Problem Set 2 Solutions

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York University

CSE 2011Z Winter 2014 – Final Exam Practice Problems

Instructor: James Elder

1. Binary Search Trees

Insert, into an empty binary search tree, entries with keys 30, 40, 24, 58, 48, 26, 11, 13 (in this order).
Draw the tree after each insertion.

• Answer: The final tree should appear as follows:


24 40

11 26 58

13 48

2. AVL Trees
Insert, into an empty binary search tree, entries with keys 62, 44, 78, 17, 50, 88, 48, 54 (in this order).
Now draw the AVL tree resulting from the removal of the entry with key 62.

• Answer: The final tree should appear as follows:

3. Splay Trees
Perform the following sequence of operations in an initially empty splay tree and draw the tree after
each set of operations.
(a) Insert keys 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, in this order.
• Answer:






(b) Search for keys 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, in this order.
• Answer:





(c) Delete keys 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, in this order.
• Answer: The tree is empty.
4. Comparison Sorts
Of the n! possible inputs to a given comparison-based sorting algorithm, what is the absolute maximum
number of inputs that could be sorted with just n comparisons?

• Answer: A decision tree of height n can store 2n external nodes. Thus a maximum of 2n inputs
can be sorted with n comparisons.

5. Comparison Sorts
Give an example input list for which merge-sort and heap-sort take O(n log n) time, but for which
insertion sort takes O(n) time. What if the list is reversed?
• Answer: Merge-sort and heap-sort both take O(n log n) time on a sorted list, while insertion
sort takes O(n) time. If the list is reversed, merge-sort and heap-sort still take O(n log n) time,
while insertion sort takes O n2 time.
6. Stack-Based Quicksort
Describe in pseudocode a non-recursive version of the quick-sort algorithm that explicitly uses a stack.
• Answer:

stack S
push A onto S
while S ≠ ∅
A = pop(S)
if A.length > 1
(L, R) = Partition(A)
push R onto S
push L onto S
7. Linear Sorts  
Given an array of n integers, each in the range 0, n2 − 1 , describe a simple method for sorting the
array in O(n) time.
• Answer: Notice that each integer can be coded by log n2 = d2 log ne ≤ 2 dlog ne bits. We choose
CSE  2011Z  2012W  
to represent each integer by two dlog ne-bit words, each of which      can
assume 2              ne                                                                                          Prof.  J.  Eld
values. We
dlog ne

then use radix sort to sort the integers, which takes O 2 n + 2 ∈ O (2 (n + 2n)) ∈ O (n)
time. Graphs  
8. Topological Sorts R-­‐13.6  Suppose  that  you  wish  to  take  a  sequence  of  language  courses  with  the  following  
Suppose that you wish to take aprerequisites:  
sequence of language courses with the following prerequisites:
Course   Prerequisite  
LA15   none  
LA16   LA15  
LA22   none  
LA31   LA15  
LA32   LA16,  LA31  
LA126   LA22,  LA32  
LA127   LA16  
LA141   LA22,  LA16  
LA169   LA32  
a. Draw  a  directed  graph  that  represents  these  dependencies.  
3 LA126
(a) Draw a directed graph that represents these dependencies.
• Answer:

LA22 LA141

LA15 LA16 LA127

LA32 LA169


(b) Use the topological sorting algorithm to compute a feasible sequence.

• Answer: Let’s assume that vertices and edges are processed in the order indicate by the
table above. Then the first call to Topological Visit will be from LA15, and will produce
the list {LA15,LA31,LA16,LA141,LA127,LA32,LA169,LA126}. The second and last call to
Topological Visit will be from LA22, which will simply preprend LA22 onto the list. Thus the
final linear ordering will be {LA22,LA15,LA31,LA16,LA141,LA127,LA32,LA169,LA126}.
CSE  2011Z  2012W                                                                                                                                                                          Prof.  J.  Elde
9. DFS and BFS
Let G be an undirected graph whose
R-­‐13.8  vertices
Let  G  be  aare labelled by
n  undirected   thewintegers
graph   1 through
hose  vertices   8, andby  having
are  labelled   the 1  through  8,  and
the  integers  
following edges: having  the  following  edges:  
Vertex   Edges  
1   2,  3,  4  
2   1,  3,  4  
3   1,  2,  4  
4   1,  2,  3,  6  
5   6,  7,  8  
6   4,  5,  7  
7   5,  6,  8  
8   5,  7  
Assume that, in a traversal of G,Assume   that,  in  vertices
the adjacent a  traversal  
of oaf  given
G,  the  vertex
are vertices  
returned of  a  giniven  
ertex  aabove.
re  returned  in  the  order  
(a) Draw G. a. Draw  G  
• Answer:

b. Give  the  sequence  of  vertices  of  G  visited  using  a  DFS  traversal  starting  at  vertex  1.  
{1,  2,  3,  4,  6,  5,  7,  8}  
c. Give  the  sequence  of  vertices  visited  using  a  BFS  traversal  starting  at  vertex  1.  
The  order  is  the  same  in  this  case:    {1,  2,  3,  4,  6,  5,  7,  8}  
(b) Give the sequence of vertices of G visited using a DFS traversal starting at vertex 1.
• Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8.
(c) Give the sequence of vertices visited using a BFS traversal starting at vertex 1.
• Answer: The order is the same in this case: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8

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