Current Technologies For The Production of (S) - Ketoprofen: Process Perspective
Current Technologies For The Production of (S) - Ketoprofen: Process Perspective
Current Technologies For The Production of (S) - Ketoprofen: Process Perspective
Received 3 August 2004; received in revised form 15 February 2005; accepted 22 March 2005
Ketoprofen (2-(3-benzoylphenyl)-propionic acid), belongs to the family of 2-arylpropionic acids (profens), is one of the nonstreroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs. The production of single enantiomer of ketoprofen is expected to grow due to its enantiomer displaying better
pharmacologic activities and benefits. Kinetic resolution is the most widely used method in the production of enantiomer pure ketoprofen.
However, the process has a number of limitations, which are yet to be overcome. These limitations call for an innovative approach where two
processes (enantioselective esterification and dynamic kinetic resolution) can be combined and operated under a single operating enzymatic
membrane reactor system. The technology is more economical, more enantiomerically benign and has a potential maximum yield more than
50%. This paper will highlight the current technology in the production of biologically active (S)-ketoprofen, the limitations associated with
the production and solutions to overcome these limitations.
# 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-5113/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.L. Ong et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 3526–3535 3527
catalysts or enzymes [18]. Fig. 1 presents the sources of pure These processes do not only involve extra steps but are also
enantiomers. time consuming particularly in the batch processes. These
Various approaches such as diastereomer crystallization purification processes for each batch reaction affect the
[19,20], kinetic resolution [21–36], asymmetric synthesis productivity of the desired product and enzyme recovery
[37–42], chromatography separation [15,43,44] and pre- capability, which in turn influences, the profitability of the
ferential crystallization [45,46] were reported for the process.
production of (S)-enantiomer of ketoprofen (Fig. 2). The approaches and its limitations in the production of
However, the major limitation of (S)-ketoprofen production optically pure (S)-ketoprofen are reviewed in the following
is that the maximum yield is limited to 50% of the desired sections. These limitations must be overcome in order to
enantiomer based on the racemic starting substrate, which obtain yield more than 50% and higher purity of the desired
consists of equimolar of (R)-enantiomer and (S)-enantiomer. enantiomer.
The use of enantiomeric technology is only in the separation
of the 50% of the desired (S)-enantiomer, while the other 2.1. Diastereomer and preferential crystallization
50% of (R)-enantiomer remained as byproduct. The effort of
recovering the 50% of the byproduct is important in order to Diastereomer crystallization is a method, which utilizes
achieve the maximum yield of more than 50%. an enantiomerically pure acid or base (the resolving agent),
Application of organic solvent and additional reactant in which forms diastereomeric salts with the racemate. Pure
the reaction medium especially in the batch system requires enantiomers are obtained by selective crystallization of the
additional steps for downstream processes to obtain the diastereomeric salts [47].
purity of the final product. Downstream processing include Yoneyoshi et al. [19] reported that 43.1% yield of (S)-
filtering the enzyme or mass of microbial from the reaction ketoprofen was obtained through diastereomer crystal-
medium, evaporating the organic solvent together with the lization with the product enantiomeric excess (eep) of
excess volatile reactant, separation of the residues using 79.1%. In their work, equimolar of racemic ketoprofen and
fresh solvent and extraction of the unreacted substrates. (S)-N-( p-hydroxybenzyl)-1-phenylethylamine were added
to methanol, and heated to dissolve these reactants in the reusable in a pure state with losses [49].The solubility of
methanol. The reaction mixture was cooled and kept over racemic ketoprofen is influenced by its two aromatic rings.
night. The material was crystallized out and subsequently Thus, external heat is required in order to resolve the starting
separated by filtration. The crystalline material was material. Yoneyoshi et al. [19] reported that a temperature up
decomposed with 1% hydrochloric acid, and followed by to 60 8C was required. The operating temperature is
an extraction operation carried out twice with toluene. The relatively high if compared to the enzymic reaction in
organic layer was concentrated under reduced pressure to which the temperature is in the range of 25–45 8C. Other
give (S)-ketoprofen. than the requirement of external heating sources, external
In another (S)-ketoprofen production system using the cooling facilities are also required. Manimaran et al. [46]
same approach, 40% yield was reported by Lukas et al. [20]. reported that a temperature as low as 5 8C was needed to
They reported that the racemic ketoprofen was dissolved in enhance salts formation.
2-propanol in a heated mixing chamber and phenylethyla- In addition, the process requires a considerable volume of
mine (chiralic base) was added to the mixture. Once the solvent during a salts washing step [45,46] and extraction
addition was completed, the mixture was stirred at its boiling operation [19]. Despite this, the yield of the final product is
point and subsequently cooled. The precipitated diastereoi- still not high. The application of pressure was also necessary
somer was pressed out and washed twice with ice-cold during operation because certain portions of the process
2-propanol. must be carried out under pressure before yielding the (S)-
Preferential crystallization is a method where a super- ketoprofen. The process is energy intensive as well as time
saturated racemic solution is seeded by the crystals of one consuming.
enantiomer which then crystallizes out preferentially. It is Furthermore, it has a drawback that reuse of unnecessary
technically feasible only with racemates which are diastereomer is not economical. These resolution methods
conglomerates [47,48]. are, however, cumbersome and expensive. Generally, the
Eikeren et al. [45] reported that eep of 97.2% of (S)- chemical resolution methods entail the selective stoichio-
ketoprofen was obtained through preferential crystallization metric crystallization of a diastereomeric salt by the use of
of racemic ketoprofen. In their work, pure enantiomer of 1- an expensive amine such as cinchonidine or dehydroabie-
aminoindan-2-ol was used as resolving agent to exhibit the tylamine acetate or the use of a water-soluble amine such as
resolution of racemic ketoprofen. (R,S)-ketoprofen was glucamine, which is difficult to recover [50].
combined with an acetonitrile/water mixture followed by The rate of reaction of the chiral reagent with individual
heating and stirring until the mixture was dissolved. The enantiomers may be different thus leading to a ratio of
solution was treated with (1R,2S)-cis-1-aminoindan-2-ol, diastereomers which does not reflect the initial ratio of
mixed and seeded with a slurry containing (S)-ketoprofen- analyte enantiomers. Further, these procedures require
(1R,2S)-cis-1-aminoindan-2-ol diastereomer salt. The solids scrupulous maintenance of the enantiomeric purity of
that formed were collected by filtration, washed twice with the chiral reagent and avoidance of partial racemization
acetonitrile and dried under vacuum to yield 66.4 g of (S)- of the analyte and chiral reagent during the course of
ketoprofen (1R,2S)-cis-1-aminoindan-2-ol diastereomer. A the derivatization procedure. Lastly, the diastereomeric
portion of the salt was treated to release the acid. The product ultimately obtained may give non-identical
enantiomeric excess of the released acid was measured by detection results, thus requiring additional validation steps
chiral HPLC and found to be 97.2% (S)-ketoprofen. [51].
(S)-Ketoprofen production using cinchonidine was
reported by Manimaran et al. [46]. In their research, 2.2. Kinetic resolution
cinchonidine was added to a solution of racemic ketoprofen
and ethyl acetate under vigorous stirring and heating Kinetic resolution is still the most widely used approach
conditions. The mixture was diluted with methanol. After for the production of optically active fine chemical and
cooling, the solution was seeded with 98% enantiomerically pharmaceutical especially (S)-ketoprofen. The preparation
pure (S)-ketoprofen-cinchonidine salts to induce crystal- of optically active (S)-ketoprofen could be achieved by
lization. The precipitated diastereomeric salt was filtered enzymic resolution [4,52]. The enzymic reaction process in
under vacuum, washed three times with ethyl acetate and the pure enantiomer synthesis is a much preferred route
three times with ether, and then dried under vacuum for few because of its high activity at room temperature. The
hours. Yield of 31% and eep of 97% were obtained after enzymic process assists in avoiding the formation of by-
recystallization. products and minimizing the problems of separation [4]. The
However, these processes are not being used for various catalytic behaviour of enzymes is highly selective as
reasons. Due to several recrystallization operations which compared to chemical catalysts, as these enzymes demon-
are necessary, these processes require longer time but are strate a higher reaction rate, at milder condition, and greater
also uneconomical, as they only lead for example to low stereo-specificity [53].
yield. Moreover, the bases used in diastereomer crystal- Until recently, two methods of enzymatic kinetic
lization are expensive and chemically unstable; they are only resolution have been applied in the production of optically
A.L. Ong et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 3526–3535 3529
Table 1
Summary of enantioselective hydrolysis of racemic ketoprofen ester
Starting material Enantioselective enzyme Yield/eep (%) Ref.
Ketoprofen trifluoroehtyl ester Lipase from Mucor javanicus, E = 50 Yield = 53 [25]
eep = 86
Ketoprofen butyl ester Lipase from Candida Antarctica, E = 3.9 Yield = 45 [26]
eep = –
Ketoprofen ethyl ester Lipase from Candida rugosa, E = 100 Yield = – [29]
eep = 98
2-Chloroethyl ketoprofen ester Lipase from Candida rugosa, E = 100 Yield = – [30]
eep = 96
Ketoprofen ethyl ester Esterase of Trichosporon brassicae, E = 51 Yield = – [31]
eep = –
Ketoprofen ethyl ester Esterase of Pseudomonas sp. S34, E = – Yield = 47 [32]
eep = 99
Ketoprofen ethyl ester Recombinant esterase, E = – Yield = – [33]
eep = 99
Ketoprofen ethyl ester Esterase of Bacillus stearothermophilus JY144, E = – Yield = – [34]
eep = 99
2-Chloroethyl ketoprofen ester Lipase from Candida rugosa, E = – Yield = 30 [35]
eep = 99
2-Chloroethyl ketoprofen ester Lipase from Candida rugosa, E = 50 Yield = 22 [36]
eep = 94
3530 A.L. Ong et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 3526–3535
There are two common enzymes used in this reaction: productivity for each batch of reaction are strongly dependent
lipase and esterase. Lipase from M. javanicus and C. on the batch of microorganism used. The limitations totally
antarctica shows enantioselectivity towards (R)-ketoprofen influenced the priority of this technology that needs to be
as reported by Kato et al. [25] and Jin et al. [26] in the adapted in the industrial scale production.
enzymic hydrolysis reaction of ketoprofen ester while lipase
from Candida rugosa was enantiospecific for (S)-enantio- 2.3. Asymmetric synthesis
mer [28,29,54]. However, the enantioselectivity (or enan-
tiomeric ratio is the ratio of the amounts of the two Asymmetric synthesis is referred as enantioselective
enantiomers in a particular sample of a chiral compound, E) conversion of a prochiral substrate to an optical active
of this enzyme towards (S)-ketoprofen was far from product using a chiral addend via asymmetric step [47].
satisfactory [22,54]. Kim et al. [29] and Liu et al. [30] (S)-ketoprofen was produced by various pathways under
emphasized that the enantioselectivity of this lipase for asymmetric synthesis (Fig. 2) [37–42]. Invention relates to
ketoprofen could be improved through pre-treatment before asymmetric syntheses in which a prochiral or chiral
being used in the hydrolysis reaction. Table 1 summarizes compound is reacted in the presence of an optically active
the enantioselective hydrolysis of racemic ketoprofen ester metal-ligand complex catalyst to produce an optically active
reported in the literature. (S)-ketoprofen was reported by Babin et al. [37]. In their
work, 3-ethenylphenylphenyl ketone was used as a starting
2.2.3. Limitations of kinetic resolution material and oxidation of an optically active S-(2)-(3-
The alkyl esters of ketoprofen are insoluble in water and benzoyphenyl)-propionaladehyde prepared by an asymmetric
are generally poor substrates for commercial enzymic hydroformylation to give the pure (S)-ketoprofen was
hydrolysis because multiphase/heterogeneous reaction sys- disclosed.
tems suffer from a number of drawbacks on the industrial Process oxidation and process asymmetric hydrogenation
scale. For example, scale-up and reliability problems are were applied by Laue et al. [38] to produce optically pure
frequently associated with the processing of dispersions and (S)-ketoprofen in the presence of chemical catalyst. In their
emulsions, and continuous operation and pH control work, various intermediates products were being prepared
(especially in hydrolytic reactions) are difficult to achieve. and multiple-step reactions were involved to yield the (S)-
Additionally, the phases must be separated before product ketoprofen with the eep higher than 80%.
can be recovered and excessive inter-phase mass transfer However, efficient asymmetric synthesis required the
resistances are often encountered. These are associated with ability to control both regioselectivity and stereoselectivity
diffusion of the poorly soluble substrate in the aqueous [37]. Failures of regioselectivity and stereoselectivity control
phase. Many of these disadvantages associated with the affect the productivity. Multiple reaction steps in the
enzymic resolution of water insoluble esters of chiral asymmetric synthesis are certainly unsuitable for operation
carboxylic esters in heterogeneous reaction systems could on an industrial level owing to the extremely high labour cost
be minimized or eliminated if the water-solubility of the and space consuming. Furthermore, significant amount of
ester derivative could be substantially increased [55]. solvent is required during downstream processes for each
The proper control of water amount or concentration is step of intermediate products extraction and purification.
important in the process for ensuring the efficiency of the Conventional chemical catalysts are basic needs in
enzyme activity and reaction. Thus, an excess amount of asymmetric synthesis, such as PdCl2(PPh3)2, copper(I)
water content in the reaction medium lead to the reverse iodide, PdCl2(PhCN)2, [Ni(MeCN)6][BF4]2 and Pd(dba)2 in
reaction, loss of enzyme activity is one of the drawbacks of order to facilitate the overall reaction [39]. However, most of
the resolution reaction. In order to achieve the yield of pure the catalysts are generally highly toxic, pyrophoric and
enantiomer at more than 50% through kinetic resolution, ‘‘environmentally unfriendly,’’ often resulting in harmful
another batch process can be followed in series. In the first byproducts. In addition, the chiral catalysts to be used can be
reactor, racemic esterification is conducted to produce prepared only with extreme difficulty. It requires an
racemic ester. This intermediate product is subjected to the expensive catalyst as well as a complicated reaction.
enantioselective hydrolysis in the presence of enantioselec- In the preparation of various types of arylacetic acid
tive enzyme to yield pure enantiomer in another reactor. The derivatives such as ketoprofen, one of the problems
undesired (unreacted) enantiomer is recovered by dynamic associated with the present day processes is the use of a
kinetic resolution where this enantiomer is further race- catalyst directly in an organic solvent to convert the 3-
mized and reintroduced in enzymic resolution to enrich the vinylbenzophenone via carbonylation to ketoprofen [39].
desired enantiomer. These subsequent processes cause This requires, after reaction, separation of the desired end
limitations due to the deactivation and contamination of product (i.e. ketoprofen) from the catalyst in the overall
the intermediate products between the processes. reaction mass and recycling of the catalyst. There are
Application of microorganism as a source of hydrolyses in substantial losses in catalyst as well as decreased efficiencies
kinetic resolution created several limitations such as required such as difficulties in the separation of the catalyst and end
additional biomass treatment, proper nutrient supplement and product.
A.L. Ong et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 3526–3535 3531
Fig. 4. Two directions of membrane technology in assisting kinetic resolution: (a) enantioselective membrane in direct separation of a racemic mixture and (b)
non-enantioselective membrane in assisting an enantioselective process.
2.4. Chromatographic separation Boisvert et al. [44] used high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) for the quantification and separa-
The chromatographic enantiospecific resolution of tion of ketoprofen enantiomers using a chiral column
racemic NSAIDs is generally accomplished by two [Chirex 3005; (R)-l-naphthylglycine 3,5-dinitrobenzoic
methods. One is pre-column derivatization of the enantio- acid] with the mobile phase, 0.02 M ammonium acetate
mers with a chiral reagent followed by separation of the in methanol, set at a flow-rate of 1.2 ml/min. In their work,
resulting diastereoisomers on an achiral phase. Second is baseline separation of ketoprofen enantiomers and bypro-
the temporary formation of diastereosomers: (A) on a ducts, free from interferences, were achieved in less than
chemically bonded chiral stationary phases (CSP) with 20 min.
an achiral mobile phase and (B) by addition of a chiral A method for resolving the enantiomers of ketoprofen by
mobile phase complexing agent and an achiral stationary capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) using a background
phase [43]. electrolyte (BGE) containing a cyclodextrin as chiral
Fig. 5. New configuration of EMR in production of (S)-ketoprofen: (a) direct enzymatic esterification of (R,S)-ketoprofen acid and (b) dynamic kinetic
resolution of racemized (R,S)-ketoprofen ester.
3532 A.L. Ong et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 3526–3535
selector was proposed by Blanco et al. [15]. The resolution 3. Strategies to overcome
with a high efficiency in a short time (less than 20 min) with
no capillary treatment was claimed. Enzymic membrane reactors (EMR) have been used in
The disadvantage of chromatographic separation is time- the study of many important enzymic reactions. However, in
consuming, and the yield is low due to the resolution of the production of enantiomeric pure ketoprofen, EMR has
racemic mixtures lead to yield of a maximum 50% of one not yet been applied in a two-phase system. Due to the
enantiomer, and 50% of the other enantiomer. In addition, flexibility and ability of EMR to work in a single phase, two
this process while useful as an analytical tool is not typically phases and multiple phases media, it would be possible to
capable of producing large amounts of materials for employ EMR in carrying out enzymic kinetic resolution in
commercial utility. High sensitization of HPLC in sample the wider region of operation.
detection required extremely pure substrate, every single Challener [56] reported EMR technology applied to assist
contamination of starting material affects the results kinetic resolution in two directions. In the first approach, an
accuracy and the lifetime of the technology. enantioselective membrane is utilized to enable direct
The high-performance liquid chromatographic method separation of a racemic mixture. Fig. 4(a) shows that one of
known as a method of analysis directed to optical purity may the enantiomers will be enantioselected by the enantiose-
be utilized for optical resolution. It is not suitable for mass lective membrane to be the permeate and the other
production because it is an expensive technology even on the enantiomer will be the retentate. In the second method, a
laboratory scale. The considerable amount of mobile phase non-enantioselective membrane is employed to assist in an
used as substrate carrier in the process causes environmental enantioselective process. The enantioselective reaction will
problem if the technology is being scaled up to the industrial convert one of the enantiomers into a new compound which
production. will permeate across the non-enantioselective membrane
Table 2
Strategies to overcome existing limitations
Current limitations Strategies to overcome
Maximum yield less than or equal to 50% Higher yield by combining dynamic kinetic resolution into the process
to recover the byproduct
Multiple processes/steps involved to obtain high Simplify the processes into a single operating system
yield of desired enantiomer
Downstream processesing In situ separation are possible by using enzymatic membrane reactor
Multiple steps involved: time consuming and Overcome by introducing a single operating enzymatic membrane reactor system
not economical
Low productivity as batch processes involved Applying enzymatic membrane reactor where continuous operation are possible
Low enzyme recovery Higher recovery through immobilization of the enzyme
Low enzyme stability Higher stability through immobilization of the enzyme
Difficulties in water content management Using biphasic enzymatic membrane reactor where water will remain in aqueous
phase from the reaction region
Intermediate products deactivation and contamination Lesser by applying a single operating system where the processes are combined
as multiple batch processes involved
and the remaining unreacted enantiomer will remain in the Dynamic kinetic resolution (defined as combination
retentate (Fig. 4(b)). reactions of in situ racemization and hydrolysis) is introduced
Thus, EMR technology can be applied in the production to the reaction system by applying another module of biphasic
of optically active enantiomer of ketoprofen either by EMR with lipase immobilized on the membrane in order to
enantioselective esterification using monophasic/biphasic recover the undesired enantiomer (R)-enantiomer). The in situ
EMR, enantioselective hydrolysis using biphasic EMR, racemization reaction occurred in the organic stream while
racemization using monophasic EMR, combined processes the hydrolysis reaction occurred at the interface of organic
using single operating system of EMR or other configuration phase and immobilized lipase in the EMR (Fig. 5(b)). The
to overcome the current limitations. (R)-ketoprofen ester racemized to (R,S)-ketoprofen ester in
One of the most novel methods in the production of (S)- the presence of racemization catalyst. The (S)-ketoprofen
ketoprofen acid is through the employment of biphasic (two ester from (R,S)-ketoprofen ester is hydrolyzed in the
phases) EMR system. In this type of EMR, enantioselective presence of enantioselective lipase to form (S)-ketoprofen
esterification and dynamic kinetic resolution are combined acid and alcohol as shown in Fig. 6. Transmembrane pressure
and operated under a single operating EMR system as shown (TMP) is applied to enhance the diffusion rate. The main
in Fig. 5. Thus, in situ separation of the enantiomers, higher target of this process is to recover the undesired (R)-
productivity, higher enzyme recovery, proper water content enantiomer ester in order to enrich the desired (S)-enantiomer.
and intermediate products purity control are possible in The process is a more economical and more enantio-
achieving the production yield of more than 50% of the merically benign possess for the synthesis of enantiomeri-
desired pure enantiomer. This approach is expected to cally pure compound which is expected to reach maximum
reduce the capital and production cost. theoretical yield of 100% using the dynamic kinetic
The process first starts with the enantioselective resolution process [10,57–60]. Table 2 summarizes the
esterification reaction where the carboxylic acid of different strategies in overcoming the existing limitations in
(R,S)-ketoprofen acid reacts enantioselectively with production of (S)-ketoprofen.
alcohol in the presence of lipase to yield (R)-ester as In the EMR process, the reaction rate and optical purity
shown in Fig. 6. The reaction occurs at the distinct layer of depend on the type of solvent, type of enzyme, the amount of
lipase immobilization on the membrane where the inter- water present and chiral or achiral substrate molar ratio
face to the organic phase and aqueous phase are present [13,24]. In order to appreciate fully the potential of EMR
(Fig. 5(a)). The main target of this reaction is to separate technology in ketoprofen production, further studies on the
the (S)-enantiomer from the (R)-enantiomer by forming a type of membrane material, direction of transmembrane
water-insoluble (R)-ketoprofen ester through the esterifi- pressure, choice of substrate stream, types of solvent, choice
cation reaction. This ester is recovered in the organic phase of catalysts for racemization, diffusion rate, reaction rate,
while the unreacted substrate, (S)-ketoprofen acid is type of efficient aqueous solution for product extraction and
recovered in the aqueous phase. Transmembrane pressure related kinetics would be useful.
(TMP) is applied to enhance the filtration rate. The
recirculation of both streams of the membrane is able to
enhance the productivity of the process. A different 4. Conclusions
solubility behaviour of the products is able to increase the
in situ separation of (R)-enantiomer ester and (S)- The potential applications of enzymic membrane reactor
enantiomer acid in EMR. technology over the more conventional approaches are
3534 A.L. Ong et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 3526–3535
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