Vortex Mathematics

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Vortex Mathematics:

Source code of the

Aayushi Vaish

Apr 13, 2020·10 min read

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you

would have the key to the universe. — Nikola Tesla

What is Vortex Mathematics?

Vortex math is a system of numbers which explains the essence
of form as a sphere with a vortex. The numbers reveal a spiral
line and a curved plane. The numbers in this spiral line describe
the form of a vortex , the vortex describes an inward contraction
with its equal expansion which is the inner form of a torus .
Vortex math numbers illustrate the contracting and the
expanding elements of the external physical plane and they also
illustrate the internal and subtle aspect of consciousness.

Numbers rule the Universe — Pythagoras

Understanding the pattern

We’re going to create a pattern of single-digit numbers using
multiples of 2. Take the number 1. Multiply it by 2, and you get
2. Multiple it by 2, and you get 4. Again, you get 8. Again, and
you get 16. 16 is two digits, but we only want one-digit numbers,
so we add them together, getting 7. Double, you get 14, so add
the digits, and you get 5. Double, you get 10, add the digits, and
you get 1. So you’ve got a repeating sequence: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, …

Take the numbers 1 through 9, and put them at equal distances

around the perimeter of a circle. Draw an arrow from a number
to its single-digit double. You end up with something that looks
kinda-sorta like the infinity symbol. You can also fit those
numbers onto the surface of a torus.
When you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer
be reading numbers, any more than you read words when
reading books. You will be reading meanings — W.E.B. Dubois

According to vortex math, there’s something deeply significant

about that pattern:

1. If you make metallic windings on a toroidal surface

according to that pattern and use it as a generator, it
will generate free energy.

2. Take that same coil, and run a current through it, and
you have a perfect, reaction-less space drive (called
“the flux thruster atom pulsar electrical ventury space
time implosion field generator coil”).

3. If you use those numbers as a pattern in a medical

device, it will cure cancer, as well as every other

4. If you use that numerical pattern, you can devise

better compression algorithms that can
compress any string of bits.

5. and so on…

Essentially, according to vortex math, that repeated pattern of

numbers defines a “vortex”, which is the deepest structure in the
universe, and it’s the key to understanding all of math, all of
physics, all of metaphysics, all of medicine. It’s the fundamental
pattern of everything, and by understanding it, you can do
absolutely anything.

Digging deep in to patterns

Numbers constitute the only universal language. Numbers are

intellectual witnesses that belong only to mankind.

The Ten Emanations of God

With the zero being regarded as Heaven and the all or nothing
this now leaves us 9 numbers within our base-ten system. 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. These nine gods were celebrated by the
Greeks and Egyptians in the Ennead.

The Ennead was nine gods that represented the archetypal

principles that regulated and ruled the cosmos through the laws
of number. This company of nine has shown its face many times
throughout the world.

In Norse mythology, the god Odin hung on the Yggradsil tree

for nine days. Benjamin Franklin was Grand Master of the
charitable Nine Sisters Lodge. In the European Middle ages we
see the Nine-Worthies, semi-legendary figures who personified
the ideas of chivalry. We have all heard of Cloud Nine, being
dressed to the nines, the nine lives of a feline and a stitch in time
saves nine. The Christian’s mythologized the power of
these nine numbers in the Christian Angelic hierarchy with
those angels being the (9) Seraphim, (8) Cherubim, (7) Thrones,
(6) Dominions, (5) Virtues, (4) Powers, (3) Principalities, (2)
Archangels and (1) Angels.

Even the ancient Mayan venerated the principles of nine. One of

the most well-known Mayan pyramids is the pyramid at
Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza is nine-level pyramid with a celestial
observatory at the top. For a few moments on the solstices and
equinoxes, the light and shadows on this pyramid forms a snake
that travels down the side of the pyramid to the base, where the
head of this great snake, called Quetzacoatal or Kukulcan is
carved into stone. The Hebrew letter “Teth”, transcribed as a
“T”, meant serpent, or the secret intelligence of all spiritual
activities, and was designated by the number nine.

The number 9 shows up quite often in the metro-logy of our

universal architecture as well. The diameters of the Moon, the
Sun and the Earth using decimal parity all reduce down to this
number of spirit.
and NINE: These ten principles united represent completion,
the perfection of all being and the harmony that exists within
the demiurgic word of the creator, once again, apparent on the
two hands that lay right before you. These ten principles are the
living thoughts of a great creator being, a great mystery or grand
architect who is within all things and without which, all things
would cease to exist.

The ancient Vedic peoples, responsible for the oldest of Hindu

scriptures, reiterated the supremacy of this base-ten system by
placing nine numbers around a circle/zero and performing their
math in this way. By placing 9 at the top and moving clockwise
around the circle, these 9 digits encased the wholly / holy zero
with the zero performing its magic as the placeholder for the
rest of the digits (We will see the use of this mathematical
template again later on in the text).
Vortex Based Mathematics: Numerically
Conceptualizing Reality



There is more to numbers than the mere quantities we assign

them. Numbers are alive. They structure our waking reality. All
the great mystics and philosophers throughout the ages
understood this numeric universe. It won’t be long until we are
able to manufacture energy and reshape our world the way
nature intended, through implosion rather than explosion.

The principles of Vortex Math and the underlying ideologies of

this forgotten science are resurfacing. This lost numerical art is
a portal to understanding the nature of reality, and the
psychological implications gained from such introspection are
paramount to the evolution of the world soul.
Dark Matter, the vibratory essence of all that exists, is no
longer on its elusive hide and seek trip — it has been found!
With the introduction of Vortex-Based Mathematics you will be
able to see how energy is expressing itself mathematically. This
math has no anomalies and shows the dimensional shape and
function of the universe as being a toroid or donut-shaped black
hole. This is the template for the universe and it is all within our
base ten decimal system!

You have entered a place where Numbers are Real and

Alive not merely symbols for other things. You will discover
that the relationships between numbers are not random or
man-made but that numbers are actually elementary particles of
which everything is composed. This lost knowledge was well
known to our ancients and is now being uncovered for us today.
Gradually you will come to see numbers in a simple yet
profoundly perfect three-dimensional matrix grid pattern that
forms the shape of a torus. The number grid reveals the
calibration and timing for an engine that can take us throughout
the universe and solve mankind’s energy needs. Interested?
Delve in…

Want to find the answers to the unknown?

Want to see a man-made black hole?

Using a new math that shows that numbers are not man-made
symbols, but are actually real, you will see and understand the
answers to these questions.

Learn about:

• A particle that does not bend, but causes everything in

the universe to curve around it.

• The three toroidal number patterns that are the basis

to all mathematics (the pattern of numbers traversing
the toroidal surface in, out, and around).

• The universe as an ecological system of renewal.

• Your body being made out of countless stars of the

• Proof of an omniscient supreme being.

• Making a coil that produces unlimited free energy.

• A number grid that shows the underpinning geometry

of the universe.

• How everything is a torus.

• Making a propulsion source that can take you

anywhere in the universe.

• Artificial Intelligence based on a binary triplet.

• The Aetheric Template in DNA that guides evolution.

• The repeating number pattern that solves pi and

demonstrates it to be a whole number.

• A mathematics in which numbers do not move, but

the functions move instead.

• How numbers form a 3D solid geometric object.

• The secret of a gyroscope — why it vertically lifts itself


• Wormholes, nested vertices, portals, and doorways.

• Why Dimensions are a result of how things move

through space.

• The preferred frame of reference to the universe is

based upon the fixed constant number 9.
• Number crunching and encription compression done
through cross addition.

• The labrynth maze of the Doubling Circuits where

they invert in the center.

• World boundary conditions and inversion seams of

nested vortices.

• The bilateral symmetry of the decimal system

resulting in polar number pairs having parity by being
perfect mirrors of one another.

• The zero is always in the center in the form of the

vortex hole.

• Multiplication series are unbroken rings from cross

sections of the torus.

• A number cannot be created or destroyed and zero

does not exist on a number line or in any
multiplication series.

• The number 9 is the node and represents Spirit.

• The numbers 3 and 6 represent the Yin and Yang in

the form of magnetism and the number 9 is the S

• The base ten numerical counting system is


• Infinity has an epicenter.

• The powers of ten occur by halfing.

• The torus skin models harmonic cascadence.

Our base-ten decimal system is not man made, rather it is

created by this flow of energy. Amazingly, after twenty years of
working with this symbol and collaborating with engineers and
scientists, Marko discovered that the 1,2,4,8,7,5 was a doubling
circuit for a very efficient electrical coil.

There was still one more very important number pattern to be

GOD notice how the 3, 9, and 6 is in red and does not connect
at the base. That is because it is a vector. The 1,2,4,8,7,5 is the
third dimension while the oscillation between the 3 and 6
demonstrates the fourth dimension, which is the higher
dimensional magnetic field of an electrical coil. The 3, 9, and 6
always occur together with the 9 as the control. In fact, the
Yin/Yang is not a duality but rather a trinary. This is because
the 3 and 6 represent each side of the Yin/Yang and the 9 is the
“S” curve between them. Everything is based on thirds. We
think that the universe is based on dualities because we see the
effects not the cause.

Bhagavad Gita and Vortex Math

1–8 defined

Earth (1) , water (2) , fire (3), air (4), ether (5), mind (6),
intelligence (7) and false ego (8) — all together these eight
comprise My (O) separated material energies (1–8).

9 defined

Besides this inferior nature (1–8) there is a superior energy of

Mine , which are all the living entities (9) who are struggling
with material nature (1–8) and are sustaining the universe.
O defined

Of all that is material (1–8) and all that is spiritual (9) in this
world , know for certain that I am (O) both its origin and

3/6 defined

The working senses (3/6) are superior to dull matter (124875) ;

mind (6) is higher than the senses; intelligence (7) is still higher
than the mind ; and the soul (9) , is even higher than the

Conscious 9

As the sun alone illuminates all this universe , so does the living
entity (9) , within the body (1–8), illuminate the entire body (1–
8) by consciousness. One who (9) knowingly sees this difference
between the body (1–8) and the owner (9) of the body (1–8) can
understand the process of liberation from this bondage. The
living entities (9) in this conditioned world (1–8) are My (O)
eternal, fragmental parts. . One (9) whose happiness is within
(O), who is active within (O), who rejoices within (O) and is
illumined within (O), is actually the perfect mystic (9). The yogīs
(9) , abandoning attachment, act with body (1–8), mind (6) ,
intelligence (7) , and even with the senses (3/6) , only for the
purpose of purification.

Conscious O

The Supreme Soul (O) is situated in everyone’s heart (9) , and is

directing the wanderings of all living entities (9) , who are
seated as on a machine , made of the material energy (1–8). One
(9) who sees the Supersoul (O) accompanying the individual
soul (9) in all bodies (1–8) and who understands that neither
the soul (9) nor the Supersoul (O) is ever destroyed, actually
sees. One (9) who sees the Supersoul (O) in every living being
(9) and equal everywhere does not degrade himself (9) by his
mind (6) . Thus he (9) approaches the transcendental
destination (O). I am seated in everyone’s heart (9) , and from
Me (O) comes remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness.

The Universe is full of Mysteries, but if you observe a pattern

emerges, Fibonacci Series is also one of the building
components of the Universe. The motion of earth and all
the Planets in our Solar System in Space is actually a

We think that we know a lot about universe , about

how it works but in reality we have barely scratched
the surface….
Aayushi Vaish

Aspiring Physicist , Love to Learn and Spread Knowledge


Emmett Boudreau

Sofien Kaabar

Yujian Tang

Dhaval Thakur

Physics History

See all (127)

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• Universe
• Vortex Mathematics
• Mathematics
• Dark Matter
• Sequence
More from Aayushi Vaish
Aspiring Physicist , Love to Learn and Spread Knowledge

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