Inverted Vp
Depth (km) Crossline (km)
Normalized gradient
Inverted Vs
3 Inverted 4 -1
2.7 (acoustic FWI
from uz )
Depth (km) Crossline (km)
2.4 xz/yz
(SP+SS correlations)
2 3
Normalized gradient
4 2
2 0
Depth (km) Crossline (km)
1.6 4 -1
(Poisson’s ratio 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6
= 0.25)
Inline (km) Crossline (km)
1 xz/yz
Figure 7: The gradient directions for the S-wave velocity from (a)
2 1.3
P-wave ExA, (b) the conventional method and (c) mode-separated
SP+SS waves.
4 0
Figure 5 shows the FWI strategy for 2-component Volve
data set. As Sears et al. (2010) suggested, we separately
invert for vp from vertical component and then vs from
Elastic FWI using P-wave excitation amplitude
Vp/Vs ratio
2.5 Vp 3.0
0.5 1.0
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.9 2.4 2.9 3.2
Depth (km) Depth (km)
Figure 8: (a) Vertical profiles extracted from the well, which starts from the red dot on the top and ends at the blue dot at the bottom in Figure 4
and (b) computational time of boundary saving method and ExA.
Offset (km) Amplitude Offset (km) Amplitude
(a) (b)
5 2.5 0 2.5 5 2.5 5 4 2 0 2 4 2 4
0 0.05 0 0.02
observed acoustic observed elastic
initial initial
(vertical) FWI (inline) FWI
Time (s)
Time (s)
2 0 2 0
4 -0.05 4 -0.02
Figure 9: Comparisons of (a) vertical and (b) inline components of observed and modeled data from inverted model after acoustic FWI and after
elastic FWI using P-wave excitation amplitude. The source (black dot) and receiver (black dashed line) locations are marked in Figure 4. We also
display modeled data from initial models for comparison. Notice that the acoustic modeling is used for (a) and elastic modeling is used for (b).
Note: This reference list is a copyedited version of the reference list submitted by the author. Reference lists for the 2017
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts have been copyedited so that references provided with the online
metadata for each paper will achieve a high degree of linking to cited sources that appear on the Web.
Alkhalifah, T., N. Masmoudi, and J. W. Oh, 2016, A recipe for practical full waveform inversion in
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diagnostic basis for stratigraphic traps: Geophysics, 39, 770–780,
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6, R105–R119,
Summary marine streamer data. However, using the marine data, all
source and receiver components are coupled and the
To examine the feasibility of elastic full waveform seismic source does not generate S-waves thus, the
inversion (FWI) for azimuthally rotated orthorhombic coupling between parameters are hard to be detached. On
(rORT) media, we analyze the sensitivity of the 9- the other hand, 9C 3D seismic data (Simmons and Backus,
component (9C) land data set acquired on the surface on 2001) provides the opportunity to recover more ORT
each of the ORT parameters. The trade-off analysis parameters with less trade-off by capturing more wave
supports that the parameter set that includes deviation modes than conventional data (Rusmanugroho and
parameters offers the best choice for a 9C data set. McMechan, 2012).
Compared to the data from an explosive source, using the In this study, we examine the feasibility of the elastic ORT
9C land data, ORT parameters show different trade-off FWI to 9C land data considering a rotation in the
patterns for the different source and receiver components. orthorhombic anisotropy (Tsvankin and Grechka, 2011).
For this reason, finding an optimal component considering First, we analyze the trade-off among parameters
trade-offs is another important issue to better recover considering different wave modes and different source and
subsurface rotated orthorhombic anisotropy. receiver components, and use such analysis to build up an
optimal FWI strategy. Finally, the proposed multi-stage
Introduction FWI is applied on synthetic 9C land data set.
The elastic orthorhombic assumption (Tsvankin, 1997), Inverse problem in elastic rORT media
which takes into account the horizontal layering and
vertical fractures, is one of the most practical Earth models. The elastic wave equation in rORT media can be expressed
Under the orthorhombic assumption, finding the azimuthal with particle displacements (ui), stress (σij), strain (εij) and
variations of anisotropic parameters along fast and slow seismic source (fi) as follows:
axes and the rotation angle of the symmetry planes is ∂2 u
important to increase the convergence rate of multi- ρ 2 i = ∂ j σ ij + f i (1)
parameter FWI. To reduce the trade-off in multi-parameter
FWI (Operto et al., 2013), finding an optimal and σ ij = Cijkl
ε kl . (2)
parameterization is crucial. Alkhalifah and Plessix (2014) In Voight notation (Cijkl -> CIJ), the stiffness matrix can be
compared parameterizations for acoustic vertical expressed as the rotation of the orthorhombic stiffness
transversely isotropic (VTI) FWI. Then, Masmoudi and
matrix ( CORT ; Tsvankin, 1997) around the vertical
Alkhalifah (2016) extended this investigation to acoustic IJ
ORT FWI and showed a new parameterization by direction (z) using bond transformation matrix ( M z (φ ) ;
employing deviation parameters to define differences Ivanov and Stova, 2016) as follows:
between fast and slow axes. For elastic FWI, although ! rORT = M (φ )CORT MT (φ ) ,
finding an optimal parameterization also has been actively C IJ z IJ z
studied from isotropic (Tarantola, 1986; Kӧhn et al., 2012; where
Prieux et al., 2013; Operto et al., 2013) to TI
⎛ C!11 C!12 C!13 0 0 C!16 ⎞
approximations (He and Plessix, 2016; Kamath and ⎜ ⎟
Tsvankin, 2016; Pan et al., 2016), the studies on elastic ⎜ C!12 C! 22 C! 23 0 0 C! 26 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
ORT media are relatively rare. Oh and Alkhalifah (2016) ⎜ C!13 C! 23 C! 0 0 C! 36 ⎟
! rORT
C =⎜
suggested a new elastic ORT parameterization, which C! 44 C! 45 0 ⎟
0 0 0
⎜ ⎟
provides the opportunity to apply a multi-stage FWI ⎜ 0 0 0 C! C! 0 ⎟
strategy by decoupling the scattering potentials of the ⎜ 45 55
⎜⎝ C!16 C! 26 C! 36 0 0 C! 66 ⎟⎠
model parameters corresponding to high-symmetry and
low-symmetry anisotropy as well as between acoustic and and the azimuth angle (ϕ) is defined as the angle measured
elastic media. For this ORT parameterization, resolution from x–axis in a counter-clockwise direction. The goal of
analysis is also conducted (Kazei and Alkhalifah, 2017). FWI is finding a solution, which minimizes the objective
Oh and Alkhalifah (2017) further extended this parameter function that measures the misfit between modeled (u) and
set to rORT media and examined the feasibility of inverting observed (d) data. In the least squares sense, the objective
for the rotation angle of a symmetric plane assuming function can be expressed by
Elastic FWI in presence of rotated orthorhombic anisotropy
2 L2
tensor source induced by the model parameter perturbation (km)
(Oh and Alkhalifah, 2016). The gradient direction for any
parameter (p) can be obtained by the linear combination of Figure 1: The geometry of a 3-layerd model: L1 and L3 are
13 monoclinic CIJ parameters as follows: isotropic backgrounds and L2 is the target rORT layer. The blue
∂C! line indicates a source-receiver line. The red, green and yellow
∇ p E = ∑ IJ ∇ C! E
IJ ∂p
) (8) dots denote the source, receiver and perturbation points used for
radiation pattern analysis. For the 9C seismic survey, each source
(S) and receiver (R) has 3 components along inline (I), crossline
Optimal parameterization (X) and vertical (Z) directions. θo is the opening angle.
(v p1
vs1 ε1 η1 γ 1 δ 3 ε D η D γ D φ ). (9)
The main advantage of this parameterization is the
hierarchical parameter update demonstrated in the radiation
v s1 γ1 δ3
pattern analysis. Figure 1 shows the geometry of source
(red dot), receiver (green dot) and reflection point (yellow
dot) for an rORT layer interbedded by isotropic layers.
Table 1: Wave modes associated with different seismic data
acquisition options (after Hardage et al., 2011). γD
εD ηD
Crossline (km)
the doughnut (Figure 3). Uniformly spaced 400 sources (3- "D "D
10Hz) are located at 200 m in depth and 3C receivers are
located at all nodal points at the same depth. For each 6
source, only receivers within 4 km offset are activated thus 0.9
the offset-to-depth ratio at a target doughnut is about 4. For 1.4
this ratio, the maximum opening angle is about 126°, which
Depth (km)
indicates that the yellow area in the radiation pattern 0.4
(Figure 2) is not available in this example. The benefit of 1.4 CC′ CC′ CC′ CC′
this model is that we can clearly distinguish the trade-off "D "D
Crossline (km)
the radiation pattern and gradient directions are well 4
described in Oh and Alkhalifah (2017). η1 Vp1
(a) (b) 0.4 6
Depth (km)
Crossline (km)
0 2 4 6 8 C D′ 0.4
background 9 0.9 η1
7 2 8 1.4 CC′ CC′ CC′ CC′
Depth (km)
4 A 4 9 3 A′ "D
1 Anomaly 6 1 5 DD′ DD′ DD′ DD′
vp1 vs1 !1 !D
D C′
vp=2 km/s vs=1.15 km/s !=1 g/cm3 -1 1
Normalized gradient
2 8
Inline (km) Inline (km) Inline (km) Inline (km)
2 4 6 2 4 6
(c) (c) 2
xy xy xy xy
Crossline (km)
Depth (km)
2 0.4
xy xy xy xy $3 η1
Crossline (km)
BB′ BB′ BB′ BB′ crossline sources with 3C recordings.
0.9 #3
1.4 CC′ CC′ CC′ CC′ Figure 4 shows the gradient direction from the explosive
"D "D source at each slice. Due to the limited space, only vp1, vs1,
DD′ DD′ DD′ DD′ ε1 and εD, following Oh and Alkhalifah (2017) reference as
vp1 vs1 !1 !D “ideal” parameters, are displayed. For each parameter, the
-1 1
Normalized gradient arrow indicates the true location of that parameter while the
parameters having trade-off are written in blue color. The
Figure 4: The gradient directions for 9 orthorhombic parameters
from explosive sources and 3C recordings for the doughnut model. black, white and red colors for each arrow indicate that the
The horizontal slice is chosen at the top of the anomaly and 4 influence of that parameter is strong, medium and weak,
vertical slices are chosen along different azimuth angles in Figure respectively, compared to trade-off imprints. In Figure 4,
3. For visualization, only the area within black dashed lines is because the explosive source only generates P-waves, the
displayed. parameter’s trade-off are mainly constrained by only P-P
Elastic FWI in presence of rotated orthorhombic anisotropy
and P-SV modes (Table 1). For this reason, the ideal parallelized over shots and subdomains. The gradient
parameters suffer from trade-off for the given offset-to- direction is computed in the frequency domain (3-10Hz)
depth ratio (4). Figure 5 shows the gradients of the ideal after taking discrete Fourier transforms of the forward and
parameters obtained from the 9C land data. As shown in backward wavefields on the fly (Sirgue et al., 2008). To
Table 1, seismic data from the vertical source also captures reduce the complexity, we consider only the ideal
mainly P-P and P-SV modes. However, because most of parameters in Figure 6 with the other parameters set to 0.
the energy is actually propagating in the vertical direction, For an initial model, we use a smoothed VTI version of the
the parameters that require wide opening angle like εD are model. We start FWI by inverting for vp1, vs1 and ε1 using
weakly resolved. As Oh and Alkhalifah (2017) showed, the the data from the vertical source. In Figure 5, the inline
resolution of εD is the crucial to the success of inverting for source is crucial to separate vp1 and vs1. However, because
the azimuth angle. For this reason, using only the vertical we do not consider the η and γ parameters in this example,
source, we do not expect to recover crucial subsurface ORT the vertical source is good enough to build vp1 and vs1 with
features. Figures 5b and 5c show the gradients from the reduced trade-off (Figure 5a). Then, we run FWI for εD and
horizontal sources. As the radiation pattern (Figure 2) ϕ by matching the data from the crossline source, which is
shows, the parameters, vs1, η1, ηD and γD, have strong trade- the most sensitive component to εD under our assumption
off between them. The trade-off is hard to decouple. (ϕ < ±45°). Thanks to the multi-stage FWI, subsurface
However, for the inline source (Figure 5b), [vs1, η1] and rORT features are well estimated (Figure 7). However,
[ηD, γD] are decoupled because the latter parameters are depending on the true azimuth angle, a proper horizontal
sensitive to wide azimuth data only. For the crossline source component should be chosen. We will discuss our
source (Figure 5c), although the trade-off is more severe, εD observations in more detail when we present it.
has a strong gradient (sensitivity). However, εD suffers 0
Inline (km)
4 8
Inline (km)
4 8
Inline (km)
4 8
Inline (km)
4 8
Inline (km)
4 8
from a strong trade-off with γ1. Because the parameter γ1 is Crossline (km)
8 xy xy xy xy xy
Inline (km) Inline (km) Inline (km) Inline (km) Inline (km)
0 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8
Figure 7: Inverted model with multi-stage approach.
xy xy xy xy xy
Crossline (km)
We analyze the sensitivity of elastic orthorhombic
Depth (km)
xz xz xz xz xz parameters to 9C land data acquired on the surface. A
simple doughnut-shaped model is designed to investigate
yz yz yz yz yz the trade-off among parameters for the various source
1.5 4.5 0.8 2.8 0 0.12 -0.08 0.08 -30 ° 30° components. The trade-off analysis shows that 9C land data
v p1 vs1 ε1 εD φ
has the potential to resolve subsurface ORT anisotropy with
Figure 6: The true model. Note that other parameters are set to 0. less trade-off between the parameters. An efficient
implementation is needed through a hierarchical strategy
Numerical example: Synthetic 9C land data for only the parameters that the 9C data is sensitive to.
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In this paper, we extend this approach to FWI. With this extension, we Our vector-acoustic wave equations have Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
then explore how both incorporating vector data and different source absorbing boundary conditions (Collino and Tsogka, 2001) on all sides
configurations influences the final image. We test our method on both of the computational domain to mimic an infinite medium. In matrix
the Marmousi and BP synthetic models. form, the set of equations (5) becomes
Problem statement and solution m ∇· pq,f q
LVA (m)uq,f = ∂2 = , (6)
∇ I vq,f f
FWI tries to minimize the misfit function between the modeled and ∂t 2
where the vector acoustic operator LVA is for the dipole point force source. Thus our sources have the following
m ∇· ∂ 2 w(t)
LVA = (7) β δ (x − xs ) (14)
∇ ∂2
. ∂t 2
∂t 2
for the monopole pressure source, and
∂ δ (z − zs , x − xs ) ∂ δ (z − zs , x − xs )
LVA† , the adjoint of operator LVA , can be derived by some straightfor- nz γ w(t) + nx γ w(t) (15)
∂z ∂x
ward algebra: !
m −∇· for the dipole point force source, where x = (z, x), xs = (zs , xs ), β and
LVA† = ∂ 2 . (8) γ are source weights and (nz , nx )T is a unit vector. By varying this unit
−∇ ∂t 2I
vector we can arbitrarily set the orientation of the dipole point force
We now define our joint objective function as source, e.g. (nz , nx )T = (0, 1)T for the horizontal dipole source and
(1, 0)T for the vertical dipole source. Introducing β and γ ensures that
Z different sources have correct total output energy:
J(m) = kWr [uq (xs , xr ,t; m) − dq (xs , xr ,t)]k2 + (
s,r T (9) ∆t
β = 2.0κ ∆x 2,
+ kWr [uf (xs ; xr ,t; m) − df (xs , xr ,t)]k 2
dt, ∆t (16)
γ = 2.0ρ ∆x
In this section, we demonstrate our VFWI algorithm on two examples.
We first show the results of applying VFWI to the Marmousi model
(Brougois et al., 1990). We then show the results for the BP model
(Billette and Brandsberg-Dahl, 2005). In both examples sources and
receivers are equally spaced and spread over the entire top boundary.
The peak frequency of the source is 10 Hz.
Marmousi Model
The true and initial velocities are plotted in Figure 1 (top and middle
images respectively). For this example we used 10 monopole pressure In this example, we perform three recoveries: (1) with monopole sources;
sources and 30 iterations of the inversion. Receivers were placed all (2) with horizontal dipole sources and (3) with angle dipole sources
the way across the top boundary. The reconstruction is shown Figure 1 with 45◦ orientation. We use 50 sources and 100 receivers for the
(bottom) and the objective function decay is plotted in Figure 2. We monopole source recovery, 50 sources and 150 receivers for the hori-
see that, the model generated by monopole pressure sources gives a zontal dipole source recovery, and 100 sources and 150 receivers for
good recovery of true velocity model. We see that using vector acous- the angle dipole source recovery. Both sources and receivers are placed
tic data enables us to obtain a high resolution recovery of the model across the top boundary of the computational domain with equal spac-
and fast objective function decay with only a small number of conven- ing. In all cases we perform 30 iterations of l-BFGS to invert the
tional seismic sources. model.
In this paper we presented an algorithm for FWI using vector acoustic
data. We define vector data as data in which both pressure and particle
velocity are recorded. In addition, both monopole and dipole sources
are used in our method.
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ural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Industrial
Research Chair Program and the Research and Development Corpo-
ration of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Hibernia Management
and Development Corporation.
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in linear inverse problems. If H−g is replaced by an identity not aggravate resolvability or parameter trade-offs beyond that
in equation 5, Hδ mtrue provides a conservative estimate of the of conventional FWI, provided that cross-talk artefacts are at-
point spread function. tenuated.
Inversions are terminated after a case-dependent number of it-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 erations. Search directions for SSFWI are computed using the
Number of realizations non-linear conjugate gradient algorithm (NLCG). Search di-
rections in FWI are computed using both NLCG and the quasi-
Figure 1: PSF Q as a function of the number of random re- Newton L-BFGS approach (Nocedal, 1980). A bracketing line
alizations. The expected PSFs from SSFWI more closely re- search is used in inversions using NLCG, whereas inversions
semble those from FWI as the number of random realizations using L-BFGS adopt a backtracking line search. Modrak and
is increased. Each line represents the action of particular block Tromp (2016) found the backtracking line search was more ef-
element of the Hessian acting on a model perturbation ficient than a bracketing line search when used in conjunction
with L-BFGS.
Figures 1 and 2 indicate that E[Hδ m] from SSFWI approaches
Hδ m from regular FWI with an increasing number of ran-
dom realizations. This effect is simulated during inversions TEST CASES
through repeated iteration and changes to the random encoding
at each iteration. The PSF analysis suggests that SSFWI does SEG/EAGE Overthrust
0 5.7e-04
0 5.6e-05
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
x x x x x
Figure 2: Comparison of PSFs for FWI and SSFWI. Each row corresponds to a separate block of the multi-parameter Hessian
acting on a model perturbation. The blocks are Hv p v p (top), Hvs vs (middle) and Hv p vs (bottom). The leftmost column displays the
PSFs obtained from sequential source FWI. The remainder of the columns display the expected PSFs for an increasing number of
random realizations. As the number of realizations increases, cross-talk artefacts in SSFWI are attenuated and the PSFs approach
those obtained in conventional FWI.
Synthetic tests are performed on land and marine variants of a The starting model is sufficiently far from the true model that
2D section of the 3D acoustic SEG/EAGE overthrust model full-bandwidth FWI converges to a local minima in the ob-
(Aminzadeh et al., 1997). The land model has dimensions jective function. The multi-scale approach of (Bunks et al.,
of 20 km x 4.5 km. For the marine model, a 500 m water 1995) is implemented to circumvent issues of cycle-skipping.
layer is added√to the top. A vs model is created using the rela- The frequency bands used for inversion are informed by the
tion vs = v p / 3. A heterogeneous density model is acquired selection criteria of Sirgue and Pratt (2004). The inversion is
using Gardener’s relation. Starting models are generated by performed using low-pass cutoff frequencies of 3 Hz, 5 Hz and
smoothing the true models with a Gaussian kernel of standard 8 Hz.
deviation 700 m. 96 sources are distributed at 200 m intervals
and 25 m depth. 264 multi-component receivers are placed at
75 m intervals at depths of 25 m and 500 m for land and ma- RESULTS
rine acquisitions, respectively. The source wavelet is a Ricker
wavelet with a dominant frequency of 5 Hz. Inversions are run Figure 3 displays a suite of convergence plots for all 3 test
for 50 iterations in the land case and 200 iterations in the ma- cases. Convergence is presented in three forms: normalized
rine case. The full bandwidth data is inverted and multi-scale misfit as a function of simulations per source, model Q as a
methods are not applied in this case. function of simulations per source and normalized misfit as a
function of total simulations. Convergence behaviour is pre-
Marmousi II sented as a function of the number of cumulative simulations,
as opposed to iteration, to provide a more accurate representa-
The Marmousi II model is a fully elastic synthetic model with
tion of computational cost. ‘Simulation’ in this context refers
multiple hydrocarbon layers and complex faulting (Martin et al.,
to all forward and adjoint computations (includes line search).
2006). Shallow shale layers in the original model exhibit low
FWI is commonly deployed using an embarrassingly parallel
shear wave velocities (300-400 m/s) that introduce shear-wave
scheme over sources. As such, the number of cumulative simu-
dispersion artefacts in the data unless a fine grid spacing is
lations per source is used in figure 3 to provide an approximate
used. Reduced grid spacing increases the the computational
indication of the real-time convergence rate of a particular al-
cost due to an increased model size and considerations of nu-
gorithm. The total number of simulations provides insight into
merical stability. To reduce the computational burden, shear- √ the computational resources required for any given inversion.
wave velocities in the shale layers are replaced by vs = v p / 3.
The water layer is also removed to simulate land acquisition. Both overthrust test cases show a comparable convergence rate
Initial models are derived from the true models by convolving in both misfit and model Q for SSFWI and NLCG FWI. L-
with a Gaussian kernel of standard deviation 800 m. The ac- BFGS FWI routinely demonstrates faster convergence in the
quisition survey is comprised of 112 point sources positioned per source setting. The advantage of the quasi-Newton ap-
at 80 m intervals and 10 m depth. 296 receivers are deployed at proach is apparent in the marine overthrust example, where
30 m intervals and 10 m depth. The source wavelet is a Ricker both NLCG FWI and SSFWI struggle to substantially improve
wavelet with a dominant frequency of 10 Hz. Inversions are model Q over repeated iterations. The convergence of mis-
run until a maximum number of iterations is reached or until fit with the total number of simulations, indicates that SSFWI
kgk+1 − gk k < ε, where ε is some threshold. requires approximately 2 and 1.5 orders of magnitude fewer
simulations than NLCG FWI and L-BFGS FWI, respectively.
Normalized misfit
0.8 FWI - L-BFGS 0.6
0.6 0.5
Model Q
0.4 −52 0.3
−54 0.2
0.2 −56 0.1
0.0 −58 0.0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 10 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5
Simulations per source Simulations per source Total simulations
1.0 −44 0.6
Normalized misfit
Normalized misfit
0.8 FWI - L-BFGS −46
−47 0.4
Model Q
−48 0.3
0.4 −49 0.2
0.2 −50
−51 0.1
0.0 −52 0.0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 10 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6
Simulations per source Simulations per source Total simulations
−33.0 2.0
2.0 FWI - L-BFGS SSFWI - NLCG −33.5
Normalized misfit
Normalized misfit
−34.0 1.5
Model Q
1.0 −35.0
−35.5 0.5
0.0 −36.5 0.0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 10 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5
Simulations per source Simulations per source Total simulations
Figure 3: Convergence plots for synthetic inversions of the overthrust land (top), overthrust marine (middle) and Marmousi II
(bottom) models. SSFWI displays comparable convergence rates (per source) with NLCG FWI. FWI using L-BFGS exhibits the
highest convergence rates per source. SSFWI is generally between 1-2 orders of magnitude less resource intensive than conventional
These values are consistent with the expected cost reduction ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
being approximately equal to Ns . Both conventional FWI and
SSFWI are able to recover the Marmousi II model using the This research has been funded by the NSERC Alexander Gra-
multi-scale approach. The inverted results are presented in fig- ham Bell Canada graduate scholarship and the AITF scholar-
ure 4. The convergence of SSFWI is notably slower per source, ship. We would also like to thank the sponsors of the SAIG
requiring ∼1500 iterations compared to ∼300 using L-BFGS group at the University of Alberta. Inversions were automated
FWI. using a modified version of the SeisFlows inversion frame-
1 3.0
2.0 1.5
The feasibility of SSFWI applied to elastic isotropic inver- 2
1.0 0.5
sion has been demonstrated through a series of synthetic tests.
The expected PSFs in SSFWI approach those of FWI as the 0 vp - Initial vs - Initial
Depth [km]
number of random realizations are increased. When cross- 1
2.0 m/s
talk artefacts are attenuated, SSFWI has comparable resolu- 2
1.0 0.5
tion and parameter trade-offs to FWI. Cross-talk artefacts are
successfully mitigated by altering the encoding functions at 0 vp - FWI vs - FWI
Depth [km]
each iteration. Models inverted using SSFWI are of compara- 1
2.0 1.5
ble quality to those inverted using NLCG FWI while requiring 2
1.0 0.5
orders of magnitude fewer computational resources. In com-
plex cases, the quasi-Newton form of sequential source FWI 0 vp - SSFWI vs - SSFWI
Depth [km]
may still hold advantages over SSFWI, as suggested by the 1
2.0 1.5
higher quality of inverted models in the marine overthrust case. 2
1.0 0.5
The results presented demonstrate the feasibility of SSFWI in 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Distance [km] Distance [km]
favourable inversion scenarios. Further research should pur-
sue more challenging cases that include noise and poor start- Figure 4: True, intial and final inverted v p , vs models after
ing models. Convergence rates in elastic SSFWI may further multi-scale inversion for the Marmousi II test case.
benefit from second order optimization methods (Castellanos
et al., 2015). A-priori knowledge coupled with explicit regu-
larization schemes will likely be necessary to ensure successful
inversion in real data examples.
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where d obs is the observed data, xs is the source location, ADCIGs are not flat, the least-squares estimation is
and t is the time. Inserting Eq. 4 into Eq. 3 gives difficult to be stable.
(III). The Aki-Richards equation is a linear approximation
I 1 U r ( x ,ω ,θ ) of Zoeppritz equations and only work for small angles
=− µℜ ∫∫F cos 2 θ dω dθ , (6)
iki U s ( x ,ω ,θ )
(say, up to 35°).
So it is difficult to implement Eq. 10 at the current stage,
where F is a forward FT from the x to the k domain; A−1 but the real world does involve more parameters than Vp.
is included in µ . Based on a half-wavelength assumption To proceed, we propose to use the rock physics information
(Tang and McMechan, 2017a), we can obtain to convert the P-impedance (in Eq. 8) into P-velocity and
v0 H r ( x ,ω ,θ )
density. For example, Gardner et al. (1974) propose that the
= µℜ ∫ ∫ iω U ( x ,ω ,θ ) cos θ dωdθ
. (7) P-velocity and density has the following relation,
Ia s ρ = 310V p0.25 , (11)
where δ I is the impedance update and H r is an FT of where the unit of Vp is m/s and the unit of ρ is kg/m3. The
hr that is obtained by using the residual data (calculated Vp here is the v in Eq. 1~10. Based on Eq. 11, we have
( )
data minus observed data) directly as the boundary V p = I p 310 . (12)
condition of Eq. 5. Eq. 7 can be written as
In the real world, the relation between Vp and ρ is certainly
δI G ( x ,ω ,θ ) much more complicated than Gardner’s relation. The rock-
= µ v0ℜ ∫ ∫ r cos 2 θ dω dθ , (8)
Ia U s ( x ,ω ,θ ) physics relationship between Vp and ρ is strongly non-linear
and probabilistic. It also depends on different geological
where Gr is the FT of g r that is obtained using conditions such as lithology, pressure, porosity, and so on.
∂2 gr (t, x ) ∂ 1 ∂g r ( t , x ) With the fast development of the computer science, one
− ρv2 =
∂t 2
0, way to address this is via Machine learning, by building
∂x ρ ∂x
(9) and progressively modifying a large database of statistical
multi-parameter (Vp, Vs, ρ, attenuation, etc.) relations that
g r ( t , x, y, = ) ∫t δ d ( t′, x, y, xs ) dt′.
z 0=
can be navigated with a fast search engine (e.g., like
Google) to dynamically determine the solution with the
From impedance to velocity and density highest probability and its nonuniqueness, which also has
Eq. 8 is a full waveform impedance inversion, but Eq. 9 the potential for defining uncertainty (or risk) in using the
requires P-velocity and density for wavefield extrapolation. FWI result for subsequent interpretation. The significance
Based on the Aki and Richards (1980) equation, we can of this approach is using rock-physics relationships to
separate the P-impedance update in Eq. 8 into reduce the multi parameters (e.g., Vp, Vs, ρ) to a single one
δv δρ G ( x ,ω ,θ ) (e.g. Ip) for inversion, in which the half-wavelength
+ cos 2 θ =µ v0ℜ ∫ r cos 2 θ dω , (10) criterion can be applied. Establishing this database and
va ρa U s ( x ,ω ,θ ) search engine is beyond the scope of the present study, as it
which has similarity with the formulas of Zhang et al. implies a major, multi-year effort. In the example section
(2014) and Qin and Lambaré (2016). Solving δ v va and below, we assume that the constraint defined by Eq. 11 is
accurate, and show the results of combining this with an
δρ ρ a requires a least-squares solution to satisfy the AVA. approximate implementation of Eq. 8. A different approach
However, implementation of Eq. 10 is very difficult at the of using a physical constraint is to include it in the
current stage, because objective function of P- and S-velocity tomography, as
(I). Eq. 10 requires a high demand on the accuracy of shown by Duan and Sava (2016).
the AVA information. However, the deconvolution
imaging condition is often not stable in practice; this A practical implementation for AP-RTM
imaging condition assumes a single reflection at each
grid point, but the image in practice involves multipath The FWI implementation in Eq. 8 requires a deconvolution
and is also often stacked from several sources. In imaging condition and calculation of reflection angles. In
complicated structure, each image point often does not practice, the RTM image is stacked over the partial images
have a balanced illumination at each angle. from all sources. Thus, the AP-RTM in Eq. 4 gives a
(II). For a stable least-squares estimation from Eq. 10, it relative amplitude. Then it assume that, for each reflection
requires the ADCIGs to be flat. This means we may angle, the number of reflections at each image point is the
need the velocity above the reflection image to be same (sufficient illumination). In this case, the cos 2 θ can
correct, which results a correct image location. Thus, be involved in the global scale µ , and thus Eq. 4 is
the half-wavelength condition does not work for the
simplified to
multi-parameter inversion in Eq. 10, because, if the
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
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Summary measures the difference between the recorded data and the
modeled data at the kth iteration (equation 2).
Iterative modeling, migration and inversion (IMMI) aims to
incorporate standard processing techniques into the process
of full waveform inversion (FWI). Within IMMI, depth (2)
migration method may be used to obtain the gradient, in
contrast to standard FWI which uses a two-way reverse The gradient in Equation 1 can be written in the time
time migration (RTM). Another aspect of the IMMI domain as:
approach is the use of well-calibration to scale the gradient,
rather than applying a line search to find the scalar or an
approximation of the inverse Hessian matrix. We examine
with synthetic examples the performance of IMMI in (3)
circumstances of progressively increasing geological
complexity. We find consistently low errors nearby the where T denotes record length. Equation 3 says that the
well-calibration location, even in the most complex gradient of the objective function is formed by correlating
settings. This suggests that the gradient obtained by the time-reversed residuals propagated into the medium
applying a migration method other than RTM, though less with the source field propagated into the medium. This is
wave-theoretically complete, points in the correct direction the core of FWI. The gradient is the element that contains
in order to minimize an FWI-like objective function, and the direction of the velocity update in the minimization
that well-calibration provides a working approach for scheme. The other element is the inverse Hessian or an
scaling. These refinements of FWI may be important approximation of it. If the inverse Hessian is replaced by a
enablers for application of waveform inversion in reservoir scalar λ, the mathematical effort is reduced to the gradient
characterization, where we may have many control-wells, or steepest-descent method. λ scales the gradient to be
and we may wish to extend our approach to the converted into a velocity perturbation. λ is commonly
determination of several elastic and/or rock properties. We estimated by a line-search method, which requires an extra
find that well-calibration scales the updates properly up to forward modeling per shot (Virieux and Operto, 2009),
what we refer to as moderate lateral velocity changes. doing the process more expensive.
the current velocity model of the data residual and stack to First iteration
obtain . This step provides the gradient or update
direction. The third step is scaling or calibrating the The initial velocity model was generated by applying a
gradient by aplying λ, which produces the velocity Gaussian smoother 290 meters wide to the true velocity
perturbation . The last step is updating the velocity model. The initial velocity model provides no more than 2
model that will be used in the next Hz of geological information, while the true velocity model
iteration. mainly contains information between 1 and 30 Hz, with the
main events around 12 Hz. The seismic data have a
Iterative Modeling, Migration and Inversion (IMMI), dominant frequency of roughly 15 Hz and provide
introduced by Margrave et al. (2012), was proposed as an information between 7 and 25 Hz. There is a gap between 2
alternative to “classical” FWI which involved tools already and 5 Hz, where neither the initial model nor the seismic
available and widely applied by the industry. The key data contribute. Modeled shots were generated by using the
IMMI innovations are the use of any depth migration initial model. The difference between the observed and the
method in place of RTM, and the incorporation of well modeled shots is the data residual. We obtain a data
information to scale the gradient. The authors further residual per shot, which are migrated in depth with the
suggested that using a deconvolution imaging condition, PSPI method, which permits us to limit the process to a
instead of the correlation type generally employed, may specific frequency range. We used frequencies between 1
produce updates similar those obtained by preconditioning and 5 Hz for the first iteration. A mute, before stacking the
with the main diagonal elements of the inverse Hessian, residuals, is commonly applied to avoid migration artifacts.
which is a gain correction, as illustrated by Shin et al. The result of stacking the migrated data residuals is the
(2001). Pan et al. (2014) applied the IMMI method, gradient.
compared the crosscorrelation and deconvolution imaging
conditions, and showed that using a deconvolution-based The next step is to scale or calibrate the gradient. We use
gradient can compensate the geometrical spreading. well C to perform this process (Figure 3). The well
calibration technique was described by Margrave et al.
Following the IMMI approach, we used a phase-shift plus (2010). Figure 2 shows the calibration process. Firstly, the
interpolation (PSPI) migration method (one-way wave difference, δvel, between the well and model velocities is
migration) with a deconvolution imaging condition to calculated. The second step is to estimate the amplitude
obtain the gradient. PSPI, introduced by Gazdag and scalar a and the phase rotation ϕ that optimally match the
Sguazzero (1984), allows selecting a range of frequencies gradient trace g to δvel. The scalar a is found such that the
of interest, which is very convenient to explore frequency- difference between δvel and ag is minimized by least
based (i.e., multiscale) strategies in FWI, wherein the squares. Finally, a convolutional match filter is obtained
inversion is started using low frequencies and then higher incoporporating a and ϕ. This match filter is applied to
frequencies are progressively included, to avoid local every gradient trace in order to obtain the velocity update.
minima (Pratt, 1999). We will follow this strategy. The
scale λ in Equation 1 takes the form of a match filter that
equates the size of the gradient to the size of the velocity
residual in a well location. The velocity residual is the
difference between the well velocity and the current
velocity model.
More iterations calibration well. For this case, the resulting inverted model
captures the main features and amplitudes of the true
The inputs which must be supplied for the subsequent model, and again it is possible to identify the low velocity
iterations are the frequency range to be used, and the body enclosed in the anticline at 2500 m depth. In the
updated velocity model. The frequency range was increased presence of strong lateral velocity changes, such as in
by 1 Hz in each iteration. We stopped the inversion at the Model 3, the inversion produces good results in the vicinity
10th iteration because in our experiments the error in the of the calibration well, but the error increases quite strongly
model does not decrease anymore after that point. as we move away from the well, especially in the zones of
the high velocity bodies.
Figure 4 illustrates the results when more than one well are
We evaluated the performance of the well calibration incorporated to scale the gradient in constructing Model 3.
technique in three different geological settings shown in Wells A, B and C were used to obtain an average
Figure 3. Model 1 is the simplest model we consider, calibration filter that was applied to scale the gradient. As
consisting of horizontal layers. The inversion is able to we include more wells, the error across the model
recover the most important features of the subsurface, decreases. If more than one well is available, more options
including the low velocity body at a 2500 m depth, which is arise: for example, a spatial-varying filter can be estimated.
not present in the calibration well. The error is consistently
low across the model. When moderate lateral velocities are The match filter used for the experiments above was
found, such as in Model 2, the error across the model still designed over the whole depth interval from zero to 3000
decreases in each iteration, giving the best result around the m. A more realistic experiment is shown in Figure 5,
FIG. 3. Comparison among initial, inverted and true velocity models. The calibration and blind wells are C and B, respectively. The
evolution of the inverted trace, from the initial model to iteration 10, shows an excellent performance in the calibration well for the three
models, and the normalized error is consistenly low at this location. The error tends to increase with stronger lateral velocity variations
and as we move away the calibration well.
FIG. 4. Calibration with more than one well.
We thank the sponsors of CREWES for their support. We
also acknowledge support from NSERC through the grant
CRDPJ 461179-13. Author 1 thanks PEMEX and the
government of Mexico for founding his research.
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the classic method (steepest descent). We went further and Interpreting the gradient as the residual difference of the
inverted the order of the migration and stack processing processed acquired data and the current model saves us to
steps, and computed the gradient using a zero-offset PSPI compute a synthetic data at each shot position. Source
migration (post-stack). The preliminary tests results are estimation is also not required. Two forward modeling are
promising, with a huge gap for improvements. still required on the step length process. But, as it is only an
amplitude matching, it is unnecessary to compute the
Theory correct wavelet.
We can make the method even cheaper if we invert the
The objective of the FWI methodology is to minimize an order of the migration and stacking operators on equation 4.
objective function. Here we minimize the residuals Δd(m), This would result on using a stacked session as input and a
that is the difference between observed data d0 and post-stack migration at each iteration:
synthetic data d(m), in the current model model m (here P
wave velocity): (5)
data with an impedance inversion applied to the gradient, reduced by about 70%.
and, finally, the resulted model based on equation 4 (d), the Figure 2a is the stacked session used as input data for the
forward modeling free gradient with a PSDM. For both post-stack FWI method, based on equation 5, and resulted
inversions, the step length is estimated as proposed by Pica model is shown on figure 2b. There is a loss of resolution if
et al. (1990). The resulted models are comparable and show compared to the previous results. However, most of the
great resolution. major layers were correctly inverted and placed. Shallow
Figure 1: a) true Marmousi model, b) initial model for all runs, c) inverted model with classic FWI and d) inverted model with
the forward modeling free gradient method.
Model of figure 1c (using synthetic data to estimate the and mid-depth areas are comparable to previous models. It
gradient) has more geological structures than the model of is also possible to note some borders effects. They are due
figure 1d (forward modeling free gradient), better noticed to the step length be estimated using the central shot as
on deeper areas. In the shallow and mid depth, the models control point for the whole model. This effect could be
are comparable. This means that the regular FWI still reduced if more control points, closer to the borders, are
works better, mostly on higher frequencies, on a synthetic included.
simulation. However, it still requires a very good source The differences between methods are, mostly, the costs
estimation so the residuals are stable. The forward associated to each one. For the classic method, to run the
modeling free gradient does not require the source, and we full inversion routine, it was required 24 clusters for a
believe it would be more stable when applied on real data. parallel processing in MatLab, and total elapsed time was
Another advantage of the forward modeling free method is over 48 hours. The forward modeling free gradient method
the computing requirement and processing time, which is (pre-stack) reduce the costs considerably, and the routine
Figure 2: a) stacked section as input data and b) inverted model on the post-stack approximation.
ran on a personal gaming laptop (16Gb of RAM), with no with the classic FWI, the results are comparable, but with
parallel processing, and 8 hours of run time in Octave. The some loss in resolution as costs become cheaper. However,
post stack method ran on a tablet with dual core processor the cost-benefit trade-off looks to be worthwhile.
(4Gb RAM), where the total elapsed time was around 1 A post-stack method with preliminary results were also
hour only. presented, reducing even more the costs for a FWI run, but
Figure 3: Respectively, shot and model errors of a) and b) classic FWI, c) and d) forward modeling free gradient method and
e), and f) post-stack approximation.
Figure 3 compares the objective function and models also losing some resolution and the addition of border
deviations of the 3 methods. They all show to be stable and effects. However, we are confident that this is a safe
we observe the convergence of the objective function. The strategy to follow with the goal of applying the FWI on
models deviations show to reach a minimum at some point large surveys with reduced computer requirements and gain
and then starts to slowly diverge. We believe this is due to on stability, as it does not require a source estimation. In
the low signal-to-noise ratio at higher frequencies. We also the end, the choice of which method to be used will depend
observe a “break” of the curves. This happens when the on the investment power of the user.
inversion starts to include the dominant frequency of the
data (12Hz) during the migration. Acknowledgements
It is safe to say that the resolution of the inverted model
decreases the method gets simpler and cheaper. The choice The authors thank the sponsors of CREWES for continued
of the method is just a matter of cost and benefit. Better support. This work was funded by CREWES industrial
responses will require the highest investments, and no sponsors and NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering
guarantee of stability, as for some surveys the source can Research Council of Canada) through the grant CRDPJ
be very complicated to estimate. However, we show that a 461179-13. We also thank Soane Mota dos Santos for the
reasonable result, with just a small loss of resolution, can suggestions, tips and productive discussions.
be achieved by a drastically reduction of costs, and a more
robust inversion.
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ABSTRACT FWI is very robust to white noise but less so to other types of
noises such as those coming from the source.
We propose a wave-equation-based subsurface inversion method
that in many cases is more robust than the conventional Full- A better way of treating the modelling error is to allow a
Waveform Inversion. The new formulation is written in a small misfit in the PDE, like the formulation in the Wavefield
denoising form that allows the synthetic data to match the ob- Reconstruction Inversion (WRI) (van Leeuwen and Herrmann,
served ones up to a small error. Compared to the Full-Waveform 2013a, 2015)
Inversion, our method treats the noise arising from the data mea- ns
suring/recording process and that from the synthetic modelling min kP⌦i ui d i k22 + k A(m)ui qi k22 .
m,ui ,i=1,...,ns
process separately. Comparing to the Wavefields Reconstruction i
Inversion, the new formulation mitigates the difficulty of choos- Despite the similarity to FWI, both the data and model misfits
ing the penalty parameter . To solve the proposed optimization are now softly penalized in their ` 2 norms with certain weight
problem, we develop an efficient frequency domain algorithm containing prior information of their relative strengths van
that alternatively updates the model and the data. Numerical Leeuwen and Herrmann (2013b). However, setting the parame-
experiments confirm strong stability of the proposed method ter is a problem, as the modelling error is often unknown. In
by comparisons between the results of our algorithm with that contrast, the energy of pure data side noise is easier to evaluate
from both plain FWI and a weighted formulation of the FWI. by data processing techniques as such noise is usually close to
being Gaussian. Note that we consider interfering signals from
unknown sources as modelling error here, the data side noise
INTRODUCTION only consists of those introduced by the measuring procedure
of the receivers.
All wave-equation based seismic inversion techniques suffer
from both additive noise and modelling errors. Albeit smaller, Recognizing this relative difficulty of estimating model-side
the latter can cause more damage to the inverted model. Depend- errors and the relative easiness of estimating data-side errors,
ing on specific experiment settings, modelling errors arising we hereby propose a denoising formulation, named FWI-DN
from PDE discretization, the use of inaccurate modelling ker- (denoising), as an alternative to FWI with enhanced stability
nels, trace truncations, timing errors, source estimation and
location errors all contribute to the noise in quite different ways.
These modelling errors are not taken into account in conventional min kDz ( A(m)ui qi )k22 (FWI-DN)
Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI) formulations, where the PDE
constraints are strictly imposed (Tarantola and Valette, 1982; subject to kP⌦i ui d i k2 ✏ i, i = 1, ..., ns
Virieux and Operto, 2009), Here ✏ i is the estimated data-side noise in ` 2 norm for the
X ith shot gather, and Dz is a linear operator that performs
min kP⌦i ui d i k22 depth weighting on the modelling error with weights that are
i nondecreasing with depth. In this way, we avoid the difficulty
subject to A(m)ui = qi, i = 1, ..., ns. to estimate the modelling error, and at the same time acquire
the flexibility of incorporating different noise levels for different
Following the usual notation, we used qi to denote the ith sources.
source, d i to denote the corresponding data, P⌦i to denote
the restriction operator to receiver locations, and A for the We end this section by addressing the related weighted FWI. One
discretized Helmholtz matrix for the model m at a specific may argue that the usual FWI formulation can also be modified
frequency. Although the strict PDE constraints increases the to handle the non-uniform noise case where different sources
numerical efficiency by allowing one to eliminate ui and derive or even traces have different noise levels, through introducing
the reduced form, weights to the FWI misfit e.g., Farquharson and Oldenburg
(1998). Specifically, we can reformulate the objective as
min kP⌦i A(m) 1 qi d i k22 min wi kP⌦i A(m) 1 qi d i k22 (1)
m m
i i
it is not very effective in handle modelling errors. Note that where a natural choice of the weight could be wi = ✏ 2i0 /✏ 2i for
modelling errors may be generated from all regions of the model. some fixed i 0 and for all i = 1, ..., ns . This way, the shot gather
They become part of the data after propagating to the receiver corresponding to a larger noise level ✏ i is relatively lightly
locations. As noise terms, they are often more coherent to than penalized, reflecting the correct believe that this source is less
pure additive noise, therefore the two-norm data misfit may not reliable. However, putting the misfits for all sources in a mixed
be an appropriate way to model them. As is indeed observed, objective form causes this formulation fail to provide guarantees
for i = 1, ..., ns with ūi being the solution to the related Lasso problem
where ⌦ic is the complementary set of ⌦i and is the T
P⌦ i ūi = arg min kDz ( A(m k )ui qi )k 2 + kP⌦i ui d i k2, (7)
transpose of the operator P⌦i . More specifically, (4) is obtained ui
by setting a new variable vi through vi = P⌦ic ui and substituting which has the closed form solution
the ui in (3) by
T T Dzp( A(m k )) pz (qi )
ui = P⌦ P u + P⌦
i ⌦i i
c P⌦ c ui ūi =
i i P⌦i di
= P⌦ P uk+1 + P⌦
i ⌦i i
c vi .
i where † is the pseudo inverse. Also, we can obtain the second
Note that since the variables will not be used in future
ṽik+1 derivative
iterations, the whole purpose of solving subproblem (4) is to
G 00 ( ) = (P⌦i ūi d i )T P⌦i C 1 P⌦
(P⌦i ūi di )
update the model m. i
H 1 (m k )g(m k ).
0 4.5 0 4.5
0.6 0.6
3.5 3.5
1 1
3 3
1.2 1.2
1.8 1.8
1: procedure I : d i , ⌦i , A, m0 , T1 , T2 2
5: 0.2 0.2
for j= 1,..., T2 do
0.6 0.6
7: 0.8
end for
1.2 1.2
end for
1.8 2 1.8 2
11: 2 2
end procedure
1.5 1.5
12: 0 1 2 3
distance (km)
4 5 0 1 2 3
distance (km)
4 5
(c) Inverted model with FWI (d) Inverted model with FWI-DN
4.5 4.5
0.4 0.4
0.6 0.6
located on the left half of the top model are polluted by white
3.5 3.5
0.8 0.8
3 3
Gaussian noise at level ✏, and those on the right half are damped 1
by the same type of noise at a different levels 3✏. In the FWI-DN, 1.2
5.5 0.2 5
handle the rest of the noise. Besides, if the noise threshold ✏ i is 0.8
set too high, then the algorithm will remove a significant portion
1 4
1.2 3.5 0.8
FWI. For the latter, we set weights to exactly reflect the prior (c) Inverted model with FWI (d) Inverted model with FWI-DN
information that sources on the left are 3 times more accurate
than those on the right. Specifically, let N1 be the set of source Figure 2: A comparison of robustness of FWI with FWI-DN
indices on the left and N2 be those on the right. The weighted under Gaussian noise with SNR=0 dB: (a) The true model; (b)
FWI minimizes The initial model; (c) Inversion result with weighted FWI; (d)
X X Inversion result with the proposed method FWI-DN and linear
min 9kP⌦i A 1 (m)qi d i k22 + kP⌦i A 1 (m)qi d i k22 . depth weighting.
i 2N1 i 2N2
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model with 3 interfaces. The true values are shown in square computational facilities and partial financial support.
brackets and the search space is given in parentheses
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
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• Amplitude ratio between observed and synthetic data, We first use a synthetic example generated from the Marmousi
R ˜ velocity model (Bourgeois et al., 1991) to demonstrate the per-
d 2 (t) dt formance of the proposed automated window selection method.
∆ ln A = ln( Aobs /Asyn ) = 0.5 ln R . (14)
s̃2 (t) dt For this example, we simulated a shot record from the true ve-
locity model shown in Figure 1a as the observed data and then
• Window length, simulate a shot record from the smoothed velocity model shown
w = t end − t start . (15) in Figure 1b as the synthetic data. The shot location is located
at the surface at position 4,596 m. 767 receivers are evenly
• Minimum STA/LTA value, distributed along the survey at a depth of 60 m. The win-
dows used for training are extracted from FLEXWIN selection
mstalta = min(STA/LTA) . (16) results from 6 seismograms between positions 1,920 m and
1,980 m. We show a comparison between the semi-automated
Performance evaluation FLEXWIN method and the fully-automated ML method for
In binary classification problems, like the subject of automated two stations. The comparison for position 6,840 m is shown
window selection in this abstract, the goal is to categorize the in Figure 2, where the blue rectangles denote the selected time
outcome of an event into one of two categories, either accepted windows for misfit calculation. It is obvious that the result
window (1) or rejected window (0). This process can result in from the two methods are exactly the same. Using the ML
one of four possible outcomes that are defined as follows: based method, 2 among 21 initial windows are selected for this
data and the accuracy defined in (17) is 100%. Figure 3 show
1. True Positive (TP): Evaluated and actual results are 1 a comparison for location 7,836 m. 12 among 30 initial win-
(Valid Detection). dows are selected for this result using the proposed method and
2. False Positive (FP): Evaluated result is 1, but actual the accuracy is 90%. It is also salient that although window
result is 0 (False Alarm). selection results are slightly different, the merged waveform
selection result are exactly the same.
3. False Negative (FN): Evaluated result is 0, but actual
result is 1 (Missed Detection).
4. True Negative (TN): Evaluated and actual results are 0
(Valid Non-detection).
Stations used
for validation
Stations used
for training
Let TP, TN, FN, and TN denote the number of instances that
fall into the four mentioned categories of classification results. (a) (b)
Then the classification accuracy (or success rate) can be repre-
sented as Figure 1: (a) Marmousi velocity model. (b) Smoothed velocity
TP + TN model.
Accuracy = . (17)
TP + TN + FP + FN
-0.1 -2e-06
-0.2 -3e-06
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (a)
0 -2e-06
-0.2 -6e-06
-0.2 -8e-06
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time [s] Time [s]
(b) (b)
Figure 2: Time window selection results for a station located at Figure 5: Time window selection results for stations (a)
6,840 m using (a) FLEXWIN method and (b) the ML method. AU.NFK and (b) AK.GAMB for the 2014 Mw 6.6 Panama
Note that the results from the two methods are exactly the same. earthquake.
0.4 Seismograms
0.3 30 initial windows
the source mechanism and location and the green inverted tri-
0.2 9 selected windows
shows that the proposed algorithm can be effective for very
0.4 Seismograms
0.3 30 initial windows
complicated seismograms.
0.2 12 selected windows
0.1 success rate=0.90000000
mograms which are sufficiently close to each other plays an
indispensable role in practical implementation of full wave-
Figure 3: Time window selection results for station located at
form inversion since it guarantees convergence of the inver-
7,836 m using (a) FLEXWIN method and (b) the ML method.
sion. While the traditional FLEXWIN algorithm can be “auto-
Note that although window selection results are slightly dif-
mated” to some extent, it still involves a huge amount of labor
ferent, the merged waveform selection result are exactly the
that requires human input and prior experience, and thus is not
deemed to be fully automated. We have presented a fully au-
tomated way of selecting optimal misfit calculation windows
to avoid numerical instability during large-scale seismic inver-
sion. A neural network can be trained from a small dataset and
Event: C201412080854A
90°N 90°N then applied to a large number of data automatically. Synthetic
60°N 60°N
experiments for the Marmousi model and a real earthquake data
30°N 30°N
example demonstrate the performance of the proposed machine
0° 0°
learning based algorithm. The next step of this project is to
30°S 30°S
verify the reliability and robustness of the proposed method in
60°S 60°S
improving inversion results of full waveform inversion.
90°S 90°S
180° 120°W 60°W 0° 60°E 120°E 180°
Figure 4: Source and station locations. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership
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A real data example is from the Mw 6.6 Panama earthquake in spectral-element software package SPECFEM3D_GLOBE used
December 8, 2014. The epicenter was 20 kilometers (12 miles) for simulating the seismograms and the benchmark window
south of the Punta de Burica peninsula, on Panama’s Pacific selection software package FLEXWIN used in this article are
Ocean side, near the Costa Rican border. The source and station freely available via the Computational Infrastructure for Geo-
locations are shown in Figure 4, where the beachball indicates dynamics (CIG;
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Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is a velocity model Review of Laplace domain full waveform inversion:
building process that minimizes differences between the
modeled and observed data using an appropriate objective Laplace domain FWI is an inversion algorithm that uses
function (Tarantola 1984; Tarantola 1986). Widely used, Laplace-transformed wavefields. In this algorithm, each
algorithms about FWI have a problem with building time domain seismic trace ( ) is transformed as follows:
velocity structures because of the nonlinear nature of ̃( ) ∫ ( ) (1)
inverse problems.
where is the maximum recording time of the trace
and is a Laplace constant. The Laplace domain FWI
To overcome these problems, many studies have focused
results represents the spectral variation in the source
on designing inversion algorithms. One of the algorithms,
wavelet with respect to frequency is less sensitive, as Ha et
ray-based refraction travel time tomography, has been
al. (2012) explained, so we can express modeled wavefield
studied by many geophysicists (Hampson & Russel 1984;
( ) using weighting coefficient and traveltime as
Schneider & Kuo 1985; White 1989; Zhu & McMechan
1989;Docherty 1992; Qin et all 1993; Cai & Qin 1994;
Stefani 1995; Shtivelman 1996; Zhang & Toksöz 1998).
Also, other algorithms have been studied. Especially, Shin ( ) ∑ ( ) (2)
and Cha (2008) suggested Laplace domain FWI as an
effective algorithm to generate initial models. Despite the where represents the number of seismic events in the
absence of low-frequency components in the seismic data, modeled trace. Likewise, the observed wavefield ( ) in
Laplace domain FWI can generate high-quality initial the time domain can be expressed as follows:
models including long-wave length components, because
the Laplace domain FWI algorithm has less sensitivity on ( ) ∑ ( ). (3)
the frequency spectrum of the source wavelet (Ha & shin
2012). By applying Laplace transformation to eq.2 and eq.3, we
can obtain Laplace domain wavefields as follows:
The results of conventional Laplace domain FWI are
often negatively influenced by the gradient distortion effect,
̃( ) ∑ (4)
which is caused by undesirable cross-correlation terms.
This gradient distortion can create an inaccurate estimated ̃( ) ∑ . (5)
̃ ( )
( ) ∑ ( ( ) (̃ )) (7)
( )
̃ ( ) ∑ ( )
̃ ( ) ∑ ( )
(9) (a)
̃ ( ) and ̃ ( ) include information on the
amplitude of the first arrivals and later seismic events. We
call this the “apparent amplitude”. The information that is
provided by later events (a second term of eq.7) in the
apparent amplitude is influenced by parameters of deeper
areas, so deeper areas can be reconstructed by using small
Laplace constants (Bae et al. 2012; Ha et al. 2012). Large
damping constants strongly emphasize early arrivals and
update shallow portions of the velocity model, while small (b)
damping constants can be used to obtain information from
later arrivals.
̃ ( )
∑ [ [ ( ) (̃ )] [ (
( )
̃ ( )
) (̃ )]] (10)
( )
∑ * ( )+ (11)
(̃ ( )) ̃ ( )
∑ [ (̃ )] (12) (d)
( )
̃ ( ) Figure 2: Updates of the four correlation terms (a) , (b)
∑ [ (̃ )] (13) , (c) and (d) , which were generated from the
( )
and, initial model (Figure 1).
(̃ ( ))
∑ [ ( )] (14) In idealistic case, eq.13 and eq.14 should be neglected
because each term of the partial derivative wavefield
should be cross-correlated only with its adjoint source.
result when using shifted Laplace domain FWI, expresses The model misfit of the velocity models in Fig 5-(a), and (b)
the low-velocity zone below the salt dome better than the are and , respectively.
previous method by suppressing overestimation in the deep
regions of the domain. Conclusions:
We performed frequency domain full waveform inversion In this paper, we introduced shifted Laplace domain FWI
to evaluate the adequacy of the inverted models as initial as a solution to the in accuracy problem of undesirable
models for the conventional FWI. In this process, seventy cross-correlation in the Laplace domain gradient directions.
frequencies from 2 to 10 Hz were used. Fig. 5 shows the The wavefields and partial derivatives in the shifted
velocity models that were obtained from conventional Laplace domain could be successfully obtained by using
frequency domain FWI when using the initial models from the first arrival travel time calculation method by Shin et al.
conventional Laplace domain FWI and shifted Laplace (2003) and Pyun et al. (2005). As examples of above, the
domain FWI methods. shifted Laplace domain FWI has advantages to generate an
To appraise the error of inverted model and true model, we initial velocity model and a high resolution initial velocity.
calculated a relative model misfit following equation: For all advantages of shifted Laplace domain FWI has
shown above, the need of more research is arising because
‖ ‖ (20) of the lack of information about the optimal Laplace
constant that would be useful to improve the resolution of
where, n is the number of nodes, is the inverted the deeper sections of velocity models.
velocity model, and is the true velocity model.
(b) (a)
Figure 4: True BP P-wave velocity model (a), conventional Figure 5: Velocity models from conventional frequency
Laplace domain FWI results after 500 iterations (b), and domain full waveform inversion when using the initial
shifted Laplace domain FWI results after 500 iterations (c). models from the conventional Laplace domain FWI (a) and
shifted Laplace domain FWI (b).
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When the source and receiver is sufficiently far from the model
parameter, the Laplace domain Green’s function for a homogeneous
acoustic unbounded medium can be expressed asymptotically as
Figure 1. A schematic diagram describing the relationship between the
exp(−𝛼𝑅) (5) incident wavefield and scattering wavefield.
𝑔(𝑛𝐷) (𝐱𝟏 |𝐱𝟐 , 𝜎)~
𝐴𝑛 (𝑅, 𝛼)
where For simplicity, we introduce the notation 𝛂𝑎𝑝𝑝 (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) and we
2𝛼 𝑖𝑓 𝑛 = 1 will call it the apparent imaginary wavenumber vector.
𝐴𝑛 (𝑅, 𝛼) = { √8𝜋𝛼𝑅 𝑖𝑓 𝑛 = 2 . 𝛂𝑎𝑝𝑝 (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) defines the steepness of the Rytov wavepath
4𝜋𝑅 𝑖𝑓 𝑛 = 3 decaying exponentially in the direction of the 𝐧 vector near the
Here, 𝑛 is the dimension of the space domain, 𝑅 is the distance from scattering point 𝐨. 𝐵 (𝑛𝐷) (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) represents the amplitude of the
𝐱𝟏 to 𝐱𝟏 , and 𝛼 (= 𝜎/𝑐0 ) is the imaginary wavenumber. Using these (𝑛𝐷)
Rytov wavepath. Note that 𝛂𝑎𝑝𝑝 (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) and 𝐵 (𝑛𝐷) (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) are
Green’s functions, we can express the Rytov wavepath in the
independent of 𝐱 as long as |𝐱| ≪ |𝐫𝐬 | and |𝐱| ≪ |𝐫𝐠 |. Thus, they
Laplace domain.
can be regarded as constants near the scattering point 𝐨. Hence, it
Rytov wavepath in the Laplace domain can be confirmed that the Rytov wavepath in the Laplace domain is
approximately an exponential decaying real basis function whose
To help understanding the Retov wavepath, we provide a schematic imaginary wavenumber vector is 𝛂𝑎𝑝𝑝 (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) in the space
diagram describing the relationship between the incident wavefield domain as equation (6) shows.
and scattering wavefield (Figure 1). 𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐦 and 𝐨 are the position
vectors corresponding to source, receiver, model parameter and Optimal conditions of the imaginary wavenumber, 𝛼 (= 𝜎/𝑐0 ),
central point , respectively, within a specific window that is far from should be determined to achieve a high-resolution model within the
the source and receiver. 𝐫𝒔 represents the vector from 𝐬 to 𝐨, 𝐫𝒈 window shown in Figure 1. Laplace domain WI often utilizes the
represents the vector from 𝐠 to 𝐨, and 𝐱 represents the vector from Gauss-Newton method or gradient descent method. The model
𝐨 to 𝐦. Since the incident angle and scattering angle are always parameter vector estimated from the Gauss-Newton method can be
same due to Snell’s law, both angles can be equally represented by expressed as follows:
𝜃. Therefore, the Laplace domain Rytov wavepath can be expressed 𝑇 −1 𝑇 𝑑𝐬,𝐠 (𝜎) (7)
using the Fraunhofer approximation as follows:
∆𝑝𝐦 = − (𝐿(𝑛𝐷) 𝐿(𝑛𝐷) + 𝜖𝐼) 𝐿(𝑛𝐷) ln ( )
𝑢𝐬,𝐠 (𝜎)
𝐿(𝑛𝐷) (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐦, 𝜎) The model parameter vector estimated from the gradient descent
(𝑛𝐷) (6)
≈ 𝐵 (𝑛𝐷) (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) exp(−𝛂𝑎𝑝𝑝 (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) ∙ 𝐱) method can be expressed as follows:
where 𝑇 𝑑𝐬,𝐠 (𝜎) (8)
∆𝑝𝐦 = −𝑙𝐿(𝑛𝐷) ln ( )
𝑢𝐬,𝐠 (𝜎)
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝐧 𝑖𝑓 𝑛 = 1
𝑐0 where 𝑙 is step length. As shown in both cases, the estimated model
2𝜎 |𝐫𝐠 |𝐬̂ + |𝐫𝐬 |𝐠̂ parameter vector ∆𝑝𝐦 𝑒𝑠𝑡
is a linear combination of the exponential
𝛂𝑎𝑝𝑝 (𝐬, 𝐠, 𝐨, 𝜎) = 𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝐧 + 𝑖𝑓 𝑛 = 2
𝑑𝐬,𝐠 (𝜎)
0 𝟐|𝐫𝐬 ||𝐫𝐠 | basis functions in both case. Data residuals ln ( ) are the
𝑢𝐬,𝐠 (𝜎)
2𝜎 |𝐫𝐠 |𝐬̂ + |𝐫𝐬 |𝐠̂ weights of the exponential basis functions in both cases shown in
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝐧 + 𝑖𝑓 𝑛 = 3
{ 𝑐0 |𝐫𝐬 ||𝐫𝐠 | equation (7) and (8). For the exponential basis functions to span the
Figure 2 shows the Laplace constant discretization strategy of 1D, 1 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑣 − 𝑚𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 (15)
𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑓𝑖𝑡 = ‖ ‖
2D and 3D cases. The suggested strategy allows us to choose 𝑀𝑙 𝑚𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 1
Laplace constants which make the vertical imaginary wavenumber where 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑣 is the inverted model parameter, 𝑚𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 is the true model
coverage of the model update continuous and minimize vertical parameter and 𝑀𝑙 is the number of model parameters on the vertical
imaginary wavenumber redundancy. dotted line positioned at the center of the model. The relative model
misfit of each result is shown in Table 2.
Numerical examples
Number of
To verify the validity of the proposed Laplace constant selection Strategy Laplace Relative model misfit
strategy, we implement a comparison test with a 1D velocity model constants
whose size is 10 km×3 km as shown in Figure 3. In this comparison Proposed strategy 4 3.059 × 10−2
test, the result inverted with the set of Laplace constants selected 2 3.935 × 10−2
from the proposed strategy is compared to several results inverted 3 3.461 × 10−2
with the sets of Laplace constants selected with fixed intervals. The 4 3.194 × 10−2
Fixed interval
true velocity model is a three-layered model whose velocities are 5 3.171 × 10−2
1.7, 3.5 and 1.7 km/s from the top as shown Figure 3. We use a (Conventional)
6 3.128 × 10−2
homogeneous starting velocity model whose velocity is 1.7 km/s 7 3.110 × 10−2
where the maximum offset is 10 km and grid interval is 0.025 km. 8 3.060 × 10−2
In this test, we set the maximum depth, 3 km, as the depth of the 9 3.059 × 10−2
Table 2. The relative model misfit of inverted model parameters obtained from
target layer. We also fix the minimum and maximum Laplace each strategy.
constants as 1.0 s −1 and 10.0 s −1 , respectively.
The relative model misfit of the result obtained from the proposed
strategy is smaller than the relative model misfits of all the results
obtained from the fixed interval strategy. This implies that the
proposed strategy for Laplace constants selection allows us to
appropriately select the set of Laplace constants to such an extent
that the exponential basis function sufficiently reflects the model.
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that, with high probability, 𝛼=1 for L-BFGS and the line
search does not require any new computations. Finally, the
gradient of the updated model is used to update the model a
second time (line 10), without updating 𝒔! and 𝒚! , nor
performing a line search. In our experience, this strategy
allows two model updates using only two gradient
computations, i.e. the step size 𝛼 = 1 respects Wolfe
conditions most of the time. Note also that this algorithm
can use a preconditioning matrix 𝑯𝒑𝒓𝒆 , for example the
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Numerical experiment
1. Inputs: 𝒎! , 𝒅
2. while stop_criteria do
3. Draw 𝛀! from 𝒅
4. Compute 𝛸!! , 𝛻𝛸!! ! , 𝑯!𝒑𝒓𝒆 !!
5. 𝒑!! ← two-loops recursion 𝛻𝛸!! ! , 𝑯!𝒑𝒓𝒆 !!
6. 𝛼, 𝛻𝛸!! ! , 𝑯!𝒑𝒓𝒆 !! ←Wolfe search 𝒑!! , 𝛻𝛸!! ! , 𝛸!!
7. if k>n
8. Discard 𝒔!!! , 𝒚!!!
9. 𝒔! ← 𝛼𝒑!! , 𝒚! ← 𝛻𝛸!! ! − 𝛻𝛸!! !
10. 𝒑!! ← two-loops recursion 𝛻𝛸!! ! , 𝑯!𝒑𝒓𝒆 !!
11. 𝒎!!! ← 𝒎! + 𝛼 𝒑!! + 𝒑!!
12. 𝑘 ← 𝑘 + 1 Figure 1: True Marmousi model (a), initial model (b), SGD
13. end while inverted model (c) and stochastic L-BFGS inverted model (d).
XΩ (%)
The inverted models obtained with SGD and SL-BFGS are
presented in Figure 1 c) and d) respectively. Comparing the 20
results with the true model (Figure 1 a), we see that the
model above 2 km is very well reconstructed in both cases.
Below 2 km, the inversion is more challenging due to
poorer illumination, but the velocity magnitude is better
reconstructed with the stochastic SL-BFGS algorithm.
Overall, the resolution of the model obtained with SL-
BFGS is higher than the SGD inversion. This is due to the
better convergence of SL-BFGS that can take advantage of 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
the curvature information. Iteration
Figure 2: Cost function value as a function of iteration number for
To better compare the convergence of both algorithms, the SGD and SL-BFGS. Increasing frequency bands are shown on the
cost function value is plotted against the number of top axis.
iterations in Figure 2. At the lowest frequency of 2 Hz, both
algorithms behave similarly and lead to more or less the
same decrease in the cost function, with a faster decrease
for SGD. However, from 5 Hz and higher, SGD
performance degrades rapidly and the cost function stays
above 10 %. The SL-BFGS convergence stays much more
constant across frequency bands and reaches a plateau
below 10% in all cases. This is the main reason why the
model obtained by L-BFGS shows a much better solution:
higher frequencies have converged, contrary to SGD.
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Full waveform inversion (FWI) has been an important In this paper, to further improve the stability and efficiency
velocity modeling method in geophysics research, which of conventional FWI, we combine the encoding Multi-shot
has been a hotspot of geophysics researchers in recent years. FWI (EMSFWI) with the multiscale FWI (MTFWI) in time
Theoretically, it can make full use of the information of domain based on the strategy proposed by Boonyasiriwat et
seismic data, including amplitude, phase, travel time and al (2009). During the multi-scale inversion stage, the
waveform, to describe the parameters of underground multi-source strategy is adopted for the sake of decreasing
model accurately. Since the method was put forward, it has computational burden. The output model of multiscale
been tremendously developed in different data and model stage is contaminated by singular value because of cross-
fields. FWI can achieve good performance for global and talk noise, which can be eliminated by smoothing. On the
regional tectonics and seismic exploration. other hand FWI using smoothing kernels can effectively
overcome the cycle skipping problem(Xue,2016). The
In the 1980s, Tarantola proposed full-waveform inversion inverted model can be used as a more accurate initial model
in time domain based on a generalized least-squares theory for conventional FWI. Synthetic data test verifies the
(Tarantola A. 1984). However, when the initial background efficiency of the proposed method.
velocity model is not accurate, the traditional full-
waveform inversion often fails to achieve a good inversion Theory and/or Method
result. Because high-frequency data used in the inversion FWI estimates the velocity model by minimizing the
cause the misfit function to be highly nonlinear, FWI can seismic wave field misfit function, where the waveform
suffer from the local minima problem (Gauthier et al., data residual based on Multi-shots can be stated generally
1986). The multiscale approach has been undertaken to as:
overcome this local minima problem in the time domain Ns Ns 2
(Bunks et al., 1995) and the frequency domain (Sirgue and
Pratt, 2004). Boonyasiriwat (2009) improved the
E (v ) p(v,s ) d
n 1
n 1
where the sum over time samples and receivers is implied v f S (s) vuo
E (v) is the objective function, (5)
by the norm and where v vf
Where uo , are the velocity model before and after
p(v,sn ) is the simulated wavefield for source sn and smooth filter by the filter function S(s).
On the other hand, The computational efficiency gain
model v , n is measured seismic data and
Ns is the evaluating equation (1)-(3) is then given by
number of source gathers in the seismic survey.
Data residua for polarity encoded multi-shot full waveform tm
inversion is defined as: (6)
Ns Ns 2 Where N s is the number of the shots which form one
E (v ) e
n 1
n p(v,sn ) en d n
n 1
tm is the cost time of one iteration for the
td is the cost time of one iteration for the
Where n is the coding sequence. is the convolution in
e multi-FWI, while
t td
time domain. Note that, for orthogonal polarity encoding, one shot of the conventional FWI. Due to m , time
en could form orthogonal matrix e , satisfy the conditions: spent for encoding FWI is far less than the latter.
Figure3 Different velocity models ((a) initial velocity
models (b) encoding MTFWI after 172 iterations (c) by the
Acknowledgments (Optional)
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multiscale method for time-domain waveform tomography: Geophysics, 74, no. 6, WCC59–
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Geophysics, 60, 1457–1473,
Gauthier, O., J. Virieux, and A. Tarantola, 1986, Two-dimensional nonlinear inversion of seismic
waveforms: Numerical results: Geophysics, 51, 1387–1403,
Krebs, J. R., J. E. Anderson, D. Hinkley, R. Neelamani, S. Lee, A. Baumstein, and M. D. Lacasse, (2009)
Fast full-wavefield seismic inversion using encoded sources: Geophysics, 74, no. 6, WCC177–
Sirgue, L., and R. G. Pratt, 2004, Efficient waveform inversion and imaging: A strategy for selecting
temporal frequencies: Geophysics, 69, 231–248,
Tarantola, A., 1984, Inversion of seismic reflection data in the acoustic approximation: Geophysics, 49,
Xue, Z., N. Alger, and S. Fomel, 2016, Full-waveform inversion using smoothing kernels: 86th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1358–1363,
~ propagate in the real underground media, the recorded
d rot (t ) Re d (t )ei (t ) (7) waveform may have a phase rotation. If we use synthetic
data to match phase rotated recorded data, the FWI norm
d rot (t ) is the non-stationary phase rotated version of d (t ) . cannot converge to the real minimum value (Fig.2 blue
In order to test the accuracy and feasibility of non- arrow). While after we use the non-stationary phase
stationary phase correction, we use Ricker wavelet to correction method, the FWI objective can converge to the
synthesize a waveform sequence (Fig.1a), we can see that true global minimum value (Fig.2 red arrow).
the blue line ( u ) is a synthetic waveform, and the red line
( d ) is a rotated waveform from u . By using equation (7),
we can obtain the time-variant phase rotated waveform
And then according to equation (7), we can see that the red
line has been corrected (Fig.1b). The non-stationary phase
correction method has been used for improving the
resolution of seismic profile, but in this abstract, we use it
to conduct seismic FWI, with the purpose of mitigating the
phase difference between the synthetic data and recorded
Fig.4 Partial enlarged view from Fig.3 (red rectangular).
Fig.2 FWI norm value of the original waveform and phase Acoustic wave equations for TTI media
correction waveform. Which is from Fig.1a.
In this abstract, we use pure P wave equation to conduct 2D
V 2 ( ) ( ) sin 2 2
1 2 sin 2
V p20 2 sin 2
V ( )k x V ( ) k z 2k
Where sin , cos , V ( ) (k 2 kz 2 ) , Vs 0 0 . a b
x z
Fig.5 P wave impulse response (snapshot at 0.4s).
Adding them into equation (9), we can obtain:
(a) Isotropic media; (b) TTI media ( 0.25, 0.1, 45o ).
2( )k x2 k z2
2 V p20 (1 2 )k x2 k z2 (10)
k x2 k z2
Where the TTI media equation can be obtained by rotating
the z axis in the counterclockwise sense. The rotated
coordinate system can be write as:
2 s r 0
E (V p ) (15) From Fig.8a, we can see that the conventional FWI has
severe cycle skipping problem and the inversion result is
Adding equation (14) into equation (15), we have: very poor. In order to solve the cycle skipping problem, we
use APFWI with the same parameter, the inversion result is
u~ d~ shown in the Fig.8b, we can see that it is much better than
1 T ~
E (V p ) u Re ~ ~ d dt (16) conventional FWI result. The numerical results show that
2 s r 0 ud the APFWI is a good method to mitigate the cycle skipping
problem for FWI.
Where the adjoint-state method is employed to calculate the Conclusion
gradient, and according to equation (16), we can obtain the
the gradient of multi-source acoustic APFWI in the TTI When the seismic recorded data has a phase deflection
media. The gradient operator is the same as conventional which is caused by underground complex media, the
FWI, which is shown in the equation(17): conventional objective function for FWI has a limitation
which the desired solution is not located at the global
E (v ) 2 Pf minimum. In order to avoid FWI falling into the local
3 2 Pb (17)
v v s r t minimum values and guide FWI objective function
converge to the global minimum value, we introduce an
Where Pf denotes incident wave-field, Pb denotes back-
adaptive factor to conduct the adaptive non-stationary
propagation adjoint source wave-field. phase correction FWI. The numerical experiments
demonstrate that the adaptive FWI in TTI media is a good
Adaptive non-stationary phase correction FWI test way to guide the objective function jump out of the local
minimum and it can effectively mitigate the cycle skipping
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where r, kb2 r, k 2 r, . By using a linear ope- approach will be very efficient by reducing the N S by
rator L b , the solution of equation 3 can be formally written efficient source encoding and parallel techniques.
Numerical Examples
u sct r, rs , Lb r, ur, rs , . (4) In this section, first, we examine the effectiveness and
For convenience, the following is no longer deliberately efficiency of the new method to generate the wavefields.
emphasize the coordinates of the location r , angular We consider the Sag velocity model, Figure 1a, discretized
frequency et al. We can define the objective function for on a 150 100 grid with a grid spacing of 10 m for the
the wavefield iteration as follows vertical and horizontal directions. Figure 1b is a starting
2 model obtained by smoothing the true velocity model. The
Cu u u bac Lb u , (5)
only source is located at r ,20 m, and 150 receivers
where the linear operator L b is determined by the imped- are regularly placed at the surface. For the source function,
ance matrix decomposition results of the background we used a Ricker wavelet with a 10 Hz central frequency.
medium and remains unchanged at the same frequency. In
this study, the conjugate gradient method with Polak-
Ribière search direction is employed to minimize objection (a)
function 5. The gradient can be shown to be
uC 2ru *Lb ru , (6)
ru u u bac Lb u , (7)
where operator L represents the adjoint of operator L b .
order to give full play to the new method of computing the new method is an unconstrained optimization method
efficiency. And when N S is very small, the commonly used based on the CG method, which has a clear direction and
iterative solution (e.g., GMRES) becomes an option to step length. However, the GMRES method needs to be
consider. Figure 3a is the normalized wavefield error of the pretreated, which is usually difficult to be satisfied. With
two iterative methods with the iteration time. The the efficient source encoding technique, the calculation
convergence rate of the new method is significantly higher time of the new method is obviously lower than that of the
than that of the GMRES method (the time of new method conventional FWI, and the inversion effect is similar.
does not include the matrix decomposition, because only
one decomposition is done in a frequency). Figure 3b is the Acknowledgments
curve of normalized wavefield error with the number of This research is supported in part by the National Natural
iterations. The residuals converge substantially after about Science Foundation of China (grants 11501302 and
six iterations. 91646116), and the Scientific and Technological Support
Then, the inversion effect of the new method is tested on Project (Society) of Jiangsu Province (grant BE2016776).
data associated with the Marmousi model, where the
original model is modified to be the dimensions of 3.75 (a)
km 1.5 km with a 15 m grid interval. We distribute 125
sources at the surface with a source interval of 30 m, and
250 receivers are regularly placed at the surface. The
truncated singular value encoding (TSV) method (Godwin
and Sava, 2010) is used to encode the 125 shots into the 15
supershots and the parallel inversion strategy is adopted.
We select 12 frequencies ranging from 4 to 36 Hz, and the
inversions results of the previous frequency are chosen as
the initial guess for the next frequency inversion. The
maximum number of the inversion iteration is N iter 20 for
each frequency. (b)
The inverted model of conventional FWI is shown in
Figure 4a. When niter is taken at 10, 8, 5 and 2, the
inversion results of the new method corresponds to Figure
4(b-e). Due to the influence of cross-talk, the low velocity
layer of the inversion results are obviously affected. But
overall, the inversion results in Figure 4(a-d) are better and
very close. When niter is equal to 2, the inverted model
falls into the local minimum due to the small number of
wavefield iteration. Figure 5 plots the computation time as
a function of the iteration number. The calculation of Figure 3: Normalized error of the wavefield versus (a) computation
conventional FWI is significantly higher than that of the time (read line: GMRES method, black line: new method) and (b)
iterations (new method).
new method. And the smaller the niter , the less computation
time. In this test, there are 20 grid PML boundaries around
the model. The conventional FWI calculation time is about
8 times that of the new method at niter equals 8
( N 4 104 ).
In this study, an efficient iterative solver approach is
proposed, which is applied to the frequency-domain
acoustic full-waveform inversion. The new method
converts the calculation of frequency-domain wavefields
into an unconstrained optimization problem, and it can
generate high precision forward and backward wavefields
by several iterations. The convergence rate of normalized
error of the new method is significantly higher than that of Figure 5: The computation time versus iterations for conventional
FWI method and the new method with the number of wavefield it-
the unprocessed GMRES method. The main reason is that
eration equals 10, 8, 5, and 2, respectively.
Figure 2: The real part of forward wavefields of 8Hz data. The forward wavefield obtained by LU decomposition of (a) the true model and (b) the
initial model. The forward wavefield obtained by (c) the new method and (d) the GMRES method with same computing time. The third row is
generated by subtracting the (a) from the second row, respectively. For example, (e) is the difference between (b) and (a).
(b) (c)
(d) (e)
Figure 4: Reconstructed Marmousi velocity model obtained using (a) conventional FWI and the new method with (b) niter 10 , (c) niter 8 , (d)
niter 5 and (e) niter 2 .
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Summary constrained, and thereby costing crucial wall clock time and
needlessly making FWI more expensive.
Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) iteratively updates an initial
model using a scaled gradient of the objective function until In this paper for the above constrained velocity situations,
a satisfactory match is found between the observed and we present a FWI with an efficient frequency-domain finite-
synthetic data. Each iteration of FWI requires two forward difference (FDFD) modeling approach to reduce the
evaluations to compute the gradient and several other computational cost by using a Schur complement approach
evaluations to compute a step length. The numerous forward following the work done by Jaysaval et al. (2014). In this
evaluations make FWI computationally expensive for approach, we precompute the contribution of the constrained
routine use. However, there are parts of the model — e.g., region only once and for all in the form of a Schur
water column in a marine environment — that do not change complement. We then solve the Schur complement system
their velocities. Still in FWI with the standard finite- to get responses in the unconstrained region. For each
difference modeling, we have to recompute the effect of the subsequent simulation for a model with new unconstrained
constrained part multiple times because of changing velocity region velocities, one only needs to modify the Schur
of the unconstrained part. We propose a FWI with an complement using some simple algebraic operations
efficient frequency-domain finite-difference(FDFD) followed by solving the modified Schur complement system.
modeling approach that partitions the model into a Therefore, for subsequent simulations, the large linear
constrained region and an unconstrained region. The system solution is reduced to the solution of only a
contribution of the constrained region is precomputed only comparatively small Schur complement linear system. This
once in the form of a Schur complement and subsequent approach leads to significant savings in modeling time, and
modeling is done by just solving a comparatively small hence in inversion time, compared to FWI with the standard
Schur complement system. This approach saves significant FDFD modeling. We use a sparse direct solver MUMPS
run time compared to solving for the whole model again and (Amestoy et al., 2001, 2006) to precompute the Schur
again as done with the standard FDFD modeling. We complement as well as to solve the Schur complement
demonstrate the efficiency of our approach using a deep- system. We apply our proposed approach to a deep-water
water synthetic model and the Sigsbee2A model. synthetic model and the Sigsbee2A model to demonstrate the
Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) (Tarantola, 1984; Virieux
and Operto, 2009) requires several passes of forward We use the constant-density acoustic wave equation
modeling to compute the model updates iteratively to obtain formulation given in the frequency domain as
an optimal model for which the misfit between its synthetic
data and observed data is below a tolerance level. As the 𝜔"
∇" 𝑃 𝐱|𝐱 & , 𝜔 + 𝑃 𝐱|𝐱 & , 𝜔 = 𝑠 𝐱 & , 𝜔 , (1)
forward modeling kernel is computationally expensive, the 𝑣"𝐱
FWI workflow as a whole becomes prohibitive to use on a
routine basis. where 𝐱 is the position vector, 𝑣 and 𝜔 are the velocity and
angular frequency, respectively. 𝑃 is the pressure field and 𝑠
In general, the starting model for FWI incorporates a is the source located at 𝐱 & .
considerable amount of priori information and is developed
after several passes of migration velocity analysis. This To simulate wavefield 𝐩, we discretize equation 1 using the
allows certain regions of the velocity model to remain standard finite differences with five-point stencil. This leads
constant during the course of inversion. A good example is to a linear system
the water column in a marine environment which velocity
remains unchanged during the workflow. In such situation,
FWI with the standard finite-difference or finite-element 𝐀𝐩 = 𝐬 , (2)
modeling methods computes the response of the entire
computational domain even if certain regions remain where 𝐀 is the complex-valued impedance matrix. The
diagonal elements of 𝐀 depend on 𝜔, 𝑣, and the grid spacing,
while the off-diagonal elements depend only on the grid To compute the response 𝐩8 from the anomalous region, we
spacing. In the standard FDFD method, we solve equation 2 need to solve only the Schur complement system (equation
to obtain the pressure wavefield. 8).
The seismic data can then be extracted by sampling the During the process of model update in FWI, only the
wavefield at given receiver locations as velocity in the anomalous zone changes. Therefore, 𝐀 77 ,
𝐋77 and 𝐔77 , remain unchanged. Because the off-diagonal
elements in 𝐀 do not depend on the velocities, matrices 𝐀 78
𝐝 = 𝑔(𝐩), (3)
and 𝐀 87 , and hence 𝐋87 and 𝐔78 are also invariant. Equation
7 implies that vector 𝐲 also remains unchanged. Therefore,
where 𝑔 is an interpolating operator that extracts the to compute the anomalous field 𝐩C8 for the changing models,
wavefield at the receiver locations. one only requires the modified Schur complement 𝐒 C , which
is given by
Schur complement based FDFD modeling
𝐒 C = 𝐒 − 𝐀 88 + 𝐀C𝒂𝒂 , (10)
The computational domain is divided into zones 𝑎 and 𝑏.
Velocity in 𝑎 is allowed to vary, while in 𝑏 it remains where matrix 𝐀C𝒂𝒂 is built on the anomalous region. As a
constant. As a result of this decomposition, the linear system result, each subsequent modeling requires solving for a
can be written in the block form as, relatively small modified Schur complement system 𝐒 C 𝐩C8 =
𝐲8 instead of the main system 𝐀𝐩 = 𝐬.
𝐀 77 𝐀 78 𝐩7 𝐬7
= , (4) Full Waveform Inversion
𝐀 87 𝐀 88 𝐩8 𝐬8
where matrices 𝐀 77 and 𝐀 88 include coefficients The misfit between the synthetic and observed data can be
exclusively to 𝑏 and 𝑎 respectively. defined by the 𝐿" norm of the data residual at the receiver
locations as
This blocked system is partially factorized only for 𝐀 77
eliminating the background unknowns as M
𝐸 = 𝒅𝒐𝒃𝒔 − 𝒅𝒔𝒚𝒏 𝒅𝒐𝒃𝒔 − 𝒅𝒔𝒚𝒏 , (11)
𝐋77 𝟎 𝐔77 𝐔78 𝐩7 𝐬7
= , (5) where 𝒅N7& is the observed data and 𝒅&OP is the synthetic
𝐋87 𝐈 𝟎 𝐒 𝐩8 𝐬8
data, and † is the complex conjugate transpose operator.
where 𝐋77 𝐔77 = 𝐀 77 , 𝐋87 𝐔77 = 𝐀 87 , and 𝐋77 𝐔78 = 𝐀 78 .
The gradient of the objective function is computed using the
adjoint-state method (Plessix, 2006) where the data misfit is
𝐒 = 𝐀 88 − 𝐋87 𝐔78 = 𝐀 88 − 𝐀 87 𝐀?𝟏
77 𝐀 78 , (6) back propagated to compute the adjoint wavefield. The
equation used for computing the adjoint wavefield is given
is the Schur complement. Here, 𝐀 87 𝐀?𝟏 77 𝐀 78 indicates the by
effect from the factorized region 𝑏 to the unfactorized region
𝑎. 𝜔"
∇" 𝑅 𝐱|𝐱 S , 𝜔 + 𝑅 𝐱|𝐱 S , 𝜔 = Δ𝑑 𝐱 S |𝐱 & , 𝜔 ∗ , (12)
𝑣" 𝐱
An intermediate vector 𝐲 is then computed by forward
substitution using
where 𝑅 is the adjoint wavefield, Δ𝑑 = 𝒅N7& − 𝒅&OP is the
𝐋77 𝟎 𝐲7 𝐬7 data residual at receivers located at 𝐱 S due to a source at 𝐱 & ,
= . (7) and ∗ represents complex conjugate. The gradient of the
𝐋87 𝐈 𝐲8 𝐬8 objective function is estimated by cross correlation of the
adjoint and forward wavefields as
From equations 5 and 7 we obtain
𝜕𝐸 2𝜔 "
= − ℜ𝑒 𝑃 𝐱|𝐱 & , 𝜔 𝑅 𝐱|𝐱 S , 𝐱 & , 𝜔 , (13)
𝐒𝐩8 = 𝐲8 , (8) 𝜕𝒎 𝑣 𝐱 \
𝐱 ] ,^
𝐔77 𝐩7 = 𝐲7 − 𝐔78 𝐩8 . (9)
where ℜ𝑒 denotes the real part.
After estimating the gradient, we update the model model shown in Figure 6 was chosen as the Sigsbee
iteratively using a scaled value of the gradient. We use an L- migration velocity with the correct salt shape and velocity
BFGS optimizer (Liu and Nocedal, 1989) to compute the with a smooth background. Similar to the previous synthetic
pseudo Hessian and the step size is estimated using line model, we used the L-BFGS optimizer and run the inversion
search algorithm. over three frequency groups starting from 3 to 8 Hz with 30
iterations per frequency group. The final model after
Examples inverting 3 frequency groups and 251 forward evaluation is
shown in Figure 7. Figure 8a compares the Wall Clock time
We demonstrate the computational efficiency of our Schur of the modeling kernel using the standard FDFD as well as
complement based FWI using a simple deep-water synthetic the Schur approaches, while 8b compares the Wall Clock
model and the Sigsbee2A model. The deep-water model Time of the FWI workflow. Owing to the shallower water
shown in Figure 1 consists of a small anomalous block depth, the Schur complement based FDFD takes about 80%
beneath the sea floor. The dimensions of the model are 800 of the time taken by the conventional approach.
and 2010 points, respectively, in the 𝑧- and 𝑥-directions with
a grid spacing of 10 m. The sea floor is fixed at a depth of
4 km halfway across the vertical extent of the model and the
anomalous block is placed 1 km beneath the sea floor. The
starting model shown in Figure 2 is the same as the true
model without the anomalous block. Because the water
velocity does not change, we do not update the water layer,
and hence all velocity updates are performed only beneath
the sea floor. Because of fixed velocity of the water column,
the Schur interface that partitions the model into a
background and an anomalous block is placed at a depth of
4km just above the sea floor and is marked in Figure 1 with
a white dotted line. All computations have been performed Figure 1. The synthetic deep-water model. The model
on a single Intel Xeon E5-1650 running at 3.5Ghz with 128 consists of 4 km water column with an anomalous body
GB of RAM. placed at a depth of 1 km below the sea floor. The Schur
interface is shown in a dotted white line.
We placed 101 shots at a spacing of 200 m and 400 receivers
per shot with a spacing of 50 m horizontally across the model
at 20 m below the sea surface. The receivers were the same
for each shot. We run our inversion for three frequency
groups starting from 3 Hz to 7 Hz with 30 iterations per
frequency group using the standard FDFD solver as well as
the Schur complement based FDFD solver. For the Schur
FDFD, we define an interface (refers Schur interface) at
4 km that separates the background (i.e., water) and
anomalous (i.e., sub-seabed sediments) regions. We used an
L-BFGS routine to minimize the data misfit in our FWI
formulation. The final inverted model obtained from FWI Figure 2. The starting model for FWI for the synthetic data
after 220 forward evaluations are shown in Figure 3. The example
anomalous block is recovered well from FWI. Figure 4a
compares the Wall Clock time of the modeling kernel using
the standard FDFD as well as the Schur FDFD approaches,
while 4b compares the Wall Clock Time of the FWI
workflow. The Schur complement based FDFD takes about
40% of the time taken by the conventional approach.
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Equation 9 is obtained by directly removing La in 8, and well in both Figure 3a and 3b. Through iterations the
we refer it to as non-attenuating adjoint operator. We velocity values of different layers are corrected to be very
expect equation 9 to construct a phase-correct gradient, close to the true values. The Q values in the shallow layers
because the simulated wavefields by equations 8 and 9 are rebuilt with a small misfit, however, in the deeper
have almost the same phase, as displayed by Figure 1. The layers Q is not estimated nicely. This is further
constructed gradient by equation 9 would have a higher demonstrated by Figure 4, in which the vertical profiles at
resolution than that by equation 8, since equation 9 does x 810 m in Figure 3 are displayed. The reason for the
not attenuate the wavefield again. Additionally, the non- large Q misfit in the deep layers is that velocity dominates
attenuating operator saves computational cost due to less the contribution to the objective function, and Q has a
terms involved in equation 9. much weaker contribution. Even so, the spatial variation
tendency of the Q model is still predicted correctly. One
The gradients of velocity and Q can be derived by using the can also compare the inversion results in Figure 3a and 3b,
following formulae, and observe some slight crosstalk noises in the inverted Q
image, as indicated by the ellipse in Figure 3b. The
F u, s, co , Q
(a) (b)
Figure 2: True models (a), and initla models (b), top panel for velocity and bottom for Q.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Inverted models (a) using 31 common-shot gathers, and (b) using 5 p-indexed super shot gathers, top for velocity and bottom for Q.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Vertical profiles at x=810 m for (a) velocity, and (b) Q. The legend “Inverted 1” represents the inversion result using 31 common-shot
gathers, and “Inverted 2” represents the inversion result using 5 p-indexed super shot gathers.
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In this work, we follow a similar approach proposed
We present a simple method of preconditioning the by Tang and Lee (2015) to estimate an approximated
gradient of elastic multi-component full-waveform Gauss-Newton Hessian matrix. By taking advantage
inversion (FWI) using an approximated Gauss- of the sparse structure of this matrix, we evaluate its
Newton Hessian. By sampling this matrix we are able elements by sampling it with impulses placed in the
estimate the Hessian elements. We use this model space and interpolating for the unknown values.
approximated matrix to compute a preconditioner to
apply during the inversion. We show on a synthetic 2D We explain how to write the Gauss-Newton Hessian
sediment model that a main-diagonal approximation in the case of elastic multi-component FWI as a series
already improves the convergence rate of the FWI of forward and adjoint operators. On a 2D complex
optimization and properly scales the gradients for synthetic elastic subsurface, we demonstrate that a
different parameter classes. Therefore, it also simple main-diagonal approximation can already
decreases the differential sensitivities to the data of the improve the convergence rate and diminish the
simultaneously inverted parameters. parameter crosstalk in the inverted model when wave
velocities and density are simultaneously estimated.
Multi-parameter FWI has become one of the most
studied topics in seismic data inversion (Operto et al., The 2D velocity-stress formulation of the elastic wave
2013). Since its first envision by Tarantola (1984), equation is given by the following set of relations
FWI was proposed to simultaneously invert for bulk (Virieux, 1986):
modulus and density in the subsurface. Nowadays, we
explore the possibility of inverting for elastic 𝜌 𝑥
#$% &,(
#*%% &,(
#*%+ &,(
= 𝑆$% 𝑥, 𝑡 , (1)
anisotropic parameters (Albertin et al., 2016). #( #& #,
#$+ &,( #*%+ &,( #*++ &,(
𝜌 𝑥 − − = 𝑆$+ 𝑥, 𝑡 , (2)
#( #& #,
Although the advancement in computational #*%% &,( #$% &,( #$+ &,(
− [𝜆 + 2𝜇] 𝑥 −𝜆 𝑥 =
technologies, solving for more complex wave #( #& #,
equations is still the limiting factor when running 𝑆*%% 𝑥, 𝑡 , (3)
#*++ &,( #$% &,( #$+ &,(
several iterations of any FWI algorithm. It is, −𝜆 𝑥 − [𝜆 + 2𝜇] 𝑥 =
#( #& #,
therefore, fundamental to find new methods to
𝑆*++ 𝑥, 𝑡 , (4)
precondition any FWI problem and improve the #*%+ &,( #$% &,( #$+ &,(
convergence rate of the optimization algorithm used − 𝜇(𝑥) + = 𝑆*%+ 𝑥, 𝑡 , (5)
#( #, #
during the data inversion.
where 𝜆, and 𝜇 are the Lamé parameters, 𝜌 is density,
Many authors have explored different schemes to 𝑣& , and 𝑣, are the particle velocities, and 𝜎&& , 𝜎,, , and
improve the robustness of FWI when multiple 𝜎&, are the propagated stresses. The variables on the
parameter classes are estimated (Virieux and Operto, right-hand side of these equations represent the forcing
2009). Many of these have in common the use of an terms. As shown by Alves and Biondi (2016), we can
exact or approximated Hessian matrix (Tang and Lee, rewrite these equations as a non-linear operator:
2010; Korta et al., 2013), which contains the objective
function’s curvature information. Not only does this 𝑑 = 𝑓(𝑚), (6)
matrix improve the FWI rate of convergence, but it
also reduces the unbalanced sensitivity to the data of
the different parameter classes, also known as where 𝑑 = 𝑣& 𝑣, 𝜎&& 𝜎,, 𝜎&, > and 𝑚 = 𝜆 𝜇 𝜌 >
parameter crosstalk (Operto et al., 2013). define our data and model vectors, respectively. In real
seismic acquisition only the hydrostatic pressure and
particle velocities are recorded. Therefore, we apply a the non-linear transformation of equation 9 is given
linear transformation to the data vector to simulate a by:
real experiment:
2𝑉I 𝜌 −4𝑉A 𝜌 𝑉IE − 2𝑉AE
𝑑?@A = 𝑹𝑑, (7) 𝑮= 0 2𝑉A 𝜌 𝑉AE . (12)
0 0 1
where 𝑹 is defined as follows:
Using equation 11 we can apply any gradient-based
0 0 0 optimization algorithm, such as non-linear conjugate
𝑹= 1 gradient (CG) (Fletcher and Reeves, 1964).
0 0 0 0 , (8)
To improve the convergence rate of any optimization
0 1 0 0 0
method we apply an approximated inverse Hessian
and whose effect is to average the normal stresses and matrix to precondition the gradient. In fact, this
extract the particle velocities from the data vector. The operation would approximate a Newton's optimization
choice of model parametrization influences the step. The structure of the Gauss-Newton Hessian
inversion results because of the presence of parameter enables us to estimate its elements by applying this
crosstalk as discussed by Operto et al. (2013). We matrix to impulses in the model space and
choose to parametrize our model space with the vector interpolating for the unknown values (Tang and Lee,
> 2015). For the objective function in equation 10, this
𝑚′ = 𝑉I 𝑉A 𝜌 that contains the wave propagation
matrix 𝑯ST takes the following form:
velocities as opposed to elastic parameters. This
change of variables introduces the following non- 𝑯ST = 𝑮> 𝑭> 𝑹> 𝑹𝑭𝑮 , (13)
linear transformation:
where 𝑭 is the Born operator that maps perturbations
𝑉IE − 2𝑉AE 𝜌 in the model space into data perturbations.
𝑚 = 𝑔 𝑚K = 𝑉AE 𝜌 , (9)
𝜌 Results and discussion
where 𝑉I and 𝑉A are the compressional- and shear- We generate a 2D complex subsurface model using the
wave propagation velocities, respectively. Given the model builder software by Clapp (2014). Figure 1
previous equations we define our FWI objective shows this model in terms of compressional-wave
function as: velocity, shear-wave velocity, and density. In such
model, we generate multi-component data by placing
D E D 50 explosive sources at the surface spaced by 100 m.
𝜙 𝑚K = 𝑹𝑓 𝑔 𝑚 K − 𝑑?@A = 𝑟 E, (10)
E E E As source signature, we employ a Ricker wavelet with
dominant frequency of 20 Hz. The hydrophones and
where 𝑑?@A is the observed multi-component data, 𝑟 is geophones are positioned at the sea bottom but with an
the residual vector, and we parametrized the modeling interval of 10 m.
operator in terms of the 𝑚 K vector. To minimize this
function we compute the gradient of equation 10 that The initial model parameters used to start the FWI
can be written as follows: problem is constructed by smoothing the ones
displayed in Figure 1 (Figure 2). To avoid local
𝛻𝜙 = 𝑮> 𝑭> 𝑹> 𝑟 , (11) minima and increase the attraction basin of the global
minimum, we follow a multi-scale approach (Bunks,
where 𝑮> and 𝑭> are the linearized adjoint operators 1995). We start the inversion with a bandwidth of
of equations 9 and 6, respectively. The linearized maximum frequency of 5 Hz, and we progressively
adjoint operator 𝑭> can be found using the adjoint state increase the bandwidth by intervals of 5 Hz up to 20
method (Fichtner, 2010), and the Jacobian matrix of Hz. The last inverted model from one band is going to
be our initial subsurface model for the next one. For
each frequency band we run 40 iterations of non-linear the shallow portion of the subsurface, meaning both
CG algorithm. FWI optimizations have likely converged to the same
minimum. However, in the deeper layers, they differ
in terms of parameter resolution. In fact, when the
optimization is preconditioned, the inverted
parameters present more structural features. In terms
of objective function values, both inversion results
have similar behavior. From Figure 5, we observe a
modest improvement in convergence rate when the
problem is preconditioned with a Gauss-Newton
main-diagonal approximation, especially as we
increase the frequency content used during the
inversion. In addition, the norm of the Euclidian
distance of the last inverted model from the true
solution is smaller when the inverse problem is
preconditioned. In this test, the effect the
preconditioner is to mostly properly scaling the
gradients of the simultaneously inverted parameter
Figure 3: Application of the Gauss-Newton Hessian for the 15 Hz classes and compensates for the illumination factor.
frequency band to spikes positioned in the subsurface. The top labels
indicate the parameter image obtained by applying the Hessian matrix Conclusions
to impulses in the parameter class indicated by the left label. The
diagonal panels enable us to estimate the main diagonal of the Gauss-
Newton Hessian matrix. In all of these panels the water layer has been We discuss how to derive the Gauss-Newton Hessian
removed. The interaction of different Hessian columns make the off- approximation of elastic multi-component FWI as a
diagonal panels not perfectly symmetric. series of linear operators when wave velocities and
density parameterize the inverse problem. We describe
We compare an optimization result obtained without how to estimate these matrix elements from
employing any preconditioning, and a different one applications to model vectors containing sparse
where an approximated Gauss-Newton Hessian impulses. Using linear interpolation we compute the
inverse is estimated for each frequency band and is missing matrix elements.
used to construct a preconditioner. To estimate this
matrix, we apply the Hessian of equation 13 to twelve On a complex 2D synthetic model we show the use of
impulses placed in the subsurface and spaced by 500 this estimated matrix to precondition the FWI problem
and 1000 meters along the z-axis and x-axis, when multiple parameters are inverted
respectively (Figure 3). From these applications, we simultaneously. We demonstrate that a simple main-
extract the main diagonal elements and linearly diagonal approximation already provides a moderate
interpolate the unknown Hessian values. We then convergence improvement and properly scales the
create an approximated Gauss-Newton Hessian FWI gradients. In fact, this scaling removes inversion
inverse that is used to precondition any computed FWI artifacts in the final inverted model.
gradient. This preconditioner is estimated only once
for each frequency band before starting the inversion.
This approach assumes that this weighting is not
changing as the FWI is varying the model. This
assumption is reasonable since the model
perturbations introduced by the FWI scheme will not
drastically change the Gauss-Newton Hessian matrix.
Figure 1: True subsurface model. Left: Compressional-wave velocity. Central: shear-wave velocity. Right: Subsurface density.
Figure 2: Starting FWI model created by smoothing the true model shown in Figure 1. Left panel: compressional-wave velocity. Central panel: shear-wave velocity. Right
panel: subsurface density.
Figure 4: Inverted FWI model comparison. Top panels: inverted model parameters without preconditioning. Bottom panels: inverted model parameters using approximated
Gauss-Newton Hessian inverse.
Figure 5: From left to right, relative objective function comparison between CG (red curve) and preconditioned CG (blue curve) for maximum frequency content of 5, 10, 15,
20 Hz used during the inversion.
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SUMMARY parameters include the P-wave vertical velocity VP0 , the pa-
rameters ε1 and δ1 defined in the (x, z) vertical plane, ε2 and
Full-waveform inversion (FWI) in anisotropic media is over- δ2 defined in the (y, z) vertical plane, and δ3 defined in the
all challenging, mainly because of the large computational (x, y) horizontal plane. The trade-off between the model pa-
cost, especially in 3D, and the potential trade-offs between rameters and their resolution limits, due mainly to the limited
the model parameters needed to describe such a media. We data coverage and the different influence that parameters exert
propose an efficient 3D FWI implementation for orthorhom- on seismic data, have motivated several studies investigating
bic anisotropy under the acoustic assumption. Our modeling optimal parameterization set for our inversion schemes (Op-
is based on solving the pseudo-differential orthorhombic wave erto et al., 2013; Gholami et al., 2013; Alkhalifah and Plessix,
equation split into a differential operator and a scalar one. The 2014; Alkhalifah, 2016). Most of these studies rely on the
modeling is computationally efficient and free of shear wave analysis of the radiation (scattering) patterns based on the Born
artifacts. Using the adjoint state method, we derive the gradi- approximation (Wu and Aki, 1985; Panning et al., 2009). In
ents with respect to a practical set of parameters describing the this study, we use the parameter set of Masmoudi and Alkhali-
acoustic orthorhombic model, made of one velocity and five fah (2016a), built around a central parameter: the horizontal
dimensionless parameters. This parameterization allows us to velocity vh1 in the (x, z) plane, two VTI parameters ε1 and
use a multi-stage model inversion strategy based on the con- η1 in the (x, z) plane, two deviations parameters εd = (ε2 −
tinuity of the scattering potential of the parameters as we go ε1 )/(1 + 2ε1 ) and ηd = (η2 − η1 )/(1 + 2η1 ), and finally the
from higher symmetry anisotropy to lower ones. We apply the parameter δ3 . Here, η1 and η2 are the anellipticity parameters
proposed approach on a modified SEG-EAGE overthrust syn- defined respectively in the (x, z) and (y, z) planes. The main
thetic model. The quality of the inverted model suggest that we features of this parameterization are discussed in Alkhalifah
may recover only 4 parameters, with different resolution scales et al. (2016).
depending on the scattering potential of these parameters.
The efficiency of wave simulators is a vital ingredient in FWI.
Several methods have been proposed to model P-wave propa-
gation in orthorhombic media, among them solving coupled-
INTRODUCTION systems of equations (Fowler and King, 2011; Cheng and Kang,
2014) and the mixed domain wavefield extrapolators (Fowler
The objective of full-waveform inversion (FWI) is to recover a and Lapilli, 2012; Fomel et al., 2013). One common issue in
high-resolution model that is capable of matching the observed the coupled system approaches is the existence of shear wave
seismic data, trace by trace, through repetitive modeling and a artifacts in the simulated wavefield. Alkhalifah (2000) propose
local optimization technique (Lailly, 1983; Tarantola, 1984). a pseudo-acoustic wave equation which provides accurate sim-
Over the last three decades, most FWI methods were designed ulation of the kinematics of P-wave propagation. Xu and Zhou
to recover only P-wave velocity because of the high compu- (2014) propose to solve this pseudo-acoustic wave equation
tational cost. The recent progress in high-performance com- by decomposing the pseudo-differential operator into a scalar
puting and the improvement in data acquisition resulted in the and a differential operator. It has been shown that such an ap-
extension of FWI to 2D and 3D acoustic and elastic vertical proach can yield accurate simulation of P-wave kinematics and
transverse isotropic (VTI) media, e.g. (Operto et al., 2014; Wu a wavefield free of shear wave artifacts. This new approach has
and Alkhalifah, 2016). This extension has also resulted in chal- been successfully applied to VTI migration (Mu et al., 2015)
lenges related to the trade-off between the model parameters in and inversion (Le et al., 2015).
our inversion process.
Here, we first apply Xu and Zhou (2014) decomposition method
The orthorhombic model is usually regarded as the most prac- to Alkhalifah (2003) orthorhombic wave equation. Then, we
tical realistic approximation of the subsurface, as it combines derive the gradients with respect to the model parameters us-
both the anisotropy admitted by the natural, mostly horizon- ing the adjoint state method. Finally, we test our approach in
tal layering of the Earth (due to gravity), as well as the ver- inverting for the parameters of a modified orthorhombic SEG-
tical aligned fractures, usually found in fractured reservoirs EAGE overthrust model, and analyze the resolution of the in-
(Schoenberg and Helbig, 1997; Tsvankin, 1997; Bakulin et al., verted parameters.
2000). For seismic data exhibiting azimuthal anisotropy, we
expect FWI to perform better with an orthorhombic model rep-
resentation. Recently, some approaches of waveform inversion FORWARD MODELING
for elastic and acoustic orthorhombic models have been pro-
posed (Albertin et al., 2016; Oh and Alkhalifah, 2016; Wang The acoustic wave equation (Alkhalifah, 2000) for anisotropic
and Tsvankin, 2016). media satisfies a linear pseudo-differential equation, which we
can write in the following form:
Here, we focus on acoustic orthorhombic models, described h i
by six parameters (Tsvankin, 1997; Alkhalifah, 2003). These ω 2 − v2h1 φ (x, k) u(k, ω) = 0, (1)
where u(k, ω) is the pressure wavefield, ω is the angular fre- wavefield solution is free of shear wave artifacts. Figure 1(c)
quency, k is the magnitude of the wave vector, vh1 is the hori- shows the corresponding S operator. One can notice that S cor-
zontal velocity in the [x, z] plane and φ is the pseudo-differential rects for the anelipticity of the wavefield, since its maximum
phase operator. In orthorhombic media, the phase operator can influence resides at 45◦ propagation direction and is equal to 1
be obtained from the dispersion relation using the Christoffel at the principal axes of symmetry.
equation (Alkhalifah, 2003). This yields a cubic polynomial,
with one of its roots (specifically, the biggest root) correspond-
ing to P-waves. The general form of the polynomial is given
below (Song and Alkhalifah, 2013) with the parameterization
of Masmoudi and Alkhalifah (2016a):
−φ 3 + a φ 2 + b φ + c = 0, (2)
a = kx2 + (1 + 2εd )ky2 + k2 ,
1 + 2ε1 z
2η1 (a) (b)
b = ((1 + 2δ3 ) − (1 + 2εd )) kx2 ky2 − k2 k2
(1 + 2η1 )(1 + 2ε1 ) x z
(1 + 2εd ) ((1 + 2ηd )(1 + 2η1 ) − 1) 2 2
− ky kz , (3)
(1 + 2ηd )(1 + 2η1 )(1 + 2ε1 )
kx2 ky2 kz2
c=− (1 + 2η1 )(1 + 2δ3 ) −
(1 + 2ε1 )(1 + 2η1 )
s !
(1 + 2εd )(1 + 2δ3 ) 1
2 + (1 + 2εd ) −2η1 + .
1 + 2ηd 1 + 2ηd
Z T 2
∂ vh1
= 3
vh1 0
λ (x, T − t)
∂ u
∂t 2
dt, η1 δ3
Z T 2
∂χ ∂ u ∂S 2
= −2 λ (x, T − t) S 2 + ∇E u dt,
∂ ε1 0 ∂z ∂ ε1
Z T 2
∂χ ∂ u ∂S 2
=2 λ (x, T − t) S 2 + ∇ u dt, (9)
∂ εd 0 ∂y ∂ εd E
∂ η1
= λ (x, T − t)
∂S 2
∇ u dt,
∂ η1 E
∂χ ∂S 2
= λ (x, T − t) ∇E u dt,
∂ ηd 0 ∂ ηd
∂χ ∂S 2
= λ (x, T − t) ∇E u dt.
∂ δ3 0 ∂ δ3
The partial derivatives of S involved in equations 7 and 9 are
not easy to obtain from the cubic polynomial 2. Therefore, we
vh1 ε1
approximate its solution using Taylor expansion. Specifically,
by assuming the anisotropy parameters are realtively small, we
expand the solution of φ in terms of ε1 , εd , η1 , ηd and δ3 as
φ ≈ φ0 + φεd εd + φε1 ε1 + φη1 η1 + φηd ηd + φδ3 δ3 , (10) Figure 2: Orthorhombic model parameters obtained from the
where φε1 , φεd , φη1 , φηd and φδ3 are the coefficients in this SEG-EAGE overthrust model.
expansion. By replacing equation 10 into polynomial 2, we
solve for the coefficients of the trial solutions corresponding to
the P-wave phase velocity, and obtain an approximation of φ : inversion domain is 8km by 6km laterally and 4km in depth.
The domain is discretized using a 25m grid spacing in all three
φ ≈ 1 + 2ky2 (ky2 + kz2 )εd − 2kz2 ε1 − 2kz2 (kx2 + ky2 )η1 dimensions. We employ 60 sources distributed on the sur-
face of the inversion domain in three lines at y={1.5km, 3km,
+2ky2 kz2 ηd + 2kx2 ky2 δ3 . (11)
4.5km}. We record the data on the surface from receivers
placed on all nodal points of the inversion domain. We in-
We use a precondionned non-linear conjugate gradient method vert data filtered between 2Hz to 8Hz using the starting model
to update the model. The preconditioner is the diagonal of the parameters shown in Figure 3.
approximate Hessian Ha (Shin et al., 2001), referred as the
pseudo-Hessian: We use a multi-stage model inversion strategy: we update first
the isotropic model given by vh1 (20 iterations), then the VTI
pi = gi , (12) model by including η1 and ε1 (5 iterations), and finally the or-
diag(Hai ) thorhombic model by including εd , ηd and δ3 (5 iterations).
where gi and pi are respectively the conjugate and the pre- This inversion strategy takes advantage of the practical param-
conditioned conjugate gradients corresponding to the i-th pa- eterization that allows for a continuity in the scattering poten-
rameter. We estimate the steplengths using a second-order ap- tial of the model parameters as we move from higher symmetry
proximation of the objective function (Hu et al., 2011). In the anisotropy to lower ones (Masmoudi and Alkhalifah, 2016b).
multi-parameter case, this requires solving a linear system of Figure 4 shows the inverted model. Vertical profiles located
equations of the form: at (x=4km, y=3km) comparing initial, true and inverted vh1 ,
h i ε1 , εd and δ3 are shown in Figure 5. Our inversion strategy
(F pi )T (F p j ) α j = −gTi pi , (13) leads to a very well recovered horizontal velocity. ε1 which
affects the data mainly at narrow opening angles is generally
where F is the Frechet derivative and α represents the vector well recovered here, as well. In general, ε1 can help in fitting
of steplengths. The effect of the Frechet derivative on the gra- the data amplitudes at near offsets. Therefore, when real data
dients is computed using a first-order finite difference approxi- is inverted, ε1 should help in fitting the mismatch between am-
mation (Pica et al., 1990), and requires one extra modeling for plitudes, due to an acoustic approximation. Moreover, εd and
each parameter. δ3 , which affect large offsets data in the cross line and in the
45◦ -source-to-receiver-azimuth directions, are only recovered
at the shallow part (up to 1km depth). This is due to the limited
NUMERICAL EXAMPLES offset range (used here) where these parameters exert the most
influence. Finally, η1 and ηd are not recovered, as predicted,
We test our inversion algorithm on a modified version of an by some previous studies pin-pointing the weak influence of η
SEG-EAGE orthorhombic overthrust model (see Figure 2). The
η1 δ3 ε1
ηd εd εd
vh1 ε1
Albertin, U., P. Shen, A. Sekar, T. Johnsen, C. Wu, K. Nihei, and K. Bube, 2016, 3D orthorhombic elastic
full-waveform inversion in the reflection domain from hydrophone data: 86th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1094–1098,
Alkhalifah, T., 2000, An acoustic wave equation for anisotropic media: Geophysics, 65, 1239–1250,
Alkhalifah, T., 2003, An acoustic wave equation for orthorhombic anisotropy: Geophysics, 68, 1169–
Alkhalifah, T., 2016, Research note: Insights into the data dependency on anisotropy: an inversion
prospective: Geophysical Prospecting, 64, 505–513,
Alkhalifah, T., and A. Guitton, 2016, An optimal parameterization for full waveform inversion in
anisotropic media: 78th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended
Alkhalifah, T., N. Masmoudi, and J.-W. Oh, 2016, A recipe for practical full-waveform inversion in
orthorhombic anisotropy: The Leading Edge, 35, 1076–1083,
Alkhalifah, T., and R. E. Plessix, 2014, A recipe for practical full-waveform inversion in anisotropic
media: An analytical parameter resolution study: Geophysics, 79, no. 3, R91–R101,
Bakulin, A., V. Grechka, and I. Tsvankin, 2000, Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic
data-Part II: Fractured models with orthorhombic symmetry: Geophysics, 65, 1803,
Cheng, J., and W. Kang, 2014, Simulating propagation of separated wave modes in general anisotropic
media, Part I: qP-wave propagators: Geophysics, 79, no. 1, C1–C18,
Fomel, S., L. Ying, and X. Song, 2013, Seismic wave extrapolation using lowrank symbol approximation:
Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 526–536,
Fowler, P. J., and R. King, 2011, Modeling and reverse time migration of orthorhombic pseudoacoustic P
waves: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 190–195,
Fowler, P. J., and C. Lapilli, 2012, Generalized pseudospectral methods for orthorhombic modeling and
reverse-time migration: 82nd Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1–5,
Gholami, Y., R. Brossier, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, and J. Virieux, 2013, Which parameterization is
suitable for acoustic vertical transverse isotropic media full waveform inversion? Part 1:
Sensitivity and trade-off analysis: Geophysics, 78, no. 2, R81–R105,
Hu, W., A. Abubakar, T. Habashy, and J. Liu, 2011, Preconditioned non-linear conjugate gradient method
for frequency domain full-waveform seismic inversion: Geophysical Prospecting, 59, 477–491,
Summary al., 2010; Sirgue et al., 2009; Choi and Alkhalifah, 2013).
Among the above algorithms, waveform inversion in the
Laplace-Fourier Full waveform inversion is powerful Laplace-domain proposed by Shin and Cha (2008) is
technique for constructing background or medium P-wave known to be able to make an initial model very effectively.
velocity model compared to conventional frequency- Furthermore, they suggested the concept of the Laplace-
domain FWI. Of course, if the frequency components of the Fourier FWI using complex frequency, which is a robust
observed data contains a full-band, the conventional algorithm for constructing a background or medium
frequency-domain FWI also has no problem in constructing velocity model without low frequency components (Shin
the P-wave velocity model. However, there are limitations and Cha, 2009). However, previous studies have not
in constructing a good P-wave velocity model because the analyzed whether the Laplace-Fourier FWI can build a
data obtained from reality are band-limited data and lack more accurate P-wave velocity model than the frequency-
information of low frequencies. In this paper, we analyzed domain FWI, even when no low frequency components are
how the Laplace-Fourier FWI using complex frequencies is used.
a better technique than the conventional frequency-domain So, in this study, we have confirmed through model
FWI in constructing the P-wave velocity model. In addition, resolution matrix analysis that the Laplace-Fourier FWI can
we propose that we can generate P-wave velocity model construct better results than the frequency-domain FWI
with better resolution by using Gauss-Newton method even in the absence of low frequencies. In addition,
without using gradient-based method which have been used numerical tests for the synthetic P-wave velocity model
in many Laplace and Laplace-Fourier domain FWI (BP model) were conducted to confirm the validity of the
researches. model resolution matrix analysis in waveform inversion.
It is important to estimate the correct subsurface P-wave The basic process of Laplace-Fourier FWI is the same as
velocity model to image oil and gas reservoirs. In order to that of the conventional frequency-domain waveform
obtain the P-wave velocity model, many oil and gas inversion. The difference is that the conventional
industries are still constructing velocity models using frequency-domain waveform inversion uses the Fourier
conventional methods such as semblance or travel-time transform to transform the observed data and generate the
tomography. However, these conventional methods have modeled data in the frequency-domain, whereas the
the disadvantage of providing only a low resolution Laplace-Fourier FWI uses the Laplace-Fourier transform
velocity model. On the other hand, Full waveform using the complex-frequency instead of the Fourier
inversion (FWI) is a method of constructing a velocity transform. The process of converting the time-domain
model using all waveforms based on wave equations seismic data into the Laplace-Fourier-domain can be
(Tarantola, 1984, 1986; Pratt et al., 1998; Virieux and transformed by following equation:
Operto, 2009; Warner et al., 2013) and FWI has the
advantage of being able to construct a high resolution 𝑇𝑇𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
velocity model. The FWI is a method to solve the inverse 𝑢𝑢�(𝜎𝜎) = � 𝑢𝑢(𝑡𝑡)𝑒𝑒 −𝜎𝜎𝜎𝜎 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (1)
problem in a way that minimizes the difference between the
acquired seismic data and the simulated seismic data. where 𝑇𝑇𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 is the maximum recording time of seismic
Because of the nonlinearity of the inverse problem, the traces, 𝑢𝑢(𝑡𝑡)is the wavefield in time-domain, 𝑢𝑢�(𝜎𝜎) is the
FWI is very sensitive to initial model. It is difficult to wavefield in Laplace-Fourier-domain, 𝜎𝜎 = 𝑠𝑠 + 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 is
construct a desired velocity model by using a velocity complex-valued angular frequency, 𝑠𝑠 is positive Laplace
model that is far from the true model as the initial velocity damping constant, 𝜔𝜔 is angular frequency, and 𝑖𝑖 denotes
model for the FWI. Also, if the acquisition data is
insufficient for low frequency components, the waveform √−1.
inversion results are difficult to converge to the true model. The simplified discretized acoustic wave equation in the
To overcome these problems, many researchers devel- Laplace-Fourier-domain can be written as (Marfurt 1984):
oped robust algorithms to create a good staring model for
FWI (Brenders et al., 2008; Shin and Cha, 2008; Plessix et �(𝜎𝜎) = 𝒇𝒇�(𝜎𝜎)
𝐒𝐒𝒖𝒖 (2)
where 𝑛𝑛𝑠𝑠 and 𝑛𝑛𝑟𝑟 are the number of sources and receivers,
respectively, 𝑑𝑑̃ is the observed wavefield vectors in the
Lapalce-Fourier-domain, 𝐦𝐦 is the model parameter, 𝑇𝑇
indicates transpose, and ∗ denotes a complex conjugate. To
find the model parameter 𝐦𝐦 that minimizes the objective
function 𝐸𝐸(𝐦𝐦), the local optimization method is used, and
the model update ∆𝐦𝐦 is obtained as follows: Figure 1. The relationship between the estimated model update and
the model difference is expressed as a resolution matrix (This
figure is a modification of Menke’s book(2012))
∆𝐦𝐦 = − 𝐇𝐇−𝟏𝟏 ∇𝐸𝐸(𝐦𝐦) (4)
If the resolution matrix is an identity matrix, then each
where 𝐇𝐇 is the Hessian matrix, and ∇𝐸𝐸(𝐦𝐦) is the gradient
model parameter is uniquely determined. However, if the
of the objective function. There are various method for
resolution matrix is not an identity matrix, then the
calculating the model update, but in this study, the Hessian
estimates of the model parameters are really weighted
matrix was calculated using the Gauss-Newton method.
averaged of the true model parameters. In other words, the
The gradient of the objective function is calculated using
fact that the resolution matrix is close to the identity matrix
the adjoint state method (Plessix, 2006).
means that the inverse problem of the system can be solved
well. Unfortunately, the waveform inversion problems we
encounter are mixed-determined problems, and in this case
Model resolution matrix
the generalized inverse cannot be the identity matrix.
We assume that the inverse problem we are dealing with
The Dirichlet spread function can be used as a measure of
in waveform inversion is linear through the Born
how similar the resolution matrix is to the identity matrix.
approximation. The linear inverse problem can be
This is based on the size, or spread, of the off-diagonal
expressed in an explicit linearized equation as follows:
elements. The spread function used in this study is as
𝐆𝐆∆𝐦𝐦 = ∆𝐝𝐝 (5)
where 𝐆𝐆 denotes a data kernel expressed in a Jacobian
spread(𝐑𝐑) = ‖𝐑𝐑 − 𝐈𝐈‖22 = � �[R 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 − 𝛿𝛿𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 ]2 (8)
matrix and ∆𝐝𝐝 describes the data residual. Using equation
𝑖𝑖=1 𝑗𝑗=1
(5), the model resolution matrix can be defined by
where 𝑀𝑀 denotes the number of model parameters and 𝛿𝛿
following equation:
describes the dirac delta function. The closer the spread
value is to zero, the closer the resolution matrix is to the
∆𝐦𝐦𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆 = 𝐆𝐆 −g ∆𝐝𝐝𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐 = 𝐆𝐆 −g [𝐆𝐆∆𝐦𝐦𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕 ]
identity matrix.
To compare the performance of the Laplace-Fourier-
= [𝐆𝐆 −g 𝐆𝐆]∆𝐦𝐦𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕 = 𝐑𝐑∆𝐦𝐦𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕
domain FWI and frequency-domain FWI, we calculated
each model resolution matrix and spread values. The data
where ∆𝐦𝐦𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆 is the estimated model update, ∆𝐦𝐦𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒕 is the residual in the frequency-domain can be defined as the
model difference, 𝐑𝐑 is the resolution matrix, and 𝐆𝐆 −g
Numerical examples
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SUMMARY of the true (or at least a different, more appropriate) physical model.
Seismic full waveform inversion (FWI) is a technique which attempts where dobs and dmod are, respectively, measured and modelled wave-
to recover subsurface properties by iteratively minimizing a measure fields evaluated on a measurement surface, and m is the set of an-
of the discrepancy between observed data and modelled data (e.g., acoustic model parameters giving rise to dmod . This objective function
Lailly, 1983; Tarantola, 1984; Virieux and Operto, 2009). Multiparam- is minimized subject to the condition that a prior-defined wave equa-
eter FWI (Operto et al., 2013; Plessix et al., 2013; Pan et al., 2016), by tion is satisfied by these wavefields. In the framework of a frequency
involving multiple physical properties, offers the potential to recover domain finite difference approximation, for instance, data are mea-
not only this larger list of properties but to better match observed data. surements of a field u which satisfies
Broad application of FWI technology in, for instance, reservoir charac-
terization and monitoring, will require methods which are tuned to the S1 (ω, m)u(ω) = f(ω), (2)
multi-parameter problem. Significant challenges remain in bringing
multiparameter FWI to the same levels of practicality and sophistica- where f is a source term and S1 (ω, m) is a matrix that applies a fi-
tion currently occupied by mono-parameter FWI. A particularly press- nite difference stencil based on the an-acoustic physics relevant to the
ing issue is the stable inclusion of anelasticity/an-acousticity (e.g., problem.
Hicks and Pratt, 2001; Hak and Mulder, 2011; Malinowski et al., 2011;
Kamei and Pratt, 2013; Métivier et al., 2015). In this paper we con- In any FWI problem, but of special concern to QFWI, there exists the
sider one of the more difficult aspects of an-acoustic FWI (hereafter possibility that wave propagation in the unknown medium is better
QFWI), the problem of management of modelling error. In a compan- represented by
ion paper the interrelation between VP and QP cross-talk, frequency- S2 (ω, m)u(ω) = f(ω), (3)
band selection in multiscale FWI, and efficiency in truncated Newton
optimization, are also discussed (Keating and Innanen, 2017). where S2 (ω, m) invokes an attenuation model differing from that in
S1 (ω, m). Differences between, for instance, low-frequency velocity
A crucial assumption in FWI is that the wave physics giving rise to dispersion from one Q model to the next can vary significantly, so the
the observed data are adequately accounted for in the simulation com- two operators cannot be assumed to be similar. Therefore, concern
ponent of the procedure. If the wave propagation equations miss, or about the kinds of parameter values a model belonging to S2 will re-
incorrectly model, important features of the data, FWI will seek to quire, in order to minimize an objective function based on S1 , is high.
match those data features through often dramatically un-physical spa-
tial arrangements of the available model parameters. QFWI is espe- We must assume that one of these, say S1 , holds in order to begin the
cially prone to modelling errors, because (1) even small changes in the process of inverting the data. This means adopting equation (2) as a
Q model-type can lead to large differences in, for instance, wave ve- constraint. Our approach to managing QFWI modelling errors is to
locities at low frequencies, and (2) many model-types exist, and which relax this constraint to instead read
is suitable in any given instance may not be clear.
S1 (ω, mN )u(ω) = f(ω), for ωN < ω < ωN+1 , (4)
Innanen (2016) points out that, ideally, uncertainty in attenuation physics
would be managed by being maximally non-committal – framing FWI where mN is a subsurface model for the angular frequency range (ωN ,
to solve for a complex, frequency-dependent velocity at each point in ωN+1 ). This allows greater freedom in matching the attenuation be-
space; but, that is not possible because seismic data cannot in general haviour of the measured data, because it requires that the assumed
constrain this many parameters. On the other hand, while more de- physics be satisfied exactly only on a certain frequency band. As
cisively parameterized models are much more completely constrained the bandwidths ωN+1 -ωN decrease, modelling errors within any given
by data, choosing one a priori risks serious modelling errors. band become less significant. Piecewise application of S1 can, in other
words, closely mimic a model belonging to S2 .
In this paper, we formulate frequency-domain QFWI such that a “middle-
ground” between the two above extremes is occupied. In other words, The lower limit of this process involves bands containing single fre-
a parameterization in which seismic data are maximally non-committal quency components. Because the simultaneous determination of ve-
regarding model-type within the bounds of what can be constrained locity and Q requires several frequencies to be compared (Innanen and
by seismic data. The idea of relaxing the constraint that the assumed Weglein, 2007; Keating and Innanen, 2017), this limit should not in
physics be exactly obeyed is investigated by allowing a band-wise practice be approached. In the QFWI approach we consider here, it is
frequency-dependence in the recovered model. This increased flexi- in fact necessary to treat the width of the frequency bands as a trade-
bility offers important benefits when the assumed physical model in- off parameter, balancing the suppression of modelling error with the
volves different frequency dependence of wave propagation from that suppression of parameter cross-talk.
where u is the pressure field, f is a source term, and the model param-
eter s depends on the dispersive velocity and attenuation:
ic0 (r) −2 Figure 1: Comparison of SLS and KF models for velocity 2500m/s
s(r, ω) ≈ c(r, ω) − , (6) at reference frequency 15Hz, and Q=20. Left: Velocity comparison.
2Q(r, ω)
Right: Attenuation comparison. Note the semilog scale.
where c is the phase velocity, c0 is the phase velocity at a reference
frequency, and Q is a quality factor.
Many models of attenuation and dispersion exist and are in regular use Many physical processes which could have significant impact on seis-
for processing, imaging and inverting seismic data. They tend to agree mic wave attenuation are well modelled by the standard linear solid
in their general reproduction of the amplitude and phase features of (Liu et al., 1976). Furthermore it has been pointed out (Liu et al., 1976)
dissipating waves, but in their detailed predictions of, e.g., phase ve- that the SLS and KF models are not necessarily at odds with one an-
locities at low frequencies they may differ widely. We select as bench- other. A general standard linear solid can be introduced by considering
mark models the the Kolsky-Futterman (KF) nearly constant Q model, several standard linear solid systems arranged in parallel. This intro-
and the standard linear solid (SLS) model. duces several relaxation mechanisms, and several attenuation peaks. If
the amplitudes and peak frequencies of these individual SLS compo-
Kolsky-Futterman (KF) model nents are chosen correctly, a general SLS with approximately constant
Q over a given bandwidth can be constructed. In this case the disper-
In certain attenuation models, the quality factor Q, defined as sive behaviour of the velocity reduces to equation 8 over the nearly
constant Q frequency band. In a situation like this a KF-based QFWI
1 ∆E procedure would suffer from little modelling error.
= , (7)
Q(ω) 2πE
Our purpose in this paper is to develop a methodology which lim-
where E and ∆E are the peak strain energy stored and strain lost its modelling errors when the QFWI model (e.g., KF) and the actual
during a given cycle (Aki and Richards, 2002), is forced to be con- model operating in the Earth are dissimilar. So, the SLS model con-
stant over a given frequency range. A constant Q in a non-dispersive sidered in the following examples is based on a single spring/dashpot
medium violates causality (Aki and Richards, 2002), so in many mod- system and does not reduce to KF behaviour. A comparison of KF and
els a frequency-dependent Q, which is nearly constant over the range SLS Q and P-wave velocity is shown in Figure 1, where the models
of seismic frequencies, and a dispersion term are adopted. There are have the same Q and P-wave velocity at 15Hz.
many ways to create a function which is nearly constant over the range
of seismic frequencies, so there are many different nearly constant Q Flexible FWI with unknown attenuation physics
model types (Ursin and Toverud, 2002; Liu et al., 1976). We select the
The discrepancies between the KF and SLS models illustrated in Fig-
nearly constant Q model due to Kolsky and Futterman (Kolsky, 1956;
ure 1 will have strong negative consequences for a QFWI procedure,
Futterman, 1962), hereafter the KF model, in which
if the KF model is assumed and the SLS model (or something like it)
actually holds. But, the consequences can be significantly reduced if
1 ω
c(ω) = c0 1 + log , (8) in the QFWI procedure the KF model is not forced to be self-consistent
πQ ω0 over the full frequency range. The additional flexibility afforded QFWI
by imposing the relaxed constraint in equation (4) is illustrated in Fig-
where c(ω) is the wave velocity, ω0 is a reference frequency and c0 = ure 2. An example SLS profile for Q and P-wave velocity is illus-
c(ω0 ). trated in this figure as a black dashed line, along with the KF model
Standard linear solid (SLS) model which most closely matches it in blue. Although both models are
evaluated using the same parameters, the highly dissimilar frequency-
The standard linear solid (SLS) model is based on viscoelastic con- dependence of these parameters in the different physics models mean
siderations, with a constitutive relation that is linear in the stress, the that the matching is very poor. The red line shows the best match
strain, and their derivatives (Casula and Carcione, 1992; Liu et al., which can be obtained using a relaxed KF model, with different pa-
1976). Continua are treated as consisting of a spring and dash-pot in rameters on each 1 Hz band. Clearly, this step offers considerable im-
series, in parallel with a second spring. The Q value given by this provement in the ability to match the observed behaviour, despite hav-
model is not constant, but is instead given by ing assumed physics different from the SLS. Adopting an FWI strategy
which allows for this better matching should improve the quality of the
1 + ω 2 τε τσ results in the case where the true attenuation model is unknown.
Q(ω) = , (9)
ω(τε − τσ )
While the flexible strategy outlined above in principle has the capac-
where τε and τσ are relaxation times related to the constants of the ef- ity to match unknown an-acoustic physics, the question of whether a
fective springs and dash-pot of the model (Casula and Carcione, 1992; QFWI procedure based on this idea works in practice is settled neither
Liu et al., 1976). This function is sharply peaked at ω = τ −1 , where by simply stating it nor by Figure 4. Two significant challenges may
√ present themselves in inversion using this strategy. First, while the
τ = τε τσ . The P-wave phase velocity for this model is given by
overall dispersive character of an ideal recovered model will closely
q match the true model, these behaviours may differ significantly within
1+iω0 τσ
Re 1+iω0 τε the small bands on which the inversion occurs. This means that inso-
c(ω) = c0 q , (10) far as the inversion considers the dispersive character of the observed
Re 1+iωτε
increasing. The initial model used for m1 was identical to that used
in the traditional FWI approach. The initial model for every other mN
was set equal to the final mN−1 .
For the first example, the model in Figure 3, and KF an-acoustic physics,
are used to generate the synthetic observed data. The initial model is
a uniform velocity of 2500 m/s and uniform Q−1 of 0, matching the
background of the true model. The QFWI procedure assumes (in this
case, correctly) an KF an-acoustic model. The result of traditional
QFWI with an exact Gauss-Newton optimization is illustrated in Fig-
ure 4, where the recovered velocity at reference frequency and Q are
Figure 2: Comparison of SLS with best fitting KF, and band-defined shown. This result acts as a kind of benchmark, reflecting the ideal
KF. Due to the highly dissimilar behaviour of the model types, the KF case of a simple model, dense acquisition and exact Gauss-Newton
result is a poor approximation of the SLS behaviour. The band-defined numerical optimization.
KF is capable of matching the SLS behaviour much more closely,
though still differs in dispersive behaviour on each band. The result of applying the flexible QFWI for two example bands is
illustrated in Figures 5 and 6. Results comparable to the benchmark
are obtained here, however comparison of the results generated using
different bands make clear that variance in the recovered model pa-
data, it may lead the estimated model away from the best approxima- rameters is introduced from band to band. The left panel of Figure
tion. The second problem is that it is not straightforward to predict 6 is suggestive that cross-talk issues can appear for certain frequency
what spatial arrangement of (e.g.) KF model parameters will be set- bands, and that therefore the issues discussed in this paper and those
tled on by a QFWI procedure, if those parameters vary widely and discussed by Keating and Innanen (2017) are not independent. This
non-self consistently over the full spectrum, and whether or not these is suggestive that self-consistency of the an-acoustic model across the
structures will tend to be realistic. It is difficult to address the impact full frequency range is optimal, if the correct an-acoustic model type
of these concerns without the aid of synthetic examples, which are is well established in advance.
considered in the next section.
Figure 6: Final result of flexible QFWI approach with a 23-25 Hz Figure 8: True model velocity (left) and reciprocal Q (right) at 25 Hz
maximum band, using the correct KF model type. for SLS attenuation physics.
Figure 11: Final result of flexible band approach for 23-25 Hz maxi-
mum band; KF inversion carried out on SLS data.
Figure 7: True model velocity (left) and reciprocal Q (right) at 15 Hz
for SLS attenuation physics.
The inclusion of attenuation in seismic FWI offers the potential for
improved recovery of subsurface parameters of interest, but presents
The computational cost of the two QFWI approaches is identical, the unique risks associated with modelling error. The flexible QFWI ap-
greater number of models recovered in the flexible approach being off- proach suggested here relaxes the FWI constraint that the modelled
set by the smaller number of iterations used to invert for each. The rea- wavefield strictly obeys an assumed physics model across all experi-
son for this similarity is that the flexible approach can be interpreted as mental variables. This allowed for significant improvements over tra-
an alternative multiscale strategy in conventional FWI, with the caveat ditional FWI strategies as applied to dissipative problems.
that the final result is an approximation of the model behaviour only
within the highest frequency band considered, and that the interme- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
diate steps themselves provide an estimate of the model behaviour at
We thank the sponsors of CREWES for continued support. This work
their respective frequency ranges.
was funded by CREWES industrial sponsors and NSERC (Natural
Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada) through the
grant CRDPJ 461179-13.
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that can best explain observed seismic data by iteratively where S ( x, t ) is the source wavefield, R ( x, t ) is the residual
minimizing the difference between observed and simulated wavefield at spatial location x and time t, and Tmax
data (Tarantola, 1984). However, the objective function is
represents the maximum record time. The source and
highly nonlinear and has many local minimums. If low
residual wavefields can be decomposed as:
wavenumber components of the initial velocity model are
insufficient or far from the true one, the result of FWI will
S ( x, t ) Sd ( x, t ) Su( x, t ) , (2)
get trapped in local minimums. Hence, a good method
which can be used to relax the dependence on the initial R( x, t ) Rd ( x, t ) Ru( x, t ) , (3)
model is needed.
where “ u (up)” and “ d (down)” denote the directions of
Many methods have been developed to enhance the validity wave propagation.
of FWI. Shin et al. (2008) proposed Laplace domain and
Laplace-Fourier domain FWI approach to build a low- Equation 1 can be further expressed as:
wavenumber velocity model for FWI. Tang et al. (2013)
proposed to enhance the tomographic components at early T max T max
I ( x) Sd ( x, t ) Ru ( x, t )dt Su ( x, t ) Rd ( x, t )dt
iterations and gradually reduce its weights toward 0 0
Uz S ( x, t )Uz Ut R ( x, t ) dt
T max T max
Sd ( x, t ) Rd ( x, t )dt Re
T max S ( x, t ) R( x, t ) S ( x, t ) Hz Ht R( x, t )
dt ,
Hz S ( x , t ) Ht R ( x , t ) Hz S ( x , t ) Hz R ( X , T )
Uz S ( x, t )Uz Ut R ( x, t ) dt
T max T max
Su ( x, t ) Ru ( x, t )dt Re
Figure 1. Wave paths of forward and backward scattering
wavefields in the model space.
T max S ( x, t ) R( x, t ) S ( x, t ) Hz Ht R( x, t )
dt ,
In usual, the wavefields decomposition can be adopted in Hz S ( x, t ) Ht R( x, t ) Hz S ( x, t ) Hz R( X , T )
frequency-wavenumber (f-k) domain (Hu and McMechan, (13)
1987), but such decomposition requires intensive
computation. Inspired by the approach proposed by Liu et
Applying equations 12 and 13 to equation 11, we obtain a
al. (2011), Fei et al. (2015) developed a fast wavefields
new gradient which can be used to update the low
decomposition algorithm based on Hilbert transform.
wavenumber information. Though the formulas of
Hence, we apply the fast algorithm to wavefields
equations 12 and 13 are complex, we can finally obtain a
decomposition and derivate the extended complex
simple gradient formula by summing them up as:
wavefields with respect to time t and spatial location z as:
T max
S : Ut S (t ) S (t ) iHt S (t ) (5) I ( x) Sd ( x, t ) Rd ( x, t ) Su ( x, t ) Ru ( x, t ) dt
Sd : Uz S ( z) S ( z) iHz S ( z) (7)
Here, Hz is the Hilbert transform with respect to depth.
Su : Uz S ( z) S ( z) iHz S ( z) (8) The workflow of our method can be mainly expressed as
Rd : Uz R( z) R( z) iHz R( z) (9) (1) Updating a reliable initial model after several iterations
of FWI using equation 14.
Ru : Uz R( z) R( z) iHz R( z) (10)
(2) Applying the result in step 1 to the conventional FWI
to serve as the initial model.
Here, U represents the extended wavefields in complex-
value domains, H represents the Hilbert transform, and the Examples
subscripts t and z represent the Hilbert transform with
respect to the time and depth variables. The tomographic To demonstrate the validity of our method to acoustic FWI,
term of FWI representing the cross-correlation wavefields we test the method on a simple Gaussian high-velocity
traveling in the same direction can be constructed by anomaly model and on the more complicated Marmousi
keeping only the last two terms of equation 4 as: model. In both examples, we only use reflection data.
Wavefields simulation and velocity inversion are both
T max
I ( x) Sd ( x, t ) Rd ( x, t ) Su ( x, t ) Ru ( x, t ) dt achieved in the time domain.
maximum record time is 4 s with a sampling interval of 1 example except the source interval and the initial model. In
ms. this example, we adopt a 0.1 km source interval and a
linear initial model (Figure 5b).
The results of the conventional FWI and the first step of
our method are shown in Figure 3. They both iterate for 30
times, and we can see how dramatically different the two
images look. The result of the conventional FWI (Figure 3a)
only recovers parts of the circular anomaly, and the inner
velocities of the anomaly do not match the true velocity
model well especially in the deep region. This can be
interpreted into lacking enough low wavenumber
information in initial model and without generating
sufficient low wavenumber information during the
inversion. However, for Figure 3b, the result of the first
step of our method successfully recovers the anomaly from
top to bottom.
Figure 4. The comparison between the result of the
conventional FWI (green line) and the result of our method
(blue line) at x=2.5 km. The red line denotes the velocity
profile of the true model. The green line denotes the
velocity profile of the conventional FWI. The blue line
denotes the velocity profile of our method.
The result of the first step of our method after 30 iterations
Figure 2. Simple model test. (a) The true velocity model. A
is shown in Figure 6. We can clearly see the contour of the
high-velocity anomaly is embedded in a layered
Marmousi model in the narrow region which demonstrates
background velocity. (b) The initial velocity model. The
sufficient low wavenumber updates. In order to test the
upper- and lower-layer interval velocities are 2.0 km/s and
reliability of this low wavenumber enhanced result, we set
2.5 km/s. respectively. The velocity of the circular anomaly
it as the initial model and apply it to the conventional FWI.
is 2.3 km/s.
The resulting image is shown in Figure 7b. In shallow and
middle regions, the matching between the true model and
The second example is based on the more complicated
the inverted result is good. Quality of the inverted velocity
Marmousi model (Figure 5a). The recording geometry and
model degrades in the deep region because of the poor
corresponding settings are the same as those in the first
illumination and weak records of the reflections from the allowing FWI to converge to the true model even in
dipping reflectors. situations where the conventional FWI fails even if the
computational cost of the conventional FWI is the same as
our method.
Figure 5. Complex model test. (a) The Marmousi velocity
model. (b) The linear initial velocity model.
To demonstrate the superiority of our method, we also take
a conventional FWI test using the linear initial model in
Figure 5b, and the result is shown in Figure 7a. The
computational cost of this test is the same as that of our
method. Obviously, the result is unsatisfactory because of
the local-minimal convergence at the upper left corner and
the misplaced reflectors, which is caused by the insufficient
low wavenumber information of the initial model and
unreliable low wavenumber updates during the inversion.
Figure 7. The comparison between (a) the result of the
conventional FWI after 150 iterations and (b) the result of
The gradient of FWI contains tomographic and migration
our method with 30 iterations for the updates of low
terms. With the wavefields decomposition using a fast
wavenumber components using equation 14 and 100
algorithm based on Hilbert transform and the extracted
iterations of the conventional FWI. The computational
tomographic term serving as a new gradient, we
costs of these two methods are the same.
successfully develop a method of low wavenumber updates
which can relax the dependence on the initial model of FWI.
The fast wavefields decomposition algorithm based on
Hilbert transform is the key aspect of our method for
avoiding expensive decomposition computation, saving
This research was supported by the National Natural
memory and improving the efficiency of the gradient
Science Foundation of China (41674127), the Science
computation compared to the conventional decomposition
Foundation of China University of Petroleum, Beijing
method adopted in frequency-wavenumber (f-k) domain.
(2462015BJB04), and the National Basic Research
Numerical tests demonstrate the validity of our method for
Program (2013CB228600).
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tended image I(x, h). We now approximate the normal op- True
erator using a cheap 1-D convolution operator A ⇡ Fe⇤ Fe and 0.8 TV−LSRTM 0.8 TV−LSRTM
Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude
obtain an approximated system of equations to solve for the 0.6 0.6
TV constrained optimization problem:
0.4 0.4
min ||ADme (x, h) I(x, h)||22 ,
s.t. ||Dme ||TV t. (10) 0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Wavenumber (1/m) Wavenumber (1/m)
Figure 6: (c) A low-passed initial model (maximum wavenum-
ber corresponds to an average frequency of 2 Hz). This project was funded in part by Total SA. LD is also funded
by AFOSR grants FA9550-12-1-0328 and FA9550-15-1-0078,
Figure 6 compares the low wavenumber models inverted from ONR grant N00014-16-1-2122, NSF grant DMS-1255203. Yun-
modeled low frequency (2 - 6 Hz) data (a) and from the ex- yue Elita Li acknowledges the MOE Tier-1 Grant R-302-000-
trapolated low frequency (2 - 6 Hz) data (b) with the smooth 165-133 for financial support.
initial model in (c). The inverted model from extrapolated data
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Geophysics, 79, no. 3, WA97–WA105,
The primary goal of FWI is to find a subsurface model such Theory and Method
that the modeled seismic data can match the observed data.
The seismic FWI concept generally is related to a group of We proposed the DWI (Liu and Zheng, 2015) which could
inversion methods aiming to minimize the difference directly invert the waveform data without a global initial
between the recorded and modeled seismic data by solving model and no iteration was needed for model updating. We
a global nonlinear optimization problem. Among these, the illustrated our idea in a 1D acoustic model: we use the
iterative perturbation-based approaches (Lailly, 1983; recorded pressure P(t) and vertical particle velocity V𝑧 (t),
Tarantola, 1984; Pratt et al., 1998; Pratt, 1999; Pratt and then we can separate the upgoing U(t) and downgoing D(t)
Shipp, 1999; Virieux and Operto, 2009; Tao and Sen, 2012) wavefield according to the relation
are most widely used to solve the optimization problem.
Recent work by Wu and Zheng (2014) revealed a one-to- D-U= 𝜌c𝑉𝑧 , (1)
one correspondence between the n-th order Frechet
derivative and the n-th order Born scattering and this D+U= P, (2)
indicates that the single-scattering perturbation assumption
of FWI is not adequate to model transmission waves where ρ and c are density and velocity of the medium,
(critical in velocity inversion) through a strong velocity respectively.
contrast (e.g., salt bodies) and with a large spatial scale.
Conventional FWI formulism was based on single Deconvolution is used for the up- and down-going
scattering perturbation (see also Tarantola, 2005) and its wavefields to find the causal response of the Earth where
successful application also depends on availability of the all the surface multiples are suppressed. In the meantime,
low-frequency data, which can make the single-scattering the first arrival we get in the causal response represents the
approximation more likely to be valid. However, due to the reflectivity and location of the next but deeper layer. After
local-minimum issue and the slow convergence of the that, we extrapolate the wavefield to the next layer and
iteration, FWI algorithms highly depend on the accuracy of form the pressure and particle velocity data again. Hence, a
the initial model, the quality of the input data, optimization closed recursive loop is achieved. We repeat this procedure
strategy, and the propagator’s efficiency. A T-matrix from shallow to deep depths until the reflections from the
method (Wu et al., 2014; Jakobsen and Wu, 2016; Wang et bottom of the inverted model are beyond the recording time
al., 2017) was proposed in the waveform inversion and window.
Figure 1. (a) True model and data (c); inverted model using DWI
(b) ; seismic gather modeled by finite-difference method on the
inverted model. The source is located at (1.5km, 0.1km).
Figure 2. (a) True model and data (c); inverted model using DWI
(b) ; seismic gather modeled by finite-difference method on the
inverted model. The source is located at (1.5km, 0.1km).
Jakobsen, M., and R. Wu, 2016, Domain decomposition method for efficient waveform inversion in
strongly scattering media: 86th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1395–
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the Conference on Inverse Scattering: Theory and Applications.
Liu, Z., and Y. Zheng, 2015, Direct waveform inversion: 85th Annual International Meeting, SEG,
Expanded Abstracts, 1268–1273,
Pratt, G., C. Shin, and G. J. Hicks, 1998, Gauss-Newton and full-Newton methods in frequency-space
seismic waveform inversion: Geophysical Journal International, 133, 341–362,
Pratt, G., and R. M. Shipp, 1999, Seismic waveform inversion in the frequency domain, Part 2: Fault
delineation in sediments using crosshole data: Geophysics, 64, 902–914,
Pratt, R. G., 1999, Seismic waveform inversion in the frequency domain, Part 1: Theory and verification
in a physical scale model [Abstract]: Geophysics, 64, 888–901,
Tarantola, A., 1984, Inversion of seismic-reflection data in the acoustic approximation: Geophysics, 49,
Tarantola, A., 2005, Inverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation: SIAM.
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using transmission matrix formalism based on the domain decomposition method: Inverse
Problems, 33, 035002,
Wu, R., C. Hu, and B. Wang, 2014a, Nonlinear sensitivity operator and inverse thin-slab propagator for
tomographic waveform inversion: 84th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts,
Wu, R.-S., J. Luo, and B. Wu, 2014b, Seismic envelope inversion and modulation signal model
[Abstract]: Geophysics, 79, no. 3, WA13–WA24,
Wu, R.-S., and Y. Zheng, 2014, Nonlinear partial derivative and its De Wolf approximation for nonlinear
seismic inversion: Geophysical Journal International, 196, 1827–1843,
Zheng, Y., A. H. Malallah, M. C. Fehler, and H. Hu, 2016, 2D full-waveform modeling of seismic waves
in layered karstic media: Geophysics, 81, no. 2, T25–T34,
frequency seismic waveform can be matched. For these Fig.4 Seismic data of single frequency waveform by single shot.
reasons, it is possible to separate the seismic waveform into (a) Recorded data, (b) Synthetic data,
single frequency waveform, and then use the separated (c) The difference between recorded data and synthetic data.
single frequency waveform for the SFWTI. From Fig.1a,
we can see that, the two seismic waveform (recorded data From Fig.3a, we can see that the start point is far from the
and synthetic data) have a great traveltime difference global minima, and not in the same neighborhood, so it is
(150ms), if we only use local optimization algorithm, we impossible for local optimization algorithm to find the
can not find the best matched time. The spectrum of the global minimum value. While from Fig.3b, we can see that
two ricker waveform are shown in the Fig.1b, we select one the start point and the global minimum point are in the
frequency point (15Hz) and then use Inverse Fourier same neighborhood, so it is easy to convergence to the
transform to obtain the single frequency waveform, From global minimum value. According to the previous steps, we
Fig.2, we can see that the traveltime difference of the two can transform the seismic data to single frequency
ricker waveform have been reduced and very close to each waveform trace by trace, while one shot of single frequency
other, so the FWI cycle skipping problem can be mitigated. waveform of seismic data are shown in the Fig.4.
between the recorded data and synthetic data. In order to Fig.5 Single frequency waveform forward modeling in time
obtain the traveltime difference, we can take the derivative domain (snapshot at 0.42s). (a) 5Hz, (b) 15Hz, (c) 22Hz.
of C ( f , xr , , xs ) with respect to , which should be zero
From Fig.5, we can see that the low frequency waveform is
at . very fat, and not sensitive to the detail information of
P ( f , xr , t , xs ) obs P ( f , xr , t , xs ) cal
C ( x , , x )
r s
A( f , xr , xs ) obs A( f , xr , xs ) obs
dt 0 (4) velocity models. When we increase the frequency of
seismic waveform, the detail information of velocity
models can be demonstrated. The multi-scale SFWTI has
P ( f , xr , t , xs ) obs many advantages: (1) it can obtain high-precision initial
Where P ( f , xr , t , xs ) obs . So we can use
t velocity models only by using selected frequency data; (2)
equation(4) to calculate the gradient for SFWTI. While the it can avoid the cycle skipping problem, even if start with
Jacobian matrix can be calculated by using the rule of the high frequency data (15Hz); (3) it has the advantages of
implicit function derivative (Luo, 1991): multi-scale in frequency domain, but it can avoid the
C limitation of 3D frequency inversion.
P ( f , x , t , x )
1 P ( f , xr , t , xs ) cal
dt (5)
v C H
r s obs
v Numerical examples
Where H in the equation(5) is a normalization value, which In order to demonstrate our method which can build the
is: H P ( f , xr , t , xs ) obs P ( f , xr , t , xs ) cal dt . According to high-precision initial velocity models, we apply it to the
the gradient operator of FWI, the gradient of SFWTI can be modified Marmousi model. The true model (Fig.6a) with
expressed by: size of 69 192 , and the grid interval is 12.5 m. The initial
E (v ) 2 P ( f , xr , t , xs ) cal 1 T ( f , xr , xs ) P ( f , xr , t , xs ) obs velocity model for inversion is built by linear model. From
v t 2
L H dt (6) Fig.6b, we can see that linear initial model is far from true
Single Frequency waveform of recorded data and synthetic model, even do not satisfy the variation tendency of the
data only has the traveltime difference, so it has: true model. The range of velocity value is from 1.5km/s to
P( f , xr , t , xs ) obs P( f , xr , t , xs ) cal 4km/s.
A( f , xr , xs ) obs A( f , xr , xs ) cal
In the end, the gradient of SFWTI can be approximate as
E (v)
v v
2 P( f , xr , t , xs ) cal 1
t 2
L ( f , x , x ) P( Hf , x , t , x )
T r s r s cal
dt (8)
Where in equation (8), L1 denotes adjoint operator. So the
gradient of multi-source can be expressed by follows:
E (v) 2 2 Pm ( f , t , x, z ) a b
3 Pb ( f , t , x, z ) (9)
v v s r t 2 Fig6 Velocity model. (a) True model ; (b)Linear initial model.
Where Pm denotes incident wave-field, Pb denotes back-
propagation adjoint source wave-field, and x, z denote the The source function is Ricker wavelet with a dominant
velocity model space. frequency of 22 Hz. The Ricker wavelet waveform and
spectrum are shown in Fig.7. Recording time is 1.8 s with
the time interval of 1 ms. To demonstrate our methods can
Multi-scale strategy for SFWTI
mitigate cycle skipping problem, even if the start frequency
Frequency domain multi-scale FWI was proposed by Pratt is 15Hz. We selected 20 frequencies range from 15 to 25Hz
which is noted by red star in the Fig.7b.
(1998), while in this paper, in order to invert the velocity
model from large scale to small scale, we first use low
frequency component (15Hz) to invert the macro structure,
and then gradually increase the frequency to obtain a high-
precision initial velocity models.
a b
Fig.7 Ricker wavelet. (a) waveform, (b) spectrum.
a b c
a b c Acknowledgements
Fig.10 Single shot record. (a) Original recorded data,
(b) First arrival waveform of recorded data, This work is part of a project supported by the National
(c) First arrival waveform of synthetic data. Science and Technology Major Special Project of China
(Grant No.2014AA06A605).
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3 GW R rW
The workflow of Multi scale envelope inversion (MSEI) is SRT v 2t
given in the Table 1. In the MSEI, The width of the Where is the weighting factor. The selection of
window gradually decreases. The inversion result from weighting factor is a question worthy of study. It is a
previous window width will be used as the initial model for balance between reconstructing the large-scale model
current window width. When W is reduced to be structure and repairing the model's high-frequency
sufficiently small, we use the inversion result as the initial component. The weight factors which are too large or too
model of the traditional FWI. From MSEI to FWI, we call small will not produce the best result. There are many
it one complete loop. In the work flow, N is the number of aspects that can influence the choice of weighting factors:
the complete loop. the complexity of the model; the approximation of the
initial model to the true model; the absence of low
Table 1. The flow chart of the Multi-scale envelope frequencies in the seismic data and so on. In this paper in
inversion order to facilitate the calculation we set up 0.5 , of
course a better choice worth trying.
Set an initial model
Loop over N
MS-EI combines with multi offset inversion
Loop over window width W
It has been demonstrated that we can get the information
Loop over iteration n
about the low wavenumbers from the long-offset seismic
Calculate the gradient update the velocity model data through wide-angle illumination and is not constrained
by the range of the source bandwidth. However, only using
End of loop over the iteration long-offset seismic data cannot guarantee accurate
End of Loop over window width reconstruction of the long-wavelength components of the
model. Since the envelope data has sufficient low
End of loop N
frequency data, it is possible to reduce the possibility of
Get an accurate inversion result
occurrence of cycle skipping when using the long offset
data alone. Unlike the conventional multi-offset method,
Multi objective function inversion method :combine we weight the seismic data by the offset rather than directly
traditional FWI with multi scale envelope inversion truncating the near-offset data to reduce the non-linearity
caused by the long-offset data. We introduce the weighting
Low-frequency components which was reconstructed by factor into the inversion
nonlinear transformation have artifact. Unfortunately, we
H 1u if L L0
u ( H1 1 0 H 2 1) (6)
do not have the ability to distinguish them from the useful
H 2u if L L0
components. We also cannot remove all of these low-
frequency components because they indeed have played a Where u is the observed seismic data, L is the distance
positive role in the inversion of long-wavelength between the receiver and the source, L0 is the offset
information. In order to counteract the negative effects of threshold, and H 1 & H 2 are weighting factor. We combine
these artefacts in the inversion, we combine the multi scale
envelope inversion with the traditional FWI method and the MS-EI with the multi-offset method to improve the
propose a multi-objective inversion method. The objective inversion quality of the salt bottom and subsalt. The work
function is written as: flow of the combination inversion method is similar to the
MSEI expect that the observed seismic data is replaced by
© 2017 SEG Page 1698
SEG International Exposition and 87th Annual Meeting
The nonlinear transformation makes FWI Linearization: Multi-scale seismic envelope inversion
© 2017 SEG Page 1699
SEG International Exposition and 87th Annual Meeting
The nonlinear transformation makes FWI Linearization: Multi-scale seismic envelope inversion
Fig.1 Inversion results of salt model test using low-cut source. The
frequency components below 4Hz are truncated: (a)True
model;(b)Initial model;(c) Inversion result of Traditional FWI (d)
EI+FWI (e) Inversion result of the MS-EI for window width
300ms; (f)width 150ms ; (g) width 50ms; (h) Inversion result of
traditional FWI, the initial model is figure1 (g); (i) The inversion
result of second loop. Initial model is figure 1(h); (j) The inversion
result of third loop. Initial model is figure1 (i);
(a) (b)
Figure 3 (a) One shot profile without noise; (b) One shot profile
with noise, the SNR is 1.
© 2017 SEG Page 1700
SEG International Exposition and 87th Annual Meeting
Note: This reference list is a copyedited version of the reference list submitted by the author. Reference lists for the 2017
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts have been copyedited so that references provided with the online
metadata for each paper will achieve a high degree of linking to cited sources that appear on the Web.
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