S.No Particulars Specifications Range Quantity

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To study the application of Op-Amp (IC 741) by designing and test their performance as
 Inverting Amplifier
 Non-Inverting Amplifier
 Voltage Follower
 Summer
 Subtractor

Equipment Required
S.No Particulars Specifications Range Quantity
1 CRO - (0-30)MHz 1
2 Dual Power Supply fixed ±15v 1
3 Function generator - (0-3)MHz 1

Apparatus Required
S.No Particulars Specifications Range Quantity
1 OP-AMP IC-741 - 1
1KΩ, 33KΩ 1
2 Resistors -
10KΩ, 100 KΩ 2
3 Connecting wires and Probe - - Required
4 Bread Board - - 1

Formula used
 Inverting amplifier
Voltage Gain, AV = =-

 Non-Inverting amplifier
Voltage Gain, AV = =1+

 Voltage Follower
Voltage Gain, AV = =1
 Summer
Vo = -(V1 + V2) V

 Subtractor
Vo = (V2 – V1) V
Pin Diagram of IC 741

Inverting Op-Amp:
An inverting amplifier using op-amp is a type of amplifier where the output waveform will be phase
opposite to the input waveform. The input waveform will be amplified by the factor of Av (voltage gain
of the amplifier) in magnitude and its phase will be inverted. The output voltage Vout is fed back to the
inverting input terminal through the Rf-R1 network where Rf is the feedback resistor. Input signal Vin is
applied to the inverting input terminal through R1 and non-inverting input terminal of op-amp is
grounded. The Rf and Rin together determine the gain of the amplifier The negative sign indicates a phase
shift of 180˚ between input and output voltage. Since inverting terminal is at virtual ground, the effective
input impedance is R1. The value of R1should be kept fairly large to avoid loading effect. This limits the
gain obtained from the circuit.

Non-Inverting Op-Amp
The input signal is applied to the positive or non-inverting input terminal of the operational amplifier, and
a portion of the output signal is fed back to the negative input terminal. Analysis of the circuit is
performed by relating the voltage at V2 to both the input voltage Vin and the output voltage Vo. The
output is applied back to the inverting (-) input through the feedback circuit (closed loop) formed by the
input resistor R1 and the feedback resistor R2. This creates negative feedback as follows. Resistors R1
and R2 form a voltage-divider circuit, which reduces Vo and connects the reduced voltage V2 to the
inverting input. Thus the circuit amplified without inverting the input signal.

Voltage Follower:
If it had been made ass the feedback resistor, Rƒ value equal to zero, (Rƒ = 0), and resistor R2 equal to
infinity, (R2 = ∞), then the circuit would have a fixed gain of “1” as all the output voltage would be
present on the inverting input terminal (negative feedback). This would then produce a special type of the
non-inverting amplifier circuit called a Voltage Follower or also called a “unity gain buffer”. As the input
signal is connected directly to the non-inverting input of the amplifier the output signal is not inverted
resulting in the output voltage being equal to the input voltage, Vo = Vin. This then makes the voltage
follower circuit ideal as a Unity Gain Buffer circuit because of its isolation properties. The advantage of
the unity gain voltage follower is that it can be used when impedance matching or circuit isolation is more
important than amplification as it maintains the signal voltage. The input impedance of the voltage
follower circuit is very high, typically above 1MΩ as it is equal to that of the operational amplifiers input
resistance times its gain ( Rin x AO ). Also its output impedance is very low since an ideal op-amp
condition is assumed

Op-Amp may be used to design a circuit whose output is the sum of several input signals such as circuit is
called a summing amplifier or summer. We can obtain either inverting or non-inverting summer or
differential amplifier. The circuit diagrams show a two input inverting summing amplifier. It has two
input voltages V1and V2, two input resistors R1, R2 and a feedback resistor Rf. Assuming that op-amp is
in ideal conditions and input bias current is assumed to be zero, there is no voltage drop across the resistor
Rcomp and hence the non-inverting input terminal is at ground potential. This is called “virtual ground”,
i.e. the voltage at that terminal is zero. The gain of this summing amplifier is 1, any scale factor can be
Circuit Diagram, Design, Tabulation and Model graph of Inverting Amplifier

Circuit Diagram

Design a inverting amplifier for gain Av =
Assume R1 =

Voltage Gain, AV = =-


Configuration Type of Signal Amplitude Time Period
Inverting Amplifier Output

Model graph
used for the inputs by selecting proper external resistors. Op-amp may be designed to sum several input
signals either at inverting or non-inverting input terminal. Such a circuit is called summer or Summing
Vo = V1 + V2

If R1 = R2 = Rf = R, then

V0 = - (V1 + V2)

A basic differential amplifier can be used as a subtractor. In this circuit, input signals can be scaled to the
desired values by selecting appropriate values for the resistors. When this is done, the circuit is referred to
as scaling amplifier. However, in this circuit all external resistors are equal in value. So the gain of
amplifier is equal to one. The output voltage Vo is equal to the voltage applied to the non- inverting
terminal minus the voltage applied to the inverting terminal; hence the circuit is called a subtractor.

Vo = V2 ( )( ) – V1

If Rf = R1 = R2 = R, then Vo = V2 - V1
Circuit Diagram, Design, Tabulation and Model graph of Non-Inverting Amplifier

Circuit Diagram

Design a inverting amplifier for gain Av =
Assume R1 =

Voltage Gain, AV = =1+


Configuration Type of Signal Amplitude Time Period
Non - Inverting
Amplifier Output

Model graph
Procedure: Inverting Amplifier / Non-Inverting Amplifier / Voltage Follower
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the Inverting Op-Amp Circuit Diagram.
2. Apply the supply voltages of +15V to pin 7 and -15V to pin 4 of IC 741 respectively from IC
Trainer kit.Connect the ground to the ground point.
3. Set the desired input at the Inverting terminal and Non inverting terminal
4. Observe the output for different modes using CRO and verify its functionality.
5. Plot the input and output waveforms using the graph sheet
Circuit Diagram, Tabulation and Model graph of voltage Follower

Circuit Diagram

Configuration Type of Signal Amplitude Time Period
Voltage Amplifier Output

Model graph
Procedure: Summer
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the adder circuit diagram
2. Apply the supply voltages of +15V to pin 7 and -15V to pin 4 of IC 741 respectively from IC
Trainer kit. Connect the ground to the ground point.
3. Apply DC voltage from regulated power supply to inputs V1 and V2.
4. Apply V1 = 1 V and Increase V2 from 0V to 5V in steps of 1V. Repeat the same for V1 = 3V and
V1 = 5V.
5. Note down the Vo using CRO
6. Compare theoretical and practical values

Procedure: Subtractor
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the adder circuit diagram
2. Apply the supply voltages of +15V to pin 7 and -15V to pin 4 of IC 741 respectively from IC
Trainer kit. Connect the ground to the ground point.
3. Apply DC voltage from regulated power supply to inputs V1 and V2.
4. Apply V1 = 1 V and Increase V2 from 0V to 5V in steps of 1V. Repeat the same for V1 = 3V and
V1 = 5V.
5. Note down the Vo using CRO.
6. Compare theoretical and practical values
Circuit Diagram and Tabulation of Summer

Circuit Diagram

[ R1=R2=Rf ]

Input Voltage (V) Output voltage ( V)
V1 V2 Theoretical Value Practical Value

Circuit Diagram and Tabulation of Subtractor

Circuit Diagram

Input Voltage (V) Output voltage ( V)
V1 V2 Theoretical Value Practical Value
 Thus the Inverting, Non-inverting amplifier and Voltage follower are designed and their
corresponding input and output waveforms are drawn
 Thus the Adder and Subtractor circuits using Op-Amp are designed and verified the output

Inference from the Result:

Practice Questions
1. In R1=10kΩ, Rf=100kΩ, V1=1V. A load of 25kΩ is connected to the output terminal. Calculate input
current and output voltage in an inverting amplifier
2. Perform summer with gain of +2dB

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